Hays 2020 First Quarter Report AmendmentDisclosure Report Corer -{meudment 8l t-es [f 5o L se tlus form t'or seneral reporl and committee rformatlon. must be sianed and submrned alone trrh other detarled forms Do not use tlus tbrm to uodate rnformaho rc rmtou nus l. Qorrslfirsb&rnrtion ?r I-lLf"-:. DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER faF-.A.r' c. ID lYuobcr NEW-BHASRN-C-065 :: llril: g sd.t:* 1-i-"-"1.y-d "-.,c i9,. s111 I 1n{. Zig cod,e ) I9OO EASTWOOD RD. SU]TE 38 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 I \l_\.rt-! v EL/ {,4,i: ' ','t.t.i' NHC Bd, of EtecUons il. Drtc Filed 05126t2020 :: P-r:*.Ig-b:: .. (910) 232-0505 2020 3. Pedod gnri lhrc {rnrlid*:r){. Pcriod f,d I}e turl'dii:rr}5. flanururfull!{uc t'!tuxtw-Fl2^'4 02il5/2020 DEBBIE BOWDEN "6.r"Trrpqf -c"9spi+gp{$!gglor$lS CaadiCarr Campaign E Pr.tr' I Jct'rt i:;a&er:ar E P;C I F.::*rea*;rn n L"s.l E-rptnre Frod 9.TrlcofRtrt {c'tlpck ortlt' orlg tyfrE ofteA vtfr*i'la*cc*gar>) trludcipel 5trtc.'Couoty tr o'i'"'-it"J ftarr:r11.'tr Fr::t tr S*cnJ tr trhrd tr Fc:;rth S*rnr-en-q:;al tr lhd i'e:r tr l-aer End fl Frnal E 3r*."! Rrfcrradsr tr o,i.;;;;;J [ ?r*-referead.;m I Froel E Sr.wl*rneatal finai I Annual E Srecrel trtrtrtrtr utrtrtr 0rgxri:rticnal Thinl.'-:ire d,r.' ?r:-pnrnerl" Pre-:1*ctica ?r*-r,;no:i Selni-ann';al ).hd 1'+: i-:r: Eni Frnal Sp*:ral ?.-Tpg o-{fg-d- . ..ttffi # :r"if] "Boc:t:r F.lr<i' f] B';rldr-.:g F;nc I Presreentu.l Ei+:trcn l-err Candrdate: Funi [ :':c ?';lL: Camgu3n F:na:::rng F:ni E orh+t l0.Sacdd*e*rNuc B. l$aolcr sf Flldnictl€ $if R*gf-t 0 l--{ccomllftrordsn S.Acmarhbm& 1,. F-ia.lacirt -h1{19 tior f_1U :tlg: FIRST NATIONAL BANK r, Fbracirt lrgtitutios Full ifase ANEDOT b..tutpo1:.. CAMPAIGN RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES c. -{ccoulr Codc 0l l: -t:n::' ONLINE SITE FOR CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS c. .\ccouar Codr 02 d. Period Ecgia Brlrgce 1, P93od p3err_.Ffhf_:: . 0.00Ss 50.00 CTRTIRCATION I cenrft'that the Commrttee or Fund ts in comphance rr.rth all applicSle prorisrons of Article ::-t. llB & llD-llli of Chapter i6-i of rhe IC General Statutes and that no funds are commirg:led n1i[ protubrred or other non-disclosed fi.mds i fr:rther certrfv that this repon rs complete, qrp and conect i have been trarned bv the \C State Board 05t2612020 Drte?nnt+i;'ierne of 9r!na: Delivery liethod Ef Norcrd liail El Reerstered \iad .