2022-01-24 RM Exhibits Exhibit Book .XL-It 1 Page ao . Resolution 1 North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program Local Governmental Resolution WHEREAS,the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office(herein called the"Agency")has completed an application (The Applicant Agency) contract for traffic safety funding;and that New Hanover County Board of Commissioners(herein called the (The Governing Body of the Agency) "Governing Body")has thoroughly considered the problem identified and has reviewed the project as described in the contract; i l THEREFORE,NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE New Hanover County Board of Commissioners IN OPEN (Governing Body) i MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF Wilmington,NORTH CAROLINA,THIS 24th DAY OF JANUARY 2022,AS 1 FOLLOWS: 1. That the project referenced above is in the best interest of the Governing Body and the general public;and { 2. That New Hanover County Sheriff's Office is authorized to file,on behalf of the Governing Body,an application contract in the form prescribed by the Governor's Highway Safety Program for federal funding the amount of $96 152 to be made to the Governing Body to assist in defraying the cost of the project described in the contract application; 1 i and 1 3. That the Governing Body has formally appropriated the cash contribution of$ 0.00 as required by the project contract;and 4. That the Project Director designated in the application contract shall furnish or make arrangement for other appropriate 1 1 persons to furnish such information,data,documents and reports as required by the contract, if approved,or as may be f required by the Governor's Highway Safety Program; and 1 5. That certified copies of this resolution by included as part of the contract referenced above; and 6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. / / DONE AND ORDERED in opening meeting by _ (C aim- on/Mayor) ATTESTED BY `�[/! _ _ ' (p , ,�%SE o � ( 1 Clerk) I \, ii t DATE I a4)0gOaA ,ya'? ' y /2 i Rev. 7/11 r c y 1 '-"' � w. s . i/ 1. 1 k f 4 r I Exhibi Book t X Lt AGENDA: January 24,2022 r page a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health&Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fund: General I Department: Social Services j Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total 6 BA 22-039 Pandemic LIEAP $ 1,303,546 $ 1,303,546 Total $ - I $ 1,303,546 p$ 1,303,546 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-039 Pandemic LIEAP $ 1,303,546 $ 1,303,546 Total $ - I $ 1,303,546 II$ 1,303,546 Prior to Total if Actions Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget I $ 57,189,247 I $ 58,492,793 I 1 Section 2: Explanation BA 22-039 As North Carolina continues to address issues related to the COVID-19 public health crisis,the needs of adults,children,youth,young adults,and families have increased. As a result of the state budget being passed,New Hanover County has been allocated$1,303,546 to be used for energy assistance payments. These American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)funds will be used for a pandemic automatically authorized payment for households with children ages 0-10,that are receiving food and nutrition services,and received money from the Low Income Energy Assistance Program(LIEAP)last fiscal year(20-21). Automatically authorized payments will be generated based on the household's primary heating source and not the household's income or available resources. Households will receive$300 for wood,$400 for gas and$500 for electric. No county match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. t I NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-039 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. Adopted,this 24th day of January,2022. (SEAL) c " -O -- ,vo, r�\0 j son-Bo Chair t z ,..,„xa ATTEST: 3y "t"} fi . n ti\ \s -,nl K erleigh G.Crowe ,Clerk to the Board r,,,.,cHEO I Exhibit AGENDA: January 24,2022 Book XU I I Page 1.3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health&Safety Strategic Objective(s): Prevent and reduce opioid abuse i 1 I Fund: General Department: Community Justice Services Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-042 CJS Adult Enhancement Services $ 349,439 $ 349,439 Total $ - f $ 349,439 1$ 349,439 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-042 OJP Court Discretionary Grant $ 349,439 $ 349,439 Total $ - i $ 349,439 0$ 349,439 Prior to Total if Actions p Actions Today Taken I Departmental Budget I $ 2,901,612 1 $ 3,251,051 c Section 2: Explanation BA 22-042 budgets additional funds for Community Justice Services(CJS)Adult Enhancement Services.These funds were awarded from the Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs(OW),Bureau of Justice Assistance 2021 Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program.The funding will be used to pay for the yearly annual cost of salary and benefits for a full-time Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator position to include computer equipment set-up and training.The coordinator will be the liaison between the court and community partner agencies,including New Hanover County Veteran Services,with a primary focus of facilitating communication between team members.Other duties would include