Hays 2020 Fourth Quarter ReportDisclosure Report Cor-er Use ths form for eeneral raport and commtttee rnJbmratl -{ocodmcutE l'cg El r-oon- must be sisned and subrutted alonq srth othcr detaitrd formsus? full Nruc DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER c. ID NEW-BHASRN-C-065 0,7fit2021 d.fil.d 202t 10/18/2020 DEBBIE BOWDEN12/31/2021 orf Fsrd rrd Zi9 Codc).{ddrcer (ineludrci6: fl rec Prrty E sr,*r.t I9OO EASTWOOD RD, SUITE 38 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Curdidet* Cenpdgn Jciat Frla&eils Rrferca&sr tr trtr Orgrncttionrl ?rc-rcfrrcadura finrl S:gpknratd fin:l Ann'$al a, (9r0) 232-0505 lioobrr Pcidaatiel EL<ticn Ycry Crnildetcr Fuod E XC ?ublic Crmgergr Fin:ncrag Fwrd Otber: 'Boortrr fsad" 8rd&ag Fud 0 o(rilg Oqrrizerioad Tbirt;r-frvr dA' Prc-gtranrr]. Prr-rl*tioa Prc-nmoff Ssai-rnarel trlid Tcrr Yr:r Eod Finrl Spcul trtr tr Org:rarzetiotrd Qrard-,- Firrt Sccond :hird Forrth tr \$d:"ertr YcerEnd EI r,n.t trtrtr hrctrl Srmi-ua'.rel Nrarr. Ftrracirt Lulti66.oFIRSTNATIONAL BANK fialrrcial lTrar b. OI .lcrouat Codc .lceoult 02 CAMPAIGN RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES Purposr AaH.ryls 0r ONLINE SITE FOR AIGN d. Prriod Brgir Brlrncr S Deta \rc I thethat orCommrttercen6.lsFrmd tn rrrth allcollpliance applic$le ArticleofPro\,isrons IB &::*l.l:D-l:I.!oft6-ier ofthc XCChapt Gencral SStarure tharand no funds ate rrrthcommhglcd othrror clonon-disprotubrted sedIfrrndsfirrtherthisthattscertr$-feport comphtr cotrect haveI been trarned the State Boardbv 0l/1U2021 Datc Scanncd, Ng* Hanover County ffitrittrEu?l? Date Data Entere& Employce Employee Emplo-vce Earplol'cc Dctvcr)' Itierhod El liorrrat t{ail tf $rgistcred \iail ElzHand Dctlvcrcu E] Etectrorucalll' Filed trsf CEIVEo*hE DDateReceived: I Signer has not rcceirtd DattPostmerted: JAN 1 2 7oZ1 Please Note: This form cannot be us assrstant trcasrrcr- ed to arnrnd comrnittee infonnation custodtan ofboohs mfoonauon or such as the comminec ad&ess. trcasurer accolrlr irformation. to St:te - Detailetl Sunrurarr Lse .lucndrrcatE 1'.. E No to DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Iroc 2021 Fourth Quarter NEW-BHASRN-C-065 Startof Electiou C1'cle: January l, _zo2o Totll this Rcporting Pcr.iod Totel this flection Cr-clc 5) Aggrcgrtcd Connibutions from Indiriduets 6) ('ontributions fitu lndiriduds 7) ('onrributions from Politicll plm- Coomittccs 8) Contributions fipm Other Politicrl Counittccs 9) Lou Prccecds llb) Contributions from l\iot-For-Prcfir Orgenizarions rCilot2ilt 4) ('ash on Hend rt Srlrr 857.26 2t tJ 0.00 3,074.77 s 0.00 S 750.00 S 0.00 S 6,200.00 5 0.00 s 0.00 tCROt)0-,t t tcRot ]10)s tCn$t ))0t s t{RO1230t s tcnot4l0t S (lOllJAt s rcAOl250t s s tcRot ];0,s tCnOl2-0)S tCROI )6it 5 (Add lc.TOT.