McGhee 2020 Fourth Quarter ReportDisrlosule Repor.t (tovu, tlis t''rnn t'or zeneral reFilr.r ard rrrnlmi*re infonna d+n. rrrr-lsr b+ _.iened ard subtnired along r.-i .{sreudareu:El ye: Bl .\c rh orl'rer derailed fourrsIl<t f !o I. Committee Inf,crmaiion r, Full Inme TONYMCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN c, S -r-uorber NEW-9I]A9HK.C-065 d. Date Filed otit2t202t IANodelciq',.lddregs (include $rnce nud Zip Cb, \In L2 ZT21 New Hanover County Board of Elections POBOX 1532 WILMINGTON,NC 2&IO2 e, Pione -\uorber , 2020 rt Yeal'3 Periorl Start t0/18t2020 12/31/2020 -{.FeriodfdDnre reflsurer f,ul! JSnue SUSANHOWARD 5.r L af,croati L erl1FElgn Ioint Fundrais*r E::-erEnCLan 6. Expen:e Frnd of Couruittee [ ---...- [ :-r,:-r:ir rnr.;:r [ :ir:a! I i';ppl :r:::,::al iir.r ei El -'-n*:;r: fl isr:ial {:tg:ni=etic"nal Prtiid*ntia! Elarricn i':u Curdi.Jetri Fund l'C Pubti: uarnpaign Finaniing luni tif qpltcdbk. ,T of Fund r J;.' r l.:: r;:' ''a I i::rl::r: [ 3-;il:ir:g i.;n: 0 Nuorber of Fuod Repofirniserc this Tlri*1.ji*g d+ Pre-ptimarl- Pre-electicn Pre-rurrcli Berlri-rrnur! l.Iid T:u f:ar End F:uEl lpi**ial tr ii,::tr :"::;r:jtr tt:ir j g i;-;rii: :::,'-; -:.,,....' tr itij':':utr 'l':i.r Er:j [ :inrl of Repon readuu: trtrutr trtrtrtr 9. $tata Couotl- Otgani:ati..nal iluarttrh' E :p..i"i I Acsouot Infonnation .{ccornt Inforuafion BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST FiraEaln '1nr Fulltitution .\-!,.1e !t,Fiar t,acirl oetitutio uf InIt e STRIPE b.r, .{ceount Code c. Aceouat Code RTMOl RTM02 d. Periotl Belstce CAMPAIGNRECEIPTS ANDEXPENSES s ONLINE FUNDRAISING b, Purposa EaIence S d. Period Be . c.-l'tifi,'that the Ctorrurritree or.Fundis in cornpliance.rith all epplicable pto,,chapter 16-i 6f 11. \c Generar srarutes a.rd rirat no funds are conunirererr:+funds- i iruther.efiiF'rhar this repon is co,rprete. rrue an,l .oo..* .nri,n* 'isions ot'-inicle ll.{. :-]3 & lll-ll-\l of'ith proiribired or othet ncrn-disclose.J - [ra','e been rrained b:-the \-C Srare 3oar.,l ('Arro\ g 0t12/2021 Datr Receir,'et Date Posunarted: Date Scamed: Date Data Entered: E-rnplovee Fnrplo','ee =nrploi'er :ntplor.'ee ]eli'.'er.' ]ierhr.rd EI Sonnal l,iail El -".egisrered ).lad Ef :tdn.ileli'.'era,l EI flecrrodcalt".. fited I Siener tras nor re.ri,,.id ! ^, OTFIC.E t'st o)-Ll' raininEPlease \ore Stai ?couanrard0t'io lhis slu'Pf.au5 fi,nn u5bted endarn lotttnritte intbanali u.ltl ASsuch thr :olllfir:{le addle 3lfl5l,t:.!(illt :ri3!r_u'it 'lian o[:-tof brr alrilrt-onr Dfo11-.L.)Ull3a infcrnn ii,0n,a:n i. ^i':'. ?