HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcGhee 2020 Organizational FormsSlatement of Organization - Candidate Committee Use this form to creatc a rety or update an existing candida& committee. This form must be ed form CRO-3500. An amended form is for each new election Is this statemenl:pfrlc* E ,cmcndca r, Nrm. ofCofittrittrc d lD Nunlb.r - fs-,: ^ c L*11. l-,- d er,ol or. eb,^ c",1^ott NEt /-7 HAqHk-c-o rod .. Drlr OrEroizcd Po 6e- tS 32 sr-,.tx.9r.rJ, tui: -2-Q16'l-V-l- zozo c. Commiflaa l\'.b.it. (OFlio l)f. Phonc Nrnb.r -\--^y rq< 6h4<. C o Lr ."(o-z!,- L'I q6 Full Amlirlion Y4oV-ar -l o^' An gLh"e-Aey-\\tc-" at b. Mrililg Addr.r! (in hd. City, St tc, .!d zjp Cod.)I Oni.G Sougtl P O 6 cri- \ 5 7-L t^l.1seq{z^,, ^J ( --", t qo 2-$oavl\ ot / )'aca-}-tu c . PhoDa Numbar d. [:rn il Addrds & Narl El.clioD Y..r h. Joriidictiotr qrc?.!, 1-L-rqo r+t6hy t^.qhe€ X qrlL, (.o2a N llc-201_o NamG notrces Foll Nrm. Email A-h*r {o-y Mc- Llze- .trd Slrl. rod '/ov{o* [S3Z t^^O^[z, / N L ?,x\nz c. Phorc Numb.r d. grriil Addr.s5 .. Pio.r NrDb.r d. EEril Addrts 4rs 7.jr-Lrl.2lor'r r.cs[. e. Aa'L' cot-' Yesnoticesemril t'ull Filllncirl Email l.,r 9 ( h-az-( ol..,o.RECEIVi;D Strt., rnd (" 4e+ tS jZ \r^ L'*rcr,, N(29\o-i-AUG 0 5 2020 l. Pbotr. Numb.r d. Emril Addr.ss h Ac.orEtco& N dtiddo. oi trleciiOlis 4,0 -Z1l G-r\ 6 ^to.r u clhe"- A 4o(, Lc^,r El Email copy of repon mticts I c€ni& thst the Committee is ill oompli8nce with all applicable provisions ofArticl€ 22A ofChapter 163 ofthe NC I certiry that Lhe informstion sbove is correct, 8nd l, as the candidare, appoint said treasurer to p€rsonally fulfill the a/r/ ^ Print d Narne ofcandidale Dalc funds. I firrther certiry that fut General Statutes and that no or olher non-disclosedd6 to)this rcport is complete, true I / r/ 2^zo P.intea ftame r,f fresu.e, upon the appointed treasurer subject to the penalties in Anicle 22A ofchspler ofAppointed Treasurcr (-[", --"* l^ C(,L..-- ere to*y l^9{,14- dutics and responsibilities imposed 163 ofth€ NC General Statutes. -64 Board of 20 t9 rtr 'I surcr cesLNoI VOTE NORTI{ CAROLINA STATE BOABD OF ELECTIONS I{ECEIVFD This Certification is used to declsre or wilhdraw a committee's intent lo raise or spend $1,000 or less in tbe current election cycle. S This Certilicrtion is orly vslid for politicrl psrty committccs.trd crndidrtes for I county oIfice, municiprl oflice,locel school bo.rd oftice, soil & wrter corsewrtion district borrd ofsup€rvisors, or srnitlry dist ct bo.rd. Tbfu C€rtifrciaion fu filcd rt the Bo.rd of Elcctioru oflicc rhcrc the conmlttcr'3 crDprign rcporls rre f .d. FILEDBY: Committee Name: Treasurer Name: Trcasurcr Address: (include city, st8te, & zip) Treasurer Phone: co ,(o* tS?7-r..r-, tLrar"s. rs.,. NL 2\1O 2- -I-'s,'.r fl ( 6h.c- k"- r{o..5 6" {)r, cc.*r o tt (ZoVe,c- -7o^,, P1 e.\'L-aa- A(o - 2j\^ [,1'+s Chegl,One:y' I cc iry thal this committeD intends to neither receive nor expend more than $1,000 dudng the cun€nt election cycle under the procedures sel forth in G.S. 163-278.10A. This cenification will rcmain in effecl until the end ofthe election cycle for this comminee. lf this committee exce€ds $1,000 in c.ontributions or expenditures during this eleclion cyclg I und€rstand that I must immediatcly notiry the Eppropriale boald ofelections and file required campaign financc rcports. THIS DECLARATION CAN ONLY BE MADE AT THE BEGINNING OF AN ET.ECTION CYCLE. _ I am wilhdrawing my Certificdion lo remain al or under thc 3l,000 threshold. I will now be required to filc lhe nen sch€duled rcpon fur all mntributions and expcnditurcs that hsve tlot bcen previously rEported from the beginning ofth€ current election cycle. I further to file all required. !Zo Dare Sign€d cRo-3600 C e n ifr c at i o n oJ Thre s h o I d Certification of Threshold i: