Wildeboer 2020 Third Quarter ReportDisclosure Report Cover Use this form for general report and committee ii.*d;; l?'- - i, ,F )pr . ..."& ry-q lalong with other dCtffi f6rms. -must be n submitred sD.refil.d l1 u?a o '7*lo PAc I Rcf"r.odu^ Indeprdcnt Expendirurc f] Joint FundraircrLcgrl Expcnsc Fund Candidue Campaigr Parry lf] h.-rcrcnndum f] Finat I SupplemenulFinal I Annuut I Sp""iat Organizational Boost rFund Othcr: Building Fund I Organizarionri Thirty-fivc day Pre-primary Pre-election Prr-runoff Semi-annurl Mid Year Year End Enal Spccial Organizarioaal Quanerly Finr Second Third Founh Semi-annual Mid Ycar Ycar End trtrtrtr Hnal Spccial trtrrll Nrme- Account Code f$nog /<cetjt { exynns | 711.L $ of Elcctions. of thatcartify the Commifte or Fund IS compliaace wirh allthcof applicableNCGcneralStatulesattdtbatEOarcfundswithcornmin$edls orprohibircdreponUxccomplcte,and ardcorIECt Ithat have beea baincd theby NC funds- I further provisions of Aniclc ofChaptcr 163 certify thar rhis Datc Rcceived: Date Postmarked: Date Scanned: Datc Data Entered: Employee: Employee: Employee: Employee: rrlrr.I o trT has not reccived Normal Mail Rcgistered MaiI Hand Delivered Electronically Filed You Note:This form becannot used to amend committee information such as the comrniileeassistanttrea$urer,address,custodian of measurer,books orinformation,accountmustamendthe information.of (cRo-2 to make conrmiftee fi s -t t --__ tn tl ?w 1_ o7/ n tr tr l-l tr n Detailed Summary ,,1 I_- El rrs "", ?e,J, \^t:t \l*. I tw< Rap zd of Election Cycle: January l, "l-o {T Totst this Reportinx Period Total tNs- Election Cycle{) Cash on Hnnd at Stert $$oo 5) Aggregatcd Contributions from Individuals (cRo-120s)$$ 6) Contributions from Individuals cRo-1ua)$ 7) Contributions from polltical Party Committecs (cRo-l220)$$o9, tlt) Contrlbutions from Other Political Committecs Gno-r230)$$ 9) LosnProceeds rcno.r110)$$ Rcfundr/Reimhursements to the Committee GRAI20)$$l) Other Receipt Sources lla) Interest on Ban} Accounts GnaI2so)$$IIb)Contributlons from Not-For-Proflt Organizations (c$o-rzso)$$llc) Outside Sources of Income GRAr250)$$fld) Legd Expcnse Fund - Other Sources GROl270)$$lle) Exempt purchacc Hce Selcs (cko-126s)$$TOTAL RECEIPTS (Add lincs 5 6,7 8,9,I0,t Ia,Itb,I lc,I td aud I I $rO IXsburrements 13a) Operating Expenditures cEaBrc)$q $,r3b)Contrlbutlons ao Cendidates/Political Comnrittees GAO-|310)$$l3e)Coordlnated Party Erpendlturcs Gno-Bt0)$ Aggregatrd $Non-Mcdla Expenditurcs GRA.I,,5)$ Loan Repayments $ $eo-r420)$$Refunds/Retrnburseraenh from the Commtttee (cRo-ri20)$$7) In-Khd Cortrlbutions (cto-$t0)$TOTAL EXPENDITURES o $(Add lincs I3a.l3b,l3c,I4,15,t6 and I $Cash on Hand at EItd $(Add Iines 4 and I2 . then subtract lioc I $$ $ $ $ $ I'l0y I"$ 0f $ $ $ $ $ GR@r6t0) ) Outstending Debts and ObUgattons owed by the Comnrlftee Contrlbudons to be Refunded Forglvcn Loans Comrrlttee Committees Gn}-IJgL) Ioens (lncl. ones from other campaigns) GRa.riJo) Debts and Obfigations owed to the Comrnittee Account Transfers Within the 4t-Hour Notlcc Reports Sum Non-Monetary Gifts Given to Other Admlnistrative Support (cRO-2220) (cRO-t2r5) _l::or!:o) (cko.r720) $$ August $ Li2],o6 E I 5ot{, oo NEW.3HATTH-e-065 d" Conmcnt$ c. Elcctlol S{ltt to Drac Pete Wildeboer Ibr NHCS Schools Board of Educ. loLl$ r!\etvtzw Vrfle- AJuiln;ayla, N{ Ltl4l Qro) Lt t- t6?j b. Job& c.Flcld &Addreg 5+.