Ke_Kenansville fine sandKe-Kenansville fine sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes. This well drained soil is on broad smooth flats on the uplands. Areas are commonly large in size and irregular in shape. Most of the acreage is cultivated. The rest is forested or is used for residential or industrial sites. The native vegetation consists of longleaf and loblolly pines; white, red, black, turkey, water, and bluejack oaks; hickory; dogwood; holly; and sassafras. Typically, the surface layer is grayish brown fine sand 3 inches thick. The subsurface layer is fine sand 30 inches thick. It is pale brown in the upper part and mottled very pale brown in the lower part. The subsoil is fine sandy loam 17 inches thick. It is strong brown in the upper part and reddish yellow in the lower part. The underlying layer, to a depth of 80 inches, is yellow loamy fine sand. Included with this soil in mapping are a few small areas of Norfolk and Lakeland soils. Some small areas of soils that are less acid throughout are also included. The organic-matter content of the surface layer is very low. Permeability is moderately rapid, available water capacity is low, and shrink-swell potential is low. Reaction is very strongly acid or strongly acid throughout, unless this soil is limed. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of more than 6 feet. Leaching of plant nutrients, moderately rapid permeability, droughtiness, low available water capacity, and soil blowing are the main limitations in the use and management of this soil. This soil is well suited to most locally grown crops. The main crops are corn, soybeans, peanuts, tobacco, and truck crops, such as squash, lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, snapbeans, and corn. Winter cover crops, minimum tillage, and crop residue management aid in maintaining organic-matter content and conserving moisture. Soil blowing is a concern in the management of this soil. The blowing sand often causes damage to young plants. This soil is droughty during periods of low rainfall. Some supplemental irrigation, soil conditioners, and fertilizers are needed for lawn grasses, shrubs, and trees. Capability subclass I Is; woodland group 3s.