Hays 2020 Third Quarter ReportDistlosure Repoil Cover Ust tlis fom for gcoGtal rtport and cooaittrc irfonaadon, must bc Do A.ueudmenl i.E t'gp El No sigrred and subaittcd along *ith other derailed forms c- IDNunbcr DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER NEW.BTIASRN-C-065 tJrilirt AlJr:cr Ctrtludc Cig'" Strtr [ry Cole)L Drtc fikd DEBBIE BOWDEN0710v2020t0/17/20202020 lilrrrnil Nrcc trtr Etr trtrtrtr C.adidrtr C--fig.Paty Lrgd Erpiarr fEl 10t25/2020 (910) 232-050s Ptoar NuoLrr Rcftrulnn OreznizatiorEl vpri,tEt OrEeaiztioai Rrftrrafrrur I9OO EASTWOOD RD, SUITE 38 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Orgaiztioael Qnrtertl' First S:noad Third FoEth Ssni-aasrl lrfidYer YeaEad fnul 3p€ci:I Prcdd:atial Ekrtioa Tarl Ceai$drts Fud NC hrfrlic Ceapd€! Fra^w3 Frnd Otbrr: I Pre<ef,ereadnm El ria:t I SrryplmtelFnut E Aoo*t tr sp".:t I<i!t Fuadr.it El Pe,C tr Thidy-frrudy tr Prt-ptisr.ry tr P:r.akctiur tr Pt*-ruoff Seai-eaauel tr ldidyer tr YeaEad tr rioil tr Sp{cid "Boutrr Furd" Buldiat FEd FIRST NATIONAL BANK L Prrfcr AmorrlGctr o AcoourtColr 02CAMPAIGN RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES 3. l8$ 0t Educc CONTRIBUTIONS ,AIGN SITE FOR 0.00$ Pcriri Begir P-**n-.... (ilRTIIIGA'IION I cutiS that tht Comminoc or Fund is in coaplirrcc with a[ applic$le provisionr of Article 22A- 228 & 22D22M of Ctuptu 163 of thc NC Gcnctal StatutGr urd thrt no ftnds are coaairglcd withprohttted or othernon-dsdosed DeteSig.*ue of Appoiated terruaEf fimds. I firthatccctS that thiE rGpost i3 coaplctq tntr and cortct and 10t25/2020 been trained by rhe NC State Bodd DEBRA G. BOWDEN EOBOIEMUSOM,Y Da&Brcdvcd: DdcPostnr*ed. DalcScamct Delc DataEoterad: EaploJrcc Eaployce Eefloyec Eaplo1rcc IHivcryMcfhod E Umattttd El Rtgiotclrar,Id El rmaPaivcr* tr Elcctronicrlyfflcd \n-Ll,-2ob fl SigncrbaE notrocdv€d raodatorl,traktrs PreeseNote:*'"Hm.,il::Xl"ffi :,ffi#Hffi TISJ,*,ffi nEerrtro You Eust emurd tht Statcorrnt of Orrutiratioa {CRO2I00A-$ to mrtc comfiittee chanses. New Hanover CountY Board of Elections u fullNrnr mT4*.5i;iirF",I I $i t:ti.tgar3:: . -::.i:rri. i1 :, : ,, lurrre*" Pdatid N:oe of lHgacr \\xla HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER 2020 Third Quarter NEW.BHASRN.C-065 Start of Electiou C1'cle: January l, 2020 Torel fis Rcportiac Period Totel this Elcrtion Cvclc 5) .{ggregercd Contributions fiou Indiriduets 6) Contributiors fitu Indiriduels | ('ontributions fioo Po[ticel Prilr Counittccs 8) Contributions frcm Othrr Politicrl Comoittccs 9) LoanPrucctds 0) RcfondslReinburscucnts to thc Courincc l) Othcr Rcccipt Sourccs I la) Intcrtst on Brak Accounts I lb) Contributions fmm i\:ot-For-Pro6t Orgenizetions llc) Outside Sourccs of Incout I ld) Lcael Erpc!:rG Fund - Othtr Sourccs I lc) Ercup Purchasc Pricc Selts 4) ('esh on Hrnd rr Stut 3.r8 857.265t s S s s S s s s s S s S s s S 5 s s s s S S 0.00 0.00 9,982.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n,132.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3, r 54.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,I 54.00 {cRoI205) rcnot2t0, lCROt220r lClOl230t (cnotlt0) rcxol),t0, rcnot250, tckot250t tC*Ot2i0) Enol2-0t GIOI265t 1:) TOTAL RECIIPf S (Add lircr 5. 6. ?. 8. 9,10.1ta.l lb.ilc,l ld ad I t;)13,136.42s 14,286.423 9,660.83s n,664.91S s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 S 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 0.00s s 0.00 ) Disbur:sroclts l3r) Opcmting Erpdinrrcs l3b) Coutributions to Cendi&rcr?olitical Cooninees l 3 c) Coordinatd Prtt!' Eryrnditur: .