^L ?, s sq'tfr,oO Codc b. Form ofPrymrtt L i, pttr {rnrnl4dfiyyry)k Auountn?w4-c-hcr v ,o lr, /ur*$ /oo."o d. CouDcotc fo .oof. Prior Accoult Cod.t. tr'oro ol lc Anroutrt a c. Ihtc $ $ tr tr $ /oo, e. Elccfloa Sur to Drtc Jear,. ,v1. tt/ols*^iqL 4<sn bo N.rle. Dr.w;tm;jfr,NL Zt4o1 D Pw 1-f k.v ,..l, ll-n $ 5o.ooD'lt s b. Job TidclPr.ofcgion s *toX, Prior h. Form of k Amount n s d. t: Account Drt. Ficld c. Elcrtiotr Srm toDr.C r. F'oU Nlp$ Mdltng Addrccr & PDonc & C 5 Crur.t. t I5lb zd^r^\r.{d-n f*V-CAr+k- &y* ,NL "?J1114 ?wt (.L-<c t<ta/o lror-^$tr -rE /'-r-$ $ Contributions from Individuals Use this form to individual contributions over $50 or conributions Pg t , or 7- iH'"'l;: under $50 if form CRO 1205 is not used $ n No cRo-|2r0 s 7oo April 2007 L t. Contributions from Potitical party Committees Pg IUse this form to contributions from a of t-Amdmcnl F ye--F no- b. Comncats cluL Account Codc k Ia-KJnd Datc C CL ? 7Lltc., Vor;1<t-r\S s GoForm of t z-oo, Full Nrmc, Melllng Addrcrs & phom Elcrtlon Sum to Datc AmuDt \irtz'ai ")t^ ,N L 2-8./o 6 louer C^?"- tr<^ Ro. Bo* +ls s b. C,omrcnts t $K $ $ Full Nrrm, Melllng Addrus & Phonc Ehclloa Sum to Drle &t", & Amuat d. Account Codc f. h-XIEd Dccrlptton (Errftkuyyyy) $ $ Account Code Form of $ Comrnenls In.Khd Ilrt? $ FullNroqMdllng Addrt* & Phorr (iaclodc itrtc & dp) tlanoverl,|fl Elccdon Sum to Defe Amount Nov I 2 20e0 $ $ $ ,OO6o$ NC State April I -l (lmlude & I I Form of Ihtc $ Aoq, oc Disbursements Use this form to report expenditures from the committee for ll#ra*.r IPg 1 or r 1E v." E! V.-_Joperatingexpenses,contributionstoca,tiaur"lpotiticii --- Corudttcc Nemc Elcctlon Sum to llefe $,163.o Elccdoo Sum to Drte s1o1,?3 NEW'3HA Committccs aItrC,Connrcob& County: Codc D.tt AnouDt Rcmrt*r I $ $ b.Ninc County: Pete \Mldeboer for NHCS Schools Board of Educ. C..-r:*m.t fn\ | LLL kla^orar,'-i,r ilfi<_ v{t\Nr frrl4. ahJLtl L)f3/^I I ^rc d34_&Ifr?ba stTj Accouut Formof Itll Nrnq (hclud. Addnrr & Phon It lC& Lcwl Fcdcral State rf,oo L1i tlLsL C.r2J--, XaK ,C-*+r Fdcral Sute L Accourt Codc 3. Fomof Prymcnt n. nrrpdec Coac t D.t (Dnrdd/yyyy),,Amult Rcqdrcd ,E3 Nov I 2?020 I $ Corrertr RECETVED County: M Form $ Coordlnetcd Conlrltt cNrm Elccdon Sum to Datc (hcludc dty, Nlm,Addrtg & Phore & Lcvcl Fcdcral Strtc hhnfigde l. Detc (rqoddruyyyy)f.AmuutL AccoutCodc r6dffi;'$ ncErr*s $ $c gl.t'lT- llecrrhtt lntocs l3ollnc olDctaiLd Sulr,acty cko-ltNPagc Ogcmtiag{F..rpcascs)liac/I,|hi,,atocs linc 3b D.toilcdof Sua,mtry cRo-tilnPagc lollCoabib CaadidatqlPolitbcl Comm)lhc $ml.rlL H* - Holding Publlc Ofllce Expenses Qr - Donation to legal Expense FundOther Fr - Equipment J - Penalties G - Political Party K* . Oftice Expenses - Sa.laries. Postagc n Irl tr t--'l n - i. Conrncntr n n (u4-- -tr In-Kind Contributions Amcrdmcnt Pg!or r rE Use this form to report non-moneury contributions, donations,goods or services provided to the committee or fund. Use CRO-1215 if In-Kind were or will be 7 Ya tr No $'t/otf, g o Pete Wildebocr for NHCS Schools Board of Educ.NEW-3HA7TH-C-065 b. Typc ofContributor c. CommenB d. El.cdon Sum to Drtc .. Full Nrrc' Mrltlq Addrtrs & Ptooc Lau"r rya)ov*o; s A crn rarlci & C.L,\ DtrtrRtrtr Individual Candidatc Perty PAC Rcfcrendum Othcr Rcccipt Source $/ QOL/ , oo C.f. Drtc (no/d#yyyy)& FdrMrrkca Amount t b $ c. Comnco$ tr!trtrtr $ b. c. $ $ f. Drte d. Elcclioo SUE to lr.tc r. Full Nrnc' Meltlry Addrcs & phonc ttrt,&ofCoatrlbutor Individual Cadidae Party PAC Refcrcndum Othcr Rcccipt Sourcc $ c. ComErDlr trfltrtrtrt{ov 1 2 2020 e. Dcscrlptha f. Drtc $ b. NDCEIT{ED $ $ d. Elccaion Sun lo l}.tr Feir MrrlctAmoult r. Full Nrnc. Mrlling Addnu & phonc 3tatc, & of ConHbutor Individual Candi<!atc Psrty PAC Referendum Othcr Reccipt Sourcc $ $ $(,oU. otr $ r,loq , Oo CRGIslo NC Strrc Board of Elcctions Dcc€mbcr 2OO7 Frlr Markct Anount