White 2020 Year End ReportDisclosure Report Cover Use this form for general report and conrnittee infornntion, must be signed and submitted alongnot use is form Amendment EI yes [E No with other detailed fornn Committee Information Full Name c, ID Number FOR NH COUNTY COMMISSIONERWOODY WHITE NEW.MHA9SK-C-OOIlinMaiAddressncudecl(i State dlnCity,n Code)Dete Fllcd 0t/26t2021 e. Phone Number 6108 OLD BRANCH ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 (9r0) 313-3336 Year Period Start Date 4. Periodhd Date 5.Treasurer NameFut202007/01/2020 t2/31/2020 MCKIE RAY Committee one oneMunicipeltate /Cou nty ReferendumJoint Fun&aiser Referend,m EI PAC Legal Expense Frmd of I Pre-referendnn E Finat fl Spplemenral Final fl Arnual I Special r0. s BuildingFund Presidential Election year Candidates Fr.rnd NC Public Campaign Financing Fund other: "Booster 0 Thirty-frve day Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-runoff &mi-annual Mid Year Year End Final $ecial trtrtrtr trutrtr Organizat Quarterly First Second Third Fouth Semi-annsat Mid Year Year End Find trtrtrtr trtrtrtr ionalOrgan Special Account Information alFlnenci sIn tutionti NeFullme Ii nrnciel FullInstitution NameFIRST CITIZENS BANK Purpose Account Code b.c. Account Code ww d. Period Balance d. Period Balance CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES $ $ TION Date I that thecertify orConnnittee tsFund tr1 ce with allcorrplian IsIOnapplicableprov ofsArticle &22822A,of22D-22M163ChapteroftheNCGeneralStatutesdthatnofundscomminarewithgledibitedorprohotherfundsfurtherthisthatcertifyortlsrepconplete,dan Ithat have been trained by non-disclosed the NC State Board 0t/27/2021 DatePostnarked: JANLZ_Z[Z!__ DateScanned: l{}lC@ Date Data Entered: Errployee: Enployee: Frrployee: Frrployee: AAi\ -tl- OF'FICE I-ISEONLY I Signer has not received train Deliverv Method EI NorrnalMail EI Bpgistered rraait VHana DeliveredE Electronically Filed Date Received: RECD treasurer, PIease Note This cannotform usbe toed anlend conrnittee formation asuch the conmnittee address,as sistant custodiantreasurer,ofbooks orinfornation,account infonnation. uYo st the o 'rz,ltion to ch I I Detailed Summary Use form to s Amendme nt E Ye. El t'toall disclosure forns to total infornntion Fhnd ifapdicaHe)2. Type ofReport 3.ID NumberWOODY WHITE FOR NH COUNTY COMMTSSTONFR 2020 Y ear End Semi-Annual NEW-MHA98K-C-OOI of Election Clcle: January l, 2017 Tobl this Reporting Period Total this Uection Cycle4) Cash on llandat Start $0.00 $ 16,962.33 238.98$ $ 17,032.37 $0.00 $ 58,960.56 $0.00 $0.00 0.00$$622.s0 $0.00 0.00$ $4,000.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $ $ $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 0.00$ 7) Contributions from political party Committees E) Contributions from Other potitical Committees 9) Loan Procee& 0) Refunds/Reimbursements to the Committee 1) Other Receipt Sources I I a) Interest on Bank Accounts I lb) Contributions from Not-tror-profit Organizations llc) Oubi& Sources of Incorne I ld) kgal kpense Frrnd- Other Sources l le) Aemp Purchase price Sales 5) Aggregated Contributions from Individuals 6) Contributions from Individuals (cRa120s) (cRo-l210) GRA1220) (cRa12i0) (cfuo-l1r0) (cRo-I210) (cRo-12s0) (cno-12s0) (cRo-l250) (cRo-1270) (cRo-126s)0.00$$0.00 (AddTOTALRrcuPTS lines 7 I II I I6,8,9,0,II I and1d II4b,c,e)$0.00 0.00$$ 14,506.19 4,500.00$$ +z,8oo.oo $0.00 0.00$ 0.00$100.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 3,376.35$ I 3 a) Operating &penditures I 3 b) Contri butions to Candidates /political Commi ttees I 3c) Coordinated party kpenOntures 4) Aggregated Non-l\rftdia &penditures (cRo-|i10) (cRo-l310) (cRo-|3r0) (cRo-13r5) (cRo-I420) (cRo-l320) (cRo-|sr0) 5) loan Repayments 6) Refun&/Reimbursements from the Committee 7) In-Kind Contributions Disbursemenb $0.00 2,609.54$ D(PM{DITT]Rf,STOTAL Iines(Add 3u 3b,6 and14,3c,5,7)4,500.00$q 68,392.08 18)hCas on IIand Endat lines 4(Add and l2 thentogether,subtract line 12,462.33$ 0.00 $ $ t2,462.3J 0.00$ $0.00 $0.00 0.00$ 0.00$0.00$ 0.00$$0.00 (cRo-13i0) GRA|$0) (cRo-1610) (cRo-1620) (cRo-1720) (cRo-|710) (cRo-1410) (cRo-2220) D Non-lUonetary Gifu Giwn to Other Committees 1) Ouhtanding Inans (incl. ones