McClain 2020 Fourth Quarter ReportDisclosure Report Cover Amendment trUse this form for general report and committee information, must be signed and submiffed along with other detailed forms.Do not use this form to information X l. Committee Information a. Full Name c, ID NumberElect Peter McClain NEW-YHA6YD.C.O65 Code)b.AddressMailing ude(incl StateCity,and d. Date Filed t/12/2021 e. Phone Number PO Box 807 Wilmington, NC 28402 9t0-367-1755 2. Report Year 3. Period Start Date (mm/dd/yy)4. Period End Date 5. Treasurer Full Name 2020 t0/1812020 t2/31/2020 Peter William McClain of Committee6.of one oneMunicipalReferendum Candidate Campaign PAC Independent Expenditure Party Referendum Joint Fundraiser ! n nn Legal Fund of Fund7.check n trntrn Final Supplemental Final Annual Special Organizational Pre-referendum r0.ame n Other:n "Booster Fund" Building Fund ber of this8. !nn !trn! Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-runoff Semi-annual Mid year Year End Final Special n Organizational Thirty-five day nntrX trun! First Second Third Fourth Semi-annual Mid year Year End Final Special Organizational Quarterly II ntAccou Information It Account lnformationa,Financial Institution Full Name a. Financial Institution Full NameofBankAmerica b.c. Account Code b. Purpose c. Account Code 02 d. Period Begin Balance d. Period Balance Com. Op Exp. $ 155.45 sCERTIFICATION U1212021 Date commingled by of of Appointed Treasurer of Article 22A,22P,, non-disclosed funds. &22D-22M of Chaprer t63 of I further certi! that this report I certif, that the Committee or Fund is in compliance with all applicable provisionsthe NC General Statutes and that no funds are with prohibited or otheris complete, true and correct and that I have been trainedPeter W McClain Printed Name of S Employee; Employee: Employee: Employee: NormalMail Registered Mail Hand Delivered Electronically Filed Signer has not received mandatory training A,hU2 ?0? FOR OFFICE USE Date Received:D Date Scanned: NeW HanOver Countv Board of Election;-Date Data Entered: Date Posrmarked: JAN treasurer, assistant treasurer, Please Note This form cannot be used to amend committee information such as the committee address,ofcustodian books orinformation,account informationouYmustamendtheStatementofization00A-to make itteecommcRo-1000 NC State Board of Elections August 2008 Yes No if applicable)l. Committee Fult Name (and Fund Elect Peter McClain 4s Quarter NEW-YHA6YD-C-065 Start of Election Cycle: January 1,20 17 Total this Reporting Period Total this Election Cycle4) Cash on Hand at Start (cRo-r20s) (cRo-1210) (cRo-1220) (cRo-r230) (cRo-r410) (cRo-1240) (cBo-12s0) (cRo-t2s0) (cRo-|2s0) (cRo-r270) (cRo-t265) (cRo-1310) (cRo-r310) (cRo-tst0) (cRo-t3rs) (cRo-1420) (cRo-1320) (cRo-1st0) $ 155.45 0 $ 2906.78 $ s4.4s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2706.78 2906.78 145.55 5) Aggregated Contributions from Individuals 6) Contributions from Individuals 7) Contributions from political party Committees 8) Contributions from Other political Committees 9) Loan Proceeds l0) Refunds/Reimbursements To the Committee l1) Other Receipt Sources lla) Interest on Bank Accounts 1f b) Contributions from Not-for-profit Organizations llc) Outside Sources of Income lld) Legal Expense Fund - Other Sources 1l e) Exempt Purchase price Sales 782906. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12)TOTAL RECEIPTS @dd tines 5,6,7,8, s, t 0, Ila, llb, llc, lldand ile)$0 I I l4) ls) l6) t7) Disbursements 13a) OperatingExpenditures l3b) Contributions to Candidates/political Committees 13c) Coordinated party Expenditures Aggregated Non-Media Expenditures Loan Repayments Refunds/Reim bursements From the Committee In-Kind Contributions $ 9.90 $ 145.5s $ 155.4s 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18) ToT EXPENDITURES (Add lines 3a,3b,3c,4,and 7)AL l9) Cash on Hand End (Add lines 4 and together,subtract t8)at then line L I I I 5 I6 $ $ $ $ $s $$ $$ 20) 2t) 22) 23) 24) 2s) 26) 27) 28) Non-Monetary Gifts Given to Other Committees Outstanding Loans (incl. ones from other campaigns) Debts and Obligations owed By the Committee Debts and Obligations owed To the Committee Account Transfers Within the Committee Administrative Support RECEMD Forgiven Loans JAN 1 ?, ?07\ 48-Hour Notice Reports Sum (cRo-1330) (cRo-1430) (cRo-1610) (cRo-r620) (cRo-1720) (cRo-1710) (cRo-1440) (cRo-2220) (cRo-t2rs) New HanoverContributions to be Refunded $$ Detailed Summary Use this form to