Dawson Mid Year Report 2013 Disclosure Report Corer Amendment ® Yea ❑ No Use this font for general report and committee information.must be signed and submitted along with other detailed fonns. Do not use tl-is fonn to update information. 1.Committee Information a.Full Name C.ID 'umber .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. COMMITTEE TO ELECT BETH DAWSON(COUNTY COMMISSION) h Mailing Address(include City,State and Zip Code) r• d.Date Filed ;......t.;._ .......................................................................................................................... PO BOX 420 08/08/2013 WILMINGTON,NC 28402 AUG Q g e.Phone..Number .................................................................... I A of F Cfl _.Report fear 3.Period Start Date(mm 4.Period End Date{nut dd,_} 3.Treasurer Full.Name ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2013 01/01/2013 06/30/2013 BETH DAWSON b t One 9.T. a of Re rt iclie k o;2A-once rti' re ort om o;se curs ort-s .............�........................... .. ....�..p.............�°...................... ....................«................«. ::....... .......i�.......r�....'.................................a°....:.«............. ® Candidate Campaign ❑ Party Municipal State County Referendum .❑..........................:.�......................... ............................:. ........................................................................................................ Joint Fundraiser ❑ PAC Ofeani—tional Organizational ❑ Orranmational ❑ Referendum ❑ Legal Expense Fund ❑ Thirty-five dat- Quarterly ❑ Pre-refarandum .n ❑ Pre-primary ❑ First ❑ Final ❑ "Boaster Fund" m ❑ Pre-election ❑ Second ❑ Supplemental Final ❑ Building Fund ❑ Pre-runoff ❑ Third ❑ Annual ❑ Presidential Election Year Candidates Fund Semi-annual ❑ Fourth ❑ Special ❑ NC Public Campaign Financing Fund ❑ %lid Year Semi-annual ❑ Year End Nr Mid Year ❑ ❑ Final ❑ Year End S.Number of Fundraisers this Report 13 special [3 Final 0 ❑ 9Fe.ia? 3.Account Information 3.Account Information s.Financial Institution Full Name a•Financial In_citutton Full Name ....................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................. ...................................... BB&T b.Purpose c.Account Code b.Purpo.:e c.Account Code ................................................................................. .................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... COMMITTEE CHECKING I ACCOUNT d.Period Begirt Balance d.Period Begin Balance .............................................. .................................................................... S 1,491.44 S CERTIFICATION I certify that the Committee or Fund is in compliance%Aith all applicable pro-6sions of:article 22.A_22B&22D-22111 of Chapter 163 of the NC General Statutes and that no funds are commingled with prohibited or other non-disclosed funds. I further certify that this report)is complete;true and correct and that I have been trained by the NC State Board 08/08/2013 ?:ltlted Name I?::?: $t Signature D-Appointed Treasurer Data FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: b€ ; Employee 4�=..PD eli very Method � 1ornal'-\. Date Postmarked: Employee 0 Registered3ai1 and Delivered Date Scanned: Employee ❑ Electronically Filed Date Data Entered: Employee [3 Signer has not received training Please Note: 7jjiS form cannot be used to amend committee information such as the con imnee address.treasurer. assistant treasurer.custodian of books information.or account infonmation. ou must amend the Statement of Organization-CRO-?I0i,- -E`to make conwtittee changes. CRO-1000 NC State Board of Elections De_e:nbe: Detailed Summary Amendment ® Fe= El No Use this form to swmnanze all disclosure reporting fonns and to total monetary infomnation 1.Committee Full \ame(and.Fund#.applicable) 2.T�p►e.of Ref►ort 3.ID N umber ................................................................. .................................. COMMITTEE TO ELECT BETH DAWSON 2013 Mid Year Semi-Annual (COI JNTY COMMISSION) Total this Total this Start of Election C�cle: Ja>anary 1; 2013 Reporting Period Election Cvcle 4) Cash on Hand at Start S 1,491.44 S 1,491.44 RECEIPTS 5)Aggregated Contributions from Indh iduals (CRO.1 205) S 0.00 S 0.00 6) Contributions from Indh iduals (CRCL1 210) S 0.00 S 0.00 7) Contributions from Political Parn-Committees (CRO-1220) S 0.00 S 0.00 S) Contributions from Other Political Committees (CRO-1 230) S 509.50 S 509.50 9) Loan Proceeds (C 0.1410) S 0.00 S 0.00 0) Refunds Reimbursements to the Committee ffWAL$ 0.00 S 0.00 i) Other Receipt Sources Ila) Interest on BankAccounrs UaQ5 0.00 S 0.00 lib) Contributions from Nor-For-Profir Oreani a 250 S 0.00 S 0.00 IVI lb llc) Outside Sources of Income (CRa1250) 0.00 S 0.00 lid) LegalEapense Fund-Other Sources (CRa12-0) S 0.00 S 0.00 lle)Exempt Purchase Price Sales (CRa1265) S 0.00 S 0.00 2) TOTAL RECEIPTS dd iitiz: , v.-.S.9,10,11a.11b.11c.1ld ark:11e) S 509.501 S 509.50 EXPENDITURES 3) Disbursements 13a) Operating Expenditures (CRO.1310) S 250.44 S 250.44 13b) Contributions to Candidates'Political Committees (CR011310) S 0.00 S 0.00 13c) Coo rdinated Party Eipenditures (CRa13101 0.00 S 0.00 4) Aggregated Non-Media Ekpendirures (CRO.1315) 128.78 S 128.78 S) Loan Repayments (CRO-1420) S 0.00 S 0.00 6) Refunds/Reimbursements from the Committee (CRa1320) S 0.00 S 0.00 7) In-Bind Contributions (C0a1510) t 0.00 S 0.00 8) TOTAL EXTENDITURES(Add lines 13a,13b.13c,14,15,16 and 17) 5 379.22 S 379.22 9) Cash on Hand at End(Add lines 4.and : together,then subt, line 1S) 1,621.72 S 1,621.72 .ADDITION U INFORMATION 0) Non-Monetary Gifts Giien to Other Committees (CRD-13.0) S 0.00 1) Outstanding Loans(incl.ones from otter campaigns) (CRO.1430) S 14.200.00 2) Debts and Obligations on ed M-the Committee (CRO.1610) S 0.00 3) Debts and Obligations owed to the Committee (CRO.1620) S 0.00 4) Account Transfers Within the Committee (CRO-i-20) S 0.00 Administrative Support (CRO-1-10) S 0.00 S 0.00 6) ForgiAenLoans (CRO.1440) S 0.00 S 0.00 7) 48-Hour-Notice Reports Sum (CRa:1, - S 0.00 S 0.00 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... .. 8) Contributions to be Refunded (CRa1215) S 0.00 c 0.00 CRO-1100 NC State Board of Elections Amendment Contributions from Other Political Counnittees P= 1 of I ❑ 1-e= ❑ No se tltis form to repots contributions from other candidate.referendwn or?�:C' committees 1..Committee.FullName.f 4 Fnnd if.a licablel....................................................................................................................T.ID Number .................................................................. COMMITTEE TO ELECT BETH DAWSON(COUNTY COMMISSION) 3. Contributor Information ❑ Add ❑ Retno-ve a.Fu 11 Name.\Iailing Addres Phone b.Type of Committee d.Comments :........................................ .......................................................................................................... (include city,state,d-zip) Caniidat" =......................................................:................................................................................................ NC REALTORS PAC ❑ Re:er>tt�uai 4511 WEYBRIDGE LANE c.Level Registered(Specif}-) GREENSBORO,NC 27407 Fe­d' 0 Couaty: ® State ❑ h3uuicipality: e.Election Sum to Date ................................................................................................ ...................................................................... 509.50 f,Account Code e.Form of Psvwent h.In-Find Description i.Date(mm-A&117.T) j.Amount ..................................... .......................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ .............................. 