McGhee 2020 Third Quarter Report Amendment #1€,ru #t Disclosure Report Cover Amendmcnt EYes ENo Use this form for general report and conrnittee infornation, nrrst be signed and submitted along with other detailed forrrs. not use this formto infonration. l. Committee Information c. ID Numbcrr. Full Name TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN RECEIVED NEW.9HA9HK-C.065 b. Mailing Address (includc City, Statc and Zip Code)d. Drte triled t2t23t2020 c. Phonc Number PO BOX 1s32 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 New Hanover County Board of Electjons JAI\ I ' LULI Year Period Date 4. Period hd Ilate (mm/dilyy)5. Treasurer FbIl Name 07/0U20202020 1011712020 SUSAN HOWARD 6. TYr of Committee (CheckOne)one9.of one Municipal Stete/County ReferendumI Candidate Campaign I loint Ftm&aiser I Referendrn El Purty EI PAC E L"gul Expense Fund I Organizational I Pre-referendum l-I Final [ $ryplemental Final E Annual E Secia 10. Special RcportName "Booster Fund" Building Fwtd Presi&ntial Election Year Candidates Fund NC Public Campaign Financing Fund Other: of ftrnd 8. Number oftrUndraisers this Reprt Organizational Thirty-five day Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-runoff Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final Special trtrtrtru tr E]trtr I Organizational Quarterly First Second Third Fourth Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final trtr EItr utrtrtr Special0 3. Account Information a. Flnrncial lostitutioo tr\rll Name a. flnancial Institution F\rll Name BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST STRIPE c. Account Code b. Purpose c. Account Codeb. Purpose RTMOI RTMO2 d. Period Begin Balancc d. Period Bcgin Balance $ ONLINE FUNDRAISTNG $ CAMPAIGN RECEIPTS AND EXPENSES CMTIFrcATION I certifi that the C-onrnittee orFund is in conpliance with all applicable provisions of Article 22A,2?B &DD22M of Chapter 163 ofthe NC Crneral Statutes and that no funds are conlningled with prohibited or other non-disclosed funds. I further certifr that this report is conplete, true and correct and that I have been trained by the NC State Board -PrintedNamC of Signer Date 12t24120205,t qo n E //ow arc/ Enployee: Enployee: Enployee: Frrployee: FOROFTICEI..EEOI\LY Date Received: Date Postnnrked: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Deliverv Method El Nornnl Mail E .Registered Mail dnana Detvered El Electronically Filed JG<-rrf nf zozt f] Signer has not received mandatory training Please Note: This formcannot be used to anrcnd conmittee infonnation such as the conrnittee address, treasurer, assistant treasurer, custodian of books infornntion, or account infonrntion. You nust amend the Statement ofOreanization (CRG2lCIA-E)to nake conrnittee changes. Detailed Summary Amendment[EYes Exo l. Committee Full Name (andFbndif apdicaHe)3. ID Number TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN 2020Third Quarter NEW-9HA9HK-C-065 Start of Election Clcle: January l, 2020 Total this Reporting Period Total this Eection Cvcle 5) fugregated Contributions from Indiri&rals 6) Contributions from Indiriduals 7) Contributions from Politieal Party Committees 8) Contributions from Other Political Committees 9) Loan Procee6 l) Other Receip Sources I I a) Interest on Bank Accounb 1l b) Contributions from Not-For-Profit Organizations I lc) Oubide Sources of Income I ld) Lcgd &pense F\rnd - Other Sources I le) hempt Purchase Price Sales Cash on lland at Start $0.00 0.00$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $ $ $ Refunds/Reimbursernents to the Committee 400.74 0.00 19,350.00 0.00 5,604.00 0.00 400.74 0.00 19,350.00 0.00 5,604.