Michael A. Mallin, Matthew R. McIver, Mary I.H. Spivey, Mary E. Tavares,
Troy D. Alphin and Martin H. Posey,
CMS Report 08-01
Center for Marine Science
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wilmington, N.C. 28409
April 2008
Funded by:
The City of Wilmington, New Hanover County and the US EPA 319 Program (through
NC Division of Water quality and North Carolina State University)
Executive Summary
This report represents combined results of Year 13 of the New Hanover County Tidal
Creeks Project and Year 9 of the Wilmington Watersheds Project. Water quality data
are presented from a watershed perspective, regardless of political boundaries. The
combined programs involved 11 watersheds and 57 sampling stations. In this summary
we first present brief water quality overviews for each watershed from data collected
between August 2006 – September 2007.
Barnards Creek – Barnards Creek drains into the Cape Fear River Estuary. It drains a
2,944 acre watershed that consists of is about 17% impervious surface coverage, and a
population of 12,547. There was one station sampled in this watershed during 2007,
lower Barnard’s Creek at River Road. This site had good water quality in terms of algal
blooms, BOD, turbidity, and fecal bacteria. It had some issues with low dissolved
oxygen, but no extreme problems.
Bradley Creek – Bradley Creek drains the largest tidal creek watershed in the area
(6,016 acres), including much of the UNCW campus, into the Atlantic Intracoastal
Waterway (ICW). The watershed contains about 23% impervious surface coverage.
Seven sites were sampled, all from shore. In 2007 there were no problems with
excessive turbidity, but there were a few algal blooms in the upper branches. Dissolved
oxygen was good to fair at all sites except the branch at College Acres (BC-CA) and the
north branch (BC-NB) at Wrightsville Avenue, where the water was rated as poor quality
from low dissolved oxygen. Fecal coliform bacteria samples were collected at one
station in 2006-2007 (BC-CA) which showed very high fecal bacteria counts. There was
one sewage spill in the creek near Wrightsville Avenue in July 2007.
Burnt Mill Creek – Burnt Mill Creek drains a 4,288 acre watershed which is extensively
urbanized (36% impervious surface coverage) into Smith Creek. Six locations were
sampled in 2007. This creek has very poor water quality, with large algal blooms,
extensive substandard dissolved oxygen, and major issues with high fecal coliform
counts, with all six sites exceeding the human contact standard > 25% of occasions
sampled. Restoration efforts are continuing in a joint effort by the City, NCSU, and
UNCW funded through the US EPA. Sediment metals concentrations were below
harmful levels except for lead at the Princess Place site. However, sediment
polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations exceeded levels known as
harmful to aquatic biota at five of the six sampling sites.
The effectiveness of Ann McCrary wet detention pond and the Kerr Avenue wetland as
pollution control devices was poor during 2007. Several water quality parameters
indicated a subsequent worsening of the creek from where it exited the detention pond
to the downstream Wallace Park and Princess Place sampling stations.
Futch Creek – Futch Creek is situated on the New Hanover-Pender County line and
drains a 3,106 acre watershed into the ICW. Six locations were sampled by boat.
Futch Creek maintained good microbiological water quality in the lower stations and Foy
Creek, as it has since channel dredging at the mouth occurred in 1995 and 1996. there
were some minor algal bloom and low dissolved oxygen problems in 2006-2007.
However, this creek continues to display good water quality relative to other creeks in
the New Hanover County tidal creek system, due to generally low development and
impervious surface coverage in its watershed.
Greenfield Lake – This lake drains a watershed of 2,560 acres, covered by about 36%
impervious surface area. This urban lake was sampled at three tributary sites and three
in-lake sites. The three tributaries of Greenfield Lake (near Lake Branch Drive, Jumping
Run Branch, and Lakeshore Commons Apartments) all suffered from severe low
dissolved oxygen problems. All three of the tributaries also had frequent high fecal
coliform counts, and maintained geometric mean counts well in excess of the state
standard for human contact waters.
Algal blooms are periodically problematic in Greenfield Lake, and have occurred during
all seasons, but are primarily a problem in spring and summer. Fortunately the number
of blooms in 2007 dropped considerably from 2006, either a result of the remedial action
by the City or less stormwater runoff and lower nutrient inputs as a result of the drought.
Low dissolved oxygen was found only at the uppermost lake station GL-2340. High
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5 > 3.0 mg/l) continues to occur at the in-lake
stations. Despite the drought, high fecal coliform counts continue to impact the lake.
In spring of 2005 and 2006 several steps were taken by the City of Wilmington to
restore viability to the lake. Sterile grass carp were introduced to the lake to control (by
grazing) the overabundant aquatic macrophytes and four SolarBee water circulation
systems were installed in the lake to improve circulation and force dissolved oxygen
from the surface downward toward the bottom. Also, on several occasions a contract
firm applied the herbicide Sonar to further reduce the amount of aquatic macrophytes.
These actions led to a major reduction in aquatic macrophytes lake wide. In 2007 there
was good dissolved oxygen at two of the stations (especially nearest the SolarBees),
but low dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured at GL-2340, near the upper
lake. In 2006 and 2007 there was a highly statistically significant relationship within the
lake between chlorophyll a and BOD5, meaning that the algal blooms are an important
cause of low dissolved oxygen in this lake. Thus, a challenge for Greenfield Lake is to
continue to reduce the frequency and magnitude of the algal blooms, which will lead to
continuing dissolved oxygen improvements.
Hewletts Creek – Hewletts Creek drains a large (5,952 acre) watershed into the
Intracoastal Waterway. This watershed has about 19% impervious surface coverage.
In recent years this system has been plagued by a number of sewage spills. In 2006-
2007 the creek was sampled at five tidal sites and five non-tidal freshwater sites. There
were several incidents of low dissolved oxygen seen in our sampling; three at NB-GLR
(the north branch at Greenville Loop Rd.) and three at SB-PGR (the south branch at
Pine Grove Rd.), although none were severe (below 3.5 mg/L). One large algal bloom
and two minor blooms occurred at NB-GLR and one major and one minor bloom
occurred at SB-PGR.
Sewage spills continued to be problematic in this creek in late 2006 when approximately
655,000 gallons leaked from the Northeast Interceptor in the period up to and on
November 19 and an additional 72,000 on November 25. These incidents caused
severe fecal pollution in the creek with fecal coliform bacteria counts in the upper middle
branch at MB-PGR ranging from 21,000 to 226,000 CFU/100 mL during this period.
Peak counts at the other upper creek stations were 48,000 CFU/100 mL at SB-PGR
and 13,000 CFU/100 mL at NB-GLR, and at the lower creek stations 36,000 CFU/100
mL occurred at HC-3 and 13,000 CFU/100 mL at HC-2.
From January 2004 to September 2007 five non-tidal sites were sampled in the
Hewletts Creek watershed. One site is PVGC-9, draining Pine Valley Country Club.
This stream had some low dissolved oxygen problems but particularly high fecal
coliform bacteria pollution problems, with counts exceeding the State standard on 100%
of the occasions sampled in 2007. Generally high nitrate from fertilizer runoff
characterizes this stream. The other sites were being sampled to gain pre and post
construction information on the water quality of streams entering (DB-1, DB-2, DB-3)
and exiting (DB-4) a newly constructed wetland/future park area known as the Dobo
site, draining into the headwaters of Hewletts Creek. Dissolved oxygen was low,
particularly so at DB-4. Fecal coliform bacteria counts were high at all sites, particularly
DB-1 and DB-4 (these sites are essentially drainage ditches). With the completion of
the wetland wet weather inflow and outflow studies are being planned to assess the
performance of the wetland.
Howe Creek – Howe Creek drains a 3,264 acre watershed into the ICW. This
watershed hosts a population of 4,224 with about 19% impervious surface coverage.
Five stations were sampled in Howe Creek in 2006-2007. The drought had a positive
effect on water quality in this creek, with lower nutrient and fecal bacteria inputs from
less stormwater runoff. Algal blooms and turbidity showed no problems, and only the
uppermost station sampled was rated poor for fecal coliform bacteria (the others were
rated good for 2006-2007). Dissolved oxygen concentrations were generally good in
lower Howe Creek and fair in upper Howe Creek. Since wetland enhancement was
performed in 1998 above Graham Pond the creek below the pond at Station HW-GP
has had fewer and smaller algal blooms than before the enhancement.
Motts Creek – Motts Creek drains into the Cape Fear River Estuary. This creek was
sampled at one station, at River Road. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were below
the state standard of 5.0 mg/L on four of seven occasions in 2007 (minimum 2.4 mg/L)
for a poor rating. Neither turbidity nor suspended solids were problematic in 2007, and
there was one minor algal bloom. However, fecal coliform bacteria contamination was a
problem in Motts Creek, with the State standard of 200 CFU/100 mL exceeded on four
of seven occasions (an improvement over the previous year, however). BOD5 samples
yielded a mean value of 1.5 mg/L and a median value of 1.6 mg/L, generally higher than
the previous year. Thus, this creek showed mixed water quality, with no algal bloom or
turbidity problems, but poor dissolved oxygen and fecal coliform conditions.
Pages Creek – Pages Creek drains a 3,039 acre watershed into the ICW. This creek
was sampled at nine stations, two of which receive drainage from developed areas near
Bayshore Drive (PC-BDUS and PC-BDDS). There were no algal blooms or turbidity
problems in 2006-2007. Fecal bacteria water quality was good in the lower creek but
had some incidences of elevated counts in the upper stations. One incident resulted
from a sewage line spill near PC-H that our sampling detected in June 2007; the County
subsequently repaired the problem. Dissolved oxygen levels were generally fair
throughout the creek but poor at the uppermost station PC-H. Because of the relatively
low watershed development and low amount of impervious surface coverage in the
watershed, this is one of the least-polluted creeks in New Hanover County. However,
we note that both dissolved oxygen and fecal coliform bacteria concentrations have
deteriorated since 2000-2001, the last time all nine stations were sampled.
Smith Creek – Smith Creek drains into the lower Northeast Cape Fear River just
upstream of where it merges with the Cape Fear River. It has a watershed of 2,880
acres that has about 28% impervious surface coverage, with a population of 25,904.
Two estuarine sites on Smith Creek proper, SC-23 and SC-CH were sampled in 2007.
Overall the water quality can be described as poor. Dissolved oxygen concentrations
were poor at both stations, as were fecal bacteria counts. Turbidity was rated as fair at
both sites, and algal blooms appeared to have increased in this creek over recent years.
Whiskey Creek – Whiskey Creek is the southernmost large tidal creek in New Hanover
County that drains into the ICW. It has a watershed of 1,344 acres, a population of
7,107, and is covered by approximately 17% impervious surface area. Four stations
were sampled from shore along this creek in 2006-2007. Whiskey Creek had low to
moderate nutrient loading and only one algal bloom. This creek had good water quality
in terms of dissolved oxygen and turbidity in 2006-2007. Fecal coliform bacteria were
not sampled in 2006-2007 in Whiskey Creek.
Water Quality Station Ratings – The UNC Wilmington Aquatic Ecology Laboratory
utilizes a quantitative system with four parameters (dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a,
turbidity, and fecal coliform bacteria) to rate water quality at our sampling sites. If a site
exceeds the North Carolina water quality standard for a parameter less that 10% of the
time sampled, it is rated Good; if it exceeds the standard 10-25% of the time it is rated
Fair, and if it exceeds the standard > 25% of the time it is rated Poor for that parameter.
We applied these numerical standards to the water bodies described in this report,
based on 2006-2007 data, and have designated each station as good, fair, and poor
accordingly (Appendix B).
Fecal coliform bacterial conditions for the entire Wilmington City and New Hanover
County Watersheds system (42 sites sampled for fecal coliforms) showed 38% to be in
good condition, 10% in fair condition, and 52% in poor condition. Dissolved oxygen
conditions system-wide (57 sites) showed 32% of the sites were in good condition, 35%
were in fair condition, and 33% were in poor condition. For chlorophyll a, 82% of the
stations were rated as good, 12% as fair and 5% as poor.
The drought reduced the inputs of nutrients into the creeks and there were fewer algal
blooms in the creeks entering the ICW and Greenfield Lake. However, Burnt Mill and
Smith Creeks continued to have algal blooms problems despite the drought. In some
systems the reduced runoff from the drought led to lower fecal bacteria inputs, but some
water bodies continued to have major fecal bacteria problems regardless (Burnt Mill
Creek, upper Bradley Creek, Smith Creek, Greenfield Lake). It is important to note that
the three water bodies with the worst water quality in the system also have the most
developed watersheds with the highest impervious surface coverage (Burnt Mill Creek –
36% impervious coverage; Greenfield Lake – 36% impervious coverage; Smith Creek –
28% impervious coverage).
Optical Brighteners, Fecal Bacteria, and Detecting Sewage Leaks in Tidal Creeks –
Optical brighteners (OBs) are commonly used in laundry detergents to prevent color
fading in clothes. With used wash water they are flushed into the sewer or septic
systems where they can persist until they become degraded by chlorination or UV
radiation from sunlight. If found in surface waters their presence may indicate sewage
or septic system leaks or spills. We sampled OBs along with fecal coliform bacteria in
Bradley, Futch, and Hewletts Creeks on three occasions in fall 2007. OBs were in low
concentration in Futch Creek and unrelated to fecal coliform counts. However, OB
concentrations and fecal coliform concentrations were strongly correlated in Bradley
Creek and Hewletts Creek (especially the middle branch), indicating they may have
come from the same sources. Both of these creeks suffered from sewage spills in the
past two years. The correlation betweens OBs and coliforms may indicate that there
are ongoing sewage leaks or faulty septic systems in Bradley and Hewletts Creeks.
Oyster Reef condition in Three Tidal Creeks - Oyster reef work as performed by the
UNCW benthic Ecology Laboratory is continuing on the tidal creeks, with emphasis on
Howe, Hewletts and Pages creeks. There seems to be a good supply of larval oysters
into the creeks that settle on all available areas of shell. In 2006 live oyster density was
greatest in Howe Creek, but older shell material apparently is rapidly covered by
sediments coming in from upstream construction activities. Pages Creek had the
highest percent coverage of both live and dead shell material. There were no
consistent differences among the three creeks with respect to oyster reef complexity
(called rugosity) and condition of the individual oysters. Individual oyster condition was
elevated in 2006, but in summer 2005 and 2007 it was comparable to oyster conditions
found in some highly impacted systems in Chesapeake Bay. The majority of the oyster
population in the tidal creeks appears to be in the sub-legal size range (45-55mm). We
expected to see a shift in the size distribution toward a greater percentage of larger
(>75mm) oysters since none of the areas sampled are subject to harvest pressure.
This does not appear to be the case. The UNCW Benthic Ecology Lab continues to
evaluate potential causes of the for the loss of larger size class of oyster. Based on
finding reported in 2006 this loss does not appear to be the result of DERMO infections
that although highly prevalent, were not intense.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 8
1.1 Methods 8
2.0 Barnards Creek 10
3.0 Bradley Creek 13
4.0 Burnt Mill Creek 17
5.0 Futch Creek 24
6.0 Greenfield Lake 29
6.1 Continuing Assessment of Greenfield Lake Restoration Measures 33
7.0 Hewletts Creek 41
8.0 Howe Creek 48
9.0 Motts Creek 52
10.0 Pages Creek 55
11.0 Smith Creek 59
12.0 Whiskey Creek 62
13.0 Testing Optical Brighteners and Fecal Bacteria to Detect Sewage Leaks in
Tidal Creek Waters 65
14.0 Evaluation of Tidal Creek Oyster Characteristics 80
15.0 References Cited 89
16.0 Acknowledgments 92
17.0 Appendix A: Selected N.C. water quality standards 93
18.0 Appendix B: UNCW Watershed Station Water Quality Ratings 94
19.0 Appendix C: GPS coordinates for the New Hanover County Tidal Creek
and Wilmington Watersheds Program sampling stations 96
20.0 Appendix D: UNCW reports and papers related to tidal creeks 98
1.0 Introduction
In 1993 scientists at the UNC Wilmington Center for Marine Science Research began
studying five tidal creeks in New Hanover County. This project, funded by New
Hanover County, the Northeast New Hanover Conservancy, and UNCW, yielded a
comprehensive report detailing important findings from 1993-1997, and produced a set
of management recommendations for improving creek water quality (Mallin et al.
1998a). Data from that report were later published in the peer-reviewed literature
(Mallin et al. 2000a; Mallin et al. 2001) and were used in 2006 by the N.C. General
Assembly (Senate Bill 1566) as the scientific basis to redefine low density coastal areas
as 12% impervious surface coverage instead of the previously used 25% impervious
cover. In 1999-2000 Whiskey Creek was added to the matrix of tidal creek watersheds
analyzed in our program.
In October 1997 the Center for Marine Science began a project (funded by the City of
Wilmington Engineering Department) with the goal of assessing water quality in
Wilmington City watersheds under base flow conditions. Also, certain sites were
analyzed for sediment heavy metals concentrations (EPA Priority Pollutants). In the
past six years we have produced combined Tidal Creeks – Wilmington City Watersheds
reports (Mallin et al. 1998b; 1999; 2000b; 2002a; 2003; 2004; 2006a; 2007). In the
present report we present results of continuing studies from August 2006 - July 2007 in
the tidal creek complex and January - September 2007 in the City of Wilmington
watersheds. The UNCW Aquatic Ecology Laboratory is also involved with a project
headed up by North Carolina State University (NCSU) and funded through the EPA 319
Grant program that is designed to provide stream restoration to Burnt Mill Creek. Thus,
three stations have been added to the Burnt Mill creek sampling matrix under this
The water quality data within are presented from a watershed perspective. Some of the
watersheds cross political boundaries (i.e. parts of the same watershed may lie in the
County but not the City). Bradley and Hewletts Creeks are examples. Water quality
parameters analyzed in the tidal creeks include water temperature, pH, dissolved
oxygen, salinity/conductivity, turbidity, nitrate, ammonium, orthophosphate, chlorophyll
a, and in selected creeks fecal coliform bacteria. Similar analyses were carried out in
the City watersheds with the addition of total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total nitrogen
(TN), total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (TSS) and biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) at selected sites.
1.1 Water Quality Methods
Field parameters were measured at each site using a YSI 6920 Multiparameter Water
Quality Probe (sonde) linked to a YSI 650 MDS display unit. Individual probes within
the instruments measured water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, salinity,
and conductivity. YSI Model 85 and 55 dissolved oxygen meters were also used on
occasion. The instruments were calibrated prior to each sampling trip to ensure
accurate measurements. The UNCW Aquatic Ecology laboratory is State-Certified for
field measurements (temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH) and for
laboratory chlorophyll a measurements. The light attenuation coefficient k was
determined (at locations where depth permitted), from data collected on site using
vertical profiles obtained by a Li-Cor LI-1000 integrator interfaced with a Li-Cor LI-193S
spherical quantum sensor.
For the six tidal creeks, water samples were collected monthly, at or near high tide. For
nitrate+nitrite (hereafter referred to as nitrate) and orthophosphate assessment, three
replicate acid-washed 125 mL bottles were placed ca. 10 cm below the surface, filled,
capped, and stored on ice until processing. In the laboratory the triplicate samples were
filtered simultaneously through 25 mm Millipore AP40 glass fiber filters (nominal pore
size 1.0 micrometer) using a manifold with three funnels. The pooled filtrate was stored
frozen until analysis. Nitrate+nitrite and orthophosphate were analyzed using a Bran-
Luebbe AutoAnalyzer following EPA protocols. Samples for ammonium were collected
in duplicate, field-preserved with phenol, stored on ice, and analyzed in the laboratory
according to the methods of Parsons et al. (1984). Fecal coliform samples were
collected by filling pre-autoclaved containers ca. 10 cm below the surface, facing into
the stream. Samples were stored on ice until processing (< 6 hr). Fecal coliform
concentrations were determined using a membrane filtration (mFC) method (APHA
1995). North Carolina water quality standards are listed in Appendix A.
