1992-05-18 RM Exhibits W~1=~~.'....~!:~.'.........'...................'......................... ..~............~................... . . ... r'\ . New Jlanlluet CItounttl 1Jioarb of Cltltmmfssfnners .tlrotlamation . . . I . . . . . . . . WJl~, tIit. !}{p:tJJ .Leaaue of tIk fllnittt! States was esta6tis1ie.490 !fears tlfjo to eaucate ant! inform citizens a60ut our natUJnls marltlme. forces; ani " 'Ml~, tIie tletlkaul mem6ers of tIie 9(ft'll}J Ltllf/ue tknumstrate a tfynamiJ; sp/ri.t of patriotism in. suppot1 of t/ie. Seas Seroices of tlie. 'Unite.{ Statuj ant! WH~, tM County of 9{f:UJ Hanoveti !I(prtIi Carotlna. tates pleasure in TECOBnizln,g tIk efforts of ~ 7.3,000 ~1I!J LeafJuers 'llI0rf4'll1i1k, ana in partkular Mose reslt/in.B In ~1JJ Hf1Jt,(1lJet' County, 9(prt1i Caroffna, wlio are fostering ana pramotins Q. 6etter /"'""' utUkrstantlfnIJ of tfte 9lJt.'lI}J, Coast tjuar'" !Marine Corp~ an4 'U.s. 7"'0 MercR.ant Mari1u; ant! WH~, !Pre.sil/ent 91ieotiore 1(pOst:llelt. in 1902 encouraoe4 tlie esta6llsliment of t/ie. ~:()!I .l,ea,gue. on tlit. premise tliat nat( 8004 Jftnukans interestet in t/i.e.powtli of wit country ani sensitive to its lionor slioutl pue /ieart!J support to tlie pofrcfu wlilc/i tk 9(p.VJ Leaaue- Is foundett to further/' 9(p'J11, PJ/!E:!J('p!FO!/('p, tlie. !J{f.w Hanover County fBoara of Commissioners tloes limDy proclaim June 1, 1992, as "!}(p:ug Leanue tJJag' In f}/j'lll 5lano'TJet' County. . .?lJloptel! tliis tIit. 18tli lay of May, 1992. . . . . . . . r I"'"' ~..~~~~.i............................"....,..........................................M....................... ~ I ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 5th day of May, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for the sale of Ambulances: Professional Vehicles, Inc. Style Auto Vehicle # 1 1987 Ford Ambulance SN: 1FDJS34L3HHA26489 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,500.00 Vehicle # 2 1986 Ford Ambulance SN: 1FTHS34L9GHB94865 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Vehicle # 3 1986 Ford Ambulance SN: 1FDHS34L3GHC00655 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Vehicle # 4 1984 Ford Ambulance SN: 1FDJS34L3HC03019 $ 2,500.00 No Bid Vehicle # 5 1986 Ford Ambulance SN: 1FDHS34L4GHB94784 No Bid No Bid Total $10,500.00 $ 7,500.00 AND WHEREAS, Style Auto made their all sirens and lights being operational in the terms of the sale that vehicles where is"; proposal contingent upon and County had stipulated were to be sold "as is, AND WHEREAS, the Finance Director recommend that the bid from Professional Maryland, the highest responsible bidder Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($10,500.00) and the County Manager Vehicles of Annapolis, in the amount of Ten be accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Commissioners of New Hanover Professional Vehicles, Inc. Vehicles #1, #2, #3 and #4 be RESOLVED by the Board of County County that the bid received from for the sale of Ambulances for accepted; ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED authorized to return the bidders. that the Purchasing Agent is hereby bid deposits to the unsuccessful (SEAL) of May, 1992. ATTEST: _ ~ ~v Cl r~ to the Board '. . . . ~ Revised' 7-3-89 APPLICATION PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING CAPITAL FUND Approved: Date: Coun ty: New Hanover Address: 320 Chestnut St., School Admin. Unit: G5G Con tac tPerson : Andrew J. Atkinson Title: Finance Dlrector Phone: (919) 341-7188 Project Title: Location: Type of Facility: Wl.l.rn1ngton, NC N.H. Co. Schools Fire Safety Renovations County Wide 20 ElementaJ::y 6 Middle 4 Hiah Schools (See Attached) G.S. 115C-546.2(b} "Monies in the Fund shall be used for capital outlay projects including the