Wortman 2016 Fourth Quarter Reports. Fnll Nrm.c, lD Numbcr COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WORTMAN - ^Fr\ rEn FHA-l-W-4 M.iliDg Add'tss (ioclEdc Cit!', Strtc .!d Zp Codo)d. Drt. tril.d Hc Bd' I BREANNA CAMPBELL2016t0t23/2016 t2/3v2016 JAN 1' 2011 of EEdions 0yt0/20t7 c. Pbole Nu mbcr 2236 ACACIA DRIVE WI[.I\4INGTON, NC 28403 ne) Quancrlytr Firs tr secord tr Tbird E Fouth S€Ei-rtroual tr Mid Yea, tr Ye3r Eod fl FiDd E gcciat s. Fin.ncirl lnstitution Full N.mc a. nnrncisl Instituaiolr l\ll N.m. 0 Candi&re Cmpaigo Puriy Legal Expcnse Furd tr Ttirty-five d.y Rcfa r. ndu m E Special Sartc/Coutrty Orgmiational Mu Dirip.t Organ iz5t ioDal E Rofe.todrm "Booslcr F und" O{heri trtrtr Organizstiooel Prercfcrcndm Final Spplcmerlal FiDsl Annoal E JoiDr fmdaiser f] PAc tr Pre-primdy Pre-elect ion Pre.naoff Sedri-eaual Mid Y€a, Year End Fh.l $edal E BlddiDg Ftnd E Pr€si&rtial Eleclioo Ye.r Candidatcs Furd E NC Public Cepaigr Ptuarciog FlDd trtr trtrtrtr BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPAI.{Y PIRYX, INC, DBA RALLY.ORG b. Pu rprrs.c Accornl Cod.b. Pu rposc r. Accol!trt Codc DWORTMANIS DWORTMANI4 d. P.riod Bcpio B.lrnc.d- P.riod B.gitr Brl.n.. CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS 3,704.3s,r/$ ONLINE CONTRIBUTIONS $ CBIIFICATION I certiry that the Crrrnittee or Fund is in conpliance with all applicable provis ions of Article 22A, 228 & DDZAtl of Chapter 163 ofthe NC Getrersl Starutes and thst no funds arc cormbgl€d rvith prohibited or other non{isclosed funds. I funhercediry that this report is couplete, true aod corlcct and tbat I have been Dateaturc o Appointed ed by th€ NC State Board bdt 0l/10/2017 Print^(\L Tt}ROFTETBEONLY Date Rec€ived: Date PostMr*rd: Dat€ Sosnn€d: Date Data Enter€d: Frpbyee: Erployee: Blployee: Enptoyee: R(E I IL fiIil Delverv Method E Electron ically Filed ! Signer has not received rnEndatory training Nornal Mail R€gistercd Mail tland Delivered lrr Plcase Note : T'his form cannot be used to anpnd cormittee infonmtion such as the connittee address, treasurer, assistant tr€asurEr, custodian of books infor[Dtion, oraccount infomation, You rrust arEnd the StaterEnt of OrEaniztioo (CRG2Io0A-E) to EB&e comdttee chanses. lrr,l,ffilrFntli ry Aq.IETI rE!@Eriffitr tl Blffi?Ei[IlllEtilMn@ ESE il v1 'g I hnnrnFriEinr FIi*,!ll'lnrilrttr@r I Disclosure Report Cover '{m'od''!r use this form for general report and conmittee mtonrntion, nuiTEl!!ffind*uffired "rong *it#ttl"r!"o*** H"*. Do not use this form to u ate infoIImtioD. cR(L1000 NC Sate Rlections Dccem 2007 10. Srcid l. Committee trtll Nrme (slld trtnd if epdicaHe)2. 