{L RTCEIPIS hnrr 6.-s s,s.:iL I AI !adb,S 0.00 S 0.00 s 163.70 s 0.00 S 0.00 5 7,1t3.70 0.00 0.00 fi,882.42 0.00 0.00 6,200.00 Rcfonds/Reiobur.teuclts to the Comrittec 0.00 3,317.70 0.00 0.00 l2 I) 0thcr Rccciy Sources lle) Inter*t on Brnk Accounts llc) Outsidc Sour.ces of lucouc I ld) Lcgrl Erpcnse Fund - Othcr Sourccs lle) frtup Purchase Price Selcs 6,355.325 18,020.23s s 0.00 0.00s 0_00t t 0.00 r 8.90s 18.905 s 0.00 s 0.00 i 0.00 S 0.00 l3l) Opcrating Erpeaditurcs l3b) Conrrtbufioas to Candidercs0olirical Comrinees l3c) Coor{inatcd Prrn frycnditurc: {) Aggrcglted r-on-Media f rpcnditurrs 5) Loen RcFlDGBrs 6 ) Rtfu nds,,Rcialbu r.s eocnts fipu rhe Comuitrec 7) In-Lind Conn.iburions (cnot3t0) tcnot3t0t (CnOt3t0t rcROr31i) tClOlJ20t (cnotJ20) rCl.OIil0t Disbursencnts s 0.00 s 404.00 I ic,l)TOT.{L t\?t}-DITIBIS lm:s(i'dd t I I 5-i4 _ib.5.ari I 6.374.22S 18.443. r 3s Crsh on Eand rr fnd i-{dd liner { and ll . thm subtra;t lirE :3)3,814.25S3,8t4.25S 5 0.00 5 0.00 0.00S 0.00s 43t.10S S 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 S 0.00 S 0.00 s 0.00 :::::::i ::i.ffi ;t ;. :::#c E r v{i[; Jt0t ) l0t rcro1330) (Cnol,t30) !) Dcbrs and Obligrrions owed bn rhc Coooinee tCROr6t0) JAN I 2 Z11lcnor.-to) Contdbutions rc be Rcfurdcd ICROI )13t Non-Ilonetln Gifts Giren to Other Conuitters Oursaoding Loans (incl oncs fioo ottcr ceopeigns) 6J0, '20t .{doinistmtitc Support Forgiten Lorns {8-Hour Ioticc Reporrs Sr'u 0.00s S 0.00IlfC Srrte S 5 New Hanover NEW-BHASRN-C.065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Cotrilcrrcrb&rlrtba Add Rcoovc Job Cooucat: ficld zip,(intlndr citl', rtrtc, & c. full lfenc.lftiting.{ddrcu & Phoac LS3P o. flectiol S-* to Drtr 5 r 00.00 PAUL BONEY 322 CAUSEWAY DRIVE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 f, Prior tr 02 .lccouol Codc L. Foro ofPryurrlt Electric Funds Tran i t1-Iiinl i:. _Irl!:. (ED.-, dd ;111f. l_ 11t03t2020 L.{uouut 100.00s tr s 5 d. Coomcllr Srmovc 5 firldFrl"t-::l: FulI lfrmc,ltritir3 Addrrcr & Phoor ESTATE DEVELOPER r. fhctioa Add L Job lo Drta 100.00 HTD MANAGEMENT INC ConHldorh&rurrim (ilcludr eity, rrrrc, d eig) HENRY DAVIS PO BOX 908 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 tr g; -{cconnt 02 Electric Funds Tran L 10t23t2020 100.00s s tr S Curllororlrbrardc Add Rraovc b. Job fidorProfcsrioa Con.ucutr {ileludc otrtr, dl eig)ESTATE fuU $rarr, lliliag.