McManus 2020 Fourth Quarter ReportDisclosure Report Cover H"*".u.'"'L ""Use this formfor general report and conmittee infornation, m,rst be signed and subnitted along with other detailed forns Do not use this form l. C-ommittee Information r. Full Nrmc c. ID Numbcr MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD RI,UIII VI,fT NEW-LHA5V3-C-065 b. Meiling Addrcss (includc City, Stetc end Zp Codc)rAll t o onrt d- Drtc Filcd 01n2/2021 e. Phone Number 2313 FOUNDRY COURT WILMINGTON,NC 28412 New Hanover County Board of Elections gnrr f rEgrr 2. Remrt Year 3. Period Stert Date (mn/ridlyy)4. Period hd Dete (mnftld/yy)5- Treesurer FhlI Narne 2020 t0/1812020 tv3t/2020 JANE MCFAYDEN 6. Typ of Committee (Check One)9. Type of Reprt (check only one type of repon.from one category) Municiprl Strtc/County Rcfcrtndum Joint Fm&aiser Referendrm Party PAC Lcgal Expn*Fmd Cmdidate oftrbnd applicable, check one) tr I Organizational I Pre-referendun E Final E Sppl"-*tal Final EI a""u"t E Secial 10. Spcial ReprtName fl "Booser Fund" f] nddingnuna f] Presi&ntial Elcction Year Cmdidates Furd E] NC PrICic Cmpaiga FinancingFrad I other: t. Number ofFhndraisers this Reprt 0 trutrtrtr trtrtrtr Organizational Thirty-fle day Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-runoff Semi-annral Mid Year Year End Fiod $ecial I Organizational trtrtrtr tltrtru Qurterty First Second Third Fourth Seni-annual MidYear Ycar End FinaI Specid 3. Accounttrnformation 3. Account Information a. Financial Institution Full Namc a. Flnencial Institution Full Nemc MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD b. Puraosc c. Account Codc b. Puraosc c- Account Codc HFM d. Period Bcgin Balance d. Pcriod Begin Belance RUNNINGELECTION FORBOARD OF EDUCATION $$ I certifr that the Conrnittee or Fund is in conpliance with all applicable provisions of Article 22A,2?B & 22Dl22M' of Chapter 163 ofthe NC General Statutes and that no funds are conrningled with prohibited or other nondisclosed funds. I furthercedift thd thb report b conplcte, true and corect and that I have becn trained by the NC State Board ( Date )"4.0Ut2l202ttt t: Date Received: Date Postnnrked: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Frrployee: Enployee: Enployee: Enployee: Deliverv Method El Nornnl Mail [J Regi"te..d Mail El runa Defivered El Ebctronically Filed ollp lr*, -l_7-- I Signer has not received OFTXCETISEONLY Please Note: This formcannot be used to anrcnd cormittee infornation such as the conrnittee address, treasurer, assistant treasurer, custodian of books infornation, or account inforrmtion. anrend the Statenent to nake conmittee t,.I I I Detailed Summary Amendment [] Ycs [E xo all forns and to total inforrnation l. Committee trhtl Namc (endthndifedicelle)2.fvrofRcrrt 3.IDNumbr MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD 2020 Fourth Quarter NEW-LHAsV3-C-065 Start of Election Clcle: January l, 2019 Totel this Reprtinc Period Total this Dection Cycle 4) Cash on lhnd at Start $6,203.33 $0.00 5) Aggregated Cutrihtions from hdri&als 6) Contributions from Indflri&rals 7) Contributions from Political Party Committees E) Contribotions froru Otter Political Committecs 9) L€n Procee& 0) Rcfund/Reimbursemenb to the Committee 1) Other Receipt Sources IIa) Intereston Bank Accounts I I b) Contrihtions frmr Nd-For-Profit Organizetions llc) Outsi& Sources of Incom f lO Legd &pense Fund- Other Sources I le) Exempt Purchase Price Sales GRAI2Os) GRA|210) (ao-r220) (ao-t230) (cRot1t0) (cRe1240) $75.00 $1,025.00 $1,900.00 $25,087.