-,.:l:::r: cannot io TONYMCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN npplicnUm!l]itrtee nlue rtal 2020 Fourth Quarter NEW.9FIAgHK-C-065 \urulrer Start of Electiou ('1'cle: Januan- l* 2ozo. , _Total this X.eporting Prriod Total thie flection Ctcle{) C'nsh on Hand f,r Smtr 5.643.81 0.00 5 0.00 400.74 r 00.00":19,450.00S 0.00 5.604.00t 0.00 0.00 0.00t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00!0.00 0.00!0.00 0.00 0.00 5) Aggregated ('ontriburions fr.om ladir iduals 6) Contributions froru Indiriduals 7) ('ontri'butions froru Polirical partr Couruinees E) C'ontrilutions froor Other Foliticll (-oruqlitters 9) Loan Proceeds l) Other Rrceipt Sources I I n) lnrerest on Bank Accouats t I b) (' on triburioss from .\*ot-F o r.p rofr r Or ganiz*rions lIc) Ourside Sources oflnconre lld) Legal fxpense Fund - Other Sources lle) Ereupt Purchnse Frice Salrs EIPTS Refunds,Reinrburseuenrs to thr ('oruruittee t(x,dtlai) tcfuotlta) tcRot:Ja) tcf,o12t0) rcnel40) f n&l?J0) tcRol !i0) tcRaj:i0) rcnot:;a) rcRdl!-0) KRa,ldi)0.00(0.00 -..:.--:il::,_:'roT-.1,L CITPTSRT .:l:g t.100.00 5,000.01 24,151.t6 0.00 0.00 t 0.00 0.00 44.97 175.01 (0.00 0.00 !0.00 0.00 ,3) Disburseuentr 13a) Opernting Erpendirurrs I 3 b) (' ontriburion s to ('andidates.?olitic a I C.o ururi ttees l3c) C'oodinnrcd Pun frprndimres l) Aggregated fon-Ildia frprndinrrts 5) Loan Repnrurrnts 6) Refunds,lRr inrburs enr estt fronr th e C.o nr nr itter 7) In-Lind (lontriburions tcRdltt0l tcRot_1101 tcBolita) ,r.qaJir_;/ tcRott!0) ,cBal3]0t ttRat3l0)429.74 24-755.91 ( ( 5 S 0.00 f}FT-\DITTTOr.{r RT s :1. c:0ah Hnnd ilr ndfe)r' .i ,{d l:i :hetr sub:t't:-1I:=g:lher 0.00 698.83 98-:i;. ._::. :.. :_i. :i{ r:d:- t 698.83 0.00 0005 5 0.00 t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00f 0.00 iI) Account frnasfers lf ithin the 15) .{iluiaistrnrir e Suppon 6) Forghrn Loan: { .|8-Ilour fotice Reports Suru tcRat-+30) EnatJ_t0t rcP,41610) tCR&[63t)t rcROl-]01 tCRal'10t ER4lJr0T .r1q+_ - _'n, JAN 1 2 ?O?1 'ffi-..eErvEn TIO New i(.R41.:.1 -i,rE) C'onrriburions to br Refunded \on-]Ionerar-r- Gifts C,liren ro Other (-omnritrees DIT i) Debts and Obligations or.rd to l) Ourstanding Loans (incl ones fi.ou orher canpaigns) 1) Debrs and Obligntions on.ed bt the Coruuinee 0.00 0.00 Detailed Sumuran- iirJS a all .{aresdsreetfI !'"" [Ix r*olbtrmsrai.d itrone 100 1 S | 2s,4s4:74 ------ 5 Hanover l'se rfuE titn io Contributions fi'our Inrliyittu a Is rndi'.'idual cr,rntriburions o,.'er !ii ot :oniriburions .-.:_ 1:::: ppl-rl rrnder S:.1it^r-omr Cf.C ilCi .