Collogan 2020 Third Quarter Report Amendment_1Disclosure Report Cover Use this form for general report and coannittee E l'ea E NoinfonraGEaurstbesi-qnedafiarmnnnguao".e*i*To.I?.,ui-;aio-*r. .lmerrdoelt form t/ IYlme c, ID NumberMATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER NEW-lHAC63-C-065 .{ddress Stste lrd Drte filed I8O ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 2840I-2716 tt/16t2020 PhoueHuuber (240) 498-s4t3 2020 oTno/2020 to/17t2020 SARAHDANIELS tr C:adidate QapeiEa Joiut Fuorkaiset Beferea&ur Prrty PAC tEgal Orgzaizatioa:l ?hirt1'-6r'e day Pregoin:ery Pre-elEctioa Pr+rlooff $eai-aaaual Ir{id }-:ar l-ear F.d Fioe1 Sperial Orgzaiationat Quarterly First FEad trtrtrtr Oryaliatioaal "Booster Fuod"tr fl Pra-refereadun E rirrt I Srppleaeatal Fio:l I rtaornt EI sp*tat [] SuiuiagnEad *tr Saooad Third FouthPreeidEatial Elactioa l-ear &arf,&tes Frod NCft*lie Carpaigo Fia:aciag Flod trtrtrtr Seai-aaaual lr{id l-ear }-eer F.d Fisel I otter:trtrtrtr0 Spcial firrriaf !{eme fiErEcirlLOCAI GOVERNMENT I.lratitatiol ftrll I{eueFEDERAL CREDIT IINION c..{rroult Code b. I certi$'that the corrarittee orFund is in compliance_with all applicable provisions of Article 22a 228 & 22D-2?I\{ ofchapter 163 of the NC Geneml stat,tes aaathatno fimds are.rr.irgt.l-;;;;;il;d;ffirnon-discrosedfi'urds' I firther certi$'tlrat this report is complete- tn-re and correct and t6at I ha'e been trained by the NC state Board A1 tr f tu l,uto $ Treasorer c--P o.oo Period Bri. of Electio OIrICT USE FORRECEIPTSAND EXPENSES 1t/16/2020 Date Eoployee Eaployee Emptoyee Employee DeliveryMethod E t*toraat tvlartE Registeredlr{arI E[ HanaDeUverea E Uectro*caryfilea I Signerhas not received Date Received: Date Postmarted: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Note: infoaatior_r- ePIeas This fora cafinot be used to amend ggmmittgg suchinfouration thea5 addresCOnmtttee s,treasurer-srstafita5 custodiantreasurer-ofbooks or account infonnation.Y the 7of rdr Ed 9. r..Ilcchona) FulINaue if 3.ID Numbcr MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER 2020 Third Quarter NEW-lHAC63-C-065 of Election Cycle: Januan'1,4t'Totel this Reportine Period Tot l fhir Election Cr.cle llb) Contuibutiols fium Not-For-ProfitOrgenizetions (C?<Lfit0t 4) CeshonEandat Stert cJ ,./ o.oo0.00 S 50.00 s 2,799.20 s 0.00 S 0.00 S 0.00 S 0.00 s tcR.ol205t S (c'R.a[210t s (cnalil01 cJ (c3.a1230)S (cnol410)S (cnGI240)S (ca.ofi'0t S S (cRGt250l S (cfuafi70l 5 EALI265t s TOT.{L RICIIPTS lines ,(-{dd 6.5,s-I adtd I9.l-a110,1 1b.1c,1e)s 0.00 S 0.00 S 0.00 s 0.00 s 0.00 s 2,849.20 S 50.00 0.00 2,804.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Refrlds/Rriubnrsements to thc Committee l) Other Receipt Sources lle) Iaterest on Banh.{.caounE llc) Ontside Sources of Iacome 0.00 2,854.