FY22 SRC CARES Contract Amendment 1Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Amendment 1 to Agreement for the Provision of County -Based Aging Services July 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021 This AMENDMENT is made to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for the Agreement for the Provision of County -Based Aging Services, July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 (the "Agreement") by and between the County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as the "County") a-ithe Cape Fear Council of Governments, Lead Regional Organization for the Area Agency onAging (hereinafter referred to as the "Area Agency"). Paragraph 6 is amended as follows: Compensation and Payments to the County. The County shall be compensated for the work and services performed under this Agreement by payments to be made monthly by the Area Agency. Total reimbursement to the community service provider under this Agreement may not exceed the grand total of $447,156 as specified on the attached revised CARES Act Proposal Budget (Attachment A). In witness whereof, the Area Agency and the County have executed this agreement thi C� 1646:k- _day of Ltl'1 92022. NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Attest: �. r! f .!.ruw.t - ' 4 .1 . I � AREA AGENCY: Ts&,9Z By: a Agency n ging Director Board of Commissioners �f Executive Director, Cape Fear Council of Governments This instrument has been pre -audited in the manner required by the Local Gove� i eget and Fiscal Control Act. Dawn Tucker, Finance Officer & 0 / C14 q k « 2 � 0 � � < 4w W, � § L- CL x e � 2 E CD o § 10 /k\ + e \k \ 12 § ƒ 2 s 0 2 (D § G m \ $ 3 k�/ k D / & � 2 \ L 2 o CL : k CL o o CL k ƒ t0 Z © 2 � a/I 2 2E I U o IT G i L % � 44 / ta � ■ $ ƒ 0 2 13 2 § � ( > § 2 c h j CL 0 \ 2 2 In 2 r ■ p � ƒCL ƒ ° E c ' U , o .. m ` Z k j \ / t § C o 7 0 $ Q / 0 c FA � u � LO $ k \ � IS