{arend:lentEr", Bso is nor usr.C RECEIVET) JAN 1 2 ?O?1 New Hanover Countv Board of Elections' TONYMCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN NEW-gHA9HK-C.065 Contributo r Infornradon -Ldd Rearove h, .Tob liile:Profe::ion ESTATE )-Field d, Conrsrentr e, flectioo Srsr to Date RAYI\4ONDROGERS I2OI COUNTRY CLT'B ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 {include ritl'r E(ear, rt zip) , FuIl Iaule.llniliug -{ddrers tt phone CAMERONMANAGEMENT 100.00 Dtr g, .{ceouoi RTT,IO2 !.laetb,P Credit Cad l0/19/2020 I 3131 100.00 tr 100.00 Total 5 c,.o-r1I lrr:t otalT ALLof ICRO-2I0 Pages onbs 6lins Dstaiisd .Srrrrnrcr.r'100.00! Enlber tr this Disbur"semelts '-'se rius t'onn lo rapor r,lp:ndinrres fronr rhe curnrrrdfte* t-or coauninees and coordinarad -{anead:lecrP: 1 cf 3 E1'". EIso oparadna rEFens?s. lonuibutions Io candirlare potirisal TONY MCGFIEE'S CAMPAIGN of Disburseurent L C C rC!ne!+O-,. -,.;!. -.Caniisate:ci ; r'.:'i-: Inforuntiou Add Remo..'e atad Counrittee }-naneb, Cordil d, Cotrnreate New Hanover Board of PETEDIVOKY 5252 WOODS EDGE ROAD WILMINGTON,NC 28409 a. Fr:II \arne. -\iailin3 .{.ddrass d: Phone E !:.,, c, Lsrl tered Cc:;er:y: E :.i.,n.e. f lectioa Suu to Date 206.53 Foru of n,h,Code 1rf, lccoust Code RTMOI Check A 10t20/2020 i, Dsta 5 lsrouol 206.53 CAMPAIGN SIGN Reurnrlr-s Add tr Remo',tJ.Infoluratiou ordinated Couuittes l{aareb.c c, Lerel d, Cournrests e, flectioo Suo to Date a. FuIl Sarne I lailina .{.ddras s 6: Phone ude e zt NC 28403 PETEDIVOKY 5252 WOODS EDGE ROAD EI :,.r, Ccunt.;: t.027.79') h, Purpoae Code i, Dete .{uouut lr. Required Reurnrk-s.{ccouot Code RTIV{01 Fortr of Pr Check t1/0312020 \ 1,027.79 Remore{.Infoluafion Add d, CoarruentsTb,Cor{ior ed Cour ittee :1!le Leree,I Begi:tened peeiS')i9 e, Electioo Suqr to Dste FALLFAX SIIRPLUS 934 2025 HAMILTONAVE SANJOSE. CA 95125 ful farne. \lailing .{ddress 6: ?trone l3crnt1.: aiit:'.:E ir=t. i:*rzt 341.61S f, -lccou.ot Ccde fomr of ED?i, Dste lurouut RTNIOI Debit Card :e Code F 1t/26t2020 s 341.61 CAMERA TO WORK WITH k Required ReoarL: Total only this Page 1,57 5.93t 6. Totel of .{LL Ctr^O-IStO ?ages I flti* lint yot-* irr firre I -ia o! Derailed lTltit lirtt gorr in irirr I-r'D o!Detoiled 5.000.01cno-nf& c.Eo- CRO.lPage ;!JrOptrdFr-.-41'l , i t't-J Itt PcgrtttiltElS I BO ci!'arl did(Crr.'t D,-,'ia.. -,'lir5rllin*ir !lar -ipfor'l ]irDeraiizdi,li",t6r:.t' L'c Pr: Codes detailed ('+ - Fundrnisiag G - Polirical ?ar.- K* - Office Ltpenres IIt - f,slding public Otlirr f rpenses Q* - Donnrioa ro Legnl frpense Fund tnderniJed rcoar.ks field* Codes P - l.r .{1.rg!rer Cs$.iidiirB+ - Printing F* - fquipnreot J - ?eoalties * - ]Ieilin - Salaries ?ostaee Ot[er tl0 .:r: ?-,.: -:i:!l:'.