Collogan 2020 Third Quarter ReportDisclosure Report Cover AmcndmentE Ycs [E lo Use this form for general report and conmittee infornntion, rmst be signed and submitted along with other detailed forns Do formto 1. Commifree Informetion a. FulI Nanc c. ID Numbcr MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER RFfl-:i:r'NEW-1HAC63-C-065 E;rub. Mailing Addrcss (includc CIty, State and , Codc)d. Drtc Fllcd t0n7/2020 c. Phooe Numbcr I80 ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 2840I.2716 )cT 2 r 202r, f{He Ecj. ufEJeciions (240) 498-541 3 l. Rpfrt Ycsr 3. PerlodStrrt Date (mm/diUyy)4. Perlod hd lhte (mn/ddlyv)5. Tlesurer thll Nrurc 2020 0710t/2020 1011712020 SARAH DANIELS 6.DDe of Committee (Check One)9.of one trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtrtrtr trtr TItr Thirty-five day Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-n:noff Semi-annual Mid Year .Year End Final Special Quarterly First Second Third Fourth Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final $ecial ional Frmd 0 0. Other: tr Rcfcrcndom Ggaaizational Candidate Campaign Joint FuD&aiser Referendrm Building Fud Presidential Election Year Candidates Fund NC Public Campaign Financing Furd Party PAC Legal I Pre-referendtm El Find I Spplemental Final E a"rua I Special a. Finencial Institution Full Neme r. Flnancirl Instltution Full Nrnc LOCAL GOVERNMENT FEDERAL CREDIT UMON b. Purposc c. Account Co&b. Purpose c. Account Code AI & Period Begin Brlrncc d. Pcriod Bcgin Balrnce FORRECEIPTS AND EXPENSES $$ CMTIFrcATON I certi! that tJre Cornnittee or Fund is in corryliance with all applicable provisions ofArticle 2.A,22f & 22D2?fvI of Chapter 163 ofthe NC Crneral Statutes and that no funds are cormingled wilh prohibited or other nondisclcsed funds. I further certi$ that this report is corplete, true and corrct and that I have been trained by the NC State Board etlre DaG 10127D020 FOROITXCEIEEONLY Date Received: Date Postnnrked: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Eryloyee: Frrployee: Enployee: Enployee: Deliverv Method El NonmlMail E negistered Mail E gaa0 Delivered E Ehctronically Filed 2-o?9b fl Signer has not received rmndatory training Pleasc Notc: This form cannot be used to anrnd cormittee infonration such as the corrmittee addrcss, treasurcr, assistant trcasulrr, custodian of books infonration, or account infornation. of Organialion ((RG2I00A-E) to rmke connnittee changes.You nust arrcnd the Staterrent n Detailed Summary Use this Amendmeut El Ycs E noallfonmto total 1. Committee fUi Xeme 2. Typ otReport 3. IDNumber MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER 2020 Third Quarter NEW-r HAC63-C-065 Start of Election Clcle: January l, 2o2o Totel this Rsporting Perlod TmI this Eecfion Clcle 7)ContributionsfipmPoliticalPartyCommittees GnO-t220) 8) Courtrihtions frorn Other Political Committees GnAtBh) 9) r,oan Procee* ftEr '';.-=,. .-,,|nat1to)0) RetonG/Reimhrrsenrents to the Collu}rifteb*/ i: !,',,' Wq r zu) l) otherRecei6Sources }CT Z ? Z0Z0lla) InterestonBankAccouots IJFJf-: i:, -'-,6*atzsol I I b) contriburions from Nrt-r".