1992-01-21 RM Exhibits !! NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, land surveying is the defined measurement used in mapmaking, _ construction layout, and locating property boundaries; and WHEREAS, this professional group has played a leading role in the growth of New Hanover County with the charge of accurately defining property boundaries; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Society of Surveyors, Inc.,founded at North Carolina State University in 1939, has provided guidance for the past 50 years in the promotion of highly skilled and trained land surveyors who perform their jobs with integrity and professionalism; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that February 2 through February 8, 1992, is designated as "LAND SURVEYORS WEEK IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY". We encourage our citizens to observe this week of recognition in honor of our land surveyors. Adopted this the 21st day of January, 1992. AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 'I'he Board of Commissioners of hereby ordain that Chapter 3, 11 Animals Hanover County Code of Ordinances is amendment of Sec'tion 3-21 as follows: New Hanover County does and Fowl", of the New hereby amended by the Section 3-21. Violations, Misdemeanor. Pursuant to state law, it is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days to violate any provisions of this chapter, unless otherwise provided herein. 6th day of January, 1992. NEW COUNTY I /~~fT: I,; ) U:S:U{j~~ 7~I' I~/~<:-_._- C1EkJL to th~ Board ~.... ... in N,ew Hanover County, North Carolina~ I call., upon all citizens: of ~._ the New Hanover County area to sincerely: join forces iri- creatincf;.', .:;,"'<. and practicing a mutual bond' of fellowship' ,with' all .ci ti'zens; :and .k resolve to accept a personal challenge to improve :the-'status of:all. ~;,_h' people through assurance of the basic human rights of justfce, "::,,- freedom and dignity. ';. ':.. '.' .' : ~ '~.: .,,::. ',>"::.:'.' ::"~'.;'~ ' ~~c:^':f 0' , ~"6t'~":~WS;~Jr:'" .Ch~'~~~F'f :If: ;~t.:-+"~~;':;;f. " ' .. .~~"1' "':,. :.: . ' .<.., " ;~~~'f_ 3-~' ""', . ....~. ~:J' _'!: ~ ~..;:' .'. +"" ~~r.;.~, ~~:',. , i ~~i' . j '-/'''1 "'''"l , ,- . . ............................................. a'.... .. . ... ..... .... ~ ~...................... ~...;.;.. .-. ~ ~. ... ._... ~)'~-:r~" :1.... = ',.. .. ' . ': .:: ,:_~;r,;?",<;.I~~{,:~~~~~~:'; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 'II . . . . . . . ... . . ..... . ...'.... a'. '. . .."... . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . :1 New lIanllUef <l!lltmttl iBnarb nf <!rnmmissinntrs ~roclamation - ~. ,,'., .;....:"t-:'i~.i~ . ' /~ J' ,. ~ ~ ,... I .;~~: WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations commission' .and/;:,the ';'_.. ~ Greater Chamber of Commerce are, sponsoring Human Relations, Month~ ~Jr and -' " - .;. ~.. -' WHEREAS, the for Human Relations.Month is Gears That Make the World Go Round," .and_. "People Are' The ;t '"; ! _...._..-:B.::-~:_ ......;_...~! .. :; .~,., ~ .. ".' - . .,,' ~:; ... WHEREAS, we encourage all citizens; to.o-respect' and :work>;ic;< establish equal rights for all persons regardless of race; color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap or economic status;~ and I~ . :, ' . , , .'~ .. ~": .:_i.. J.;.~., WHEREAS, through practicing the principles. of Human Re1"cition"s '.:~:::_: Month on an everyday' basis,_ we help to - preserv~, protect-' a'nd";~~ perpetuate the rights of each" person to freedom, . liberty and _',,:"' justice, . . . ~.'~ NOW, THEREFORE, the New'Hanover countY.Board~~of commi~~i~net~ ~~~ hereby proclaims the month.;:.o,~'-'February '1992' a~,:-:1f-;';~.~...:';~i~1:Y-" ': - ..",..... '/~~ ~ ~'. HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH j. - - ~; , . ;.