The analytical method used to measure chlorophyll a is described in Welschmeyer
(1994) and US EPA (1997). Chlorophyll a concentrations were determined from the 1.0
micrometer glass fiber filters used for filtering samples for nitrate+nitrite and
orthophosphate analyses. All filters were wrapped individually in aluminum foil, placed
in an airtight container and stored in a freezer. During the analytical process, the glass
filters were separately immersed in 10 ml of a 90% acetone solution. The acetone was
allowed to extract the chlorophyll from the material for 18-24 hours. The solution
containing the extracted chlorophyll was then analyzed for chlorophyll a concentration
using a Turner AU-10 fluorometer. This method uses an optimal combination of
excitation and emission bandwidths that reduces errors in the acidification technique.
Samples were collected on six occasions within the Wilmington City watersheds from
January through September 2006. Field measurements were taken as indicated above.
Nutrients (nitrate, ammonium, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total nitrogen, orthophosphate,
and total phosphorus) and total suspended solids (TSS) were analyzed by a state-
certified contract laboratory using EPA and APHA techniques. We also computed
inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus molar ratios for relevant sites (N/P). Chlorophyll a
was run at UNCW-CMS as described above, except filters were ground using a Teflon
grinder prior to extraction.
For a large wet detention pond (Ann McCrary Pond on Burnt Mill Creek) and for a
constructed wetland on Kerr Avenue (at the headwaters area of Burnt Mill Creek) we
collected data from input (control) and outfall stations. We used these data to test for
statistically significant differences in pollutant concentrations between pond input and
output stations. The data were first tested for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test.
Normally distributed data parameters were tested using the paired-difference t-test, and
non-normally distributed data parameters were tested using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank
test. Statistical analyses were conducted using SAS (Schlotzhauer and Littell 1987).
2.0 Barnards Creek
Watershed area: 2,944 acres (1,191 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 17%
Watershed population: 12,547
Overall water quality: Good
Problematic pollutants: Low dissolved oxygen
The water quality of lower Barnard’s Creek is an important issue as single family and
multifamily housing construction has occurred upstream of Carolina Beach Rd. in the St.
Andrews Dr. area. Another major housing development is breaking ground for the area
east of River Road and between Barnards and Motts Creeks. In 2007 we collected data
at a station located on Barnards Creek at River Road (BNC-RR) that drains part of this
area (Fig. 2.1).
BNC-RR had an average salinity of 14.9 ppt with a range of 3.8-25.4 ppt, higher than
the previous year. This station had dissolved oxygen levels ranging from 3.4-5.1 from
May through September, with two of those months having DO less than 3.6 mg/L.
Concentrations of nitrate and orthophosphate were among the highest in the Wilmington
area, but concentrations of the other nutrient species were unremarkable (Table 2.1).
Turbidity on average was moderate (13 NTU), and did not exceed the state standard for
estuarine waters of 25 NTU. Average total suspended solids concentrations were
among the highest among area creeks, but there was only one minor algal bloom of 20
µg/L chlorophyll a in August 2007 (Table 2.1). BOD5 was sampled seven times at
BNC-RR yielding a median of 1.3 mg/L and a mean of 1.5 mg/L, which was similar to
the BOD5 concentrations found the past two years (Mallin et al. 2006a; 2007). Fecal
coliform counts did not exceed the state standard on any sampling occasions, slightly
better than the previous year. Thus, in 2007 this station was impaired by low dissolved
oxygen, with no other parameters exhibiting problems.
Table 2.1. Mean and standard deviation of water quality parameters in Barnards Creek
watershed, January - September 2007. Fecal coliforms as geometric mean; N/P ratio as
median (n = 7 for all parameters).
BNC-RR mean (st. deviation) range
Salinity (ppt) 14.9 (9.0) 3.8-25.4
DO (mg/L) 5.7 (2.5) 3.4-9.7
Turbidity (NTU) 13 (5) 7-23
TSS (mg/L) 19 (10) 10-41
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.229 (0.147) 0.080-0.490
Ammonium (mg/L) 0.114 (0.083) 0.020-0.220
TN (mg/L) 0.874 (0.376) 0.370-1.390
Phosphate (mg/L) 0.047 (0.008) 0.040-0.060
TP (mg/L) 0.096 (0.018) 0.070-0.120
N/P molar ratio 13.0
Chlorophyll a (µg/L) 9.8 (6.0) 2.4-20.0
BOD5 1.4 (0.4) 0.7-2.0
Fecal coliform bacteria (/100 mL) 55 3-140
3.0 Bradley Creek
Watershed area: 6,016 acres (2,435 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 23%
Watershed population: 16,719
Overall water quality: poor
Problematic pollutants: fecal bacteria, low dissolved oxygen, occasional algal blooms
The Bradley Creek watershed has been a principal location for Clean Water Trust Fund
mitigation activities, including the purchase and renovation of Airlie Gardens by the
County. The development of the former Duck Haven property bordering Eastwood
Road is of great concern in terms of its potential water quality impacts to the creek.
This creek is one of the most polluted in New Hanover County, particularly by fecal
coliform bacteria (Mallin et al. 2000a). Seven stations were sampled in the past year,
both fresh and brackish (Fig. 3.1).
As with last year, turbidity was not a major problem during 2006-2007 (Table 3.1). The
standard of 25 NTU was exceeded only once during our sampling. There were some
problems with low dissolved oxygen (hypoxia), with BC-NB having DO < 5.0 mg/L on
four occasions and BC-CA having substandard dissolved oxygen conditions on four of
seven sampling occasions (Appendix B).
Fecal coliform bacteria counts were not run on the tidal stations in 2006-2007.
However, samples at the freshwater station BC-CA exceeded the standard on all seven
of seven collections for a 100% exceedence rate, with a geometric mean of 3,677, 15X
the state standard (Table 3.1).
Nitrate concentrations were highest at stations BC-CR, BC-CA, BC-SBU and BC-NBU.
Nitrate concentrations were lower than the previous year (Mallin et al. 2007) likely a
reflection of the drought and lower runoff. Ammonium was elevated at BC-CA, but low
at other locations. The highest orthophosphate levels were found at BC-CA and BC-
CR, with relatively low orthophosphate levels at the rest of the stations (Table 3.2).
Bradley Creek did not host excessive algal blooms in 2006-2007 except at BC-SB,
which had a bloom of 52 µg/L as chlorophyll a in May and BC-NB, which had a bloom of
37 µg/L in March (Table 3.2).
Table 3.1 Water quality parameter concentrations at Bradley Creek sampling stations,
August 2006-July 2007. Data as mean (SD) / range, fecal coliform bacteria as
geometric mean / range (for BC-CA, n = 7 months).
Station Salinity Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Fecal coliforms
(ppt) (NTU) (mg/L) (CFU/100 mL)
BC-76 31.5 (2.7) 5 (3) 6.9 (1.8)
25.9-34.6 0-12 4.1-9.5
BC-SB 9.2 (10.1) 7 (6) 7.3 (1.8)
0.1-27.6 2-20 3.7-9.8
BC-SBU 0.1 (0.0) 3 (3) 6.9 (1.1)
0.1-0.1 0-9 5.4-8.8
BC-NB 24.2 (8.8) 9 (10) 7.1 (2.8)
5.7-32.6 0-36 2.9-12.6
BC-NBU 2.0 (6.6) 9 (4) 7.3(1.2)
0.1-23.0 4-18 4.2-9.0
BC-CR 0.2 (0.2) 2 (2) 7.8 (0.6)
0.0-0.8 0-8 7.1-8.9
BC-CA 0.1 (0.0) 6 (3) 5.3 (2.5) 3677
0.0-0.1 3-11 2.5-9.6 364-60,000
Table 3.2. Nutrient and chlorophyll a data at Bradley Creek sampling stations, August
2006-July 2007. Data as mean (SD) / range, nutrients in mg/L, chlorophyll a as µg/L.
Station Nitrate Ammonium Orthophosphate Chlorophyll a
BC-76 0.011 (0.008) 0.016 (0.011) 0.010 (0.005) 2.7 (2.7)
0.003-0.029 0.001-0.031 0.004-0.022 0.2-10.3
BC-SB 0.019 (0.023) 0.023 (0.023) 0.020 (0.023) 8.3 (14.9)
0.004-0.077 0.001-0.060 0.003-0.077 0.5-52.3
BC-SBU 0.035 (0.042) NA 0.030 (0.027) 2.2 (3.1)
0.004-0.131 0.001-0.072 0.1-9.8
BC-NB 0.021 (0.031) 0.028 (0.021) 0.018 (0.019) 5.8 (10.5)
0.005-0.107 0.002-0.066 0.004-0.065 0.3-36.9
BC-NBU 0.023 (0.023) NA 0.041 (0.068) 0.8 (0.6)
0.001-0.072 0.001-0.219 0.2-1.9
BC-CR 0.082 (0.102) NA 0.171 (0.223) 2.2 (3.4)
0.001-0.301 0.001-0.621 0.2-10.2
BC-CA 0.091 (0.099) 0.111 (0.060) 0.061 (0.05 11.0 (7.7)
0.010-0.300 0.020-0.290 0.010-0.150 4.5-24.6
NA = not analyzed
Figure 3.1. Bradley Creek watershed and sampling sites.
4.0 Burnt Mill Creek
Watershed area: 4,288 acres (1,735 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 36%
Watershed population: 26,511
Overall water quality: poor
Problematic pollutants: Fecal bacteria, algal blooms, low dissolved oxygen, high
sediment PAH concentrations
In 1997 the City of Wilmington contracted with the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory at the
UNC Wilmington Center for Marine Sciences to begin citywide water quality sampling.
Since then the Burnt Mill Creek watershed (Fig. 4.1) has been sampled just upstream of
Ann McCrary Pond on Randall Parkway (BMC-AP1), and about 40 m downstream of
the pond outfall (BMC-AP3). Ann McCrary Pond is a large (28.8 acres) regional wet
detention pond draining 1,785 acres, with an apartment complex at the upper end near
BMC-AP1. The pond itself periodically hosts a thick growth of submersed aquatic
vegetation, with Hydrilla verticillata, Egeria densa, Alternanthera philoxeroides,
Ceratophyllum demersum and Valliseneria americana having been common at times.
There have been efforts to control this growth, including addition of triploid grass carp
as grazers. The ability of this detention pond to reduce suspended sediments and fecal
coliform bacteria, and its failure to reduce nutrient concentrations, was detailed in a
scientific journal article (Mallin et al. 2002b). Numerous waterfowl utilize this pond as
In 2005 sampling began on the inflow (BMC-KA1) and outflow (BMC-KA3) channels of
the Kerr Avenue constructed wetland (Fig. 4.1). This sampling began as a part of a
larger project (through North Carolina State University funded by the EPA 319 Program)
to provide stream restoration to Burnt Mill Creek. Construction of the 0.7 acre Kerr
Avenue Wetland was funded by the N.C. Wetlands Restoration Program, now known as
the Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Wetland construction was completed in
November 2000 and the first aquatic macrophyte planting (sponsored by Cape Fear
River Watch) occurred later that month (various rushes, sedge, pickerelweed, lizard’s
tail, water tupelo, wax myrtle, black gum, pond pine, bald cypress, etc.). Since then
there have been many supplemental plantings as well as tree donations. The
vegetation coverage is presently so dense that macrophytes from this site have been
transplanted into other wetland restoration sites. The wetland has a forebay to collect
sediment, and the system is designed to retain and treat the first 0.5 inches of a rainfall
event before an overflow channel is utilized. This Best Management Practice (BMP)
lies in the headwaters of Burnt Mill Creek, which is on the State 303(d) list for poor
biological condition. Another station is located along the main stem of the creek in the
Wallace Park area (BMC-WP) and an older station is also on the creek at the bridge at
Princess Place (BMC-PP - Fig. 4.1). Recent water quality results of these continuing
studies have been published previously (Mallin et al. 2006a; Mallin et al. 2007).
Results from 2007
Kerr Avenue Wetland: This represents the third year of statistically comparative data
useful for assessing the efficacy of this wetland as a pollutant removal device. Results
of the seven sampling trips showed that turbidity and suspended solids both appeared
to have higher concentrations leaving the wetland compared with entering it, with the
turbidity difference being statistically significant (Table 4.1). There were no differences
in nutrient concentrations entering or leaving the wetland; however, inorganic nutrients
were low entering the wetland, probably due to the drought and less runoff. There was
no significant difference in BOD5 entering or leaving the wetland. Fecal coliform
bacteria were high both entering and exiting the wetland, with no statistical difference
entering or leaving the pond. The presence of a number of dumpsters surrounding the
site, and consequent small mammals foraging and defecating, may be a localized
source of fecal coliform bacteria, BOD and organic nutrients. City staff indicates that
the size of the constructed wetland is too small to effectively treat runoff from the
Ann McCrary Pond: Turbidity and suspended solids concentrations entering and leaving
this large regional pond were low to moderate, with incoming nutrients low due to the
drought and less runoff (Table 4.1). Fecal coliform concentrations entering Ann
McCrary Pond at BMC-AP1 were very high, however (Table 4.1), possibly a result of pet
waste runoff from the apartment complex and runoff from urban upstream areas. Five
of seven samples collected in 2007 at BMC-AP1 had counts exceeding 200 CFU/100
mL; and four of seven samples from BMC-AP3 exceeded the standard. The high
variability among counts prevented the apparent reduction through the pond from being
statistically significant. There was a major algal bloom at BMC-AP1 in August
(chlorophyll a 287 µg/L) and a minor bloom in September (24 µg/L). At BMC AP-3 there
were major algal blooms June through September (chlorophyll a > 30 µg/L) and a minor
bloom of 25 µg/L in April 2007. The pond hosted more algal blooms than usual during
2007. The efficiency of Ann McCrary Pond as a pollutant removal device was poor in
2007, with no pollutant significantly reduced during passage through the pond. As in
previous years, it is likely that inputs of nutrients have entered the pond from a
suburban drainage stream midway down the pond across from our former BMC-AP2
site (Fig. 4.1), short circuiting the ability of the pond to remove nutrients. Also, intensive
waterfowl use of the pond, particularly at a tributary near the outfall, may have
contributed to phosphorus loading in the pond and along its shoreline. However, as
mentioned the concentrations of nutrients entering the pond were not high to begin with.
There was no significant decrease in conductivity through the pond. Dissolved oxygen
significantly increased through the pond, probably because of in-pond photosynthesis
and aeration by passage over the final dam at the outfall. There was a significant
increase in pH, probably due to utilization of CO2 during photosynthesis in the pond.
Lower Burnt Mill Creek: Both the Wallace Park (BMC-WP) and the Princess Place
location (BMC-PP) experienced several water quality problems during the sampling
period. Dissolved oxygen was substandard (between 2.0 and 5.0 mg/L) three of seven
times at BMC-WP and four of seven times at BMC-PP. No problems were seen with
turbidity or suspended solids. Nutrients were unremarkable at either site. One major
algal bloom (chlorophyll a of 452 µg/L) occurred at Wallace Park in May with two minor
blooms of 28 and 25 µg/L occurring in June and September, respectively. Two
excessively high algal blooms of 588 and 140 µg/L as chlorophyll a occurred at Princess
Place in May and June. BOD5 increased from the previous year, likely a response to
the algal blooms. Conductivity was much higher than the previous year, probably due
to the prolonged drought and lack of runoff.
An important issue, from a public health perspective, was the excessive fecal coliform
counts, which maintained geometric means (1820 CFU/100 mL at BMC-WP and 1890
CFU/100 mL at BMC-PP) well in excess of the State standard for human contact waters
(200 CFU/100 mL). Fecal coliform counts were greater than 200 CFU/100 mL in six of
seven months at Wallace Park and seven of seven months at Princess Place, a
deterioration from the previous year. We note that these high fecal bacterial counts
occurred during a drought year with limited stormwater runoff. It is notable that fecal
coliform bacteria increased along the passage from BMC-AP3 to the Wallace Park
location, while dissolved oxygen decreased (Table 4.1). BOD5 analyses were
performed at Wallace Park, with median concentrations (2.2 mg/L) higher than rural
streams but typical of urban streams in the Wilmington area (Mallin et al. 2006b).
Table 4.1. Mean and (standard deviation) of water quality parameters in upper Burnt
Mill Creek, Jan. – Sep. 2007. Fecal coliforms as geometric mean; N/P as median.
Parameter KA-1 KA-3 BMC-AP1 BMC-AP3
DO (mg/L) 6.5 (2.2) 5.5 (2.5) 6.4 (2.1) 9.5 (1.3)**
Cond. (µS/cm) 254 (175) 296 (116) 237 (78) 231 (44)
pH 7.4 (0.4) 7.3 (0.3) 7.3 (0.2) 8.1 (0.4)**
Turbidity (NTU) 8 (7) 22 (12)* 14(10) 10 (3)
TSS (mg/L) 9 (6) 33 (30) 44 (41) 10 (5)
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.129 (0.130) 0.047 (0.094) 0.044 (0.055) 0.037 (0.035)
Ammonium (mg/L) 0.044 (0.049) 0.022 (0.027) 0.030 (0.016) 0.032 (0.036)
TN (mg/L) 0.923 (0.494) 0.651 (0.510) 1.010 (0.486) 0.774 (0.364)
OrthoPhos. (mg/L) 0.016 (0.010) 0.031 (0.048) 0.010 (0.000) 0.010 (0.000)
TP (mg/L) 0.079 (0.073) 0.237 (0.241) 0.157 (0.114) 0.059 (0.015)
N/P molar ratio 22 4 11 11
Chlor. a (µg/L) 22.7 (43.7) 11.4 (8.9) 51.8 (103.7) 35.3 (31.3)
Fec. col. (/100 mL) 2626 2727 1159 422
BOD5 1.6 (0.8) 2.2 (1.3) NA NA
** Indicates statistically significant difference between inflow and outflow at p<0.01.
NA = not analyzed.
Table 4.2. Mean and (standard deviation) of water quality parameters in lower Burnt
Mill Creek, Jan. – Sep. 2007. Fecal coliforms as geometric mean; N/P as median.
Parameter BMC-WP BMC-PP
DO (mg/L) 6.0 (2.5) 5.1 (2.4)
Cond. (µS/cm) 2779 (3296) 4128 (4495)
pH 7.4 (0.1) 7.3 (0.1)
Turbidity (NTU) 8 (3) 9 (5)
TSS (mg/L) 12 (9) 7 (3)
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.114 (0.078) 0.130 (0.170)
Ammonium (mg/L) 0.071 (0.051) 0.083 (0.071)
TN (mg/L) 1.721 (1.379) 0.936 (0.379)
OrthoPhos. (mg/L) 0.023 (0.026) 0.027 (0.023)
TP (mg/L) 0.174 (0.133) 0.111 (0.156)
N/P molar ratio 19 18
Chlor. a (µg/L) 113.3 (214.6) 81.2 (163.6)
Fec. col. (/100 mL) 1820 1890
BOD5 3.1 (2.5) NA
NA = not analyzed
Figure 4.1. Burnt Mill Creek watershed and sampling sites.
Sediment Metals and PAH Concentrations
As part of the stream restoration effort funded through NCSU and the EPA 319 program,
we collected sediment samples on one occasion throughout Burnt Mill Creek for analysis of
sediment metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The State of North
Carolina has no official guidelines for sediment concentrations of metals and organic
pollutants in reference to protection of invertebrates, fish and wildlife. However, academic
researchers (Long et al. 1995) have produced guidelines (Appendix D) based on extensive
field and laboratory testing that are used by the US Environmental Protection Agency in
their National Coastal Condition Report II (US EPA 2004).
Table 4.3. Guideline values for sediment metals and organic pollutant concentrations
(ppm, or µg/g, dry wt.) potentially harmful to aquatic life (Long et al. 1995; U.S. EPA
2004). ERL = (Effects range low). Concentrations below the ERL are those in which
harmful effects on aquatic communities are rarely observed. ERM = (Effects range
median). Concentrations above the ERM are those in which harmful effects would
frequently occur. Concentrations between the ERL and ERM are those in which
harmful effects occasionally occur.
