2021-12-01 Minutes New Hanover County Airport Authority December 1, 2021 Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING December 1, 2021 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Airport Authority members, ILM staff, and public participation was in person. Chairman Girardot called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mr. S. Thompson led the Authority in the pledge of allegiance. Chairman Girardot asked Authority members if they had any conflict of potential conflicts of interest were identified. Airport Authority members present were: Donna Girardot, Chairman; Spruill Thompson, Vice Chairman; Nick Rhodes, Secretary; Julia Olson-Boseman, Tom Wolfe, Lee Williams, Jason Thompson, and Wanda Copley, County Attorney. Also present were ILM staff Gary Broughton, Interim Airport Director; Granseur Dick, Facilities Director; Robert Campbell, Finance Director; Carol LeTellier, Business Development Director; and Rose Davis, Executive Assistant. Approximately 7 guests from the public attended the Authority meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Authority has reviewed the minutes of the meeting on November 3, 2021. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Rhodes to approve the minutes of the November 3, 2021 Regular meeting as submitted. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. FAREWELL Chairman Girardot recognized Gary W. Broughton, Interim Airport Director, for his 17 years of service with ILM. Mr. Broughton will be retiring on December 30, 2021. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. FACILITIES & TERMINAL EXPANSION Mr. Dick, on behalf of the Facilities committee, recommended the approval of the following action items: a. Terminal Expansion Project Work Authorization for CA Services, Supplemental Agreement #1 (NC Appropriations, NHC Loan, AIP & PFCs) a work authorization NTE $425,000 for construction administration services related to Supplemental Agreement #1 (Bag Claim Expansion) to Talbert and Bright, pending positive IFE review. Mr. S. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson to approve the Supplemental Agreement #1 to Talbert and Bright as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. b. Terminal Expansion Project Work Authorization for CA Services, Supplemental Agreement #2 (NC Appropriations, NHC Loan, AIP & PFCs) a work New Hanover County Airport Authority December 1, 2021 Page 2 authorization NTE $155,000 for construction administration services related to Supplemental Agreement #2 (Passenger Boarding Bridges & Equipment) to Talbert and Bright, pending positive IFE review. Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to approve the Supplemental Agreement #2 to Talbert and Bright as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. c. Terminal Expansion Project Supplemental Agreement #2 (NC Appropriations, NHC Loan, AIP & PFCs)- a supplemental agreement, pending Legal approval, to Monteith Construction Company for additional work including two new passenger boarding bridges, the relocation of a passenger boarding bridge and bridge accessories. The SA value is $3,255,180, including $150,000 of owner's contingency allowance. The new bridges will be located on current Gate 6 (Future Gate 4) and Future Gate 1, with the current Gate 1 bridge relocated to the Future Gate 8. Schedule will run concurrently with the original contract time. Following a brief discussion, Mr. S. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to approve the Supplemental Agreement #2 to Monteith Construction as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. d. Sunbelt Rentals TSA Coolers for Outbound Bag Screening (Operating Budget)- a PO to Sunbelt Rentals in the amount NTE $22,000 to provide temporary coolers for the TSA occupied space in the outbound bag room. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. S. Thompson to approve the PO to Sunbelt Rentals as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. J. Thompson opposed. Mr. Dick updated the Authority on the status of the Runway 6 drainage ditch repairs, the Air Carrier Apron Expansion, and the Terminal Expansion project. FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES October financial summary, financials, and cash summary. Mr. Campbell recommended the approval of a budget amendment in the amount of two hundred eighty-five thousand dollars ($285,000.00) to the salaries, wages, and benefits line. Mrs. Olson- Boseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson to approve the budget amendment as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Ms. LeTellier updated the Authority on the Expedia campaign being developed and scheduled to run from mid-December through March, which is targeting outbound flights from ILM to the greater NY area and ILM to south Florida. Ms. LeTellier shared the dates of the upcoming holiday gatherings for Ambassadors, Tenants and Employees. Ms. LeTellier provided an update on the Edgewater project. GOVERNMENT Chairman Girardot updated the Authority on the NC General Assembly budget and aviation New Hanover County Airport Authority December 1, 2021 Page 3 funding. Chairman Girardot recommended the approval of a pledge to NCAA of $12,000.00 for continued support of a lobbyist to represent ILM and all NC airports. Mr. S. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to approve the pledge to NCAA for a lobbyist as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Chairman Girardot thanked the Authority and staff for attending the recent County Commissioners meeting regarding the jet noise issue. A Letter of Agreement has been drafted between the FAA and the military and once signed by all parties, the tower will begin to implement protocols necessary to alleviate some of these concerns. Mr. Broughton shared an update from the tower manager, noting the Marine air wing was reviewing the document and believes they will sign. It will then go to the local tower manager, the FAA Military Liaison and then Cherry Point will review and sign. Mr. Broughton shared that the Letter of Agreement should include a standard traffic pattern for military to prevent downtown overfly; higher altitudes and lower power when they land; limit afterburners after take-off; and eliminate the carrier break altogether. Once approved, these guidelines will be incorporated in the Airport Facility Director (AFD) for all aircraft, military private and commercial. Chairman Girardot and Mr. Broughton thanked Mr. J. Thompson for his help with the noise issue through his contacts in the military. OPERATIONS & GENERAL AVIATION Mr. Broughton reviewed the total revenue passengers, fuel costs and fuel flowage for October 2021. Mr. Broughton reported on the Thanksgiving holiday weekend travel numbers. IT REPORT Mr. Dick updated the Authority on Terminal IT services. D Mr. Broughton ILM exceeded its goal and raised $5,739.24 this year and thanked Erin McNally and Kenny Smith for coordinating the campaign. Mr. Broughton thanked his wife, Linda Broughton, for her support throughout his career. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Girardot called for a motion for the Authority to enter a closed session to consult with an attorney pursuant to NCGS §143-318.11(a)(3) and to discuss matters relating to the expansion of industries and economic development pursuant to NCGS §143-318.11(a)(4). Mrs. Olson- New Hanover County Airport Authority December 1, 2021 Page 4 BosemanMOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompsonto enter closed session for the above referenced matter. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. All persons not Authority members or ILM staff were asked to leave the meeting. The Authority went into closed session at 5:45pm. Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson to return to opensession. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. OPEN SESSION The Authority returned to open sessionat approximately 6:16pm. Chairman Girardot reported that the Authority has completed its consultation with an attorney and discussion relating to expansion of industries and economic development. The Authority, having considered the request for Amendment to Master Lease from Modern Aviation, recommends approvingthe following: the triangular grass area (approximately 30,000 SF expenseand added to the Master Lease; ILM will move the vehicle laneto the outermost portion of the Modern Aviation leasehold after Modern Aviation paves the above space; adding the33,087 SFof ramp space that is currentlyundermonth-to-month lease tothe Master Lease; and, that Modern Aviation will provide a sealed land survey to include the new total leasehold area. Mrs. Olson-Boseman MOVED, SECOND by Mr. S. Thompson requests as recommended above. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. The Authority, having considered the request for Amendment to Master Lease from Modern Aviation, recommends denying the request for further lease extensions resulting from additional investments. Mr. J. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Girardotadjourned the meetingat 6:18 pm. Prepared by:Respectfully Submitted: Rose M. Davis _______________________________ Nick Rhodes, Secretary Date of Approval: January 5, 2022