Allen 2020 Organizational FormsStatement of Organization - Candidate Committee Use this form to create a new or update an existing candidare committee. This form must be ed form CRO-3500. An amended form is for each new election Is this statement: Nertr Amended d. ID Number 4510 SPRING VIEW DR., WILMINGTON, NC 28405 and ROBERT ALLEN FOR SOIL AND WATER Name of Committee NEW-7HAEQ6-C-065 e. Date 0rganized 06t29t2020 Committee Website (Optionel)Phone Number 91 9-605-9086 Affiliation Robert Allen, Sr Irllxyq Address (include City, State, and Zip Code) 4510 Spring View Dr., Witmington, NC 29405 Mailing Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor f. OJfice Sought c . Phone Number d. Email Address g. Next Election Year h. Jurisdiction 91 9-605-9086 lispira2@gmail.com of Full Nsme Email New Hanover Full Neme 2020 and Robert Allen, Sr Address State and 4510 Spring View Dr., Wilmington, NC 2g405 1 lhone Number 91 9-605-9086 d. Ernail Address lispira2@gmail.com Phonc Number Email Address Full Name email NoYes notices Financial Inetitution Full Email Robert Allen, Sr 4510 Spring View Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405 M{[ing,rdd19ss (!nglg1!e Co_{")rnd ZE 11rr\ #;i ri. i*; 1 !!o1e 5-umber 91 9-605-9086 Email Address .comtrEmail copy of report notices ocT 2 0 2020 Account Code TyPe I certify that the Committee is in compliance with all applicable provisions of Article I certif' that the information above is correct, and I, as the candidate, appoint said treasurer Printcd Namc of Trcasurcr Signaturc ofAppointcd Printed Namc of Candidatc /' zilr' ' b 7az* Candidate to personally fulfill the in Article 22A of Chapterduties and responsibilities imposed upon the 163 of the NC General Statutes. gubject to the penalties with 22ANHfi"F.q' gJ Flf;"tli8 n'= General Statutes and that no funds are commingled or other non-disclosed funds. I further certifu that this repofi is complete, true and correct Robert Allen, Sr Robert Allen, Sr 100A NC Statc Board of Elections November 2019 ,"1 report Mailing Zp Code) l" VOTE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS Certification of Threshold This Certification is used to declare or withdraw a committee's intent to raise or spend $1,000 or less in the current election cycle. This Certification is only valid for political party committees and candidates for a county office, municipal office, local school board office, soil & water conservation district board ofsupervisors, or sanitary district board. This Certification is filed at the Board of Elections office where the committee's campaign reports are filed. FILED BY: Committee Name: Treasurer Name: Treasurer Address: (include city, state, & zip) ROBERT ALLEN FOR SOIL AND WATER ROBERT ALLEN, SR 4510 SPRING VIEW DR. WILMINGTON, NC 28405 NHC Bd. of Elections Treasurer Phone:91 9-605-9086 Check One:x I certify that this committee intends to neither receive nor expend more than $ I ,000 during the culrent election cycle under the procedures set forth in G.S. 163-218.10A. This certification will remain in effect until the end of the election cycle for this committee. If this committee exceeds $1,000 in contributions or expenditures during this election cycle, I understand that I must immediately notify the appropriate board of elections and file required campaign hnance reports. THIS DECLARATION CAN ONLY BE MADE AT THE BEGINNING OF AN ELECTION CYCLE. _ I am withdrawing my Certification to remain at or under the $ I ,000 threshold. I will now be required to file the next scheduled report for all contributions and been previously reported from the beginning of the current election cycle. I /--oz + Signed cRo-3600 C e rtification of Thre shold \