{ggrtgetcd Nop-Mtdir Erpcaditurcs Loen Repllucnts Rcfolds/Reiobrncocntt ftiu the Coroittee rcnot3t0) (c:nor3ta) lcnot3101 |CROI313t (cnor420i tclLl320) tceorit0tn h-Kfud Contritutions 404.00s S 404.00 t8) TOT.{L EI(PINDmTRIS (Addliaas 15r" t-ib. t3c, I4. t5, l6 ad lt)10.064.83s 12.068.913 Noa-lloncterl Gifts Gircn to (hf,crCoanittcrs Outsunding Loens (incl oaes frou othcr cruprigus) Dcbts end Otligrtioas orcd b.,r tht Coonince Ilcbts end Otllgetioar oscd to rhc Coruintc Crsh on r{rn{ 1l End (Aald tocg { rnd ll . thmsubtrectlit l8) RECEIVRRTzoT tcnol440t OCI Z 6 202fcpa3_.;6, Contributions to bc Rcfondcd ]J5J s s77 77 s t s S s s 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 s s s s s 0.00 5 0.00 s 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,299.82,l) .{,ccoult Trenrfcn \f ithin the Corr.uittee r) ) | .|8-Eonr lYoticc Rryorrs Suo tClol330t tclot430) tc1ot6t0) (caa1620, {x,o[:20t .{dsinistratirt S ugport Forgiren Lous Detailed Sumnralv .{ocndrncar El l'rr I Notodtforms GO-tr00 Atgnt l0C8 Contributions fi'onr Individua Is Pglof t0 L:se ths form ro indrrdual contributions or.er S50 or contnbu[ons urds SiO trfom CRO ll05 is not used Aorodocut E l'." E rio NEW-BHASRN.C-065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Catftrtrhbrdn Job Tiddhufrrsiol r. El*tiou Sro ro Dttt 100.00 Coaacltr TOR S (iaclodc etrrr, * zip) full !\'enc, llrilin3.{ddnm & Pborr INTRACOASTAL REALTY C. KEITH BEAT'TY I I20 ULLSWATER LAND WILMINGTON, NC 28405 f, Prior tr 0l 3 .locou.al Codr Check i.,..tr-;[iof -\-rgig-{rf- .,-:. P:.1-.-. Ip-Er- - -Id.:ryrJl . . . t0t07t2020 L Anounl t 00.005 s 5 Job TitLyPrcfogtoo INTRACOASTAL REALTY EtG.dD,! Snr to l}rtr 100.00 Coaaratr s (ilcludr Nroe6pcsifc firld elty, rtrtc, O zig) c.r---{f:rl: Pull Nroc,Addr:g& Pbore ROBERTA BENNETT 604 WOODLAND FOREST CT WILMINGTON, NC 28403 [, kior j. Ihtr (uaidd/1p1) tr Codc 0l b, Foru ofPrlaat Check r l"-:Txi -P**-r_ssr- . . t010712020 L Amoulr t00.00S tr I u s i. Conncltr rtrtr, & zip)(lnclorir fnll Nror, [Iririat.lddnu & Ptorc a Ecction Sar to Drrr Job fide/hofcrrion TOR s 50.00 SARAH BTIRRIS 2OO GUN RAVEN LANE WILMINGTON,NC 284II ::.-bthr-.-rl:l{":=::!r:g$n-.-H INTRACOASTAL REALTY i l!-liiDd Dorcriptioaf, Prior 0l E ,tccouar Codr L. Fom ofPryoclt Check I rr, i:.-o.-:*-(-*-----ia-lr:.r-) 10t04t2020\E'I\IE'T\ L.{noult s 50.00 tr l\-lJ\/l)L f ,J'-, s tr UU -L b LULU 5 stB 250.00 s 9,982.42hi cRo-l210 Aprd 100? ficld h, fora of Pr1'urat E tr tr Contributions fi'olll Individuals Pg2ot l0 Usc tlrrs fonn to indrrdual contnbutions or.cr S50 or contnbuuons rurdcr S50 dform CRO 1205 is not used Amrndornt E r'.' E xo NEW-BHASRN-C-065DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER Cmtrmr Add Rroorc b. Job COLLINS & COLLTNS o. flcctiol Ss.o to Drtc 100.00 Couoeatr S full Nrnc, llrilirg.tddnrr & Pbonr ROBERT COLLINS 228 ROGERSVILLE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 . (bS-h*-ao;13llli:-s ztp-)... . f. Prior tr 0l .{coorrat Codt -b... r3ro_. gf _| -p. y3. gl . Check r-.t"-:[*i -DL:gr?s9p-...... . . . . ..i:.-gr_l_.-(*rgra.1l-rr::). 10t07t2020 L.{uoult 100.00S tr s tr 5 Catfiffihene Br!!oY? L Job Tldc;Profcrstol r. f.l:ttioo Sur to Drtc t,000.00 Conaoltr SELF t full llrur, llrili-g.lddrca & Phoar clh', rtrrc, & zb) c Logloycf e Neaa'Spccific firld ALL STREET TRADER CARMEN DENBY 534 BEACH ROAD N WILMINGTON, NC 284I I [, kior L I!-IiiEd Dcrcriptiong;.{ecoull Codc 01 t. Foa of Pr1'arut Check j, Ilrtc (nnldd/r:ry) 08/14t2020 L -lnoolr r,000.00s S tr s :: -t-- -p-lgr:llt l:t:t!r::l* ti:!