'l}pe ofReport 3. ID Nunrbr COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WORTMAN 20'16 Fourth Quarter FHA-I-W4 Start of Election Clcle: Januery 1, j9ll Totrl this Electiotr CYcle Totrl this Reprliag Pcriod 5) Aggregeted Corlrihutioos from trndviddc 6) CotrtdbutioB frolB lndiridrdg 7) Coltrihtiom from Politicrl Plrty Committ€cr t) Contrihtions FoE Olter Politicrl Committ cs 3,704.354) C8sh on tlrd st Strrt 0.00 $$ $I 66 $B $$ n$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 7,5 t2s0)lla) htcrestoll BaDk Accouols 4,66 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (act20t) (cRG12r0) KAO1220) (cRot230) (ao-t1t0) (cn&t210) (aoI270) (aat26s) 9) Loo Procee& 0) Refu a&/Reimhrrserrnts l) Other Receipa Sources .fiEfiAtvED JAN 12 ?11'l Gna12s0) (caal2s0)I lc) Outside Sourcos ofI[come llO Irgsl Erpemc Fbod- Otber Sorrces l le) Eio[pt Purch$e Pricc Sdei I lb) Cotrtrihdolts ftom s / 4.66 s 32t&Kt2) TOtfAL REEIPTS (Add lines 5' 6, 7' 8' 9,10,1 la,l lb,l lc,l ld ard I le) 3,088.72$l05 0.00$0.00s 0.00$0.00$ tg6N$r 78.00s 0.00$0.00$ 0.00$0.00$F$4.66$ l3r) OFrrtiDt &Ftrdhrci l3b) Contrihliols to Cudd.t$/Polilicd CoDDittces l3c) Cmrdnded Prrty ftFndtures 4) Aagreglt€d Noo-ll&de Epodturcs (aol3I0) (aot3t0) (cRGr 3l0) (aGl3tS) (cRot120) (ao-1320) (aor 0) 5) I,t[ R.Fynetrrs 6) Refun&/Reimhtrsenre trts from thc Committce 7) ln.lGod Cootri htions ) Disborsemeots DITTJR.ES $,,/ z.ztr.tt $Iwyr{lE) TOTAL D(PE\DlflJnES (Add tines l3a' l3b' I 3c, ld 15, 16 ud 17) C-8s h oo ILnd .t hd (Add lin€s 4 and I 2 togdhq, theo subtracl line I 8) 0) Notr-lvlorctsry Gifo Giten to Other Committccs l) Outstrulng Lmtrs (itrcl. o[cs from other clmFigtrs) 2) Detts etrd OHigetions oned by tbc Commitlee 43't .6343',1 .63 $S $ $ $ $ $ $$ $$ $$ e) INFORMATIOND Gnot330) Gno,1130) (cno-t610) (cRGt620)Deh rnd OHigations olred to the Committee (cRct720)4) Accou[t Trrtrsfers Witbiu tbe Committce (cRo- l7 t 0) Gnot110) (cRo-2220) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5) Afuioistntitr Strpra 6) ForgilEE t oDr 7) 4t-Ibor Notice Rcporb Sum 0.00$0.00$(cno-t2r 5)18) Contribudoos lo be Refrrtrded G@ ryt Detailed Summary Use this form to sunrrnrize all disclosure forrrls and to total rmn in fornntion Ar!andEranlE Ycs tE xo o,0 t. o bb ltATo'oo I {, t (1.{s .,t$|Q7 $,7)q'51 110 s? ,'itli'*.t' I t00 0.00 Aggregated Contribufions from Individuals prgc l or r H'JI'"L rr" form used to report NC Contributbns From Indiviluab of$50 or hss t/ cR&April RECEIVED JAN l2 2017 NHC Bd. of Etections FHA-l-W4COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WORTMAN Afi.nd b. Aacoool Codc c. ForD of Payoadt .. Drtc (lr D/ddryyyy)f. Ao ooot E Add I Remove In-Kind MAIL POSTAGE t0r29n0t6 4.66$ 4. Total only this Page $4.66$ 5. Total of AII CRGI205 Peges (fhb laz ,nt,a bc on dr. 5 of ltdoAcd Sun fiary Pagc AAI100)s4.66s 2. ID Numlrcr 3. Cortrihrtor ln fortnrtion ld. tr-Krd D.r.ripaio. COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WORTMAN Contrihniorsto Can didat.s,Po lit icil Commitlees crordinated Pany ExpeDdillrcsEx b- Coordinrlcd Cotn 6iltca Ntmr d- Com trrantsa. Full NarE, Mailirg Addrcss & Phone (iocludc city, 