Irrera 2020 Third Quarter ReportDisclosure Report Cover H?"u.'""t ""Use this form for general report and conrnittee infornntion, must be signed and submitted along with other detailed fonrs Do not infornration l.Comdilee,In c. ID Numbera. Fhll Name NEW-3HAlL9-C-065JOE IRRERA FORNH COI.INTY COMMISSIONER d. Date Ele db. Mailing Address (include City, Stete and Zip Code) 1012612020 e. Phone Number (910) 264-s372 4I3O DONNELLY LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28409 CINDY KUHNE202007/0,/2020 1011712020 ne) Organizat ional Thirty-five day Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-nuroff Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final $ecial tr tratr trtrtrtr Organizational Qrarterly First Second Third Fourth Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final Referendum trtrtrtr Flnancial Institution F\rll Name a. flnancial Institution FhIl Name 0 $ecial Legal Expense Frurd I other: State/County ional PartyCandidate Campaign Referendum E NC Public Campaigr Financing Fund fl Pre-referendwn I Final I Spplemental Final I Annual I Special Joint Fwr&aiser E PAC trtrtr tr "Booster Frurd" Building Fud Presidential Election Year Candidates Fund FIRST CITIZENS BANK ANEDOTE b. Purpose c. Account Code b. Pu4lose c. Account Code 0l 02 d. Period Begin Balance d. Period Begin Balance TO RECEIVE AND EXPEND POLITICAL DONATION 2,791.95$ TO RECEIVE CREDIT CARD DONATIONS 0.00$ CM.TtrICATION I certifu that the Connnittee or Fund is in conpliance with all applicable provisions of Article 22A,228 &22D-22M of Chapter 163 of the NC General Statutes and that no funds are cortrningled with prohibited or other non-disclosed Date t0t2712020 funds. I further certi! that this report is corrplete, true corTect by the NC State Board FOROFFICET]SEONLY Date Received: Date Postnnrked: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Frrployee Enployee Brployee Enployee Deliverv Method E NorrnalMail E Registered Mail E Hand Delivered E Electronically Filed Jtl- -W b lzq l.rn P ht fztzo I Signer has not received ",ff889{ASMAILPlease Note: This formcannot be used to arnend conrnittee infornation such as the corrrnitteeffiUCrZttU"a assistant treasurer, custodian of books infornntion, or account information. You must anrend the StaterrBnt of Oreaniution (CRO-2100A-E) to rnake corrrnittelchalsqntr trt troflniln ate o l. RoprtYear 4. PeriodE C,nal#;#!zMj- 3. ID Number2.IYr ofRepo{ NEW-3HAlL9-C-06s2020 Third QuarterJOE IRRERA FOR NH COI.INTY COMMISSIONER Total this Eection Cycle Total this Reporting Periodof Election Cycle: January l, L 5) Aggregated Contributions from Indirifuals 6) Contributions from Indivifuals 7) Contributions from Political Party Committees 8) Contributions from Other Political Committees 9) LoanProceeft 0) Refun&/Reimbursements to the Committee 1) Other ReceiP Sources 11a) Interest on Bank Accounts I I b) Contributions from Not-For-Profit Organizations 11c) Outsi& Sources of Income lf Q Legal kpense F\rnd- Other Sources l le) kempt Purchase Price Sales 0.002,791.954) Cash on [Iand at Start $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (cRo-120s)$ (cRo-l210)s (cRo-1220)$ (cRo-1 230)$ (cRo-1410)$ (cRo-1240)$ (cRo-12s0)$ (cRo-r2s0)$ (cRo-r2s0)$ (cRo-1270)$ (cRo-126s)$ 100.00 0.00 22,044.90 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 22,394.900.00$l2) TOTAL