McManus 48-Hour Notice 10-26-2020Amondmut 4E-Hour Notice pasc or - E vo {xo Use this form to report all contibutions of $1,000 or rDore. Notice must be fiIed within 48 hours of receipt of conlribution. The 48-Hour reporting period begins the day after the last day of the 1st Qrtr-Plus report period and ends the day of the Prioary and begins the day after the last day of the 3rd Qrtr-Plus report and ends the day of the Geoeral Election. All 48 Hour In-Kind Contributions must be recorded on CRO-1510 and attached. This notie be falrcd in odff to rm fu 48 h &adlire. c. ID Nunberuf\IlNam LAAs(3ttz\q ylAc.ut.,rt F--. 5&oo\ B.*.^J d. Report lleteb. M8llhg A.tLess (hchde Ctty, State aul Zlp Code) t bf aG I aog, aPhmclffier e3t3 tr"dif C-*'+ L'J,\,^:..=L- .1AZ J8.{ ra (etrhllNane,FoIl Name, MalllagA.litr€66 & Pbone (h.Hc rfib'd ocT 26 2020 New Hanover CountY Board of Elections Cli"".- *o';es ,81{€- 5L,.^6r..r Tr.-. I Ro.le;sh ,17.L AlbtL b. Type of Contrlhorb. Type of Contrltntor ff nm*m,ra Gfffi,alrtryr4i*b2odb3t fl mmri"ttty l-I Ou. totiti"al Committee (il checkcd, must speciJy bt) [ ruc*+luft geedd.aloryricg3"u) EI msmo. EfnmviOurt (iIds&d"r',lsryI|{ibb2db3) EI mnr*mry I OmerfoftcalCommicee (if ctvcked, must specily bl) (itMd,mr,rycn./td4)f] xc-ru-amc El ot"rso"* bl. Typc of Cornltteebl.Iype of Coumlttee E F"d*"lEs*County: fmoUpeftf trfr*d-rl EI s.*ffc"u"ty:I u,-i,ipry M. Fcileral ID NumbcrM. FcdcraIID Nrmber b2. Job TfrIe/kofcsdonb2. Job Tffit/Eof,tssfon De/.to pzr c.FerofPrymtc-Fcnof,hryrrd bl, Qloprt's lYrol$crft nc[b3. E4loycds l*rplSprr6c ftlil 5.tS LAdEAda.II*(preyyyy)n I)*(mfdaryyyy) $ l, ooo, oo5 l, o0o.oo roler leoaotoletlpu c.AdO*g.E}*rhfoDettrActmtCodcg.Ehtuhblh $ 1, octo, oDfi I ooo .oD Hrnfirn 4tr#ffi :ii iiilr,r:jii: li;i i $I oDO. Oo $o Ic€rtifytatbecommitteeqFrdbincorylftrrewthallpovisi<nsof &tbb22A"zB&'?2D.azl{ofGg 163dtuNC Gen€ral Statutes and thatno Arnds are commingled with prohibited or othernon-disclosed frrnds. I fruther certi$ that this report is comple{e &rq cou.ei and thaf I have ben tralred by lh€ NC State Boatd of Eloctfoms Tbecomrilnlioos urse rceircd no more than {S horn.s Fir to rhi* ndice being filed- I rmfustanl -' - all ffifuins incfuding tbrc rqlr&d m lhis ffiice must af,so be reported on the next scheduled campaip disclosure report. reb4/pzo€r^ Prined Name v1/\ Dateof a-Jc.rte Mi fe, NC SrateBord l& ,$r,{.llLlLl.i-jl!J,.l;n-l -D ft nI :