screening potential Veterans Treatment Court participants for program eligibility,preparation of the court docket,tracking of sanctions and incentives,facilitating team meetings,and data collection and analysis.The award is for four years and would run through September 2025. A 25%in-kind county match is required.Matching funds will come from existing staff time utilized to manage the 1 grant. An additional 60 clients(veterans with substance use and/or mental health diagnoses involved in the court system)will be served over the life of the grant.The position will end when funding ends and existing office equipment and furniture will be utilized for this position. I Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 22-042 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. Adopted,this 24th day of January,2022. (SEAL _. _ yy ,,..„, Atc„,,, 01',„ v �, Juli.4C son-B I' an,Chair p :ra.►'�, ATTE : Z �F a Z • L. k , k / .3j\ tr' , K 11 rleigh G.Crowel Ai erk to the Board •Es TA.- \SN: I I I i Exhibit, AGENDA: January 24,2022 Book U Page ` °� NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health&Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fund: General Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-043 Community Violence Initiative $ 50,000 $ 50,000 BA 22-043 Facilities Management-Capital $ 1,286,000 S 1,286,000 Total $ - I $ 1,336,000 N$ 1,336,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-043 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1,336,000 $ 1,336,000 ITotal S - $ 1,336,000 $ 1,336,000 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Today Appropriated Fund Balance I$ 1,915,936 I $ 3,251,936 Fund: Revenue Stabilization Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-043 Sheriffs Office $ 342,423 $ 342,423 BA 22-043 Community Violence Initiative $ 408,761 $ 408,761 Total 5 - $ 751,184 $ 751,184 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-043 Escrow Interest $ 751,184 $ 751,184 Total $ - I5 751,184II5 751,184 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Today Appropriated Fund Balance I I $ 751,184 Section 2: Explanation BA 22-043 On October 18,2021,the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners directed the County Manager and staff to establish a new plan for the purpose of dealing with a community crisis and emergency by identifying alternative funding sources and minimizing the use of funds that were established through the sale of New Hanover Regional Medical Center. This amendment establishes a budget using funds from Appropriated Fund Balance from the General Fund and Escrow Interest from the Revenue Stabilization Fund and allocates them for programmatic operating costs to address the public health crisis and supporting behavioral health in the community. This budget amendment allocates funding for the last three months of the current fiscal year.The funds will be strategically invested in programs and initiatives to decrease the violence in our schools and community. A collaborative community approach has been taken to identify gaps in schools and neighborhoods,and solutions needed to ensure the safety of our schools and reducing violence among our youth. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-043 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. Adopted,this 24th day of January,2022. s2 / . (SEAL �J"4 •NO�i ti . .__,� Boseman,Cha AT E .S\ 10,. AV \ /RAI -...-- .■.' IA g • (2•4(10)40ek_ - ''\ : °---'J. Kymbe irr G.Crowell,Clerk trig Board 1 1 Exhibit B3ok XUiU Page 0-0• 'lb AGENDA: January 24,2022 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. 1 1 Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment I Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Proactively manage the county budget 1 i Fund:Various CIP Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-044 Blue Clay Road Business Park $ 3,600,000 $ 3,600,000 Total $ - $ 3,600,000(I$ 3,600,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-044 Loan Proceeds $ 3,600,000 $ 3,600,000 Total $ - i $ 3,600,000 g$ 3,600,000 Prior to Total if Actions Actions Today Taken Blue Clay Road Capital Project ( $ I $ 3,600,000 Section 2: Explanation BA 22-044 changes the funding source for the Blue Clay Road Business Park from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)funding to loan proceeds.This reallocation allows this funding to be used toward community violence prevention programs that are eligible for the county's ARPA funding. To allow for the completion of the Blue Clay Road Business Park outside of ARPA funding,staff is proposing to fund this project through debt that will be issued a later in fiscal year 2022 along with other projects authorized in the fiscal year 2022 budget to be funded through debt. With the addition of this project,the county would remain in compliance with its debt capacity limit. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. 1 I NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-044 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal 4 year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. 1 i IAdopted,this 24th day of January,2022. (SEAL) I �``-Nrt!---0 ((I 'y n 7 A ATTES •4::'—' --. A 1i14 ...........■......_.• a. 0 L,L___ '�,\114:k 1,1--:-!, K ?'.leigh G.Crowell, t f rk to the Board• i i i 1