{ddrtrs & Pborc c. Elcetion Sno to Drtc 250.00 SHAWN HORTON I38 WINTERGREEN ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 :: .I-- qkl:tl:. Ilo g;fgnifi l. f i:-lg TRUSST BUILDER GROUP h. for:ur of Prl'ocat i. I!-Iiiad DcacriptioaL Prior tr 02 E:..lccouut Codt Electric Funds Tran 10t21t2020 L.{uount s 250.00 tr s s ttis tr Totel 450.00 of ALL CROlll0 Peger 750.00 Tot I (llbi, Uar;ub a liw 6 (:ontributions fi.our Individua ls Use tlus form to mdnrdual contnbutions o1.e, Aocodurcatpg I of 2 EI., E:vo S-tC or contnburons urdcr S5C trform CRO l]Oi is not used New Hanover CountY Board of Elections tr tr 5 (:ontributions frour Indiritluats Pg 2Use tlls form to rndnrdual contnbuuons orer S5C or contnbuoons turder 55C -{mcodocutof 2 Et., Eso dform CRO ll05 is not uscd DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER NEW-BHASRN-C-065 Add ReoovrCmtrilatorlnforuetion b. Job Titlc.,?rofclsion d. Commcltr c. fl*doa grra tolhtc L.{oosnt0l 10129t2020 c. STOKED S 300.00 I)etc s 300.00tr S (intludr lleor * zipl 'Sprcific Fiold tr of full;$rmr,Ilrilirg .{ddru & Ptoar AURANT OWNER Check JEFF STOKLEY 5208 CAROLTNA BEACH ROAD WILMTNGTON, NC 28412 5 Totll 300.00ttis 3 is 750.00CNr.tlN, ofTotrlALL cRo-t2t0 Pejes,i..{tbb bIrr ct ,iu 6 W RECEIVED JAN 1 2 ?I?1 New Hanover CountY Board of Elections tr DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER NEW-BHASRN-C-065 .{dd RaaoveCoorr{har IEfurrtioo PAC 0t t0/2il2020 b.Coanrlrsts Corrt-rr s 500.00 la .looont Check I 500.00 S EI th:*{_t :i_-tr- : r !t li: & flcctioa Suu to Dltc c. Lrrcl Rrgiarrcd full l{emr.l&iliag .{ddrc$ & E st.," F*dN{rl ANDERSON FOR COUNCIL CAMPAIGN FTIND2505 GILLETTE DRIVE WILMTNGTON, NC 28403 Cadiiht* Rrftrrn&m d. Cosurrrts PAC s s Corrfiuror Utorlrtal lYauo.llrililt .{ddrorr & Pbolc 3ttlal b.of Cooittor ftr<tioa Sna to Drtr Add Rcaovr 300.00 Coznt;-: (iacludr c. Larl F.d.?rrl E s,.,"tr ISLAND PRESERVATIONS SOCIETY PO BOX 10854 WILMINGTON, NC 28404 C:n#&te Rrfere*r*rn 0l .{cconat Check t0n8t2020 300.00S .lnouat S PiC n/18t2020 5 Add Rraolc Pborlc Conurau ') Couat;-: Amoust0l 5 5.400.00 s dp)citl', rtrtr, & :\.l131:-1P..:.lif -:,tr c. flo*ioa liunr to Ihrc Corrrlluor In&mrdcl Full lYrrr, B Rcfcrcn&rn Crndi&tc E st.t. Fedenl Check of .lddrcq 9.400.00 NC REALTORS PAC 45I I WEYBRIDGE LANE GREENSBORO, NC 27407 I)I NT'.IVE'I}( fo.rl0$tffi $6,200.00 JAN 1 2 20?1tN)$6,200.00 Tal A'ALL cB&rlto Prgert,1,4!g lmtuE (loutributions from other potiticar courmittees Pg ofl .loradmcrr E r., El soUse tlus form to report contributrons from othcr candidate. rrfermdum a pAC cornmrttecs Board of Elections zip) 5 s Otber Receipt Sour.ces Use this form to tncome not reported on another Pg form. r,e. urtcrest tncome. not for ofl .