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (cRal2s0) GRAt2s0) (cRo-r2s0) (cRo-1270) (cRo-126s) (cRo-120s) (cRo-l210) (cRo-1220) (cRo-r230) (cRo-r410) (cRo-1210) t2) TOTALRrcUPTS (Add lines 5,6, 7,8,9,l0,ll4llb,llc,lld and I le)$ 25,354.74 $ 25,354.74 $ l4,t4z.98 S t4,t4z.9g s 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 138.21$138.21$ $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $ s,ooo.oo 3) Disbursements l3a) Operating kpenditures I 3 b) Contri butions to Cenrfidates/Political Commi ttees l3c) Coordlnated Party kpenditures 4) Aggregated Non-lVledia kpenr[tures 5) Lmn Repayments 6) Refun&/Reimbursements from the Committee 7) In-Kind Contrihrtions (cRo-l310) (cRo-1310) (cRo-l310) (cRo-|31s) (cRo-r420) (cRGt320) (cRalsr0)429.74$429.74$ lE) TOTAL D(PE{DITIIRES (Add lines l3a, l3b, l3c, 14, 15, 16 and 17)19.710.93$19,710.93$ 19) Cash on lland at hd (Add lines 4 and 12 together, then subtract line 18)5,643.81$5,643.81$ l) Oubtanding laans (incl. ones from other campigns) (CRO-1430) i TT, :: I:J.-:TffiT:'Hffi P"tr W NTi:::;"' :,' :, 0.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (cRo-r330)$ $ (cRo-l610)$ HanoverNew 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 290.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Non-l\rflonetary Gifts Gircn to Other Committees Deh and OHigations ourcd by the Committee Adninistratiw Support Forgiren I-oans 4E-Itrour Notice Reporb Sum JANl2?0Zl GRGtTto) 18) Contributions to be Refunded (cRo-l21s)$0.00 $0.00 CRGl ate (cRo-1440) (cRo-2220) Aggregated Contributions from Individuals page I or form used to NC Contributions From Individuab of $50 or less Amendment Ey.. Eno RECEIVED JAN 1 2 ?O?1 New Hanover County Board of Elections Ii\dl Name Fund if 2.ID Number TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN NEW.9HA9HK-C.065 3. Contrihrtor Infornration e. Amend b. Account Code c. Form ofPayment d. In-Kind Description e. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)f. Amount lJ Add I Remove RTMOI Check 09/09t2020 $50.00 E Add fl Remove RTMOI Check 09/17/2020 $50.00 E Add I Remove RTMOI Check 09/26t2020 50.00$ EI Add I Remove RTMOI Check 08127/2020 50.00$ E Add f] Remove RTMOI Check 09/26t2020 50.00$ f] Add I Remove RTMOI Check 09n7/2020 $50.00 lJ Add I Remove RTMOI Check 09124/2020 $50.00 fl Add I Remove In-Kind SANDBAGS FOR CAMPAIGN EVENT 0912612020 25.74$ EI Add I Remove RTMOI Check 09/16D020 $2s.00 4. Total only this Page s400.74$ 5. Total of ALL CRO-1205 Pages (Thk line must be on llne 5 olDaailed Suntmary Page CRO-L100)s400.74$ I Contributions from Individuats Use this formto individual contnbutions over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used AmendmentPg I of 5 EY.r Exo 1. C-ommittee Fhll Name (and Firnd if apolicaH ID TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN NEW-9HA9HK-C-065 Conki hrtor In formati on Add Rennve b. Job Tltle/Profcssion ommcnts HOME MANAGER c. Frnploye rrs Name/Specific Field New Hanover e. JAN122SHERRY ALLEN I3O5 KING ST WILMINGTON, NC 2840I oneFull Name, Mailing Address & (include city, stete, & zi RHA HEALTH SERVICES r00.00$ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Description j. Drte (mm/ddlyyyy)k. Amount tr RTMO2 Credit Card 09t29t2020 100.00$ $ ommcnts fic Fle! tr $ Rennve I Addrcss & PhoncG, (includc city, stetc, & zip) Information Add b. Job c. Enployerrs Nam HOMEMAKER e. Election Sum to Date $5,400.00 DEBORAHAUSTIN PO BOX 4087 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPryment i. In-Kind Description j. Date (mm/ddyyyy)k. Amount RTMOI Check 09/0U2020 $5,400.00 tr $ tr $ Contri hrtor Informati on Add Renpve b. Job Iitle/Profession d. Commentsa. Full Neme, Mailing