Phillips 2020 First Quarter Report AmendmentDisclosure Report Cover. Use Ods form for eeneral rcpon and comsrihre .{ncadnrntSx.r [-]Noinforrratiorl must be signrd and subanitted along sittr other dctafued foansuseto full ltroc ID ![--bcrKIMBERLY K PHILLPS FOR NHC REGISTER OF DEEDS NEW-CIIASIP-C-065 llrilirE .lddrcrr (bcludc City Strt.ud AD Code)d. Detc filcd 826 SANTA MARIA AVENUE WILMINGTON,NC 284II Oci 2 6 202a NHC Bd" of Elections t0/23t2020 PLolc lfuobcr (910) 746-8876 2020 0U0U2020 02n5t2020 KIMBERLY K PHILLIPS C:odiiletr fuap*iltr Ferty otp tr Joiot Fr:odreirrr tr Ptc Sttrc.,'coulqr tr^o,!,#il;;"" " Q:rtrr!- Rcfcaclduo Refcrea&ur Legd Exp€ru. Fuad trtrtrtr Orgzfliatioad Thirtl'-5r.e d4. Prc1rria:r-r,' Fre-dectioa Frc-nraoff Scmi-raaud Ilid Tear Tcr Eod Fin:l te€cirl Or;ai:etiurel "Boortar Fucrd" Brildiag Fwd Etr E]tr Fict Secood Third Fotrrh Srari-rnnr:al I[d 1'*er Ttrr Eod Fiorl I Pre*rfrreadur El ra.r Eugplenratd Firel I Pruirhatiel Eltcrion l'ar Cadideter Fuod fl ,unut tr qp*i.lNC ftblit C:mprtgn Fir.ra.*.gFr:ad trtrtrtr Other:trtrtrtr0 tprcr.l finencirl Ilrtitutiol FullNrac Faucirla.Iartitotion firU NucSTATE EMPLOYEES CREDIT LINION c..lmoud Codc Prreorc Accouat CodeCAMPAIGN RECEIPTS & EXPENSES KP4ROD d" Pcriod Brlucc Pcriod Erlelcc s 22.0O s I cenifi that the Conainee or Fund is ln co,opliance sith alCtrapterI63ofthe.\-c Gena-al appficSle prolisioas ofArticle )1-l ::B &llD-xx.1 ofStanrtesaodthataofirnds8Qcoamirgfedt+ith proldtrited othsfirrrdsIfirrthercertfi'that tlis or noo-rfi.sclos edrePortiscomplete,true and correct and that hare bem trained by the \rc State Board ( &e 10t23t2020 Due Datr RccsiveC Date Postma*e& Datc Scanne& Date Data Eatcrc& Ecrployec Employ-ee Enplol'cc Enptoyec tolLlzazo....i....l..ll1l- omcr USEONLY [f, SigE., has not received Dclir.e+'lfcrhod El Xornar'ru E RcgistarcOMarlI ttoaocncrta E[ gcctrordcalty Fittd Pleese l\, trtasurGr- Thisote:form calurot be used to urmd co[uruttcc irfoanation assuch tte cosunittee ssaddrrassistanttreasurcr,ofcustodan books otfoifoanatoa,accot ot rnfooration- Board I KIMBERLY K PHILLPS FOR NHC REGISTER OF l. Conuittcc FaIlNuc 2020 First Quarter NEW-CHASIP.C-065 Start of Election C1.cle: January-l, zorg I Cesh on Eend rr Stert Total rtis Rcnofiine Pcriod Totel tLir flcction Crcle 22.00s 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 s S 1,201.54S 12,5t5.61( 0.003 S 0.00 t 0.00 0.00q s 0.00 0.005 s 0.00 s 0.00 0.00 s 0.00 $ s 0.00 0.00s 5 0.00 0.00s s 0.00 0.00s 5) .tggrcgrrGd Coutributions frou hdiriduels 6) Conrributionr boo Indiriduels ?) Contriburionr frou Potiticel pl4- Couninccs 8) Contributions frou Odrer politicel Couminees 9) Lorn Procerds 0) RefoldsrRcioburserests ro rte Conninec l) Ottcr Rcceip Sourres lle) Intenst on Benk.rLccounts I lb) Contritutions frpn Nor-For-prufit Orgedzrtions llc) Outsidc Sources of llcone lld) Lcgel Erpclsc Fund - Ottcr Sources 26illlc) frcopt PurtLesc pricc rcnLlzoit tC&.Ol]10t tCROl22Ot fclol2Jat tclot1l0t tCtOl240t ICAol250t rcea,J50t rcnor2s0) tCl,OtJ'0t s 0.00 0.00S TOTAL RICXIPTS (-Add lines -1.'ad llc)1.545I 12,5t5.6r$ $0.00 0.00s s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 0.005 s 0.00 0.00s 0.00s s 0.00 s 0.00 0.00s l3r) oprrtirgrrpcditnrc, NHC Bd. of Electiopn o^,ro) r3b) contributioas to cendidatespoliticel csmnittec rcnol]Dtor l3c) Cmrdinercdptq-Erpcndimres rcno.tSto) {) .