3trt., & zip) c. Lwl R.giltcrcd (Spccify) E Fc&ral E gat.I cornty: I urnlcipet;ry e. Ecctioo SUD to DrtG /got.tz$ CLAMWORKS CO. 22OI BEL ARBOR WILMINGTON, NC 28403 k. Reqoircd Rem.rkst, Purporc Coda i, D.tc (In m/ddltyyy)j. AD ourrf. AccorI!t Cod.g. ForD of Prym.Dt I 2,763.7?AD PURCHASECheckI l5Dot6DWORTMANI B d. Com m. n tsb. Coordi!rtsd Cont lrtitlce Nrmaa. Full Narr, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, rtrt.. & ziD) c. Lvcl Rcgill.red (S p..i fy) e. Electiotr Sum lo DatrEl sat" Federal I coraty: E Urn;"ipaity 75.00,$ RAYA EAGON 233 RACINE DRIVE LTNIT 33 MLMINGTON, NC 26403 L, Rrquircd Rcmrrksj, ADo$!lh, Pu rpos. Cod.i. DttG (& o/dd/yyyy)f. Account Coda g. Form of Pryoatrl $ 75.00tv08Dot6CheckIt/DWORTMAN I $ d. Com mctr tsb. Coorditrstcd Coomillaa Nrmea. Full Nanr, Mailing AddrEss & Phone (itrclod. clty, !t a., & zip) .. Lrrl Rcgiil.rcd (Spccify) e. trIcctioo SurD to llrte E Federal E $"r" I courty: I t'tunicipatity 75.00$ DEREKEMME 32I HOOKER ROAD MLMINGTON, NC 2t403 j. Aooort k. R.quircd RcmrrLsh. Porpolc Codc i. Dit. (6d/d(Vyyyy)B, Form of Payoaotf. Accouot Coda $ 75.00EI I /08/2016CheckDWOR'I'MANI $ 2,913.72$I -a 3,088.72$(Thb lta. p.t ln tlne l3a o! Derotlcd &,rirnrq PoSc C1AI100 lf OP.ratlag ErcP.ns.s) (TbB ltn 9o.5 ia llaz ,3b otDdalkd SLtnmary Pogc (AO-1r00 {Corrfrlb lo C'andldctdPol Xal C.mn ) ln tine I jc ofDetdlled Sur',mary P.ge CR(rl100 {Coodlnokd Parq Exp.ndlarr6)(Thit firr. goes E A' - Illede E - Salaries I - Postage O* Other B* - Prindrg f* - E4qiFD€nt J - Penalties Ct - tbadreiring D-To Aoother Candidate G - Political Party H' - Holdng PuHic ofEce Expetr8€s K* - Of6ce &penses Q* - Ilooatior to lrgal &Ftrse Fhnd r Codes reqri re detailed erdrmtio[ itr reqrired rcmerks field(k) arr-rrrrJllril!!- E I I Disbursemenb RECE\YED Ao'rd,'rt use this formtorcponeryendhurcs fion,,h"""-,i *";;"jAH,ilu%,&!l1t;,*0r",1""--,. *"flJ;;.,n3'"" conmiuees and coordinated ditures 21e*e,ffir, cRol3l0 NC rnA-t-w-rr ll 4. Plyee hformrtioo E 5. Total only thiE Psge ArD cn dD. tr IDisbursements pc 2 or -l_ E vcr E no Use this form lo rcpon ependitures iomthe conrnittee for opemling epenses, contn:butioDs to candidate/political conmittees and coordinated 310 ./ Re"Ell: *jJ}.*i**" COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WORTMAN cootrihriotrs to caodiddtcJPoliticd cofi mittees b. Coorditrrt.d ComEittea N.6a d. CoE 0ctrts Coordinated Et Li I uuricipality,e. f,laation Sum lo Date Full Nanr, Mailing Address & Phone n.luda c. Lv.l R.girl.red (Spccify) I sarc $75.00 MADELINE ESTEP 32I3 SNOWBERRY COURT WLMINGTON, NC 28409 k. Raquir.d Rctrrrrk,h. Purporc Cod.i. D.r. (D d/dd/yyyy)j. AmouDlf- Accourl Cod.g. Form of PryD.Dt E lv0El20t6 $ 75.00rDWOR'I'MANI Check d. Con m.tr lBb. Coordirrt.d CoDailtcc Coulty: (s yi c. Dactioo SUE to Date Narrc, Mailing Address & Phone udc &zi c- l-cvrl Re E sa" Fe&ral 100.00$ MERYL ESTEP 3213 