McClain 2021 Certification to Close CommitteeNORTH CAROLI NASTATEBOARD O F ELE CTIONS This Certification is used to express the intent to close the committee after all funds have been properlydisbursed. H;fiT"o"ation is filed at the Board of Elections office where the committee,s campaign reports FILED BY: Committee Name: Elect peter McClain Treasurer Name: peter William McClain TreasurerAddress: 2212LynnwoodDr (include city, state, & zip) Wilmington, NC 28403 Treasurer phone: 910_367_,t7Ss I certify that the above mentioned committee intends to close and cease existence. upon signing thiscertification' I declare that all funds have been disrribur"d *d ;r;;;;d (if required). In addition, nocontributions will be accepted or disbursements made after the "iinal Report,, is filed or this form issigned' If the committee at any future time intends ,o u"""pt o, ,f"nJ'runo. in support or opposition ofany candidate or ballot issue, a new political committee -uri b" form"a and registered with the Board ofElections before such activities -uy .o.n-"n"r. - committees that have filed under the $1,000 threshold will only be required to sign this Certification. No"Final Report" will be required for committees meeting trris criterionl Any committee that did not fileunder the $l'000 threshold must submit a "Final Reporl'with this certification. This report must have azero balance with no outstanding loans or debts. 1t1212021 RECEIVED JAN I 2 2021 NgWHanOvcT /ra',-4, Bn^--'CeniJiiation to Close Committee Date cRo-3400 CommitteetionCertificatoClose