~ ;"- -; ....... - /;1~~~ "'~n.. ~.r ... .~:'... ... . ,.. I. . " . -. t~t1.~~~;> ~y- :~~~ .~~, , ~ '~ -.:-; "J' .".~'.... '\-",," r~'<: 7,', :.:_:~? " .fJ~r.. ".'. . ''''',...c ':-:.-. 'r ~#<' 'h' . . , -'- . . '.3 l ;. . ~. .... ~~r' '.... . t.~:......\t... ..~.:;;...' ", ~~.s., ~~':' Ntm 'JIaunurr QI0U11tn iSnarb of QInmluiu.6inn.crn " ~rOClanlation WHEREAS, protecting the heal th of children in New Hanover County is ampng the most important functions of our society; and WHEREAS, the law forbids the sale of tobacco products to minors under the age of 18 years; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Asselnbly adopted legislation prohibi ting the sale of tobacco products to minors with fines imposed; ~ I :1 . WHEREAS, all citizens of New Hanover County should and must be made aware of their responsibili ties in preventing persons under 18 from using tobacco; NOW, THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to designate the School Year 1991-92 as OPERATION SCIENCE AGAINST SMOKING (OPERATION SAS) Year in New Hanover County and to urge all citizens to join in acknowledging the importance of preventing tobacco use, as well as the legal requirement!within the state of North Carolina regarding the sale of tobacco produ~~s to lninors. Adopted this the 21st day of January, 1992. /~l ~, ~.- ( ), / /' '-, /1 l' . /...~ .....{..... / ' C", /-& //1;;.,.~,'--c-L-, ,t- ".._-~--.. ,- '1~/.{"'~ / /<h/.... ../-r 1/ I /' (, 1.-" t..l :;:/ '-::... ': ..,.-," / E. L Mathews, Jr. hairman Attested by: /---." /! 7' / ,L// \-) _,/ \, / //~ ) / \/dCA...i'./~" /--~' /'\ /." /\ /' / ,__..,/_.... ~'''''J ,---. ./ ,-- V(.. /'7,S'J-/{-....--.... Clerk to the Board 11 : ;1 I I: : I: 1'1 :: ~, ~ JJ) ~~,\,. ~~ Ni.~)) ~((-~!~ii..~ '. '~._:=;:~~((( 3--~~'t:I-~;--;-;-;-;-;.;-;-;,--;-;-;-~-;.~-;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-;-;;-~-;-;-~.;-;-;-~~7.--;---;--;:-.---;-;~;.; ;;~, '-'-~_~_L' . . ~~~-;~-;i";--;~~~~~~,~__0:' . . ..jJ:J:g~~l . . . . , :1 . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . :1 . . . . . . . . i: . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . ~ I . . . . N~W H~NOVER COUNTy TAX COllECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 12/31/'91 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED 'lESS A'SATEMHHS TOTAL TAxES 'CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED CERTIFICATION PENALTIES CHARGED tlSTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOT AL lEVY CULL:CCTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING 8A~ANCE PfRCENT~GE COLtECTED BACK TAXES REAt ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 'LESS ABATEMENT S TOT AL T~XES OOE COltECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE P E RCEN T ~'G'E CO'lL Ee TED 1991 $ 39,926.,562.56 2,598,,269.33 80,299.15- $ 42,444,532.74 .00 234-,000.00 69,239..25 $ 42-,141 'f 771..99 22,,181, un,. 33- -.-------- - ---_.- S 20,566,588.66 51.89% $ 2..750,323.91 20,421.00- $ 2,729,'902.97 512.,231,.91- $ 2, 1 5T, 6 65. 0 6 20.96% DEC 1991 FISCAL YTO ROOH OCCUPANCY TAX CQLt.ECTIONS PR I VI'LEGE 'LICENSE CUU.EeT IONS 'EMS COLLECTIONS 62,000.57 196.25 .00 938,5 ro.-ao 19.,-144.02 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED TARU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY~ CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. CAROLINA BEACH, AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $33,363.778.29. THIS REPORT 15 FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1991. RE~CTFULL",Y SUBMITT"EO, ~@6~~ ~o t)~tJ ~~ PATRICIA J. R(:rJJO;~- COLLECTOR OF REVENUE CONSENT AGENDA OAT E: ~_~~l~.d: -I TEM NO._.2___ . . . ~EW HANDVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLtEC~IONS THRU 12/31/91 ORI'GINA'L TAX 'lEVY PER SCROLL 01 CSC iJ VE R I E'S ADO E D 'LESS A"BATEMENTS TOT AL 'TAX ES CHARGED LISTING PENA~lIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLtECTION~ lODATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES 1991 870,.221,.14 70,400..80 29,.090.,76- $ '$ 911,531.18 1, 420,., 1 6 $ "912., q 51 .3 it 501,,982.75- $ 410,968.59 54... 9 8% R~AL e5~ATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECT IONS TO OA if 5 2.. 3 0 6,. 2 6 242. 4 5 54.0.00- $ $ 52,008..71 17,051.56- o U1S T A NO I N G 8 AL AN C E$ '34" 9 57. 15 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 32..79% THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1991. R&S'N:CTFULLV SUBMITTED, vV 00 a if)) ~ @,,~ ~ ' 0 0 ~tr@ff P AT R I C I A j . R~J.") NOR . COLLECTOR OF REVENUE CONSENT AGENDA D A rE:J___~l..:j.-J.. liE M NO'4t_!:t__ ~ . . . " " Consent Agenda January 21, 1992 Page 1 Request the following penalties be released as the taxpayers certify they made a valid listing during the listing period; they listed in another county, in error, during the listing period; or they were ill during the listing period and unable to list on time: Agil, Musa A. Ying Liu Aiken, Joel W. Atlantic Marketing & Distributors CFBW Inc. of Wilmington Cass, Timothy S. Melissa C. Dang, Quyet Huu Gioielli, Joseph C. Terry Hanson, Todd Harper, Shelby C. Johnson, Bruce G. Johnson, Grace Yandell Jones, Charles Gilbert Linberry, Pamela Rich Little, George Nelson Locklear, Brenda Henson Locklear, Govenor Jr. Martin, Vicki Ann McLane, Lonnie Leroy McLean, Naomi Johnston Mitchell, Jerry W. Beatrice Mitchell, Jerry Wayne Moore, Carl Hurley Nease, Jerry Dion Nelson, Christopher G. Sherri W. Nixon, Lizzie Brown Owens, Curtis Deleon Padgett, David Wayne Pomaville, Alfred Donald Raynor, Mary M. Robuck Charlie Kelroy Rogers, Stephen L. Smith, Lester E. Annette M. Spencer, David Richard Twigg, Robert James Waters, Barbara Southerland Wood, Ruby Melinda $ 9.62 10.94 41. 70 142.00 17.17 11.40 9.31 28.34 9.44 27.69 11.26 11.05 8.12 14.55 4.33 4.12 1.17 2.66 7.89 60.15 24.37 17.18 6.64 10.61 5.54 2.47 9.76 7.84 6.94 6.08 1.04 24.73 8.19 5.48 12.91 oL75 The following taxpayers request value adjustments on their property because of conditions that have now been brought to our attention: Corpus, Clarito F. Jr. Croom, Teddy M. $ 7,177 2,791 ~ ~ . Consent Agenda January 21, 1992 Page 2 Gemmell, John Gioielli, Joseph C. Terry Givens, Merilyn Leonard, Peter Andrew Lloyd, Kelly G. Jr. Christine O'Brien, Lorraine Ratts, Jark Kent Richardson, Jimmy G. Nora L. Ricketts, Frank B. Shaw, Douglas Barbara G. Spivey, Jerry L. Patience Youngs, John K. Gettine D. $ 2,280 945 9,574 1,575 9,525 10,627 3,294 3,279 43,860 6,090 1,284 16,050 Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion as they submitted late applications: (Letters explaining late filing available upon request). Blake, George Henry Boyd, Alvin C. Virginia L. 12,000 12,000 The following delinquent exemption requests resulted from vehicle discovery notices. Organizations gave responses and requests that the board approve applications as provided by NCGS 9105-282.1. Statutes allow for approval of the exemption for the calender year in which the untimely application was filed. Applications were filed with the Tax Administrator during 1991 and may be approved: D/B/A 86 Ford Vn 84 Ford SW 74 Ford Bu Church 88 Ford 4S - 90 Ford Vn 91 Make Ivell Trailer 84 Ford 86 Ford Vn . Apostolic Tabernacle Cape Fear Council BSA Catherine Kennedy Home, Inc. Church of God of Prophecy Cornelia Nixon Davis Health Care Center First Christian Church Grace Baptist Church Girls Inc. Masonboro Baptist Church Myrtle Grove Baptist Church Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church . National Audubon Society