RmuPTS (Add lines 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11a,1 lb,l lc,l ld and I le) $ 18,909.24250.00$ 0.00$0.00$ $0.00$0.00 210.23$0.00$ 0.00$0.00$ 0.00$150.00$ s83.48$0.00$ 3) Disbursements I 3a) Operating kpenditures 1 3 b) Contributions to Candi dates /Political Committees I 3c) Coordflnated Party Expenditures 4) Aggregated Non-Media kpenditures 5) Loan Repayments 6) Refun&/Reimbursements from the Committee 7) In-Kind Contributions (cRo-l310) (cRo-1310) (cRo-1310) (cRo-I3 t s) (cRo-r420) (cRo-1320) (cRo-1s10) 250.00$$ 19,852.95r8)TOTALD(PE\DITIIRES (Add lines 13a, l3b, r3c,14,15, l6 and 17) Cas h on lland at Etd (Add lines 4 and l2 topther, then subtract line I 8) 0)Non-MonetaryGiftsGirrcntoOtherCommittees GRO'1330) 1) Outstanding Ilans (incl. ones from other campigns) GRo'1430) r.951.95 $$2 $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ INT'O (cRo-1610) (cRo-r620) (cRo-1720)) Account Transfers Within the Committee (cRo-r7r0) (cRo-1440) (cRo-2220) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dehs and OHigations orrcd by the Committee Debts and Obligations ontd to the Committee 5) A&ninistratiw Support 6) Forgiren Loans 7) 48-Hour Notice Reports Sum 0.00$$0.00(cRo-r21s)18) Contributions to be Refunded Detailed Summary e this formto sunrrnrize all to total rnon inforrnation Amendment EYes ElNo azoOEGI irREar uJc\r b5Boo Iz 100 AWust l.CommitteeIbilt Name'(arfutt!!trdi 2.IDNui&dr JOE IRRERA FOR NH COT'NTY COMMISSIONER NE,W-3HA1L9-U-U6) Contributions to Candidates/Polit Committees Coordinated P Add b. Coordinated Committee Nrme d. Commentsa. FullNarrrc, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, stete, & zip) c. Level Registered (Specify) I Federal I sate ft co*rty, I Muricipality:e. Eection Sum to Date CINDY KUHNE 603 VAN DORN CT WILMINGTON, NC 28412 250.00$ f. Account Code g. Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dilyyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remarks 02 Check E 07/08t2020 s 250.00 $ 250.00$ (This line goes in line 13o of Detailed Summary Page CRO-I 100 if Operating Expenses) (This line pes in line 13b of Detailed Summary Page'CRO-|100 if Contrib lo CandidatedPolitical Comm)2s0.00$ .. CRO-I100 if Coordinated Party Expenditures)(This line in line 13c of Detalled Summary A* - l\,ftdia E - Salaries [ - Postage O* Other B* - Printing tr* -E4uipnent J - Penalties C* - Fhn&aising G - Political Party K* - OI[ce Epenses D - To Another C.andidate H* -Itroldng PuUic Office Epenses Q* - Donation to l-egal kpense Firnd * coiholir#r€ d*dlidqdan fion itr rffldr€4redlrr&*'firld*}r, , AmendmentDisbursements Pg _l or I E y., El No Use this form to report eryenditure s fromthe contrnittee for operating expenses, contributions to candidate/political connnittees and coordinated ditures Board ronsI REC'D US MAIL acl ?, s 2020 NHC BD OF EI.EC'TIONS ):( tr fuTrreOc4o,r 4l3O Duanej Wi lrrnrrnAft/hd C"oqf#q C^6\nn t q La!*-*cesrw4 R; illflillffillt.ffiil: E#ffinrma;'o**.r**' FOREVER / USA ffillililfiillffililllililfilfl ?01,1 ee6E EBUI, 31tt5 h610 I{ed L30 a Wirr.wtrfiffi e S,rrfe 3frf€-H. Dr ?E4fr3- iAE33E tI,AIL ocT 2 92020 NHC BD OFELECNONS ,'1,r1;'lflllll'll,ll,ll1llllrlf ,lf 1f h r1lr1l11l11,1llrrll,,ll1 ;$i' lilri PLACE STICKER AT TOP OF ENVELOPE TO THE RIGHT OF THE RETURN FOLD AT DOTTED LINE-- MAIL" NC ..-i<