Wildeboer 2020 Fourth Quarter Report (Misc. Corresp.)Disclosure Report Cover Use this form for generat report and committee information, must be ,ignEtflSFJ[tfiEEFBNry with other Amendment Yes detailed forms x No Do not use this form to information 1. Committee Information a. Full Name c. ID Number Pete Wildeboer for New Hanover County Schools Board of Education NEW-3HA7TH-C-O65 b. Mailing Address (include City, State and Zip Code)d. Date Filed U27/2021 e. Phone Number 3560 Lynn Ave, Castle Hayne, NC, 28429 (910) 297-630s 2. Report Year 3. Period Start Date (mm/dd/yy)4. Period End Date 5. Treasurer Full Name 2020 t0lt8t20 t2/3y20 Addison Tomasko P alanza of Committee6.9.of one one State/Countv ReferendumCandidate Campaign PAC Independent Exporditure Parg Referendum Joint Fundraiser tr tr Fund of Fund7.check Organizational trtrtr! Supplemental Final Pre-referendum Final Annual Special 10.Name ntr Other: "Booster Fund" Building Fund 8. Number of this tr! ntrn nntrtr Pre-primary Pre-election Pre-runoff Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final Special Organizational Thirty-five day trtrtrx ntrnn First Second Third Fourth Semi-annual Mid Year Year End Final Special Organizational Quarterly 11. Account Information 11. Account Information a. Financial Institution Full Name a. Financial Institution Full Name Crescom Bank b. Purpose c. Account Code b. Purpose c. Account Code PWI d. Period Begin Balance d. Period Begin Balance Receipts and expenses $ r 83.22 $ I certify that the Committee or Fund is in compliance with all applicable provisions of Article 22A, 22B, & 22D-22Mof Chapter I 63 ofthe NC General Statutes and that no funds are commingled with prohibited or other non-disclosed funds. I further certit/ that this reportis complete, true and corect and that I have been trained by the NC State Board of Elections. CERTIFICATION Printed Name of S Signature of Treasurer Date Addison Palanza r/27/21 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: Date Postmarked: Date Scanned: Date Data Entered: Employee : Employee: Employee: Employee: -Registered Mail Hand Delivered Electronically Filed Signer has not received mandatory training t'A t/a .a,W Deliverv Methodtr Normal Mail Note: This form cannot be used to amend committee information such as the committee address, treasurer, assistant treasurer, custodian of books information, or account information. Please to make committeecRo-2100,4-You must amend the Statement of ization cRo-l000 NC State Board of Elections August 2008 \rFtlt , . LvLr irt{a irn of ELEOTIONB (mm/dd/vv) Municipalxtr ntr tr Pete Wildeboer for NHCS Schools Board of Educ.Fourth Quarter NEW-3HA7TH-C-065 Start of Election Cycle: January 1,2017 Total this Reportins Period Total this Election Cvcle$ r 83.22 $ IEGD $0 $ $ $ $ .ri{c BD oF Et Ft MONS $$ $ $ $ $ $$ $$ $$ 5) Aggregated Contributions from Individuals 6) Contributions from Individuals 7) Contributions from Political Party Committees 8) Contributions from Other Potitical Committees 9) Loan Proceeds 10) Refunds/Reimbursements To the Committee 1t) Other Receipt Sources lla) Interest on Bank Accounts llb) Contributions from Not-for-profit Organizations l lc) Outside Sources of Income fld) Legal Expense Fund - Other Sources I I e) Exempt Purchase Price Sales 4) Cash on Hand at Start rcRAr20s) (cRGr2t0) cRat220) (CRo,t230) (CROLl4l0) (CRO"I240) (cRo-12s0) (cRGr2s0) (cRGr2s0) (CRO"I270) (CRO"I26s)$$ $ $0 $ 2931.00 $ $s $$ $$ $$ $$ TOTAL Rf,CEIPTS (Add tines s,6, 7,8, e, t0, t ta, nb, ilc. ild and t Disbursements 13a) OperatingExpenditures l3b) Contributions to Candidates/politicat Committees 13c) CoordinatedPartyExpenditures Aggregated Non-Media Expenditures Loan Repayments Refunds/Reimbursements From the Committee In-Kind Contributions (cRar3t0) (CRo"t3I0) (CRO.t3t0) cRa|3r5) cRat420) (cRat320) (cRG|5t0) t2) l3) 1e) t4) ls) l6) t7)$$ 18)TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Add tines tJq, t3b, t3c, t4, t5, t6 and t7)$0 $ 2747.78 $ r 83.22$ 183.22 $ $ $ $ $ $$ $$ $$ 20) 2t) 22) 23) 24) 2s) 26) 27) 28) Non-Monetary Gifts Given to Other Committees Outstanding Loans (incl. ones from other campaigns) Debts and Obligations owed By the Committee Debts and Obligations owed To the Committee Account Transfers Within the Committee Administrative Support Forgiven Loans 48-Hour Notice Reports Sum Contributions to be Refunded (CRO,l330) (cRGr430) (cRGt6r0) (cRat620) (cRo-1720) (cRar7t0) (cRat440) (cRo-2220) (cRo-r2ts) le)Cash on Hand at End (Add tines 4 and t 2 togelher, then subtract line 181 $$ Amendment Detailed Summary Use this form to summarize all disclosure forms and to total trYesFNo information. cRo-|r00 NC State Board of Elections August 2008 1. Committee Full Name (and Fund if applicable)2. Tvoe of Report 3.ID Number 1. Committee Full Name Fund if 2.ID Number Pete Wildeboer for NHCS Schools Board of Educ.NEW-3HA7TH-C-065 3. Contributor Information Add tr Remove b. Job Title/Profession d. Commentsa. Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) c. Employer's Field tiN 2 7 202t e. $ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form of Payment i. ln-Kind Description Date k. Amount $ tr $ $ 3. Contributor Information Add Remove b. Job Title/Profession d. Commentsa. Full Name, Mailing Address & phone (include state, & c.Field e. Election Sum to Date $ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form of i. ln-Kind k. Amount $ tr $n $ 3. Contributor Information Add Remove b. Job Title/Profession d. Commentsa. Full Name, Mailing Address & phone (include statg & zip) c. Employer's Name/Specific Field e. Election Sum to Date $ f. Prior g. Account Code h. Form of Payment i. In-Kind Description j. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)k. Amount $ tr $n $ 4. Total this $05. Total of ALL CRO-1210 pages cRo-t t00)$0(This line must be on line 6 of Detailed Summary Amendment Contributions from Individuals Pglofln Yes F No Use this form to individual contributions over $50 or contributions under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used cRo-|210 NC State Board of Elections April 2007 tr tr j. Date (mm/dd/yyvv)tr tr l. Committee Full Name (and Fund if applicable)2.ID Number Pete Wildeboer for NHCS Schools Board of Educ.NEW-3HA7TH-C-065 3. Contributor Information Add Remove b. T;*pe of Contributor c. Commggr!6r6 911 pPf,t^$fifila. Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, statg & zip) tAN 2 7 2021 rrrun BD oF ELEgtlot{s d. Election Sum to Date trntrtrtrtr Individual Candidate Party PAC Referendum Other Receipt Source $ e. Description f. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)g. Fair Market Amount $ $ $ 3. Contributor Information Remove b. Type of Contributor c. Commentsa. Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) d. Election Sum to Date trtrtrtrtrtr Individual Candidate Party PAC Referendum Other Receipt Source $ e. Description f. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)g. Fair Market Amount $ $ $ 3. Contributor Add b. Type of Contributor c. Commentsa. Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) d. Election Sum to Date Individual Candidate Party PAC Referendum Other Receipt Source trtrtrtrtr $ e. Description f. Date (mn/dd/yyyy)g. Fair Market Amount $ $ $ 4. Total only this Page $0 (This line must be on line 17 Daailed Summary Page CRO-I100)$05. Total of ALL CRO-1510 Pages Amendment In-Kind Contributions pg ! or ! E yes Use this form to report non-monetary contributions, donations, goods or services provided to the committee or fund. Use CRO- l2l5 if In-Kind Contributions were or will be refunded within 7 F No CRO-I5IO NC State Board of Elections December 2007 Disbursements Pg 1 of , H"rlT"' F *" Use this form to report expenditures from the committee for operating expenses, contributions to candidate/political 2. ID Number Pete Wildeboer for NHCS Schools Board of Educ NEW-3HA7TH-C-O6t 3. Type of Disbursement (Please use seoarate CRO-1310 forms for each tvpe of Disbursement.) Level Registered I stur. ses Coordinated tures Phone & Federal iAN 2 7 Z02t b. Coordinated Committee NameFull Name, Mailing Information I Municipality: County: $ Election Sum to Date NHC ED Contributions to Candidates/Political Committees Add Remove L Account Code g. Form of Payment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)i, Amount k Required Remarks $ $ 4. Payee Information tr Add E Remove r, Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) b. Coordinated Committee Name d, Comments e. Election Sum to Date c. Level Registered (Specify) I Federal I srot" I county: I Municipaliry: $ L Account Code g. Form of Payment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)j, Amount k. Required Remarks $ Comments $ Election Sum to Date Information b. Coordinated Committee Name $ Add Remove Level Registered (Specify) Federal County: Full Name, Mailing Address & Phone (include city, state, & zip) I Stut. I Municipality: f. Account Code g. Form of Payment h. Purpose Code i. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)j. Amount $ k. Required Remarks $ 5. Total only this Page $o 6. Total of ALL CRO-1310 Pages (This line goes in line l3a of Detailed Summary Page CR0-l t00 if Operating Expenses) (This line goes in line l3h of Detailed Summary Page CR0-t100 d('ontrih tu Candidates/Political ('ontnt) (This line goes in line l3c of Detuiled Summary Page CRO-1100 if Coor4inated Part; Expendituresl 7. Purpose Codes (List detailed expenditure code in (h.) above) - Salaries, Postage 'Other B* - Printing F* - Equipment J - Penalties C* - Fundraising G - Political Party K* - Oflice Expenses H* - Holding Public Office Expenses Q* - Donation to Legal Expense Fund r|< - To Another Candidate NC State Board of Elections $o