1992-04-21 RM Exhibits :..- ,.... ~ " .. RBSOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NE\'l HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, TO ENTER INTO A RECIPROCAL AGRF.F.~ENT WITI~ rHE CITY OF HIGH POINT FOR THE QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIANS WHEREAS, Sections 160A-194 and 1531\-134 of the North Carolina General Statutes authorize cities and counties, respectively, to regulate and license, by ordinance~ occupations. businesses, trades and professions; and WHEREAS, these General Statutes provide may require applicants charged a reasonable fee same sections of the North Carolina that cities and counties, respectively, for such licenses to be examined and therefore; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has implemented this statutory authority by requiring that before a person may engage as a journeyman electrician within the jurisdiction of' New Hanover County he or she must first take and pass a journeyman electrician qualification examination administered by the New Hanover County Board of Examine~s for Electricians and obtain his journeyman electrician certification card from said Board of' Examiners; and WHEREAS, the City of High Point being a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, has also implemented. this statutory authority and is also requiring the same qualification and certification of a person before he or she is permitted to engage as a journeyman electrician in its respective jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, a committee, known as the North Carolina Committee for Journeyman Electricians, has been constituted with provisions for- each city and county Ilamed herein to be represented on this committee; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Committee for Journeyman Electricians has promulgated a set of bylaws whereby the cities and counties of North Carolina which are exercising their statutory authority under' G.S. 160A-194 and. G.S. 153A~134, respectively, may participate in a recriprocal agreement for the purpose of recognizing each other's journeyman electrician qualification requirements and cer.tifica,tion; and I 4 WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the general public and of the journeyman electricians qualified and certified by New Hanover County to be recognized as qualified and certified journeyman electricians in the other participating cities and counties withih New Hanover County without having to separately qualify in each of these participating cities and counties; and 4 .v. .J \~HEnEAS, the same best interest would be served through New' Hanover County's recognition of the qualification and certification of journeyman electricians who have qualified and obtained certification in High Point; NOW, 'rHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of. Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereby accepts membership in the North Carolina Committee for Journe~~an Electricians and authorizes the New Hanover County Board of Examiners of Electricians to proceed with the necessary' arrangemenet$ for, and to enter into, a reciprocal agIeement with High Point, for the qualification and certification of journeyman electricians in accordance with the fOllpwing Bylaws of the North CaroJina Committee for Journeyman Electricians. This the ?tld. day of ~, 1992. {SEAL} I . New Hanover County ~~~ - . . M~WS' J ., Chairman Board of Conunissioners ATTEST: ~ New Jlannuer QInuntu ilnaf~ of Qrnmtnht6 inlltfn ',.~roclamatiotl ~' it ",' ,. WHEREAS, this year marks the sixth anniversary of the Hanover County Emergency Medical Services program, and }j ,;' , , , , .oJ ,I ''[':''l.:. ;.. I ~WHEREAS, this pr~gram has produged significant progress~to " 1, ~,'~ include a well defined prehospital care system, enhanced Advanced Life Support, care levels, improved training, and a' designated .,'>, t~?