Collogan 2020 Fourth Quarter ReportNEUU IN PhI.IBON Disclosure Report Cover Use this form for general report and corrmittee information, rust beDothisto JAN2t I02l Amendmenr r#Hgfl gd *tffi$il$, * *,#,o1i ",aTa H,* Ntmc MATTCOLLOGAN NurrbcrFOR SOIL& WATER NEW-lHAC63{-065 Addrcsc udr Clty, Strtc rtrd Codc) I80 ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 2840I -2716 Detc otnlD021 e Nuorber (240) 498-s413 2020 t0n8ao20 l2t31DO20 SARAH DANIELS Party uduuJoint Fun&aiser Referendrm EI PAC Legal Expense Frnd Thirty-five day Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-nnoff Semi-annrul Mid Ycar Yer End Final $ecial Qurterly First Second Third Fourth lf3 Pre-referena* I rinat fl Spplemeutal Final fl anurut I gecial "Boo$er tr Building Frnd Presidential Election year Candidates Frmd NC P dl ic C.ampaign Financin g Furd tr Other: trtr lstrtrtr Semi-annual MidYer Year End Finaltr 0 Secid Snrnclal lnrtitutiou Nrmc t. GOVERNI\{ENT fhlt FEDERAL CREDIT T]MON c, Accouet Accduat CodcFORRECEIPTSAND EXPENSES AI d. Pcrlod o Beleart Pcriod $$ I certifr that the c-onmitteeor Fund is in conryliancervith all applicable provisioils of Article nA,z?B & nilzz*t otchapter 163 ofthe NC crneral statutes and that no firnds are l"rr-t"e[i J-i;ffi", *ffi;rnon{hctosedfrrnds' I further certiry that this report is conplete, true and conEct and that I have been trained by the NC State Board €ot/21/2021 ure Date Date Received: Date Postnnrted: Date Scanoed: Date llata Entered: Qeliv,erv Method El Nornnl tvtailE neeistered l\,Iail ElGar.aDelivered El Ehctronically Filed I Signerhas notreceived E4ployee: OrIrcE Enployee: FryRbyce: Eryloyee; rlust the Please N treasurer,treasurer, ote Thts fo6 otcann used tobe anpnd conmittee infornation such as the conrnittee address sasistant custodian ofbooks info ornration,account infornntion. tr - .--- Detailed Summary JAN2I2r"I RECDNPERSON AmendmcntEIYe Exodisto MATTCOLLOGAN FOR SOIL& WATER ction Clcle:of Ele 2020t,Janrury - NEW-lHAC63-C-065 Torel this Period Tffilthis Eection4) Cesh on Handet Stert 541.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $2,904.20 $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5) Aggrcgetcd Coilrihtions ftom IndEriftels 6) Contrihfons frqn Indriftds 7) Contrihrfions frun political party Conrmittees 8) Contrihtrons fronr Other political Committees g) Iftr Procee6 0) Refon&/Reimhrsenrents to the Courmittee 1) OtherReceipSources 11a) Interest on Bank Accorrnts I lb) Cmtributioru from Not-tror-profit Organizations llc) OuBi& Sources of Income f f O I*gaI Expense Fimd- Other Sources lle) Exempt Purchme price Sales (cnct20s) (clo-r2t0) (ao-t220) (aot2i0) (czo-t1t0) (cRGt240) (cRol250) (cxL12s0) (cRo1250) GroDTO) (aol26;)0.00$$0.00TOTAL7,RrcIIPTS lin€s(Add 5,6,8,9,0l I ldLb,c)md le)$0.00 $2,854-20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 9.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $60.00 $60.00 13a) Oprating r''lrndtures l3b) Cmtrihrtims to Canddetes/political Corrmittecs I3c) Cordlnated party F4endtures a) AggrGgsted Non-lttda &pndtures 5) l,@r Repaymenb 7) In-Kind Contrihtions (cRGt5t0) C-ommittee6) RefrnA/Reimhrrsenreu8 frorn the Dishrsemnts (cR&l310) Gnat3t0) (cno.Bt0) (aat3ts) (c\ot120) (aaB20) $0.00 2,304.20$E(PINDITI]RDSIOTAL Add lines l3a 3b,l3c"4,and65,t7)$60.00 2,373.20$ together,onCesh etHand Ihd 4lines md(Add 2 then subtract liae r)48r.00$48r.00$ $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 $0.00 l) Oubtanding Lons (incl. ones from other campigns) GRo-tlJD) Dehs and OHigations oued to the Cormnittee 0) Non-ll[onetrry Gifu Giwn to Other Committees (cRGt330) 2) Ihh end OHlgalions orttd by the Courmittee 4) Accunt Transfers Within the Committee (cnGt6t0) (ao-t620) (acr720) (cnar7ru)Adninistratire Suport Forgiwn [.mns 48-HDur Notice Rcport Sum (cnatu0) (cRo-2220)$0.00 0.00$Conhihtions to be Refonded (aar2t5)$0.00 0.00$00 ate RefundslReimbursemenh F, rom the Committee pg Use this forrn to refu nds /reinS urs errpnts contributions retumed to lofl Amendment Ev.r Eno RECD IN PERSON JAN 2t 20 i ISIC BD OF ELEOTIONS NEW-lHAC63-C-065 Sate CoEDcrt! o Municipality $ 60.00$ MATTCOLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER (include rtatc, & zi Job EE flc fteld f. Pu Atrouat Code fornI.of tPlyocn Ecction SurD to Datc o. Anounf 1,969.20 fhil MliliIg DltlGE EI pu'ty PACCandidate I Referendm Iewl Ner CodcFARMERSELF-EMPI'YED P RcmerLr AI Electric Funds Tran t2/2912020 n. Drtc (m 09il7/2020 Reccipt Drte Origilrl Aqoon $665.00 MATT COLLOGAN I80ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401-27 16 Q4O) 498-s413 PARTIAL REIMB YARD SIGNS (gt ttDo$665) $60.00 60.00$ N- Eceedod Umit L- Rrtumed to Contntutor P* -Reimhrrsement oflnKinr M - Overpaynrcnt for Service o* othr