{arcndorcot E t'., E ro contnbutrons etc. DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER NEW-BHASRN-C-065 Sercc lntsert cf loconreOirtriJ.Coerrilufr Iofo6rdol Add fc{cml ID r Couocatc c. Ehetioa SuE to DltG FACEBOOK INC I FACEBOOK WAY MENLO PARK, CA 94025 full Nrar.Addrcu & Phoar Outcidc Sqrrcr 13.70S i. Dlrr fno dd OI Acouar Codc Electric Funds Tran fora h. Ia-Ii.d 12t3U2020 13.70S Arouat CoatrilocEr Ioforandm Add Rcaovc F:{cre!Nor-for-Profit tID Cornorltl OCEAN OPPORTLTNITY LLC 829 KURE VILLAGE WAY KUREBEACH,NC 28449 & Pton:(ircludr riP). rtrto. & Full ltsuc, ILiliai Ontridr Sorcr r 50.00s ftcttioa Sso to Detr .{ccorurt Codc 0l rll:r::r-tForo Check t. Io-Ei.d t0/18t2020 Drt. 150.00s Aanoult S i5 163.70Tot l frig 163.70 Totrt of ALt ct'(}12s0 Pryeo btffLb ot tlalir.,o4 dMild cNr-tt@&nrer;&!,ilb$n,tflb ,iut,teelwr ttb dbfld &lrr.ry INC,{L,'&r,C.qofuiat{N*-PWdllc00,50 Sttu of RECEIVED JAN 1 2 ?021 New Hanover Countv Board of Elections' citl'.rterr. & r.i}) t) s DisburseueDfs L:se this form to reporr e-rpenditures &om the commrnee for .{srrodnrontPg I of 4 Et., Exo operating expetrses. contributions to candi&te potucatcommittees and coordinated DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER NEW-BHASRN-C.Oiis Coatritltioflr Candidatcs ?oliticrl Cortrmittr+r Cocrdinrted Rcaoorc Couoratr fornr Cor{ilrrcd Couoittcc ItirocFull Nanre,\lailing Ad&rss & Phone *.+Pl flcctiosa.loSuu Drrc Add Lcrcl Cclot;-:NC 27609 S 1,621.77 F$.al Stete MATTCUNNINGHAM 1424 KERSHAW DRIVE OI f. Accorllt Codc Check h.P,r"po,'iCtl A -i:.D:!:.{p.---_t'-d:t:,tr:} 12t0U2020 i:.$ng.rr:!..... .s t,621.77 WEBSITE DESIGN RcnerLl s& Shbtzdm Full Coordirurd Coauittcc Add S,eoovc New Hanover PARK, CA 94025 JAN I 2 ?O?I FACEBOOK INC I FACEBOOK WAY Ccrat;;f.d.al Stetr to Dtte 486.30sL Accorat Codc L, Purporr Codc 0l * Ie.*.g-{_P.:L:p:rr Electric Funds Tran A 10/2712020 Auouat 5 25.00 FACEBOOK ADS FOR Rrquirrd Rcurrla 0t Electric Funds Tran A t0/28/2020 25.00 ADS FORFftffi8il bfonrtm Add Rruovc Corooiatro Nrqr Lrrrt Cornurotg l-amt,\iailing Addres s & Phonc PARK, CA 94025 FACEBOOK INC I FACEBOOK WAY Comt1.E s,.t" F+d.{ai c, Electioo Suo to 486.305 L RcolrLs Ascourr Codc 0l Electric Funds Tran folr .9.