{ MCKINLEY BUILDING flxtios Suo to lletr 250.00 Jot Gourcltr S (brlodc ritl', rtrtr, tl zip) full l{roc,.lddrcg& Pboa: MCKTNLEY DULL 3807 PEACHTREE AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 L foro ofPraacrtf, hior g;.l\coulr Codc 02 Electric Funds Tran 10105t2020 L.{oosrt 250.00s tr I fflLtlt V fr,|_t s tr OCT26i:{i,i s NewIdIfriu 1,350.00 9,982.42xr&;n&r s NC Stetr Boerd of Elxtbtu Ftrld E E t-l Contributions frour Individuals Usr this form to rndvrdual contributions over SJO or contnbutions urder SiO if forsr CRO tl05 is not used AurrnducatPg 3 of l0 E 1'., El ro NEW-BHASRN-C-065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Add Job Titlo/hofrrtior SURANCE BROKER GRIFFIN ESTEP BENEFIT o. Ebctioa 5ro ro Drte 2,213.84 Coarrllr C.ficld S ri6', rtrrc, t Full :r-rnc, tlrilia3 .{ddns & Phoa r HANK ESTEP 3213 SNOWBERRY CT WILMTNGTON. NC 28409 i. tE-Xild Dutrigdorf, hior g..locoult Codr 02 Electric Funds Tran i. Drlc (norddrifrf) t0t09/2020 L.loouat 1,007.42s s s CofuSnda b. Job lith.Orfcrrlar d. Coonratr CENTURY 2I SWEYER r. f,hctiol Suu to Drlc 200.00t Nrac€pccifie firld -'iF-: l-!:1::-e -rry.-l(ilcludr ?ull Nrrr, Ilrilhg.lddrur & Phour TOR LYNN HARRIS 2I3 DORCHESTERPLACE WILMINGTON. NC 28412 L Prior 0l Codc E l-.-rx :IP-:IP- :-l-1..... Check t b-Iiild Dr*rirptioa J. Ilrtr(nr";dd{py) 09/1U2020 t Alroolt r 00.00S 0l Check 10/07t2020 r00.00s d. Cosrcltr c. Ehcdor Suo to 100.00 5 &D S u llPl*sih't(irclodc ttrtar 'ftroheerdn Foll Nrot, l!fliat.{ddrro il PLolc LIVIAN JONES PO BOX 1429 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 ::-h-?b-t-.r'".I:.:i9g:gf :."t-i-.-lr STREAMLINE DEVELOPMENT [, Prior tr 0l E;.{ccourr Codc h. fom of Pr1'acat Check i. I!-liigd i:.-9:!:(*:v--{o-lp:} 10t07t2020 L.{^norut r00.005 tr RECEIVI ]D fusbrbti 26 707 S Ial &il ofToildAI.L 1,307.42 9,982.42 tr 210 tF I fT- II-II-T7 tr Fotu tr tr tr -t n tn u Contributions from IndMduals Pg4of Use fis fona to bdir,'irruel contrtnrtions over S50 or contrihrtions under i50 if fom CtO 1205 is not used ,.{ncaducatlo ,E v"" El rr" NEW.B}IASRN.C.065 a Conoutr e. fl:stirr Sou to Ihte DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER I Ptouc(irclutr rtrr., fr REALTOR Jot INTRACOASTAL REALTY C.Nrur/Spccific IicU r full Nror, F.ili-t EDWARD LAWLER 6 ROBERT E LEE DR WILMINGTON, NC 284I2 50.00s 1. Amourt Co{r L fru of,Prguut t b-f,hf Duafptbu . Drtr (utld/r:ryy )f,Pr*or 0l Check 10t07/2020 hAmut 50.003 tr s tr $ IiGH JoD fitlclPrrfirc*ior c- f,lr.cdm Sno io Ilrtr A/IrrcaC Ptcl:lullNuq <i(y, rtrtc, & 50 00 WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT STEPHANIE LAWSON 8820 W TELFAIR CIRCLE WILMINGTON, NC 28412 L Pridr 3 AsocultCoto LDorodPrfornt Iil(ilt j. Ihta (urJdJ/y5ryy)L.tusult tr 0l Check 10t07/2020 f 50.00 tr S lCorrcata WELLS FARGO tr 3 ficH JoD TirlclPnftcirn T OFFICER r, f,hctlor 9lr to Drlr 250.00 Fntr Nror, fa-rn-e Aldrur & Ptcuc (irGtraG GiSt rtltq & riD) GIANCARLO LOOKMAN 6806 FINIAN DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28409 f Ei.tc 3 $ocourtCctl L Ioa':o of Peycrot bAueutt 02 Electric Funds Tran t0114t2020 250.00s tr KT,LI,I V PIJ tr OcT 26 2l .Tl c 350.00 9,982 42 210 n tr I s : i i+ a*i Contributions fi'our Individua ls Pg5of t0 L:sc ths fonn ro rndrtrdual contributions over 550 or conmbutions under 5_r0 ilfomr CRO l:05 is not used .loroducnt E l'." E:to NEW-BHASRN-C.065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Crtfimrhbrrdn Aid Raove J R MCCOOK JR 5OO SOUTH MAIN ST LAURINBURG, NC 28352 Full lfruc,.