{g*aDet'ered E Elect orucalll'Fded I Signer has not received mandaton'trainire R OTTICT TSf O}:LY Datr Received: Dare Postnariied: Date Scanned Date Data Entered: Emplovee Emptovee Enrptovee Enplovee Please Iote: Thls form carulor be used to ammd commrttee infosnation such as the comrnittee address. tteasluer. assistanr treasurer. custodran ofbooks infooration- or account urformauon l'ou niusr arnend rhe Statement of &earu:auon iCRCll lCSA-El to malie conrmnee chane-e5. - on!cRo-|00a Detailed Summary L'se ttus tbrm to surrunan:e a RECHIVEM , t, AaleodmeutEt"-Y", E so se ttus iorm to summafiie ali drsclosrfe r ofm to |, Cg.po_ittee f g^lJ rge $pd rg$ if.ap'pf!g1bl9) DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER l: Ll?-€-9.1.S9.P9-n, 2020 First Quarter E B6--$H{IS NEW.BHASRN-C-065 Start of Election C1-cle: Jaruarl' l, __3L Tonl this Reoortinp Period Total this f lection Cvcle 4) Cash on Hand rt Strn 5 s0.00 ! 0.00 RECEIPTS 5 ) .,1,g grcgated C ontribution s from Indit idurl s 6) Conrributions from lndiriduals 7) Contriburions fi"om Political Pam' Comruinte s 8) Contributions from Otber Polirical Commitrecs 91 Loan Proceeds 0) Refunds.'Reigbursemerrs to the Committee l; Other Receipr Soorces Ila) lnterest on Bank.{ccounts I lb) Contriburions fmm lot-For-Profit Organizations llc) Outside Sources oflncoare I ld) Legal frpense Fund - Other Sources lle) frempr Purchase Price Sales rCROt]05i (C8.O1]10t (CRGll20t ItR&12-t0t tCAOI4t0i (CROlla0t tCR&1)50t {CR&t}50t GRO|150t {CR&1}-0t ICROI )657 i r.00 s 5 r.00 s 3,906.42 s 3.906.42 s 0.00 s 0.00 s 4.000.00 s 4,000.00 t 0.00 s 0.00 5 o.oo S o.oo s 0.00 5 0.00 I 0.00 s 0.00 t 000 s 0.00 5 0.00 5 0.00 3 0.00 5 0.00 :) TOT.{L RTCIIPTS .-ldC hn:s,i. 6. - g 9.li.1la.lib.:c,l :d ad ii \ 7.907.42 s 7.957.42 EI?E}'DITIT.ES ,3) Disbursements l3a) Operating frprndirures lCXOlJIOt l3b) Contriburions to Candidates,?olitical Committees tCR0131A1 l3c) Coordinated Paq' f rpendirures (CROI 310) .4) Aggregated Ion-lledia frpendirures (cRAl3t5t ,5) Loan Reparruents tCRO-IalOt 6) Refunds,Seisburstuents from tle Conminee lCR413]0s 7) In-Kind Contriburions 1CRal5l01 s t.oot .zt s t .o6t.2t ! o.oo I o.oo s o.tto 5 o.oo 5 :s.gs t rs.ss 5 o.oo 5 o.oo S o.oo 5 o.oo s 0.00 S o.oo 8) TOT.{L ttTE}-t}tTt:RtS iidC irnes l-ia. l-ib. l-ic. i:. I j. i6 and l:! ; roo re \ t.roo.r6 9l Cash on Hand ar f nd i-i.Cd linei j and I I tcgethrr. then subtra:t lrne I 3 S Bsi.26 \ 8s7.26 rD DMON.