Arsenic (As) 8.2 70.0
Cadmium (Cd) 1.2 9.6
Chromium (Cr) 81.0 370.0
Copper (Cu) 34.0 270.0
Lead (Pb) 46.7 218.0
Mercury (Hg) 0.15 0.71
Nickel (Ni) 20.9 51.6
Silver (Ag) 1.0 3.7
Zinc (Zn) 150.0 410.0
Total PCBs 0.0227 0.1800
Total PAHs 4.02 44.80
Total DDT 0.0016 0.0461
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are organic compounds with a fused ring
structure. PAHs with two to five rings are of considerable environmental concern. They
are compounds of crude and refined petroleum products and coal and are also
produced by incomplete combustion of organic materials (US EPA 2000). They are
characteristic of urban runoff as they derive from tire wear, automobile oil and exhaust
particles, and leaching of asphalt roads. Other sources include domestic and industrial
waste discharge, atmospheric deposition, and spilled fossil fuels. They are carcinogenic
to humans, and bioconcentrate in aquatic animals. In these organisms they form
carcinogenic and mutagenic intermediaries and cause tumors in fish (US EPA 2000).
Most of the stations had sediment metals concentrations that were well below levels
considered potentially toxic to benthic organisms. One exception was lead, which
exceeded the ERL (Table 4.3) at the Princess Place station (BMC-PP) and approached
harmful levels at the Wallace Park station BMC-WP (Table 4.4). Otherwise, sediment
metals concentrations were lower than during 2006, and similar to levels in 2005. All of
the PAH sediment samples exceeded the ERM except for Station AP3, below Ann
McCrary Pond, where PAHs were below the detection limit (Table 4.4). This sediment
PAH concentration distribution in general was similar to those of 2005 and 2006 (Mallin
et al. 2006a; Mallin et al. 2007). Compared with sediment samples taken in 1999 at BC-
PP, there was a decrease in copper, chromium, lead, and zinc in 2005-2007 (Mallin et
al. 1999). This may have been a result of burial of contaminated sediments by further
sedimentation, or flushing from subsequent storm-induced flooding.
Table 4.4. Concentrations of sediment metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) in Burnt Mill Creek, 2007 (as mg/kg = ppm). Concentrations in bold type exceed
the level at which harmful effects to benthic organisms may occur, and italicized
concentrations are near potentially harmful levels (see Table 4.3 for more detail).
Parameter KA1 KA3 AP1 AP3 WP PP
Antimony 0.105 <0.032 0.093 <0.031 <0.034 0.084
Arsenic <0.097 <0.101 <0.114 <0.099 <0.109 <0.113
Beryllium 0.055 0.021 <0.054 0.028 0.152 0.065
Cadmium 0.190 0.048 0.114 0.129 0.464 0.329
Chromium 3.140 0.828 2.530 1.650 6.600 3.430
Copper 3.26 1.03 12.00 0.75 5.29 6.36
Lead 0.95 1.52 3.46 <0.06 34.20 60.00
Mercury <0.002 <0.002 <0.003 <0.002 0.023 0.004
Nickel 1.840 0.379 0.701 0.926 3.240 1.360
Selenium 0.085 <0.063 <0.070 0.091 <0.070 <0.070
Silver <0.060 <0.063 <0.070 <0.060 <0.070 <0.080
Thallium <0.012 <0.013 <0.014 <0.012 <0.014 <0.014
Zinc 41.70 9.67 32.70 28.30 45.90 60.50
Total PAH 5,026 9,978 13,334 BDL 1,141 13,582
TN 25 76 609 121 328 528
TP 763 119 43 57 413 187
TOC 19.6 14.4 30.9 11.9 47.5 40.9
BDL = below detection limit
5.0 Futch Creek
Watershed area: 3,136 aces (1,269 ha) Impervious surface coverage: >11%
Watershed population: 1,720 (New Hanover County only)
Overall water Quality: Good
Problematic pollutants: some low dissolved oxygen (DO 3.0-5.0 ppm in summer); some
algal blooms, potential fecal bacteria increase in recent years at upstream site
Six stations have been sampled in Futch Creek since 1993. During 1995 and 1996 two
channels were dredged in the mouth of Futch Creek (Fig. 5.1) to improve circulation
from the ICW and hopefully reduce fecal coliform bacterial concentrations. The result
was a statistically significant increase in salinity in the creek in the months following
dredging, significantly lower fecal coliform counts, and the lower creek was reopened to
shellfishing (Mallin et al. 2000c). Salinities were considerably higher in 2006-7 than
during the previous year. This was possibly a result of the drought conditions and low
amounts of stormwater runoff entering the creek. During 2006-2007, there were only
two incidences of creek stations having turbidity levels exceeding the state standard of
25 NTU, both of them at FC-17. Low dissolved oxygen was a moderate problem
particularly in the upper creek stations FC-13 and FC-17 (Table 5.1; Appendix B).
Table 5.1. Physical parameters at Futch Creek sampling stations, August 2006 - July
2007. Data given as mean (SD) / range.
Station Salinity Turbidity Light attenuation Dissolved oxygen
(ppt) (NTU) (k/m) (mg/L)
FC-4 34.2 (1.9) 4 (4) 1.0 (0.8) 7.1 (1.8)
30.5-36.6 0-12 0.4-2.1 4.2-10.2
FC-6 33.6 (2.1) 5 (5) 1.0 (0.6) 6.8 (2.2)
29.1-36.4 0-13 0.5-1.7 3.1-10.9
FC-8 32.9 (1.9) 6 (9) 0.7 (0.3) 7.0 (2.3)
29.6-35.7 0-22 0.5-1.1 3.7-10.9
FC-13 29.8 (2.6) 7 (8) 0.5 (0.1) 6.3 (2.4)
26.2-33.5 0-24 0.5-0.6 2.2-9.8
FC-17 22.9 (7.1) 8 (9) 0.9 (0.1) 6.4 (2.2)
10.4-33.3 0-27 0.8-0.9 3.4-9.5
FOY 29.7 (3.1) 7 (9) 0.7 (0.1) 6.7 (2.3)
24.9-34.1 0-30 0.6-0.7 3.2-10.9
Nutrient concentrations in Futch Creek remained generally low, with a decrease in
nitrate over the previous year at all stations (Table 5.2). One source of nitrate has been
identified as groundwater inputs entering the marsh in springs existing in the area
stretching from upstream of FC-17 downstream to FC-13 (Mallin et al. 1998b).
Overland runoff during and following rain events is another nitrate source to this creek,
and the lack of rain and consequent stormwater inputs undoubtedly led to the lower
nitrate inputs. Orthophosphate showed an average increase over the previous year,
particularly at the upper stations. Ammonium increased in the creek from the previous
year, particularly at FC-17.
One major algal bloom occurred at Station FC-8 in June (49 µg/L as chlorophyll a); a
minor bloom (24 µg/L) occurred at FC-13 that same month, and two minor blooms of 18
µg/L occurred in June and July at FC-17.
Table 5.2. Nutrient and chlorophyll a data from Futch Creek, August 2006-July 2007.
Data as mean (SD) / range, nutrients in mg/L, chlorophyll a as µg/L.
Station Nitrate Ammonium Orthophosphate Chlorophyll a
FC-4 0.019 (0.025) 0.025 (0.015) 0.015 (0.013) 2.0 (1.4)
0.002-0.100 0.001-0.050 0.003-0.044 0.2-4.3
FC-6 0.015 (0.013) NA 0.009 (0.004) 2.2 (1.7)
0.003-0.044 0.004-0.018 0.5-5.3
FC-8 0.014 (0.012) NA 0.014 (0.012) 7.0 (14.9)
0.005-0.038 0.005-0.038 0.4-49.0
FC-13 0.018 (0.019) NA 0.018 (0.019) 5.6 (7.4)
0.005-0.058 0.005-0.058 0.5-24.1
FC-17 0.043 (0.003) 0.045 (0.042) 0.038 (0.030) 6.3 (6.5)
0.024-0.193 0.010-0.165 0.006-0.090 0.7-18.3
FOY 0.027 (0.006) 0.037 (0.029) 0.022 (0.016) 3.8 (3.5)
0.006-0.084 0.002-0.107 0.007-0.044 0.7-9.9
NA = not analyzed
As reportedly previously (Mallin et al. 2000c) the dredging experiment proved to
be successful and the lower portion of the creek was reopened to shellfishing. During
2006-2007 there was a decrease in microbiological water quality at Station FC-6, with
geometric mean coliform counts increasing from 12 in 2005-2006 to 27 in 2006-2007,
and the percent of samples exceeding 43 CFU/100 mL increasing from 9% in 2005-
2006 to 40% in 2006-2007 (Table 5.3). The uppermost stations continued to have fecal
coliform bacterial concentrations below those of the pre-dredging period, although 2004,
2006 and 2007 showed troubling increasing trends at FC-17 (Fig. 5.2). This was
despite the fact that 2007 was a drought with less stormwater runoff into the creek and
its tributaries. All stations had geometric mean fecal coliform counts that were within
safe limits for human contact waters (Appendix B). In summary, Futch Creek still
maintains good water quality in general (Appendix B).
Table 5.3. Futch Creek fecal coliform bacteria data, including percent of samples
exceeding 43 CFU per 100 mL, August 2006 - July 2007.
Station FC-4 FC-6 FC-8 FC-13 FC-17 FOY
Geomean (CFU/100 mL) 4 27 9 24 74 18
% > 43 /100ml 0 40 9 36 75 18
Figure 5.1. Futch Creek watershed and sampling sites.
Figure 5.2 Fecal coliform bacteria counts over time at selected Futch Creek stations,
Channel dredging in
mouth of creek
6.0 Greenfield Lake Water Quality
Watershed area: 2,560 acres (1,036 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 36%
Watershed population: 12,270 Overall water quality: Poor, improving
Problematic pollutants: Fecal bacteria, low dissolved oxygen in tributaries, algal blooms
Three tributaries of Greenfield Lake were sampled for physical, chemical, and biological
parameters (Table 6.1, Fig. 6.1). All three tributaries suffered from hypoxia, with GL-
JRB (Jumping Run Branch), GL-LB (creek at Lake Branch Drive) and GL-LC (creek
beside Lakeshore Commons) all showing average concentrations below the state
standard (DO < 5.0 mg/L). Dissolved oxygen levels were 2.0 mg/L or less on five
occasions at GL-LB and twice each at the other two stations (Table 6.1; Appendix B).
Turbidity and suspended solids were generally low in the tributary stations except for
high turbidity at GL-LB and GL-LC in August 2007 (Table 6.1). Total nitrogen and
nitrate concentrations were highest at GL-LC (Table 6.1). Ammonium was highest at
GL-LB, followed by GL-LC. Total phosphorus concentrations were similar at these three
sites. All three of these input streams maintained fecal coliform levels indicative of poor
water quality, with fecal coliform counts exceeding the state standard for human contact
waters (200 CFU/100 mL) five of seven times at GL-LB and GL-JRB, and seven of
seven times at GL-LC. Geometric mean fecal coliform bacteria concentrations
exceeded the state standard at all three sites, but these were lower than the previous
year’s counts. There were two major algal blooms in 2007 at GL-LC, with chlorophyll a
levels of 102 µg/L in July and 142 µg/L in August. A minor bloom of 25 µg/L occurred at
GL-JRB, and GL-LC had one major bloom of 42 µg/L in April 2007. BOD5 was highest
at GL-LC, with a maximum of 11.4 mg/L in July concurrent with the bloom.
Table 6.1. Mean and (standard deviation) of water quality parameters in tributary
stations of Greenfield Lake, January - September 2007. Fecal coliforms as geometric
mean; N/P ratio as median; n = 7 samples for all parameters.
Parameter GL-JRB GL-LB GL-LC
DO (mg/L) 3.8 (2.8) 3.3 (3.7) 2.8 (1.3)
Turbidity (NTU) 3(1) 12 (19) 21 (31)
TSS (mg/L) 3 (1) 6 (5) 8 (8)
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.120 (0.140) 0.184 (0.276) 0.443 (0.192)
Ammonium (mg/L) 0.047 (0.031) 0.189 (0.151) 0.140 (0.104)
TN (mg/L) 0.563 (0.210) 0.970 (0.599) 1.157 (0.251)
Orthophosphate (mg/L) 0.044 (0.021) 0.044 (0.024) 0.016 (0.010)
TP (mg/L) 0.084 (0.030) 0.116 (0.069) 0.181 (0.353)
N/P molar ratio 8 15 93
Fec. col. (/100 mL) 283 264 776
Chlor. a (µg/L) 9.4 (7.7) 13.0 (14.3) 38.9 (58.1)
BOD5 1.6 (0.6) 1.8 (0.8) 3.4 (3.8)
Three in-lake stations were sampled (Table 6.2). Station GL-2340 represents an area
receiving a considerable influx of urban/suburban runoff, GL-YD is downstream and
receives some outside impacts, and GL-P is at Greenfield Lake Park, away from
inflowing streams but in a high-use waterfowl area (Fig. 6.1). Low dissolved oxygen
was only a problem at GL-2340, with concentrations below the state standard of 5.0
mg/L on five of seven occasions (see Section 6.1). Turbidity and suspended solids
were low to moderate at these three sites, except for high TSS (151 mg/L) in September
at GL-2340. Fecal coliform concentrations were problematic at all three sites in the
lake, exceeding the State standard three of seven times at each location in 2007
(Appendix B).
Nitrogen concentrations were generally highest at GL-P, followed by GL-2340; total
nitrogen was lower in 2007 than 2006, possibly reflecting the drought and less runoff
inputs. Total phosphorus concentrations were highest at GL-YD, and none of the
phosphorus values were remarkable (Table 6.2). Inorganic N/P molar ratios can be
computed from ammonium, nitrate, and orthophosphate data and can help determine
what the potential limiting nutrient can be in a water body. Ratios well below 16 (the
Redfield ratio) can indicate potential nitrogen limitation, and ratios well above 16 can
indicate potential phosphorus limitation (Hecky and Kilham 1988). Based on the median
N/P ratios (Table 6.2), phytoplankton growth in Greenfield Lake was limited by nitrogen.
Our previous bioassay experiments indicated that nitrogen was usually the limiting
nutrient in this lake (Mallin et al. 1999).
Phytoplankton blooms are periodically problematic in Greenfield Lake, and usually
consist of green or blue-green algal species, or both together. These blooms have
occurred during all seasons, but are primarily a problem in spring and summer. Three
blooms exceeding 34 µg/L of chlorophyll a occurred at GL-YD and two blooms of 32
µg/L of chlorophyll a occurred at GL-2340, with no blooms at GL-P in 2007. However,
there was only one in-lake bloom exceeding the state standard of 40 µg/L in 2007, a big
improvement over 2006 when eight in-lake blooms exceeded the standard. Thus,
during 2007 Greenfield Lake was impaired by moderate algal blooms, high fecal
coliform counts and low dissolved oxygen concentrations, although the latter parameter
continues to be better than the 2003-2004 pre-restoration period (see Section 6.1A).
The tributary stations were also impaired by high fecal coliform counts and low
dissolved oxygen. These same problems have occurred in the lake for several years
(Mallin et al. 1999; 2000; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007).
Table 6.2. Mean and (standard deviation) of water quality parameters in Greenfield
Lake sampling stations, January - September 2007. Fecal coliforms given as geometric
mean, N/P ratio as median; n = 7 samples collected.
Parameter GL-2340 GL-YD GL-P
DO (mg/L) 3.1 (1.7) 6.8 (2.2) 10.4 (2.3)
Turbidity (NTU) 3 (2) 5 (6) 5 (4)
TSS (mg/L) 24 (56) 4 (1) 3 (1)
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.103 (0.108) 0.056 (0.083) 0.041 (0.067)
Ammonium (mg/L) 0.041 (0.032) 0.021 (0.020) 0.037 (0.068)
TN (mg/L) 1.160 (0.988) 0.641 (0.170) 0.857 (0.432)
OrthopPhosphate (mg/L) 0.024 (0.020) 0.020 (0.013) 0.034 (0.032)
TP (mg/L) 0.067 (0.021) 0.079 (0.009) 0.066 (0.019)
N/P molar ratio 9 4 4
Fec. col. (/100 mL) 176 196 217
Chlor. a (µg/L) 14.6 (14.1) 22.7 (18.9) 6.6 (4.6)
BOD5 2.6 (1.0) 2.5 (1.0) 2.2 (1.0)
6.1 A Continuing Assessment of the Efficacy of the 2005-2006 Greenfield Lake
Restoration Measures
Michael A. Mallin
Center for Marine Science
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Greenfield Lake is a 37 ha blackwater system located in the City of Wilmington, North
Carolina. It was first dammed and filled as a millpond in 1750, and purchased for a city
park in 1925. It has an average depth of 1.2-1.5 m, it is about 8,530 m around the
shoreline, and its watershed drains approximately 1,036 ha (2,560 acres). The lake has
one outfall, but is fed by six perennial inflowing streams (as well as intermittent ditches).
The lake is surrounded by a watershed that is comprised mainly of residential, office,
institutional and commercial areas, with an overall watershed impervious surface
coverage of 36%.
In recent decades a number of water quality problems have become chronic within the
lake, including high fecal coliform bacterial counts, low dissolved oxygen problems,
nuisance aquatic macrophyte growths, algal blooms and fish kills. Some of these
problems are typically related to eutrophication, a process driven by loading of
excessive nutrients to a body of water. The State of North Carolina Division of Water
Quality considers the lake to have a problem with aquatic weeds (NCDENR 2005).
Periodic phytoplankton blooms have occurred in spring, summer and fall. Some of the
most frequent bloom forming taxa are the cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica and the
chlorophytes Spirogyra and Mougeotia spp. The free-floating macrophyte Lemna sp.
(duckweed) is frequently observed on the surface, and below a massive Lemna bloom
in summer 2004 dissolved oxygen concentrations at the park station were nearly
anoxic. In-situ monitoring instruments have demonstrated that dissolved oxygen
concentrations can decrease by as much as 45% at night compared with daytime DO
In 2005 several steps were taken by the City of Wilmington to restore viability to the lake
(David Mayes, City of Wilmington Stormwater Services, personal communication).
During February one thousand sterile grass carp were introduced to the lake to control
(by grazing) the overabundant aquatic macrophytes. During that same month four
SolarBee water circulation systems were installed in the lake to improve circulation and
force dissolved oxygen from the surface downward toward the bottom. Finally, from
April through June 2005 a contract firm applied the herbicide Sonar to further reduce the
amount of aquatic macrophytes. On March 29-31 2006 City crews applied 35 gallons of
K-Tea algaecide and on July 18 applied 0.63 gallons of habitat aquatic herbicide. A
contract firm stocked the lake with 500 additional grass carp on April 4, 2006 and
applied 40 gallons of Nautique aquatic herbicide on April 25.
Since 1998 the University of North Carolina Wilmington's Aquatic Ecology Laboratory,
located at the Center for Marine Science, has been performing water quality sampling
and associated experiments on Greenfield Lake. The City of Wilmington Engineering
Department has funded this effort. Monitoring of various physical, chemical, and
biological parameters has occurred monthly. These data allow us to perform a
assessment of the effectiveness of the City's lake restoration efforts by comparing
summer data from 2003 and 2004 (before restoration efforts) with data from the
summers of 2005 through 2007 (after restoration efforts have been ongoing).
To assess the results so far we have chosen several parameters to examine over time.
One parameter that is not quantified is surface coverage by nuisance macrophyte
vegetation. In the summers of 2003 and 2004 extensive mats of duckweed (Lemna
sp.), mixed with algae and other vegetation covered large areas of the lake's surface,
with visible estimates for some coves exceeding 95% coverage. In summer of 2005
surface coverage was minimal; with most lake areas 95% clear of surface mats. Some
coverage returned in 2006 and minimal coverage was seen in 2007.