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (cRar2s0) (cRGrzs0) (cRGt2s0) (cno-1270) (cRct265) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $755.45 $7s5.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALRIIIPTS (Add lines 5,6,7,8,9,1O1lal lb,l lc,t ld ad I le)$,730.4s $ 26,867.96 Dishrrsemcnts 13a) Operating kpnditures 13$ Contrihtions to Canddetes/Politicel Committecs l3c) CoordneGd Party f,T Fa61s."t 4) AggrcgaGd Norlltrla rLFxlturcs 5) Lmtr Repayments 6) Refun&/Reimhrrserents from the Committee 7) In-Kind C-mtrihrtions (cRarir0)$6,415.80 $23,596.34 (cRGl310)$0.00 $0.00 (Cn'O.I310)$0.00 $0.00 (cRa|31s)$r 15.75 $442.39 (cRO-r120)$0.00 $300.00 (cRo-t320)$0.00 $0.00 Gnols10)$0.00 $127.00 I 8) TOTAL D(PII\IDIIIIRES (Add lines l3a, I 3b, t3c, t 4, t5, t6 nd l7)$6.s3 r.55 $24.465.73 Cash on Iland at End (Add lines 4 and 12 together, than subtrat line 18)$$ DITIONAL Non-lllonehry (Ifts Giren to Other Committee (cRctji0)$0.00 l) Oubtandtng Lcns (incl. ones from o(tcr cempeigns) (Aal$0)$0.00 Deh and OHigations onwd by Deh and OHigations oued to SSffivED (cRo-r610) (cRo-r620) GnGt720) $0.00 $0.00 Account Trensfers Within the CoqJfif$q 2 ?[,Zl $0.00 Administretiro Suport triorgiwn Lcns 4t-Ilour Notice Reporb Sum New Hanover countv (ao't7lo) Board of Elections', pnaruol (cRo-2220) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 lE) Contributions to be Refunded (CROLl215)$0.00 $0.00 CRO.I l0O Aggregated Contributions from Individuals page I or I form used to NC Contnbutbns Frorn Irdivkluah of $50 or less Amendmcnt Ey". Eno RECEIVET} JAN I 2 20?l New Hanover Countv Board of Elections' l. Committee 2.ID Numhr MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD NEW-LHAsV3-C-065 3. Contrihrtor hformation r. Amcnd b- Account Code c. Forn of Pryncnt d. Ir-Kind Dcscripion c. Detc (nn/ddlyyyy)f. Amount EI Add I Remove HFM Check tolt9/2a20 50.00$ ll Add I Remore HFM Check to/22/2A20 25.O0$ 4. Total only this Pege $$75.00 5. Total of ALL CRO-1205 Pages (Thb fiac mas bc oa linc 5 of Ddeilcd Stn;lary Page CR0-1 $$75.00100) Contributions from Individuals Use this formto individual contributbns over $fl) or contnlbutbns under $fl) if form CRO 1205 is not used Amcndme ntpg I or 3 Ely.. Exo Fundif MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD Contri hrtor Informati on E aaa fl Renpve e. Full Nrmc, Meilirg Addrtss & Pbouc (include city, state, & zip) 3. ['n ploycrrs Namc/Spccilic Field New Hanover tsoard of c. Ee ction Sum to Date CYNTHIA DUCHARME 37OO PROVIDENCE COURT WILMTNGTON, NC 2MI2 100.00$ f. Prior g- Accourt Codc h. Form ofPeyucrt i. In-Xind Dcscription j. Iletc (nn/ddrlyyy)k. Amount tr HFM