NHC Board of Elections Minutes 10.19.2021Board Minutes – 10/19/2021 SPECIAL MEETING New Hanover County Board of Elections October 19, 2021 5:00 PM ATTENDANCE Members: Oliver Carter III, Chair Derrick R. Miller, Secretary Russ C. Bryan, Member Lyana G. Hunter, Member Bruce Kemp, Member Staff: Rae Hunter-Havens, Executive Director Caroline Dawkins, Deputy Director Chris Tisbert, Elections Systems Specialist Joan Geiszler-Ludlum, Administrative Technician Visitors: Sheryl Kelly, Assistant County Manager Public Attendees: Loraine Buker, League of Women Voters – Lower Cape Fear; Matthew Emborsky; Jeanette Koshar; Susanne Werner, NHCDP; John Jaskey; Becky Jaskey; Matt Heiser. Virtual attendees: Julius Rothlein; Jim; Unidentified caller; Jody Kemp. OPENING Chair Carter called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. The New Hanover County Board of Elections meeting was held in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. All members were present. Chair Carter reminded the audience to silence all cell phones; notified the audience that the meeting is being recorded and live streamed; and thanked them for honoring the County’s mask mandate which remains in effect. AGENDA Member Hunter moved that the agenda be approved as submitted, second by Member Kemp. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT AND QUESTIONS Chair Carter called on the public in-person attendees for their comments or questions on Board Minutes – 10/19/2021 topics relevant to matters within the jurisdiction of the Board, limited to two minutes each, and reminded speakers to observe proper deference and decorum toward the Board and staff. Virtual attendee Julius Rothlein, NHC GOP, made the following requests in the interest of transparency: 1. Following up his previous request of October 12, when will the Republican observers be able to review the absentee-by-mail container-return envelopes to be reviewed at this meeting and future meetings? 2. See the chain of custody logs completed for absentee ballots returned in person at the One Stop sites for verification of return by the voter or near relative. 3. Allow observers to enter the polling place at the same time as election officials to observe the opening of the DS200 machines, including inspecting the emergency bin and the blue bin to ensure they are empty. 4. Allow observers to see the opening zero tape signed by the precinct officials. 5. Allow observers an alternate location to view the DS200 during voting. 6. Confirm that all ballots placed in the emergency bin are scanned and the bin is empty. 7. Allow observers to manually count all ballots in the DS200 at closing before being placed and sealed in polybags, to verify the machine count. Attendee Jeanette Koshar called for less divisiveness and finding common ground to preserve one of the pillars of democracy, free and fair elections. Procedures for absentee ballots require checks and balances without workarounds, such as signature comparison. North Carolina is one of three states that require two witnesses for absentee-by-mail, a difficult hurdle for the elderly and those who live alone. Attendee Matthew Emborsky requested the presence of observers during tabulation and compilation of voting results. He advocated for post-election audits to verify results, detect fraud, and identify problems with voting systems. Seeing and hearing no other public attendees wishing to comment, Chair Carter closed the public comment and question period. GENERAL DISCUSSION Chair Carter called on Director Hunter-Havens for her report on the status of the municipal election. The three One Stop sites processed about 1,500 voters during the first two days of early voting. The second week is usually slower. Approximately 350 absentee-by-mail ballots have been sent to mostly military and overseas civilian. The goal for turnaround upon receiving a request for an absentee-by-mail ballot is the next business day. Chair Carter asked about the scheduled pre-canvass meeting on November 8. Director Hunter-Havens said that meeting was set for 2:00 p.m. by the Board Resolution adopted August 17. Secretary Miller asked for an update on staffing polling places for Election Day. Director Hunter-Havens said that process remains dynamic with officials notifying the office to Board Minutes – 10/19/2021 decline serving this time. Deputy Director Dawkins knows where there are holes in the schedule and is working on replacements while also monitoring One Stop and training. Attention is paid to the party affiliation of the person dropping out and the balance in the precinct. Deputy Director Dawkins has reached out to the H10 and W27 2019 officials as the Board requested in the October 5 meeting. The H10 official has agreed to work, and response is pending from the W27 official. In response to a question from Member Kemp, the Director confirmed that the office is now fully staffed with the new employees continuing to learn their positions. In addition, she has brought in seven temporary employees to support the work of the staff and office in preparations for the election. That number will increase to about 15 for the 2022 Primary. Member Kemp asked the status of his previous request to review the chain of custody log for in-person returned absentee-by-mail ballots. The Director has submitted the request to the SBE legal team for guidance on procedures for shielding confidential information to make that happen. NEW BUSINESS a. Review of Absentee Ballot Applications Director Hunter-Havens presented 29 absentee-by-mail ballots for Board review and approval or disapproval: 2 UOCAVA and 27 civilian applications are recommended for approval today. She drew the Board’s attention to one container-return envelope where a notary is the witness. The notary’s commission expires 8/9/2022 but the notary wrote 8/9/2021. According to NCGS §10B-67, entry of an erroneous expiration date does not affect the notary’s certification if the notary is lawfully commissioned at the time of affirmation. Approval of the application is recommended. The Director passed the container-envelopes, sorted by precinct, to the Board for review. Member Bryan asked how many deficient applications have been received? There have been two or three which were spoiled and reissued. None have required a cure certification so far. Member Kemp asked whether absentee-by-mail voters are required to include a photocopy of their photo ID with their ballot? Under the current court order, photo ID is not required. Secretary Miller asked the Director to review the process for scanning the approved absentee applications. The approved ballots will be removed from the container-return envelope and scanned, but not tabulated, using the DS800. The ballots are then secured, and the scan results are stored on secure USB drives and held securely until 2:00 p.m. on Election Day when the scanned results will be tabulated for posting after the polls close. Once the ballots are removed and any confidential information is redacted, party observers will be able to review the container-return envelopes. One additional step in the process today is duplicating the UOCAVA ballots which are received electronically and any machine-rejected ballots. A bipartisan duplication team is standing by to do that duplication, involving a caller, a marker, and a monitor. The Board will review both the electronic ballot and the duplicate ballot for accuracy. At the completion of the Board’s review, Secretary Miller moved acceptance of the 29 absentee ballot applications, second by Member Bryan. Motion carried unanimously. Board Minutes – 10/19/2021 Director Hunter-Havens presented the electronic poll book for 1,554 absentee ballots cast at the three One Stop early voting sites through October 18. She said, in the last step of Election Day preparation after the One Stop sites close on the final Saturday, the One Stop voting history updates the electronic pollbook on every laptop for Election Day and secured for delivery to each polling site on Monday. Secretary Miller moved approval of the One Stop electronic poll book as submitted, second by Member Hunter. Motion carried unanimously. Member Hunter moved to authorize the staff to prepare and scan the approved absentee ballots, second by Member Bryan. Motion carried unanimously. Upon conclusion of scanning, Director Hunter-Havens reported that 38 ballots were scanned as the Board approved on October 5, October 12, and October 19. ADJOURNMENT Member Bryan moved that the meeting be adjourned at 6:41p.m., second by Member Hunter. Motion carried unanimously. The next Board meeting is scheduled to be held on October 26, 2021, at 5:00p.m. in the Board of Elections office, Long Leaf Room, 1241A Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. APPROVED BY: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: __________________________ _________________________________ DERRICK R. MILLER RAE HUNTER-HAVENS SECRETARY ELECTIONS DIRECTOR