Applicants Agent 1< ~.2. Cl. 2. f. I;J.. RESOLUTION DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT North Carolina Division of Emer enc Manaaement Organization Name (hereafter named Organization) Disaster Number: Ap[llicant's State Cognizant Age.ncy for Single Audit purposes (If Cogniz.ant Agency is not assigned, please indicale): Applicant's Fiscal Year (FY) Start Month: 07 Applicant's Federal Employer's Idenlification Number 56-6000324- Da 01 Appticant's Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Number PRIMARY AGENT SECONDARY AGENT Agent's Name Agent's Name Warren Lee Dottie Spruill Organization Organization New Hanover County Official Position New Hanover County omcial position Mailing A.ddress Mailing Address City,S tate, Zip City ,State, Zip Daytime Telephone Dayti~e Telephone Facslmlle Number Facsimile Number Pager or Cellular Number Pager or Cellular Number BE rr RESOLVED BY the governing body of the Organization (:1 public entity duty organized under the la.ws of the State of North Carolin:J.) that the above-nouned Primary and Second:J.ry Agents a.re hereby authorized to e;.:ecute and file aptllic:ltions for federal and/or slate assistance on behalf or the Organization for the purpose of obtaining eertc.in state and federal flnanci:J.l assislllncc under thc Robert T. Slllfforcl Disnster Relief & Emcrgency Assistance Act, (Public Lnw 93-288 as amended) or as otherwise o.vailable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the abovc-named IIgcnts me l1uthonz.ccl to retlresent and act for the Organization in nil deulings with the Sbte of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for 1111 m:J.tters pcrtlining to such disaster assistance tequin:d by the grant o.greements and the llSSurunccs printed on the reverse side hereof. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT the above-named agents are authonz.cd to act severally . PASSED AND APPROVED this 1&1 d:J. of .20J:JS, - GOVERNING BODY CERTIFYING OFFICIAL Robe- ~n.tlT~i~. Caster, Vice Chairman Name:: Teresa P. Elmore Official Position Deputy Clerk to the Board Daytime:: Telephone:: 910-341-7149 CERTIFICATION Name and Title Tea Davis, Jr 0, ~.Ji11iam A. Kapp, Jr D Harne and Tille:: Na."l.cy H. Pritchett, Corrrnissioners I, Teresa P. E1more , (Name) duly appointed and Deputy Clerk to Board (Titlc) of the Go verni ng Bod y, do hereby certi fy that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and a[lI?roved by the Governing Body of New Hanover COlmt-y (Organization) on the 19 day of September , 20ll)5 Date: ~. / Cf, ~{)5: Signature~ p~