summarize all disclosure forms and to total AmendmentnyesX No information. cRo-|100 NC State Board of Elections August 2008 2. Type ofReport 3.ID Number $0 RECEIPTS I I 12 0 Disbursements Pg!ofUse this form to report expenditures from the committee for; operating expenses, contributions to Amendment1tryes candidate/political x No committees and coordinated Committee Full Fund if 2.ID NumberElect Peter McClain NEW-YHA6YD-C-0653.of Disbursement Contributions to Candidates/political Committees Coordinated Party 4.Information Add Remove b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Commentsr. Full Name, Mailing Address & phone c. Level County:Federal State e. Election Sum to Date Bank of America 100 N Tryon St Charlotte NC 28255 800-432- I 000 $ 9.90 f. Account Code Form ofPayment h, Purpose Code i, Date (Amount k.Remarks 002 Debit K 10/27/2020 $4.9s Maintenance Fee 002 Debit K 11/23/2020 $4.9s Maintenance Fee 4.Add Remove b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Commentsa. Full Name, Maiting Address & phone & c. Level Registered County:Federal State e. Election Sum to Date $ f. Account Code g. Form ofPayment h, Purpose Code i. Date j. Amount k.Remarks $ $ 4. b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Commentsa, Full Name, Mailing Address & phone c. Level Registered County:Federal State e. Election Sum to Date $ f. Account Code Form of h.Amount Remarksk. JAN 1 2021 $ New Cou nty 5. Total $ this $ 9.90 $ 9.90 6. Total of ALL CRO-1310 pages line ,n0his line I3agoes Delailedof CRO.ISumnaryPage r00 if Operating Expenses) line(This tn t3blinegoes Daailedof Summary 100CRO-1Page Contrib totf Candidates/political Comm)line(This tn I3cline Detailed 100CRO-I Party code in7Codesdetailed A* - Media E - SalariesI - Postage O* - Other tn C* - Fundraising uire detailed ired remarks field* Codes D - To Another CandidateB* - Printing F* - Equipment J - Penalties H* - Holding Public Oflice Expenses Q* - Donation to Legal Expense Fund G - Political Party K* - Office Expenses cRO_t 1to NC State Board of Elections Decemher 2009 AmendmentRefunds/Reimbursements From the Committee Pglof NoYesx! Use this form to refunds/reimbursements, including contributions retumed to the contributor New Hanove, Q6xnty Board 4f Fri:' ' ' ' l. Committee FulI Name (and Fund if applicabh)2.ID Number Elect Peter McClain NEW.YHA6YD.C-065 3. Payee Information tr tr RemoveAdd d. Type of Committee h. Original Receipt Drtea, Full Name, Meiling Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip)PAC Party xtr tr t-t Candidate Referendum r2t06t2019 e. Level Registered (Specify)i. Original Receipt Amounttrtr Fcderal State County: Municipality:$ 200.00 f. Purpose Code j. Election Sum to Dale Peter William McClain 2212 Lynnwood Dr wilmington, NC 28403 910-367-1755 L $ 2906.78 b. Job Title/Profession c. Employer's Neme/Specilic Field g. Comments k. Account Code Realtor Property Development Group, LLC 002 l. Form ofPayment m. Required Rcmarks n. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)o. Amount On Line Tran Retum of contributions to close Committe 1212212020 $ 145.55 3. Payee Infornetion tr Add tr Rernove d. Type of Committee h. Originrl Receipt Drtea. Full Name, Mailing Address & Phonc (include city, stete, & zip)trtr trnCandidate Referendum PAC Pafiy e. Level Registered (Specify)i. Original Receipt Amounttrnntr Federal State County: Municipality s f. Purpose Code j. Election Sum to Date $ b. Job Title/Profession c. Employer's Name/Specific Field g. Comments k. Account Code l. Form of Payment m. Required Remarks n. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)o. Amount $ 3. Payoe Information tr Add tr Remove d. Type of Committee h. Original Receipt Drtea. Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip)PAC Party trtr Candidate Referendum e. Level Registered (Specify)i. Original Receipt Amount Federal State County: Municipality:$ f. Purpose Code j. Election Sum to Date $ b. Job Title/Profession c. Employer's Neme/SpeciIic Field g. Comments k. Account Code l. Form of Payment m. Required Remarks n. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)o. Amount $ line nust be on line 16 'Detailed 4. Totel this 5. Total of ALL CRO-1320 $ 145.5s $ l4s.ss L - Retumed to Contributor P* - Reimbursementof In-Kind N -.B4aild4ilttrbilio*ttilt lAl\l r o ,nrlremrrks lield (m) M - Overpayment for Service * Codeg require detriled erphnation in O* Other cRo-(320 NC State Board of Elections December 2007 trn trn n