1992-01-10 RM Exhibits ~w :J{anover County 'Board of Commissioners ~so[ution WHEREAS, our national system of public assistance has steadily grown more complex and costly; and "\. WHEREAS, the U. S. Congress has consistently failed to adequately and fully fund the costs of these public assistance programs thereby placing an inordinate burden on the states and counties; and WHEI,?EAS, the complexity and inconsistency of programs targeted toward the public assistance population perpetuated by the lack of coordination among Federal agencies creates extreme difficulty and excessive cost in administration; and WHEREAS, excessive regulation from the federal and state governments has deprived certain needy residents of assistance while increasing the local costs of administration; and WHEREAS, the Family Support Act of 1988 created promises of reform in the public ,.assistance programs mandated by federal law which have not been fulfilled due to inadequate funding; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners sincerely desires to assist our less fortunate ,citizens {lnd th~ir children to become se If-supporting, contributing members of our community by providing them with the necessary tools to obtain gainful employment; and NOll!, THEREFORE, ,BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of ,Commissioner.s to respectfully request that the U. S. Congress fully implement and fund the FamilYe. Support Act of 1988 which will reform (he system of public assistance. B~ IT .FURTHER RESOLVED THATfederal legislation to mandate services on the local,leve/ proVide ,full and ,G;dequatefundingfor such services. ADOPTED this 10th day of January,r1992. ./ ,( . . . ..- !' BOARD OF COMMlSSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 AGENDA INFORMATION COVER SHEET MEETING DATE: January 2 'l ~ 1992 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: 7 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: - Initial training in the nev.l1y fomed Fire Code Division is canplete and' fonnal Fire COde Inspections are expected to begin in Januaxy 1992. 'Ihree minor changes to the Fire Protection Pennit Fee Schedule are reccmrended: Section 402.11 Flammable and Canbustible Liquids - change the $100./$50. fees to $50./$25. Add a new item; 402.11a Flanmable and Canbustible Liquids Less than 240 gallons $35. /$25. Also, under section 402.2, underneath the title :BcMling Establishrrents, add the phrase "refinishing operations" and delete the $35. renewal fee. RECOMMENDATION: - Adopt the above three fee schedule changes shCMl1 above and on the highlighted copy of the fee schedule attached. The change is to have the County I s fee schedule cansistant with the City of Wilmington IS. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIO Recommend approval Presentation BY: Sky Conklin SIGNATURE: DATE: ATTACHMENTS: NO ,. /;upo )el/ . . . Section 402.1 402.2 402.4 402.5 402.6 402.8 402.9 402.10 402.11 40..7. 'II Cl. 402.12 402.14 402.14 402.15 402.16 402.17 402.18 402.19 402.20 402.26 402.27 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES SCHEDULE OF FIRE PROTECTION PERMIT FEES ADOPTED: May 6, 1991 EFFECTIVE: Julv'l, 1991 Description Airports and Helistops Fleet Based Operations Bowling Establishments., ( roe +i n i dh I ~ Optt,...4-"'t I~I\.!S .J Cellulose Nitrate Combustible Fibers Compressed Gas Cryogenic Fluids Dry Cleaning Plants Explosives, Ammunition (Storage of) Flammable & Combustible Liquids (v...f\,."-er- .2 4/() ~,.jI~V Flammable Finishes Fruit Ripening Process Fumigation and Insecticide Fogging (Using flammable or toxic Fumigant) Hazardous Chemicals Handling Endorsement Combustible Stock (Storage High Piled) Liquified Natural Gas Liquified Petroleum Gas Lumber Storage Magnesium Places of Assembly Dust Producing Material Plants Handling Page One Initial $ 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 5"0 .D" 1'00.00 3$. 00 100.00 35.00 35.00 50.00 25.00 35.00 50.00 100.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 Renewal $ 35.00 :3 5 . Jt}.. 35.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 20.00 35.00 'J,6-' 00 ~O.O(J .:J,.t':oo 50.00 35.00 35.00 50.00 25.00 15.00 25.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 ... . . . - . 402.28 Repair Garages 402.30 Tents and Air Supported Structures 402.32 Wrecking Yard, Junk Yard, Waste Handling Charges for Special Tests and Inspections: ABC Permit Inspections Day Care Inspections Standpipe Test Fire Alarm Test Reinspection of incomplete projects Sprinkler Permit certificate of Occupancy Underground Storage Tank Removal Page Two 50.00 25.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 $ 35.00 35.00 60.00 30.00 25.00 100.00 + $4.00/1000 sq. ft. 15.00 35.00