{L DiTOR\ L{TIO]{ 0) Son-lloneran Gifts Giten to Other Comminees {CRO133a1 l1 Ourstuding Loans {incl. ones frou other canpaigns} ICEOIaJ0t 1) Debrs and Obligations osed br the Comoinee rcR$1510t 3) Debts and Obligarions oned ro the Corrruinee {CRG16}0t j) .{,ccounr Transfers \Tithin the Comminee /CROI -)0t 5; .{dministradte Suppon {CROl't2} 6) forgiren Loans {CRAla!0t 71 48-Hour loti11 Refnl Sun lcr+,.;;1,1 8y Contributions to be Refunded tCR&l )t 5t 5 0.00 I 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 t 240.36 s 0.00 s 0.00 5 0.00 s 0.00 5 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 n fC ltate BearC c: El:ctrotrr iu3:;rt l33S Aggregated Contributions from Indiridu als Pege I o{1 -{meodncatE Y", El ro brm used to repon NC Contributions From indi\nfuab of $50 or less [. Lo[Eitttt ] rll N|EG {rlr{l tlrd U |DE$crfl.l I.IUNEETCT DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER NEW-BHASRN-C-065 3, Co*iheerlafrrrrdsn r. .lnend lb, .{ccounr Code lc. Foru of Prl'mrnr ld. h-Kird Description lc. Detc (ao'dd'51a) lf. .{oourt Ll lca B F.*.,o.'. 02 Credit Card 01t2912020 5 1.00 l. Total orl]' tbis Page s s1.00 5. Total of -{LL CRO-1205 Pages (Thb ,irs a.tst bt oa tinr 5 ol Dctailtd. Sulrnary Pago CXO-ItUll s $1.00 cRo-t 205 liC Stet: Bcrrd cf Electicos -ipril li " RECEIVED MAY 2 7 ZU?ri NHC Bd. of Elections .{lrcodareltContributions from Individuals pe I or 3 E r., El so L se thrs form to repon m&rrdual contnbuuons o1'et 5jC or conubutionsunder 5 jrJ f form CRO !:3j is not used l. Connir* FuIl Irne {rnd Fud if rdicrblc}:.tD--r\-ghf NEW-BHASRN-C-065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER 3. Cmailator ldorurtlon E Add E Rsaovc e. Full lfrare. lteilire .{ddrtrr & Pboae .{indgfe .i.t-::*1.,:.& Tipi . WILLIAM CAMERON PO BOX 3649 WILMINGTON. NC 28406 !, ;l-o!. Ji1l9 tm_feslio I CO FOLNDER r,cr-f-{{suh,tv i'.4L\, ? "j i[,, c.. -!o{9-r,31' ! ri13ry ;!r- cr-$9 f i{{ CAMERON MANAGEMENT 1, I tblhllf Sft loYlrtl' - s 250.00 t Prior tr -g: :1.*t.'o.1. C_od," OI i: I9rP 9t-Yfl-3-iu-l Check i ta-Kind D,e..1oi-l.ig"-..i D1te tna;dd_l-.r]-l 0l/29/2020 .k Au9rr1 s 250.00 tr s tr 5 3. Contrihrtor h& mrtisl E Add E Rcnot'e r. Fntl lVruc. lbilire Addres & Pbone liacludg ftr,,. rgt3, & zrl) HANK ESTEP 3213 SNOWBERRY C'I WILMINGTON" NC 28409 t-..19-b ri 113 eAfi:.ig" . INSI.JRANCE BROKER {- CgamSgr S: t_-?l:r-:tlt lse u3 59996: Fi:t-d. GRIFFIN ESTEP RENEFIT e_, t_lccti9r.S,9- 11 D:!: t s06.42 I Pri.9r tr e1.{919u-r1 C9!c 0l |, rono.of P11-gcn1 Check i.I1_{!d D3qg.ug9-_D-.-!!.