1 Check 01/11/2013 S 509.50 T_ 5 t 4.Total only this Paee $509.50 9.Total of ALL CRO-1230 Pages _ $509.50 (7kis line Puss be on line S of Detcded 5'ur MC)3 Page CRO-1100/ RECEIVED AUG 0.8 2013 NHC Bd of Elections Amendment Disbursements Pe I of I ® Si es ❑ Use tlus fonn to report expenditures from the conmitttee for operating_ expenses. contributions to candidate political committees and coordinated party expenditures 1.Committee.Full Name(and Fnnd if zpplicable).............................................................................................................................2..ED W umber.............................. COMMITTEE TO ELECT BETH DAWSON(COUNTY COMMISSION) 3.Type of Disbursement (Please use separate CRO-1310�ot»ts foi-each tie of Disbursement.) 4.Payee Information ❑ Add ❑ Remove a.7 ull Nwne.'�-ailuis Address &-Phone b.Coordinated Committee Name d•Comments . - .............................................................................................................................................................. (include,citx:z. c ate:.!£. iRZ............................................................................................... GODADDY.COM 14455 N HAYDEN RD STE 219 c,Level Registered(Specifa-) SCOTTSDALE,AZ 85260 ❑ F=_e'ral I3 C. nr:: ❑ state ❑ :.I ni:iFalir:: e.Election Sum to Date ........................................................................................... .................................................................... S 137.22 f.Account Code g.Form of Pa?•anent h.Purpose Code i.Date(mm13d�yyyy) j.Amount k.Required Remarlm ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Debit Card O 03/11/2013 5 120.44 WEB DOMAIN RENEWAL C 4.Payee Information ❑ Add ❑ Remove a. ull lame.:�:ailinE_-kddress be?hone b. Coordinated Committee Name d. Commentz - ................................................................................................................................................ (include.city,atatet.&..z' ).............................................................................................. POST OFFICE 15 RECEIVED 152 N FRONT ST a Level Registered(Specify) .......................... WILMINGTON,NC 28401 F_rtal County: _ _ AUG 0 8 2013 ❑ ant= ❑ :.iraicipalit}: e.Election Sum to Date ........................................................................................... ........ . .. of Election s 5 130.00 f.account Code g.Form of went h.Purpose Code i.Date(mm.vld-yyy-) j.Amount k,Required Remarks- .......................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Debit Card O 02/11/2013 S 130.00 PO BOX FEE S 9.Total oniv this Pace S 250.44 6.Total of AI L CRO-1 310 Pages (Tkis ur:e goes is rise 1.e of Detailed Burbler! Pcge CRO-110C'((O�•ererinq£xyeraesl „ . S 250.11 (iris iir:e goes il:lir:i b cf De!ailed SurlP.11CIt Pcge CRO-1100 if COND-ib toCcndidcte. Politi:cl Comm) (Tcis?iae goes il:ul:a:_:nfDe!cef a Sur!r!cl't Pcge CRO-11OG'��Coordirleed Pe,n £tpen¢itures/ 7.Purpose Codes (List detailed expenditure code in;h., abo e A*-Media B* - Printin_ C* -Fundraisin__ D--o Another Candidate E - Salaries F* -Etluiprnent G-?obti�ai?an H* -Holding Public Office Expenses I - Postage J - ?-naldp� Ii* -Office Expenses Q* -Donation to Leal Expense Fund O* Other *Codes require detailed explanation in required remarks field k CRO-1?1 0 -;C 5tat=_Bcari c.El.lien_ -,-_;r. ._. Amendment Aggregated Non-Media Expenditures Page I of I El Yes ❑ 10 Optional form used to report_NC'Non-Media Expenditures of$50 or less. COMMITTEE TO ELECT BETH DAWSON(COUNTY COMMISSION) ?,Pavee Information a..rlmend b.:lecount Code c.Form of Pa}•meat d.Purpose Code e.Dace(=nvdd,3j-yy) f.Amount g,Required Remark T - - L................. Draft O 01/22/2013 ^ '12.00 BANK SERV CHG ❑ Reno=< Ad;: 1 Draft O 02/21/2013 5 2.00 BANK SERV CHG ❑ 1 Draft O 03/21/2013 5 2.00 BANK SERV CHG ❑ R attic:_ �dd 1 Draft O 04/22/2013 5 2.00 BANK SERV CHG ❑ F ntto Add 1 Draft O 05/21/2013 5 2.00 BANK SERV CHG ❑ Remo:e Add 1 Draft . ; 06/21/2013 5 2.00 BANK SERV CHG 13 Ramo:- A d d 1 Debit Card G ® 01-3 ACCT FEE 01/28/2013 5 15.00 ❑ Rxno:-e Add 1 Debit Card 4 ! �d 0 f EI @C IOIlS02/26/2013 5 15.00 ACCT FEE ❑ R emc:-e 4 1 +& I Debit Card O 04/11/2013 5 15.00 ACCT FEE ❑ F,., :- Add 1 Debit Card O 04/26/2013 5 15.00 ACCT FEE ❑ Remo:-e t 1 Debit Card O ACCT FEE 05/28/2013 5 15.00 ❑ Remove Ad,1 1 Debit Card O ACCT FEE 06/26/2013 5 15.00 ❑ P,tnor= Debit Card O 5 16.78 WEB DOMAIN 03/11/2013 4. Total onl.