-uma care center, and " " ,~~: \.;; f~j , , WHEREAS,' these changes, which have affected all areas of the "',:" county, would not have been possible without a dedicated. team,. effort by the organizations, agencies, and professionals involved,~, , in emergency medi,cal services, and ' .,,' ,.:' " ""'0 WHEREAS, it is in keeping with their dedication that'we~;et-~ aside" a special time to recognize their contributions to the' welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. NOW" THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board ;',~ of Commissioners proc~aims the week of May 10 through 16, 1992, as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK in New Hanover County, and dedicate this observance to those individuals whose tireless and selfless efforts provide critical life-saving medical care to our citizens. Adopted this 21st day of April, 1992. I ".; . ~'I .. , f 'j ~~L ~ ~ I. '1lU <:.. _ . ______ ,.._ _ __ v . J. .. -. . _____._._.._____......_..__....__.___.__..._..___.__.____.._.________._.......____......._.___.." . . 1",."'--..-.................--..-.. ..... ................ .......... .............. ................ ...... , ~,I l_~'~~Q~...!..~~_~~~~..!.._~,~~_~_~.__~~~~~.!.~.-~-~!..~~---'--.-,----~--,-._-_._--_._--_...-._^-._,.---,,-_..-'.---_.---.,--_.~--_._._,.._-~ ~ - "l ~ ~ I ~ \;+ ..f RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 31st day of March, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Nutrition Services Under Title III of the Older American Act for the Aging Department, Bid # 92-0308: Congregate Home Delivered Newbold's Carolina BBQ & Seafood, Inc. $2.73 per meal $2.73 per meal AND WHEREAS, the Department of Aging, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Newbold's Carolina BBQ & Seafood, Inc. of Richlands, North Carolina, the only bidder, in the amount of Two Dollars and Seventy-three Cents ($2.73) per meal for Congregate and Home Delivered Meals; AND WHEREAS, funds will be in Account No. 110-582-5823-2000-3710 and 110-582-5824-2000-3710 to cover this contract; AND WHEREAS, award is contingent upon receipt of federal funding; any reduction or withdrawal of funding shall constitute grounds for County to forthwith terminate all or a portion of the contact; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Nutrition Services Under Title III of the Older American Act for the Aging Department, Bid # 92-0308 be awarded to Newbold's Carolina BBQ & Seafood, Inc. in the amount of Two Dollars and seventy-three Cents ($2.73) per meal for Congregate and Home Delivered Meals; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 21st day of April, 1992. (SEAL) . . . NE~, HANOVER COUNTY fIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 03/31/92 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERI~S ADDEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LIST[NG PENALT[ES CHARGED TOTAL LEvY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ~ACt<. TAXES RE~L ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHA~GES ADDED U:Ss AE~TEtJ,ENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE CULLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING oAlANCf. PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS f<EPORT IS FOR FISCAL 1991 $ 87C,221..14 86.991.72 29,708.89- - -----------..-- $ 927,443.97 1,450..80 $ 928,894.77 895,31B.8Q- $ 33,575.97 96.39% $ 52,306.26 311.56 t:.96.13- $ 51,921.69 19,534.61- $ 32,387.08 37.62% YEAR BEGIN~ING JULY 1, 1991. RES,.~ ~F~L~ y S.~.BM ~.! T1ED, ,....'4 O_'';f'(,'',~", t.) 0 :j.,: " PATRICIA J. R(VI\lOR ~J COLleCTOR OF REVENUE <# h-,,;f .. CONSENT AGPmA OAT t : ~..:~!:9.2. lTEN No.__k__ . . . ~EW HANOvER CCUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 03/31/92 OtHC7HlJal TAX LEVY PER SCROLL OISCOVE~IcS ADDED LESS ABATEMl:NTS Tor~L TAXES CHARGED AOVERTISING FEE~ CHARGED CeRTIFICATION PE~AlTIES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL U:\I" CULLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANOING BALANCE P~~Cf-NTAGE COLLECTED eACK T AJ\E S '1991 $ 39,926.,562.50 3,084,411.12 156,235.71- $ 42,854.131.91 13,415.00 230"bOO.OO 10,606.29 --------------- $ 43.169,419.20 41,148,863.77- " 2,020.555.43 95.32% REAL ESTATE A.ID PEf{SO~AL PROPERTY LESS