{,ggncgercd lYor-Iltdie frptndirurcs Kkolttt jt U cT 2 6 2020 Disbursemclts rcaoHtu) tcnoB20t 7) I!-llird C'ortributions rcnorst0) Loen Repqueats Rchnds/Rcinbnrscuclts ftuu lte Couninct 1,201 .54s 12,493.61sErtPtsDrrtBEsl-ie l3b,I JC-TOT.{L liaas(Add {l4-t6 ard t)s 1 12,493.61s .- tha subtrasr lb tS)1o!Cesh rtE!d frd 4liaer(Add rsd s 22.00 s s 22.00 0.00 0.00( s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 0.00I 0.00( 0.003 0.00s s 0.00 No!-lIoDGt t-T Gifts Gircn to Otf,er Conmittecs Outstrading Loeas (incl ones bon oder ceopeigls) Dcbts end Otligetions orct \: ttre Conrinoc Detts end Obligatiots orcd ro rhc Connittcc .{ccount Tnrnsfcrs llithirr thc (.ornuinec .{dminis tra tiyc Snpport Forgirct Loaas tctottt0) KE,OHJOI rcnafit0t lC&.4!620t rclLl-10t tcAor'ru, tCEO14101 rCi0ji-'Or ContriDutions to be Refundcd .l&Eour Noticc Rcports Suu rcnLl2ti)s 0.00 s 0.00 Detailed Sumnary -{mrudncatp r.' 'l No ,00 5t:te .{Eu}t l0C8 I ConFibutions fi'om Indirtrluals Use fis forlr to indirt&ral rontriburions over 5-i Pslof2 0 or contributions r.rndcr 550 if form CtO ll05 .lllcrdn:ut El t.' iT so is not used NEW-CIIASIP-C.065 c. f.hctioa Suo to Drtc 0U14t2020 375.00 MLKPARADECANDY 0t/19/2020 34.13 Conoute s 12,490.61 h. S KP4ROD ln-Kindtr 5 L Add Rrmoyc Dicld e. full l[rsc.trtrilins .rU&rat ll PLonc &gtltc. KIMBERLY K PHILLPS FOR NHC REGISTER OF DEEDS VEHICLEDOORWRAP Job ffth.iProfcr.aion CW ENTERPRISES,INC C. KP4ROD -{ccoult In-Kind Crffirbr CHARLES CARDER 826 SANTAMARIAAVE WILMINGTON,NC 28411 (9r0) 799-9999 MLKPARADECANDY 01/t9t2020 b. Job fith'?refcwion CW ENTERPRISES, INCOcT 2 6 2020 HC Bd. of Ele In-Kind 0t/19/2020 53.2t KP4ROD ln-Kind MLK PARADE CANDY 0t/19t2020 93.20 In-Kindtr $52.65 Coonclts e.Diold S .luourtr 5 tr t L c. fl:ttion S-- to l)rtc Crffiruar errda Nlnc, l'bili-g .Ilidrccr,ll PLooc KP4ROD MLK PARADE CANDYKP4ROD .{ccounr city, rleto, & 12,490.6t CHARLES CARDER 826 SANTA MARIA AVE WILMINGTON,NC 284II (9to) 799-9999 MLKPARADECANDY 0y19t2020 144.47 L Job d. Connrltc c. flcctiol Suu to Drtc 12,490.61 BUSINESS CARDS 02/tt/2020 MEET&GREET 02t15t2020 143.66 KP4ROD In-Kindtr s fidd 5 .'iluonatIn-Kind 5 280.22 KP4ROD In-Kindtr s N, FullNruc,Itrilhg .lldnas & Phoui CW ENTERPRISES,INC rtrto, i zip) KP4ROD .