- this Page 5 128.78 5. Total of ALL CRO-1315 Pages 5 128.78 �_s iirc �rur:- c=u eine 14 of Derailed Pale CRO-11001 6. PurposeCodes, igAdmidAmm"Ke code in(&) above) S* -Printing C" Fundraising D - To Another Candidate Salaries F* Equtpmeni' C= Political Parr H* -Holding Public Office Expenses - P e �r*.,_,'.,: K* - O - uses 4Q* - Donations to Legal Expense Fund O" - Other * Codes require detailed explanation in required remarks field CRO-131 S _-C_rata Beale c-'E1_cticns D -LOS Amendment OutStandincy Loan,, Pe 1 of I © Y e= ❑ No !L-se tlus form to report an,.outstandin_loans reccv.ed dunn= a pre••ious reportins period and until the loan is paid in full 1.Committee Full Name.and Fund.if apglicable)............................................................................................................ =,ID dumber.......................................... COMMITTEE TO ELECT BETH DAWSON(COUNTY COMMISSION) 3.Lender Information ❑ ?add ❑ Remove a. Full Name.Mailing Addre..&Phone b.Job Title Pro fe--ion d.Commenta - ................................................................................................................................................................. .._ _ (include city,-rate.S,zip) RETIRED Outstanding loans are from 2010 .................................................................................................................................................. BETH DAWSON state campaign: 422 FOREST HILLS DRIVE (mm dd�aaa. ................................................................................ WILMINGTON,NC 28403 c.Imployer's Nainv' pecific Field 02/28/2012 °- RETIRED BANKER(BOA) f.End Date(mm dd�,.5 i ,AUG 0 8 2��.� ........................................................_..... E. Rate h. 5ecuntv Plede, g �f Election i.Original Loan amount j.Remaining Loan Balance c 5 14,000.00 $ 14,000.00 k.Full Name of Lending Inztitution L Loan Number ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3.Lender Information ❑ Add ❑ Remove a.Full Name,Mailing Addre..�E Phone b.Job Title Profez=ion d.Comment: - ............................................................................................................................................................................. (include city.-tale.&zip) RETIRED .................................................................................................................................................. BETH DAWSON 422 FOREST HILLS DRIVE e.Stan Date(mm.dd}-a�r) ............................................................................... WILMINGTON,NC 28403 . c.Em.p.. }•e lo .r's. N..ame. . .Specifi. .c ... Fie..ld 03/01/2012 ................................ ................................ ........... RETIRED BANKER(BOA) f.End Date(mm dd.►jj-r) ................................................................................ g.Rate h.Security Pledged i.Orieinal Loan.Amount j.Remaining Loan Balance ............................ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 200.00 c 200.00 k. Full Name of Lending Institution.................................................................................................................................................... 1.Loan Number....................................... 4. Total only this Page 14,200.00 5. Total of ALL CRO-1430 Pages 14,200.00 rlku Lint a+.ust be on ui:t-1 of Detsiiea SuMtmcrt Pcge CRO-1100)