A~ATEMcI'iTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ 2,150,3l3.97 129,153.17- --------------- $ 2,621,170.20 615,127.50- $ 1,945,442.70 25.18% MAR 1992 FISCAL YTQ ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGe LltENSE COlLECTICNS Ei~S COLLECTIONS 55,895.65 342.50 .00 1,0"16,589.74 21,035.02 .00 TOTAL ~ONEY P~OCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEw HANOvER CJUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, ~RIG~TSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA ~EACH, AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $61.181,729.48. THIS HEPORT IS FO~ FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1991. r{E~CTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~o":'::r-\(.:.~~ ~o t2~ew- PATRICIA J. R~Y ~aR (J COlU:CTOK OF!i' VENUE CONSENT AGENDA OATE:_J:L:~l ~ I TI: M NO.. _.6___ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF GOVERNING BOARD OF N~t.1 ll~f\l'\"~l" COY11tjf &. Cape In Respect to Safe Deposit Box RESOLVED, thatJanet K. Seapker. Director; R::!rh::!r,q T. Rm'T~). Curator & r.hr; ~r; ,qne (Name and title of officer) .Freer--Parsons, Registrar of this (corporation) (organization)O ( Name and title of officer) - be and each of them hereby is, respectiv~!y', aut!lOrized to rent from Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, N. A. (hereinafter called Wachovia). Wilmlngton " N. C., a safe deposit box on behalf of and in the name of this (corporation) (organization)O subject to the rules and regulations of Wachovia, and that any one of the holders of the following offic~s shall ( number) (A corporation) Fea(l'lot incorporated) Museum RESOLUTION OF ~nd have access to such safe deposit box: 2053 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Secretary of this (corporation) (organization)O shall certify to Wachovia, the name or names of the person or persons holding the office or offices above specified and shall also promptly certify to Wachovia any change in the personnel of the holders of such office or offices while this resolution is in effect; RESOL VED FURTHER, that this resolution shall remain in full force and effect until written notice of its amendment or rescission shall have been given to Wachoviaby the Secretary. CERTIFICATION Commissioners r.ounty Museum Rn,qrrl nf hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution f the Board of Dire~~v~Eing Board)O of:.:J! (corporation) (o~ nizati9n 0 adopted at a meeting thereof duly held a .2.. on the ..:2 I day of , 197'd;- and that said resolution is now in full force and effect. It is further certified that the present holders of the office or 0 ces authorized to have access to the safe deposit box and their signatures are: Office Name Director Janet K. Seapker Signatu~ St \ ~.~A~ _~h'a:~~-P~~ ~ ,199~ ~~p~ D~~ day of Curator Barbara L. Rowe Registrar Christiane Freer-Parsons WITNESS my hand and the seal of the corporationOO this (Affix corporate seal) OStrike out inapplicable words o OStrike out "and the seal of the corporation" if not a corporation. 379 Rev. 6-82 ;;2/~ NORTH CAROLINA STAtE DEPART~1ENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDAI~Y ROAD SYSTEM North Ca ro 1 i na County of New Hanover I Hoad Descri pt ion W,ea ther'wood--5..uhd..Lvision Di~ile 63 9-N: Mint-wnnn ~nllrtr Red RelY ~ourt. Spi.c.e.wood street. Lupine Court, Garden Astor Court, Rushwood Court and Low Bush Court WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlon that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County COlllmissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highvvays is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the 130arcl of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 21st day of April 19 92 W ITN E S S illY h and and off i cia 1 sea 1 t his the c5} ivz d~yO"f 4)/~ , 19 ~ I I / ")// . /") v; / (":--: -e;Ll~- \~~;/ / V~tl-U~ Clerk-; Board of COlllll1issioners County of New Hanover Form SR-2 (7-77) PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways APR-13-1992 09:31 FROM EHNR WILM REG OFFICE TO 93414130 P.01 I' . . JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRET AFri STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AnON 124 Divi5ion Drive Wilmineton. NC 28401 919-350-2011 February 18. 