SNOWBERRY COURT MLMINGTON, NC 28409 k. Raquircd Rcmlrksi.Ir.lt (BD/dd/yyyy)j. AInouDap, Form oI PayrBent h. Purposa Codaf- Accorrt Codc $ 100.00"Check E tll08l20t6DWORTMANI $ 175_00$ (Thit lti. pa tn linc t 3a of Derolled Sr,mrnory PoE CRAI100 tfoP.tutlng (Thb ttac go.t ht lhv t 3b olDdo cd S$ra,,c,y PoE CRO'I100 ttco$rrib lo Candd.lad?otui.ol Cor,,Dt) 3,088.72$Expe^ses) (Thh ltn. gocs tn tine l3c ofDclsikd Srn rrory Pog. CRO-|100 tlCootdl@red PsO Expendtturd) Olhcr D - To Another Candidategr - Iloldlrt Puuic OfEce ElFnEeo Q* - Dolatioo to Legsl SQense FuDd Cr - trtndrrising G - Political Paty K* - Offce Elpenres B* - PritrtiDg I* - &oiFEnt J - Penalties * - ll&dr- Salaties- Post8ge ID Numter- Committe c rrut-l-w-+ 3. T]?e of DiEb.t13emetrt Add Rermve 4.E tr 5. Tolrl otrly ltis Pagc Total of ALLCRGI3I0 Prges 7. Pu4)ose Codes (L.ist detailed ependiture code in t'h.) above) * Co&s F---t COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WORTMAN FHA-l-W-4 El Add I Remove DWORTMANI ]Draft t)tt/2tDot6 $ 4.00 BANK ACCOUNT SERVICE CHARGE E Add ft Rcmo""t2t2v20t6 BANK ACCOI'NT SERVICE CHARGIi DWORTMAN I3 Draff o $ 4.00 E Add I Remove DWORTMANI3 Check E |Llt4D0l6 s 30_00 tUt4/20t6 $ 30.00E Add I ncmo"e Check E 'I llt4lz0t6 $ 20.00E] A& I Rcmovc DWORTMANI3 Check E t t/07/2016 $ 30.00El Add f] Rcmove DWORTM NI3 Check E ty t4D016 $ 30.00E Add I Re.u"e DWORTMANI3 Check D $ 30.00DWORTMAN I3 Chcck D 1v07n016fJ Add f] Removc t 7E.00$ 178.00 D - To Amther Candifute G - PolitbalE - Sahries s Q* - Donrtions to Legel ExpcnseJ - Penaltbs * Codes rrouire detailed erplanation in required r€(e) Aggregated Non-Media Expenditures form used to NC Non-Media 3tt Amendment Prgc -.-l of I , E Yes B l.,to of $50 or less. Tfu -T;brE@E; 3. Payee luformrtiou lr. Ac€ount Cod.Ameod lc. ForD ofP.yltGtrt Codr r- Irrt. (E d/dd/yy]ry)lf. amono t g, Rcquircd RcEarks 4. Total only this Pege osc (ixlcs (Thb li@nasr le on ude 11 of Ddailad Sur'n ary Pogc CnO-r 100) Total of ALL CRG1315 Pagcs H* - floldins Public Olfice ExpcnsesclltIEr Kr - Offcc Er ciscs O* - Other DWORTMANI3 AIc trdD cn tIn-Kind Contributions ps I or I E y.. E no Use this form to report non-trDrdary contdbutioDs, dondions, goods or services providrd to thc commiu€e or finld. Use CRGl215 were or will be within 7 5t0 t/ ,,/ t/ :fu COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAVID WORTMAN trull NrDe, Mrilitrg Addre$ & Pho!. (ioclud! city, ra.t., & zip) b. 'IYpe of otrtribotot lndiv idual Aggregated Individual Contribution fl caaaaate E p"ny E PAc E Referetr&m E Othcr RGGsipt Souc. FHA-l-W-4 c. ComtD Gnts d. E..tioo Su@ ao Drac $4.66 a. Dascrlption t D.rc (E d/dd,/yyyy)g. Pair Mrrlar AEolrtrt MAIL POS'I'AGE 10129D0t6 $4.66 $ $ $4.66 $4.66 E3. Cootrihtor lnformation I Add E Rcnnve 4. Totel only thh Page 5. Total of ALL CRO-1510 Pages l7:hiJ li6e 6ug b. on linc l7 of Derolled Surnrn04' PoF CRO-l Ilr0)