planning, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, improvement, repair, or renovation of public school buildings and for the purchase of land for public school buildings. As used in this section, 'public school bUildings' only includes facilities for individual schools that are used for instructional and related purposes and does not include centralized administration, maintenance, or other facilities." Short Description of Construction Project: Install new or updated fire safety np'Tirp~ (firp ~l~rm~ - mpr~l donrs - close trans~s - panic hardware Estimated Costs: Purchase of Land Planning Construction Renovation Enlargement Repair Total State Local Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4hl,?r:;0 $ 1,R4r:;.000 $ $ $ $ $ 4hl,?r:;0 $ 1 ,R4r:;. oon $ $ $ $ 1,181, 7r:;0 $ $ $ l,381,7r:;0 Bid Dates/Vendors: Contracts signed/Dates: Estimated date of beginning of Estimated date of completion: construction: August 1, 1'<:)<:)7- M~rrh ll, 1 ggl Match: The matching funds of one dollar of local funds for every three dollars of state funds are from (source): ~c sales tax (83/86) , $ 0 of the matching funds have been expenaed for/date/description; 1) 2} 3} Reporting requirements: We, the undersigned, agree to submit a statement of state/local amounts expended for this project within 60 days of completion of the project. The County Commissioners and the Board of Education do hereby jointly request approval of the above project and request release of $ 1,383,750 from the Public School Building Capital Fund. We certify that the project herein described is within the parameters of 115C-546.2(b) and that all of the ma~ch is available and designated as match for this project. (signature - Chairman, County Commissioner) (date) (signature - Chairman, Board of Education) (date) . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 04/30/92. QKI~INAL TAX LEVY PtR SCROLL OlSCUVERltS A0DEO LESS A~ATE~ENTS TuTAL TAXeS CHARGED ^uVlRT[~ING FEES CHARGED C~RTIFILATION PE~ALTIES CHA~GED LISTING PENALTIES CHAkGtD TuT Al U:VY COLLECTlnNS TJ DATE OUTSTANOI~G BALA~CE PeRCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE A~D PERSONAL PROPERTY LeSS A[~AT EMENTS ruTAl TAXt:S DUE CULLfLTIOl4S TO DATf IlUfSTANi.>UIG E.ALA"ICE PtRLENTAG~ COLltCTEO ROO,"1 UC4..tJPANCY TAX COLLEC r ImlS PRIVILE~e llC~~SE COlLFLTIO~S EI"1S CULLECTiOl'4S APR 1992 ------..------- 70,824.60 705.00 .00 1991 $ J9,92o,5b2.56 3,174,Q13.64 181,736.10- --------------- $ 't2,919,740.10 13,410.00 290,600.00 76,567.01 --------------- $ 't3,300,371.11 't1,55b.446.B2- 1. 1,743.930.29 95.97% .& 2 , 7 ~c . 323. 97 131,491.9b- $ 2,6lEt!BO.Ol 701,500.20- $ 1,917,249.75 26.19% FISCAL YTu 1, l~7, 414.. 3~ 21,740..02 .00 rUTAL Mu~tV P~OCfSS~O THRU COLlECTI0N OFFICE FOR NEw HA~OVFK COUNTY, C[TV OF WllMINGTON, WRrGHTSVILLE BEACH, CARULINA ~EACH, Ar~D KURt BC:ACH TO OATE - $62,029,364.11. THIS REPORT IS FO~ FI~CAL YEAR ~EGINNING JULY 1, 1991. R~SPEtTFULLY SUBMrTT~U, ~o..\:vi (.~ ~. t2a,4~6Y"" ?ATKICIA J. A ;WH V CUlLEtTUK OF VE~UE C orllS ENT A{,F.NOA OA T 1:: .Q.::-l~-=-!t~ I TH1 NfJ.__Y-__ . . . NtW HANUVER CUUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 04/30/92 OKIGtNAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES AOOED lES~ AOATH1l:NTS TOTAL TAX~S CHARGED llSTING PeNALTIES CHARGED TuTAl LEVY CUlLECTLONS TO DATE OUT~TANUING 8ALA~tE P~RlENTAGE lOLLECTED BACK TAXf.S -------..--. REAL ESTATE A~O PERSONAL PROP~RTV CHAkGES AODEO LESS ABA rEi...1t~NTS TuTAL TAXeS DUE COLLECTIONS TU DATE OUTSTANO[;'lG E-AlANCE PtRCENTAGE COLlECfEU THIS i<.EPORT IS FOR FISCAL VEAR Rc~~ TfUll y SUoM'Y~ r:if"" ~o.1;:y",,;~~ S\. ()fQ PATRItIA J. R~~Qk COLLECTUR OF REVENUE CU"~ SENT AGEfllOA OA T C : _S.:-_t~q:;) IT E ~1 NO ._.!1___ 1991 $ 870,221.14 !i8,137.0d 29,898.58- $ 92fl,459.64 1.560.53 --------------- .110 930,020.17 901.864.54- -------------...