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5) Aggregeted Contribrrtions tom Indiriduels 6) Contributions from Indiriduafs Q Contributions from Politicel Parh- Committees 8) Contribntions h.rom Other Politicrl Commilrers 9) LolnPmceeds lld) Legal frpense Fund - Other Sources lle) Eremp Purchese Price Sales s 0.00 cJ 0.00 S 0.00 cJ 0.00 0.00s 0.00s 9.00s 9.00tJ s 0.00 0.005 s 0.00 s 0.00 f 3e) Opereting fryenditur:es l3b) Contributions to Cendidates/politicel Committees I 3 c) Coordiretd Pery* Eryenditures Aggregeted l{on-I{edie Eryenditures Lolu Repa.luents Refonds/Reimbursements Arom the Comuittee (cn&Iila) (cnot3r0t (c?.a,3101 (cn(Ll31st (€Rolil01 Disburseuents 4 h-LindContributions (c&o[J20) rc*efi10)2,299.20S s TOT.{L E]tPEI\:DITLRIS (Adc 13+13h.13c,1{.15,7ilines16aCI 2.308.205 2.313.20s Non-[Ioletary Gifts Giren to Other Committees Outstanding Loans (incl ones fium other cempeigns) Debts end Obligrtions ored [- the Committee Debts lnd Obligations orrrd fo the Comuittee Account Tmnsfers Tf ittrin the Couuittee .{dministratire Support Forgiren Lorns 4&Eour Notice Reports Srm 541.00 (cno$30) (cnDt430l s s S S 0.00 0.00 Cesh on Eend et End (.{.dd lin s { aod 12 together, theo subtrrct lirr l8)541.00 s (C7.&1610t S S tJ s s 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r) s s S 0.00 0.00 0.00(cRill440t rcRe3::O) (.cAot620) (c&&17]0) (c3o171A) !8) Contributions to be Refrnded (cnol215l s 0.00 s 0.00 Detailed S'mnrs1ry Use to ^{meu.l-entEl Y".r E N" ?0?0 disclosure and t/ \/ffiD Board of Electios.s -{u_rrst Elec:tions cDort 2,304.20 AggregatedContfibutionsfromIndividuals pege Optiooal fo,rm used to rEport IiC Contrbutions From hdhifuals of $50 m less State ofl .{meldmeut E Y., E tt" Agril l0OI MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER NEW-rHAC63-C-065 b..{coountGote foru of Prymeu.t d- I!-Eird Drte(-r/.lilhr.)Anerd Auonut Reaore trtr -\dd A1 Electric Funds Tran to/17/2020 50.00s 4. Totaloil-vtlis Page 5 s50.00 5. Total of ALL CRO-1205 Pages (fhis titr ;lorlrbt ot Iiru 5 {DuarilrdSltrrlrarf Ptr', CnOJru0l s $50.00 FtEi'tii:l .:).("*\ f.J N(lV r 6 2020 fUHC Litt.,Jf f lec:lions Er cr..-fi*iIi)+:";iiiEr'ir.Tt.gr,=i.f {ili-$1E.]'*rEl: l:::i-'J r-'-;: .1,i1rr.r'- 5 r{ +.€r+-fq *ijj:.Hr1'l1;;$,ift NEW.IIIAC63-C-065 Couuente e. f,Ic<tiol S - to Dete MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER SELF-EMPLOYED G field full Nrue,lhiling .llidreoa & Phore (irdnde strtq & Jo,b Tirle/Prfcrsiou MATTCOLLOGAN 180 ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401-27I6 (240) 498-s413 2,029.20s f, Prior g..tlsooutCode L Fomof Prlueut i. Ir-EnotDeacriptioa IE AuolrttrAIIn-Kind WEBSITE CONSULTING FEE 08t23t2020 350.00s tr AI In-Kind LOGO DESIGN TO BRI MELLOTT 09t09/2020 s 70.00 AI PRINT AD CAPE FEAR'S 09/13/2020 275.00 In-Kind s lCorrueats C.ridd SELF-EMPLOYED full ilrme, ildliry Aildlrsg & phorc cib't & riD)ARMER Joe Tilh/hofeoaior e- f,lcctioa Sur io Dete 5 2,029.20 MATTCOLLOGAN I8O ARLINGTON DRIVE MLMINGTON,NC 28401 -27 16 (240) 498-5413 t Plior g: AccouatCode L Eoruof Pryuent . Drte(um/dd.t1111)lE Anourt AI ln-Kind WINDOW LAPTOP TO RIIN CAMPAIGN 09/t5/2020 631 .30S AI h-Kind 2OO YARD SIGNS A.G.E. GRAPHICS 09117t2020 665.00s AI In-Kind URL PIIRCTIASE t0/12/2020 9.90s L h JobTitle/Prcfersiou Comueufar" full Nrrer lfrilir8 (irclnde ci[i drte, & zip) -{ddre&Phone FARMER *.