2-1-22 LOT 7AEXPORT D R ACORN BRANCH RDTR U S D A L E R D DAVIS RDN KERR AVE SR 1322ORVILLE WRIGHT WAYBOUNDARY ST KITTY HAWK RD SR 2883FLIGH PATH DR HALL W A T T E R S ORVILLE WRI G H T W A Y 60' WIDE P UB L I C R O W HALL WATERS DRIVE60' WIDE PUBLIC ROW ASPHALT P A R K IN G 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMEN T WVWVWV WV FHEIP IPS IPS IPS ECM CONTROL CO R N ERDrop InletTBC=32.5' Flow=3 1 . 8 ' Inv=29. 4 ' 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT 15' BSL 10' DRAIN & U T I L EA S E MEN T 50' BSL 50' BSL 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & U T I L E A S EME N T LOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF 8" W 8" W SR 2884 SR 2885 SURVEYORGEOINNOVATION, PCMR. DEAN EXLINE, PLS3306 KITTY HAWK ROADWILMINGTON, NC 284051-910-367-2110CIVIL ENGINEERJBS CONSULTING, PABRAD SEDGWICK, PE7332 COTESWORTH DRIVEWILMINGTON, NC 284051-910-619-9990LIST OF DRAWINGSXX COVER SHEETC1SITE PLANC2GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROLC3DETAILS/LANDSCAPE PLANC4UTILITESVICINITY MAPDECEMBER, 2021CONSTRUCTION PLANSOWNER/DEVELOPERPRD PROPERTIES, LLCPETER DAVIS110 COVIL AVENUEWILMINGTON, NC 284031-910-470-9925N.C. ONE-CALL CENTERBEFORE YOU DIGCALL 1 800 632-4949IT'S THE LAWSTOPPROJECT SITENORTH KERR INDUSTRIAL PARK3707 HALL WATERSSCALE 1" = 600'WILMINGTON, NC 28405NOTES22. A Section 510 Study is required per NC Fire Code for First Responder Radio Coverage.NUMBER DATE REVISIONR1R2R3R4 MHMHSSMHRIM=33.23INV=24.0 (12" PVC)COORVILLE WRIGHT WAY60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWHALL WATERS DRIVE 60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWASPHALT PARKINGLOT 7BFFE 34.0010' WIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTWVWVWVWVFHEIPIPSIPSIPSECMCONTROL CORNERDrop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT50' BSL50' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTLOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF8" W8" W8" WSR 2884SR 2885 LOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOCLOCLOC24.0'10.0'20.0'24.0'24.0'54.0'54.0'70.0'170.0'100.0'100.0'60.0'5.0'5.0'15.0'5.0'10.0'20.0'24.0'72.0'R15'R15'R15'20.0'54.1'LONG LEAF DRLAUREL DROLD WRIGHTSBORO RDBLU E C L A Y R D BLUE CLA Y R D HOLLAND DRHOLLAND DRBLU E C L A Y R D MUTUAL RDCOMMERCE RDEXPORT D RACOR N BR AN CH RD ACORN BRANCH RDACO R N B R A N C H R D RAMG ATE RD CA L A D A N R D BLU E C L A Y R D WO O LW I C H C T BRA M B L E C T BAR R O W S T LORDSHIP LNCARVER CTOLD MILL RD ALE X T R A S K D RLATTICE CTWHI T E W O O D W A Y GAL W A Y R D SK Y C T AL E X T R A S K D R NEEDLERUSH CTTRU S D A L E R D DAVIS RDN KERR AVEN KERR AVE SR 1322N KERR AVEN KERR AV E ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY BL U E C L A Y R D BL U E C L A Y R D OLD MILL RDBOUNDARY ST KITTY HAWK RD SR 2883FLIGH PATH DR HALL WA T T E R S ORVILLE WRIGH T W A Y 60' WIDE PUBLIC R O W HALL WATERS DRIVE60' WIDE PUBLIC ROW ASPHALT PARKING 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT WVWVWVWVFHEIP IPS IPS IPS ECM CONTROL CORNER Drop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL 10' DRAIN & UTIL EAS E M E N T 50' BSL 50' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT 15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMEN T LOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF 8" W 8" W SR 2884 SR 2885 ofJOB NO.SHEETCHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: DATE 7332 Cotesworth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 619-9990 License Number C-2525 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGON, NC 28405SITE DATA030'30'60'SCALE: 1"=30' (Horiz.)NO WETLAND WITHIN PROJECT AREAN.C. ONE-CALL CENTERBEFORE YOU DIGCALL 1 800 632-4949IT'S THE LAWSTOPNUMBER DATE REVISION NORTH KERR INDUSTRIAL PARKLEGENDWWLOCR1R2R3R4BFPCOSOIL TYPES AND HYDROLOGIC GROUP MHMHSSMHRIM=33.23INV=24.0 (12" PVC)COORVILLE WRIGHT WAY60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWHALL WATERS DRIVE 60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWASPHALT PARKINGLOT 7BFFE 34.00WVWVWVWVFHEIPIPSIPSIPSDrop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'LOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF8" W8" W8" WSR 2884SR 2885 LOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOCLOCLOCWBWBWB LONG LEAF DRLAUREL DROLD WRIGHTSBORO RDBLU E C L A Y R D BLUE CLA Y R D HOLLAND DRHOLLAND DRBLU E C L A Y R D MUTUAL RDCOMMERCE