{-P.r.re:s!Porgoor Codt A t0t29t2020 s Atrount 35.00 FACEBOOK ADS FOR0lElectric Funds Tran A l0/30t2020 S 50.00 ADS FOR 1,7s6.775 Iotet uly lrlr Pe3c 6,355.32S Totdof.{LL C8O-l3l0Pryrr of Dcnilcd Coorlinaoil Thir linc tn Iliacgo.t Ja Daailcdol Sumanatl.cno-t 00Pog,d OpaadnS .Erprrrcr,lfhitlineliac,n,o.t tbt IcRo-tPage$urnrrar-r 00d toCoadb (Caaiidan*?olidcal ouant)Thts linc line,n JcI ,Slrnrra4'ICR,O.I 00 ,l Er.pendilzlrcil co&inCodesdcrltd E* - f,6ldiag Pubtic OEcc f,rprnecs Q* - Donation ro Lcgrl frpcnsc Fund*h c*- Fundr{sing D-To .{.nother CandidareB' - Printiag f* - Eguipocnr J - Penalues- Postage ,* Other. * - Ucdir- Salanes G - Political prty K* - OfEcc Brycnscs trth Fd#EUIJH DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER rotltCcatrih;t Cendi&ttrto Csrrn:tPotiticeltP-.J of Dktnr:coqrt Coordiaetad 486.30 Conrocatstt ( -E ::l-iS.1g*.r.f-,.c. Elcctiol Soa to l)rtc FuIl Nagre.\lailine Ad&tss & Phone (Spctit') Add Rarotc Cordinrred Coaaiilcc lyroc c. Lerol Iriorlrfu FACEBOOK INC I FACEBOOK WAY MENLO PARK, CA 94025 tr-cil;fed.al Strta f. Acouut Codc 3, fotu of Pryoclt 0t Electric Funds Tran I:I!**:9.a: A Aoorrll 75.00l0t3l/2020 Drl.L R:qoircd Rrurlr FACEBOOK ADS FOR 0l Electric Funds Tran A lrt03/2020 r5I.30It f'd8tffitiHADS FoR Disburseuerts Use this form to report expenditures from the c commrttees and coordinated AmcndurcarPz 2 ot 4 El'.. Eso omnittee for operahne expenses. contnbutlons to candidate poLtical s .{dd RcrnoveFullNameAd&css & Phone Cordiutcd Coouittca Nrnc Couanralr & urp)gtatar REEEIVEDFACEBOOK INC I FACEBOOK WAY MENLO PARK, CA 94025 t. Lrrrl JAN 1 2 2021 tr fed.ni Corxrt].: El !,","-El ,-1.fu*_.:rr,*::a.Suo to Drtc New Hanover (486.30 Actouat Codo Foru of b.Codc i Drtc .loouat L Rcqnirtd Rcurrlr 0l Electric Funds Tran A t2/30/2020 s r25.00 FACEBOOK ADS FOR S hforu.d!o Add Rraovrful\iailing Addrrss & Phonc Corditrtcd Couoitarc lirmc Comurgta FOURTH DAY ADVERTISING INC 4304 FORWALT PLACE WILMTNGTON, NC 28409 t. Lrrel Fed+al Sletr Couatl':tr a.Suo to I)etr 5 20, r45.00 f. Alcoult Codc Fola of b. 0l Check A lo/20t2020 s 583.75 SIGNS FOR CAMPAIGN 0l Check A l0/22/2020 S 3,094.00 TV AND RADIO ADS FOR T6lohtUsPr3r is 4,029.05T*l ctAtL CAGM0 pr3cr lThtc liat gott ia linc l3a of Dtnit*t(fhil fint goct ia tinc !-lb olDaaitil 6,3s5.32SConot) Srrrnrarl I(no-l 00Pay d Etpcn*stOpa^aria1 Sarrrrrqr clo-t 00IPagc toif Contrib CcadidatyPoliical linc,nlinctThit JcI Dctatledol Sarrnarl'00cno-rt Coor inatd{Partt Codes codcindsEAGd ,* - llcdir - Salanes - Postagr B* - Printing f* - Eqnipurnt J - Penaltirs C* - Fundrdsing G - Poliucal Parn I(* - OEcc frpcnses E* - Eolding hblic Oficc Erpcnses Q* - Donetion to Lcgal Erpcnse Fund h O* Orhcr + Cod.! D - To Anorher Candrdate ron UAMTAIUN L Drlr (mo.dd/trrr)1..