Dissolved oxygen (DO): During 2003 and 2004 hypoxia (DO < 4.0 mg/L) was common
in surface waters. Areas beneath thick Lemna mats were anoxic (DO of zero) or nearly
so, especially at GL-P, the main Park area (Fig. 6.1). Following the onset of herbicide
addition in April 2005, the May DO (mean of the three in-lake stations) showed a distinct
decrease; however, it subsequently rose in June and remained at or above the State
standard of 5 mg/L through the rest of the summer of 2005 (Fig. 6.2). In summer of
2006 the average lake DO levels decreased compared with 2005, but were still higher
than in 2003 and 2004 (Fig. 6.2). This was because Station GL-2340 experienced low
DO levels from 1.2 to 3.8 mg/L from July through September, although the other two in-
lake stations (GL-P and GL-YD) maintained good DO levels. In 2007 GL-2340
continued to have poor dissolved oxygen problems but the other two in-lake stations
had generally good dissolved oxygen (Table 6.2).
Turbidity: Turbidity was not excessive in the lake during the two years prior to
restoration efforts (Mallin et al. 2006). It has remained low following these efforts
throughout 2007 (Table 6.2).
Ammonium: Ammonia, or ammonium is a common degradation product of organic
material, and is an excretory product of fish and other organisms. The addition of grass
carp and the herbicide usage has not raised ammonium concentrations in the lake (Fig.
6.3). Potentially some of the ammonium produced may have been utilized by
Nitrate: Nitrate is an inorganic form of nitrogen that is known to enter the lake during
rainfall and runoff periods (Mallin et al. 2002). The concentration of nitrate in the lake
does not appear to have been influenced by the restoration efforts (Table 6.2). Nitrate
concentrations are generally impacted by stormwater runoff, and the low rainfall in 2007
likely provided minimal nutrient inputs to the lake.
Total nitrogen: Total nitrogen (TN) is a combination of all inorganic and organic forms of
nitrogen. Mean concentrations and concentrations at individual stations appeared to be
unaffected by the restoration efforts (Table 6.2; Fig. 6.4).
Orthophosphate: Orthophosphate is the most common inorganic form of phosphorus,
and is utilized as a key nutrient by aquatic macrophytes and phytoplankton.
Orthophosphate was not found at excessive concentrations in the water column either
before (Mallin et al. 2006a) or after the restoration effort (Table 6.2).
Total phosphorus: Total phosphorus (TP) is a combination of all organic and inorganic
forms of phosphorus in the water. Although pulses of TP occurred in summer 2005 and
spring 2006, they were similar in magnitude to pulses of TP seen in 2003 and 2004 (Fig.
6.5). Pulses in 2007 were smaller than the previous years (Figure 6.5).
Chlorophyll a: Chlorophyll a is the principal measure used to estimate phytoplankton
biomass (algal bloom strength) in water bodies. As mentioned above, algal blooms
have been a common occurrence in this lake. They are generally patchy in space,
usually occurring at one or two stations at a time. However, in summer 2005 extensive
phytoplankton blooms occurred at all three in-lake stations, with levels well exceeding
the State standard of 40 µg/L (Fig. 6.6). Blooms continued throughout 2006 as well
(Table 6.2; Fig. 6.6). A positive signal is that blooms within the lake in 2007 were fewer
than in previous years (Fig. 6.6), either because of continuing restoration efforts or
lower stormwater driven inputs of nitrate to feed the blooms. Algal blooms are the
result of nutrient inputs, either from outside the lake or from release from decaying
material. Algal blooms, when they die, cause a BOD (biochemical oxygen demand)
load (Mallin et al. 2006b). This is organic material that natural lake bacteria feed on and
multiply, using up dissolved oxygen in the lake as they do so. We compared our 2007
chlorophyll a concentrations with the corresponding BOD concentrations for the three
in-lake stations. The results (Fig. 6.7) show a statistically significant relationship
between the chlorophyll a levels and BOD. Statistically speaking, the regression
equation on Fig. 6.7 means that approximately 40% of the variability in Greenfield Lake
BOD is caused by algal blooms. These blooms thus can lead to low dissolved oxygen
in the lake.
Fecal coliform bacteria: Fecal coliform bacteria are commonly used to provide an
estimate of the human or animal derived microbial pollution in a water body. Greenfield
Lake is chronically polluted by high fecal coliform counts, well exceeding the state
standard of 200 CFU/100 mL during several months (Table 6.2; Fig. 6.8). In summer
2005 there were particularly large fecal coliform counts at each in-lake station, though
the individual stations did not have pulses during the same months. Excessive fecal
coliform counts occurred to a lesser degree in 2006 in the lake, mainly at GL-2340
(Table 6.2). In 2007 high fecal coliform counts occurred within the lake on about 43% of
the occasions sampled (Fig. 6.8). These counts are not expected to be influenced by
the type of restoration efforts ongoing in the lake.
A risk that is taken when applying herbicides to lakes is the creation of biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD) from decomposing organic matter that is a product of dead or
dying plant material. As mentioned above, this would serve to drive the lake DO
concentrations downward. DO levels in summer 2005 were nearly twice what they were
during summers of 2003 and 2004, and DO levels in 2006 were also higher than 2003
and 2004. It is very likely that the use of the SolarBee circulation systems maintained
elevated DO even when there was an obvious BOD source. The in-lake station with
lowest DO levels in 2006 was GL-2340, which is located quite a distance from the
SolarBees. This pattern continued into 2007.
Water column nutrient concentrations did not appear to change notably after the
introduction of grass carp or use of herbicide. Certainly ammonium, an excretory and
decomposition product would be expected to rise following the consumption and death
of large quantities of plant material. Likewise phosphorus did not increase, although it is
a common excretory product. However, ammonium (like orthophosphate) is readily
used as a primary nutrient by phytoplankton. Nutrient addition bioassay experiments
have demonstrated that phytoplankton in this lake is limited by nitrogen (Mallin et al.
1999). It is likely that ammonium produced by fish excretion or dying plant material was
utilized by phytoplankton to produce the excessive algal blooms that characterized the
lake in 2005 and 2006. The phytoplankton blooms were dominated by blue green
algae (cyanobacteria) including species containing heterocysts. These species have
the added ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen when phosphorus is replete. Thus, while
large amounts of macrophyte material disappeared from the lake, some of the resultant
nutrients were utilized by phytoplankton to produce the blooms. As mentioned, a
problem with algal blooms is that when they die, they become labile forms of organic
material, or BOD (Fig. 6.7). Published research has previously demonstrated that
chlorophyll a in this lake is strongly correlated with BOD (Mallin et al. 2006b). However,
the positive news from 2007 is that algal blooms were fewer than in previous years.
This may be due to the restoration efforts, less stormwater runoff during the drought, or
some combination of the two.
The continuing problems with fecal coliform bacteria does not appear to be related to
any of the restoration activities. Fecal coliform bacteria enter the environment from the
feces of warm blooded animals, so it is possible that increases in waterfowl or dogs
brought to the lake by their owners, or feral cats could lead to increased fecal coliform
bacteria counts, but we have no data to support this speculation either way.
References Cited
Mallin, M.A., S.H. Ensign, D.C. Parsons and J.F. Merritt. 1999. Environmental quality of
Wilmington and New Hanover County watersheds 1998-1999. CMSR Report 99-02.
Center for Marine Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington,
Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, L.A. Leonard, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, E.J.
Wambach, T.D. Alphin, K.A. Nelson and J.F. Merritt. 2002. Environmental Quality of
Wilmington and New Hanover County Watersheds, 2000-2001. CMS Report 02-01,
Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington,
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, V.L. Johnson, D.C. Parsons, T.D. Alphin, B.R.
Toothman, M.L. Ortwine and J.F. Merritt. 2006a. Environmental Quality of Wilmington
and New Hanover County Watersheds, 2004-2005. CMS Report 06-01, Center for
Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., V.L. Johnson, S.H. Ensign and T.A. MacPherson. 2006b. Factors
contributing to hypoxia in rivers, lakes and streams. Limnology and Oceanography
NCDENR. 2005. Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (draft). North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality /
Planning, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1617.
Figure 6.2. Average dissolved oxygen concentrations in
Greenfield Lake, 2003-2007.
13Feb Ap r Jun Jul A u g Sep Ja n Mar M a y J u n Jul Aug S ep Ja n Mar May J un Jul A u g Sep Fe b A p r May J un Jul A u g Sep J a n Apr Ma y Jun Jul A u g Sep Di
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
NC standard 5.0 mg/L
Addition of aerators and grass carp,
February 2005
April 2005
Addition of herbicides
Figure 6.3. Average ammonium concentrations for
Greenfield Lake, 2003-2007
0.7Feb Apr Jun Jul Aug S e p Ja n Mar M a y Jun J ul Aug S ep J a n Ma r May Jun Jul Aug Sep Feb Apr Ma y J un Jul Aug Sep Jan Apr Ma y Ju n Jul A ug Sep Am
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Addition of aerators and grass carp,
February 2005
April 2005
Addition of herbicides
Figure 6.4. Average total nitrogen (TN) concentrations in
Greenfield Lake, 2003-2007
F eb A pr Ju n J ul Aug Sep Jan Mar May Ju n J ul A ug Sep Jan Mar May Ju n J ul A ug Sep Feb A pr May Ju n Jul Aug Sep Jan A pr May Ju n Jul A ug Sep
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Addition of aerators and grass carp,
February 2005
April 2005, Addition of
Figure 6.5. Average total phosphorus (TP) concentrations for
Greenfield Lake, 2003-2007
0.25F e b Apr Jun J ul A u g S e p Ja n Ma r Ma y Jun Jul Aug Sep Ja n Mar Ma y Jun Jul Aug S ep F e b Ap r May J u n J u l Aug S ep Ja n Apr May Jun Jul A u g S e p TP
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Figure 6.6. Average chlorophyll a values in
Greenfield Lake, 2003-2007
120Feb Apr Jun J ul A u g S ep Ja n Mar May Jun J ul Aug Sep Jan Mar May Jun Jul Aug Sep Fe b A p r Ma y Jun Jul Aug Sep J a n A p r May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ch
a (
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
NC standard 40 µg/L
Addition of aerators and grass
carp, February 2005
Addition of
herbicides, April
Figure 6.7. BOD5 as a function of chlorophyll a in Greenfield Lake, 2007
(data from all three in-lake stations combined).
y = 0.0412x + 1.8551
R2 = 0.4032
P = 0.002
Chlorophyll a (µg/L)
Figure 6.8. Average fecal coliform bacteria counts (FC) for
Greenfield Lake, 2003-2007
1800F e b Ap r Jun Jul Aug S ep Ja n Ma r May Jun Jul Aug S ep Ja n Ma r Ma y Jun Jul Aug S ep Fe b A p r Ma y Jun Jul A u g S ep Jan Apr May Jun Jul Aug S ep FC
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
NC recreational waters fecal
coliform standard
7.0 Hewletts Creek
Watershed area: 5,952 acres (2,409 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 19%
Watershed population: 21,335
Overall water quality: Fair
Problematic pollutants: Algal blooms, fecal bacteria, minor dissolved oxygen issues
Hewletts Creek was sampled at seven tidally-influenced areas (HC-M, HC-2, HC-3,
NWB, NB-GLR, MB-PGR and SB-PGR) and a freshwater stream station draining Pine
Valley Country Club (PVGC-9 - Fig. 7.1). Four freshwater stations in the headwaters of
the south branch were added in 2004 at the “Dobo” site, where a created wetland for
runoff treatment was planned (Fig. 7.2). At the tidal stations the physical data indicated
that turbidity was well within State standards during this sampling period except for an
incident of 30 NTU in May 2007 at NB-GLR, and an incident of 29 NTU in January 2007
at MB-PGR (Tables 7.1 and 7.2). There were several incidents of hypoxia seen in our
regular monthly 2006-2007 sampling; three at NB-GLR and three at SB-PGR, although
none were below 3.9 mg/L. Nitrate concentrations were somewhat higher in the middle
branch (MB-PGR), which drains both Pine Valley and the Wilmington Municipal Golf
Courses (Fig. 7.1; Mallin and Wheeler 2000), than at the other stations. Nitrate
concentrations were lower than 2005-2006, likely a result of drought and less runoff.
Phosphate concentrations increased considerably from the previous year. The monthly
chlorophyll a data (Table 7.1) showed that Hewletts Creek hosted a major algal bloom
at NB-GLR in August 2006 of 46 µg/L of chlorophyll a and two minor algal blooms at
that site in March and April 2007 (27 and 35 µg/L of chlorophyll a respectively). A major
bloom of 48 µg/L of chlorophyll a was seen at SB-PGR in March 2007, as well as a
lesser bloom of 31 µg/L at that station in August 2006. Algal blooms have been
common in upper Hewletts Creek in the past (Mallin et al. 1998a; 1999; 2002a; 2004;
2005; 2006).
Nitrate concentrations were elevated leaving the golf course at PVGC-9 relative to the
other stations (Tables 7.1 and 7.2). Fecal coliform bacteria counts exceeded State
standards all seven out of seven times in 2007 at PVGC-9. An earlier assessment
(Mallin and Wheeler 2000) noted higher fecal coliform counts entering the course from
suburban neighborhoods upstream than counts at PVGC-9 leaving the course.
Table 7.1. Selected water quality parameters at lower and middle creek stations in
Hewletts Creek watershed as mean (standard deviation) / range, August 2006-July
2007. Fecal coliform bacteria presented as geometric mean / range.
Parameter HC-2 HC-3
Salinity 33.6 (1.4) 31.8 (2.5)
(ppt) 31.6-36.3 27.9-36.2
Turbidity 5 (3) 6 (4)
(NTU) 2-12 2-14
DO 7.1 (1.4) 6.9 (1.6)
(mg/L) 4.4-9.2 4.2-9.1
Nitrate 0.007 (0.002) 0.017 (0.021)
(mg/L) 0.003-0.010 0.003-0.074
Ammonium 0.015 (0.008) NA
(mg/L) 0.001-0.026
Orthophosphate 0.016 (0.014) 0.013 (0.010)
(mg/L) 0.006-0.041 0.001-0.037
Mean N/P 5.1 NA
Median 5.0
Light attenuation 1.0 (0.4) NA
(K/m) 0.6-1.5
Chlorophyll a 2.0 (1.3) 2.7 (2.6)
(µg/L) 0.6-5.8 0.5-10.5
Fecal col. NA NA
CFU/100 mL
NA = not analyzed
Table 7.2. Selected water quality parameters at upstream stations in Hewletts Creek
watershed, as mean (standard deviation) / range, fecal coliforms as geometric mean /
range, August 2006-July 2007; for PVGC-9, n = 6 months.
Salinity 13.9 (10.5) 20.8 (8.0) 0.2 (0.2) 0.1 (0.0)
(ppt) 0.6-32.6 6.2-34.2 0.1-0.9 0.1-0.1
Turbidity 13 (8) 12 (16) 7 (8) 14 (10)
(NTU) 3-30 3-21 2-29 3-28
DO 7.1 (2.2) 6.5 (2.0) 7.3 (1.0) 5.9 (1.9)
(mg/L) 4.0-10.7 3.9-9.6 6.0-9.4 3.5-9.1
Nitrate 0.056 (0.073) 0.028 (0.032) 0.047 (0.046) 0.440 (0.247)
(mg/L) 0.005-0.237 0.003-0.106 0.008-0.135 0.140-0.780
Ammonium 0.049 (0.052) 0.045 (0.037) 0.152 (0.386) 0.030 (0.013)
(mg/L) 0.001-0.206 0.010-0.114 0.016-1.376 0.010-0.050
Orthophosphate 0.063 (0.079) 0.041 (0.067) 0.124 (0.119) 0.011 (0.004)
(mg/L) 0.002-0.240 0.006-0.227 0.009-0.301 0.010-0.020
Mean N/P ratio 12.8 7.6 9.0 99
Median 5.4 6.3 14.7 113
Light attenuation NA NA NA NA
Chlor a 12.7 (15.3) 12.1 (14.1) 1.6 (1.7) 5.2 (3.7)
(µg/L) 0.5-46.4 0.5-48.1 0.2-6.0 1.1-10.2
Fecal coliforms NA NA NA 764
CFU/100 mL 235-2700
NA = not analyzed
Sewage Spill Investigations: Monthly fecal coliform bacteria samples were not collected
in the tidal areas of the creek in 2006-2007. However, there were two sewage spills
that occurred in November 2006 in upper middle Hewletts Creek. The first was a
655,000 gallon spill on November 19th, and the second was a 72,000 gallon spill on
November 25th, occurring from the Northeast Interceptor. The UNCW Aquatic Ecology
laboratory entered into a collaboration with the City of Wilmington to sample the creek.
UNCW collected field samples on eight occasions from November 20 – December 1,
and ran fecal coliform counts on November 20 and December 1. The City of
Wilmington ran fecal coliform counts in their laboratory on the other six occasions. The
results showed significant contamination from November 20 through November 25, with
particularly high fecal counts in the middle branch at MB-PGR and the south branch at
SB-PGR, as well as in the upper main creek body at HC-3 (Table 7.3). Contamination
lingered at least until December 1. Elevated counts also occurred at times in the north
branch at NB-GLR and as far downstream as HC-2 (Table 7.3).
Table 7.3. Fecal coliform bacteria counts in Hewletts Creek following the November 19
and November 25 sewage spills, data as colony-forming units (CFU)/100 mL). The
N.C. human contact standard for fecal coliform bacteria is 200 CFU/100 mL; the U.S.
shellfishing water standard is 14 CFU/100 mL.
Station 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/24 11/25 11/27 11/29 12/1
HC-2 13,143 868 8 9 7 1 121
HC-3 24,000 36,000 4,750 96 13 2 5 240
NB-GLR 6,950 4,700 4,000 12,857 5,250 310 300 315
MB-PGR 226,000 85,455 21,000 62,000 39,000 248 226 255
SB-PGR 22,150 48,000 10,000 3,500 1,322 66 86 730
Dobo Property: The New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Advisory Board, using funds
from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund, purchased a former
industrial area owned by the Dobo family in August 2002. This property was bought to
be used as a passive treatment facility for the improvement of non-point source runoff
drainage water before it enters Hewletts Creek. As such, the City of Wilmington is
contracted with outside consultants to create a wetland on the property for this
purpose. Baseline data were needed to assess water quality conditions before and
after the planned improvements. In January 2004 the UNCW Aquatic Ecology
Laboratory began sampling three inflowing creeks and the single outflowing creek (Fig.
7.2). DB-1 is a creek entering the southern side of the property adjacent to Brookview
Road. DB-2 is a small stream entering the property along Bethel Road. DB-3 is a
deeply-incised stream running along the northern edge of the property. DB-4 is the
outflowing stream, sampled at Aster Court. Construction of the wetland was ongoing
during the spring and summer sampling in 2007, so some sites were unreachable at
times. Hence, DB-1 was only sampled on three occasions, and DB-2 on only two
occasions in 2007.
In 2007 the nitrogen species were as high or higher exiting the site than entering, while
phosphorus was reduced exiting the site (Table 7.4). Dissolved oxygen was particularly
low only at DB-4, a considerable drop from the previous year (Mallin et al. 2007). Very
likely the construction activities accounted for this decrease. Turbidity was relatively
high entering the site at DB-1 and DB-3, but particularly high leaving the site at DB-4 (a
poor rating – Appendix B). Again, the high turbidity leaving the site was probably a
result of construction of the wetland. Suspended solids concentrations were also
periodically elevated at all of the sites. Fecal coliform bacteria counts were high at all
sites, particularly DB-1 and DB-4 (Table 7.4). It will likely take over a year post-
construction for reductions in parameter concentrations to become significant as growth
of the wetland vegetation occurs.
Table 7.4. Selected water quality parameters at non-tidal Dobo site stations in Hewletts
Creek watershed, as mean (standard deviation) / range, fecal coliforms as geometric
mean / range, January - September 2007. n = 7 for DB-3 and DB-4, 3 for DB-1, and 4
for DB-2.