New Covenant Full Gospel Church New Hanover Private Schools, Inc. Cape Fear Academy Oak Grove Presbyeterian Church Peace Baptist Church St. Andrews Covenent Presbyterian Trinity United Methodist Church Yahweh Center, Inc. 89 Dodg Van 79 Chev Tk - 90 GMC TK 86 Lincoln 4S 73 Ford Bu - 82 Dodg Bu 91 Ford SW 78 Dodg SW 69 Dodg Bu - 75 Ford Bu 72 Chev Bu - 72 Chev Bu 75 Chev Bu 72 Chev Bu 73 GMC Bu - 72 Chev Bu 71 MCI Bu - 81 Chev Bu 89 Ford Bu 76 Dodg Vn 69 Ford Vn - 87 Ford Vn 79 Plym Vn 84 Dodg Sw 78 Plym Vn 60 GMC - 81 Ford Vn 74 Chev Tk 90 Ford Tk 79 Ford Vn ~ . . . Request the following value be released as this organization filed a delinquent application for exemption with the Tax Administrator during 1991: Myrtle Grove Vol. Fire Department $147,761 :sw Copy: W. Ward Business-Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue B. Shell Internal Auditor NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE %;~Mn~~N~~t~~~ ME M 0 ~~ ,~:::::~>,,:" *'~1~::"'>"w",@{:m:~::~g:~W':i1~:~~~:W~~~:::::~:~:::~1:~::::t:t~:~;:::;~;~:~S~:~:::~:~1:~:::~:)~:~:~~M~:~i;~~:~~:~8::~~:::~~~::~~;;;:M:~;::::::;.>:~:~~~;~:;::;: :::::;~"~~W:~ffi;)::::~~~~:mh:::~m January 23, 1992 To: Lucie Harrell, Clerk to the Boar~. From: Roland Register, Tax Adm. ~ Re: Consent Agenda January 21, 1992 Due to our clerical error, the list of delinquent exemption requests included a 1988 Ford 4S for St. Andrews Covenant Presby. Church. I previously informed their trustee that the vehicle was not wholly and exclusively used for the exempt purposes, and the application was denied. They did not file a further appeal. By delegation by the Board to me, I can correct such clerical errors without further approval by the Board. Please make note of this correction to the consent agenda. " " RESOLUTION OF TdE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARli OF COMMISSIONERS. WHEEEAS; New Hanover County and the City of. Wilmington own a 35 ft. by 35 ft. vacant par.cel.. within the City of Wilmington, being a portion. of tax map parce.L No. R04817-014-015-000, more fully described. in. a. deed rec:orded.. in .the New Hanover County Registry, Book 112.6, Page 931, being part of the tract designated: as. 410 Grace Street, previously conveyed by the above to the Historic Wilmington Foundation, and. WHEREAS, the Historic Wilming,ton Foundation,. Inc. seeks.. to acquire the acidi tional.. parcel to relocate. thereon a significant. archaeologicaL and/or historical. str.uctur.e and comply wi.th all. zoning. ordinances., and. WHEREAS, the Board. of Commissioners: wishes, to consider disposi.tion of the interes.t~ of New Hanover.: Count.y in said. property through a private.. nego.tiatioTI- and sale to the. Historic. Wilmington Foundation, Inc., pursuant. to G.S. See,tion 160-266, and WHEREAS., any conveyance. of said. parcel to the Hi.s.toric Wilmington Founda.ti.on Inc. will contain preservation agreements: as mandated. by G.S. Secti.on, 160-266(b). NOW, Commissioners. negotiation entertained.. authorized... off.ers. THEREFORE., BE, I.T. RESOLVED by the Board. of County that pursuant to G.S. Section 160A-2.66, for the, above described:.. property wi.ll. be Advertisement. of the, negotiation. is hereby The County may at any time reJect any and all. this. the ci/,~7, day of_ r / NEW HANOVER CO~TY. , 1992. < ATTEST: ~I~//~~ C1 rk to the Board ,~ CONSE8f AGENDA ;. NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE DATE: Jan.21, 199? IrEM No. 10 &.':~Hm~ ME M 0 M:~~tt@KttWM~M:ilif:~:t:fKt:W~@Ii;:~{{:~:Ik~~:~~g~gt~t~:~:::~:::~:t~:~:~t$::::~:::~:~:::~::M:~M;i:::~~ii~~::ilt~i~M:?&~K~t~t~~:~:~*~~~~:~~:~glht~t.t.