{uouur uirod Rcolrlrs Disbursemeuts .{ocodnrcar Pg 3ol 4 tr l'cs \o L-se tlus form ro repon expenditures &om the commrttee for op eratnu ef,p errs e s. c ontributrons t o candidat e politic alcommrttees and coordinated I DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER ofDi,$nrscocat loCoatribttronr ?oliticrlCand,rdrt*tP-!Csanmt Cocrdia.rtC Inforandon Add Rrmovc FullName , \Iailing Ad&rss & Ptroae WILMINGTON, NC 28405 & KEVTN MCDONALD WYNFIELD DRIVE Corrncatrb. Cor{iurrcd Couuirtoc lYeur c. flcctiol Snu to Derr Laol Rcgi.rtcrcd Ccwrtl': 400.00 Fed.al Strte 0l $:lsrg::! c-oa:r: fsre g{.P:L:*:rl Electric Funds Tran l:*y:: cd: o 11t05t2020 i. Drro Aooult*.t 400.00 CAMPAIGN SIGN RcsrrLrL 3 MAIN I I,NANUt, hbrzrtioa I eu E Rrao-r OCEAN OPPORTUNITY LLC 829 KURE VILLAGE WAY KUREBEACH,NC 28449 FulNasre.Ad&ess New Hanover JAN I 2 ?021 Cooaitteo Comarntr s 150.00 tr flccrioaa,5ootr to Drtr Lrrol Rrgiltcrrd Ccunty:F.d.aJ Stetr [, Acouur Codc & flqr of Pryuoar L Derr (usil4,irryi j. Anouar Check l:--Pry"-g:{E-d+: o 12t31t2020 S l5o.oo REFL|ND FROM THE Rrmrrlrr s UAMTAIUN hbrartbo Add El Rroor: NC 28054 *.nr}-....... Full Namc.Address & Phonc wrx I WIX WAY d. Conr:rtr 19.50 Cowlti;: s u Cordirrtcd Counitlrc.r-roc flccriooe.loSuur DrrrE st.t" c, Lrrel F+d€al [, .{rsooat Code 0l r: fsrg.sf-P. rl,:pt-tl Draft Cod-c-.I: P:.r*: A *-D:!:.-(-",.*dl.).?.?.):) 10t20t2020 ir.'lt*glt,"!S 6.50 L Rrquircd Rcmrlr.r CAMPAIGN WEBSITE 0l Draft A lUl8t2020 6.505 fiE$Sre HosrrNG srrE Totrlody6b 563.00s ( l*h linc pa in li,, I J a ol Dcuiltd sunmary pay cro- t I 00 if opcrattnl Exptnwt tlfhit linc locs in linc 13b of Dctailcd Snmnal Palc CRGlt\L il Contnb to Candidatclpolitical 6,3s5.32sConntlliaeThtslinc.r'cI,rt tledDctc Srrrrrrary cna-t 00 Pam f6lcf ALL CB(}Xtl0 h3!s dstailcdCodes code ir B* - Printing F* - Equipocnr J - Penaltres C* - Fundrdsing G - Poliucal Pan K* - OEsc f.rycnscs D - To AnotherCandrdare Ht - Holding Poblic Officc Erpenscs Q* - Donltion to Lcgrl frpcnsc Fund *- lldir Other' + Codcr - Salanes - Postase !trte s lrtunrcireltv: 0l Disburseureuts Use this form ro reporr expenditures from the committee for committtes and c oordinate d .r*C .