Parameter DB-1 DB-2 DB-3 DB-4
Turbidity 23 (32) 9 (9) 22 (16) 41 (35)
(NTU) 0-60 0-5 0-50 12-109
TSS 35 (38) 16 (15) 14 (10) 17 (10)
mg/L 7-78 2-37 4-32 5-35
DO 4.6 (2.6) 7.5 (1.6) 4.7 (2.3) 3.7 (2.7)
(mg/L) 3.0-7.6 5.5-9.4 1.0-8.2 1.5-8.3
Nitrate 0.070 (0.060) 0.028 (0.035) 0.030 (0.031) 0.027 (0.029)
(mg/L) 0.010-0.130 0.010-0.060 0.010-0.080 0.010-0.070
Ammonium 1.117 (1.321) 0.173 (0.128) 0.347 (0.450) 0.359 (0.295)
(mg/L) 0.100-2.610 0.030-0.300 0.080-1.360 0.070-0.850
TN 3.030 (3.118) 0.903 (0.480) 1.273 (1.475) 1.284 (0.596)
(mg/L) 0.870-6.610 0.380-1.310 0.570-4.610 0.710-2.010
Orthophosphate 0.043 (0.015) 0.010 (0.000) 0.020 (0.014) 0.017 (0.013)
(mg/L) 0.030-0.060 0.010-0.010 0.010-0.040 0.010-0.040
TP 0.227 (0.229) 0.060 (0.035) 0.060 (0.016) 0.049 (0.030)
(mg/L) 0.080-0.490 0.030-0.110 0.040-0.080 0.010-0.080
Chlor a 4.5 (3.2) 40.5 (61.2) 3.8 (2.9) 5.4 (3.9)
(µg/L) 1.1-7.5 0.6-130.8 1.2-8.2 1.6-13.1
Fecal coliforms 977 266 292 855
CFU/100 mL 388-2200 41-1550 37-20,000 270-2700
8.0 Howe Creek Water Quality
Watershed area: 3,264 acres (1,321 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 19%
Watershed population: 4,224
Overall water quality: Fair
Problematic pollutants: Fecal coliform bacteria, some low dissolved oxygen
Howe Creek was sampled for physical parameters, nutrients, chlorophyll a, and fecal
coliform bacteria at five locations during 2006-2007 (HW-M, HW-FP, HW-GC, HW-GP
and HW-DT- Fig. 8.1). Turbidity was generally low and did not exceed the North
Carolina water quality standard of 25 NTU at any site (Table 8.1; Appendix B).
Dissolved oxygen concentrations were good to fair in Howe Creek, with HW-GP and
HW-DT each below the standard of 5.0 mg/L on three occasions (Appendix B). Nitrate
concentrations were low at the lower stations but increased upstream (Table 8.2).
Median inorganic molar N/P ratios were low, reflecting low nitrate levels, and indicating
that nitrogen was probably the principal nutrient limiting phytoplankton growth at all
stations. There was one major algal bloom of 37 µg/L as chlorophyll a at HW-DT.
Since wetland enhancement was performed in 1998 above Graham Pond the creek
below the pond at HW-GP has had fewer and smaller algal blooms than before the
enhancement (Fig. 8.2). Light attenuation showed generally clear water except for
elevated readings of 2.5-3.0/m at the upper stations in spring 2007 (Table 8.1).
Table 8.1. Water quality summary statistics for Howe Creek, August 2006-July 2007, as
mean (st. dev.) / range. Fecal coliform bacteria as geometric mean / range.
Salinity Diss. oxygen Turbidity Light Chlor a Fecal coliforms
(ppt) (mg/L) (NTU) (K/m) (µg/L) (CFU/100 mL)
HW-M 34.2 (1.8) 7.4 (1.4) 3 (3) 0.7 (0.1) 2.2 (1.2) 3
31.0-36.3 5.7-9.2 0-8 0.6-0.8 0.8-3.8 1-10
HW-FP 34.5 (1.8) 7.3 (1.5) 3 (3) 0.8 (0.1) 2.7 (2.9) 3
31.3-36.4 5.6-9.1 0-7 0.6-0.9 0.7-10.9 1-36
HW-GC 32.8 (3.6) 7.1 (1.8) 4 (3) 0.9 (0.4) 2.3 (2.0) 9
25.4-36.4 4.2-9.0 1-10 0.6-1.3 0.5-7.2 1-53
HW-GP 21.9 (11.2) 6.8 (2.0) 6 (6) 1.9 (0.5) 4.1 (4.1) 115
0.2-35.0 4.0-9.4 0-21 1.5-2.5 0.8-15.4 31-191
HW-DT 8.6 (9.4) 7.3 (2.1) 9 (6) 2.8 (0.3) 9.1 (10.5) 339
0.1-26.3 3.9-9.4 2-22 2.5-3.0 1.0-37.2 125-870
Figure 8.1. Howe Creek watershed and sampling sites.
Figure 8.2. Chlorophyll a concentrations (algal blooms) in Howe Creek below Graham Pond
before and after 1998 wetland enhancement in upper Graham Pond.
A u gust
January J un e
N ove m ber A pril
Septe m ber
F ebru ary J uly
D ece m ber M ay
O ctob er
M arch
A ug ust
Jan uary June
N ove m ber A pril
Se pte m ber
February July
D ece m b er M ay
O ctober
M arch
A u gust
Janu ary Ju ne
N ove m ber A pril
S epte m ber
February July
D ec e m ber M ay
a (
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
NC chlorophyll a standard for impaired waters
Table 8.2. Nutrient concentration summary statistics for Howe Creek, August 2006-July
2007, as mean (standard deviation) / range, N/P ratio as mean / median.
Nitrate Ammonium Orthophosphate Molar
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) N/P ratio
HW-M 0.005 (0.003) 0.009 (0.010) 0.008 (0.004) 6.6
0.002-0.011 0.001-0.039 0.002-0.014 4.4
HW-FP 0.009 (0.012) 0.009 (0.008) 0.007 (0.004) 9.2
0.003-0.042 0.001-0.026 0.001-0.015 4.8
HW-GC 0.006 (0.003) NA 0.009 (0.003) NA
0.001-0.010 0.005-0.014
HW-GP 0.011 (0.009) 0.026 (0.024) 0.018 (0.024) 10.0
0.004-0.034 0.001-0.079 0.001-0.081 4.9
HW-DT 0.028 (0.041) 0.020 (0.015) 0.027 (0.031) 6.1
0.003-0.114 0.001-0.047 0.005-0.093 4.6
NA = not analyzed
Fecal coliform bacterial abundances were low near the Intracoastal Waterway,
moderate in mid-creek, and high at the uppermost station (Table 8.1; Fig. 8.3). The
lower and middle sites did not exceed the North Carolina human contact standard on
any occasion, but counts at HW-DT exceeded the standard on seven of 12 occasions
(Appendix B). With the exception of HW-DT the 2006-2007 data showed improved
fecal coliform counts compared with 2005-2006 Howe Creek (Fig. 8.3).
Figure 8.3. Fecal coliform counts over time for three
Howe Creek stations, 1993-2007.
6001 993-19 9 4 1996-1997 1999-2000 2 0 01-200 2 2 00 2-200 3 2 00 3-200 4 2 00 4-200 5 2 005 -2 00 6 2 006 -2 00 7
NC recreational water
9.0 Motts Creek
Watershed area: 2,389 acres (967 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 14%
Watershed population: 4,800
Overall water quality: poor
Problematic pollutants: fecal coliform bacteria, low dissolved oxygen
Motts Creek drains into the Cape Fear River Estuary (Fig. 9.1), and the creek area near
River Road has been classified by the State of North Carolina as a Natural Heritage Site
because of the area’s biological attributes. These include the pure stand wetland
communities, including a well-developed sawgrass community and unusually large flats
dominated by Lilaeopsis chinensis and spider lily, with large cypress in the swamp
forest. Thus, it is important that these attributes should be protected from land and
water-disturbing activities. UNCW scientists sampled Motts Creek at the River Road
bridge (Fig. 9.1). A large residential development is under construction upstream of the
sampling site between Motts and Barnards Creeks. In recent years extensive
commercial development occurred along Carolina Beach Road near its junction with
Highway 421.
Dissolved oxygen concentrations were below 5.0 mg/L on four of seven samplings
(range 2.4-4.7 mg/L) similar to previous years (Mallin et al. 2003; 2004; 2006). Neither
turbidity nor suspended solids were problematic in 2007, likely a result of low rainfall.
Fecal coliform contamination was a problem in Motts Creek, with the geometric mean of
220 CFU/100 mL slightly above the State standard of 200 CFU/100 mL, but lower than
the previous year’s geometric mean of 660 CFU/100 mL (Appendix B). Total nitrogen,
ammonium, and total phosphorus levels were similar to the previous year’s study, and
chlorophyll a concentrations were not a problem, with only one minor algal bloom of 24
µg/L detected in June 2007 (Table 9.1). BOD5 was sampled on seven occasions in
2007, yielding a mean value of 1.5 mg/L and a median value of 1.6 mg/L, generally
similar to previous years (Mallin et al. 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007). Thus, this creek
showed mixed water quality, with algal blooms and BOD not problematic but low
dissolved oxygen and elevated fecal coliform counts a continuing problem.
Table 9.1. Selected water quality parameters at a station (MOT-RR) draining Motts
Creek watershed before entering the Cape Fear Estuary, as mean (standard deviation)
and range, January-September 2007. Fecal coliforms as geometric mean / range.
Parameter MOT-RR
Mean (SD) Range
Salinity (ppt) 10.5 (9.4) 0.5-22.8
TSS (mg/L) 12 (4.0) 7-19
Turbidity (NTU) 11 (3) 7-16
DO (mg/L) 5.5 (2.5) 2.4-8.7
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.133 (0.159) 0.010-0.480
Ammonium (mg/L) 0.058 (0.052) 0.005-0.160
Total nitrogen (mg/L) 1.766 (2.477) 0.430-7.340
Orthophosphate (mg/L) 0.019 (0.011) 0.010-0.030
Total phosphorus (mg/L) 0.070 (0.015) 0.050-0.090
Mean N/P ratio 33
Median 14
Chlor a (µg/L) 10.6 (7.1) 3.5-24.0
BOD5 (mg/L) 1.5 (0.5) 0.8-2.6
Fecal coliforms (CFU/100 mL) 220 30-2850
10.0 Pages Creek
Watershed area: 3,546 acres (1,435 ha) Impervious surface coverage: >13%
Watershed population: 4,600
Overall Water Quality: Fair
Problematic pollutants: Fecal coliform bacteria; low dissolved oxygen
Pages Creek was sampled at nine stations, two of which receive drainage from
developed areas near Bayshore Drive (PC-BDUS and PC-BDDS - Fig. 10.1). During
the past sample year turbidity was low with no incidents of turbidity exceeding the state
standard of 25 NTU (Table 10.1). However, there were several incidents of hypoxia
during summers of 2006 and 2007, with the upper stations affected more severely than
the main branch and creek mouth stations (Table 10.1; Appendix B). Fecal coliform
bacteria abundances were low in the creek mouth and lower main creek stations (Table
10.1). However, elevated fecal coliform counts occurred three times each at Stations
PC-BDDS and PC-H (in the upper creek), and twice at PC-BDUS. One pulse at PC-H
(June 2007) was attributable to a sewage leak from a county pump station. Nitrate and
orthophosphate concentrations were generally low, and phytoplankton biomass as
chlorophyll a was low with no significant algal blooms seen (Table 10.1). Median
inorganic nitrogen-to-phosphorus molar ratios were at or below 16, indicating that
phytoplankton growth in this creek is probably nitrogen limited. Because of the
relatively low watershed development and low amount of impervious surface coverage
in the watershed (Mallin et al. 1998a; 2000b), this is one of the least-polluted creeks in
New Hanover County. However, the problems with fecal coliform bacteria
contamination and low dissolved oxygen were greater in 2006-2007 than the last time
all nine stations were sampled, which was 2000-2001 (Mallin et al. 2002).
Table 10.1. Selected water quality parameters in Pages Creek as mean (standard
deviation) / range, August 2006-July 2007. Fecal coliforms as geomean/range.
Parameter Salinity Dissolved oxygen Turbidity Light Atten. Fecal colif.
PC-M 34.3+2.0 7.1+1.9 5+4 1.1+0.7 3
30.6-36.8 4.2-9.4 0-11 0.6-2.4 1-22
PC-OL 34.5+1.8 6.9+1.9 4+4 0.8+0.3 3
30.6-36.7 3.8-9.4 0-12 0.4-1.1 1-12
PC-CON 34.4+1.9 7.0+1.8 5+4 0.8+0.2 2
30.7-37.0 4.5-9.5 0-11 0.6-1.2 1-12
PC-OP 33.2+2.5 6.8+2.1 6+5 1.3+0.6 8
29.3-36.6 3.2-9.7 0-14 0.6-2.0 2-19
PC-LD 34.2+2.0 7.0+1.8 5+4 0.9+0.2 6
30.5-36.8 4.1-9.4 0-12 0.6-1.1 6-19
PC-BDDS 31.8+4.2 6.6+2.1 6+5 1.4+0.3 131
22.7-36.3 3.3-9.4 0-14 1.0-1.7 29-1040
PC-WB 31.5+2.9 6.5+2.0 7+5 NA 37
28.0-36.0 3.3-9.5 1-14 5-360
PC-BDUS 26.7+8.1 5.9+2.2 9+7 NA 98
11.0-36.0 2.4-8.9 1-25 21-1536
PC-H 30.7+3.8 6.2+2.4 7+6 NA 94
24.9-36.5 2.2-9.8 1-17 21-909
Table 10.2. Selected water quality parameters in Pages Creek as mean (standard
deviation) / range, August 2006-July 2007. Inorganic N/P as mean/median.
Parameter Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate N/P Chlorophyll a
PC-M 16.4+31.9 17.4+10.1 19.2+39.0 3.4 2.6+1.9
1.5-106.9 4.7-34.6 1.0-129.6 1.7 0.4-5.7
PC-OL 5.0+2.8 NA 6.1+3.9 2.5+2.4
1.0-9.3 0.4-11.4 0.3-7.7
PC-CON 6.6+6.5 NA 12.3+10.3 2.0+1.6
1.0-22.4 5.5-38.9 0.2-5.5
PC-OP 7.1+3.4 NA 11.0=10.1 2.5+2.3
1.9-11.9 1.0-33.8 0.2-7.5
PC-LD 9.1+4.4 NA 12.3+8.7 2.4+2.0
0.2-15.0 3.3-32.9 0.2-6.0
PC-BDDS 13.7+16.3 29.9+18.9 11.8+4.5 8.8 5.0+5.3
3.9-59.2 2.3-59.1 6.0-21.8 7.8 0.3-17.9
PC-WB 8.8+6.6 NA 9.4+7.3 3.5+3.2
1.8-24.6 0.5-20.3 0.4-9.0
PC-BDUS 15.4+11.4 79.1+31.4 15.5+9.2 17.4 3.2-2.7
3.3-37.3 24.6-138.7 3.1-32.1 14.7 0.5-8.5
PC-H 11.1+9.8 43.7+43.5 12.7+6.7 4.6+4.7
3.1-36.2 1.0-157.3 1.0-22.0 0.5-11.3
NA = not analyzed
Figure 10.1. Pages Creek watershed and sampling sites.
11.0 Smith Creek
Watershed area: 2,880 acres (1,166 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 28%
Watershed population: 25,904
Overall water quality: Poor
Problematic pollutants: Fecal coliform bacteria, low dissolved oxygen, algal blooms
Smith Creek drains into the lower Northeast Cape Fear River just before it joins with the
mainstem Cape Fear River at Wilmington (Fig. 11.1). Two estuarine sites on Smith
Creek, SC-23 and SC-CH (Fig. 11.1) were sampled in 2007. Dissolved oxygen
concentrations were below 5.0 mg/L on three occasions at SC-23 and four occasions at
SC-CH between June and September 2007, with the lowest value was 3.2 mg/L. The
North Carolina turbidity standard for estuarine waters (25 NTU) was only exceeded
once at both sites during the 2007 sampling, in July. Suspended solids concentrations
in Smith Creek were comparatively moderate in the Wilmington watersheds system.
Nutrient concentrations remained similar to last year's levels (Table 11.1). A massive
algal bloom well exceeding the State standard was found in 2007, a value of 187 µg/L
chlorophyll a at SC-23 in June. Lesser algal blooms of 36 and 39 µg/L of chlorophyll a
occurred at SC-23 in May and August, and blooms of 36 and 28 µg/L occurred in May
and June at SC-CH. Fecal coliform bacteria concentrations were above 200 CFU/100
mL on two occasions at SC-CH, but on five occasions at SC-23, a deterioration from the
last two years (Mallin et al. 2006; 2007) and all months tested well above the
shellfishing standard (14 CFU/100 mL) in the estuarine portion of the creek (Table
11.1). BOD5 was sampled on seven occasions in 2007 at SC-CH, with a mean value of
1.2 mg/L and a median value of 0.8 mg/L, similar to last year.
Table 11.1. Selected water quality parameters in Smith Creek watershed as mean
(standard deviation) / range. January - September 2007.
Parameter SC-23 SC-CH
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range
Salinity (ppt) 5.7 (5.2) 0.1-13.3 10.1 (8.6) 0.2-21.6
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 6.2 (2.4) 3.2-9.7 5.7 (2.3) 3.6-9.4
Turbidity (NTU) 13 (6) 9-26 14 (7) 8-29
TSS (mg/L) 14 (6) 10-27 14 (6) 4-24
Nitrate (mg/L) 0.139 (0.132) 0.010-0.380 0.313 (0.159) 0.010-0.480
Ammonium (mg/L) 0.039 (0.039) 0.005-0.110 0.033 (0.028) 0.010-0.090
Total nitrogen (mg/L) 0.817 (0.126) 0.580-0.960 0.989 (0.261) 0.750-1.470
Orthophosphate (mg/L) 0.021 (0.012) 0.010-0.040 0.033 (0.017) 0.010-0.050
Total phosphorus (mg/L) 0.150 (0.196) 0.050-0.590 0.111 (0.047) 0.070-0.210
Mean N/P ratio 22 27
Median 18 18
Chlor. a (µg/L) 45.6 (63.8) 1.8-187.4 13.4 (13.5) 1.2-36.2
Fecal col. /100 mL 408 84-2200 118 45-410
(geomean / range)
BOD5 (mg/L) NA NA 1.2 (1.0) 0.3-2.8
NA = not analyzed
12.0 Whiskey Creek
Watershed area: 1,344 acres (544 ha) Impervious surface coverage: 19%
Watershed population: 7,107
Overall water Quality: Good
Problematic pollutants: Fecal bacteria in headwater stations
Whiskey Creek drains into the ICW. Sampling of this creek began in August 1999, at
five stations. One station was dropped due to access issues in 2005; thus four stations
were sampled in 2006-2007; WC-M (at the marina near the creek mouth), WC-MLR
(from the bridge at Masonboro Loop Road), WC-SB (in fresh to oligohaline water along
the south branch at Hedgerow Lane), and WC-NB (in fresh to oligohaline water along
the north branch at Navajo Trail – Fig. 12.1). Dissolved oxygen concentrations were
below the State standard on two of 12 occasions at WC-MB, with below standard
readings on only one occasion each at WC-MLR and WC-SB (Table 12.1). Turbidity
was within state standards for tidal waters on all sampling occasions (Table 12.1;
Appendix B). Algal blooms are rare in this creek; there was one bloom of 33 µg/L at
WC-MLR in August 2006 (Table 12.1). Nitrate concentrations were highest upstream at
WC-NB, with little difference among the other sites (Table 12.2) and concentrations in
general were lower than in to previous years – likely a result of drought and low runoff.
Ammonium levels were highest at WC-NB and WC-SB, and these levels were among
the highest of all the tidal creek stations sampled. Phosphate concentrations were
highest at WC-NB, followed by WC-SB; phosphate in general increased from the
previous year of sampling. The N/P ratios were lower than previous years, again owing
to drought, low runoff and nitrate, and somewhat elevated phosphate. Phosphate,
ammonium and nitrate at WC-MB were highest among all creek mouth stations in the
tidal creek system (there is a marina at the creek mouth which may have contributed).
