1992-03-16 RM Exhibits . . . ~/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS CCLLECTIO~S THR~ 02/29/92 ~.Jl<I G UM l r A X LEV Y PER S C R 0 L L DIStOVEKIES ADDEO LESS AUArE."1f:l\iTS TUTAL TAXES CHARGEe AQVEKTISING fEES CHARGED t~krIFICATIO~ PENALTIES CHARLED ltSTI~G PENALTIeS CHARGED TorAL LEVY COLLECTIUNS TO DATE UUTSTANDING BALANCE PE"CE~TA~f COLLfCTfU OACK TAxes '* REAL ESTATE A~D PERSONAL PROPERTY u:ss At3AfEMEI\fS T:.JTAL TAXES DUE C(JLLf:CTIOI~S Ti) DATE OUTSTANDING BALANC~ PeRCENTAGE CULLECTED fE8 1992 1991 ~ )9,t,'26,562.'56 2,9U6,617..40 105,908.53- --------------- $ 42,S07,271.43 .00 231,400.00 7G,3J7.67 --------------- $ 43tl09,OiJ9.10 40,153,773.45- - -..---..-.---....-...- $ 2,955,235.65 93.14% $ 2,7':>0,323.97 25,514.92- S 2,724,809.05 6't 2 , 043. 43- - - --- ----- ----- $ 2,{;~2t765.62 23..56:t -------------- -------------- FISCAL VTa RQlm OCCUPA.'ICY TA"< COLLECTIONS P~IVILEG~ LICfNSE CULLECTJCNS C"'1S COLLECTro~s 46 ,280 . 19 667.25 .00 l,020,o9't.O'l lO.,6QZ.52 ..00 TOTA.L t'I'JH:Y PROCESS<;:O THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FC~ I~El~ HANO'Jl::I~ COIJ:~TY, CITY Of ~llMINGTO!''h hRIGHTSVILLE eEACHt CAHtJLINA dEACH, A;~U KURt: ~tACH TO Ob.TE - $59,567,138.86. TIll S REPnKT IS FUR FISCAL YEAR l1EGINtHNG JULY 1, 19cn. ~I S) E C T.F I~ L L Y . S U lH ! T TED, ._,.. ~OJ:'rl(.A.~.. c.,\. t4';~'~(J' "~II.~~t PATKICIA J. "),(~~OR COLLc(.rUH OF KEVENUE Cr:JNSENT A';ENOA uATE :_2-j~.:1?- ITEM WJ._5___ . . . N~ri HANUV~R COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIO~S CCLLECTION$ THRU 02/29/92 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCQVERltS AUOEO L E. S S A f3l\ T E (.1 E t-I T S T UT AL TAX ES CtiARGED lISTING PENALTIES CHA~GEO TOTAL lE.VY COLLfCT[O~S TO DATE OUTSTAN8ING SALANCE P~KCENTAGE CULlECrED E. A C K T A XES 19q1 $ 870,221.14 86,830.68 29,606.89- $ 927.444.Qj 1. 461.31 ------..-...-...--- $ 928,906.24 R69,818.ltl- " 59,081.93 93.b4% REAL ~STATe AND PE~SONAL PROP~RTY CliARGE:S ADDEO U:S'; AHATEMt::NTS TUT^L TAXt::'i DUE CULlECTI0~S TO DATE $ 52,300.26 251.77 63it.29- --------------- $ 51,923.74 IB,~23_e~- --------------- OUTSTANDING BftLANCE , 33,399..89 PEkCENTAGE COLlECTEC 35.6d' THl5 RE~OMT IS FUN FISCAL YEAl{ BEGI~NING JULY 1, 19~1. ltl! 55 EC TFU LL y' SU l:.lrq.,r T ED, ....r O.t", :.C' (\. t}~~ )",,r;r PATRICIA J. {JNOf< ( COLLECTOR OF REVENUE COI\lSENT AGENOA OA T!: : _3=1~:~t?:- I T t: t'" NO. _ _ k _ _ Ntw 3Jlanuutr <trUtmtt! iBnnrb lIf Qrnmmissil1utrs ~roclamatton 'W:J{~, counties are wfiere Ylmerica CUles. rroaay, 98 percent of our nation's peopfe ma/(j counties tfieir IWrrre. 'WJ{~!l('DIS, counties 6egan as a response to tlje neeas of tlie earfy settfers of our country. rz1ieir TOots can 6e traua a t/iousana years, 6ad(to tfie s/iires of Jllng{o-Sa7(on {ocaf governrrrent. Counties first appearea in co{onia{ YlrrretUa, maRing tliem orikr t/W.n tIie !%pwCze itself. 9f!.w Hanover County was founaea on 9{pvem6er 27J 1729. W!J{~, tfie primary functions of county government during tlie 1800s ana earfy 1900s invo{vea ju.tl'zeia~ roa'" raw enforcement ana otkr responsibilities in wfiU:.fi tk county acte4 mainfy as an arm of tIie state. 1VJ{'E9{,TJIS, over tk fast century, tk responswilities of county governrrrents /W.ve grown enormousfy. County governments empfoy 2.9 mifCwn people. ana spent almost $111 6il(ion fast year to provide servic.es to tk people. of tfie 'Unitea States. 'W!J{~, counties, toaay, are tk govemrrrent infrastructure witfi auties ranging from pwfU; safety to preserving tfie enwonrrrent. qJiey runfwusing ana community tfevefoprrrent programs. rz1iey maintain parRJ, airports, ana transit systems. rz1iey wortto so{ve area-'l.iJU{e pro6fems, {i./(j air ana water po({utionJ soCu{ waste aisposal ana arug traffid(jng. Ylntl, wfien tk skt tk age'" or tlie poor fuwe nowfiere efse to go, it is tfie county t/W.t cares for tliem. ~ lJ!J{'E/R:TlFO!R.J;, 'lJ'E Irf !1(1"So.llVEtJJ, in recognition of tfie neea for aU !itmericans to acf&owkage tfie important rote of county government, tfie 9{f.w Hanover County tJ30ara of Conunissioners aoes Iiere6y prodaim !itprif 5-11, 1992, as 9{jlrzI()f}{flL COfl!J.tI'.Y (jm"EfR...?CM'E.9(J: ~ in !J{f.w !J{anover County. Jl'u{opua tliis tfie 16m tlay of !Marcli, 1992. ............................