~W~::hl~t1@t~~%\\\\\\~~\\\~ January 9, 1992 MEMORANDUM FROM: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners "j Mary M. Gornto 0J{\~(~ Deputy County Manager TO: . RE: Change Order Report #23 Period Ending January 9, 1992 MUSEUM . Maltbie Associates - Change Order No. Two (2) in the amount of $24,223.00. This change order covers modifications and additional work to the exhibit. John Jefferies - Change Order N. Five (5) in the amount of $755.00. This change order covers reV1Slons required for power and lighting as shown on the Appelbaum drawings #3, #5, and #7, dated July 25, 1990. SDI Construction - Change Order No. Two (2) in the amount of $2,562.00. This change order covers modifications to the case front and additional case work. SDI Construction - Change Order No. Three (3) in the amount of $900.00. This change order covers modifications to the case front and additional case work. American Carpets and Interiors - Change Order No. One (1) in the amount of $532.00. This change order covers additional charge for change in materials authorized by Jan Luth. Ralph Appelbaum and Associates - Change Order No. Three (3) in the amount of $42,000.00. This change order was previously approved on the May 6, 1991 Commissioner's Agenda. . Ralph Appelbaum and Associates - Change Order No. Four (4) in the amount of $33,500.00. This change orders proceeding with the production of the prologue theater video. . . . ~ County Commissioners Page Number Two' January 9, 1992 MUSEUM Massengill, Inc. - Change Order No. One (1) in the amount of $782.00. This change order covers credit for irrigation deletion and extra cost for boring under sidewalk and wall. LAW ENFORCEMENT - JAIL EXPANSION Clancy and Theys - Change Order No. One (1) in the amount of $64,229. This change order covers the security ceiling in the jail area, revised door and wall locations in the 911 area, additional lockers in 911 area and hardware changes. Kelly Plumbing - Change Order No. One (1) in the amount of $2,965. This change order covers redirect waste pipe in EOC, relocation of sink drain over 911, and relocate fire hose cabinets. SEWER Robert H. Goslee and Associates - Change Order No. One (1) in the amount of $200.00. This change order covers additional charge for survey work authorized by Dexter Hayes for the Wrightsboro Acorn Branch Project. T. A. Loving - Change Order No. Two (2) in the amount of $3,012.90. This change order covers additional force main and storm drainage pipe for the Wrightsboro Acorn Branch Project. Dale Todd Well Drilling - Change Order No. Two (2) in the amount of $2,980.00. This change order covers relocation of wells at 432 Bayshore Drive and 136 Hinton Avenue. Dale Todd Well Drilling - Change Order No. Three (3) in the amount of $277.54. This change order covers two WX202 tanks for 136 Hinton Avenue and 432 Bayshore Drive. Motorola Communications - Change Order No. Six (6) in the amount of $29,224.00. This change order covers eight additional remote terminal units for the telemetry system. SENIOR CENTER CBH Construction - Change Order No. Five (5) in the amount of $3,798.53. This change orders extra stone to repair cuts in parking lot and replace contaminated stone and install chase pipe for cable TV. . . . ~ County Commissioners Page Number Three January 9, 1992 SENIOR CENTER CBH Construction - Change Order No. Six (6) in the amount of $14,820.00. This change order covers extra work around the retention pond and fill to bring city sidewalk area to grade. Leader Construction Change Order No. Four (4) in the amount of $6,469.91. This change order covers additional room signs, additional subflooring, exterior roof louvers, wall damper at water, heater, painting and wallpaper changes, carpet substitution, adding sod at the front of the building, kitchen modifications for fire code, relocations of telephone boxes and kitchen gas piping, and additional food equipment sale taxes. MG/nb