{ddnr.r & Pborr c. fhctiol Suo to Drtc Job Coruracltr fidd S 500.00 HASTY REALTY Euplol'tr'r TOR f, hior tr Aocotr-El 02 h. forro Electric Funds Tran 1. La;liioJ _D31:_nDti9p ....i:.-pf_l-.-.!*_-- -aa- -ryr:) . .. 09129t2020 L.{ooult s 500.00 tr S tr s Job Tlda(Prfcrrloo Iaglogcr'r Nrua€peci6e Firld r. Ehctim to Drtr 2,000.00 Coourltr s (iacludr rtrtc, il zi9) Pull Nror, ltrilir3 Addrc* il Phoro TIMMILAM 802 MIDNIGHT CHANNEL RD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 COLDWELL BANKER SEACOAST REALTY t, kior P-.1"!.1}1J.c,#:.. 0l L Fora of Prlrmt Check L ln-Iiiird Dutrlgfloa 08128t2020 i. Drtr L.laorurr r,000.00S s u s Grmfur d. Cor.orutr (iacloic citl', rtrtt, & Ftdd full Nroc, Ilrilbg.lddr,rrr & Phorr r- f,tectloo Snr toDrte Job Titlclhofcsioa UCTION RENTALS & s 500.00 HENRY MILLER IO2 CHANNEL DRIVE S WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. NC 28480 M&N CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY TNC [, Prior tr g..dccouat Corlc 0l h. Fom ofPryucat Check i.I"-F*l l*ss.$:r-. .i. Drtr (uorddly11) 10113t2020 L.{soult 250.00s tr RECEIV]il) tr OcT ,6 20;,F I{fil r,750.00tb 9,982.42AII.e.{, cRo-t210 of AFril -'CC' (inclodr rlrt+, I i-l rI l rbj Contt ibutions from Individuals Use tlus fomr to ort indirrdual contibutions .{meadueutpg 6 of lo El r." E tco over SJO or contributions nnder S50 ifform CRO l20i is not used idrr.:: ': r" NEW.BHASRN.C-065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER ]oP" b, Jot TitlelEofcreioa d. Commcats VP MARKETING e foploycr'r Nlurr'Spccific Fi*ld r. f,lrttiol S.- to Ihte Nrmc, trhiliag A,{drsa* rt Phoae MEGAN MT]LLINS 5477 EASTWIND RD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 q, Pull (iaelude ci$i etrtr" & zip) WILMINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 100.00S f. Prior g. -{c<oult Code i lr-Xiud Deccriptioa Drl.L Auoolt 02 Electric Funds Tran 07/30t2020 100.005 s t d" Cooseote a, IXcction Suu to llete JEAN NELSON 5212 MASONBORO HARBOR DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 b" .r: ANESTHESIOLOGIST Full Nrnr, f,{'ili-t.{ddrtcg & (iududc & c X,oployrr'r ridd AMERICAN ANESTHESIOLOGY OF THE CAROLINAS 50.00s L Prior g' Accou.ut Codr L. Fem of Pe1:ueot L lr-Ifind llco*iptioa i. Drtc (--iddtrr:t')L A.uouat tr 0l Check 09/27/2020 s s0.00 S tr 5 t JoS lido/hs,fetaion d. Coo.uratre. full Nruc, f,hiling.tlddn*a & PLou: (iaclud+ ci6; rrrte, & zip)RETIRED c. Enplotr'u'a Nemc/Spr<ific field 'r. f,lectioa S-- to Drlc VIVIAN PARTIN I 12 LEES CUT WRIGHTSVILLEBEACH 28480 NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 125.00s f. Prior g: Aceoult Codo h. fom of Prlurat i In-Ifind Dcrcription L Amouat 02 Electric Funds Tran 10ltt/2020 125.00s RECEIVI iln nnr a) p onr ( nty 27s.00 9.982.42 RO-t110 NC Stat€ Bo:rd o{Electi:ar h" fornof Pqu:lt tr tr A,EIilI&F i. Drrc (ruJddfu11 s dc(iffii1ffihu+*b*Iidi' Contributions fi'onr Individuals PgToI Use fis form to indrrdual contnbutions or.er S50 or contnbuuons under S5C dform CRO l:05 is not used Amcnducatlo Et'." Exo NEW.BHASRN-C-065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Add trruove b. Job r 00.00 Comracntr C.Ficld SELF Nr S CLEANER o. fhctiol Suo to Drtr Full Nrnr,trhilil3 Adinrr & Pboar KAREN PEACOCK I 16 TALAMORE CT WILMTNGTON. NC 28412 .,{in1-tuf3 cttqr l-bli'--o zrp-1. . . . ..... f, hior 3. Aocouat Codc 0t Check F foru ofPryrclt 1 lr.;-Iiia{ -D-r-1:f f F.f f-j. Drte 10t07t2020 L.{ooull 100.00s tr s S Csrfuh&nJirl Job Titla,Prfrsloa d. Conrcatr r. fhctioa Suu to Drlr 500.00 SELF S -(to:l:*--ds"r rrrtc, & zip) Fiddfnglogcr'r ?ull Nrnr, Itrili-t Addrar & Phoar HOWARD PENTON 6105 OLEANDER DzuVE SUITE 2OI WILMINGTON, NC 28403 {, Prior 9 .