Fecal coliform bacteria were not sampled in 2006-2007. Whiskey Creek is presently
closed to shellfishing by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries
Table 12.1. Water quality summary statistics for Whiskey Creek, August 2006-July
2007, presented as mean (standard deviation) / range.
Salinity Dissolved oxygen Turbidity Chlor a Light attenuation
(ppt) (mg/L) (NTU) (µg/L) (k/m)
WC-MB 31.8 (2.4) 7.0 (1.6) 6 (3) 2.1 (1.4) 1.1 (0.4)
28.4-35.7 4.0-9.2 2-12 0.1-4.7 0.8-1.3
WC-MLR 26.1 (4.4) 7.0 (2.0) 8 (3) 6.4 (8.8) NA
18.5-34.1 2.4-9.3 4-14 0.4-32.5 NA
WC-SB 0.1 (0.0) 7.5 (1.3) 6 (4) 2.9 (4.3) NA
0.1-1.2 4.6-9.2 1-15 0.1-12.8 NA
WC-NB 0.2 (0.1) 7.0 (1.6) 6 (4) 0.6 (0.8) NA
0.1-0.2 5.0-9.6 1-15 0.1-2.9 NA
NA = not analyzed
Table 12.2. Nutrient concentration summary statistics for Whiskey Creek, August 2006-
July 2007, as mean (standard deviation) / range, N/P ratio as mean / median.
Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate Molar N/P ratio
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
WC-MB 0.015 (0.004) 0.029 (0.016) 0.016 (0.016) 9.1
0.009-0.020 0.001-0.057 0.005-0.054 7.4
WC-MLR 0.019 (0.009) 0.037 (0.028) 0.014 (0.010) 10.6
0.007-0.031 0.006-0.096 0.003-0.032 9.7
WC-SB 0.018 (0.025) 0.132 (0.057) 0.028 (0.024) 838.7
0.001-0.061 0.073-0.260 0.001-0.069 11.3
WC-NB 0.044 (0.066) 0.169 (0.074) 0.073 (0.069) 110.1
0.001-0.158 0.061-0.295 0.001-0.189 4.8
NA = not analyzed
Figure 12.1. Whiskey Creek. Watershed and sampling sites.
13.0 Testing Optical Brighteners and Fecal Coliforms to Detect
Sewage Leaks in Tidal Creeks
Mary Tavares1, Mary I.H. Spivey2, Matthew R. McIver2 and Michael A. Mallin2
1Department of Environmental Studies
2Center for Marine Sciences
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Three New Hanover County, North Carolina, tidal creeks were sampled for the
presence of optical brighteners and fecal coliform bacteria. Optical brighteners,
compounds added to nearly all modern laundry detergents, adhere to fabric and absorb
and emit light, countering the yellowing appearance of whites and making other colors
appear brighter. The presence of optical brighteners in water bodies may indicate
pollution from septic and/or sewer line leaks. When coupled with fecal bacteria
sampling, testing for optical brighteners may strengthen identification of human fecal
contamination. Samples were collected from Futch, Hewlett's and Bradley Creeks for
three months in the fall of 2007. Optical brighteners were analyzed using a fluorometer
that was calibrated to filter out background fluorescence from organic matter. Fecal
bacteria were analyzed using a membrane filtration (mFC) method. Statistical analyses
found a significant relationship between the abundance of fecal coliform bacteria and
the mean optical brightener readings at Hewletts Creek and Bradley Creek, but not at
Futch Creek. These results suggest that fecal coliform bacterial contamination in
Hewletts and Bradley Creeks in fall 2007 was at least in part derived from human
sewage or septic system leakage. Hewletts Creek suffered from several sewage spills
in 2005 and 2006, and Bradley Creek had a sewage spill in 2007. The lack of a
significant statistical relationship between fecal bacteria and optical brighteners in Futch
Creek suggests that human sewage is not significantly contaminating the creek. Futch
Creek is on septic systems and previous testing found the local septic systems
functioning properly. Thus, simultaneous testing for fecal bacteria and optical
brighteners can be a viable procedure for use in detecting human-sourced fecal bacteria
in water bodies.
Tidal creek ecosystems are abundant along the Atlantic Seaboard of the United States
from New Jersey to Florida, as well as along the Gulf Coast. The four southernmost
coastal counties in North Carolina (Onslow, Pender, New Hanover, and Brunswick)
contain at least 73 tidal creeks that are second-order or larger (Mallin and Lewitus
2004). Many tidal creeks in southeastern North Carolina are currently or rapidly
becoming urbanized by housing, marinas, shopping malls, and golf courses. This
urbanization is due to both an increase in population (Mallin et al. 2000a) and the
increase in tourism (USEPA 1992) that have occurred in North Carolina in recent years.
Unfortunately, development along tidal creeks often leads to degraded water quality
along with increased human health risk. While human development has been on the
rise in New Hanover County, shellfishing areas have progressively been closed to
harvest due to elevated fecal coliform bacterial counts (Mallin et al. 1998). Pathogenic
enteric bacteria may be sourced from the excrement of humans or animals (Dadswell
1993) and contaminated water can cause human illness or death by means of direct
contact or consumption of shellfish (USFDA 1995). One indicator for estimating fecal
pathogenic bacteria presence is the abundance of fecal coliform bacteria (Dadswell
1993, Ford and Colwell 1996, Rees et al. 1998). The North Carolina Water Quality
standard for fecal coliform counts is 200 CFU/100mL (human contact waters) and 14
CFU/100 mL (shell fishing waters), with no more than 10% of the samples exceeding 43
CFU/100mL (USFDA 1995; NCDEHNR 1996). Two potential pathways by which fecal
coliform bacteria can enter a tidal creek are via runoff and sewer or septic system leaks.
In regards to runoff, an analysis of demographic and land use factors indicated a strong
relationship between the percentage of impervious surface in a watershed and the
mean estuarine fecal coliform abundance of the estuarine waters (Mallin et al. 2000b).
The same study indicated that degraded water occurs when a watershed contains
>20% impervious surface. Likewise, impaired microbiological water quality occurs in
areas >10% impervious surface, while acceptable microbiological water quality occurs
at <10% It is possible to decrease water quality degradation and human health risks
through changes in development practices and land use planning, however, these
environmentally sound land use practices have yet to be used on a large scale basis.
Leaks from septic systems or sewer lines represent another pollution source that can
negatively affect microbiological water quality in local tidal creeks. Both Bradley Creek
and Hewlett’s Creeks have suffered several significant sewage spills since 2005. Failing
septic systems may also present a pollution source within watersheds as some 1215
New Hanover County residents still use septic systems as opposed to sewer (personal
correspondence, Catherine Timpy, New Hanover County Health Department). Pollution
from a point source such as a sewer line or septic system is easier to both trace and
eliminate, while non-point sources caused by development and poor land use planning
are more challenging. As development continues, additional measures for detecting
fecal coliform bacteria in these waterways must be added in an effort to protect public
health. Testing for optical brighteners may prove to be a relatively inexpensive and
effective way to locate and address sites of sewer line and septic systems leaks.
Optical brighteners, compounds added to laundry detergents, adsorb to clothing and
form a light reflective layer creating the appearance of whiter whites and brighter colors.
These compounds are excited by light in the near UV range (360-365nm) and emit light
in the blue range (400-440nm). After light absorbtion, fluorescence is given off during
the second excited state and can be measured by a fluorometer. In the United States,
97% of all laundry detergents contain one or both of two types of fluorescent whitening
agents; FWA-1 also called DAS1 or FB-28, or FWA-2 referred to as DSBP or Tinopal
CBS-X. Both compounds have been determined as safe for primary consumers. Aside
from laundry detergents, optical brighteners are also added to textiles, plastics,
synthetic fibers, and many kinds of paper. Other uses include medical, chemical, and
petroleum applications (Hagedorn et al. 2005a).
Since household plumbing systems combine wastewater from toilets and washing
machines, the presence of optical brighteners and fecal coliform bacteria in a waterway
may indicate an input of human origin. Detection of both fecal coliform bacteria and
optical brightener contamination suggests one of four scenarios (Table 1).
Fecal bacteria Optical brightener Probable cause
High High Sewer pipe leak or failing
septic system
High Low Other warm-blooded
mammal source or
human waste from
another source or
Low High Gray water in storm
water system
Low Low Background fluorescence
of insignificant
Table 1. Probable cause for combined fecal coliform and optical brightener
contamination. Any fecal coliform number that exceeds the state standard of 200
CFU/mL is considered high (modified from, Hartel et al. 2007a).
Outflow from wastewater treatment plants should neither contain optical brighteners nor
fecal coliform bacteria; both are destroyed at the plant by decontamination procedures
such as chlorination or UV light. Although it is generally known that optical brighteners
biodegrade at a relatively slow rate, studies conflict on their photo-decay rates. One
study indicated that optical brighteners photo-decay and biodegrade at relatively slow
rates allowing them to be present in a waterway long enough to be detected (URS Co.
2004). Alternatively, optical brighteners have displayed photo-decay in a matter of hours
when exposed to UV light (Kramer et al. 1996). Although laundry facilities are not
present in every location that uses a sanitary sewer or septic system, detection of
optical brighteners is still possible due to their presence in many soaps and almost all
brands of toilet paper.
There are currently several methods for detecting optical brighteners in waterways. The
first method involves placing cotton pads in waterways (typically smaller streams or
creeks), and allowing them to adsorb optical brighteners over a period of time. After
collection, the pads are dried and then exposed to UV light. The pad will fluoresce if
optical brighteners are present. This method is both inexpensive and simple, yet yields
low sensitivity (Sargent and Castonguay, 1998). The next approach is high performance
liquid chromatography; a method which offers an instrument of high sensitivity, yet is
expensive and requires a trained technician (Shu and Ding, 2005). The final approach is
to use a fluorometer, an instrument that offers ease of use, moderate expense, and high
sensitivity (Hagedorn et al. 2005b). Due to its formerly stated benefits, the fluormeter
was the instrument of choice for our research.
The methodology for detecting optical brighteners in New Hanover County tidal creeks
was based on Hartel et al, (2007a), and Hartel et al, (2007b). Optical brightener
samples were collected monthly at or near high tide. Bradley and Hewletts Creek were
sampled from shore, while Futch samples were taken by boat. Sampling at Futch Creek
during the month of November was performed by Coastal Planning and Engineering of
North Carolina, Inc. Optical brightener samples were collected by filling Nalgene 125mL
opaque collection bottles 10 cm below the surface facing into the stream. Collection
bottles were acid washed and triple rinsed before sampling. Samples were refrigerated
in the dark at 8º C and read within 8 days. Fecal coliform samples were collected by
filling pre-autoclaved containers ca. 10 cm below the surface, facing into the stream.
Samples were stored on ice and processed within six hours. Fecal coliform
concentrations were determined using a membrane filtration (mFC) method (APHA
1995). At each site, data were collected for temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen,
conductivity, pH, and turbidity using a YSI 6920 (YSI, Incorporated, Cincinnati, OH).
Fluorometry was performed with a laboratory fluorometer (Model 10-AU-000, Turner
Designs, Sunnyvale, California). A kit was added to the fluorometer that included a lamp
(10-049) emitting near UV light at 310-390 nm, an excitiation filter (10-069R) for the
300-400nm light range, and a 436 nm emission filter was added to decrease
background fluorescence from dissolved organic compounds (Hartel 2007a). A standard
curve was created using serial dilutions from 100 mg of Tide (Procter and Gamble,
Cincinnati, Ohio) in one liter of deionized water. Tide is a commonly used laundry
detergent known to contain optical brighteners. When the fluorometer was adjusted to
an 80% sensitivity scale, the fluorometric value of 100 was equal to 100mg of Tide in 1
L of deionized water. The standard curve demonstrated that there was a linear
relationship between the fluorometric response and detergent-sourced optical
brighteners up to a reading of 100. Following field collections, each field sample was
read on the fluorometer in triplicate at room temperature after 10 seconds to minimize
degradation of optical brighteners by UV light (Hartel 2007b).
After all data sets were recorded, exploratory data analyses including regression and
correlation, were performed and scatter plots were constructed to determine if
significant relationships existed between optical brightener readings and fecal coliform
bacteria counts. Data were analyzed as a whole as well as by individual creek. Data
were normalized by log-transformation before statistical analyses. If a significant
relationship was found between fecal bacteria counts and optical brightener presence it
is likely that both were derived from the same human source(s) (Table 1).
Site Descriptions
Bradley Creek, Hewletts Creek, and Futch Creek are three tidal creeks which have
been monitored since 1993 by researchers at UNC Wilmington’s Aquatic Ecology
Laboratory. Each of the three creeks has a salinity gradient between 35 ppt, where they
meet the ICW, to fresh water 3-5 km upstream. Past data have indicated a strong
inverse relationship between fecal coliform counts and salinity in area tidal creeks. This
relationship is thought to be due to decreased coliform survival in higher salinity waters,
increased flushing near the ICW and headwaters being closer to pollution sources
(Mallin et al. 2000a). Primary marsh vegetation is black needlerush (Juncus
roemerianus) in the oligohaline areas, and marsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) in the
mesohaline to polyhaline areas. The three creeks were chosen due to their watershed
population and land use factors. Out of five tidal creeks in New Hanover County, the
Bradley and Hewletts Creek watersheds are ranked first and second for population
density, developed land and percentage of impervious cover, while Futch Creek is
ranked fifth. Again, the amount of developed land in a watershed, namely the
percentage of impervious surface in a watershed, has a strong negative influence on
the receiving waterways bacteriological water quality.
a. Bradley Creek
The Bradley Creek watershed is the largest in the area and drains into the Atlantic
Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). This watershed includes a large section of the UNC
Wilmington campus. Several areas of development along Bradley Creek present
considerable concern to water quality; one of these being the former Duck Haven
property on Eastwood Road. In the past, the Bradley Creek watershed has been a
location for Clean Water Management Trust Fund mitigation activities, including New
Hanover County’s purchase and restoration of Airlie Gardens. In terms of fecal bacteria,
Bradley Creek is considered one of the most polluted creeks in the county. It was first
closed to shellfishing in 1947, and among the county’s five tidal creeks, it contains the
highest population (13,657), percentage of developed land (77.8), and percentage of
impervious cover (21.9) (Mallin et al. 2000a). Seven stations, including both fresh and
brackish sites were sampled from shore for fecal coliform bacteria during the 2005-2006
report year, with five of the seven stations impacted by significant fecal bacteria
pollution. At stations BC-SB, BC-SBU, BC-NB and BC-CR fecal coliform counts
exceeded the state standard of 200 CFU/100mL for human contact waters on 33% of
the sampling occasions. At Station BC-CA fecal coliform counts exceeded the state
standard at an 86% exceedence rate (Mallin et al. 2007a). A recent study also
performed at the UNCW’s Aquatic Ecology Lab indicated human sourced fecal bacteria
in water samples taken at station BC-NBU in both July and August 2006, and at station
BC-SB in June 2006 (Spivey et al. unpublished).
b. Hewletts Creek
Hewletts Creek drains into the ICW and consists of both tidal and freshwater sites.
During the 2005-2006 year, fecal coliform samples were only taken at the five non-tidal
freshwater sites. Fecal coliform bacteria counts tested high at each freshwater site,
particularly at PVGC-9, a site draining Pine Valley Country Club. Counts at this site
exceeded the State standard 71% of the time and had a geometric mean of 530
CFU/100ml. A special sampling was ordered for the tidal portions of Hewletts Creek
after a substantial sewage leak occurred on or around February 27, 2006. On the official
day of the spill, fecal coliform counts were 20,000 CFU/100mL at MB-PGR. Samples
taken on March 2 reported counts of 4,000, 2,580 and 2,200 at NB-GLR, MB-PGR and
SB-PGR, respectively, along with counts of 41 CFU/100mL at HC-NWB and 4 CFU/100
mL at HC-M (Mallin et al. 2007a). Unfortunately, less than a year before, July 1, 2005, a
3,000,000 gallon (11,355,000 L), sewage spill occurred at station MB-PGR. The spill
resulted in extremely high fecal bacteria concentrations in the creek (maximum of
270,000 CFU/100mL), leading to high biochemical oxygen demand causing hypoxia and
a large fish kill (Mallin et al. 2007b). Subsequent testing indicated the presence of high
concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria present in the sediments. This finding
suggested the necessity for sediment sampling following sewage spills. Overall,
Hewletts Creek at times has exhibited high fecal coliform bacterial counts in all sites,
including both fresh and saltwater creek areas. A recent study performed at the
UNCW’s Aquatic Ecology Lab indicated human sourced fecal bacteria in water samples
taken at station NB-GLR in both June and July of 2006 (Spivey et al. unpublished).
c. Futch Creek
Futch Creek drains into the ICW and is located on the New Hanover-Pender County
line. The Futch Creek watershed contains the lowest population (2108), development
(42.9%) and impervious surface (6.9%) when compared to both Bradley and Hewletts
as well as the other two tidal creeks in the county (Howe, Pages)(Mallin et al. 2000a).
In an effort to reduce fecal coliform bacterial concentrations by increasing circulation
from the ICW, two channels were dredged at the mouth of Futch Creek during 1995 and
1996. The results of this project included a significant increase in salinity in the creek
and significantly lower fecal counts which allowed the lower creek to be reopened for
shellfishing (Mallin et al. 2000c). Six stations were sampled by boat during the 2005-
2006 year. Three stations at the lower and middle creek (F-4, F-5, and F-8) were in
good condition due to fecal bacterial counts testing below both the state standard of 200
CFU/mL for human contact waters as well as the 14 CFU/mL shellfishing standard. The
Foy branch station (FOY) displayed higher counts yet still stayed below the state
standard for human contact waters. The upper stations, (FC-17, FC-13), had elevated
counts with five out of twelve occurrences of fecal coliform counts exceeding the state
standard for human contact waters at FC-17. Although the fecal bacterial
concentrations in the upper two stations are lower than they were prior to the dredging
project, they have increased since the 2004-2005 year. Generally speaking, Futch
Creek maintains good water quality when compared to other tidal creeks in the county.
Unfortunately, microbiological water quality in the upper portion of the creek is showing
signs of degradation (Mallin et al. 2007a). A recent study performed at the UNCW’s
Aquatic Ecology Lab indicated human sourced fecal bacteria in water samples taken at
FC-17 in June of 2006 (Spivey et al. unpublished).
a. Bradley Creek
Optical brightener samples taken at Bradley Creek in September showed a fluorometric
range of 7.1-26.5 with three stations (upper north and south branches) yielding > 23
(Table 2). Fecal coliform counts ranged from 1-745 CFU per 100 mL with two stations
exceeding the state standard for contact waters. October fluorometric and fecal coliform
readings ranged between 4.1 and 17.3 and 4 and 1100 CFU per 100 mL, respectively
(Table 2). Station BC-SBU was not sampled during this month due to lack of water.
November optical brightener readings ranged from 2.8-24.7 while fecal coliform counts
fell between 13 and 169 CFU per 100mL (Table 2). The highest average for optical
brightener readings was found in September, while the highest fecal coliform counts
occurred in October. The October fecal coliform count of 1100 CFU per 100mL was
considered to be an outlier and removed from the data set when statistical analyses
were performed. The Pearson’s Product Moment analysis determined a correlation
coefficient R of 0.696 with probability (p) value of 0.003. Therefore, a significant
relationship between optical brightener numbers and fecal coliform bacteria at Bradley
Creek was found (Figure 1). A sewage spill occurred in July 2007 in the north branch of
Bradley Creek; elevated OB concentrations were seen there in fall 2007 (Table 2).
Table 2. Bradley Creek fecal coliform (FC) and optical brighteners (OB) data. Fecal
coliform as CFU /100ml, OB as a mean of three readings.