RDEXPORT D R A COR N BR AN CH RD ACORN BRANCH RDACO R N B R A N C H R D RAMG ATE RD CA L A D A N R D BLU E C L A Y R D WO O LW I C H C T BRA M B L E C T BAR R O W S T LORDSHIP LNCARVER CTOLD MILL RD ALE X T R A S K D RLATTICE CTWHI T E W O O D W A Y GAL W A Y R D SK Y C T AL E X T R A S K D R NEEDLERUSH CTTRU S D A L E R D DAVIS RDN KERR AVEN KERR AVE SR 1322N KERR AVEN KERR AV E ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY BL U E C L A Y R D BL U E C L A Y R D OLD MILL RDBOUNDARY ST KITTY HAWK RD SR 2883FLIGH PATH DR HALL WA T T E R S ORVILLE WRIGH T W A Y 60' WIDE PUBLIC R O W HALL WATERS DRIVE60' WIDE PUBLIC ROW ASPHALT PARKING 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT WVWVWVWVFHEIP IPS IPS IPS ECM CONTROL CORNER Drop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4' 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL 10' DRAIN & UTIL EAS E M E N T50' BSL50' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT 15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMEN T LOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF 8" W 8" W SR 2884 SR 2885 ofJOB NO.SHEETCHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: DATE 7332 Cotesworth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 619-9990 License Number C-2525 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGON, NC 28405030'30'60'SCALE: 1"=30' (Horiz.)NO WETLAND WITHIN PROJECT AREAN.C. ONE-CALL CENTERBEFORE YOU DIGCALL 1 800 632-4949IT'S THE LAWSTOPNUMBER DATE REVISION NORTH KERR INDUSTRIAL PARKLEGENDWWLOCR1R2R3R4COBFPEROSION CONTROL NOTESGRADING NOTESCONSTRUCTION SEQUENCEEROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE PLANNCDENR NOTEMAINTENANCE:INSPECT SPILLWAY AND RIP RAP AT LEAST WEEKLYAND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATLY.REMOVE SEDIMENT, AND RESTORE THE TRAP TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONSWHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTHOF THE TRAP. PLACE THE SEDIMENT THAT IS REMOVED IN DESIGNATED DISPOSALAREA, AND REPLACE THE PART OF THE GRAVEL FACING THAT IS IMPAIRED BY SEDIMENTLENGTH OF WEIR=15'TOP OF BERM EL. 34.0012SPILLWAY EL = 32.501133212.1.EXIST. GROUND/TOP OF DAM EL.33.5MAINTENANCE:PERIODICALLYNINSPECT RIGHT-OF-WAY DIVERSIONS FOR WEAR AND AFTER EVERY HEAVYRAINFALL FOR EROSION DAMAGE. IMEDIATELY REMOVED SEDIMENT FROM THE FLOW AREAAND REPAIR THE DIKE. CHECK OUTLET AREAS AND MAKE TIMELY REPAIRS AS NEEDED. WHENPERMANENT ROAD DRAINAGE IS ESTABLISHED AND THE AREA ABOVE THE TEMPORARYRIGHT OF WAY DIVERSIONS IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVED THE DIKE AND FILLTHE CHANNEL TO BLEND WITH THE NATURAL GROUND, AND APPROPRIATELY STABLIZETHE DISTURBED AREA.18" 9"6.0'SLOPEEARTHEN RIDGESLOPE IS LESS THAN 5%.SPACING = 125'5.0' min MHMHSSMHRIM=33.23INV=24.0 (12" PVC)ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWHALL WATERS DRIVE 60' WIDE PUBLIC ROW WVWVWVWVFHEIPIPSIPSIPSECMDrop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'LOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF8" W8" WSR 2884SR 2885 LOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOC LOC LOCLOCLOC ofJOB NO.SHEETCHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: DATE 7332 Cotesworth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 619-9990 License Number C-2525 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGON, NC 28405 NUMBER DATE REVISION NORTH KERR INDUSTRIAL PARK R1R2R3R4 WHEEL STOP4"2"4"4"2"4"STALL SIDEBLUE ON H.C.BLUE ON H.C.STALL SIDEEDGE OF PAVEMENTH.C. PARKING SIGNWHITEWHITE4" WHITE STRIPESNOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALE50'-0"12'-0"MIN.6"2"-3"COARSE AGGREGATEPUBLIC ROAD EQUALEQUALEQ U A L (3) GUY WIRES W./ GALVANIZED TURNBUCKLES, &RUBBER HOSE SLEEVES AT TRUNK, OR ADJUSTABLENYLON STRAPSSET TREE ROOT CROWN AT FINISH GRADE (+/- 1")6" DEPTH TOPSOIL BLEND SAUCERCOMPACT SUBSOIL TO FORM MOUND TO PREVENTSETTLEMENT3" DEPTH PINE STRAW MULCH - KEEP BACK 2" -3" FROMTRUNKBACKFILL PLANTING HOLE W./ TOPSOIL BLENDED W./NATIVE BACKFILLEXISTING UNDISTURBED SUBSOILTREE AS PER SCHEDULEREMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP ROOT-BALL WRAPPER,OR TOP 2/3 OF WIRE BASKET(3) 2" X 2" X 30" WOOD STAKES W./ HOLE FOR GUYINGATTACHMENT - DRIVE MIN. 12" INTO UNDISTURBEDSUBSOIL2X WIDTH OF ROOTBALLSET SHRUB ROOT CROWN AT FINISHGRADE (+/- 1")3" DEPTH PINE STRAW MULCH - KEEPBACK 2" -3" FROM STEMSBACKFILL