Check t0/19/2020 100.00$ tr $ $ Contrihrtor Information Add Remove b. Job Iitlc/Prcfcssioa d. Commentsr. fhll Namc, Mriling Addrtss & Phore (includc city, state, & zip) s. F'mploye r's Nemc/Specilic Field Sum to Datee. VIRGINIA HOLLINGSWORTH 2926 BOUNDARY STREET SUITE IOO WILMINGTON, NC 28405 100.00$ f. Prior g. Account Codc h. Fora ofPryncrt i. In-Xird Ilcscripion j. Iletc (mm/ddlyyyy)k. Amount HFM Check 1011912020 100.00$ $ tr $ Contributor Inforuution E aao Renmve b. Job litlc/Profcssion Commcntsr. Full Nenc, Meiling Addrcss & Phonc (include city, statc, & zip)DEVELOPER c. Frploycrrs Neoc/Spccific Ficld Ecction Sum to Ilate 1,000.00$ f. Prior g. Account Code b. Form ofPaymcnt i. In-ICnd Description j. Date (mm/ddfyyy)k. Amount HFM Check 1012U2020 1,000.00$ tr $ $ Totalon$ this $1,200.00 Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages 1,900.00$(Thh linc nus bc online 6 Summary Page CRO-|100) CRO,I210 NEW.LHA5V3-C-065pE'r-,Lrrt/l b- Job Iitlc/Profcssiou OmlocElt$lt t n ^^ tr tr CRAYNE HOWES 1816 STANNARD TRAIL RALEIGHT, NC 27612 tr AmcndEent Contributions from Individuals pe 2 or 3 [ ves E no Use this form to report individual contributbns over $50 or contributbns under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used ?1 if 2. ID Number NEW-LHA5V3-C-065 b. Job Comments Name/S ? c.Field $ Add I Rennve New Hanover MCMANUS POR SCHOOL BOARD Board flection Sum to Date 200.00 Contri hrtor hforrnation Full Nemc, Mriling Addrcss & Phonc nclude city, state, & zip) DEBORAH ORRELL 305 SUFFOLK LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28/[9 f. Prior g. Account Co&h. Form ofPeyncrt i. In-Kird DcscriSion i. Detc (nm/ddfiyyy)k. Anornt tr HFM Check tol19/2020 200.00$ tr $ 3. Contrihrtor Information El Add El Rennve h. Job fitlc/Pmfrssion d. Commcnts 6. f,'mploycr's Namc/Spccific Field c. Dcction Sum to Date RACHELPACE 825 INLET VIEW DRIVE WILMINGTON,NC 28409 (include city, state, & z Full Nruc, Mriling 100.00$ f. Prior g. Accornt Codc h. Forn ofPryncnt i. In-Ifi rd Ilcscri prtion j. Drtc (nnlddfyyyy)k. Amount HFM Check 1011912020 100.00$ tr $ tr $ 3. Contri butor Informqtion El aaa fl Rennve b. Job lltlclProfcssi ou d- Comoentse. fbll Nrnc, Mriling Addrcss & Phonc (includc ciQr, strtc, & zip) c- Ihploycrrs Nrrnc/Spccific Ficld e. Ecction Sun to llate ANN SNEEDEN I84O SOUTH LIVE OAK PARKWAY WILMINGTON, NC 28403 $200.00 f. Prior g. Account Codc h. Form ofPayment i. In-Kind Dcscription j. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount tr HFM Check t0n9/2020 200.00$ tr $ tr $ 4. TohI only this Page $500.00 5. Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages (ThB linc nag be on linc 6 olDaoiled Sunaary Page CnO-1100)1,900.00$ CRG|2IO $ tr Contributions from IndiYiduals Use this formto individual contnibutbns over $50 or contnlbutions under $50 if form CRO 1205 b not used Ancndmentpg 3 or 3 Ey.. Exo RECEIVET) JAN I 2 ?021 New Hanover County Board of Elections 1. Committee Full Name (andFundifedicetle)2.IDNumber NEW.LHAsV3-C-065MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD 3. Contri htor Information El Add