{ccotat Codc 0l h P:*. -"J P--+. y :.!-1 ... Check L l!-Iit!d De*rrigtior i.:. -o:*.t1*--- l-ra_l:rr.f.:)... . 10t07t2020 L.{sorut 500.00s s 5 L Job Titl:,Profogioa HODGE COXE& POTTER c. f,hctioa Sur to Drtr 500.00 Conoutr S e. fogloycda Neo:r5prdfic Fhtrt TTORNEY full Nrur, llriliat.{ddrctr & PLorr (irclodc ei6', rtrtc, tS rip) SAMIlEL POTTER I33 HOLLIS LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28409 L Prior g,.{ccounr Codc 02 h. forn of Pr1-rnclt Electric Funds Tran L lu-Iiind Dcasriptiou j. Drtr (asd&n5') ton5/2020 L.{sount 500.00S REUF-,I V srI tr OcT 26 2i i8 Iotrl ,lil t, t 00.00 9,982.42 cofofreb*liinl \t Stetr Borrd of Elrct tr tr u Ert Contributions fronr Individuals L-se tlls form ro indridual contnbutions over SJO or conmbutions AurcodrncurPs 8 of lo E l'.o E :ro uder S5C trfomn CRO ll0l is nor used NEW-BHASRN.C-065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Rrnorrc d- Cororatrb. Job Tirlclhofrr*ior NroriSpccific Firld TTORNEY C full Nrnr,ltriltn3 Adins & Pborr CHRISTINA RIVENBARK 1216 TWO MILE CIRCLE W WILMINGTON. NC 28405 CHRISTINA RIVENBARK & ASSOCS llo-'-h*.-l-F- r f b,lir -r.'rr-1.. . .. e. f,lxtioa Suo to Drtc 250.00S tr 0t Codc Check 10t07t2020 250.00S tr s c. ltrtioa Suo to l)rrc tr S Coanrltr 5 250.00 C.l* "rlo-t-:ll: x:=:lsr*S: -Ii:li -..111:.:.*.-or-).h!,(irclndr ESTATE ltritiug Ad4r:rl I PLorc Adn L Job CAMERON MANAGEMENT HILL ROGERS I2OI COUNTRY CLUB ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 f. Prior 02 Codc b. foro ofPtlarat Electric Funds Tran t lo-tiiEd D*cigtion t0t08t2020 L Aooust 250.00S s S 3.ftffirEcrdr tr ffr tr*rl &PLom d. ConoratrJob 9-!-r.lH!?r-&{includr dD) full Nror, llrilbs RETIRED c, Elrtiog Snr to Ilrtr 250.00 JUDIA SANDERS 75IO RIVER ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 [, Pri,or g.{troult Codc L Fom ofPrynort 02 Electric Funds Tran i tu-liisd i: -P:-* {*-- --it- nr:" } t0/14t2020 L.{roult 250.005 I IECEIVED 5 tr Ocr 2 6 ?alx s Sfrto 750.00 . , Boardof 9,982.42sOT*hafu6 cRo-r210 of n I Prior L.looult n tr s Field u NEW.BHASRN-C-065DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER d. Coancrtr ILM LAWYERS o. Elrction Sno to Drtc 1.000.00S (iaclodc ciq', rtrtr, t, full Neno,[fiirrnt.tddns &b. Job fidc{Bofrrsios Add TTORNEY DANE SCALISE PO BOX 2582 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 [, hior tr 02 Codc F. I-rs.:f,-r- :lp:-u_l . Electric Funds Tran l.,.u1xia!.oe1.gig.igp-.. .....l:-P{:-(*---irapr:-l t0/10t2020 L Aoou.at r,000.00s tr 5 d. Coaucltr TNTRACOASTAL REALTY tr S (iarluir citr, Nrnc.Spccific Ficld ?ullNrurj L..ili-B AdJrcer 0 PLoar TOR c. fl:ctior Suo to Drrc i{dd, JoL fide/Proifcreloa r00.00 DAVID SMALL 44I2 FIRESIDE CT WILMINGTON, NC 28412 C, Prtot 3;.tLccouar Codr 0l I: I::*:-{-P:rEsrl..... Check 10t08t2020 L Anoulr 100.00s s 5 l-CGfrrffirrdr E tr *fi tr lrllo"r & Phorc b. Job c. fhctior Sno to Drtr r,000.00 Couo:lta s Eidd full l{rac,lLilirg INTRACOASTAL REALTY t. JAMES WALLACE 12 SHORE DzuVE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 _tra1l1ec.ap', t!!:rf nip-I.. tr 0l .k'coull Check 10n212020 1,000.00 L S tr -f,\-l')\-_rl !/ Il v OcT 2 6 20iJ s Io0rl &nty 2, r 00.00 IotrtoffiI.9,982.42t Clontributions fronr Individuals Ps9ol t0 Use tlls forsr to indirrdual contnbutions or.er 550 or contrbutions undr S50 trform CRO t:05 is not used .tocodocat E l'., El so Sirrc Bord of Ehctirar Apnl :0C- n Ficld o D t tr f, Ptior Contribu tions fi'our Individu a Is Pg l0 of Use ths form to rndrrdual contnbutons over 550 or contnbuuons under S-r0 dform CRO tl05 is not used Strtc of Ekctimr -tocnducatlo EY.' Blo RECEIVED }cT 26 ll?l New Hanover Countv Board of Elections' NEW-BHASRN-C-065 Gmilrm Ai!il b. Jot Titl./hlfirsi,or REALTOR Caurcltr TREY WALLACE I9O2 EASTWOOD ROAD WILMINGTON. NC 28403 (inclodr full Ilriltq.