1985-01-21 Regular Meeting 772 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING, JANUARY 9, 1985 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) Mr. Paul Rich, 141 Oriole Drive Ms. Lucille Shaffer, Chairman, Board of Education Mr. Jim Braswell Mr. Greg Massey Mr. Jerry Keith, 3228 Chalmers Drive Mr. John Carraway,5037 College Acres Drive Ms. Betty Thomas, 4783 College Acres Drive r After a lengthy period of questions and comments by the Commissioners, Chairman O'Neal expressed appreciation to the citizens of College Acres for expressing their concerns stating a decision would be make on January 21, 1985. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to close the Public Hearing. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Barfield Chairman O'Neal Absent: Commissioner O'Shields ~pe:/~ted' ~e F. Harrell Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, January 21, 1985, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners John Dolan, Fred Retchin; Claud 0' Shields, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barf ield, Sr.; Chairman Nolan O'Neal; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Commissioner O'Shields gave the invocation. MEETING RECESSED FOR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman O'Neal recessed from regular session to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District at 9:07 o'clock A.M. Chairman O'Neal reconvened the meeting to regular session at 9:22 o'clock A.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 7, 1985, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of January 7, 1985. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. '----- 773 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman O'Neal asked if any members of the general public wished to address the Commissioners on any item listed on the Consent Agenda or not listed on the Regular Agenda. The following person commented: I Ms. Grace Avery, Director of the Clean Community Commission, appeared before the Commissioners inviting everyone to participate in "Operation Clean Sweep" to be held on February 8 & 9, 1985, for cleaning up the Carolina Beach State Park on Dow Road. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to remove Item #7 and Item #20 from the Consent Agenda and to approve the following consent items: CONSENT AGENDA Approval of the Report of Collector of Revenue through December 31, 1984 The Commissioners approved the Report of the Collector of Revenue through December 31, 1984. 34. A copy of the report is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page Approval of Tax Abatements and Refunds The Commissioners approved a list of tax abatements and refunds as presented by the Tax Administrator. I 34. A copy of the list is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page Approval of Request for Disposition of Records - Register of Deeds and County Manager's Office The Commissioners approved the disposition of records as requested by the Register of Deeds and County Manager's office. Copies of the lists are on file in the'Clerk's office. Adoption of Resolution Recognizing DARE as Prominent Community Organization and Endorsing the Downtown Hotel-Convention Center Project The Commissioners adopted a resolution recognizing DARE as a prominent community organization and endorsing the Downtown Hotel Convention Center project. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 34. I Adoption of a Resolution Designating New Hanover County Department of Aging as Community Focal Point on Aging The Commissioners adopted a resolution designating the New Hanover County Department of Aging as the Community Focal Point on Aging. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 35. Adoption of Resolution to Provide Credit for Military Service The Commissioners adopted a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Retirement System to allow County employees to purchase credit for military service. ' A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 35. .... 774 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Approval of Affirmative Action Plan The Commissioners approved the updated Affirmative Action Plan as presented by the Personnel Department. Adoption of Resolution Supporting the City of Wilmington's Public Improvement Bono Issue The Commissioners adopted a resolution supporting the City of Wilmington's Public Improvement Bond Referendum to be held on March 26, 1985. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 35. Approval of Sewer Charge to Cape Fear Utilities The Commissioners approved a rate of $.0743 per thousand gallons to Cape Fear Utilities retroactive January 1, 1985 as follows: Operation & Maintenance Northeast Interceptor Operation & Maintenance Souths ide WWTP Operation & Maintenance Meter $0.121 0.588 0.034 Total $0.743 Approval of Special Waste Disposal - E. I. Du Pont Demours & Company The Commissioners approved a request from E. I. Du Pont Demours & Company, Brunswick Conuty, to dispose of Dacron Polyester Resin and Dimethyterepthalate at the Refuse Fired Steam Generation Facility. Approval For Application to be Filed by the Department of Aging for Arts Grassroots Grant The Commissioners approved the filing of an application by the Department of Aging for the Arts Council Grassroots Grant in the amount of $1,132 with in-kind services as the local match. Reclassification of Secretary VI to Secretary VII - Engineering Department The Commissioners approved the reclassification of Secretary VI to Secretary VII in Engineering and the transfer of the Secretary VI position in Parks and Recreation to Engineering. Approval of Budget Amendment - Social Services The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment for additional allocation received for the Crisis Intervention Program and to incorporate a new program due to Friends of Black Children Grant: Debit - #11 3530 379, Reim. for County - Welfare Admin. Expend. $20,160 #11 3530 384, Friends of Black Children Grant 21,525 Credit -#11 5310 100, Salaries & Wages $18,433 #11 5310 210, FICA 1,192 #11 5310 333, Consultants 400 #11 5310 510, Auto Allowances 1,500 #11 5358 530, Crisis Intervention Program 20,160 ~ 775 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Approval of Budget Amendment - Finance I The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to cover County Sales Tax: Debit - #11 3130 110, Local Option Sales Tax Credit - #11 4200 556, County Sales Tax $5,000 $5,000 Approval of Budget Amendment - Engineering Department The Commissioners approved a Budget Amendment in the amount of $6,500 to transfer monies from the Hurricane Debris Account to Parks & Recreation Capital Outlay Account to purchase a used Morbark Eager Beever Woodchuck: Debit - #11 4330 395, Hurricane Debris Account Credit - #11 6120 640, Capital Outlay Equipment $6,500 $6,500 Budget Amendments Approved by County Manager The following Budget Amendments were approved by the County Manager and are being reported for entry into record: Administration - To reimburse Sheriff's Department for two portable radios, two portable chargers and two spare batteries I Debit - #11 4121 421, Supplies & Materials #11 4121 640, Capital Outlay - Equip. Credit - #11 4311 421, Supplies & Materials #11 4311 640, Capital Outlay - Equip. $ 230 1,796 $ 230 1,796 Museum - Budget Proceeds from Sale of Museum Prints and Artifact Acquisition Debit -#11 3413 410, Receipts - Print Sale Credit-#ll 6140 372, Artifact Acquisition $1,210 $1,210 Health - Family Planning - Additional Revenue Received for Family Planning Debit -#11 3516 375, Revenue (Family Planning) Credit-#ll 3949 990, Revenue (County) $ 750 $ 750 Health/Jobs Bill - Additional Revenue Received from Jobs Bill in Line Item Debit -#11 3520 380, Revenue (Jobs Bill) Credit-#ll 5162 326, Professional Service $1,750 $1,750 Approval of By-Laws - Offender Aid and Restoration I The Commissioners approved an amendment to the By-Laws of the Offender Aid and Restoration Board adding two members to the board specifically from the Wrightsville and Kure Beach areas. A i Proclamation Proclaiming the Month of February as Human Relations Month The Commissioners adopted a proclamation proclaiming the month of February 1985 as HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH in New Hanover County. \ \ \ , A copy of the proclamation is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 35. ..... 776 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) Adoption of Resolution Supporting a New Program for Construction and Nourishment of Reefs The Commissioners approved a resolution supporting a new program for construction and nourishment of reefs being initiated by the N. C. Division of Marine Fisheries. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 36. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #20, A REQUEST FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE I POSITION - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT After discussion of Consent Agenda Item #20, it was the consensus of the Board to defer action requesting the Property Management Supervisor to be present to discuss the request for an Administrative Assistant I position. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LEASE POLICY FOR RENTAL CAR OPERATOR, RENTAL CAR SERVICE FACILITY AGREEMENT AND RENTAL CAR OPERATING AND CONCESSION AGREEMENT - NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Mr. Lawrence Murray, Vice-Chairman of the Airport Commission, gave background information on the resolution stating the Lease Policy Committee had strived to present agreements that were acceptable to all parties involved. Commissioner O'Shields commented on a 20-year lease for a capital investment of $150,000 expressing concern for the number of years. Airport Manager Shackelford commented on the uniqueness of the rental car operators stating the Lease Policy Committee had strived to encourage the rental car operators to locate on Airport property making investments on the facility using their own funds. He stated the term of the lease was most important to the car rental operators in making investments and that, also, any automobile rented off of Airport property was not profitable to the Airport. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to approve the agreements with an amendment to the Rental Car Service Facility Agreement to Section 15.4, Page 9 to read as follows with incorporation of wording in the Resolution Lease Policy for removal of storage facilities: Termination of Agreement. In the event County shall terminate this agreement of Lessee's right to possession or occupancy of the leased premises as provided herein, Lessee shall promptly vacate the premises, surrender and deliver possession thereof to County, and at its sole expense remove from the leased premises within thirty (30) days all signs, trade fixtures, furnishings, personal property, equipment, underground storage facilities, and materials which Lessee was permitted to install and maintain under the rights granted herein. Any of Lessee's property not removed within thirty (30) days shall become County property. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to the Airport Lease Policy Committee for a job well done. c DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY HAZARDOUS ANALYSIS REPORT Mr. Dan Summers, Emergency Services Coordinator, presented the New Hanover County Analysis Report requesting endorsement of the report. :1 } ' J/ ~ /, v "---- ! I I ~ I I I I I I I 777 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) NEW HANOVER COUNTY HAZARDOUS ANALYSIS REPORT (CONTINUED) After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to endorse the report authorizing the Chairman to write a letter to Mr. Jesse T. Pugh with the Division of Emergency Management in Raleigh, N. C. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I BREAK Chairman O'Neal recessed the meeting for a break from 10:10 o'clock A.M. to 10:25 o'clock A.M. DECISION TO CLOSE CLEAR RUN DRIVE EASEMENT AND ADOPTION OF THOROUGHFARE SYSTEM FOR THE COLLEGE ACRES NEIGHBORHOOD AMENDING THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN FOR THE WILMINGTON AREA Mr. Richard Morgan, Attorney representing Summey Building Systems, Inc., appeared before the Commissioners requesting the Board not to close the street. He stated this property was brought under the present zoning for development expressing the unfairness of this street closing to the purchaser. Mr. James Lea, Attorney representing the College Acres Homeowners Association, appeared before the Commissioners requesting the closing of Clear Run Drive in order to assist the citizens in this residential neighborhood with a hazardous traffic problem brought about by this project. He presented a letter from Randolph L. Gregory stating he was willing to grant the College Acres Apartments access over the Clear Run Drive easement until College Acres has access to Highway 132 at which time the easement will be closed. A copy of the letter is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 36. I After a lengthy discussion of the legalities involved in the closing of Clear Run Drive, Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to close the easement based on the findings of the Board that: (1) the closing of said easement is not contrary to the public interest; and (2) based upon the existence of another easement and upon the willingness of property owners ad jacent to Clear Run Drive Easement to execute temporary easements to property now owned by Summey Building System, Inc., no individual owning property in the vicinity of Clear Run Drive Easement will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the order closing the easement is contained in Exhibit Book XII, Page 37. Mr. Mark Arhendsen, Chairman of the Transportation Commi ttee, presented the proposed "Thoroughfare System College Acres Neighborhood" requesting approval Commissioners. Advisory for the by the Mr. Bernie Bentley, President of the College Acres Homeowners Association, stated the proposed plan was acceptable to his association. I After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner 0' Shields to adopt a resolution approving the "Thoroughfare System for the College Acres Neighborhood" as presented by the Transportation Advisory Committee amending the Thoroughfare Plan for the Wilmington area subject to approval by the City of Wilmington. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner 0' Shields expresssed appreciation to the developer and homeowners in giving of their time and effort to discuss and review a plan acceptable to both parties. 778 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF REQUEST FOR HIRING OF ARCHITECT FOR PROPOSED ADDITION TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Dr. Maurice Wilson, Chairman of the Board of Health's Capital Improvements Committee, appeared before the Commissioners requesting funds to hire an archi tect to draw plans for a proposed addition to the New Hanover County Health Department Building. He gave background information on the growth of health services in the area and the need for additional space. r Commi?sioner Dolan commented on providing funds for hiring an architect before approving the proposed addition to the Health Department building. Commissioner O'Shields emphasized the importance of health services stating the needs will have to be met in the future. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to follow regular procedure obtaining proposals from various firms to be presented to the Commissioners at a later date for discussion and review before advancing funds. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE GOVERNMENTAL UNITS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to amend the Resolution Establishing the Governmental Units Consolidation Study Commission to allow al terna te members to vote. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in ~xhibit Book XII, Page 37. r APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR THREE DEPUTY SHERIFF POSITIONS - CUSTODY DIVISION Sheriff McQueen appeared before the Board requesting three additional Deputy Sheriff positions due to an increase in the number of transports of inmates stating his personnel had been working an excessive amount of overtime. County Manager Cooper stated the positions would involve a cost of $19,000-$20,000 to complete the fiscal year from unappropriated funds. After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the additional three deputy positions with a Budget Transfer of $19,500 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance to complete the fiscal year. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REPORT BY MUSEUM BUILDING COMMITTEE Mr. John Olin Perritt III, Chairman of the Museum Building Committee, gave background information on the study of the MacMillan Buick property being the most desirable site for the proposed Museum Building. He commented on the location point as high in terms of its location and accessibility; but low in terms of expansion, parking, and out-door programming space. r After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for the Museum to make a Budget Request in 1985/86 Budget for hiring of an architect for design and site location. Commissioner O'Shields expressed appreciation to the Committee for their time and effort given in the preparation of this report. '- 779 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) I DISCUSSION OF REQUEST BY VISION CABLE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. TO INCREASE FRANCHISE FEES Mr. Harold Seagle, Attorney representing Vison Cable, gave background information on the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, requesting the County to amend the 1977 Franchise Ordinance authorizing an increase in franchise fees to 5%. Commissioner Barfield commented on the increase from 3% to 5% being passed to subscribers stating he was ,opposed to consumers having to absorb the additional cost. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Dolan MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to leave the Franchise Ordinance as it is at 3%. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Dolan Commissioner Retchin Commissioner Barfield Chairman O'Neal Voting Noe: Commissioner O'Shields BREAK Chairman O'Neal recessed the meeting for a break from 12:00 o'clock noon to 12:09 o'clock p.m. I DISCUSSION OF REQUEST FOR ACQUISITION OF THE nR.R. STONEn AS PART OF COLLECTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY MUSEUM Ms. Janet Seapker, Museum Di rector, appeared Commissioners requesting acquisition of the R. R. Stone the collection of the New Hanover County Museum. She agencies had requested that the Mu?eum seek ownership. before the as part of stated two Commissioner Barfield and Commissioner O'Shields expressed concern for the County assuming ownership of the tug stating a lead agency needed to be established for ownership. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to commit $2,000 for preservation of the tug if a lead agency is established for ownership. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECESS FOR LUNCH Chairman O'Neal recessed the meeting for lunch from 12:37 o'clock P.M. to 1:26 o'clock P.M. ABATEMENT OF PENALTY ON PRIVILEGE LICENSE - HOWARD'S TRAILER COUNTRY After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Dolan to abate the penalty for the last two years. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I ABATEMENT OF PENALTY ON PRIVILEGE LICENSE - MONTGOMERY WARD SALES AGENCY After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED,' SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to abate the penalty for the last two years. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT OF LT. J. B. STINSON, JOHN BLAIR, AND RONALD SAUCIER TO THE CBA TASK FORCE Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to appoint Lt. J. B. Stinson to fill an unexpired term expiring December 31, 1986, representing Law Enforcement on the CBA Task Force. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to appoint Mr. John Blair to serve a three-year term in the Social Services Category on the CBA Task Force expiring on December 31, 1987. 780 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, 0' Shields to appoint Mr. Ronald E. term as a Member at Large expiring the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED by Commissioner Saucier to serve a three-year December 31, 1987. Upon vote, ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION OF DRAFT BILL TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY TO AGREE TO ACQUIRE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR ROADS OUTSIDE CORPORATE LIMITS Commissioner O'Shields stated he had presented the two draft bills to the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners for clarification of the law relating to acquisi tion by ci ties of street rights-of-way outside the corporate limits allowing counties to acquire land in unincorporated areas as rights-of-way for street construction or improvement projects around a municipality. He stated the association was going to back these bills on a statewide basis. DISCUSSION OF ZONING CASTLE HAYNE Commissioner O'Shields commented on the need to zone Castle Hayne requesting the Planning Department to study this matter and place this item on the agenda for the second meeting in February. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for the Planning Department to study and present recommendations to the Commissioners on February 18, 1985. DISCUSSION OF CONCERN BY CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE FOR PROPOSED HOTEL/CONVENTION CENTER BY DARE Commissioner O'Shields expressed concern over the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Technical Institute not being flexible and willing to work with projects such as the Hotel/Convention Center. He recommended calling Mrs. Schwartz assuring her continued County support of Cape Fear Tech emphasizing the benefit of such projects to all citizens of the County. Commissioner Barfield expressed concern for Commissioners becoming involved until time to negotiate stating Cape Fear Tech and DARE should discuss this matter. Chairman O'Neal stated he felt that Cape Fear Tech should be assured of continued support of the institute. DISCUSSION OF GREENSBORO/HIGH POINT AIRPORT AUTHORITY MEETING Commissioner O'Neal gave a report on the meeting of the Greensboro/High Point Airport Authority stating the visit was quite interesting and that the Authority had done an outstanding job with operation of the Airport for the past 22 years. He stated they were not involved with any use of land for any related industries but operated on a regional basis. REPORT ON LEGISLATIVE GOALS CONFERENCE IN HIGH POINT Commissioner Retchin commented on the discord concerning the proposed procedure to request the Department of Motor Vehicles to collect property taxes for Counties as licenses are renewed for vehicles. He recommended submitting the following alternatives to NCACC: a. Require all counties to issue windshield decals either at the time the vehicle is listed or at the time the tax is paid and provide for a citation by all law enforcement agencies against vehicles not displaying the proper decal. b. Deliver renewal cards for licenses for vehicles to the counties in which registered 30 days prior to the normal mailing time to allow each tax department to verify on the renewal card that the vehicle has been properly registered on that county's tax abstract. ~ 781 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) REPORT OF LEGISLATIVE GOALS CONFERENCE (CONTINUED) I Legislation to prohibit the issuance of the vehicle license without the property certification by the County Tax Department would then assure it's listing and ultimate payment of the taxes due. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to submit these proposals to Ron Aycock, President of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER DISCUSSION OF SALE OF ENTITLEMENT MONIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 AND 1984-85 FROM THE DAYTONA BEACH REGIONAL AIRPORT, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA, FLORIDA County Manager Cooper gave background information on a memorandum received from the County of Volusia, Florida, requesting bids for $1,000,000 of entitlement monies for Fiscal Years 1983-84 and 1984-85. He stated the issue had been discusssed with the Airport Terminal Consultant in Washington, D. C., wi th this method being acceptable legally. A pre-bid conference is to be held by the Purchasing Director's office at 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 29, 1985, in the County of Volusia Florida, DeLand, Florida. I Airport Manager Shackelford commented on the funding program stating generally 90% was federal participation, 5% state participation, and 5% county participation. He stated this formula applied to safety projects; however, when the money is used for terminal buildings, the program limits the matching rate to 50 %. After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the County Manager and Airport Manager to investigate this matter and report back to the Commissioners. APPROVAL OF PERSONNEL POLICY REVISION AND OVERTIME After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve Item No. 7 on the Consent Agenda, Personnel Policy Revision and Overtime, with the incorporation of 14 days to the pay period and 40 hours for compensatory time. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT TO MAKE NAME BADGES County Manager Cooper gave background information on the cost of $5 per employee for name badges stating a machine could be purchased for $1,925 to be used by the Print Shop to produce these badges with the additional capacity to produce parking space signs, door signs, etc. He stated the cost of the initial process would be approximately $3,000. Commissioner Dolan commented on the security factor of badges stating he supported the idea. I After discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to allocate funding in the amount of $3,000 for purchase of the machine and issuance of name tags. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. After further discussion, Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to individually mark each Commissioner's parking space. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Dolan Commissioner Retchin Commissioner O'Shields Voting Noe: Chairman O'Neal 782 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1985 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF DEPARTURE FOR RETREAT County Manager Cooper stated each Commissioner should meet at the County Parking Lot at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, January 24, 1985, for departure for the retreat to Bald Head Island. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Retchin to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal adjourned the meeting at 2:55 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, nfJ~ . d 7V~ ~F. Harrell Clerk MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 29, 1985 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session with the Wilmington City Council on Tuesday, January 29, 1985, at 3:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.: John Dolan: Claud O'Shields, Jr.: Fred Retchin, Chairman Nolan O'Neal: County Manager G. Felix Cooper: Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto: and Sherry Griffin, Recorder. Councilmembers present were: E. A. Bordeaux: Irving Fogler: E. A. Pate: Robert Shipp: Mayor William Schwartz: City Manager, William Farris: Assistant City Manager, Susan Dankel: and Clerk, Claire Hughes. Councilman Luther Jordan arrived at 4:15 o'clock P.M. Chairman O'Neal called the meeting to order stating the purpose of the Special Meeting was to hear a presentation by Doug Boykin concerning the North Chase Project and a presentation by Lynn Hill and Associates for the results of the tourism study. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF NORTH CHASE PROJECT Mr. Doug Boykin introduced the consultants present representing Ammons-Boykin Corporation stating the purpose of the presentation was to discuss the North Chase Project trying to find a solution acceptable to the City, County, and Ammons-Boykin Corporation to bring this project into existence. He presented slides and gave background information on the following issues: (1) the need to amend the Wilmington/New Hanover County Land Use Plan: and (2) ongoing discussions with City and County staffs for utilities. The presentation included background information concerning the planning process, engineering issues, and the economic impact of North Chase which is presently planned for 2,787 units. r After discussion of the pros and cons of the poject by the Commissioners and City Councilmen, Chairman O'Neal thanked Mr. Boykin and his associates for the informative presentation stating that decisions would be made by both governing bodies. PRESENTATION OF TOURISM STUDY BY LYNN HILL & ASSOCIATES Ms. Hill made a presentation of the Tourism Study emphasizing the potential revenues available to the citizens and businesses of New Hanover County by establishing a Wilmington Area Visitors and Meetings Council for the promotion of tourism. "---