E Reop'*re h. Job Iitlc/Profcssion d- Commcntsa, Full Nenc, Meilirg Addrcss & Phoec (include city, state, & zip) c. Fmployer's Name/Specific Field e. Dection Sum to Date STEDMAN STEVENS 7OO7 AIRLIE OAKS LANE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 100.00$ f. Prior g. Account Codc h. Foro of Peyncnt i. Ir-Kind Dcscri$ion j. Detc (mm/ddryyyy)k. Anount HFM Electric Funds Tran tot20/2020 100.00$ u $ u $ 3. Contritutor Information E eaa E Renpve b. Job Titlc/Profcssion d. Commcnts c. Employcr's Namc/Spccilic Field e. Dection Sum to Date LINDA THOMAS 602 WRIGHT STREET WILMINGTON, NC 2840I & Phonc (includc state, & zi Full Nemc, 100.00$ f. Prior g. Accolnt Co&h. Forr ofPrynent i. In-Xind Ilcscription j. Drtc (nn/dd/yyyy)k. Amount HFM Check 10/19/2020 100.00$ tr $ tr $ 4. Total only this Page $200.00 5. Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages (Thb lbe mus be on line 6 of Daailcd Sunne,ry Pagc &0-1100)1,900.00$ I tr tr AncndmcntOther Receipt Sources pg _l or I I ves E xo Use this form to report inconrc not reported on another form ie . interest inconp, not for profit contn'butions etc. CRGI2SO Board RECEIVED JAN t 2 2021 *By#ii[.,J$3il,, l. Committee Fhll Name (end Ftnd if apflicede)2. ID Number MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD NEW.LHAsV3.C.O65 3.Type of ReceiqtSowce (Please.lse separate CROI Income Contri hrtor Information Add Renpve a. trhll Nene, Mriling Addrcss & Phonc (include city, state, & zip) b. Not-for-Profrt Fcdcnl ID #d. Comments CLICK2MAIL 3IO3 IOTH STREETN SUITE 2OI ARLINGTON, VA 22201-2191 c. Outside Source kplanation e. Eection Sum to Dste $658.65 f. Account Code g. Foru ofPeyment h. In-Kind Dcscripioa i- Dete (mm/ddlyyyy)i. Amount HFM Electric Funds Tran rUt3/2020 $658.65 $ Contrihrtor Informtion Add Renpve a. Full Neme, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, strte, & zip) b. Not-for-Profit Federal ID #d. Comments PAYPAL 22II NORTHFIRSTSTREET SANJOSE,CA 95I3I c. Ootsi& Sourcc Drphrrtion c. Ecctioo Sum to Dete $96.80 [. Account Codc g. Forun ofPeyment h. In-Kind Dcscription i. Drte (m m/dd/yyyy)j. Amouat HFM Elecfic Funds Tran tut2t2020 $96.80 $ 5. Total only this Page $75s.45 6. Total of ALL CRGI250 Pages (This linc goa in liae I la olDeaikd Saanary pagc CR&1100 if Inut?s) (This ttne goes ia line I I b of Detoiled Summory Page CRO-I 100 tf Not-for-Pmftt C-ontribation)$755.45 (This tine g,oa in ltae I Ic of Daailed Pagc CRO-I100 if Ouaidc Souca of hcome) AmcndDcntDisbursements pg I or 4 El y., El xo Use this formto report eryendhures fromthe conmittee for operating eryenses, contributions to candidate/political conrnittees and coordinated I 2. ID Number Contrihtions to CandidaleJPolitical Committees Coordinated MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD of f)ishrsernent 4. Payee Informgtion E aaa tl Renrove h Coordiarted Coanittec Nrae d-Corncn$N I Z /Ua. FullNare, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, stete, & zip) c. Irvel Registcrcd (Spe cify) New Hanover Ct Board of Electj fItr Cornty: Mmicipality El Fe&ral fl sate e. Election Sum to