{dlntu & Ptorr ::.-[----tF,*-l]:-f-.-:1Hfs.r-H|.... TNTRACOASTAL REALTY CORPORATION o. fhctiol S-F to Drt. 250.00 Ancorut 02 ofForo Electric Funds Tran 10t14t2020 s 250.00 s tr s Eaovr .. . -{*:his -l--,}- : tll!-! : -* _ap) WOODY WHITE 2OO4 EASTWOOD RD STE 2OI WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Job fida,?rofcrdoa 500.00 Conoutr SELF 5 r. fhctioa Suo to Drtc ?ull l{rrr, }trili;t Ad&trr ll Phorc Eoployrr'e Neur/SpcciiEc firld f, Prlor tr 0r Acconrrl Codr L. foru ofPrSrrar Check i.:. -D- -'-!:j=l-"-aar, ttl)... ... .. t0t06/2020 L.{uoult 500.00S tr s tr s Iirtd 750.00S irrfrrotdfii, DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER l . s Itrlc, & I hior EI E D 9,982.42S ?-DllrrlGr DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER NEW-BHASRN-C-065 dHf EEGI OBtd& SoErE..froo LOWER CAPE FEAR REPUBLICAN WOMEN PO BOX 7635 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 frdrnl ID *d. Coumrotr Outridr Sqrrsr f ryLnetion o. f.kctiou Soo to Drtc I.750.00s ,ri-s-::lt!::(inrludc o full Nrmr,trh;tirgAddnu ll PLoar [, Atcoulr Code 0l Check of Peg:o:ot L h-I$!d L.-o.:S-.!"**'ar:r.r.fl 08t20t2020 r,750.00 .{aout,. s S '*iEo,rc' LOWER CAPE FEAR REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB PO BOX 7635 WILMINGTON, NC 2E406 frdod ID{ OntrUr Sqlre. b.Conncatr r-t !3 *.."ip-I..(inchdc citt'. o. Elccdol 5-- to Drtr Full Nrnc.Addrcg & Ptonr 404.00 l, .rLc<oult Codc In-Kind *.r-gg of Prgorur L. I!-Xird Dacrigtior DIGITAL BILL BOARD ADS L lletc (ndddylyy) 10n6t2020 f.,Arorut 404.00S S NC HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 99090 RALEIGH, NC 27624 i{ot-forPro6r federrl ID * c. Outddr Sclce Ehctiol Suo lo Detr 1,000.00 Counurtr S full Nruc, Ihilinj .[idrerl & Pbolr f. Accoolr Codc 0l -*jr*-qf-h*::1. Check t. L-f,tld Dorcripdoa r-.P-:l-.--<-*--lae-:rr::.-). 10113t2020 j. Anourt 5 1,000.00 f,iihre S 3,154.005 Totrl iIJ,of ffi &,&rrrcnr IIl.d,Wl @"lrilrfeffii.h.&,ilfrl&-,rtlF Ot[er Receipt Sour.ces Use this form to urcomr not Pglofl d on another fomr. r.e. rntercst ircome , not for .{.ocodocut E l'." E tso contribuuons ctc. Ocr 2 6 2C23 New Hanover Countv Board of Elections' G.O-'rofll l rlifTTT{r } r,Tr|!t n lTtl7"t1Ii{ tiP) 5 !tr kaprc i Tnnllorh. Disbursemeuts Aoeadmcat Pg of3 Yrc B x" Use this form to report rxpmdtures &om the comgrittrt for operatirg erpensrs. contibutions to candidatr politicalcommittt e s and coordrnated enditures * VET} 1_'J. I -Ucdir Salaries Postage Othcr B* - Printing F* -Equipucut J - Penalties C* -Fudrdstng G -Pohical Prq' K* -Oficcfryclses D - To .{nother Candidate 8* - Holdiag Public Oficc Eqcascs Q* - Ilonation to Legel Erpensc Fund DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER otDl$nnr-+tr Coatritotiorr to C.odidrtaPohtrul Carzrnit te..!Irtrnft Add R tCIlr! Cortlnrrcd Coonitlcr l{roc d. Courutr r. flcrtioo Soo to lletc 214.t4 Court;*r S tr a. Full Name,Ileiling Addrrss & Phone *-+P)........ E s,.,. Lrrrl F€d.al ANEDOT IO2O2 PERKINS ROWE STE 2006 BATONROUGE,LA 7O8IO f, Acorut Codr 0l -s:.[p:r_gf ..P..:f f f f-o--!.. Draft b. krTom Cod: o i.