{--d:ll:-r-) 01t08t2020 lt. Are-99n1 s 506.42 tr s tr 5 l. Coxrilnrorlnfomlim E Add E Rroow r Full l\irme . llriling.{ddrers & Pboac !.ind9dc cill'i :!!!e., & ?pl WALTER KUSEK 2013 KENILWORTF{ LANE WII-MINGTON. NC 28409 b, J-9b..I i {e.Prof_c*i93 RET]RED CHEMIST {, C-ooaocy!1 c. f.aploS'er'r Ne uc'Spccifrc Firld :-: -et :*i:r,s-:* .19. D,"!" s r 50.00 r Pdgl u q:,, i99e11-11 code 0l b. form ofPe!'arcat Check f-. Iglxf1d .De,1crip,ti_oa j, Dete (mn"ddff-ff ) 0v28t2020 h "{u9p1 5 150.00 tr s tr s {. Total onb'this Page S 906.42 5, Total of ALL CR&UI0 Peges $his lins nnx bc n {nt 6 d tuaild Swolu,ty Fagr CEA-$ 0A} (3.906.42 tale Boeri ciEl+ctr Contributions from Iudividuals L'se ths forn to repon urdr','rdual contnbuuons o1'fl 5,i3 or contnbutons urder SiC rf form CRO l:3r rs not used .{urendoeat ?s 2 oI 3 El'., Eso o reDofi at oYef )--J or conulouuonS Ofitl LfrL, l;J-r t5 nOI U Cwntttcc full limc (rnd Furli If rplighlt)LID|Yrabff D DEB TIAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER NEW-BHASRN-C-065 1. Contribqror hforr,etion E *ae fl Renovc e. Full lfer:re. !{ailing -{ddncs & Phone {indg{e gi1l:Llll"-:&.lig} . T'IM MILAM 802 MIDNIGT{T' CHANNEL RD WILMINGTON. NC 28403 r,.{9!ri{3,"rcf:-*io-l OWNER d, Comoeatr RECEIVI hi:','t l,'i' ilii3 Eoglg,r-er 1 IemS; S g3d-fi;. f i:l{ COLDWELL BANKER SEACOAST REALTY ffi8flEfer I,000.00 r, lrigr tr -e::{..g:.1! c?9: 0l b. |'016, 9Ll'T g_:tl.l Check i: D| l:- ttn. dd .!]-r-r-I 01/2912020 L.13ou!-l 5 r,000.00 tr 5 E]s 3. Contrilruf or hformrtforn E Add EI Rcrove r. Full l{roe. lhiliog -{ddress & Flone !i1411 j3. all : tlltir &. d-t-l IIENRY MILLER I02 CHANNEL DRIVE S WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. NC 28480 b, J9b li1l3."nfyi9a CONSTRTJCTION RENTALS & qI TPl I Itrq d. Cooacotr :: -I-l,l9l_ j flt hu 9 rS gcci6g. f i3ld M&N CONSTRUCTION SIJPPI,Y INC e, Etcc.tior Suo.to Dr19 5 250.00 Prior tr q, AlgarlCodg 02 f, rgrn 9f P1;_ng3t Credit Card i,.l1;Kind D3-scngdor i, Dltg irn;-dd.111r1 02/1412020 lc l1-ouat 5 250.00 tr ! tr CI !.Contrihtorln&ru*ftm E Add El Rcmovr r. Full ltiercre. |fuiling.tddrc:s & Pbonc (irdgdg cj1r,1trge, f lipl HILL ROGERS I2OI GLEN MEADE RD WILMINGTON. NC 2840I b, Job litlc Prof-cerfo-a REAL ESTATE BROKER d. Co-ncltr c. -Eael91 r-1'q Nrlr3,.!135if19 f !-ld CAMERON MANAGEMENT e,If e.ctioa Suo to Dete s 250.00 f. Priol u 8.1 ,.