Irrera 2020 Fourth Quarter ReportDisclosur.e Repor.t Cover tr Is e *ris form for eeneral report and counittee sieted EI Ie* EI soinfomration must be 83'o?Hffi$,iB-xith other detailed foms.ItHu REG'D tJ8 MAIL JAN I 6 202t Anendmeot use Committse full ]{las JOE IRRERA NHFOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER NEW-3HAlL9_C_065 c, II) }inmber Ilate Iiled 01t12/2021 Ycer Steteci+'atd czipode)4 I30 DONNELLY LANE WILMINGTON,NC 28409 .ld.drege e, Phooe lluober (910) 2&_s372 Pcricd stu Drtc 4.Pcriod Ed Ilete202010/18/2020 t2/31/2020 CINDY KUHNE T5.nell8EX?r Full ITene .AN€9. arwJoint Fuo*aiier ReiereaCtnr of Caniiitr Fr:nCLegalF-xgetrra E ?-{c ?art.v- [ 3rr<e-t:reaCr:ar EI ra.r I lupphar:arelFiut El e"r,=r I Sseiel Br:iLiiqgFr:oi ?resideoti:l Eh:ticn l-e:l CeaCi&trs FEriCr-C ?uhlir Carrrfaier Firiafljr_ FEaC Oth:r: "Ec cst:r Fuai" ofFund clpc* IO NrneNumttrthis 0 - Arrt-"--fr.+ Ca- -te{!ft nif!- ?re-rl+tica lre-twrc*- !:nri-anaual -rl1g : ai, l-aar Eo.j, Fioel lp *:i:l trtrtrtr trtrtrtr Qurrt=[- Firit !:soad :hnc Folrth l:mi-rnar:,al lrfii }'ra.r 1':ar EnC Fiaal Sr*:iel trtrtra rE trtrtr JieueIiaaaeirlfull 3. a,full JfraEeFIRSTCITIZENS BANK Puqloee 0r c,Accoual Code 02 s,Acm,'aa CodeEXPEND POLITICAL DONATION TO RECEIVEAND Period s 2,541.95 RECEIVECREDIT b,e TO DONATIONS s 0.00 BrlenrePeriodBeeiE ran: c: Articlearecommirqle that D i certifr'ttrat ttre Committee orFund is in compliance qith allChapter lfj ofthe \t Geaeral Statutes applicable pror-isions ofaad that no funds 2IC= 2JB & 2iL22-1; o6firnds. Ifi.rnher dnithprohibited orceni&'ttrat this repon ls corlrplete.other non-disclosedand correct and uained by the \t State Board 0t/12/2021----- Date Receir.ed: Date Postmarlied: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Earplol.e e Emplol'ee Emplovee Earployee QSErc+Lithoa LJ r-ormal.\Iail Eftegistered},iailE li*oD.tir..ruJ Ll Electronicaltl. Filed E Signer has not receil.ed t:sf oNlt' Please r lus fornr be used to amend cornrnittee infoanation such asas theslSttutt conrmittee addrestreasurer-custodian sof treaslJfef.books ACorinfonnation-coLult infonration. t. < LlrQfut Note:cEurnot Detailed SunrrrlalT to FIEU'IJ US MAIL JAN t 5 202t .{uendment El.es Exo 2020 Fourth euarter 4) Cash on Ilond ar Stalr r00.00 s s 0.00 s 0.00 5 JOE IRRERA FOR NH COUNTY COMMISSIONER ofrt Election J 2019C3-cle:anua Iry NEW-3HA1L9_C_065 Total this 254t.9s Per{od Totnl tLis Election 0.005 S 22,04,r'.90 s 0.00 0.005 5 0.00 S 250.00 0.005 s 0.00 0.00S 5 0.00 0.00e s 0.00 0.00S 0.00S 5 0.00 S 0.00 S 0.00 s 0.00 5) Aggrcgared Contributions ftpu Indiriduals tr1 Contributions fi.otr Indiriduls T) Contr{butions from politicrl partr. Couuittees E) Contributions frou Orher political Couminees 9) LoaaProceeds 0) Refrrnds/Reimbursemrnts to the Commiftee I) Other Receipt Sourcrs Ila) Inrrrest oa Banh -{,ccounrs I lb) Contributioas frum fot-For_proEr Orgrnieationsllc) Outside Sources oflncome lld) Legal frpense Fund _ Othcr Sourcrs lIe) fremprpur.chare Pdcr Sales ICR4I)0it {cI.al$0t ICROI)101 tcfuolzt0) tCROll30t {CROl410t rcn01)4U) tctr..o1t-;0t ICR.AM0t (CR,BI}-OI ft*.OI)dit 5 0.00 S 0.00TOTAI.RTCEIPTS (ACC linls I5.S6.,.