McGhee 2020 Organizational Form AddendumStatement of Organization Addendum page or _ ;ti11T*'Use this form to supply additional assistant treasurer information or additional accounr information'-" " " ' This form must be form CRO-3500 if additional accounts are il*,i I tttc'&heets Um1*igatloN P EN.-'1UA1l+ K' c-o Name Institution Full Name b,f RI FE Mailing Address (include City, State, and Zip Code)b. Purpose ou lt i€ Fu^eReis,'^t7 c. Phoue Number d. Email Address c. Account Code RT4*O Z d. Type oNl;rJ€ a. l'ull Namc a. l-inancial Institution Full $hpev A.b. Mailtng Address (include City, State, and Zip Code)Purpose wI ?osn t"-O d. Email Address c. Account Codec. Phone Number Full Name LI Add fl Re-ooe Financial Institution Name b. Mailing Address (include City, State, and Zip Code)b. Purpose l. Phone Number d. Email Address c. Account Code d. Type a. FuII Narne a. Financial Institution Full Name b. Mailing Address (include City, State, and Zip Code)b. Purpose c. Phone Number d. Email Address c. Account Code d. Type I certily that the committee is in compliance with all provisions of Article 22A, CERTIFICATION r/ //z,eTPrinted Name of Signer RqLr,"t Topt McOh ee Signatu Treasurerof including that no funds are commingledwith funds for a federal or out-of-stare pAC. I further say this report i mplete, true and correct cRo-2110 NC Board of Elections April 2007 e Remove Remove Rernove Rcmove 4*o Remove R.emcve