-D;13-tog{dl-gp-r-} 07t30/2020 i: **sPr!.........t 4.30 L BrqEird Rcserll FFES FOR ONLINE 02 Draft o tot0U2020 3 zo.ro ffLtYUR'oNBNs mlre FrrllNanrc. tvlailing Address & Phone Cordllra.d Corouittcr Nror IO2O2 PERKINS ROWE STE 2006 BATONROUGE,LA 7O8IO Lrrd fed.al Countl.: E st"t.tr i. Conurnu c. Elcrtioo SrrE to D.tr s 214.14 f, "{.ecounl Codo EI--o-IE--.gf -P.-1;pt"-l Draft LhryorCodr o L Drar (un{i/ryrr')i:.lfp-".x!.. . ..S ro.so F._T"._cf-i#^.8.3.*I... . FEES FOR ONLINE0210107/2020 02 Draft o tot09/2020 S lo.3o F[LttUR%trltsNr ttrralEtII (.[,1-tLAdit'Bacyc FuX Nrnrc, \,Li[ng Ad&css & Phonc Coritur.d Coaolttoe Nrac d. Ccnsrntr 214.14s aLrrl Stete -tr OCT 2 New Han r. Eloctiou Son to ANEDOT IO2O2 PERKINS ROWE STE 2006 BATONROUGE,LA 7O8IO F.dEl E Co*t;,', 02 f,.$5999!.codg .+^Igl*.cf P-:r:nr.-! Draft t. Puryur Codc o h..taoortfs 'o;o i:..o.ts_(e*fl#l-r.X) 1011112020 L Brquirrd Rcnutr FEES FOR ONLINE Draft02 o 10il3t2020 5.30ls ffiH$YSR'otrtBNe f,shlffitr s l3 I .40 (Thil hnt gocr in lnc lJa olDtaikC $tmmary Pay CIO-lllN { ApenritlEtqarrt) (T*it lint goa in liac 13b olDttailtd Salzrtrry Pag. CDO-|I@ il Coanib toCatlilarcs?olincal Coaeil 9,660.83 cno-ttl0&1;r s tThit tint ia tiac 13c otDtailod clo-tt@ C oorliao t I Pa m- E ryol, I ituz el IfrTdAI& Corilee fficd * C.acr rc{ds{..rlldadrrdnh nolrrarlurtr &LG) tr x I tr . DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER Coatrit'utiorrr to Ceodidet+rPolrt dDfuhnrulrt Corrmrttaa Coor&mtadbfirrdnArilBrnovr b. Cer{iutcd Qsnrit311 lii1g11 Conrnratr G. FullNane, $lailing Ad&tss & Phone Stete c. Ele<tiol Suo to Drtc 5 214.14 ANEDOT IO2O2 PERKINS ROWE STE 2006 BATON ROUGE. LA 7O8IO -r!$i *rlr-i * .*iP). . .. ......... 02 l.:1.*-"-qo-1.-cgi:.g:.Igr"-$-P-:r=s*l Draft L. Puraon Codr o *.D.*-r!:-(P-TI-iii.?.?.y) ton5/2020 ir:1---.9-"*1. ..... S 30.90 L B,quindBrurrkr FEES FOR ONLINE Draft02 o t0n7/2020 20.305 F[H$YUf,bllBfNe Dislrursetuelts Use ttds form to report rrpendtures &om the c committcc s and coordinated .{ncadmctt?E 2 ot 3 Et'.' Eso ,omgdttet for operanng erpefls?s. conuibutions ro candidare pofitical s VET} ?c'i-1 County Enda L Crdlutrd Couuittrc Nroc d. Coroorltr r. f,l*tiol Soa to Drtc 460.00S & FulName. lvlailing Ad&rss & Phonc c. Lcd Rryistcnd (Sfcrit') F.d.al Countl': E st.," TYLER BOWDEN 330 CHEROKEE TRAIL WILMINGTON, NC 28409 0l ,[.:{,s:rt-9gl:.*.I--o_lp.gf _P,..:I,p:-f l Electric Funds Tran t hraolr Codr A r..P:-!.:.-(-**#,,--a.{tr.r.:2 tot16t2020 i:.:1n""9:!. .....- S 460.00 lr. R.qrrnd BrnriLr BUILDTNG AND PUTTING Cordilrtrd Coualttro Nrur d. CoanoutrFu[]{asrr, I{uling Addrcss & Phone s S Snn to Drtc t 61.40 Board of New Han Lat Cowrtl-: COPY CAT 637 SOUTH KERR AVENUE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 F.d.,al Strtr [,.locoont Codc g, Foro ofPrgT oal 01 Debit Card --t:.II*::-.--9d-:. B l.P:te.-(9*s-#-!pr-r-). 1011412020 i:,$p"o, g-".!....... ....s 161.40 HANDOUTS FOR POLLS L fuqtdt d Brorrb TnldALLCUII3IEk3:l (Thit Enc goct in liac I 3a al Dctailtd Sunmorl p6g3 {lQ-|100 il Opanrir,l Etplarrl) lThh li;r loa in liac l3b of Dctaibd Snnla.o4 Palc Clo-l l00 d Coatrib to Candilatcv?olitical Coan) 672.60 9,660.83 s 5 s cnau00 CoordiaatdlThit liac ia liac 13c Dotailtd Sr Codcr u Ar _ llcdir B* - priDttng Cr - Fudrising E - Salancs Fl-Equigrlcrt G-PohicalP4' I- Postage J-Ptnalties li+-Officcfrycnscs O* Orher * Hcn rrdrl lplfol emrrrlo h rdrdrub [n|a {kt D - To .