-4 :b.:c atd-c,-0.005 22,394.905 5 250.00 19,t59.245 5 0.00 0.00 ( 0.00 ( 0.00 5 0.00 210.23 ( I 0.00 ( 0.00 s 0.00 5 150.00 Aggregatd f on_f ledil f rpenditures Loan Repalurnts Refunds/Reinburserents from rhe Comuittee ?) h-Kind Contritutions Disburseuents l3a) Opratilg Erpend.itures l3b) Contributions to C andidatesrpolitica I C omu itrees lSc) Coordimted paltv fgenditures (CnLriIOt rcRO$l0) (cfuo{310l tCEOl3l jt tCfrOti]0t rcR&tit0) rcRLIit0) 0.005 583.48s -5a,,:-it,:5. .+LTOT (l.cd liaes i-ic.R anC 5(,rccCashonatHndfad lines anC than subtrai,r lirc is) s ( 2 I ( 2 I 0.00s 0.005 s 0.00 a 0.00 s 0.00 (0.00 0.00s 0.00s S 0.00 Outstanding Loans (incl ones from other caupaigns) Debts and Obligations orred by the Comuitee Debts and Obligations orred ro the Comuitee l'on-Ilonetaq-Gifts Giren to Orher Comuitfees 4E-IIour Iotice Reports S -m 4) Account Transfers l\irhin tlre Couuittrc .{druinistratire Suppott Forgiren Loans rcfrorila) {CRaIr'JAl tc?ol6IOt KROl6)At tC8.o1-]At tc*ol-I0l E&o|,t40t tC.tG--_'-0r 5 0.00 S 0.00EEOI2l jttoContdhutionsbe C)0.00 0.00500 Refunded Disbur.seuetrts Use this form to report expenditr:res from the comrnittee for AmeodoeotPe I of I Er*"" Blxooperating e4penses: conuibutions to candidate politicalcornrninees and coordinated d, Coumentr foru of Ccurt-"-: Aceouut Code h. Puraore Code JOE IRRERA FOR NHCOUNTY COMMISSIONER c,Lsel Regirrered te.lectioa 5uu to Ihle ?clitiralteCsatritr:tien;CanCisat:;Ccrrnitt-=ei Cmrdine ted Coamittee ][eme Full Iame.liailing -{ddres s & Phone Irtrorrrtion of Distrurstment CcctCineteC Add Reaove S 500.00 CINDY KUHNE 603 VAN DORN CT WILMINGTON,NC 28412 Fedeat ! t et-. j. Amourl Check E -iP:ls.tffi t0/31t2020 s 2s0.00 k Required Reurrliir0l s s 250.00 PegrTotelonly this 250.00 Total of .{LL CRO-I310 peges 5 hue(Thit irtEOeJ IIinsja ol Detailed Pagt.3nzurrcr1.IIcno-1 00 it Ap*ratiltg ExpcnwJthislinetilgoetlinelJboJDtniledSnnrara4.cR&1Pagt 00I ConnibiJ lo t a n il i it a tc {poli ti eatJiae(This ut Conuu)line JcI DetailaIoJ cAo-{1Pagc 00 il Coordilrcl,d code ir'1 Codes detailed Il - !"Uir,g hbtic Offim fryenses Q* - Donation to Legal fryrnse Fund ln D-fo -{nother Candidatec*Fundrds ing G Political Panr' remerkg fielddeteilcd * - llsdia O* Other* Codrs B* -Prindn= K* - OEceEryrnses - Salaries - Postage F* -fqrripment J - Penalties 0 !t et: REC,D US MAIL JAN I 52021 NHC BD OF ELECTIONS 1_' ?UJto ;Udo+>)o C,, =%1^tI o) $ _p I 0 -- tr- - --- r- - -- -------- -- E'B#;5')nB-rrs G)-lo)- 9s# {tf TJ --o ruruGEI ETEEttJ IJJJIElJt IT(FE Z(\ a rF Bo ft \ O b c) o 0 \J Ln cr p o ( l \ C C( q dl uf' Eft *, To CJj d oU ,I BUt t I I Iils,--iiiIvil+rr It tali xti l\,,re,- lyrl - i$4n 0(, -E o zo ao)@@s (,r l,NE(,}iCDb C'I =E P