PLANTING HOLE W./ TOPSOILBLENDED W./ NATIVE BACKFILLEXISTING UNDISTURBED SUBSOILREMOVE CONTAINER, AND LOOSENROOTS BEFORE PLACINGFINISH GRADE(3X) WIDTH OFROOTBALL3" - 5" CALIPERTRUNKNCG01 SELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGEFFECTIVE: 04/01/19GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITHTHE NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMITImplementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the constructionactivity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handlingsections of the NCG01 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). Thepermittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by thedelegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheetmay not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction.EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE1.Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids.2.Provide drip pans under any stored equipment.3.Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from theproject.4.Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose ashazardous waste (recycle when possible).5.Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problemhas been corrected.6.Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum productsto a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials.LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE1.Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers.2.Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trashreceptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes.3.Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surfacewaters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available.4.Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runofffrom upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland.5.Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events orprovide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers.6.Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds.7.Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately ifcontainers overflow.8.Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility.9.On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers.PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE1.Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands.2.Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surfacewaters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available.3.Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area.4.Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site.5.Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes fromconstruction sites.CONCRETE WASHOUTS1.Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site.2.Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with localand state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility.3.Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and inaddition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and withinlot perimeter silt fence.4.Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If analternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority forreview and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the twotypes of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail.5.Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalksections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into ordischarged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste mustbe pumped out and removed from project.6.Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless itcan be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum,install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receivespills or overflow.7.Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stoneentrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by theapproving authority.8.Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the projectlimits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location.9.Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limitoverflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structuralcomponents when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietaryproducts, follow manufacturer's instructions.10.At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose ofin an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbancecaused by removal of washout.AABELOW GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE1:1SIDE SLOPE(TYP .)10 MILPLASTICLINING 3'-0"MIN.