{ccouot Cod3 0l h, roror.g{fe133a1 Check i. Is-tslnd Dercription Dete (lrga- dd-:.r. r-r) 02t1412020 k .looual 5 250.00 E 5 tr 5 4. Total on!'tLis Page 5 t.500.00 i. Total of ALL CRGUIO Pages (l?rblirr ntllrtu oalirr 6olDac;/adS*anlrrt PnglAn>nW)s 3.906.42 f aie Eowd cl Et+:trcn .l.pnl l3l-cRo-t]10 Contribufions fi'om Individuals L se thrs forn to reoon nrdrird'al contnbutrons o1'er 5if or contnbutrons urder Si'i rf form CRO lllr ts not used .{meldarent Pg 3 of 3 El'., ESo 5e to ontnbutrons o1'er ))u o{ contfibutronsunder:)'i tl tofm LKU iiJl rs not us€ l - C,snnir*rr Frll l{rnr {rnd Fnnd lf rnllerhl*l 1-Elliu*r HN u DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER NEW.BIIASRN-C-065 l. Contrib{tor Inforurdan El *oe E Rcsovr a. Full !$erlla. I{riling -{ddrcrs & Pboac li,ndg-de citr.: lllli: &.li-p.l EKATERINA SCALISE I34 NE 2ND STREET OAK ISLAND, NC 28465 r.. {9! ri1tl,rmf.11l-?t HOMEMAKER {:cr-frfcFf\ irilcl ii 7 j[ 1 turlgi-e r' 1 s1n; 1!n:ci-fi c..f iel! I]OMEMAKER e,Hcr{fflf.fs$eglElf 5 250.00 I Pripl tr g. riT*1c-_od3 0l l: rg* :f":l-::l Check i, fllKiod.Dn"riptigl gll1s 1oaldd,pr:,) 0U27t2020 k .{a9unt 5 250.00 tr 5 tr s 3. Coltilntor lnfomrtioa E *ea El Rcaovr r. Full Ieoe. Ibiliog .{ddrers & Phoae lirdlde eiO._. 11rtc, & rw-,1 .I'ED SHIPLEY 2220 SOUTII CANTERBL]RY RD WII-MINGTON. NC 28403 !, .l-9! l-i tt_c-,*o f9si9 g. ATTORNEY L C9o-o3n-11 5., t_a9f 9i g1'1 ls-1u3 1!9. 91in9 rf u LIVE OAK BANK e. Electios Suuo to Drre 5 250.00 I P:ior u g" Aclgy_yt Cgdc 02 h. lorm of P Credit Card i: o:l: {mrldd'n1-:-) 02/02t2020 k.rll-91nq s 250.00 EI 5 tr ( !. ConciDutor Infuurtion E lea fI Reaorr r. Full l\iroc. lteilirg.{ddrcsr & Pbooe (iadtdg cili_,19-1e. & ;rl SCOTT ST]I,LIVAN PO BOX 3649 WILMINGTON. NC 28406 !. J-ob litlePrcIgrig-.a ]O FOTINDER d, C91o3a-tr i loqtorelf r liruc;Sq_9cif1c Fict! CAMERON MANAGMENT g, tlectiga Suo to D_e1e s r.000.00 L Prior tr .{1couo1 C 0l ode !, foln_ 9f Pe1_g3rc1 Check i, Drte loo ddlr-r1r'i 0l t2812020 lc A-mourt -(I,000.00 tr s. u s f. Total onb'fbfu Page :s 1,500.00 5. Total of .{,LL CRO-l2lO Pages €hbl;t& xssba o;lint 5 olDandlotlSurrnaryPlxr CRO.IIW) 5 1.906 42 o-ilC itare Brard ciEl:ctbn',ApllCR !, C.,q1pit19e.Fnrl .-ge (la.-d-F-**l if-1pnli#) DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER lU nnrnD(lf NEW-BTIASRN-C-065 l.Coarlblnrhfomedon El Add fI Rcnovc r. Fsll Sroe. lleiling.tddresc & PLsae lirrlud3 cir]', rt1te, &.1ipl NC] REAITORS PAC 45I I WEYBRIDGE LANE GREENSBORO, NC 27407 b, Trpr of C--iticr E i-a,e",* E P.lc E F.rlrr:n*rrn {, C_oom;a11 c. Lercl Regiaercd {Specit')E r-+-i.i" "'E do,",'.' El !t"t. fJ 1,fi:n*rpeht-'.'e, Efectig-n Surr t9 Dele s +.000.00 .