White 2020 Mid Year Report AmendmentDisclosure Report Cover il'"J.1,'"'t n, Use this form for general report and connnittee infornation, must be signed and submitted along with other detailed fornn not use this formto inforrmtion 1. Committee Information a. Full Name c. ID Number NEW-MHA98K-C-OOI b. Mailing Address (includc City, Stete and Zip Code)d. Dete [Iled 0910st2020 e. Phone Number 6IO8 OLD BRANCH ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 (910) 313-3336 2. Remrt Year 3. Period Start Date (mm/dilyy)4. Period End Date (m m/dd/yy)5. Treasurer Fbll Name 2020 01t0U2020 06130/2020 NICKIE RAY 6. Type of Committee (Check One)of one one Municipal Stete/County Referendum I Organizational I Pre-referendm fl Final fl Spplemental Final I Annual I Special 10. Spcial Report Name Building Fund Presidential Election Year Candidates Frmd El NC Public Campaign Financing Furd I other: Pa.ty EI PAC Legal Expense Furd check Campaign of Fhnd Joint Fun&aiser Referendun 8. Number of F\rndraisers this Reprt trtrtr E]tr trtrtrtr Organizational Thirty-five day Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-runoff Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final $ecial I Organizational E]trtrtr EItr trtr Quarterly First Second Third Foru'th Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final gecial0 3. Account Information3- Account Information a. Financial Institution Full Name e. flnenciel Institution Full Neme FIRST CITIZENS BANK c. Account Code b. Purpose c. Account Codeb. Purpose ww d. Period Begin Balance d. Period Begin Belance $ CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES $ tcd* Date Pos Date M- trnarlM{C funds further certiS that this report is conplete, 09/0s12020 I certifr that the C-orrrnittee or Fund is in conpliance with all Chapter 163 ofthe NC C*neral Statutes and that no funds Date Received OIT'ICEUSE and that I have been trained by the NC State Board gled with prohibited or other non-disclosed provisions of Article 22A,228 &22D-22M of I Signer has not received train Enployee: Errployee: Enployee: Frrployee: St+J{"of- B*icfEEct,ons Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Deliverv Method EI NornnlMail E Registered Mail E|-?Lana Defivered E Electronically Filed Please Note: This formcannot be used to arnend conrnittee infonnation such as the con:rnittee address, treasurer, assistant treasurer, custodian of books infornntion, or account infonnation. You must anrend the Statenpnt of Oreanization (CRO-2100A-E)to rnake conrnittee changes. 000 WOODY WHITE FOR NH COUNTY COMMISSIONER CMTtrICATION Detailed Summaly Use this form to Amendment EYes ENo closure forns and to infonrntion l. Committee Fbll Name (and Fund if apdicaHe)3. ID Number WOODY WHITE FOR NH COUNTY COMMISSIONER 2020 Mid Year Semi-Annual NEW-MHA98K.C-OOI Startof ElectionClcle: January l, 2017 Total this Reporting Period Total this Eection Cycle 5) Aggregated Contributions from Individrals 6) Contributions from Individuals 7) Contributions from Political Party Committees 8) Contributions from Other Political Committees 9) I-oan Procee& 0) Refun&/Reimhrrsements to the Committee 1) Other Receipt Sources I la) Interest on Bank Accounts I I b) Contributions from Not-For-Profit Organizations I I c) Oubide Sources of Income lld) Lcgal kpense Fhnd- Other Sources 11e) Exemp Purchase Price Sales 4) Cash on llandat Start $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $ 21,491.03 $ 17,032.37 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 859.