{tcout CHARLES CARDER 826 SANTA MARTA AVE WILMINGTON,NC 28411 (910) 799-9999 1,176.54 tr S Totel fris s 1,20r.545crt},tu) ofToC.l l0Cn0'U Peges,i.,fru ab 6ttu Stetr of LEruoi"-ffi-i. Drrc (nu.rdd1g.r1 RE LI Conh'ibutions fi.om Individuals indiridtral conuibudons over 550 or contributions -{urndncltPj 2 ot 2 Qlr., llso undcr SiO if fosr CRO ll05 is nor uscdUsr ths forsr to 0 RECEf \-ED ]cT 2 6 2020 NHC Bd. of Etections NEW-CHASlP-C.065 Cooocrtr& "tp) A.dd Rrrnovc ltroojSpccific Ficld e. Full:\rue, Ilrilba Addrcrs & Pbonc KIMBERLY KPHILUPS FORNHC REGISTEROF DEEDS c, f,lcctior Soo to Detc b. Jot fitlcrhofcuioa SERVICE NEW HANOVER COUNTY c. Codr{hfrrh&rrrdm 25.00 KIMBERLY KPHILLIPS 826 SANTA MARIAAVENUE WILMINGTON,NC 284II (910) 746-8876 f, Prlor g. -{ccount CodJ KP4ROD L Fora of Peyacrt In-Kind PA]D WALK-ALONG CANDV DISTRIBI]'TOR J:P:::.1*-'.J*H.r I .": 0U2U2020 k -lnoulr (25.00 s s 25.00Tot I fris S 1,201.54 Pegcs Scftr.,(Itblittwha&rrsTot tofALL EIffITTI}F\. E] EI tr In-Kind (:ouhibutions pg I or 2 ff[ r'., ccatributioas. dolations. gcods a saticts proridcd tc tbe coaoritteo orUse thi: fomn to repon !,oa-o0onetsrv -Locadorut filod. -l xo l NEW-CHASIP-C-065 Elcction Sur to Dttc 12,490.61 Corscntr ( Coffimcr hlarefin ru[:s.EG. l{.itirt .lddrcar ii PLoac KIMBERLY K PHIIIIPS FOR NHC REGISTER OF DEEDS Add iaditi6,al of C-oorriUuror(iaclndr EI c-ea.r. El r.',-" E r*c EI Rerraaala, El O,t Rccerit Sctrce CHARLES CARDER 826 SANTAMARIAAVE WILMINGTON, NC 284I I (910)79e-9ee9 ,ci5-, rtrtc. dl zip) t_O+: (undair.r1f VEHICLE DOOR WRAP a. 01t14t2020 Feirllrrtcr -{noutr 375.00s MLKPARADE CANDY 0r/19t2020 34.1 3S ....._(:"-$"d. citg, rtrrc, & zip)--:.............,1.............. CHARLES CARDER 826 SANTA MARIAAVE WILMINGTON, NC 284I I (eto)79e-9ee9 0t/19t2020 flcctior .Suo ro Di[ 12,490.61 s 52.65 Colnratt ( Add Raovc b.of GortributorFull Nroo, lleitioiAddrerr dl PLolc MLK PARADE CANDY hdri$uel EI c-oa.t. EI P*r' E P,lc E Refrrra*a El ottr n*.qpt Soucr l, DrrcMLK PAXADE CANDY Dorcriptioa oyt9t2020 53.21s e f.tr rffiil MLK PARADE CANDY 01t19t2020 s 93.20 MLK PARADE CANDY 0v19t2020 144.47 a Couaclta 5 Add S 5 flcctiol S - to Drtc (includc rtflo, & fdr llutrt -laoult Foll !{uc,lleiliri of tOontiDutor trartrri&rd 12,490.61 280.22 BUSINESS CARDS Dcrcripttol 02t1U2020 t llerc E C".dd.t. El P.'*' EI prc E Refrca&xn E ottrn**pt souce OcT 2 6 ?0?0 NHe Bd. ot Etectio CHARLES CARDER 826 SANTA MARIA AVE WILMINGTON,NC 2841I (910) 799-9999 MEET & GREET 02115t2020 143.66s 1,176.54 ( Totrl frb s 1,201.54sC,o.I,QI ofToht AI.L Peges IEi h ot ,in 51 I r-'( 2.tD IIdGr KIMBERLYK PHILUPS FORNHC REGISTER OF DEEDS NEW-CHASIP-C-065 AddCmHhbrhfrnrtieo KIMBERLY K PHILLIPS 826 SANTA MARTA AVENUE WILMINGTON,NC 284II (9to) 746-8876 E c-aa.t. El l*r-u ?-q,c E R"fr*ar- E Othr R*ergr Source flxtion Suu to Detc 25.00 of tGoatributor Cosacotr Indiri,tral s full lSrurc, llrilirg .lddrce ll Phoor (bcludc , rtrtc, & aiD) PA]D WALK-AIONG CANDY DISTRIBUTOR Dcrcriptiol -r:-?*:(s*:i*:'n$- ou2Lt2020 gr Peirltrrbt.{nourt s 25.00 S S Tofirl fito I s sErttuctbt?Th, 25.00 1,201.54 of In-Kind Coutr.ibntions Use thir form tc report aon-!roaetlrv -{nrnJ-:ntPs 2 ot 2 @t'..csntributioar. dsoatioas..eoocs cr smices proridrd to &t comirree or tusC. r-l so ) RECEf\ED }cT 2 6 2020 NHC Bd. of Elecfions s1