Address & Phonc (include city, statc, & zip)OWNER c. Employcr's Nemc/Specific Field e. Election Sum to Dcte K E AUSTIN JR PO BOX 4087 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 K E AUSTIN CORPORATION 5,400.00$ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPeyment i. In-Kind Description j. Dete (mm/ddyyyy)k. Amount tr RTMOI Check 09/01/2020 $5,400.00 tr $ tr $ 4. Total only this Page 10,900.00$ Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages CRAIPage(Thls ltne must be on llae 6 19,350.00$ 210 I,I V tr HOMEMAKER Contributions from Individuals Use this formto individual contributions over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used Amendmentpe 2 ot 5 [ves Eno c Committee Fhll Name Flrnd NEW-9HA9HK.C-065 5,000.00 Add b.d. E $ TIVES TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN JAN1220 New Hanover Contrihrtor Information Renpve tlc/Profession r's Namc/S Iield CARMEN DENBY 534 BEACH ROAD WILMTNGTON, NC 28411-9214 Full Nrmc, Mailing Addrcss & Phone (include city, state, & zip) Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPaymcnt i. In-Kind Description j. Date (mm/ddlyyyy)k. Amount tr RTMOI Check 09/1312020 5,000.00$ $ tr $ Contributor Information E aaa Rennve b. Job Title/Profession Commentsa. Full Ncme, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip)BUSINESS OWNER c. Enployer's Name/Specific Field flection Sum to Date PETERM DEVITA 2IO4 MEDEIRA COURT WILMINGTON, NC 28405 NEW SOUTH BUSINESS BROKER $350.00 f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPeyment i. In-Kind Description j. Dtte (mm/ddlyyyy)k. Amount u RTMOI Check rc/a6DO20 350.00$ $ s Contri butor Information Add E Rermve b. Job Iltle/Profession Commentsr. Full Neme, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip)INSURANCE c. Bmployer's Name/Specilic Fleld e. Election Sum to Datc HENRY ESTEP 3213 SNOWBERRYCOURT WILMINGTON, NC 08409 GRIFFTN ESTEP $500.00 f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Description j. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount E]Check 08/19/2020 500.00$ $ $ Total only this Page 5,850.00$ 0 r00)Ene(Ihts ,nugt CRO.lTotal of 19,350.00$ o RTMOI u on 6 l. Committee FtIl Nanre t rnd Fhnd if apdicaHe)2. IDNumber NEW-9HA9HK.C.O65 d. Comments um toon 500.00 TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN b. Job Tltle/Profession Add Rermve COASTAL KIA Frn ploye r's Neme/Specifi c Flcld Contrihrtor Information New Hanover c.E $ PATRICK KOBALLA 5 BAHAMA DRIVE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) f. Prior g. Account Codc h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Description k. Amoontj. Drtc (mm/dd/yyyy) E]RTMOI Check 08/2212020 500.00$ $ $ 3. Contributor Information E eoa EI Rennve b. Job Ittle/Profcssion d. Comments SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT c. Enployer's Name/Spccific Field e. Dection Sum to Datc A MITCHELL LAMM JR 1928 HAWTHORNE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 ss & Phonc (include state, & zi oFull Name, FIRST CITIZENS BANK 100.00$ f. Prior g. Account Codc h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Description j. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount tr RTMO2 Credit Card 09t26/2020 100.00$ tr $ tr s 3. Contributor Information E eda E Renpve b. Job Iltle/Profcssion d. Comments DISABLED c. Frnploye r's Name/Specilic trleld e. flcction Sum to Datc TAMMY MCGHEE 909 S 14TH ST WILMINGTON, NC 2840I ude ci , statc, & z Mailing Addrcss & PhoneFull (incI FEDERAL DISABILITY CHECK r00.00$ f. Prior g. Account Codc h. Form ofPaymcnt i. In-Kind Description j. Dete (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount tr RTMOI Check 09/0612020 100.00$ sE] $ 4. Total on$ this Page 700.00$ 5. Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages (This line must be on line 6 of Detailed Summary Page CRO-I 100)19,350.00$ Contributions from IndMduals Use this form to individual contributions over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used Amendmcntps 3 of 5 By.t EIuo CR0.1210 tr tr AmendmeIlt Contributions from Individuals pg j or s B y". E xo Use this form to report individual contnlbutions over $50 or contnbutions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used 1. Committee FbIl Name (andFhndif aflicaHe)2. IDNumber TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN NEW.9HA9HK-C.065 Contri hrtor In formati on Add Renrcve trhll Nemc,ling Address & Phone b. Job Tt tl e/Profcssion d. (includc ci state, &TIRED CEO JOHN STEWART MONROE I9O4 BREWTON COURT WILMINGTON, NC 28403 i. f,hrploycr's Name/Spccific Fi New Hanover Cou CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT Board of E e. Eection Sum to Dete $100.00 f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Description j. Date (mm/ddfyyy)k. Amount RTMOI Check 08/2712020 100.00$ tr $ $ Contri butor Inforrnation Add Renpve a. trhll Name, Meiling Addrcss & Phone (include city, state, & zip) b. Job Titl e/Profession d. Comments PHYCYCIAN ROBERT M SHAKAR JR 933 RABBIT RUN WILMINGTON, NC 28409.2207 c. Enploycr's Neme/Spccific trIeld AMERICAN ANESTHESIOLOGY OF THE CAROLINAS e. Election Sum to Dete $500.00 f. Prior g. Account Codc h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Dcscription j. Dete (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount RTMOI Check 09129t2020 $500.00 E]$ $ 3. Contri hrtor Information El Add El Rerm.,e e. Full Nemc, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) b. Job Tltle/Profession d. Comments PRESIDENT CHRISTOPHER SNOWDEN 3312 PARAMOLTNT WAY WILMINGTON, NC 28405 c. Frnploycr's Name/Spccific Field SNOWDEN'S JEWELERS e. Eection Sum to Date $100.00 f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Description j. Datc (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount RTMOI Credit Card tatw2020 $100.00 $ $ 4. Total only this Page $700.00 5. Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages . (Thtsltnemustbeonlke6ofDetalledsummaryPagecRo-1100) I =.r::=i: r:$19,350.00 tr tr Contributions from Individuals Use this formto individual contributions over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used Amcndment Pg :L of 5 El y.. El xo l. Committee F'ull Nanre (and Fbnd if applicaHe)2. ID Number NEW-9HA9HK-C-065 d. Commcnts Add Renmve b.Titl s3 c $ Address & Phonee, TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN 200.00 c. Employerrs Name/Spe Real Estate Contrihrtor Information (includc city, state, & e. Election Sum to Date New Hanover Board of JAMES R STRICKLAND 2OO PALMETTO ROAD WTLMINGTON, NC 28401.8833 f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPaymcnt i. In-Kind Dcscription j. Datc (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount E]RTMOI Check 09/17/2020 200.00$ tr $ d. Commcnts tr $ Information Renpve c eld SOFTWARE b. Job Tttl (includc city, statc, & tr'ull Neme, e. flection Sum to Date f,lnploycr's Nam $1,000.00 El eaa RICHARDEWILKINS PO BOX 1839 CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428.1839 Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals, and Data Processing Services f. Prior g, Account Code h. Form ofPaymcnt i. In-Kind Description j. Dete (mm/ddyyyy)k. Amount RTMOI Check 09121D020 1,000.00$ $ $ 4. Total only this Page 1,200.00$ 5. Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages of Detalled Sunntary Page CRAL100)Ane must be on lhe 6 19,350.00$ E] Co ntributio ns fro m Politic a I Pa rty C ommittees Use this form to re contributions from a cRo-|220 ofPg I Amendmcnt E v.t El xo ftrll Name1 2. ID Number NEW.9HA9HK-C.065 b. Comments Add Renpve TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN Contri butor Information 3S Phone (include city, stete, & z Futl Name, Mailing New Hanover c. Eection Sum to LOWER CAPE FEAR REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB PO BOX 7635 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 $604.00 d. Account Code c. Form ofPaymcnt f. In-Kind Description g. Datc (mm/dd/yyyy)h. Amount RTMOI Check 08127/2020 $200.00 In-Kind DIGITAL BILLBOARD ADS tolt0/2020 $404.00 NEW HANOVER COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY 2840 S COLLEGE ROAD #435 V/ILMINGTON, NC 28412 b. Comments s Add Rermve 0.00$ Eection Sum to Datc (includc city, ststc, & zip) Contributor eFull Name, Mailing d. Account Code e. Form ofPayment f. In-Kind Dcscription g. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)h. Amount RTMOl Check 08/2612020 $5,000.00 $ $ 4. Total only this Page 5,604.00$ 5. Total of ALL CRO-1220 Pages (This llne must be on llne 7 of Dettllcd Summary cRo-r100)5,604.00$ AmendmentDisbursements pg I or 4 Ey., Exo Use this formto report expenditures fromthe conrnittee for operating eryenses, contributions to candidate/political comrnittees and coord inated e 2. ID Number om mc Coordinated strte &zi TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN b. Coordinated Com mittee New Hanover Board of e. Ecction Sum to c. Level Registe E state (spe County of Dishrrsement Contrihtrions toOperating Expenses Infornrrtion Full Nanre, Mailing Address & nclude TALKERFM I N FRONT STREET, SUITE 9I I TON, NC 2840I $1,020.00 Add tr Renrcve f. Account Codc g. Form ofPaymcnt h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remarks RTMOI Check A t0/09t2020 $ 1,020.00 RADIO ADVERTISING $ Information Add Rermve b. Coordineted Committee Name d. Commentsa. FullNane, Mailing Address & Phone (includc city, state, & zip) c. l-evel Registcrcd (Specify) trtr County: Municipality I rederal El s"t"e. Election Sum to Date CUMULUS MEDIA 3233 BURNT MILL DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 $5,280.00 [. Account Code g. Form ofPryment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remsrks RTMOI Check A 101091202a $ 5,280.00 RADTO ADVERTISING Address & Phone d. Comments vel Rc [ $ate c. Inforrnation Full Nanrc, RenpveAdd mittee Nameoordi n ate d &nclude ci ADVERTISING WEST BROAD STREET THTOWN, NC 28337 l0) 862-20r8 stered (Specify) I UunicipAity County: e. Eection Sum to Date $3,825.00 f. Account Code g. Form ofPryment h. Purpose Code i. Datc (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Required Remarks RTMOI Check A 09n712020 $ 3,600.00 ADVERTISING Debit Card A 1010212020RTMOI $ 225.00 BILLBOARDS 5. Total only this Page 10,125.00s 6. Total of ALLCRGI3I0 Pages (This llne goes ln llne I3a of Detailed Summary Page CRO-I100 f Opemtkg Expenses) (This liae goes tn ltne I3b of Dctalled Summary Page CRO-I100 if Contib to Candldates/PoMcal Comm) (This line goes in ltne I jc otDetatled Summary Page CRO-|100 {Coordlnaad Party Expeadiurus) 14,142.98$ z. hrrpose Codes (List detailed eryenditure code in (h.) above) * - I\rredia- Salaries - Postage B* - Printing F* - Fquipnent J - Penahies C* - Fhndraising G - Political Party K* - Oftice kpenses H* - tlolding PuHic Office Expenses Q* - Donation to l-egal Expense Firnd *Other D- To Another CRAI3IO $ AmendmentDisbursements pg _L or 4 BI y.. E xo Use this formto report eryenditures fromthe conrnittee for operating