Date Site FC OB Stdev
9/21/2007 BC-76 17.10.1
10/16/2007 BC-76 44.10.1
11/27/2007 BC-76 132.80.1
9/21/2007 BC-CR 36012.60.2
10/16/2007 BC-CR 11008.20.2
11/27/2007 BC-CR 4811.00.2
9/21/2007 BC-NB 14723.50.1
10/16/2007 BC-NB 54.90.1
11/27/2007 BC-NB 604.40.1
9/21/2007 BC-NBU 18023.90.2
10/16/2007 BC-NBU 7017.30.3
11/27/2007 BC-NBU 16921.30.2
9/21/2007 BC-SB 4327.00.1
10/16/2007 BC-SB 16611.70.1
11/27/2007 BC-SB 5813.10.1
9/21/2007 BC-SBU 74526.50.5
11/27/2007 BC-SBU 8524.70.6
Figure 1. Scatter plot displaying the positive relationship between optical brighteners
and fecal coliform bacteria at Bradley Creek (log transformed data).
b. Hewletts Creek
Samples taken at Hewletts Creek during the month of September showed fluorometric
values between 2.3 and 25.7 and a fecal coliform range between 4 and 940 CFU per
100 mL with both measurements being the highest out of the three months tested
(Table 3). For October, values tested between 2.9 and 25.3 for optical brighteners and
4-940 CFU per 100 mL for fecal coliforms (Table 3). Finally, November fluorometric
values ranged between 1.8 and 20.1, while fecal coliforms exhibited 4-427 CFU per 100
mL. The Pearson’s Product Moment correlation analysis found a correlation coefficient
R of 0.8837 with a critical p value of 0.0001, determining that a significant relationship
existed between optical brightener values and fecal coliform bacteria at Hewletts Creek
during the time of our study. Regression analysis (Figure 2) indicated that
approximately 78% of the variability in fecal coliform counts could be explained by the
presence of optical brighteners, indicating human sources of contamination were likely
(Figure 2). The middle branch of Hewletts Creek (MB-PGR) is where the greatest
impact of the sewage spills occurred and repair work continued through the fall and
winter; the OB concentrations were highest there as well (Table 3).
Table 3. Hewletts Creek fecal coliform (FC) and optical brightener (OB) data. Fecal
coliform as CFU/ 100ml, OB as the mean of three readings.
Date Site FC OB Stdev
9/13/2007 HC-2 22.30.1
10/15/2007 HC-2 242.90.1
11/25/2007 HC-2 41.80.1
9/13/2007 HC-3 133.20.1
10/15/2007 HC-3 43.50.1
11/25/2007 HC-3 112.20.1
9/13/2007 MB-PGR 111525.70.5
10/15/2007 MB-PGR 94025.30.2
11/25/2007 MB-PGR 14520.10.2
9/13/2007 NB-GLR 37512.70.1
10/15/2007 NB-GLR 457.60.1
11/25/2007 NB-GLR 4277.50.1
9/13/2007 SB-PGR 1059.00.1
10/15/2007 SB-PGR 115.80
11/25/2007 SB-PGR 1696.20.1
Figure 2. Scatter plot displays the positive relationship between optical brighteners and
fecal coliform bacteria at Hewletts Creek (log transformed data).
c. Futch Creek
Samples taken at Futch Creek during the month of September showed low fluorometric
values (< 6.4 units). Fecal results ranged between 7 and 135 CFU per 100 mL (Table
4), with the highest value recorded at uppermost station (FC-17). All fecal readings
tested within the State standard for contact waters with only one (FC-17) exceeding the
state standard for shellfishing. In October, both measures were low (2-3.4) for
fluorometric values, and (0-9 CFU per 100 mL) for fecal coliforms (Table 4). In
November the fluorometric values were consistent with previous months, however, the
fecal data exhibited a surprising contrast at 3800-7000 CFU per 100 mL (Table 4). One
possible explanation for the high fecal numbers may be that the first recordable rain
event (0.35 inches) in 2.5 weeks occurred within 24 hours of the sampling. Site FC-17 is
no longer sampled under the current tidal creeks program and therefore no data are
available for that site during the month of November. The Pearson’s Product Moment
correlation coefficient R was -0.073 and the critical p value was 0.843, therefore
meaning that no significant relationship was found between optical brighteners and fecal
coliform bacteria at Futch Creek during the time of our study (Figure 3)
Figure 3. Scatter plot displaying the non-significant relationship between optical
brightener values and fecal coliform bacteria at Futch Creek (log transformed data).
Table 2. Futch Creek fecal coliform (FC) and optical brightener (OB) data. Fecal
coliform as CFU/ 100ml, OB as mean of three readings.
Date Site FC OB Stdev
9/13/2007 FC-13 945.50
7 FC-13 12.60.1
7 FC-13 44002.00
9/13/2007 FC-17 1356.40.1
7 FC-17 93.40
9/13/2007 FC-4 73.00.1
7 FC-4 22.00
7 FC-4 38003.20.1
9/13/2007 FC-6 563.20.1
7 FC-6 32.30
7 FC-6 64002.20.1
9/13/2007 FC-8 173.30.1
7 FC-8 02.50.1
7 FC-8 48002.30
9/13/2007 FOY 244.40
7 FOY 42.80.0
7 FOY 7000 2.50.1
d. all Data Combined
A correlation analysis was performed on the entire data set yielding a correlation
coefficient R of 0.324348 at a critical p value of 0.0248 indicating that there was a
significant correlation between overall optical brighteners and fecal coliform bacteria
within the three combined creeks. A scatter plot and regression analysis showed a
significant but weak relationship between the combined data sets (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Scatter plot of optical brightener values vs. fecal coliform bacteria when data
from all three creeks were combined.
The results found at Hewletts Creek and Bradley Creek indicate that the methodology
used in this study could be a viable means for locating and measuring human fecal
contamination in this region in the future. Hewletts Creek has suffered several sewage
spills over the last three years and construction is currently underway on the adjacent
sewer line. A past study performed after a major sewage spill in 2005 indicated that
fecal and enterococcus bacteria counts will persist in the sediments longer than formerly
believed (Mallin et al. 2007b) while optical brighteners degrade slowly if not exposed to
UV light. Therefore it is possible that the optical brighteners detected at Hewletts Creek
could be sourced from either past or current sewer line leaks.
Several sites at Bradley Creek displayed higher optical brightener values alongside
higher counts of fecal coliform bacteria, particularly in the upper north and south
branches upstream of Wrightsville Avenue. Although sewage spills have occurred in
Bradley Creek over the past few years, non-point source surface run-off had been
assumed to be the main source of fecal coliform bacteria presence in this creek. This
was due to the high percentage of developed land and impervious cover in the
watershed (Mallin et al. 2000b). However, the OB data indicate that sewage or septic
system leaks may also be likely sources of fecal bacteria to the creek.
Fluorometric values found at Futch Creek were consistently low each month, with high
fecal counts occurring only after a rain event. Our data implies a low likelihood of
significant amounts of human sourced fecal bacteria with past data supporting this
theory. The septic systems used by Futch Creek residents were examined during a
study on the effects of dredging (Mallin et al. 2000c); no infrastructure problems were
found at that time. The fecal bacteria found in Futch Creek are most likely coming from
the high population of wildlife that reside there.
Optical brighteners are not the only chemicals, synthetic or man-made, that fluoresce.
Other substances including organic matter, radiator flush, and a variety of substances
from pulp and paper production also fluoresce. Several measures were taken to cut out
background fluorescence from organic matter in our fluorometric process as described
in the methods. It would be advisable for further experiments to elaborate on this
process, searching for additional ways to decrease background fluorescence. Once the
fluorometric process has been refined, further studies could be improved upon in three
ways. The first improvement would be a thorough investigation of the watershed in
question. Maps containing detailed and accurate information on septic system and
sewer line locations could be viewed when determining sampling sites. Area residents
could be polled for information on past or current sites of possible suspicion. Next,
samples could be taken at low tide instead of high tide. Although it may make sampling
more difficult, it will decrease dilution caused by high tide, making sources easier to
locate. The final step would be to test the fecal coliform samples using one or more
chemical, genotypic, or phenotypic methods and determine what kind of animal (human,
bird, mammal, ect.) the bacteria was sourced from.
Although a significant relationship was not found between optical brightener values and
fecal coliform bacteria counts at Futch Creek, a correlation was identified at Hewletts
Creek and Bradley Creek. Due to this finding, this experiment can be considered a
viable preliminary resource when developing further experiments involving optical
brighteners and fecal coliform bacteria contamination in waterways.
For advising and support we thank Dr. Jeffery M. Hill, Graduate Program Coordinator of
Environmental Studies at UNCW. For field, laboratory and editorial assistance we thank
Byron Toothman, Brad Rosov, Ned Durant and Kimberly Duernberger. For funding we
thank New Hanover County. For technical advice we thank Dr. Peter Hartel.
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Mallin, M.A., Esham, E.C., Williams, K.E., Nearhoof, J.E., 1999. Tidal stage variability of
fecal coliform and chlorophyll a concentrations in coastal creeks. Marine Pollution
Bulletin 38: 414-422.
Mallin, M.A., Burkholder, J.M., Cahoon, L.B., Posey, M.H., 2000a. The North and South
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Mallin, M.A., K.E. Williams, E.C. Esham, R.P. Lowe. 2000b. Effect of human
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Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, R.P. Lowe, J.F. Merritt, R.K. Sizemore, K.E. Williams. 2000c.
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Mallin, M.A., Lewitus, A. J., 2004. The importance of tidal creek ecosystems. Journal of
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Harrington, J.F. Merritt. 2007a. Environmental Quality of Wilmington and New
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14.0 Assessment of Key Oyster Reef Characteristics in Pages, Howe,
and Hewletts Creeks
Troy Alphin, Martin Posey, Sarah Colosimo, and Anne Markwith
UNCW Benthic Ecology Laboratory
Center for Marine Science
Oyster reef work as performed by the UNCW benthic Ecology Laboratory is continuing
on the tidal creeks, with emphasis on Howe, Hewletts and Pages creeks. There seems
to be a good supply of larval oysters into the creeks that settle on all available areas of
shell. In 2006 live oyster density was greatest in Howe Creek, but older shell material
apparently is rapidly covered by sediments coming in from upstream construction
activities. Pages Creek had the highest percent coverage of both live and dead shell
material. There were no consistent differences among the three creeks with respect to
oyster reef complexity (called rugosity) and condition of the individual oysters.
Individual oyster condition was elevated in 2006, but in summer 2005 and 2007 it was
comparable to oyster conditions found in some highly impacted systems in Chesapeake
Bay. The majority of the oyster population in the tidal creeks appears to be in the sub-
legal size range (45-55mm). We expected to see a shift in the size distribution toward a
greater percentage of larger (>75mm) oysters since none of the areas sampled are
subject to harvest pressure. This does not appear to be the case. The UNCW Benthic
Ecology Lab continues to evaluate potential causes of the for the loss of larger size
class of oyster. Based on finding reported in 2006 this loss does not appear to be the
result of DERMO infections that although highly prevalent, were not intense.
In previous reporting periods the UNCW Benthic Ecology Laboratory (BEL) has reported
on the distribution and density of benthic infaunal communities, bivalve populations and
blue crab populations throughout the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks ( Mallin et al.
1994, Mallin et al. 1995, Mallin et al 1996, Mallin et al. 1997, Mallin et al 1998, Mallin et
al 2001, Mallin et al 2002, Mallin et al 2003, Mallin et al 2005). The tidal creek systems
in New Hanover County, North Carolina, represent a unique resource to this area.
These previous studies of the creek systems have provided much needed baseline data
to help understand how the tidal creeks function and how that function may be changing
through time. By providing a better understand of the key mechanisms that impact the
most sensitive trophic linkages planners, resource managers and property owners can
adjust future activities to enhance the natural resources that have made the region one
of the fastest growing. Each of the tidal creeks in New Hanover County represents a
“mini-estuary” ranging in length from 2-5 kilometers, headwaters to mouth, with a unique
history of land use and development. The residents of these watersheds consistently
ask “why the shellfish beds are closed?” and “is the water safe to swim?” These
conversations usually end with “what can I do?”. The information we provide is a
measurement of the status of the oyster populations in target areas. As stated in our
previous report, the southern fishery region continues to suffer from three main
problems related to shellfish; 1) Oyster stocks within the southern regions (especially
New Hanover and Onslow Counties) are declining, 2) The decline is coincident with the
closure of shellfish grounds due to failure of these areas to meet shellfish sanitation
standards, 3) Available acreage for shellfish harvest has declined over the last decade,
with few indications that it will recover without regulatory help. A review of the shellfish
closure history reveals that permanent closures closely track increased development
within the watershed. In most cases these developments follow the permitted
guidelines; unfortunately the level of impact still seems to be too great to support the
active fishery and healthy ecosystems the public wants and managers are tasked to
During the 2006-2007 sampling year, the UNCW Benthic Ecology Laboratory conducted
studies of oyster reef health in three target creeks; Pages Creek, Howe Creek, and
Hewletts Creek following the same protocols as in previous studies, however this year
an additional site in Bradley Creek was sampled at the request of area residents. In
previous sampling periods Pages Creek was hypothesized to be the most pristine of the
tidal creeks because of its designation as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA). Each of the
creek systems is unique with its own history of development and current inputs and
stressor to the system. In this report we present the results from summer and winter
samplings since 2005. This longer term observations provides a better perspective on
the variability in the creek environment.
Sampling was conducted during summer and winter season since 2005. Oyster
populations were sampled in Hewletts Creek, Howe Creek, and Pages Creek during
every sampling period and Bradley Creek was sampled once in summer 2007. Three
randomly selected oyster reefs were selected in the lower portion of each creek. These
are areas that would have traditionally been harvested by local oystermen but now all
these locations are above the permanent shellfish closure line. For our purposes this
insures that oyster density and coverage estimated by our sampling is not affected by
potential harvest pressure. The reefs used for this study are all solitary reefs located in
the middle of the creek systems. Since fringing reefs growing along the edge of the
marsh may experience interactions between runoff and the surrounding marsh and
potential wave refraction, no fringing reefs were sampled for this study. Live oyster
density, percent shell cover, size demography, condition, shell height, and reef rugosity
(vertical complexity) were measured on three randomly selected oyster reefs in the
lower portion of each creek. Previous work and aerial photography indicated that oyster
coverage within the three creeks was greatest in the lower kilometer of each, although
the extent of coverage varied among creeks. When looking at Figures 1 through 6,
letters that differ above the bars indicate that there is a statistically significant difference
among the creeks.
Quadrate sampling
Each reef was sampled by random placement of ten 50cm x 50cm square quadrats.
Percent shell cover was calculated within the 50cm X 50cm quadrats using a 16 point
grid system. In order to determine oyster density, the number of live oysters within each
quadrate was counted. Size demography refers to the overall distribution of sizes for
live oysters present and was calculated by measuring a random selection of twenty live
oysters per quadrat. Percent cover was determined by calculating the number of points
that were over live oyster or shell versus non-shell tideflat area; for the purpose of this
report both shell hash and live oysters were combined to determine percent cover. For
the purposes of this study, size was represented as shell height (long axis of the oyster
from umbo to outer edge expressed in mm).
Reef characteristics
Rugosity is a measure of how well a reef is developed (well-developed and growing
reefs are generally associated with higher rugosity). As good way to think of rugosity is
a measure of the “roughness” of the reef surface. A healthy reef will have oysters of
several size classes from recently settled to well established oysters. The recently
settled oysters will be small and settle on the underside of some shells and within the
shell “matrix” of the established oysters, while the established oysters will generally
grow toward the top of the reef. This mix of oyster sizes/ ages also helps create a reef
that has both high and low patches within the same reef complex. Reefs with higher
rugosity provide greater settlement substrate for oyster larvae and greater habitat for
other organisms. Rugosity was measured by random sampling at five points per reef. A
100cm chain was draped across the reef in a straight line. The chain was then
measured from end to end and its length recorded. The shorter the length the more
rugose or “jagged” (vertically complex) the topography of the reef.
Oyster Condition
Oyster condition was calculated using 30 oysters >75mm shell height. This size class
represents oysters that are mature and of legal harvest size. These oysters have been
resident within the creek the longest and so may reflect the average conditions within
that system. Condition index, a ratio of soft tissue dry weight to internal shell volume,
was calculated for each oyster (Lawerence and Scott 1982, Abbe and Albright 2003).
This is a measure of soft tissue growth and is considered to be an indicator of oyster
health (Austin et al. 1993). In order to determine the internal shell volume, a water
displacement method was used. The volume of water displaced for the whole oyster
and when the shucked oyster (i.e. empty shell) is placed in a graduated cylinder to
determine the internal shell volume. Dry tissue weight was obtained after oyster tissues
have been dried for 24 hours at 70°C.)
Results and Discussion
Live oyster density in the lower portion of each creek show a fairly consistent pattern
during both winter and summer sampling periods since 2005 ( summer ’05 F=10.02
p<0.0001; winter ‘05/’06 NS; summer ’06 F=17.7 p<0.0001; winter ‘06/’07 NS; summer
’07 F=7.42 p<0.001) (Figure 1). Howe Creek shows significantly higher density of
oysters compared to Hewletts and Pages Creeks, during each summer period.
Increased variability and fluctuations in oyster density during fall and winter periods may
also account for the lack of observable difference among creeks in the winter. Larval
settlement was observed in all creeks from late summer through fall with recently settled
spat observed as late as October in both ’05 and ’06. These settlement events could
explain the high variability observed among the creek in the winter sampling periods.
However if this were the driving factor for oyster density results we would also expect to
see a shift toward smaller oyster sizes on average.
Mean size of oysters showed significant differences during 4 out of 5 sampling periods
(summer ’05 F=10.64 p<0.0001; winter ‘05/’06 F=40.3 p<0.0001; summer ’06 F=3.6
p<0.03; winter ‘06/’07 NS; summer ’07 F=7.16 p<0.008) (Figure 2). The mean size
indicated here is shell height (distance through the long axis of the oyster through the
umbo to the outer edge). The order of difference varies among seasons with no
consistent pattern for shell height among the creeks. Winter06/07 was the only season
that did not show any difference among creeks. With mean sizes (shell height) falling in
the 50-60mm size range this seem to would indicate that many of the oysters sampled
may have been recent recruits (within the last 6 months) (Harwell 2004, Artabane
2007). Since these reef systems are relatively free of harvest pressure the question
remains as to what is happening to the large size class. Results reported in a previous
report (Mallin et al 2006) show the majority of the population in is the 40-55 mm size
class. The oysters in the larger size class seem to be dropping out of the population.
These finding are consistent with what we might expect from disease for the larger size
class but current studies do not support high infection of Dermo in any of the creek
systems sampled (Colosimo 2007). These results also seem to be consistent with other
outside stressors that impact juvenile and older individuals. Increases in total
suspended solids (TSS) and nutrients could help explain the bimodal mortality observed
but runoff events seem to be relatively short-term events that are difficult to identify. We
should also note that the interactive impacts of intermediate predators that use the reefs
as habitat could also impact the size demography previously observed but it is highly
unlikely that these predators would have a significant impact on the larger size class of
Reef rugosity was sampled each season along with other parameters however this
characteristic of oyster reefs changes much more slowly than parameters such as live
oyster density. When rugosity is evaluated by season there are no detectable
differences among the creeks (Figure 3). There appears to be a high degree of
variability among the reefs within each creek system. However it is also important to
point out that the overall vertical complexity within any of the creeks sampled was
relatively low. In the case of rugosity the lowest measurement indicates the greatest
degree of complexity, and for these sampling periods 0.6 seems to be the greatest
degree of complexity.
Percent shell cover showed a consistent pattern with significant differences in shell
cover (within the reef complex) for all seasons sampled. These results showed Howe
Creek with consistently less shell cover than either Hewletts or Pages Creeks (summer
’05 F=17.23 p<0.0001; winter ‘05/’06 F=8.99 p<0.0003; summer ’06 F=7.97 p<0.0007;
winter ‘06/’07 F=5.24 p<0.007; summer ’07 F=4.24 p<0.02)(Figure 4). The order of
significance also shows a clear pattern with Pages Creek consistently having the
greatest amount of total live and dead shell cover.
