White_P 2021 Certification to Return to Active StatusVOTE NORTI{CAR OLINA STATE BOARD OF ELECTJg^ffi* FEB I 0 202t N}IC BD OFEECITOII' Certilication to Return to Active Status This certification is used.by candidate, Party, pACs and Referendum commi6sss which have previously filed the Certification of Inactive Status and now wish to retur to an active status. This Certificetion is filed et the Boerd of Elections office where the committeers cempaign reportsere fiIed. FILED BY: Committee Name: TreasurerName: Treasurer Address: (include city, state, & zrp) Fr tJe For L.-:,1.n C C-ou^., \ Prr,\l L^rh ile \qoL+S Lt r\rn rx C 6l Treasurer Phone: (9 to)f q5 - gt 51 I certifr that the above named candidate/political committee, which has been of inective stetus and exemptfrom filing disclosure reports, intends to accept contributions 6ad/s1 maks expenditures. This intention ofactivity alters the status of the above named candidate/political committee to ective strtus and requires such committee to begin filing disclosure on the appropriate schedule. All contributions received and/or expenditures made that have not been previously reported will be disclosed on the next scheduled reportani all subsequent re,ports will be filed as scheduled. An amended Statement of Organization (CRO-2100 A-G) must accompany this form. afefat L:t..-.t Datc Siped cRo-3300 Certification to Return to Active Status