- $ 28,155.63 96.97% $ 52,306.26 311.56 173.39- -------..------- '$ 51,844.'43 20,061.96- --------------- 1i 31 ,1 B 2 . 41 38.70% ~EGIN~lNG JULY 1, 1991. INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: May 18, 1992 RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1101 SOUTH 7TH STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the proposed sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel No. 054-13-023-001.000 Address 1101 S. 7th Street Amount of Offer $7 , 000.00 Tax Value $6,011.00 Offeror: William L. streets 505 Queen street, Wilmington, N. C. The offeror(s) has agreed to pay the amount(s) indicated above for the parcel(s) identified. The parcel(s) have been declared surplus by the County Commission and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commission does hereby propose to accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offeror(s) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover county reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offeror(s) when: a. The offer is withdra~n after posting the deposit. b. The offeror(s) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. The offeror(s) shall deposit the sum of 5% of the total offer immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offer(s) as required by N.C.G.S. 160A-269. Adopted at a regular meet ing on y7L:J- / 8" New Hanover County Board of commrl~ioners // (/ f__ . / ..--\, --) . ,--- - .. /' - __./ ~'-""y_/ I . ( -, G_~/' / ;--,//h ( . ) Chairman / RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 4:00 p.m. on the 28th day of April, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Uniforms for the sheriff's Department, Bid # 92-0381: American Uniform Sales, Inc. Robert's Uniforms Short Sleeve Shirts Long Sleeve Shirts Trousers Hats Coats Jackets $ 17.50 ea. $ 20.00 ea. $ 26.25 ea. $ 32.00 ea. $ 98.95 ea. $ 52.50 ea. $ 20.60 ea. $ 23.75 ea. $ 28.25 ea. $ 29.95 ea. $126.75 ea. $ 74.00 ea. AND WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to American Uniform Sales, Inc. of Fayetteville, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, at the unit amounts stated in proposal; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in or will be in subsequent year's Account No. 110-431-4311-3000-4400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Uniforms for the Sheriff's Department, Bid # 92-0381 be awarded to American Uniform Sales, Inc. at the unit prices stated in the proposal; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. (SEAL) May, 1992. Ch ~T:~~ Cler3tL-lto t e Boar NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description ~ Huntinqton Forest Sections 1, 2 and 3 WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County COlTunissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the Sys tern. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Comnissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeti ng on the 19th day of May 19 92 . WITNESS mY hand and official seal this the ;'~ day of ~. 19 J7~ ~',.d7'~ ~oard of Commissioners County of New Hanover Form SR-2 (7-77) PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways April 30, 1992 Wrightsboro Comprehensive Housing Rehabilitation Program (CDBG) 2413, 2431, & 2500 Acorn Branch Road Owner . BID COMPARISON LIST CONTRACTOR'S NAME BID PROPOSAL . . 9.&w :J-{anover County 'Board of Commissioners 1\!soEution Whereas, the North Carolina General Assembly has created the North Carolina Air Cargo Authority; and, Whereas, the feasibility studies conducted by the Authority project 27,000 new jobs by the year 2000 and 47,.700 new jobs by the year 2010 for the region as a direct .result of the location of such facility; and Whereas, the feasibility studies further project direct revenues for the. region of .