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 238.98 4,000.00 58,960.56 0.00 0.00 622.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (cRo-120s) (cRo-12r0) (cRo-1220) (cRo-r230) (cRo-14t0) (cRo-1240) (cRo-l2s0) (cRo-12s0) (cRo-12s0) GRAt270) (cRo-r265) t2) TOTALRrcWTS (Add lines ${fJf,,ts-ttl\ryFf 859.32$$ 63,822.04and lle) 1,669.38$$ 14,506.19 2,000.00$$ 43,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 t00.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $859.32 3,376.35$ 859.32$ Dishrrsements SEP 10 2020 3a) Operating kpenditr 3b)Contributionsto."'.*nmnfi $'Sffi lff ff*?-',',',01, 3c) CoortlnatedParty kpentf,tures rcRo'1310) AggregatedNon-lVkdia kpenditures (cRo-131s) Loan Repayments GRo'1120) Refrrn&/ReimbursemenbfromtheCommittee GnO-1320) 7) In-Kind Contributions (cRo-rs10) I I I 4) $2,609.54 tS) TOTAL D(PE\DITIIRES (Add lines l3a l3b, l3c, 14, 15, l6 and l7)5.388.02$$ 63,892.08 Cas h on lland at hd (Add lines 4 and 12 topther, then subtract line 18) 1) Outstanding Ioans (incl. ones from other campaigns) GRO-1430) ) Dehs and Otligations oned by the Committee ) Dehs and Obligations onred to the Committee ) Account Transfers Within the Committee .33 $ $lI,962.33 $ $ $ (cRot330)$ $ (cRo-1610)$ (cRo-r620)$ (cRo-1720)$ (cRo-t7r0)$ (cRo-1440)$ (cRo-2220)$ DITIONAL INFORMATION Non-l\flonetary Gifts Girrcn to Other Committees A&ninistratirc Support 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.006) Forgirrcn Loans 7) 4E-Hour Notice Reporb Sum (cRo-r2ts)lE) Contributions to be Refunded $0.00 I,716.81$ 1. Committee f,'ull Name (and Fbnd if apdicable)2. ID Number NEW-MHA98K-C-OOIWOODY WHITE FORNH COLINTY COMMISSIONER 3. Contri butor Information E aaa E Renpve b. Job Tltle/Profession d. Commentsr. Flrll Name, Meiling Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip)ATTORNEY c. Dnploycr's Name/SpeciIic Field e . Dection Sum to Date WOODY WHITE 6108 OLD BRANCH ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 WOODY WHITE PLLC 1,000.00$ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Description j. Date (m m/dd/yyyy)k. Amount ww In-Kind TRIP TO CALIFORNIA - PARTIAL 0t/13/2020 859.32$ tr $ $ 859.32$4. Total only this Page 859.32$5. Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages (This line must be on llne 6 of Daailed Sammaty Page CRO-1100) Contributions from Individuals Use this formto rt individual contributions over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used cRo-|210 Amendment Pg I of I Ey". EIuo o RECENED sEP 10 2o?o NtlC Bd' of Ebctions tr AmendmentDisbursements pg I or 2 EI y., E no Use this formto report ergenditures fromthe conrnittee for operating eryenses, contributions to candidate/political conrnittees and coordinated 2. ID Number WOODY WHITE FOR NH COUNTY COMMISSIONER NL,W-MHAYUK-U-OU 3. Type of Disbursement (Please use seoarute CRO-I3I0fonns for each tvoe of Disbunerrrent.l Coordinated Infornration Rernove to Candidates/Polit ical Add b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Com mentsa. Full Nanre, Mailing Address & Phone Oryll1{e city, state, & zip) c. I*vel Registcred (Specify) I Federal fi state I Cor.nty: I Municipality:e. flection Sum to Dete COMMITTEE TO ELECT DAN FOREST PO BOX 471845 CHARLOTTE, NC 28247.1845 I,000.00$ f. Account Code g, Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dilyyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remarks ww Check D 05112/2020 $ 1,000.00 $ Information E eaa Rernove b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Commentsa. Full Nanrc, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, statc, & zip) c. l,evel Rcgistered Federal County fi &ate fl vtmicipaity:e. Election Sum to Date COMMITTEE TO ELECT JARE@EIVED PO BOX 10671 souTHPoRr,NC 28461 sEP 1 0 ?020 NHC Bd. of Etections 500.00$ f. Accou nt Code g. Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dilyyyy)j. Amount k, Required Remarks ww Check D 05/20/2020 $ 500.00 JOE IRRERA FORNH COUNTY COMMISSIONER 4I3O DONNELLY LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28409 Comments cl ude &zi Full Nanr, Mailing Address & Phone lnformation $ mittee Nemeb. Coordineted c. Level Federal d (Specify) I Mwricipality Comty: e. Dection Sum to DrteE sate New Hanover $250.00 Add tl Remove f. Account Code g. Form ofPayment h, Purpose Code i. Date (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remarks ww Check D 01/24/2020 $ 250.00 $ 5. Total only this Page 1,750.00$ 6. Total of ALLCRO-1310 Pages (This line goes in line l3a oJDetoiled Summary Page CRO-I100 if Operating Expenses) (This line goes in line I 3 b of Delailed Summary Page CRO-I I 00 if Contrib to Condidates,/Pontical Comm) (This line goes in line I3c of Detailed Summary Page CRO-I100 if Coordinated ParO Expenditures) 2,000.00$ Z. Purpose Codes (List detailed eryenditure code in (h.) above) A* - l\rftdia B* - Printing C* - trhndraising E - Salaries trx - Fquipnent G - Political Party I - Postage J - Penahies K* - Office kpenses 0* Other*!g{cs rgglIg detai&Qqxflenetion in required remgrks fietd(k) D - To Another Candidate H* - Holding PuHic OI[ce kpenses Q* - Donation to kgal Erpense F\rnd Disbursements Use this form to report eryenditures from the conrnittee for operating eryen conrnittees and coordinated res Am endm ent Pg I or I Ev.. Elxo ses, contributions to candidate/political apdicaHe)2. ID Number WOODY WHITE FORNH COLINTY COMMISSIONER NI,W-MHAYUK-U-UU of Dishrrsement Contribrlions to Party Expenditunes d. Comments&. giste red pe ci fy) nclude ci state &zi b. Coordinated Committee Neme Committees I sate c. [,evel Federal I Umicipatity Cor.mty: e, Election Sum to Date Operating Expenses lnformation a. FullNanre, Mailing $1,669.38 Add tr Remove PINE VALLEY MARKET 3520 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 f. Account Codc g. Form ofPeyment h. Purpose Code i. Dete (mm/dilyyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remerks ww Check CO 021t8t2020 $ 1,669.38 FOOD FOR TOM TILLIS $trVEN I 5. Total only this Page 1,669.38$ 6. Total of ALLCRGI3IO Pages (This line goes in line l3a of Detailed Summary Page CRO-|100 if Operating Expenses) (This line goes in line I3b of Detailed Summary Page CRO-I100 if Contrih to Candidates/Political Comm) (This line goes in line l3c of Detuiled Summary Page CRO-|100 if Coordinated Party Expendiures) 1,669.39$ Z. Purpose Codes 0ist detailed expenditure code in (h.) above) A* - l\dedia B* - Printing C* - F\rndraising E - Salaries I* - Fquipment G - Political Party I - Postage J - Penahies K* - Office kpenses O* Other * Co&s reqrire deteilederdgnetion in requircdremrrks field(k) D - To Another C-andidate H* - llolding PuHic Office hpenses Q* - Donation to L€gal kpense F\rnd *ffiJff *nt *'ot E\ecttons AmendmentDisbursements pg 2 or z E y.. EI No Use this form to report e)penditures from the connnittee for operating eryenses, contributions to candidate/political conrnittees and coordinated I 2. ID Number WOODY WHITE FORNH COLINTY COMMISSIONER NEW-MHAgEK.C.UU 3. Type of Disbursement (Please use seoarate CRO-I310 formsfor each tvoe of Disbunement.) Contrih.