-I*-e-F-t_o]"Nrmrr5peci6sField e. f,lection Snm to Drtc MATT COLLOGAN I80 ARLINGTON DRTVE WILMINGTON, NC 2840I-2716 (240) 498-s4r3 SELF-EMPLOYED 2,029.20s f, Prior g, AncoultCode L ForuofPelueut t lr-Eildffi Drte L.t\uouuttrAIIn-Kind WD( WEBSITE HOSTING OF ELECTION WEBSITE 10/t2/2020 23.00s tr s L-,: r_-''*" l;,: : ', ,r i; [*'t s s 2,024.20 2,799.20s Conhtbutions from Individuals Use fis foml to indir{dual contsibutions Pglof3 o1.er S50 or contdbutiofls urides S50 iffora CRO 1205 .{nelduent E r"" EI n" i. rrot rr"a Ap,ril210Statea-\1 NS tr tr -'t tr Confi'ibutions from Indiliduals Ps2ot3 indivi dual c o ntn"buti on s over S5C or contibutions under S50 if fora CRO llOi is not used .loeadment E Y., E r*" Use fis form to 0 NEW-1HAC63-C-06s e. Eectiou Suu to Ilate MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER AMCNETWORKS &PRODUCER MICHATLFLEMING 313 BANEBERRY CLOSE PITTSBORO, NC 273I2 100.00S f,, Prior g: .{ssonlt Code t. forrn of Pelzrut i, Drte (--dit**r''lr..{rnourt tr A1 Check l0/15/2020 100.00s tr 5 5 T RETIRED e. s to Drte 275.00 SUE HAYES 213 QULON CTRCLE WILMINGTON,NC 28412 f. Prior g. .{csouat Code L foruof Pelaent lr. .tnoult AI In-Kind PRINT AD CAPE FEAR'S GOING GREEN 09t13/2020 275.00S S 5 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR e. flectiou Sum to Dete WILLIAM RHINE}IART I5810 NORMAN DRTVE DARNESTOWN, MD 20878 BLUE UPzuSING s 300.00 f,, kior g.{ceoult Code L, For:m of Pelment lr..luoult A1 Electric Funds Tran 09/28/2020 5 300.00 tr s -* !1 ,.FRr R. s 675.00s 2,799.20S NC cf Elecilons :007 Add Remove Co-*enf,e Conhibutor Infomrtion Add Reaore tr Conttbutor Inforuatiot d. Com.oeutgfull.{ddrce"$ & Field Add Remove &Job Couoents& Contributor Irforuation FnllNaoe, L Iu-ICiud De.Es:ptiol i. Dete (n-tdtr..r, Total of ALL CRO-1210 Pages \i[iv 1 6 202t](Thit ii:ru noc*br aa linc TotaI this Contilbutions from Indir.iduals Use this form to individual contibutions over S50 Pg3of3 or contn'butions under 550 iffora CtO l20J .lmeldmeal El r**" E r" is not used NEW-lHAC63-C-065 e. Ilectioa Suu to Drte MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER & fi€ld RETIRED FRAN STUART 2424QUAIJ, LAKE DR CHARLOTTE, NC 28210-5I09 S 100.00 f, hior 9,.{cc"ou.ut Code h. for:m of Pelueut Ilate t..{.uouot tr AI Check t0n5/2020 100.00s tr s 5 100.00s 2,799.20S R,HCFii\./HD NoV r 6 Z0?0 NHC ud. of Etections Add RernoveCouEilutor Informatiol d- Com.uents& Phoae Jobf,{riling i. Ia-f,isd Desrriptiou this tr Total ToteI of .