1985-01-29 Special Meeting 782 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINGr JANUARY 2lr 1985 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF DEPARTURE FOR RETREAT County Manager Cooper stated each Commissioner should meet at the County Parking Lot at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, January 24, 1985, for departure for the retreat to Bald Head Island. ADJOURNMENT Commi ssioner Barf ield MOVED, SECONDED by Commi s sioner Retchin to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal adjourned the meeting at 2:55 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, nfJ~ . d 7V~ ~F. Harrell Clerk MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETINGr JANUARY 29r 1985 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session with the Wilmington City Council on Tuesday, January 29, 1985, at 3:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; John Dolan; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Fred Retchin, Chairman Nolan O'Neal; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto; and Sherry Griffin, Recorder. Councilmembers present were: E. A. Bordeaux; Irving Fogler; E. A. Pate; Robert Shipp; Mayor William Schwartz; City Manager, William Farris; Assistant City Manager, Susan Dankel; and Clerk, Claire Hughes. Councilman Luther Jordan arrived at 4:15 o'clock P.M. Chairman O'Neal called the meeting to order stating the purpose of the Special Meeting was to hear a presentation by Doug Boykin concerning the North Chase Project and a presentation by Lynn Hill and Associates for the results of the tourism study. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF NORTH CHASE PROJECT Mr. Doug Boykin introduced the consultants present representing Ammons-Boykin Corporation stating the purpose of the presentation was to discuss the North Chase Project trying to find a solution acceptable to the City, County, and Ammons-Boykin Corporation to bring this project into existence. He presented slides and gave background information on the following issues: (1) the need to amend the Wilmington/New Hanover County Land Use Plan; and (2) ongoing discussions with City and County staffs for utilities. The presentation included background information concerning the planning process, engineering issues, and the economic impact of North Chase which is presently planned for 2,787 units. r After discussion of the pros and cons of the poject by the Commissioners and City Councilmen, Chairman O'Neal thanked Mr. Boykin and his associates for the informative presentation stating that decisions would be made by both governing bodies. PRESENTATION OF TOURISM STUDY BY LYNN HILL & ASSOCIATES Ms. Hill made a presentation of the Tourism Study emphasizing the potential revenues available to the citizens and businesses of New Hanover County by establishing a Wilmington Area Visitors and Meetings Council for the promotion of tourism. "--- 783 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETINGr JANUARY 29r 1985 (CONTINUED) PRESENTATION OF TOURISM STUDY (CONTINUED) I A proposal was presented to establish the Council as an autonomous, single purpose, private, non-profit economic development corporation for the New Hanover County visitor industry to provide the following functions: to provide a cooperative, on-going forum for visitor industry and visitor-related organizations to develop and grow the visitor industry in a planned, quality manner to preserve, protect and maintain the visitor economy of New Hanover County to provide an effective organization that can create and respond to opportunities in a timely fashion to operate a full-service, professional visitors and meetings program to raise funds to operate a full-service gram through membership fees, grants, project receipts, room occupancy taxes tax revenues visitors pro- contributions, and general to recruit, train and develop a skilled, effective staff to deliver programs I to educate members and key the public to an awareness of the visitor industry Ms. Hill emphasized the importance of spending additional public funds for tourism promotion comparing New Hanover County with other resort areas throughout the State of North Carolina. She stated because of the modest funding presently available for advertising and public relations, very little had been done in the area of new market development. She recommended the establishment of a full-service visitor organization. After a period of questions and answers by the County Commissioners and Councilmen, Chairman O'Neal expressed appreciation to Ms. Hill and Associates for the presentation stating the study certainly was informative and provided an excellent format for planning. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barf ield MOVED, SECONDED by Commi ssioner O'Shields to adjourn the Special Meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman O'Neal adjourned the meeting at 6:16 o'clock P.M. I Respectfully submitted, rQ.~~ ~ F. Harrell Clerk