--;=. -lmrrzrarl n,t code in Disbur-senrents i'se rlds t'ontr ro rapan erpandinrres ttom rl-le conunitrer tbrconuniners and r,ror,linared AarendueotPz 2 af 3 Er'", EIso op erarina arF Ens r s. : ontriburions ro : andidare p oliri c aI nty I' TOI.IY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN of Disburseuenr C; csiii:a:ei il i'Jr:3triturIaniiial::ciit al C; nr::it re: i F,ernol'eIiaforuation--l,dd b, Crcrdiaated Couutittee .\-ase d, Cougle !r {! r..u"* "$o,Xy,fifu ;1 gyg ;" Board of alne. \iailine -rddrass & phone SUSANEHOWARD 2146US 117N BT]RGAW, NC 28425 . & zio)ritr. st ful li Cc:nq': Lc,ere1 B.egirtered Specig') .-i.''E :.:.*e, flectioa Suu to Dnte 500.00 , .doouatf, .{ccount Code RTMOI Check b, PurTo:e Code E rU03t2020 i, Dnre 5 500.00 uired Reunrlr.EL 5 Isforutatioa -{dd Reurove Coarorittee .\-nEreb, Cordiuated d, CoulEteats KARATECH,INC & ISLAND COMPUTERS 6506 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON,NC 2M8O (910) 790-941 I a. ir-rll Ianre, \lailine .{ddress & Phone ude cit".t *r'elL J\.eegiztered Spacifl') i:*nl E i;;;,4:; EI iru,.iluni e, flectiou Sunr to Date 1,403.57 Foro of eDt i, Date (urur,L Reguired Reunrlrs.tccouot Code RTMOl Debit Card h, Puraoee Code F t2t0t/2a20 .lsrount 1,403.57 COMMUMCATIONWITH Ioforuratioa Add P,ernove b, Cordia;rred Coatariltee -\nure d, Courpreul: SCOTT RELAN PO BOX 235 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. NC 28480 :t iull \anrr, \iailing -{ddnss & Phone Lel'e teredRegis (tpec i:-tai Ccrntl: :.-!.E :.i'rn;,e, Electioo Sunr to Dote 782.72 Fomr of h, Purpo:e Code i, Date .{qrouot L Remarks f. lccouot Ccdp RTlvI0l Check A 1u03t2020 5 782.72 ONLINE CAMPAIGN S. Total only thir Page 5 2,686.29Total of ALL CR&1J10 prges tThir lint ga* ir fily.. r-"n o! Derriled Iffuir lirra'g,a*s frr lirre J jl a!De*tiltd xo-1cPogr!;;;r1: r 1;rr I ;!Operaing !l"Jf.r.orrr c,Prg*RO-1 (';!!ar,rnii :;l!{rrt:l i: tJs. !r!:;tt:-f j fl-Irir :l!,!'!5r,; i,'r.i,.,)i.;!ri.r'I t.,L,J?o-J 6(criir r*d E1;rrr 5,000.01-q e (:odes enditure code indetailed abot'* - -\Iedin- Salrries - ?ostage ('* - Fundraising G - Pofiricsl ?u.n- Ir,* - Office Lrlenses H* - Hoidiag Publir Office frpeuses Q* - Donnrion rc Legni hptnse Fund 1[ D - lo -dnorlrr Candidare dersiled t'€oar.ks field 0* Other* Codes B+ - Prindng E* - fquipureor J - ?enalties J-I8 :r ll -'l .tt {)tt"na of llir[0 ;]rF:ra:i:3 :: g, Fomr of Pa1-nraut 5 Stturrlr:r-r' I Disbur"semenfs se rtris tbr:n to r?pon erpendinu'es tiorr rhe :onunirrer tbr ol',arating etpconurdtiees and :oordinared .{oresdnresrPe 3 of 3 El r'". EI so ensas. :onuiburions ro :andidare polirical 5 TONYMCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN ^--.j;--.-:ctr acdi;:r*: lnfoturntiou R.emove.