expenses, contributions to candidate/political connnittees and coordinated 2. TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN of Disbursement Coordinated Pto Inforrnation Add Rernove b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Commenf{[r t7"7tAddress & Phone ncl ude state, & Nanp, New Hanover Board of Ec. lrvel Registered (S ct Federal Cotnty: I sate fl tr,tunicipality e. Eection Sum to Date PAUL LEITZKE 3538 S COLLEGE ROAD WILMTNGTON, NC 28412 1,500.00$ f. Account Code g. Form ofPrymenl h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Re quire d Rcmarks RTMOI Check o 08131/2020 $ 1,500.00 WEBSITE DESIGN ments $ ude ci statc & I Uunlcipatity:e. I45 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE W HANOVER PRINTING Information Address & PhoneNanp, RennveAdd Coordinrted Committee Nsme um to Drte 1,589.16 c. Level Registercd (Specify) Federal [ $ate WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (gto) 763-ss99 f. Account Code g. Form ofPeyment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/ddyyyy)i. Amouot k. Required Remarks RTMOI Debit Card B 09123/2020 $ 77.04 PRINTING BANNER Debit Card CAMPAIGN SIGNS Name Comments B $ nclude ci state &zi RTMOI r0t07/2020 b. Coordinete Add Rennve E sate c. [,evel I Municipality: County Sum to Date 1,589.16 Information Full Nanr, Mailing Addrpss & Phone HANOVERPRINTING I45 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 t0)763-ss9e $ 1,139.55 f. Account Code g. Form ofPryment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)j. Amount k. Requircd Remarks RTMOI Debit Card B to/13/2020 g 372.s7 HANDBILLS $ 5. Total only this Page 3,089.16$ Total of ALL CRG1310 Peges (Thh llne pes ln llne Iia of Deralled Summary Page CRO-I100 tf Operating Expenses) (This llne goes ln line 13b of Detolled Sunmary Page CRO-I 100 llContrib to Candidates/Pondcal Comm)14,142.98$ (Thb llne goes in llne l3c of Detalled Page CRO-I100 if Coodlnatcd '. Purpose Codes (List detailed erpenditure code in (h.) above) A* - I\&dia E - Salaries I - Postage O* Other B* - Printing tr* - F4uipnent J - Penahies C* - trbndreising G - Political Party K* - Office hpenses D - To Another Candidate H* - Holdng PuHic Olfice Expenses Q* - Donation to kgal &pense F\rnd * Codes requirg detailed exflanation in required field(k) CRGI3IO County: Disbursements Use this formto report expenditures AmendmentPg 3 of 4 [ily., Eno from the conrnittee for operating epenses, contributions to candidate/political conrnittees and coordinated Full Name TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN NtrW-YHAYHTS..U-UO: of Disbursement Contribrrions to Committees Coordinated trnfornration Add Rernove Full Nanr, Mailing Address &b.nated Committce Name omme ude s & STAPLES $,lgw HanoverSOUTH COLLEGE ROAD c.vel Registercd (S WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Federal Comty Board of l0) 3 l3-0636 I sate fl uunicipality:Election Sum to Date $442.62 f. Account Code g. Form ofPryment h. Purpose Code i. Drte (mm/dilyyyy)j. Amount k. Require m RTMOI Debit Card A 09128/2020 $ 389.23 HANDBILLS AND CARDS $ Informstion Add Remove a. FullNanp, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) b. Coordinated Committce Name d. Comments SUNRISE BROADCASTING 2619 WESTERN BLVD RALEIGH, NC 27606 c. lrvel Registcred (Spccify) fl Federal fl $ate I Cormty: I Uunicipatlty:e. Eection Sum to l)ste $410.00 f. Account Code g. Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount ired Remarks RTMOI Check A t0/09/2020 $ 410.00 RADIO ADVERTISING $ trnformation Add Remove Nanrc, Mailing Address & Phone ude &zi STATES POSTAL SERVICE I52 N FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NC 2840 I -3925 b. Coordineted Committec Name d. Comments c. Level Re istcred (Specify) Fe&ral I Sate I Mrmicipality:e. Eection Sum to Dlte $55.00 f. Account Code g. Form ofPayment h. Purpose Code l. Date (mm/ddyyyy)j. Amount k. Requ d Remarks RTMOI Debit Card I 09/09t202a $ ss.00 $ 5. Total only this Page $8s4.23 6. Total of ALLCRG1310 Pages (This ltne goes h llne I3a of Detalled Summary Page CRO-I 100 if Operating Expenses) (This llne goes in llne I3h of Detuiled Sammary Page CRO-I100 if Contrib ta Candidates/Polittcal Comm) (Thts ltne h Ane 13c of Detailed Summaty Page CRO-I 100 lf Coordlnated Pany kpenditurcs) $l4,l42.gg e Codes (List detailed code in (h.) above) .*-l\&dia B* - Printing F* - F4uipment J - Penalties C* - Fundraising G - Political Party K* - OIfice kpenses D - To Another Candidate H* - Holdng PuHic OfEce Bpenses Q* - Donation to l-egal &pense Fund Other* 310 County: - Salaries - Postage Disbursements Use this form to report ependitures AmendmentPg 4 of 4 81v.. EIxo from the conrnittee for operatin g expens es, contribution s to candidate/political conrnittees and coordinated Committee Name if 2. ID Number TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN Nriw-9HA9HK-C-06: 3.of Dishrrsement to Committees Information Add tl Remove FullNanp, Mailing s & Phone b. Coordinated ommittee Name d. Comments clude state &zi WALMART 5226 SIGMON ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 3e2-4034 c. l,evel stered (S Federal I sate I tr,tunicipality:Election Sum to Date $93.75 f. Account Code g. Form ofPtymcnt h. Purpose Codc i. Date Amount k. Required Remarks RTMOI Debit Card B 09/04t2020 74.59 PRINTING SUPPLIES 5. Total only this Page $74.59 6. Totrl of ALLCRG'1310 Pages (Thls line pes tn llne 13a of Daalled summary page cRo-|100 tlopemting Expenses) (This ltne goes in llne I3b of Detalled Summary Page CRO-|100 tlContrtb to Candidates/poMcat Comm) (!hl1!ke go* ln line 13c otDaoiled Summary page CRO-1100 tf Coordlnated Party Expendltures) $14,t42.98 Codes (List detailed eryendirurc code in (h.)above) !*1\4edia B* - Printing F* - Equipent J - Penahies C* - Firndraising G - Political Party K* - Office kpenses D - To Another C-andidate H* - Iloldng PuHic Office &penses Q* -Donation to Legal kpense Fhnd - Salaries - Postage Other* Codes detailed ln remarks field cRo|310 RECE}VET} JAN I 2 ?O?1 New Hanover County Board of Elections' County: Aggregated Non-Media Expenditures I form used to NC Non-Media Amendment Page I of I Bl Yes tl No of $50 or less. l. Committee fbII I{ome (and fiud if apfl iceHe) TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN 2.IDNumher NEW-9HAgHK.C-065 3. Pa1,9e Infor4ltion r. Amend b. Account Code c. f,'orm of Peyment d. Purpose Code e. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)f. Amount lg. Rcquired Remerks EAEI Remove RTMOI Draft o 09/0812020 FEE luerNrrNeNcr$ s.00 E Add f] Remove RTMOI Draft o 10/07D020 FEE luerNreNauce$ 5.00 f] Add f] Remove RTMOI Debit Card o 09/0st2020 lceupntcN DooR lNocrwc$ 2.64 EI Add f] Remove RTMOI Debit Card o 09/05/2020 LAIVPAIGN DooR lrcNocrrNc$ 10.28 RTMOI Remove Debit Card o COM DOMATN09104/2020 $ 8.17 EI Add fl Remove RTMOI Draft K 09109/2020 $,o.n lcuecK PRTNTTNG ICAMPAIGN ACCT EI Add fl Remove RTMOI Debit Card K 08/29t202A lorrrcr suiP-rES E Add I Remove RTMOI Debit Card K 09/04t2020 lorrrcr SUPPLTESs 21.39 LJ Add f] Remove RTMO2 Draft o 10105/2020 CARD FEE$6.40 lcneonE Add I Remove RTM02 Draft o tolts/2020 CARD FEE3.20$lcnrorr Remove trItl Add RTMOI Debit Card o 08129t2020 lceunarcN sUPPLTES$ 19.16 4. Total only this Page 138.21$ 5. Total of ALL CRO-1315 Pages (Thls line muil be on llne 14 of Detatled Summary Page