[ions to CandidateyPolit ical Committees Information E eaa Remove Full Nanre,Address & Phone b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Com m ents ude ci sta &zi SKIP WATKINS CAMPAIGN PARK AVENUE c. [,evel Registered (Specify) WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Federal Cormty I sate [l Mwricipality e. Dection Sum to Date Wiknington $5,250.00 f. Account Code g. Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remarks ww Check D 01/24t2020 $ 2s0.00 $ 5. Total only this Page $250.00 6. Total of AIICRG.1310 Pages (This line goes in line I3a of Detailed Summary Page CRO-I100 if Operating Expenses) (Thk line goes in line I3b of Detoiled Summary Page CRO-| 100 if Contrib to Candidates/Political Comm) (Thls line goes in line l3c of Detailed Summary Page CRO-|100 if Coordinated ParE Expenditures) $2,000.00 Codes (List detailed expenditure code in (h.) above) A* - I\rftdia B* - Printing C* - Fhndraising E - Salaries I* - Fquipment G - Political Party I - Postage J - Penahies K* - OI[ce kpenses O* Other* Codes reqrire deteiledeSenetion in requiredrcmrrks field(k) D - To Another Candidate H* - Holdng PuHic OIfice kpenses Q* - Donation to kgal kpense Fhnd REceNeo- SE? \S tut'' **;t otE\eotrone Refunds/Reimbursements From the Committee pg I or 1 Use this formto report refunds/reimbursements, includin g contributions retumed to the contributor cRO-|320 AmendmentEv.' Exo RE"9'E$ NHC Bd' ot B€dono 2. ID Number WOODY WHITE FORNH COLINTY COMMISSIONER NEW-MHA98K-C-OOI Information Add tl Renpve Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone d.of Com mittee g. Comments (include ci , state, & zip)PAC WOODY WHITE 6108 OLD BRANCH ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 I Referendrn fl Rarty e. [,evel Registered cl h. Original Receipt Date Federal Comty:01/13t2020I Sate I Municipality o al Recei Amount $8s9.32 b. Job Tltle/Profession c. f,mployer's Name/Specific FIeld f. Purpose Code j. Eection Sum to Dete ATTORNEY WOODY WHITE PLLC P $r,000.00 k. Account Code l. tr'orm of Payment m. Required Rcmarks n. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)o. Amount ww Check PARTI-AL REIMBI.JRSEMENT FOR CA TRIP 01124t2020 $859.32 4. Total only this Page $859.32 5. Total of ALLCRO-1320 Pages (Thb line must be on line I5 of Detailed Summary page CRO-|100)$859.32 6. Purpose Codes (List detailed disbursenpnt code in (f) above ) L - Returned to Contributor M - Overpaynrcnt for Service N - Exceeded Contibution Umit P* -Reimbursementofln-Kinr O* Other* Co&s require detailed explanation in reouired remarks Eeld(m) Fbnd if AmendmentIn-Kind Contributions pg I or I E'"". E no Use this form to report non-monetary contributions, donations, pods or services provided to the committee or fund. Use -Kind Contributions were or will be refunded 7 s F[ll Name umber WOODY WHITE FORNH COUNTY COMMISSIONER NEW.MHA9SK-C.OOI 3. Contri butor Information El eaa E Rerrpve e. tr\rll Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) b, Type of Contributor c. Comments [l Individual f] Candidate E p-ty fl erc fl Referend'- fl Otner Receipt Sotnce WOODY WHITE 6108 OLD BRANCH ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 d. Dection Sum to Drte $ e. Description f. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)g. Feir Market Amount TRIP TO CALIFORNIA. PARTIAL 0t/13/2020 $859.32 $ $ 4. Total only this Page $859.32 5. Total of ALL CRO-1510 Pages (This line must be on line 17 of Daailed Page CRO-I100)$859.32 IO *"9'tlY'f'3 NHC Bd of E\eotrons l,000.00