from other campigns) ) Account Transfers Within the Committee 6) triorgirrcn Loans JAN Z 7 ?O?l7) 48-ItrourNotice Reporb Sum Deh and OHigations oucd by the Committee Deh and Obligations oncd to the Committee Adninistratire Support RECD lN PERSON $0.00 0.00$Contributions to be (cRo-l21s)0.00$t,716.gt$100 $ 63,822.04 i IE I Disbursements Use this form to report eryen comnittees and coordinated Ampg1of2tr ditures fromthe comnittee for operating expenses, contributions to candidr endment Yes DI No atelpolitical ID FOR NH COUNTY COMMISSIONERWOODY WHITE of Disbursement Contribuions to ed Party Informetion Add Renpve b. Coordinated Committee Name d. CommentsAddress & Phone sta & Nanrc, nclude [*ve I red (Specify) E sate Federal Cormty: Municipality:Eection Sum to Date BILL RIVENBARK FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION 5601 CAPTAIN'S LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28409 New Hanover 1,000.00$ Accou nt Code f,'orm of nt Code Date (mm )Amount RemarksRewwCheckDt0/02t2020 $ s00.00 $ Add ate d Comm ttee Nrme d. Commentssta Narne, nclude Address & Phone &z c. Level Registered fl sate Federal fl Municipality: Cormty e. Eection Sum to Date COMMITTEE TO ELECT MICHAEL LEE WILMINGTON, NC 28406 .o. Box 4663 6,500.00$ Account Code Form of ent Purpose Code i. Drte . Amount Required RemerkswwCheckDt0/06/2020 1,000.00 Information Add Rernove b. Coordinated Committee Neme d. CommentsFull Narrrc, Mailing Address & Phone ude ci &zi c. Level Registered ct I sate Federal Cornty: Mmicipality e. ftectiotr Sum to Dete I{AYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER I9OO EASTWOOD ROAD STE 38 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 New Hanover $500.00 Account Code Form of t h. Purpose Code i. Date m Amount k. Re ired RemarkswwCheckD$ 500.00 $ 2,000.00$ of Detailed of Daaikd otDetailed ofTotalALL cRo-l3 10 Pages NI.IG ELESTrc)NSOFline(This linelngoes 3a IcRo-1 00PageSummory rf Opemfing Expenses)line(This linemgoes '3b ICRO-I 00PageSummary to'Contribi:f Candidates/Political Comm)line Iline3c(rhis Summary CRO-1 00Page if Coordinated Pany Expenditures) 4,500.00$ detailed eryenditure code inCodes (h.) above) C* - Fhndraising G - Political Party K* - Office hpenses II* -Iloldng PuHic Office kpenses Q* - Donation to kgal kpense Firnd tndetailed field * - lldedia Salaries - Postage Other* Co&s D - To AnotherCandidateB* - Printing trx - Equipment J - Penahies 310 ate Rernove Total BD ,n Disbursements Use this form to report eryenditures fiom corrnnittees and coordinated the conrnittee for operating litures AmendmentPs 2 or 2 EIy.r ENo expens es, contributions to cand idate/political Contribrtrions to d. Com ments Account Code ID Coordinated l. FullNanp,Mailing Address & phone b. Coordinated mittee Name Itvelc,steredRegi (specify) Mmicipality WOODY WHITE FOR NH COUNTY COMMISSIONER ofDishrrsement Information clude ci &zi BELL COMMITTEE 5OI HOLLANDHILLDRryE NC 27530 E eaa Renpve Countyfi sate e. Eection Sum to Datc $1,000.00 E. Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Required RemrrkswwCheckD08/13/2020 $ 1,000.00 d" Commrnts red (S Account Code $ FulINanp,Mailfrrg Address & Phone Add tr Rennve Coordinale d Committee Name De.ectitrMunicipality:on mSu to Date 4,000.00 Informetion $ nclude sta c. [,evel County RABON FOR SENATE 404 WEST BRUNSWICK STREET SOT]TT{PORT, NC 2846I Fe&ral State g:&1. of Payment h. Purpose CodC i. Dete (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Required RemertswwCheckD08/13t2020 $ 1,500.00 2,500.00 4,500.00 $ Total only this Page ToilaI of ALLCRGI3I0 pages $ of Detailed of Detalleil of Detatled line(This line,n 3at.SOeS CRO-ISummary 00 if Operating Expenses)line(This linelngoes '3b Summary cRo-1 00Page toif Contrib Candialatedpotiticat Comm)line(rhis ,n Iline3cgoes CRO.TSummaryPage 001 ifCoordinated Pany ExpendiUres) D -To Another Candidate code in above) remarks field $ e Codes (List detailed* - l!ftda Salaries - Postage Other* Co&s detailed ln H* - Iloldng PuHic Office kpenses Q* - Donation to l*gal kpense Fhnd B* - Printing tr* - F4uiprnent J - Penahies C* - f,'bndraising G - Political Party K* - Office Erpenses 1310 o REC'I] IN PEHSON JAN , ? 2021 rt$ro tsD OF A-Ectlot'ls Page