-1.dd ffi New Hanover Cot Board of Electjo :i b, Cordioeted Cootariltee Islre r :':ll fanie. ]iailing -.\.ddress & Fhone lr-r. SAMS CLTIB 412 S COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON,NC 28403 e, flectioo gulr to Dnte 212.79 f, .{ccouat Code L, Purpose Code j, Aurouot RTMOI Debit Card g, Forar of Pnysreat F i:.P...1.1:..!l:*..{-d;..1-:_.,1.* to/19i2020 212.79 L Required Eeornrlr.s REPLACEDAMAGED d, Coururents etered lull Ianre. liailing Address & Fhone b. Codinnted Conllrittee l{na!e e, flectios Sunr ro Date luforuaiiou -{.dd Remove 9lrte. (t c, Ler-el Re E it.l* Ccrnt.: 250.00 BETTYVERMILLION 1506 GOOSE LANDING CIRCLE MLMINGTON.NC 2MO3 f. -{ecounr Code .g_. _Eo.r=r of Paynr e ut h. Pulpose Code i, Date (nraldd,IIrr.)j. .{urouot RTIVIOI Check AE tv30/2020 s 250.00 L Reguired Reurartr-s SENDING EMAIL TO d, Conrareotsr. :ull \'arne. liailina -Lddress di Phrrnr .\-b,Cmdir;r ted Couurittee il!le Ler'a,I'e Regirtered (eri!'-)Sp t1":e,E1 Stuectiou to Dnte Information .t Add Remol'e Ccrntl:E I,.t. 5 275.00 BETTYVERMILLION I506 C,OOSE LANDING CIRCLE WILMINGTON,NC 2&103 f, .{ccouot Code .g.,.f.o_rur_ gf P;ryar e n t j, .{urouot lr" Reguired EeararL: RTIUOl Check L, Puraose Code A i:.-o-*.t:..!--_*_{*...1:-::.1 1y03t2020 s 275.00 SENDING EMAILS 5. Iotal ouly this hge 737.79 5 S Totel of .{LL CLO-13I0 ?*ges I Thir lite goet rir /irre I -la ol Derailed tfiiir ftirr go*s iq Inr lJ6 a! Detaitd 5.000.0 ttt Prurtr)(RO- 3 ii;,r !:., !!: r,CRO.lPqe t!Operd Er,;ti.rrgftir i-rri l!:: r',o-I-rFagr l0on.aib L dr'tr:t,d PcliaraJIPs.('r}ri lu iine 5Dr'rnrrlsd I I't'(lt{Pr:r? Codes enditure csde indetailed* - -lleilin- Salarias- ?osiaEe C'* - Fundrnising G - ?olirical Pr,.,- K* - Oflicr ftpenter H* - f,oldiag Public Oflbe f rleasrs Q+ - Donarion ro Legill lrprnse Fund l&derailerl reE!arhs O* Other* ('odrs D - lo .{nortrer CardidaceB* - Pr.inting F+ - fquipueat J - Penalties r:: 3::'i Ir luni : ir.aii tv: 5 , I {ield Aggregatrtl Nou-lIedia E:peuditur.rs trrm u.ied rc rettfi -*rC Sctr-}iedra I xretr&r,:r'es cf g-ir:: cr less -{ureutlureutPnse I of I Ef Yes trl \c RECEIVEI) JAN 1 2 7071 New Hanover County Board of Electjons lnfomrsrion c, -{uend b, Atroust Coda c, Foru ofPal.ureat e Coded,e, D*te i, -{,qouo(Reurrrh.sRTMOIDraftKtt/0612020 5.00 FEE .{# Eegnere RTtr,IOI Draft o 12t07t2020 5.00 FEES E :'-*''....'. RTIVIOI Check o to/20t2020 3t.77 S E i..,.,...RTMO2 Draft o 10t22t2020 3.20 CARDFEE Total onl-v this Pag€44 97)ALL CRO-13I5 Fages(fiislks mly,*bt oa liac ll Pagt C&A4!Dctatltd Total of 44.97 EL. o+_ Priatiag _ *Equipuentri 0frice Etpetses B Petalees e E Fun dgalf,pen.se *c'd reDlCRO.] NEW.9}IA9HK-C-065 K*._- JD H+Ifoldi+g OQcn Expep5es toDo:ratiousa-