Condition index is a measurement of the health of the oysters that uses the ratio of their
dry weight to the internal volume of the oysters shell. This measurement provides an
indication of how healthy an oyster may be. Presumably healthy oysters will fill a
greater amount of the internal volume of the shell while stressed oysters fill less of the
available volume. For this study oysters were devided into two size classes large
(75mm+ shell height) and small (40-50mm shell height). Analysis conducted among
creeks show differences among both size classes and seasons. The large size class of
oysters showed significant differences in condition during summer 2006 (F=108.7
p<0.0001) and winter ‘06/’07 (F=6.95 p<0.002) (Figure 5). Small size class of oysters
showed differences among creeks for summer 2006 (F=6.82 p<0.002) and 2007
(F=3.39 p<0.02).
Evaluation of condition among the various sampling periods shows a high degree of
variability in the small size class possibly due to the interaction with small internal and
rapid growth rate. When we looked at the large size class of oysters we see clear
differences between seasons, especially in the 2006 sampling year. The conditions
observed in 2006 indicate an increase in soft tissue mass during the 2006 summer
period followed by a decline. The condition values indicated in the summer 2005 and
2007 are comparable to those observed within some of the highly impacted systems of
Chesapeake Bay (Austin et al. 1993). These finding suggest that impacts to the creek
are persistent but the response of 2006 suggest the oyster community can respond
quickly to changes in the system and that if measures are taken to improve key water
quality conditions (TSS and nutrient inputs) that oysters will respond positively.
Literature Cited
Abbe, G.R. and B.W. Albright. 2003. An improvement to the determination of meat
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Artabane, S. 2007. The effects of proximity to a subtidal channel on habitat utilization
of intertidal oyster reefs. Thesis submitted for fulfillment of Master of Science in
Marine Biology. University of North Carolina Wilmington.
Austin, H., D.S. Haven, and M.S. Moustafa. 1993. The relationship between trends in
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parameters in three Virginia estuaries. Estuaries. 16(2);362-374.
Colosimo. S.L. 2007. The effects of varying water quality on the prevalence and
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Master of Science in Marine Biology. University of North Carolina Wilmington.
Harwell, H.D. 2004. Landscape aspects of oyster reefs: Fragmentation and habitat
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Biology. University of North Carolina Wilmington.
Lawerence, D.R. and G.I. Scott. 1982. The determination and use of condition index
of oysters. Estuaries. 5(1):23-27.
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Sizemore. 1994. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County
Watersheds 1993-1994. Center for Marine Science Research, Wilmington, NC.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, J.J. Manock, J.F. Merritt, M.H. Posey, T.D. Alphin, D.C.
Parsons, and T.L. Wheeler. 1998. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New
Hanover County Watersheds 1997-1998. CMS Report 98-03, Center for
Marine Science Research, Wilmington, NC.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, L.A. Leonard, D.C. Parsons, V.L Johnson, E.J.
Wambach, T.D. Alphin, K.A. Nelson, and J.F. Merritt. 2002. Environmental
quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County Watersheds 2000-2001. CMS
Report 02-01, Center for Marine Science, Wilmington, NC.
Mallin, M.A., M.H. Posey, T.E. Lankford, M.R. McIver, H.A. CoVan, T.D. Alphin, M.S.
Williams, and J.F. Merritt. 2002. Environmental assessment of the lower Cape
Fear River system 2001-2002. CMS Report 02-02, Center for Marine Science,
Wilmington, NC.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, T.D. Alphin, and
J.F. Merritt. 2003. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover
County Watersheds 2001-2002. CMS Report 03-01, Center for Marine Science,
Wilmington, NC.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, V.L. Johnson, T.D. Alphin, D.C. Parsons, and
J.F. Merritt. 2004. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New Hanover
County Watersheds 2002-2003. CMS Report 04-01, Center for Marine Science,
Wilmington, NC.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, V.L. Johnson, D.C. Parsons, T.D. Alphin, B.R.
Toothman and J.F. Merritt. 2005. Environmental quality of Wilmington and New
Hanover County Watersheds 2003-2004. CMS Report 05-01, Center for Marine
Science, Wilmington, NC.
Summer 2005Winter 2005/2006Summer 2006Winter 2006/2007Summer 2007
Figure 1. Mean density of oysters by creek for each season. Density is based on 10 replicate quadrats (50cm X
50cm) for each of three reefs from each creek.
Summer 2005Winter 2005/2006Summer 2006Winter 2006/2007Summer 2007
Figure 2. Mean size of oysters by creek for each sampling period. Size is based on shell height
(length of the long axis through the umbo). Size is based on a random sampling of 20 oysters from
each quadrat sample collected.
Summer 2005Winter 2005/2006Summer 2006Winter 2006/2007Summer 2007
Figure 3. Mean rugosity measurements for each creek. Rugosity is a measure of verticle complexity.
Summer 2005Winter 2005/2006Summer 2006Winter 2006/2007Summer 2007
Figure 4. Mean percent cover of shell (both live and dead) among creeks for each season.
Summer 2005Winter 2005/2006Summer 2006Winter 2006/2007Summer 2007
Figure 5. Mean condition index of large size class (75mm +) of oysters from each creek. Condition is based on
a calculation of internal volume to soft tissue dry weight.
Winter 2005/2006Summer 2006Winter 2006/2007Summer 2007
Figure 6. Mean condition index of small size class oysters (40‐50mm). Condition index is based on a
calculation of internal shell volume to soft tissue dry weight.
15.0 Report References Cited
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16.0 Acknowledgments
Funding for this research was provided by New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington,
the US EPA 319 Program through NC DWQ and North Carolina State University, and
the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. For project facilitation and helpful
information we thank David Mayes, Chris O’Keefe, Phil Prete, Shawn Ralston, and
Dave Weaver. For field and laboratory assistance we thank Ned DuRant, Brad Rosov,
Byron Toothman and Asher Williams.
17.0 Appendix A. North Carolina Water Quality standards for selected parameters
(NCDEHNR 1996). We note that these standards are general, and differ with
designated water body use. Details can be found at within the N.C. Division of Water
quality website at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/csu/documents/ncactable290807.pdf
Parameter Standard
Dissolved oxygen 5.0 ppm (mg/L)
Turbidity 25 NTU (tidal saltwater)
50 NTU (freshwater)
Fecal coliform counts 14 CFU/100 mL (shellfishing waters), and more than 10% of
the samples cannot exceed 43 CFU/100 mL.
200 CFU/100 mL (human contact waters)
Chlorophyll a 40 ppb (µg/L)
CFU = colony-forming units
mg/L = milligrams per liter = parts per million
µg/L = micrograms per liter = parts per billion
18.0 Appendix B. UNCW ratings of sampling stations in Wilmington and New Hanover
County tidal creek watersheds based on August 2006 – July 2007 data for tidal creeks
and January -September 2007 data for Wilmington watersheds, where available, for
chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and fecal coliform bacteria based on North
Carolina state chemical standards for freshwater or tidal saltwater.
G (good quality) – state standard exceeded in < 10% of the measurements
F (fair quality) – state standard exceeded in 11-25% of the measurements
P (poor quality) – state standard exceeded in >25% of the measurements
Watershed Station Chlor a DO Turbidity Fecal coliforms*
Barnard’s Creek BNC-RR G P G G
Bradley Creek BC-CA G P G P
BC-76 G F G -
Burnt Mill Creek BMC-KA1 F P G P
Futch Creek FC-4 G G G G
FC-6 G F G G
FC-8 G F G G
FC-13 G F G G
FC-17 G F G G
Greenfield Lake GL-LC P P F P
GL-2340 G P G P
Watershed Station Chlor a DO Turbidity Fecal coliforms*
Hewletts Creek HC-2 G G G -
HC-3 G G G -
DB-1 G P P P
DB-2 F G G P
DB-3 G P F P
DB-4 G P P P
Howe Creek HW-M G G G G
Motts Creek MOT-RR G P G P
Pages Creek PC-M G F G G
Smith Creek SC-23 F P F P
Whiskey Creek WC-NB G G G -
*fecal coliform category used here is based on the human contact standard of 200
CFU/100 mL, not the shellfishing standard of 14 CFU/100 mL.
19.0 Appendix C. GPS coordinates for New Hanover County Tidal Creek stations and
the Wilmington Watersheds Project sampling stations.
Watershed Station GPS coordinates
Barnard’s Creek BNC-TR N 34.16823 W 77.93218
BNC-CB N 34.15867 W 77.91190
BNC-EF N 34.16937 W 77.92485
BNC-AW N 34.16483 W 77.92577
BNC-RR N 34.15873 W 77.93795
Bradley Creek BC-CA N 34.23257 W 77.86658
BC-CR N 34.23077 W 77.85235
BC-SB N 34.21977 W 77.84578
BC-SBU N 34.21725 W 77.85410
BC-NB N 34.22150 W 77.84405
BC-NBU N 34.23265 W 77.92362
BC-76 N 34.21473 W 77.83357
Burnt Mill Creek BMC-KA1 N 34.22207 W 77.88506
BMC-KA3 N 34.22280 W 77.88601
BMC-AP1 N 34.22927 W 77.86658
BMC-AP2 N 34.22927 W 77.89792
BMC-AP3 N 34.22927 W 77.90143
BMC-WP N 34.24083 W 77.92419
BMC-PP N 34.24252 W 77.92510
Futch Creek FC-4 N 34.30127 W 77.74635
FC-6 N 34.30298 W 77.75070
FC-8 N 34.30423 W 77.75415
FC-13 N 34.30352 W 77.75790
FC-17 N 34.30378 W 77.76422
FOY N 34.30705 W 77.75707
Greenfield Lake GL-SS1 N 34.19963 W 77.92447
GL-SS2 N 34.20038 W 77.92952
GL-LC N 34.20752 W 77.92980
GL-JRB N 34.21260 W 77.93140
GL-LB N 34.21445 W 77.93553
GL-2340 N 34.19857 W 77.93560
GL-YD N 34.20702 W 77.93120
GL-P N 34.21370 W 77.94362
Hewletts Creek HC-M N 34.18230 W 77.83888
HC-2 N 34.18723 W 77.84307
HC-3 N 34.19023 W 77.85083
HC-NWB N 34.19512 W 77.86155
NB-GLR N 34.19783 W 77.86317
MB-PGR N 34.19807 W 77.87088
SB-PGR N 34.19025 W 77.86472
PVGC-9 N 34.19165 W 77.89175
DB-1 N 34.1764 W 77.8775
DB-2 N 34.1781 W 77.8805
DB-3 N 34.1799 W 77.8798
DB-4 N 34.1789 W 77.8752
Howe Creek HW-M N 34.24765 W 77.78718
HW-FP N 34.25443 W 77.79488
HW-GC N 34.25448 W 77.80512
HW-GP N 34.25545 W 77.81530
HW-DT N 34.25562 W 77.81952
Motts Creek MOT-RR N 34.15867 W 77.91605
Pages Creek PC-M N 34.27008 W 77.77133
PC-OL N 34.27450 W 77.77567
PC-CON N 34.27743 W 77.77763
PC-OP N 34.28292 W 77.78032
PC-LD N 34.28067 W 77.78495
PC-BDDS N 34.28143 W 77.79417
PC-WB N 34.27635 W 77.79582
PC-BDUS N 34.27732 W 77.80153
PC-H N 34.27508 W 77.79813
Smith Creek SC-23 N 34.25795 W 77.91967
SC-CH N 34.25897 W 77.93872
Upper and Lower UCF-PS N 34.24205 W 77.94838
Cape Fear LCF-GO N 34.21230 W 77.98603
Whiskey Creek WC-NB N 34.16803 W 77.87648
WC-SB N 34.15935 W 77.87470
WC-MLR N 34.16013 W 77.86633
WC-AB N 34.15967 W 77.86177
WC-MB N 34.15748 W 77.85640
20.0 Appendix D. University of North Carolina at Wilmington reports and papers
concerning water quality in New Hanover County’s tidal creeks.
Merritt, J.F., L.B. Cahoon, J.J. Manock, M.H. Posey, R.K. Sizemore, J. Willey and W.D.
Webster. 1993. Futch Creek Environmental Analysis Report. Center for Marine
Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, E.C. Esham, J.J. Manock, J.F. Merritt, M.H. Posey and R.K.
Sizemore. 1994. Water Quality in New Hanover County Tidal Creeks, 1993-1994.
Center for Marine Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington,
Wilmington, N.C. 62 pp.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, J.J. Manock, J.F. Merritt, M.H. Posey, T.D. Alphin and R.K.
Sizemore. 1995. Water Quality in New Hanover County Tidal Creeks, 1994-1995.
Center for Marine Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington,
Wilmington, N.C. 67 pp.
Mallin. M.A., L.B. Cahoon, J.J. Manock, J.F. Merritt, M.H., Posey, R.K. Sizemore, T.D.
Alphin, K.E. Williams and E.D. Hubertz. 1996. Water Quality in New Hanover County
Tidal Creeks, 1995-1996. Center for Marine Science Research, University of North
Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C. 67 pp.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, J.J. Manock, J.F. Merritt, M.H. Posey, R.K. Sizemore, W.D.
Webster and T.D. Alphin. 1998. A Four-Year Environmental Analysis of New Hanover
County Tidal Creeks, 1993-1997. CMSR Report No. 98-01, Center for Marine
Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, J.J. Manock, J.F. Merritt, M.H. Posey, T.D. Alphin, D.C.
Parsons and T.L. Wheeler. 1998. Environmental Quality of Wilmington and New
Hanover County Watersheds, 1997-1998. CMSR Report 98-03. Center for Marine
Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., S.H. Ensign, D.C. Parsons and J.F. Merritt. 1999. Environmental Quality of
Wilmington and New Hanover County Watersheds, 1998-1999. CMSR Report No.
99-02. Center for Marine Science Research, University of North Carolina at
Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, S.H. Ensign, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson and J.F. Merritt.
2000. Environmental Quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County Watersheds,
1999-2000. CMS Report No. 00-02. Center for Marine Science, University of North
Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, L.A. Leonard, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, E.J.
Wambach, T.D. Alphin, K.A. Nelson and J.F. Merritt. 2002. Environmental Quality of
Wilmington and New Hanover County Watersheds, 2000-2001. CMS Report 02-01,
Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington,
Mallin, M.A., H.A. CoVan and D.H. Wells. 2003. Water Quality Analysis of the Mason
inlet Relocation Project. CMS Report 03-02. Center for Marine Science, University of
North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, T.D. Alphin and
J.F. Merritt. 2003. Environmental Quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County
Watersheds, 2001-2002. CMS Report 03-01, Center for Marine Science, University of
North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, V.L. Johnson, T.D. Alphin, D.C. Parsons and
J.F. Merritt. 2004. Environmental Quality of Wilmington and New Hanover County
Watersheds, 2002-2003. CMS Report 04-01, Center for Marine Science, University of
North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., H.A. Wells and M.R. McIver. 2004. Baseline Report on Bald Head Creek
Water Quality. CMS Report No. 04-03, Center for Marine Science, University of North
Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., H.A. Wells, T.A. MacPherson, T.D. Alphin, M.H. Posey and R.T. Barbour.
2004. Environmental Assessment of Surface Waters in the Town of Carolina Beach.
CMS Report No. 04-02, Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at
Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, V.L. Johnson, D.C. Parsons, T.D. Alphin, B.R.
Toothman and J.F. Merritt. 2005. Environmental Quality of Wilmington and New
Hanover County Watersheds, 2003-2004. CMS Report 05-01, Center for Marine
Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A. 2006. Wading in waste. Scientific American 294:52-59.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, V.L. Johnson, D.C. Parsons, T.D. Alphin, B.R.
Toothman, M.L. Ortwine and J.F. Merritt. 2006. Environmental Quality of Wilmington
and New Hanover County Watersheds, 2004-2005. CMS Report 06-01, Center for
Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., B.R. Toothman, M.R. McIver and M.S. Hayes. 2007. Bald Head Creek
Water Quality: Before and After Dredging. Final Report to the Village of Bald Head
Island. CMS report 07-02. Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at
Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, T.D. Alphin, M.H. Posey, B.A. Rosov, D.C. Parsons, R.M.
Harrington and J.F. Merritt. 2007. Environmental Quality of Wilmington and New
Hanover County Watersheds, 2005-2006. CMS Report 07-01, Center for Marine
Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N.C.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
Mallin, M.A., E.C. Esham, K.E. Williams and J.E. Nearhoof. 1999. Tidal stage variability
of fecal coliform and chlorophyll a concentrations in coastal creeks. Marine Pollution
Bulletin 38:414-422.
Mallin, M.A. and T.L. Wheeler. 2000. Nutrient and fecal coliform discharge from coastal
North Carolina golf courses. Journal of Environmental Quality 29:979-986.
Mallin, M.A., K.E. Williams, E.C. Esham and R.P. Lowe. 2000. Effect of human
development on bacteriological water quality in coastal watersheds. Ecological
Applications 10:1047-1056.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, R.P. Lowe, J.F. Merritt, R.K. Sizemore and K.E. Williams.
2000. Restoration of shellfishing waters in a tidal creek following limited dredging.
Journal of Coastal Research 16:40-47.
Mallin, M.A., J.M. Burkholder, L.B. Cahoon and M.H. Posey. 2000. The North and South
Carolina coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin 41:56-75.
Mallin, M.A., S.H. Ensign, M.R. McIver, G.C. Shank and P.K. Fowler. 2001.
Demographic, landscape, and meteorological factors controlling the microbial
pollution of coastal waters. Hydrobiologia 460:185-193.
Mallin, M.A., S.H. Ensign, T.L.Wheeler and D.B. Mayes. 2002. Pollutant removal
efficacy of three wet detention ponds. Journal of Environmental Quality 31:654-660.
Posey, M.H., T.D. Alphin, L.B. Cahoon, D.G. Lindquist, M.A. Mallin and M.E. Nevers.
2002, Resource availability versus predator control: questions of scale in benthic
infaunal communities. Estuaries 25:999-1014.
Cressman, K.A., M.H. Posey, M.A. Mallin, L.A. Leonard and T.D. Alphin. 2003. Effects
of oyster reefs on water quality in a tidal creek estuary. Journal of Shellfish Research
Mallin, M.A. and A.J. Lewitus. 2004. The importance of tidal creek ecosystems. Journal
of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298:145-149.
Mallin, M.A., D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, M.R. McIver and H.A. CoVan. 2004. Nutrient
limitation and algal blooms in urbanizing tidal creeks. Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology 298:211-231.
Nelson, K.A., L.A. Leonard, M.H. Posey, T.D. Alphin and M.A. Mallin. 2004.
Transplanted oyster (Crassostrea virginica) beds as self-sustaining mechanisms for
water quality improvement in small tidal creeks. Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology 298:347-368.
Mallin, M.A., S.H. Ensign, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, J.M. Burkholder and P.A.
Rublee. 2005. Relationship of Pfiesteria spp. and Pfiesteria-like organisms to
environmental factors in tidal creeks draining urban watersheds. pp 68-70 in
Steidinger, K.A., J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas and G.A. Vargo, (Eds.) XHAB,
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms, 2002, Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, and
Intergovernmental Commission of UNESCO.
Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, B.R. Toothman, D.C. Parsons, M.R. McIver, M.L. Ortwine and R.N. Harrington. 2006. Impacts of a raw sewage spill on water and sediment quality in an urbanized estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:81-88. Mallin, M.A., V.L. Johnson, S.H. Ensign and T.A. MacPherson. 2006. Factors contributing to hypoxia in rivers, lakes and streams. Limnology and Oceanography 51:690-701. Cahoon, L.B., M.A. Mallin, B. Toothman, M. Ortwine, R. Harrington, R. Gerhart, S. Gill and J. Knowles. 2007. Is there a relationship between phosphorus and fecal microbes in aquatic sediments? Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina (in press). Dafner, E.V., M.A. Mallin, J.J. Souza, H.A. Wells and D.C. Parsons. 2007. Nitrogen and phosphorus species in the coastal and shelf waters of southeastern North Carolina, Mid-Atlantic U.S. coast. Marine Chemistry. 103:289-303. MacPherson, T.A., M.A. Mallin and L.B. Cahoon. 2007. Biochemical and sediment oxygen demand: patterns of oxygen depletion in tidal creeks. Hydrobiologia 586: 235-248.