Phillips 2020 Final ReportDisclosur.e Repolt Coyer. Usc tlds form for gmral repon and connittee tnformatro4 must be sigrrrd and zubaritted aloneDous€ .lurcud.ocatE r-cs EI ro nith othet dttaled fosrs.to ,Y K PHILLPS FOR NHC REGISTER OF DEEDS full Nroo KIMBERL NEW-CHASIP-C-065 ID J{--brr DrrG Filcd 10t23t2020 Codc)lllitinE.fddr.={ilcludc Cih., Srrtc tld ]ct 2 6 2020 NHC gd. of Elections 826 SANTA MARTA AVENT]E WILMINGTON,NC 2841I c. PLolc lfunbcr (910) 746-8876 Ycer 2020 0710y2020 Stur t0/17t2020 KIMBERLYK PHILLPS at*Cecdidet: Cro,eerga Joint Fr:a&eictr Refereadur P.rR' PAC L.grl Fuad tr tr Orgzai:ttioarl Fre-rcfererr&;rn Fin l Srypleoeatrl Fiul El .r""*ttr U*lat trtr Prtrirkarrel Ettrioo 11rr Cradidrts Fr.rad 1iC h$lic Cempaga Fiorociag Fuod Otter: ^Bcorter Fuad" Building FEad 0 Orgz{zrtioad Thirty.-fir'e &;-- ?lr2ricur-r- ?re-+lecrioa Fre-runof; Srmi-mard Ifid 1'etr l.err Ead Fiad 9p.oi.l trtrtrtr tr E]trtr Qllrted-'- Frst Srcoad .t atf6 For:rth Seai-eoauel Ilid 1'ear Teer Ead Firt te.cirl trtr Btr trtrtrtr ora STATE EMPLOYEES CREDM UNION Eiurcirl Iutitotion ItlrfilU.DC a.fiurciel firlltutitutiol Ir'-rur KP4ROD .lccoutt Ccdo c. Jlsoult Codc A Pcdod CAMPAIGNRECEIPTS & EXPENSES Purfosc Pcriod Bducc s 0.00 Fur2orc 3 Dete coglplimce I Si_srr I cenii'that the Cssrninee sr Fund is ir nith all appticrble protisioas ofArticle :at::e & t2D_1I\,! ofChaprer 163 of the XC Gencral Stanrtes md that no firnds are comurhg[ed sith prolibited or olher non-tf,sclosedfuads. tr furthercertii,that tlds report is coaptete. tnre and corect and that tr have bem trained br.the \-C Statc Board 10/23/2020Nesne of Date Receivet Datc Posgnarte& Date Scarue& Date Data Entcrcd: rqpbyee Eurplol'er Earplol'cc Earplol'ec L4toZbzoaD omcx usE Otrlr I Signcr bas not rtceir.ed DcEr.er)'\{ethod EI Xo,oatltait E Rtgistcredllerl E l{anaDc[r'crta E Elcctronicalg'Fited NsePleaote:formThis bccaurot edus to ammd comurittee trfomation assuch the coanndttee address-trcasurer-assistant treasurcr,custodian ofbooks orirfomation accouat rnfomation- to Decearber Detailed Summ*ry all -{scad.ncrt El r-cr B so I Frll KIMBERLY K PHILLIPS FOR NHC REGISTER OF t 2020 Final NEW-CIIASIP-C-065 t Start of Election Cp-cle: Januan- l, zorg Cash on Hud ar Stert Totel rtis Reporting Period Totel tris flcction Crclc 0.00s s 0.00 0.00 0.00 S 5 S 0.00 12,515.61( 0.00s 0.00s S 0.00 0.00( s 0.00 0.00s s 0.00 s 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 s s 0.00 s 0.00 t 0.00 s 0.00 0.00$0.00t 5) .[gregeted Contributions fmm Indiriduels 6) Cottributiont hor lndiriduels 7) Contributions from Poliricel pam- Conninecs 8) Contributions from Othrr political Couninces 9) Lorn Procecds I) Other Recrip Sourccs lle) Intertst ou Beuh Accounts I lb) Contributions hom Not-For-pno6t Orgedzetions Ilc) Outside Sourccs of lucome lld) Lcgel frpcrsc Fund - OtLcr Siources RefrldsrReiuburccueuts ro 6e Conuinee llc) frcmptPurclesc pricc Selcs ]6St (CI.oll4it tC&Ol)10t rcnLt220) rcnol230) tcnout0t KXOI!.t0t tcta,2i0t lC&,O1li0t tl0'|2t0) rcnO12'0t S 0.00 0.005 TOTALRE(TIPTS rl dd llc)(-{ddlirc:s 0.00 r 2,515.615 t 0.00 0.00s s 0.00 S 0.00 0.00s 0.00s s 0.00 0.00s S 0.00 s 0.00 0.00s s 22.00 lir) orretirgrrycndimm" NHC Bd. of Electiorigoutot l3b) contributions to candidrtesrpoliticrl committcts rcxro.rirol l3c) CmrdineredPertvErpcaditurcs rcx.otirht {) Aggrcgeted lfon-llcdie frptndinrres rcXOt jt j) OcI 2 6 2020Disturstuenis rcnOu20) tCROlJ20t 4 h-liiind Coarributions rcnaltnt Loel Bepe5mcnts RcfondsrRtinburseuelts lroo tte Committec S 0.00 12,493.615 L\"ISDITURT.{LTOT s liaeg(Add 3+13b,t5 adt6-rc,{?)$0.00 12.515.61s together.1:oaCesh H.!d at frd (Add I+lhes ud thea subrrrct lia s)0.00s0.00s s 0.00 5 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 S 0.00 s 0.00 0.00S s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 0.00s lion-llonetlrr Gift s Gircn to Oltcr Couoittecs Ortsnnding Loens (incl ones hon o6tr cupeigls) Debts end Obligetions orcd h the Conmine Dcbts ild Obligntions ored to rhe Coumirte Aecouat Trrlsfers Ilirhin thc Cmnittec .{fuiaistretirc Suppon Forgirel Loans rcna,]30t rcnoHil) tcnot610t lCIOl620t fCnOt-20) tclot:t0t tcBorl.r0, tCR4]2j0i Knot2rStContriDutions ro bc Rcfondcd {&Eour ltoticc Rtports Suu r) 4) r) s 0.00 0.00s I