\ccouar Codc 0l ::.F1ry-:{,lll:': Check EI i Dlte- {13 d-d.;p1) 0211112020 i:.{-9,1"! 5 4.000.00 5 s {, fsulonhrhq Prgc 5 $4,000.00 !.Tcrl of .dII CRO-M0 Plgcr (l}ih6rt ;zlrbt oaliat I dfuild.&rinirry.kSr Cn&lt$)s $4.000.00 o-1230 l'lC Stat; B:arJ c: Et+:trcn .{ucodnre ot Contributions from Other Political Conmift€€s e, I or I E 1.., E so Use ttis tbrm to repon contribuuons tiom other candrdate. ret'erendr-un or PAC commrnees -i.cnl ll VETRECEI i\4AY 2 i 'tt:j;:t) NHC Bd. of Elections conuruftees and coot s LC.pnp-itt**F-ull,lf r*s{rn{.F-qsd-$*rli.--crHel DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER L lD!{u}cr"-'NEW-BfiASRN-e.065 tl 3. Type of lllrbnrf,crrat {fua$un sryanfr &q43t9font* fu sa* We dWbwew&} f, o'.;;i;;E*;*,., - El-c"ii,if,,i"*-;;c*dd,.;i;i;iilc";;;;;-;"- - tr-f;;,;;iJi.i,E"o."eii-.i l. Pnnt lnJorcetior E Add El Rcorove l.ll-{ :F" l\/ a Full Name. \lailing Address & Phone (io "l gdp .g-in, 9 trl-e-r. S 3r-p) ALPHA GRAPHICS 3534 S, COLLEGE RD UNIT WILMINGTON. NC 284I2 b. Cordirrtcd Ccuuitrr: Illor d. Cooncntr' : .'1 . .t,Jr_.Y NHC Bd. (l't 'tlt of Elrc L*cl Regirtcr:d (Specifi')Il F.d.J' EJ Cou*t*, E !,",. E .'u1u'icrpa:,r e. flcction Suo 1o pe13 s l4t 96 f. .{c99r91c9{g 0l Er Fory1 9f Pel'acar Check h, Puraore Code i, D r 19 (p.p d-d11,r-r:') 02/1312020 j, Aoguar 3 89.24 tr.. R9g u,ircd- R:-:ILr_ TI]ANK YOU CARDS 0l Check B 02/13/2020 (l0l 24 NAME BADGES {"Prvcclubnrtku EI Add E Rcuove a. FuIl l-ame. \lailing Address & Phone [lpslsdg .sln. rll-le.:" * +p). ALPTiA GRAPHICS 3534 S, COLLEGE RD UNIT WILN4INGTON. NC 284I2 b. Cordiaered Cooninec l{eoe {, Cgmn-e3_5 c. Lrrel Regirt:rcd (Specit'l E r.e"-i tr c"'*i.,'E i::ir F i:l'"::rril:i:,c. Elecrio-a Suo t9 Dr_1e 5 :ar.se f...f5co11g1 Cod..9 0l g,. fo.1g 9,f Pe1'mcnt Check |1 lyregr3 coa3 B 1i. D119 .{u-e $- !1 13p:, ) 02/13/2020 i.,,{-9}9! .5 151.48 lt. Reelli11d F.:*ltk DECALS ) {,Pnaehbmriion tr -+ea E Rarovc a. Full Iame. lianing -{ddress & Phone (irgfgdg cig', -s_tqqe, & *ig) FOURT}{ DAY ADVERTISING INC 4304 FORWALT PLACE WILMINGTON. NC 28409 d, Coam-1nts c- Lacl Regirtered tSpeci$') El r"*'": E c.i"ir E str," f] l.!'*,:,pei,r1"€.tlg-c1i.og !gor_ 19.9f !: 6.7t9.255 l, Ac99.9o-t C9.dg 0l g: Folq ofPal-aeert Check b. Pynle Code B i Dele lurmdd,;;rr'] 02fi2/2020 i, 'Lplg,o!\ 2.171.25 lr. Req$rcd Rc_m11kr YARD SIGNS & LOGO 0l Check 02/t2t2020 5 4.548.00 BhY',r-an DIGITAL stcNs & Disbursements pg Use ills form to repon erpendrhrres liom the commrnee for operating eipenses drnated drrure .