-pr":rY6€h#;EJre tiffit2su) llc) Outsi& Sources of Incore (AO1250) 11d) Irgal Expnse Fhnd- Othcr Sources GRO1270) lle) hempt Purchase Price Sales GRAI265) 4) CsshonllandatStart 0.00$0.00 $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (cRo-t205)$ (cRot2t0)$ $ $ $ 50.00 0.00 2,779.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 2,784.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ $ 5) Aggregated C-ontrihrtions from Indri&rds 6) Contributions from Indivi&rals (Add lines 5,6, 7, t,9,l0,ll41lb,llc,lld md tle)12 TOTALRrcUPTS 2,829.20$$2,834.20 $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00$ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2,279.20$ ) Disbursemens 13a) Opcrating Expendture.s I 3 b) Contrl butions to Canddates/Poli ti cel Commi ttees t 3c) Coordinated Party Erpenditures 4) Aggregeted Non-llledie kpenditures 5) Lun Repyments 6) Refond/Reimbursenrents from tte Committee 7) ln-Kind Contri hrtions GRABl0) GRA|St0) (cRo-t3t0) GnGt3ts) (cnatQ0) (cRO-1320) (cnGtst0)$2,284.20 tt) IOTALIXPINDffl.nDS (Add lines l3q l3b, l3c 14, 15, 16 and 17)227e.20$$2.2U.20 t9) Cash on llandat Erd(Add lines 4 md 12 tog6her, thea suhract line 18)$s50.00 $550.00 l) Outstanding l.,oans (incl. ones from other campigns) GnO-t130) tlehs end OHigations oued by the Committee DeHs and OHigations oucdto the Committce Account Transfers Within the Committee Gn&t6t0) (cnat620) (cR@r720) (cRot7t0) (cno-t410) (cRo-2220) $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ (c$cr330)$ $ $ 7) 48-Hour Notice Reporb Sum AL Non-Monetary Gifu Giwn to Other Conrmittees 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adni ni s tratire S upport Forgiren [.mns !8) Contributions to be Rcfunded (cnat2t5)$0.00 $0.00 j, ,J.i II l Aggregated Contributions from IndMduals pege I or form used to NC Contributirns From Indivltu,ab of $50 or bss Anendment I ves DI xo hib f ::....{ i 'ri ]ct z ? 2020 fVHC Ba" or E/ectic,ns 2.Dt tmber MATT COLLOCAN FOR SOIL & WATER NEW-tlrAC63-C-065 CotrUihtor hformetion a. Amcnd b. Account Codc c. f,'orm of Paymcnt d. ln-Kind Dcscrip(ion e. Detc (mn/dd/yyyy)f. Amouot EI Add fl nemove AI Electic Funds Tran 1011712020 50.00$ 4. Total only thb Page $$50.00 5. Total of ALL CRO'1205 Pages (Thts lbe mu* be on llne 5 otDetatled Pap C:ROI100)$s0.00$ Contributions from Individuats Use this formto individual contntutbns over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used AmcndmentPg I of 3 [v., Dlno rnilf,tmdifadiraU e) NEW-r HAC63-C-065 d. Comments fic d $ tr'ull Nene, Me lng Addrcss & Phone MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER FARMER b. Job Title/Profess Add SELF.EMPLOYED c.rrs Name,tSpe to Drte 2,009.20 Contributor nclude city, statc, & MATTCOLLOGAN I8O ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 2E4OI-27 16 QAO) 498-s4r3 f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form of Payme nt i. Ir-Xind Dcscripion j. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amoont AI In-Kind TREASURER CONSULTTNG FEE 0812312020 $350.00 AI In-Kind LOGO DESIGN TO BRI'MELLOTT 09/09t2020 50.00$ PRINT AD CAPE FEAR'S 275.00 ComncDb c ficld?CT 2 I Z0Z0 i{He BC. cf Eiections In-KindAI 09n3DO20 $ e. $ ll Nrmc, Mailtng Address Phone Q40) 498-s4r3 FARMER Job Iitlc/Profersion SELF-EMPLOYED c.rtg ection Sum to llete 2,009.20 (iacludc cit5r, stete, & MATTCOLLOGAN I80 ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401.27 16 f. Prior g. Accouot Code h. Form ofPryment i. ln-Xind Descriptlon j. Drte (mn/dAl}Vyy)k. ABouDt AI In-Kind WINDOWIAPTOPTO RTIN CAMPAIGN 09/1s12020 631.30$ tr AI In-Kind 2OO YARD SIGNS A.G.E. GRAPHICS o9n7D020 665.00$ In-Kind URL PURCTTASE 10/t2t2020 9.90 d. Commcnts AI $ ss onc b. Job tle/?rofession c. Fn r'r NamclSpecific Ficld e. Ecctlon Suu to Date FARMER SELF-EMPLOYED (include city, strte, & ll Nrme, Mailing $2,009.20 MATTCOLLOGAN 180 ARLINCTONDRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 2E40r.27rc (240) 498-s4t3 f. Prior g, Accoont Code h. Form ofPoymeot i. In-Kind Dercription j. Datc (mn/ddlyyyy)k. Amount tr AI In-Kind WIX WEBSITE HOSTING OF ELECTION WEBSITE t0n2D020 23.00$ $ $ $2,0M.20 Pase @0-1100) Total thto Pages (Thls llac ru$, ba oa lhc 6 of 2,779.20$ n tr tr l. Corni hrtor trforrnrfi on E I-t tr tr Contributio ns from Individuals Use this form to individual contributions over $50 or contributions Amendmentvg 2 of 3 [ves Eno under $50 ifform CRO 1205 is not used NEW-t HAC63-C-065 Add Remve MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER Contrihrtor b. Job Iitle/Profession d. Comments Emc.oyer'spl tieldNene /SpeciIic e. Eection Sum to Date ss & PhoneFullmc, Maillng ude statc, & zi MICHAEL FLEMING NC r 00.00$ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPayment i. In-lfind Description j. Date (mm/dilyyyy)k. Amount AI Check t0/t5/2020 100.00$ $ Phone b. Job Ii tl€/Profe ssion d. Commcnts ploycr's Namc ,pccific Iicld)CT 2 7 Z0Z0 ,VHC Lid" of Elections tr $ trhil Nrmc, Mailing Address strte, & zip) e. Dection Sum to Date $275.00 SUE HAYES NC f. Prior g. Account Code h, Form ofPeyment i. In-Xind Deccription j. Drte (mm/ddlyyyy)k. Amonnt AI In-Kind 09/13t2020 275.00$ tr $ tr $ b. Job litlc/Profecslon d. Commcnts c. Employe r's Nem e/lSpccific field e. flection Sun to Drte & PhoneFull Nrme,li ng (include ci strte, & zi WILLIAM RHINEHART NC 300.00$ f. Prior g. Accoont Code h. Form ofPryment -Kind Descriptiont.j. Date (mm/ddfyyyy k. Amount AT Electric Funds Tran 09t28/2020 $300.00 tr $ Pap CkAII00) $ $ $ tr Total thnl Of AII ,t2la QhB lllne a ug be on lbtc 6 olDctuiled 675.00 2,779.20 PRINT AD CAPE FEAR'S GOING GREEN -"1 Contributions from Individuals Use this formto individual contributions over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used p6;o.-', ,." , .t \L*'t,ri-.i' i::'-,. . :a *=,r. ?cT 2 ? 