1992 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILl.IAM G. MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Diyision 3. Di~tric~ 3 New Hanover County New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmin~on. NC 28401 . Re; Resolution Bequest Request for Addition to the State Highway System Mintwood Ct.. Red Bay Ct.. Spicewood St.. Lupine Ct. . Garden Astor Ct.. Rushwood Ct. & Low Bush Ct. Weatherwood Subdivision (Div. File No. 689-N) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering addition of the above subject roads in Weathert.lood Subdivision (Div. File ~ 689-N) t.l) thE: state system. After your consideration. if you concur ple~se furnish this office with your resolution for Ql.1r furt.her handling. Very truly yours. ~~ J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: H.ighway Maintenance Engineer . ~-ItTl brand fax tran8mi~1 memo 76711 (lor page$" :L- ITo -r~sOo- ~~ ."1Q1oe__l\~ ~~~ eo; N b\. ~ . ~~ eo. N<:.. 'DO'\ Dept. Phone" ,. ~1t:t.. ?;S~::...t';lf' U 3L(/... "#3 a FellI APR-13-1992 09:32 FROM EHNR WILM REG OFFICE TO 93414130 , ~ ,..' .', .... .J . " e . ~".~"'l' .~...., ~, t:d:;6rl.l.t1 t.. ", ,~> -. I :' I ~.. '=""'~~:=~:':~':~:'3~::~~' .....'"...~.. .::::o:;~:::~,.'''' 11 J.Lluudl uf Qlll1llllli.lm iUllrr.a :1 . . . . /j I; I! :1 . . . . . , ~ I jl .1 1:1 I ~ I =1 ,/ , , . , , , , , , , , . , . , , , , , . ~ I . , , I ~ .' , , , , , 13rocluulution W:Jl'E'1('E5tS, two mil[ion registerea nurses in tlilS country represent our nation's wrgest liea[tfi care resource; ana ,I W:Jf'E'1('DtS, nurses care for J1.mema every allY by provirfing liigli quaaty care, 1.l!or(ing towara access to liea[tli care services for a[[ Jtmemans ana by promoting initiatives for nationa[ liea[tfi care reform; ana =1 .1 .1 w:Jl'E!1(J::9fS, tlie Jtmeman lJ..[urses .5itssociation, wliicli. ferves as tfie voice for tlie registerea nurses of tliis country, ana 55 otfier nursing organizations representing 800,000 registerea nurses, liave issuea ''IJ..[ursing's .filgenaa for J{ea[tli Care '.R.J:.fomz," ana ca[fs for a major restructuring of our liea[tfi care system to ensure access to quafity care for a[[ 11. S. Citizens ana !ega[ residents; ana w:Jl'E'1('EJ{S, tlie aemana for nursing services is greater tlian ever because of an aging Jtmema, tlie inaust0/s ability to sustain fife tlirougli increasea teclino[og!J, clianges in tlie settings wliere liea[tli care is aefivererf, clianges in liea[tli care financing ana clianging liea[tli care neecfs of toaay's consumers; ana w:Jl'E'1('EJ{S, a[ong witli tlie .filmeman 'JI{p.rses .5itssociation, tlie state nurses association lias aecwrea tlie weel( of :May 4 as !l{J1.lJ1o!l{5tL !l{111(S'ES WE'E'l( 1992 witli tlie tlieme ''IJ..[urses: Sfiaping tlie :! uture of J{ea[tfi Care" in cerebration of tlie ways in wliicfi nurses strive to provide fiigfi quafity patient care ana improve our tiea[tfi care system; !l{O'W, TJ-['E'1('E:!O'1('E, tlie !l{ew :Jlanover County tJ3oarci'of Commissioners tiereby proc!aims tlie wee(of :May 4-8, 1992, as 'Wflrses Weee in fJ..&-w J{anover County. :!l1'1(TJ-{'E'1('JrfO'1('E, tfie tJ30ara encourages our citizens to observe tliis wee(of recognition in lionor of our aeaicatea nurses. ~ .. , 111-;11 . .1:" ';:'f .f'. . - , J1.aoptea this the 21st aay of .filpri!, 1992. -1- ~__\ I 7 / ../,- /{'" - --- . /. {<.. f ~.< .~-"//. ~ / ,; \.--:, / I' ( . f:ffi rEo L 'AUlt(UUlS, Jr., Chain tan :..dii) ~ . I ;- ~i(~':) ~:;~,"; ~J; ~ "~.' ; ; ;,; .;. . ;; -;. ;. ~ . ; . ;';. . ; . . . ;.; .; . . .; ; . ~. . . ~ ;; ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~;';.;.; ~ ;;... ~';;~1 .1 ~\ ~ ,," . (~ "I,~, ,,'I~j'!~ ... }-~~~~..~-~;_.~~-~~. . AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Article II, Control of Childhood Lead Poisoning, Section 8.5-16 through 8.5-21, New Hanover County Code, are hereby repealed. ADOPTED, thisq~.t:-- day of ~/ , 1992. COUNTY' n ATTEST: ~:>(~ Cl rk to the Board -