& X'MAX.SECTION A-ANOT TO SCALE ABOVE GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURENOT TO SCALEPLANSECTION B-BHIGHCOHESIVE &LOW FILTRA TIONSOIL BERM 8"6"2'HIGHCOHES IVE &LOW FIL TRAT ION SOI L B ERM1:1 S IDE SLOPE (TYP .)10 MI LPLASTIC L IN INGB B3'-0"MIN.& X'MAX.ASANDBAGS (TY P. )OR STAP LES SANDBAGS (T YP. )OR STAP LES SANDBAGS (TY P. )OR STAP LESSANDBAGS (TYP . )OR STAPLE SNOTES:1. ACTUAL LO CAT ION DET ERMINE D IN FI ELD2. THE CONCRETE WASHOU T S TRUCTURE S SH ALL BEMAINTA INED W HEN THE L IQUID AND /OR SOL ID REACHES75% OF THE STRU CTURES CAPA CIT Y.3.CONCRE TE WAS HOUT STRUCTU RE N EEDS TO BECLEARY M ARKED W ITH S IGNAGE NOT ING DEV ICE .NOTES:1. A CTUAL LOCA TION DETERM INED IN FIE LD2. T HE CO NCRETE WASHOUT ST RUCTURESSHALL B E MA INTA INED WHEN THE L IQU IDAND/OR SO LID RE ACHES 75% OF THESTRUCTURES CAPAC ITY TO PROV IDEADEQUATE HOLD ING CAPAC ITY W ITH AMINIMUM 12 INCHES OF FREEBO ARD.3.CONCRETE WASHOU T S TRUCTURE NE EDSTO BE CLEARY MARK ED W ITH S IGNAGENOTING D EVI CE.ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUTSTRUCTURE WITH LINERCONCRETEWASHOUT CONCRETEWASHOUTPLAN CLEARLY MARKE D S IGNAGENOTING DEV ICE ( 18" X24 " M IN .)CLEARLY MARKED S IGNAGENOTING DEV ICE ( 18" X24 " M IN .)SILT FE NCE 10'MIN 10'MINSECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATIONRequired Ground Stabilization TimeframesSite Area DescriptionTimeframe variations-7 days for perimeter dikes, swales,ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones-10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unlessthere is zero slopeStabilize within thismany calendardays after ceasingland disturbance77714NoneNone(a)Perimeter dikes,swales, ditches, andperimeter slopes(b)High Quality Water(HQW) Zones(c)Slopes steeper than3:1If slopes are 10' or less in length and arenot steeper than 2:1, 14 days areallowed(d)Slopes 3:1 to 4:1(e)Areas with slopesflatter than 4:114-7 days for slopes greater than 50' inlength and with slopes steeper than 4:1-7 days for perimeter dikes, swales,ditches, perimeter slopes and HQWZones-10 days for Falls Lake WatershedPART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION A: SELF-INSPECTIONSelf-inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the tablebelow. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspectionpersonnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day onwhich it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to orgreater than 1.5 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self-inspection shall beperformed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspectionswere delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record.NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement.PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION B: RECORDKEEPING1.E&SC Plan DocumentationThe approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. Theapproved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit.The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be kept on site and available forinspection at all times during normal business hours.2. Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site In addition to the E&SC plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical:(a)This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage, after it is received.(b)Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months. The permittee shallrecord the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by theDivision or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use ofelectronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed ifshown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records.PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION C: REPORTING1.Occurrences that Must be ReportedPermittees shall report the following occurrences:(a)Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland.(b)Oil spills if:·They are 25 gallons or more,·They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours,·They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or·They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (c) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quant ities under Section 311of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA(Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85.