Dete FACEBOOK I HACKER WAY MENLOPARK, CA 94025 1,135.80$ [. Accoult Code g. f,iDrm of Prymcnt h. Purpore Co&i- Drtc (nu/ddlyyyy)i. Anouut h. Rcquircd Rcmerts HFM Electric Funds Tran K ADVERTISING1011812020$ 400.00 Cormcnts ude ci $ Electric Funds Tran K Full Nanr, Mailing Address & Ptrone HFM Information l0/19/2020 r87.28 Add Renrove b. Coordineted Corpittec Neme I HACKER WAY PARKCA 94025 c. I*vcl Registcred (Spe C-omty: I Municipality,Oection Sum to Date 1,135.80 Fe&ral $ate f. Account Codc g. f,'orn of Peyncnt h. Purposc Co&i. Ihtc (nn/dd/yWy)j. Anouot k. Rcquircd R.cmerks TIFM Electric Funds Tran K ty08Do20 $ 548.52 ADVERTISEMENT Nrme Comoents $ Coorditrated olllm Inforrnation Full Nanr, Mailing Address & Phone & Add Remove Lcvel Rcgistcrcd (S Cornty I tvtunicipaity:- Ecction Sum to Date $100.00 GOODFRIENDS P.O.BOX4222 W]LMINGTON, NC 28406 Federal Sde f. Account Codc g. fiorn of Peymcrt h. Prrposc Codc i. Drtc (rn/dffyyyy)i. Anount k. Rcqoired Remerks rtrM Check o tz/2U2020 $ 100.00 DONATION $ 5. Totrl onlythis Page $123s.80 6. Totet ofALLCRGl3l0 Pages (This line goes in line l3a of Detailed Summary Page CRO-I 100 if Operuting Expenses) (Thb lhtc goa b ltnc 13b of Datild en'z,ary Pogc A,OLIIU) irenatib to tCoadideta/Pohicol C-oan) (This line pes in line l3c of Detalled Summary Page CnO-1100 if Coordlnahd paty 6,415.80$ Expendiures) 7. PUrpOse CodeS 0 ist detailed erpenditure code in (h.) above) A* - Il&dia B* - Printing C* - Fhndraising E - Salaries l*-nquipent G-PoliticalParty I - Postage J - Penahies K* - Office &penses O* Otler* Codes reqprire &tailedexplanafion in reqriredremarks field(k) D - To Another Candidate H* - Itroldng PuHic Office Expenses Q* - Donatim to Lcgal Expense Firnd t"I FIdI 2. ID Number MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD Nt,W-LflA)YJ-U.UO: 3. Type of flishrsement (Pleasc ar separute CROcl3l0Ionsfor eoch lryte of Disbanetrent) d. Commcnts to cl(s Information FullNane, Mailing Address & Phone &nclude HANSON b. Coordinetcd Connittcc Nrac Add Rerrnve Board of New I sate c. I-evel e. flection Sum to Date $2,100.00 2313 LYNNWOODDRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 f. Account Codc g. Form ofPryncnt h. Purporc Co&i. Drtc (ma/dd/yyyy)i. Anount k. Rcquired Rcmrks TIFM Check K t2/1512020 $ 2,100.00 CONSULTANT SERVICES $X.TNI'EI(bL,' Information Add Rernove b. Coordinrted Coanittee Nemc d. Comments c. Level Registcred (Specify) Fc&ral CouDty: Sate I vt.nicipality,e. Eection Sum to Date 3333 JAECKLE DRIVE UNIT I4O WILMINGTON, NC 28403 & cl state &zi FullNanr, Mailing SCHOOL 100.00$ f. Account Co&g. nDrD ofPeyocnt h. Purpose Co&i. Drtc (mn/ddtyyyy)j. Anount k. Rcquircd Remrrks HFM Check o 12t2tDO20 $ 100.00 DONATION d. Comments I ltunicipaity:e. Dection Som to Date Inforrnation FullNanr, Mailing Address & Phone &nclude MCFAYDEN PINE VALLEY DRIVE NC 28409 $ RennveE aaa Coordinated Committce Neme Lcral Rcgistcrcd Cornty: $ate $1,400.00 [. Account Codc g. Forn ofPeyncrt h. Purposc Co&i- Detc (nn/dd/yyyy)j. Anouat k. Rcquired Remerks HFM Check K 1211512020 $ 1,400.00 TREASURER SERVICES $t(h,NLrtt(bl-, 