McGhee 2020 Withdrawal of ThresholdVOTE AUG 2 0 2020 NORTH CAROII'NH' STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS Certilication of Threshold This Cenification is used to dcclare orcurre €lection cycle. withdmw a committe€'s intsnt to raise or spend $1,000 or less in the This Certificstion is only velid for politicrl psrty committees gnd cendidst€s for a county orfice,municiprl ofticel locrl rchool borrd ofl-rcq soil & wrtcr conservrtion dbtricl bosrd of supcrvisors, orssnitrry district borrd. This cenificrtion is filcd st thc Board of Elcctions ofilce whcre the committcc'3 crmprlgn rcportsrrc filed, FILED BY: Committee Name: Treasurer Name: Treasurer Address: (I o,*l f.o.; N,t 1Lt-e- ttjL (includs city, st8re, & zip) uu. L n^--r-z-,, ^re Z,{yo ---?- Treasurer Phone: Check One : to file the next scheduled repoi for all contributions and experditurcs thst have not be€n rcported from the beginning ofthe current election cycl€. I fu(her agret to file all D&tc Signcd cRo-3600 Cert{ic at ion of Thres hol d - I ce iry that this committee int€nds to neith$ reccive nor expcnd morc than $ 1,000 during the current elcction cycle und€r the procedures sot forth in G.S. I63-2?s.l0A. This cenification will rem-ain in cffectuntil lhs cnd ofthe eleaion cycle for this mmmiltee. lfthis commi[ee excccds $1,000 in contributions orexpenditurcs during this election cycle, I undcrstand that I must immediatcly notiry &c appropriatc boadofeleoions and file requircd campaign financ€ rcports. THIS DECLARATION CAN ONLY BE MADE AT T}IE BEGINNING OF AN ELECTION CYCLE. -i1(i niulan*ing my Certification to remain at or und$ the g1,000 threshold. Iwill now be required prcviously required. 3/ Z.t / 2D:>r>