2020 f\,fFlc &e,j. of Eierriilils AmendmcntPg 3 or 3 [ves BNo NEW-t HAC63-C-065MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER 3, Contrihrtor Informetion E aoa tI Remve b. Job'Ti tle/Profe ss i on d. Comments s. f,'m prl oyerrs NamelSpecilic Ficld e- Eection Sum to Drte Phorc (include city, state, & zi Full Name, Mailing FRAN STUART NC r00.00$ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form ofPryment i. In-trCod Descriltion j. Date (m m/dd/yyyy)k. Amount tr AI Check r0/15t2020 100.00$ tr $ tr $ 4. Tolalody r00.00$ (Thb lhro rr st beoi fra" i rf@4(_Sarunary Pa.ge @OJ100)a 2,779.20$ Am e ndmen tIn-Kind Contributions Rg I or z ft vcs E xo Use this form to report non-monetary contributions, donations, pods or services provided to the committee or fund. Use CRGI if or will refunded 7 2.ID It I80 ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401-27 16 (240) 498-5413 f\rHe NEW-1HAC63-C-065MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER c. Commcnts Partyjcl 2't 202 fl eac fl Referen&rrn RermveAdd of Contributorb. Indivi&ral Addrcss & Phonef,'ull Nrme, (includc city, strte, & MATT COLLOGAN Eection Sum to Drte Other Receipt SowceBo" cf EIer $2,009.20 e, Descriptlon f. Datc (mm/ddrlyyy)g. Falr Merket Amount TREASTJRER CONSULTING FEE 08t23t2020 350.00$ LOCO DESICN TO BRI MELLOTT 09t09t2020 50.00$ PRINT AD CAPE FEAR'S GOINC GREEN MAGAZINE 215.0009/1312020 $ b. Typc ofContributor c. Commcntsr. f,'ull Neme, Ilflailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) d. Elcction Sum to Drtc MATT COLLOGAN 180 ARLINGTON DRTVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401 -27 16 (240) 498-s413 E Individnl I CunaiAate El purty I eacp Referendm fl Otter Receipt Souce 2,009.20$ e. Description f. Datc (mm/ddfyyy)g. Fair Mrrkct Amouot WINDOW I-APTOP TO RI,JN CAMPAIGN FINANCE SOFTWARE 09/15t2020 63 r .30$ 2OO YARD SIGNS A.G.E. GRAPHICS 09/17t2020 665.00$ T.IRL PT]RCHASE ta/12t2020 9.90$ i. Q-qn- trr [u!or Iriformntion'tr Add'. E,FirI}ve of Con tribu torb.c. Commcntsr. Full Nrme, Maillng Address & Phone (includc city, strte, & zip) d. Eection Sum to Datc I tndividrat fl Candidatc El p".ty fl rac ff neferen&rn El Ottrer Receipt Sorrce 2,009.20$ MATT COLLOGAN I8O ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401.2716 (240) 498-s4t3 e. Description f. Dete (mm1dd/yyyy)g. Fair IUrrIct Amoont WIX WEBSITE HOSTINC OF ELECTION WEBSITE URL t0^212020 23.00$ $ $ 4, Totrl gply Qii Page.$2,004.20 5. Totalof ALLCn0.lsf0 Pages (Thb llne mlrt be oa lhc 17 olDaaltd Sunmaq Pagc CnO-1100)2,279.20$ . ).1 AmendmcntIn-Kind Contributions pg 2 ot 2 E y., & No Use this form to report non-monetary contributions, donations, pods or services provided to the committee or fund. 7 ID NEW-l HAC63-C-065 c. Comments d. $ Add Rermve MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER b. Tlpc ofCoutributor Individml Sum to Drtc 275.00 Coltrihrtu hforrmfion Full Nemc, Illaillng Address & Phone (include city, strte, & ff Canaidat" I earty I eac fl Referendmr I Ottrer Receipt Sorrce SUE HAYES NC e. Description f. Datc (mm/<trl/yyyy)g. Falr Mrrkct Amoont PRINTAD CAPE FEAR'S COING GREEN MAGAZNE 09/t3/2020 275.OO$ $ s 4. Totel only this Pege 275.00$ 9f A!I.CRO"rSf0 Pages lrrllut 6c oi 7 2,279.20$ 10 [-r r'' /*\ . -r - .[XHi,i i i];'t:.-." Lj OcI 2 1 2020 f{l{e Ed. cf Hfeetfons Tt?i]i:'I