{ocodmrulPe 4 of 4 flt'., Eso op eratuu erp etrs e s. c ontributions ro candidat e potitic al of Elc<tioar RECEIT{ED JAN I 2 ?r,2I New HanoverCountu tsoard of Elections' DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Coordiaat+d ofDlstorscocut Caalrihltiotu to PclitCandidetcr Conrnrittc+rrcalInfoprdmAdd Rcrnovr d. Coooralr t. Elcctioa Suu to Drtr CortiErtcd Cor mifi oc NlacFuIlNane,\'lailing Address & Phone C. ftllr.llttfr$ Ilpl .. . ... E s,"," wx I WIX WAY GASTONIA, NC 28054 r9.50s 0l f. Accourt Codr c:. Igt:p.. g.{-P-:.}. lp:st.. Draft b" PurTorc Codc A 6.50 Aoourrt t12t2U2020 i. Drto L Rquircd Rcprrtr WEBSITE EMAIL (fhic li'c lott in liat I 3a ol D,,taihit sr*ntan, page cro-t I 00 i! aperaing E..poawtt G - Poliucd Prn' E+ - Holrtiog pub[c Offirc Erpcn* K+ - OiEcc Erycasc Q* - Donetion ro Lcgal f rpcnse Fund 6.50S a i! *lIcdi. liac(TLit fiac Jb,orr Dcniltdol cna-r 00ISwnmary'PaSt Connib Caadtiatcs/Polirical,od Connlliac(fhir til linc -16I Dcmihd Srrrnar-r-Icno-1 00 Coordinasdd Pam Codes &tr&d IoalaBrlrr D - To -{notherCandidatc TmldALLCno-fSI0PtGr codciu 5 6,355.32 B* - Printiag F* - Eqnipucnr J - Penalucs C* - Frndrdsing- Salancs Postage Othcr FedNcl Ccun!v: Aggregatetl Non-llerlia Expeuditures Optional t'orm used to report NC l(on-\.tedia .{uendurent Pego I of I EYes ts \o of S:0 or less Fora of [, AnouarCo&R.Drr*I DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER hlo ntion A.Golrlt Rernote trIE .ldd 0l Draft o t0/26t2020 10.30q FEE FOR ONLINE CONTRIBIITIONtrl-Add- - E n**o'..] 0l Draft o S 4.30 FEE FOR ONLINE CONTRIBUTION Rernor-* trItf .ldd 0l Draft o lvo5t2020 FEE FOR ONLINEs4.30 !!4{ or$'tlis Pege 18.90s 5. Totrl of ALL CRo-l3l5 Pryee(Illit ti;.r a*h * bt tt g0and&nlrrr.hr w-tr00t t 8.905 r^I* lli*., , G-PoliticalPam. K* - OGrfrnoarI - Pocqge E - Salaries B* - PrintingF-Emhm* J - Penaltieso*-Q* - Donations to Legal Expense Fr ft: - gi*nlr&lilb,{re. Ernnrcr trte Bord lrntt,.Ju.l RECEIVED JAN tr 2 2r,2I New Hanover Countv tsoard of Elections' NEW-BHASRN-C-065 10127t2020 -To * Account Transfer.s \Yiilrin the (tomul ittee p"r. Use this form to transfer ber,r'een Stete Amcodnrurof I E t-., El so or credrt acsounts D*crmb+r RECEIVED JAN I t 202r New Hanover0offiy Board of Elections NEW-BHASRN-C-065DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER Tnnsfcrlnfomldm l. Amood b..lrcoulr Codr Tnaafrnrcd from c..lctouat Codr fmarfrrrrd To d, Dsc (ro,ddx111;c. Aooont EI .taafl n*-o'.'. 02 0l t0/26/2020 239.70S El .lea E R.-o."02 0l 10/27t2020 95.70S fl .iarE E.*o..02 0l Itust2020 95.70I Totel tlis 431.10s 43 1.10tsCDO.' Totel of AII ICRO"720 Pegesli..t,:bh csrrrr&t JIjft,