~.......................................................... RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 3rd day of March, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Two Instrument Air Compressors for the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 92-0307: Miller Building corporation Blue Ridge Mechanical Contractors, Inc. $104,750.00 $ 84,000.00 AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Blue Ridge Mechanical Contractors of Greensboro, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Eighty-four Thousand Dollars ($84,000.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 715-480-8510-6402 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Two Instrument Air Compressors for the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 92-0307 be awarded to Blue Ridge Mechanical contractors, Inc. not to exceed Eighty-four Thousand Dollars ($84,000.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authorized to return the bid bidders. the Purchasing Agent is hereby deposits to the unsuccessful This of March, 1992. ,,--- nty Commissioners d-"""" A:---"'I") ~~ t.?'. ,:'<- ,. , ')" ~ ",r J),. ..., .., ,. , '--(, , . ;.\ ~l': f;'. ,:/r~," "", :) ~ ~. 'V,;,.,$Y' ;" 1 :\ j1!} ~'4i> '1 ,~. . ;/' .... l~$(~c~'~~'\; I~' o! :~~'~~~~~ .~~~ '(j. <> Y ).".. _, ^ "".' ,.,...t 'l' .):/ ~ffl} .-.,,", ......... . "';,,p' ,'V -,:_ <:~~...} uv<;~.?!? 'V~ fy--'''''''' ,'"" 1(J '<;:,) <,,') \') ..~~~~' , " RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 27th day of February, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Food Stamp Distribution Services for the Social Services Department, RFP # 92-0314: *Direct Mail *Certified Mail **Personal Delivery Cost Containment, Inc. YWCA of Wilmington $ .55 $4.41 $ .55 $8.57 $1.82 $4.59 *Actual postage will be reimbursed in addition to these amounts. **Denotes method of issuance where client will come to a specified site to pick up food stamp allotment. AND WHEREAS, the/ Social Services Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Cost Containment, Inc. of Raleigh, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, at the unit prices of $.55/regular and certified mail plus reimbursement of actual postage; $1.82 personal delivery; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in or will be in subsequent years budget Account Number 110-530-5334-2000-3700 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Food stamp Distribution Services for the Social Services Department, RFP # 92-0314 be awarded to Cost Containment, Inc. at the unit prices of $.55/regular and certified mail plus reimbursement of actual postage; $1.82 personal delivery; and that the County is , " hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. of March, 1992. (SEAL) \ "r ";7;;1- ~., ( '<'~ ~, . l\ ~:0~. II i. ~f:Y \' .." " ~'-> , ,'" )f~l .:"," ~ .;.~~ ~ '4 ~.I ~i,.'" ; ~~\y ~ " -~ ~.\ '" ::-~_,~ ~':~, I RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, General Statute 160A-274 allows for exchange of personal property between governmental units based upon such terms and conditions as it deems wise; AND Director currently exchanged the North WHEREAS, the County cooperative is requesting the Bull DPX/2 being used by the Cooperative for a Bull DPX/2 Model 150 ETS Carolina State University; Extension Service Model 210 computer Extension Office be workgroup Server from AND WHEREAS, the upgrade replacement will be 2-1/2 times faster than the existing computer, have twice the memory, will be able to run the 5.0 version of Word Perfect and the exchange will be an equal exchange without any funds being expended; AND WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Service Director, the Finance Director and the county Manager recommend that the exchange be approved; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Bull DPX/2 computer be exchanged for the Bull DPX/2 Model 150 with Carolina State University. of County Model 210 the North of March, 1992. commissioners --- 6(,:, .I{ r~.,~'l ;1' t ,-/ H 1 i ~ .~ r:- ~,"/~; ~ '\,:,t,"" ~~, _ i -.~ I~ '" I .'~'" ~;- '~, I.}.f . , ~ .::+...... 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