{sreadraeutl of I Et'.' Elso contributions to candidat e polucal NS i. Toerl on$'ttis Pege 7.061.21a) t. To{rt ofALL C8O-1310 Pegee (Thtslinsgoesinbne l3t olDeto.ilzd. Sunrracn PagsCRO-lt00if OperadagEtputn1 S 7,061 .21 (Thts lint goes tn liae 1-lb ol Dtlojbd.Srxlcrl Page CPO-I 100 il Conaib to CanliilauyPoliica.I Coaa) (Thtslincgottinline lScolDcuiled Sunoncry Page CRO-I1A0i!CoadiaatdPar4 E-upadiatra.t 7. krpose Codes &ist detaihd erpendirure code in (h.) above) A* - lledia B* - Printiag E - Salanes F* - fqrdpuent l- Postage J-Penalties 0* Orher* Codcr reauire detlihd erlraadon il rconired F€anrl&s 6cld {k} C* - Fuldraising D - To -{nother Candjdate G - Polirrcal Patl' H* - Holdirg Public Office frPenses Ii* - Office f-rpenses Q* - Donation ro Legal f rpense Fund RO-' It t)!tatq BsrrC c: El*.1roc:D+c*rnb* 1.119 -{mendmentAggregated fon-]Iedia Expenditures pege 1 or I E \-es tr Optional tbrm used tt-r reprrrt \C \on-\Iedia Expendrnnes of Sl-t or less L C.rp-Imr fdl lbEG {ntfidif g$-}ra} DEB }.IAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER LIDIIhilF NEW-BHASRN.C]-065 3. Prrw lnlornrtim l. -{acrd b. -{ccsunr Codr g Fon ofPenrcar N, Pu*orr Codr e. Dra (ur.rddrrrt:')I Attnssrt * Recuind8cnrrlcr I I _rr Et F.**"'. - 02 Draft o 02104t2020 5 10.6.1 FEES FOR ONLINE .rlNT'T] IIIT ITIN\Iq', ;-;'- " -' 0l o 02t0'7/2020 3.95 PAPER S1'ATEMEN f FFF E F..,".'. t cRo-l31s Total this P . Totel of ALL CRO-1315 Peges ffhbliat nyxbc artiat 11 of DrcilltSrrlrrautyPqtCs;&IlNl B- - Printing C* -Fgrtrfig D - To -{nother Candidate E - Salanes F - Fq'rbrr*t G - Political Pam' E+ - EoI& n&Oc OOEe EWccr I - Pomge J - Penahies K* - Gee ggscs Q* - Donations to Legal Erpense Fun * Codes reouire detailed e ECKS F-OR0U23t2020 Da:t-r:ri- RECHiVED i'il') t '' 1i ''; NHC Bd. of Etections Account Transfers lYithin the Commlttee pur. "{seadrsenr El t'., ff xolofl rdit accourus.se rbis fonn to transfer monev betlr.een muluple banll deposltory- sr q{!(r1!rc!!ux[r Ig"e*si{*r fctt.*rp* "(ts{. t**{ "tf"#**lr} DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER LlDlt-udcr NEW.BHASRN-C-065 3" Tru*Icrbb*tr$ca l, -luend b, ,{crouot Code Trrarferrcd Froa -{ccoult Codc frenrferred To d, Darc (ale,dd,ltt:')€.,lttlsulrl E .iae E R***"*02 0r 02/04/2020 t 240.36 {. Tstdorb &is Paele 3 240.36 $. Tost rlf AI"L CRS,.1720 Prge (T*b lin* ;*lttl to n lirr. 2'f c!frrlilld&ulllcry Pc1r Wtlgl 5 240.36 0-1-?a NC Stete Bo*d of Decarnb+r ICC RECEIVED tdAY ? } ZAZU NHC Bd. of Electons