(d)Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses.(e)Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or theenvironment.2.Reporting Timeframes and Other RequirementsAfter a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contactthe appropriate Division reg ional office within the timeframes and in accordance with theother requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also bereported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at (800)858-0368.3. Documentation to be Retained for Three Years All data used to complete the e-NOI and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41]PART II, SECTION G, ITEM (4)DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUTSediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn downfor maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible. The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare (for example, times with extended cold weather).Non-surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met:(a)The E&SC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non-surface withdrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur. The non-surface withdrawalshall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items,(b)The non-surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III, Section C, Item (2)(c) and (d) of this permit,(c)Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls includeproperly sited, designed and maintained dewatering tanks, weir tanks, and filtration systems,(d)Vegetated, upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above,(e)Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams, sediment traps, and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering devices, and(f)Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States.HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES1.Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with labelrestrictions.2.Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with thelabel, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case ofaccidental poisoning.3.Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding ispossible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground wateror surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately.4.Do not stockpile these materials onsite.PORTABLE TOILETS1.Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains,streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 footoffset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or placeon a gravel pad and surround with sand bags.2.Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in highfoot traffic areas.3.Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material.Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replacewith properly operating unit.EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT1.Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controlsand surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonablyavailable.2.Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset offive feet from the toe of stockpile.3.Provide stable stone access point when feasible.4.Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordancewith the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is definedas vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain acceleratederosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs.Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporaryground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon aspracticable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbingactivity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render thesurface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved.GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATIONStabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of thetechniques in the table below:POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS1.Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed duringconstruction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants.2.Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures.3.Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of ApprovedPAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.4.Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before dischargingoffsite.5.Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant coveror surrounded by secondary containment structures.NO TREES EXIST ON SITE.LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTSSTREET YARD CALCULATIONHALL WATERS FRONTAGE320 - 24 DRIVEWAY = 296 X 25 SF = 7400 SF REQUIRED7472 SF PROVIDEDORVILLE WRIGHT FRONTAGE199' - 24 DRVEWAY = 175 X 25 SF = 4375 SF (SECONDARY FRONTAGE 50%)4375 SF X 50% = 2,185 SF REQUIREDPROVIDED = 2187 SF1 CANOPY OR 3 UNDERSTORY & 6 12" SHRUBS PER 600 SF.9659 SF / 600 = 16 CANOPY + 97 SHRUBS IN STREET YARD PROVIDEDFOUNDATION PLANTINGSFRONT OF BUILDING 170' (LENGTH) X 25' (AVG HEIGHT) = 4250 X (12%) =510 SF REQUIREDPROVIDED = 500 SF + 180 SF = 680 SFWEST SIDE OF BUILDING 120' (LENGTH) X 23' (EVE HEIGHT) = 2760 SF x(12%) = 331 SFPROVIDED = 644 SFEAST SIDE OF BUILDING 120' (LENGTH) X 23' (EVE HEIGHT) = 2760 SF X(12%) = 331 SF REQUIREDPROVIDED = 602 SFINTERIOR PLANTINGSTOTAL PARKING, DRIVES, AND LOADING AREAS = 21085 SFTOTAL AREA REQUIRED = 21085 SF X (8%) = 1687 SF REQUIREDPROVIDED = 240 SF + 608 SF + 839 SF = 1687 PROVIDEDLANDSCAPE DATALENGTH OF WEIR=15'TOP OF BERM EL. 34.0012SPILLWAY EL = 33.501133212.1.EXIST. GROUND/TOP OF DAM EL.34.00EXCELSOIR REINFORCEMENT MATNOT TO SCALEWOVEN WIRE FENCING AS REQUIREDSTEEL OR WOOD POSTSILT FILTER FABRICWIRE STAPLES @ 12" O.C.ANCHOR FABRIC SKIRT w/MIN. 4" LONGBE 10 GAUGE AND INTERMEDIATE WIRES SHALL BE 12-1/2 GAUGE. WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED TO WOOD POSTS WITH NOT LESSBE A MINIMUM OF 32" WIDE AND HAVE A MINIMUM OF 6 LINE WIRES WITH 12" STAY SPACING. THE TOP AND BOTTOM WIRES SHALL4. WOVEN WIRE FENCING, WHERE REQUIRED (SEE NOTE #6), SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A116 FOR CLASS 3 GALVANIZING. FABRIC SHALL5. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE OF NYLON, POLYESTER, PROPYLENE OR ETHYLENE YARN WITH A MINIMUM STRENGTH OF 30 LB./LIN. IN. AND A 2. WHERE WOOD POSTS ARE USED, POSTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3" IN DIAMETER AND 6' IN LENGTH. POSTS SHALL BE CREOSOTE OR1. INSTALL NEW SILT FENCES AS SHOWN ON DRAWING AND AT LOCATIONS NECESSARY TO CONTROL SILTATION OF ADJACENT AREAS.PENTACHLOROPENOL TREATED SOUTHERN PINE.MINIMUM OF 85% FILTERING EFFICIENCY. FABRIC SHALL CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS.TEMPORARY SILT FENCETHAN #9 STAPLES 1 1/2" LONG.3. WHERE STEEL POSTS ARE USED, POSTS SHALL BE 5' IN LENGTH AND BE OF THE SELF FASTENER ANGLE TYPE.MIN. 12-1/2 GA.INTERMEDIATE WIRESNOTES:S (SEE NOTE #6)FILTER FABRIC3' WOOD POST2' STEEL POST 3'-0"2'-2" MIN.6. IF FABRIC FILTER IS USED WITH A STRENGTH OF 50 LB./LIN. IN. OR GREATER, AND THE POST SPACING (S) DOES NOT EXCEED 6', WOVENWIRE FENCING IS NOT REQUIRED. OTHERWISE, WOVEN WIRE FENCING IS REQUIRED, AND POST SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 8'.FILL OVER SKIRT*6" MIN. COMPACTED*FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES,USE #57 WASHED STONE IN LIEU OFCOMPACTED FILL.12" STAY SPACING(TYP)FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEWMIN. 10 GA.TOP WIREMIN. 10 GA.BOTTOM WIRE MHMHSSMHRIM=33.23INV=24.0 (12" PVC)COASPHALT PARKINGLOT 7BFFE 34.0010' WIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTWVWVWVWVFHEIPIPSIPSIPSECMCONTROL CORNERDrop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT50' BSL50' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTLOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF8" W8" W8" W5.0'5.0'LOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOCLOCLOC LONG LEAF DRLAUREL DROLD WRIGHTSBORO RDBLU E C L A Y R D BLUE CLA Y R D HOLLAND DRHOLLAND DRBLU E C L A Y R D MUTUAL RDCOMMERCE RDEXPORT D R ACOR N BR AN CH RD ACORN BRANCH RDACO R N B R A N C H R D RAM G AT E RD CA L A D A N R D BLU E C L A Y R D WO O LW I C H C T BRA M B L E C T BAR R O W S T LORDSHIP LNCARVER CTOLD MILL RDALE X T R A S K D RLATTICE CTWHI T E W O O D W A Y GAL W A Y R D SK Y C T AL E X T R A S K D R NEEDLERUSH CTTRU S D A L E R D DAVIS RDN KERR AVEN KERR AVE SR 1322N KERR AVEN KERR AV E ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY BL U E C L A Y R D BL U E C L A Y R D OLD MILL RDBOUNDARY ST KITTY HAWK RD SR 2883 FLIGH PATH DR HALL WA T T E R S ORVILLE WRIGH T W A Y 60' WIDE PUBLIC R O W HALL WATERS DRIVE60' WIDE PUBLIC ROW ASPHALT PARKING 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT WVWVWVWVFHEIP IPS