{nother Candidatc E' - Eoldirg hllic OfEcc Eqtaset Qi - Donetion to Lcgrl Erpcusc fund cRoJ310 Strt.Bo.rdof Et dionr n n Cowrtvtr Lrel ,!trIL'i:T..,lT NEW-T'HASRN-U-U65 I )--( Disburseureuts L:se ttds fonn to report expra<Etures &om the c committees and coordnated Aroe rdancrt Pg 3 of 3 E\'., Eivo ,omsittte for operatiu cxpenses. contributions to candidate political 5 IVED 6 2C:l Cou nty lecti0ns DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER cfDlrturramt Csnt ritart ion ro Cmdr&tcrPolit icel Coanru t to+r CoordirEt.d PhtrrdnAdd" d, Coooratrb. Cor{iurcd Cosnittrc l{ror Lrrrl R cgiarrnd (Spccifr ) Full Name, I.Iailing Ad&ess & Ptrone E st.t. Fed.al EI cili,*, DAY ADVERTISING INC 04 FORWALT PLACE TON, NC 28409 t. Elcctioa Suu lo Drto 16,467.25s 0t f, A9yg1.-C_od_c-a*.r-glg..p{-P,.:tp:r! Check h:r:r:-9"a:-L A i._D...313.-(-r_.9{-d.-11-1.-1.y-) 09/1v2020 i: *sg:r! ........S 3,ooo.oo DIGITIAL SIGNS LAMAR L Rraerla 0l Check A t0t07/2020 5 s,z r g.oo RADIO ADVERTISING Couocatr NEW HANOVERPRINTING 2145 WRIGHTSVILLE AVENUE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Cordinrted Couenlltrr Nror Strtr Lcrl F.d.al Com!v: Fu[Nasrr, ilIailing.td&css & Phone & r. flcctioa Sno to Drtr 199.635 [, Accouot Codc L lhr. (Eofl&lysr) 0l p-r:.lg.g-t-P:m:*t. Debit Card -!*P.-rll:yr 9f-.- B 10n4t2020 [.]!*sxl ,,S r 99.63 k RqEir.dRrnrrln POCKET CARDS FOR s d, Cosrrltr New Hanr Board ol OCT ,Cooaittrc Nrur *h)......... Fnll Namc, I\darling Ad&ess & Phone Strtr SAWMILL 56I I CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 c, flectioa Suu ts lhtc S 439.20 0l -f,.:tsgg*!.99{: Check fom of Prparut I:IHr*:"9*: C i,h.*.-ts:rfl+5.L?,:} 10/07t2020 i:.isggrl..-. . S 439.20 L Required R.331* FOODFOR FUNDRAISTNG S t vt,N I fdrtsrr&IfSr S 8,856.83 l}lhn lisc goct ia lirar lJa olDcailcil SurrnlnrT Pagc CnO-1100 {AparaaalEqtnlrti 9,660.83 .Td.fAL&f,Bffft0 rlrpn lfihit Eno lThh liet lmc 3bI Deteilel cno-t100 toConrt Caadidatts?olirical,oct ol Surrrra4'CoaalPoFn lint JcI Dtuihd cro-t.00I CoordiaotlolSarrrra4'Palc f Er.gtadiatreilPam' :!s r -MGfir - Salanrs - Postage B* - Pdnting f* - Equlpocnt J - Penaltits C* -Fudrdsiag G - Po[tcd Patv K* - Oficcf4clser D - To -{nothcr Canddare f,* - f,elding Pullic Oficc Erpcnscs Q* - I)onetion to Legel frgcnst Fund *Other cRat3t0 XC Stete Borrd of Etxioru l Lrrcl Count;-: ,g Iu-Kiud Contributions Ust thrs form to r?cn nofl-oonetaf,\'coatnbutions. doaatrons .{ocadoror Pg I of I E1..' Elso goods r s:rvic* prorrdrd tc tht cr.rnoittet cr n:nd Strte Board of Elxtrons D+ccmbrr lC0' RECEIVED OCT gG zo;', New Hanover County Board of Elections' NEW.BHASRN-C-065DEB HAYS FOR NHC COMMISSIONER Cmfuor hecirrh Add BrCIsvc LOWER CAPE FEAR REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB PO BOX 7635 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 E c*dd.t" E P.tty' El prc E Eefrrr,rrt*r, E otnr Rr<*ipt Source of Goutribrtor t. Cooarata Ehctiol Srrn to Drtc s 404.00 .-(_in1l9dq ..rretc, & rip) Full Nror,lbili4Aiinrr & Pbonr indri&rl DIGITAL BILL BOARD ADS Dutriptiot I I).!:- (EDr_d+,1!11l to/16t2020 S 404.00 1:Frir llrrlet Aoosll S s Totd ft 404.00:r#l{!tile,t 404.00 .lmcudurcntAccouut Transfers lVithin the Courmittee por. Use this form to transfer monev benreen or credit accounts E 1'.,No RECE,trVET} (]CT 26 ,rLl, New Hanover Uount\ Board of Elections lofl etr DEB HAYS FORNHC COMMISSIONER NEW.BHASRN-C-065 S.Trrrcftrhhlrdn r, -{roold b..tlccoult Codr Trrorthrrtd fmu c. Artoulf Codt Trurrfrrrrrd To d, Iltc (uat{di,f?))r. Auou.nt Rtmove trItr .{dd 02 0l 07/3U2020 95.705 R*movr trItr Add 02 0l 10t0y2020 479.705 EI .raaE n *ro.= 02 0l lot07/2020 239.70S E .lra E R"rno.'" 02 0l t0/09t2020 239.70s trItr -{dd R*raorr 02 0l t0/11t2020 t,926.525 EI rre E R"noo.'" 02 0l tot13t2020 119.70t E raa E R",oo.= 02 0t totlst2020 719.10t 0t 10t17t2020Add02 SRtrnore Iotrl S 479.70 4,299.82 n il