McClain 2020 Third Quarter ReportDisclosure Report Cover Use this form for general report and committee information Do not use this form to ate information I Amendmenr , must be signed and submitted atong with j,*n,d.,]ilo a*r.No l. Committee Information a. Full Name c, lD Number ftElect Peter McClain NEW-YHA6YD-C-065 b. Mailing Address ude City, State and Zip Code)d. Date Filed 10t27/2020 e. Phone Number Wilmington, NC 28402 PO BOX 807 cT 2 I 202A NHC Bd. of Electioris 910-367-1755 2. Report Year 3. Period Start Date (mm/dd/yy)4. Period End Date 5. Treasurer Full Name 2020 07t01/2020 t0/t7t2020 Peter William McClain 6.Comof mittee Check 9.of one oneMunicipalReferendum Candidate Campaign PAC Independent Expenditure Party Referendum Jornt Fundraiser n tr ! Legal Fund ofFund7 check n trnnn Final Supplemental Final Annual Special Organizational Pre-referendum 10.rt Name n Other: "Booster Fund" Building Fund N8.mu ofber dFunratsers this nnn ntrnn Pre-pnmary Pre-election Pre-runoff Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final Special Organizational Thirty-five day nnXtr !trnn First Second Third Fourth Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final Special Organizational Quarterly nt Information11. 1.l Account Inform ationa, Financial Institution Full Name a. Financial Institution Full NameBank of America b. Pu c, Account Code b. Purpose c. Account Code 002 d. Period Begin Balance d. Period Balance Com. Op Exp. s 170.30 $CERTIFICATION t0/27/2020 S of Treasurer Date I certi$r that the Committee or Fund is in compliance with all applicable provisions of Article 224,22ts, &22D_22M ofthe NC General Statutes and that no Chapter 163 offunds are commingled with prohibited or other non-disclosed funds. I further certif,is complete, true and correct and that this reportthat I have been trained by Board ofPeter W McCIain Printed Name of Srgner Date Received; Date Postmarked: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Employee: Employee: Employee: Employee: lolzg lzoza FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Delivery Methodtr NormalMail Registered Mail Hand Delivered Electronically Filed Signer has not received mandatory training Please Note: This form cannot be used to amend , custodian of committee information such as the committee address, treasurer'books information, or account information. ', assistant treasurer, You must amend the Statement of l00A-to make committeerzationcRo-1000 NC State Board of Elections Aueust 2008 1. Committee Full Name (and Fund if appticable)2. Type ofReport 3. ID Number Elect Peter McClain 3rd Quarter NEW.YHA6YD.C-065 Start of Election Cycle: January l,2017 Total this Reporting Period Total this Election Cycle 5) Aggregated Contributions from lndividuals 6) Contributions from Individuals 7) Contributions from Political party Committees 8) Contributions from Other political Committees 9) Loan Proceeds l0) Refunds/Reimbursements To the Committee I l) Other Receipt Sources I la) Interest on Bank Accounts l l b) Contributions from Not-for-profit Organizations I I c) Outside Sources of lncome lld) Legal Expense Fund - Other Sources I I e) Exempt Purchase Price Sales (cRo-120s) (cRo-r2r0) (cRo-r220) (cRo-r230) (cRo-1410) (cRo-r240) (cRo-t2s0) (cRo-t2s0) (cRo-12s0) (cRo-r270) (cRo-r26s) Cash on Hand at Start t2) $ s $ $$ $$ s $ $$ $$ $$ $$ s $ $ r 70.30 $0 $ 1744.78 $ 2906.78 $ r 744.78 $ 2906.78TOTAL RECEIPTS @dd tines 5, 6, 7, A. 9, t0, t ta, nb, t tc, udand t le) $ 14.85 $ 44.s5 $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ Disbursements l3a) OperatingExpenditures l3b) Contributions to Candidates/political Committees l3c) Coordinated Party Expenditures Aggregated Non-Media Expenditures Loan Repayments Refunds/Reim bursements From the Com m ittee ln-Kind Contributions (cRo-|3t0) (cRo-t3t0) (cRo-1310) (cRo-t3t s) (cRo-t420) (cRo-1320) (cRo-tst0) l3) l4) ls) 16) t7)$ 1744.78 s 2706.78 l8) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6ad tines t3a, t3b, t3c, t4, t5, t6 and t7)$ 1759.63 s 2751.33 le)Cash on Hand at End 1,ldd lines 4 and l2 rogether, then subtract line I8)$ 155.45 $ 1s5.45 $ r rEI $ UI$ NHC nrs $ $$ $s $$ (cRo-r330) (cRo-1430) (cRo-r610) (cRo-r620) (cRo-1720) (cRo-17t0) (cRo-t440) (cRo-2220) (cRo-12rs) 20) 2t) 22) 23) 24) 2s) 26) 27) 28) Non-Monetary Gifts Given to Other Committees Outstanding Loans (incl. ones from other campaigns) Debts and Obligations owed By the Committee Debts and Obligations owed To the Committee Account Transfers Within the Committee Adm inistrative Support Forgiven Loans 48-Hour Notice Reports Sum Contributions to be Refunded N $$ Detailed Summary Use this form to sumrnarize all disclosure forms and to total Amendment nyesX information No cRo-|r00 NC State Board of Elections August 2008 ,:' $ Contributions from Individuals Use this form to rt individual contributions over 950 Pglof or contributions under $50 if form CRO I Amendment I D YesX 205 is not used No 1. Committee Full N nd Fund if a bame 2.ID Number Elect Peter McClain NEW-YHA6YD-C-065 ! Add3. Contributor Information Remove b, Job Title/Profession d. Comments a. f,'ull Name, Illailing Address & phone city, state, & zip)Retired c. Em fic FieldNa e. Election Sum to Date Peter William McClain 2212LynnwoodDr Wilmington NC 28403 910-367-t15s Self Employed s 2906.',r8 f. Prior g, Account Code h. Form of i. In-Kind Description j. Date m/dd/yyyy)k. AmounttrN/A ln Kind Signs 08-26-2020 1567.39$ N/A ln Kind Magnets 09-14-2020 177.39$ n $ 3. Contributor Information Add Remove b. Job Title/Profession d. Commentsa. Full Name, Mailing Address & phonc clude city, state, & c. Employer's Name/Specific Field e. Election Sum to Date $ f. Prior Account Code h. Form ofPayment i. ln-Kind Descri Date (m k. Amount $ tr $ n $ 3. Contributor Inform ation Add Remove b. Job Title/Profession d, Commentsa. Full Name, Mailing Address 1fi -'(include , state, & zip) c. Em Name/Specific Field e. Election Sum to Date ?cT 2 I 2020 NHC BcJ. of Elections $ f. Prior Account Code h. Form of i. In-Kind Description j. Date )k. Amounttr$ s $ this Page4. Total on 1744.78s 5. Total of ALL CRO-1210 pages Page CRO-I 1744.78$(This line rurst be on line 6 of Detailed cRo-r2t0 NC State Board of Elections April 2007 tr Disbursements Use this form to report expenditures from the committee AmendmentPg .l or1 n Yes Xfor; operating expenses, contributions to candidate/political No committees and coordinated ex rtures Fund if a Coordi nated Party Expend itures d. Comments f. Account Code h. Purpose CodeForm of mcnt i. Date Amount Contributions to Candidates/political Comnrittees k.uired Remarks NEW-YHA6YD-C-065 2.ID ber I Add Remove b. Coordinated Committee Name c. Levcl Rcgistered e. Election Sum to Date a. Full Name, Mailing Address & phone ude & I Full Name Elect Peter McClain 3.of Disbursement Expenses 4.Information County: Municipaliry Federal State $ 9.90 Bank of America 100 N Tryon St Charlotte NC 28255 002 Debit K 07t27t2020 s4.9s Maintenance Fee Maintenance Fee d. Comments k & rv) a. Full Name, Mailing Address & phone 002 debit 4.rmation b. Coordinated Committee Name 08t25t2020 $4.9s Add Remove c. Level Registered e. Election Sum to Date Bank of America 100 N Tryon St Charlotte NC 28255 County: Municipality Federal State $ 4.95 f. Account Code Form ent h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)j. Amount Remarksk. 002 Debit K 09t24t2020 s4.9s Maintenance Fee $ Information4,Add Remove b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Comments c. Level ity Counry: M tered (Specify) Federal State e. Election Sum to DatefVlt'C &d. of Hlactjons a. Full Name, Mailing Address ]cT 2 I 2020 $ f. Account Code g. Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code L Datc (mm/dd/yyyy)j. Amount uired Remarksk. $ 14.85 $ $ r 4.85 this 6. Total of ALL CRO-1310 pages line tn(This goes line 3a Duailedof 100CRO-1PageSummary tfOperaling Expenses)line(This tn Iline'3bEOeS DetailedoJ Sumnmry CRO-I 100Page loContribtI Condfulates/Political Comm)line(This tn Ilinegoes'3c 'Detailedof ICRO-00I Coordinated Pafty 7. Pu code inCodesdetailed aboveA* - Media E - Salaries I - Postage O* - Other B* - Printing F* - EquipmentJ - Penalties C* - Fundraising G - Political Party K* - Office Expenses D - To Another Candidate H* - Holding Public Office Expenses Q* - Donation to Legal Expense Fund * Codes require detaited explanation in required remarks field (k) I