IPS IPS ECM CONTROL CORNER Drop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4' 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL 10' DRAIN & UTIL EA S E M E N T50' BSL50' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT 15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMEN T LOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF 8" W 8" W SR 2884 SR 2885 ofJOB NO.SHEETCHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: DATE 7332 Cotesworth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 619-9990 License Number C-2525 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGON, NC 28405030'30'60'SCALE: 1"=30' (Horiz.)NO WETLAND WITHIN PROJECT AREAN.C. ONE-CALL CENTERBEFORE YOU DIGCALL 1 800 632-4949IT'S THE LAWSTOPNUMBER DATE REVISION NORTH KERR INDUSTRIAL PARKLEGENDWWLOCR1R2R3R4COBFPSITE DATASURVEYORGEOINNOVATION, PCMR. DEAN EXLINE, PLS3306 KITTY HAWK ROADWILMINGTON, NC 28405 1-910-367-2110DEXLINE@GISSPC.COMCIVIL ENGINEERJBS CONSULTING, PABRAD SEDGWICK, PE7332 COTESWORTH DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28405 1-910-619-9990BRADSEDGWICK@HOTMAIL.COMOWNER/DEVELOPERPRD PROPERTIES, LLCPETER DAVIS110 COVIL AVENUEWILMINGTON, NC 284031-910-470-9925PETERFLY00@GMAIL.COM MHMHSSMHRIM=33.23INV=24.0 (12" PVC)COORVILLE WRIGHT WAY60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWHALL WATERS DRIVE 60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWASPHALT PARKINGLOT 7BFFE 34.0010' WIDE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTWVWVWVWVFHEIPIPSIPSIPSECMCONTROL CORNERDrop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT50' BSL50' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTLOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF8" W8" W8" WSR 2884SR 2885 LOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOCLOCLOC LONG LEAF DRLAUREL DROLD WRIGHTSBORO RDBLU E C L A Y R D BLUE CLAY R D HOLLAND DRHOLLAND DRBLU E C L A Y R D MUTUAL RDCOMMERCE RDEXPORT D RACO RN BR AN CH RD ACORN BRANCH RDACO R N B R A N C H R D RAMG A TE RD CA L A D A N R D BLU E C L A Y R D W O O LW I C H C T BRAM B L E C T BAR R O W S T LORDSHIP LNCARVER CTOLD MILL RD ALE X T R A S K D RLATTICE CTWHI T E W O O D W A Y GAL W A Y R D SKY C T AL E X T R A S K D R NEEDLERUSH CTTRU S D A L E R D DAVIS RDN KERR AVEN KERR AVE SR 1322N KERR AVEN KERR AV E ORVILLE WRIGHT WAY BL U E C L A Y R D BL U E C L A Y R D OLD MILL RDBOUNDARY ST KITTY HAWK RD SR 2883 FLIGH PATH DR HALL WA T T E R S ORVILLE WRIGHT W A Y 60' WIDE PUBLIC R O W HALL WATERS DRIVE60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWASPHALT PARKING 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT WVWVWVWVFHEIP IPS IPS IPS ECM CONTROL CORNER Drop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT 15' BSL 10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEM E N T 50' BSL 50' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT 15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT LOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF 8" W 8" W SR 2884 SR 2885N KERR AVE SR 1322ORVILLE WRIGHT WAYFLIGH PATH DR HALL W A T T E R SORVILLE WRIGHT WAY60' WIDE PUBLIC ROWHALL W A T E R S D R I V E 60' WIDE P U B L I C R O WASPHALT PARKING10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTWVWVWVWVFHEIPIPSIPSIPSECMCONTROL CORNERDrop InletTBC=32.5'Flow=31.8'Inv=29.4'10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENT50' BSL 50' BSL 10' DRAIN & U T I L E A S E M E N T15' BSL10' DRAIN & UTIL EASEMENTLOT 7AFFE 34.0014,850 SF8" W8" WSR 2884SR 2885 ofJOB NO.SHEETCHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: DESIGN BY: DATE 7332 Cotesworth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 619-9990 License Number C-2525 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGON, NC 28405030'30'60'SCALE: 1"=30' (Horiz.)NO WETLAND WITHIN PROJECT AREAN.C. ONE-CALL CENTERBEFORE YOU DIGCALL 1 800 632-4949IT'S THE LAWSTOPNUMBER DATE REVISION NORTH KERR INDUSTRIAL PARKLEGENDWWLOCR1R2R3R4BFPCONOT TO SCALENOT TO SCALE18" RCP PIPE2" WALL THICKNESSTOP PIPE = 33.79'INVERT = 32.10'TOP = 35.61TOP SUBGRADE =TOP BASE = 35.4434.77'040'20'40'SCALE: 1"=20' (Horiz.)0100'100'200'SCALE: 1"=100' (Horiz.) 8" W8" W8" WLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOCLOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC LOC1A1B1C2A2BSWALE 2ASWALE 1CCULVERT 1CSWALE 1ASWALE 2BCULVERT 2ASWALE 1BOUTLET PROTECTIONWBWBWB