CRO-1100)138.21$ : B* - Printing F* - Equipment J Penahies HoldingParty ExpensesK*. ToD CandidateAnother PublicGolitica 0frceE*Erpcnses Donations Leto nseQ*Ofrce Expegal E - Sahries I - Postage * Codes requirc detailed explanation in required rcmarks field (q) RECI;,i' ,,,' $Il] JAN 1 2 ZOII New Hanover Counfu Board of Elections' E trI $ 32.00 rfd)a RefundslReimbursements From the Committee pg I or Use this formto refunds/reimbursenrcnts contributions retumed to the contributor I Amendment f,8 v., E xo l. Committee Flrll Name r rndFhndif a6 2. ID Number NEW HANOVER COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY 2840 S COLLEGE ROAD #435 WILMINGTON, NC 28412 NEW-9HA9HK.C-065 entsc. i.o nal Rcceipt Amount TONYMCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN RermveAdd d. Ilpc of Committcc PAC c. kvel Rcgistcrcd (Spcci County: h. Original Rcceipt Date 08/26/2020 (includc city, state, & zip) ng Phone $5,000.00 Information tr [l $ate I Uuniclpatlty I Referendum El Pu.tv b. Job Iitle/Profcssion c. F.rnploye r's Neme/Spccific trleld f. Purpose Code j. Ecction Sum to Date L 0.00$ k. Account Codc l. Form ofPaymcnt m. Required Remarks n. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)o. Amount RTMOI Check RETURN TOCOMMITTEE 09116/2020 $5,000.00 4. Total only this Page 5,000.00$ 5. Total of ALLCRO-1320 Pryes (Thts llne must be on llne 15 of Daallcd Summary Page CfuO-L100)5,000.00$ 6. Purpe Codes (List detailed disbursenpnt code in (f) above) L - Retumed to Contributor M - Overpaynrcnt for Service P* - Reimhrsement of In-Kinr O* Other* Codes require detailed exnlanation in reqrired remarks fietd (m) N - Exceeded Contibution Limit RECEIVEI) JAN 1 2 ?O?1 New Hanover Countv Board of Elections' AmendmentIn-Kind Contributions rg _!_ or I EI y.. E xo Use this form to report non-monetary contributions, donations, pods or services provided to the committee or fund. d were or will t0 RECETVET) JAN 1 2 Zl.Z| New Hanover County Board of Elections' Fbndif 2.IDNumber NEW.9HA9HK.C.O65TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN 3. Contri butor Information EI aaa E Renrcve b.Iipe ofContributor c. Commentse. Full Name, Mailing Addrcss & Phone (include city, statc, & zip) d. Ecction Sum to Date Aggregated Individual Contribution I Individral I Candidate El purty fl nac I Referen&rn E Oth"r Receipt Souce 25.74$ e. Description f. Datc (mm/dd/yyyy)g. Fair Market Amount SANDBAGS FOR CAMPAIGN EVENT 09/26/2020 25.74$ $ s 3. Contri butor Information El eaa E Rernove b. Tlpe ofContributor c. Comments d. Dcction Sum to Date LOWER CAPE FEAR REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB PO BOX 7635 WILMTNGTON,NC 28406 (i ncl ude statc, & Full Name, Mai I Individral I Candidate E pnty I rec I Referendnn I Otner Receipt Sorrce 604.00$ e. Description f. Date (mm/ddyyyy)g. Fair Market Amount DIGITAL BILLBOARD ADS 10110t2020 404.00$ $ $ 4. Total only this Page 429.74$ 5. Total of ALL CRO-1510 Pages (Thls llne must be on llne 17 olDetalled Summary Page CRO-I 100)429.74$ AmendmeAccount Transfers Within the Committee page I or 1 E y.. Use this formto transfer between le or credit accounts ate nt EI xo RECEIVED JAN 1 2 ?I?1 New Hanover CountY Board of Elections Narne if 2. ID Number TONY MCGHEE'S CAMPAIGN NEW-9HA9HK-C-065 3. Trans fer Information e. Amend b. Account Code Tlansferred f,tom c. Account Code Tfansferred To d. Date (mm/ddfyyy)e. Amount E Add I Remove RTMO2 RTMOI 09126t2020 $96.80 fl Add I Remove RTM02 RTMOI 09129t2020 $96.80 El Add I Remove RTMO2 RTMOI 10112t2020 $96.80 4. Total only this Page $290.40 5. Total of ALL CRO-1720 Pages (Thls llne must be on line 24 olDeuiled Summary Page CRO-|100)$290.40