{LL cRo-1210 Pages lins(T'lri,bc,rrlI5l linton 6 Aggregated Non-h,Iedia Expenditures form used to report IIC lrolr-L{edia Expeoditures of $50 or less_ Page I of I EI Yes El 31 State MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER NEW-l}IAC63-C-065 Electric Frmds 09n5/2020 s 9.00 9.00S B*_-To Cafldidate o+_- Donations to Legal Expense Ri:ili.::i\,'gp NOv I 6 2o2o Nt"iC r;tJ., of Elections Inlorultiou b. -{ecou.ut foru of Pa3:mca.t d"Code -tdd AI S 9.00 OF Total this of ALL CRO-1315 Pages Iiae rrrtrrhe on lint t4 Total c*- F+_r[* -Office - OfficeIJ * NEW.IIIAC63-C-065 c. Commcatr d. fkctio,r Som toDete MATT COLLOGAN I8O ARLINGTON DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 2840I-2716 (240) 498-s413 E C:sfdate EI notr- E prc E Referea&or E Ott* n ""ipt Source MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER full Nrms, Lhiling Address & ELoae (hdu{e ciSi stele, & Tlpe of OonEitrutor Iarf,ri&al s 2,029.20 Deeeription f,, Drte(mm/dd/1yp)g. frirllrrletAmouat WEBSITE CONSULTING FEE 08/23/2020 350.00S LOGO DESIGN TO BRI MELLOTT 09/09/2020 g 70.00 PRINT AD CAPE FEAR'S GOING GREEN MAGAZINE 09t13/2020 275.00s C-ouneutsfullNrnqIfrifinglUdrcss & Phore (irdude rhtcr& Typeof Gntuitrutor Ladh'itul IXectio. S - toDrte S 2,029.20 MATT COLLOGAN I8O ARLINGTON DRTVE WILMINGTON, NC 2840I-2716 (240) 498-s413 EI Caofidate El e..ty E prtc EI n r=""4- E Ott-t ."ipt Souua e. Daroiptior _-f, ,.Drts(ED/ddbTr,?)g frirllrrLetAuouat WINDOWLAPTOP TO RUN CAMPAIGN FINANCE SOFTWARE 09t15t2020 63 1.30$ 2OO YAR.D SIGNS A.G.E. GRAPIilCS 09/1712020 665.00S URL PI,JRCIIASE t0n2/2020 9.90 c- Corueltg 5 FullNlmqMriliry Addrcoe& PLore (irdude rtete, & zip) Ihte Ildivihel of(Entuib,nton flcctiou Suu to Drte frir llrrket.tuor* s 2,029.20 E C=oda"t. EI naty E prc EI n r**4,- E Otf- n "*ipt Soucca MATTCOLLOGAN 180 ARLINGTONDRTVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401-27 16 (240) 498-s4t3 WD( WEBSITE HOSTING OF ELECTION WEBSITE LrRL 10/12t2020 23.Ns s r-.,,,.-,.."-.,,.'.'s s 2,024.20 s 2,299.20 In-Kind Contributions Use thic form to report ooa-Borctaf]'coatributioas. donatioas- .{meldmeltFg I of 2 EI rt" El tto goods a senioes prorid+d to thu "oo-iftC or frrorl. 0 NC CfionS rl I i,;{i:ffiffi [i*$1.31 In-Kind Conhibutions Use thic foro to report aoa-mooetary contributions. donalioas. .{oend.uenlFe 2 of 2 Et'." Exo goods c senices proriCeC to the coooriHee or nrod. t/ NC $tate of Eletioas MATT COLLOGAN FOR SOIL & WATER NEW- I IIAC63-C-065 f, Ilrte Comments s d. flection S-- lo Drle full Nrne, Mrililg Addmss & Phore (tudude & rip)Ildivi&El of lC.ortbibator 275.00 fairllrrket Anond El c"araate E errty E p.tc E Referea&o El Ot* n=".ipt Sonrce SUE HAYES 213 QUILON CIRCLE WILMINGTON,NC 28412 PRINT AD CAPE FEAR'S CIOING GREEN MAGAZINE 09/13/2020 275.00s s 5 275.00s s 2,299.20 r,-. I."., i \ ,:-. ,r. I i-. t-'iF"ti'."'.'r .'''.' i'--L.--' N(]\/ 1 6 2020 p,iiri) ,.'.,1, i:i ElectioflS t-t