5. Totd only ttis Page $3,600.00 6. To(el of ALLCRGI3I0 Pages (This line pes ia line l3a of Detailed Summary Page CRO-1100 if Operating Expenses) (Thb linc goa in liDe ,3b of llateilcd fuarr,ery Page CRGI IOO {e-oatib u C-eadidttdPobical Coraa) (This line pes tn line I3c of Detuiled Summary Page CRO-L100 if Coordinoad Paty kpendiarx) 6,415.80$ Z. Pupose Co&s flist detailed erpenditure code in (h.) above) A* - llledia B* - Printing C* - Fhndraising E - Salaries I* - Dgipent G - Political Party I - Postage J - Penahies K* - Office kpenses O* Ot[er* Qo&s req{ re detailed exfl anation in reqrired remslk5 fi eld (k) D - To Another Candidate H* - Eoldng PuHic Office &penses Q* - Donation to kgal &pense Fund AnendmcntDisbursemenh Pg 2 or 4 E v". El no Use this formto report expenditures fromthe conmittee for operating elpenses, contnlbutions to candidate/political conrnittees and coordinated 021 AnendmeutDisbursements Pg 3 or 4 E ye. [tr xo Use this formto report eryenditures frromthe conmittee for operating expenses, contributions to candidate/political contrnittees and coordinated ET} 021 CountY Name 2. ID Number MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD of flishrsernent Contrihtrions to CandidareVPolitical Committees CoordinatedExpenses 4. Payee Information EI Add tr Renpve d. Comnents JAI\ Lb. Coordiutcd Consittcc Nenea. FullNane, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) c. Level Registered (Specify) New Hanovet Board of Elt fItr Couty: Mmicipality fI Fe&ral E sate e. Election Sum to Dete PORT CITY DAILY 14 I O COMMONWEALTH DRIVE SLTITE IO2A WILMINGTON, NC 28403 $500.00 f. Account Codc g. Form ofPrymcut h. Purposc Codc i- Ilrtc (nn/dd/yyyy)i- AEount k. Rcquired RcDrrks K $ 500.00HFMCheck1ofi9t2020 ADVERTISEMENT d. Comments ncludc & Full Nane, Mailing Addrcss & Phone Information b. Coordiertcd Conaittec Nrmc $ Add Rernove VATION ARMY CAPEFEAR SOUTH THIRD STREET NC 28401 Ixvel Registered (Specify) Fe&ral Couty: e. Eection Sum to Date $200.00 I Sate fl t trnicipatity [. Account Codc g. Forr ofPeyncnt h. Plrposc Codc i. Drtc (nr/ddlyyyy)j. Anount k. Rcquired Remrrks HFM Check o t2t2U2020 $ 200.00 DONATION Commentse $ sta & hfonmation FullNare, Mailing Address & Phone clude b. Coordinated Committe e $ Add Rermve c. kvcl Registercd (S I sate Federal on Sum to Detc 1,560.00 Cornty: Muticipality: STARNEWS IOO3 SOUTH ITTH STREET WILMINGTON, NC 2840I f. Account Codc g. Forn ofPrynent h. Prrposc Codc i. Drte (nn/ddfyyyy)j. Alornt k. Rcquired Rcmirhs HFM Check K 1012U2020 $ 780.00 ADVERTISEMENT $ 5.Tfilmlythis Page $1,480.00 6. Totat of ALLCRGI3IO Pages (This line goes in llne Iia of Deniled Summary Page CRO-I100 if Operafing F-xpenses) (Thb linc pa b tire l3b of Dclailed fuatncty Page CR(LI lO0 ilcoafrib to CsrdidotdPol'aiccl C-onn) (This line goes in line 13c oJDaailed Summary Page CRO-| 100 ilCoordtnaad Party Expendiures) 6,415.80$ Z. Purpose Codes @ist detailed eryenditure code in (h.)above) B* - Printing I* - trquilment J - Penahies C* - trhndreising G - Political Party K* -Officc kpcnses H* - Iloldng PuHic Offce &penses Q* - Donation to Legd &pense fhnd tn&tailed remarks field * - Illedia Salaries - Postage CXher* Co&s D-To Candidate l. Cornmittee F\ Ame ndrnentDisbursements Pg 4 or 4 El v.. E no Use this formto report expenditures fromthe corrrnittee for operating eryenses, contnlbutions to candidateipolitical committees and coordinated 2. ID Numberif MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD Nh,w-LHA)VJ-U-Ub: 3. Type of Disbursement (Please ase seoarute CRO-1310 fonts for each tqte of Disbanenpnl) Contrihtrions to CandidateJPolitical Committees Coordhated Party Ex pendit uresExpenses 4. Payee Information E Add tl Renpve b. Coordiaetcd Conaittcc Nrur d- Commentsa. FullNare, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, statc, & zip) c. Level Registered (Specify) fItr County: Mrmicipality: tI Fo&rat fl sate e. Eection Sum to Date STEVENSAMC CHURCH 5OI RED CROSS STREET WILMINGTON,NC 2840I r00.00$ [. Account Codc g. Forn ofPry[crt h. Purposc Codc Drtc (nu AEount k. Rcqaired Rcmrrks HFM Check o t2/21/2020 100.00 DONATION 5. Tohl onlythis Page $100.00 6. Tel of ALLCR0'1310 Page (This line goes in liae 13a otDdailed Summary Page CRO-1100 if Operuting Expenses) (Thb liae goa in liae l3b of Dadkd Stnlll,ary Pagc CR0-1100 itcoafrib to CaadidotdPolirical Aam) (This line goes in line lic oJDetailed Summary Page CRO-1100 if Coodinated Party bpendiares) 6,415.80$ Z. hupose Co&s Gist detailed erpenditure code in (h.) above) A* - lliledia B* - Printing C* - Fhn&aising E - Salaries tr* - Fquiprent G - Political Party I - Postage J - Penahies K* - Officc fuenses O* Other* Co&s reqrire &tailedeganation in reSriredremarks field(k) D - To Another Candidate H* - Holdng PuHic Olfce Expenses Q* - Donetim to Lgel fuense Fund RECEIVEI) iAN 1 2 2021 New Hanover CountY Board of ElecUons 2.IDNumbrl. Committee fill nhEG (and trbndifepliceUe) MCMANUS FOR SCHOOL BOARD NEW-LHA5V3-C-065 3. Payee Information g. Requircd Rcmrrksr. Ancnd b. Accoant Code c- f,'orp of Pryncut d. Purposc Code c- Ihtc (nn/ddlyyyy)f. Amount tUo9/2020 $ 8.00 WEBSITETIFMElectric Funds Tran K $ 13-00 SERVICE CI{ARGEEl Add I Remove tIFM Draft K lol2U2020 $ 10.s0 FINANCE CHARGES Remove L]tl Add HFM Draft K 1U2312020 lzDlDO20 $ 3.00 SERVICECI{ARGEEI Add ff Rcmove TIFM Draft K t2l2t/2020 $ 50.00 SERVICES RENDERED E Add I Remove HFM Check K fI Add I Remove TIFM tvos2020 $ 7.55Electric FundsTran K WEBSITEE Add l-l Remove HFM Electric Frmds Tran K tu06,Do20 3 20.50 PERCENTAGE OF DONATION ll Add I Remove HPM Electric Funds Tran K r012012020 $ 3.20 4. Total onty ttis Page I15.75$ 5. Total of ALL CRG13I5 Pages (This line nust be on line 11 otDaailcd Summary Page CRG1100)115.75$ C* - Fundmising G - Poftical Party K* - Oftce Expenses D - To Anotlrcr Candilate H* - Holding Public Oftce Expenses r B*_ Q* 'Donations to Legal Expense E - Sahries I - Postage F* - Equipment J - Penahbs * Codes rrc de d ln Aggregated Non-Media Expenditures form used to NC NorMedia CROISIs Amendment Pege I or I El Yes tr No of $50 or less RECEIVET} JAN 1 2 ZI?1 New Hanover CountY Board of Elections EI eaa Ift n"*o""l lwrnsrre