$3.6 billion by the year 2000 and $12.1 billion by the year 2010 as a direct result of the location of .such .facility; ana, Whereas, the nature of the,activities projected for the park anticipate the location .of manufacturing, assl3mbly, repair and p.J:'ocessing faciliti.es which ,will materially enhance the econoinic 'well biHng, wealth and standard of living of hundreds of thou!!?ands or .eastern North Carolina citizens thereby making the region an equal partner with the other areas of the state and substantially improve the economies of the' region's cities, counties and North Carolina overall; and, . Wh~reas, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners believes it to be in the,best interest of the County of New Hanover that such facility be located in Lenoir County thereby enhancing the economic future of other counties within easzern .North Carolina; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: -That the North Carolina Air Cargo Global Transpark be located in eastern North Carolina in Lenoir County. -That a copy of this resoLution be forwarded to The Honorable James G. Martin, Governor of North Carolina; members of the North Carolina Air Cargo Authority, u. S. Senator Jesse Helms; U,. S. Senator Terry Sanford; U. S.. House of Representative Charles G. Rose .III; N. C. Senator Franklin Block; N. C. House of Representative .Karen E. Gottovi; N. C. House of Representative Harry E. Payne, .Jr.; and N. C.. House of Representative David E.Redwine. Adopted this the 15th day of May, t' .)',f' /v' J~j~~' ~\'~ I~'.' "~(~ ,JI ';tl~~(\)X~(~(~ &'\6~' :~'Q\11 ~ :.j. '. ~~ l ,I ""'~'1'1,) ".'(it. t; \"~t\! ., ..,,' ,~ ~ ". (11P jr, '(~' . ":;li' if"" , '"" "',rf' .{ _l{ ~I' .' \.. . ' (~,~ !";,.t; n~ '~;Ji' '~..' '" .,~'" fl'.l lr r~: I) \l f (~~ '{,. '0l t ~; l;~i A i'\, "U: t i: ih ,:?~< '~ '. .1' ,{~6 ;i;~ "*1_ ' ,t, ~ , " - , ,~I ~ :" '':II . '. i'h"I~I~\illl~}~j7.lI!jt\r(1 ~~ k" '-'''n ' ..>. ~ 1\' : '~. '_ .; .'t~ili.!." d-f".' V.I, , 'r}, '/it "1/~\Oi>l.\~ ".~. '.~"~'\.}""~.~:" ,\~c '''-.) './r.' 11... '.' '-\.'., ~" ,~..._', "If'.' ,. , - . \; '(. If', ,~, ". ,) <$,"!"I:":'~ ~\ "'ii,"'" r" T : '~;I '''t, I, ; rd,y i~W~(~~~ 'y,f' if /~~,;,\",,;\:(~~;~'r~/-' lerk to the Board . . . RECOMMENDED POLICY CHANGES ARTICLE I. ORGANIZATION OF PERSONNEL SYSTEM Need for change: Employees at the Health, Social Services, and Emergency Management Departments previously were governed by the rules of the State Personnel System, in regards to: the pay plan, recrui tment and employment, and personnel records maintenance. As a result of the State's determination that New Hanover County has substantially equivalent policies, employees at these three (3) departments will be subject to all the provisions of Article I, Article II (The Classification Plan), Article III (The Pay Plan), Article IV (Recruitment and Employment), Article VI (Conditions for Employment), Article VII (Leaves of Absence), Article IX (Employee Benefits) and Article X (Personnel Records and Reports) of the New Hanover County Personnel System. Action: Revise the following sections/sub-sections to read: Sec. 2. Coverage (e) Employees governed by the rules of the State Personnel System, except that they will be subject to Article I; Article II; Article III; Article IV; Article V, Sections 1 - 6; Article VI; Article IX; and Article X. Sec. 6. Responsibility of County Manager (d) (Change current reference to Article III, Sec. 11 to Article III, Sec. 13.) ARTICLE II. Classification Plan Need for change: The classification and pay systems proposed by the consultant and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, which use a combination of quantitative rankings and market surveys, require continuous maintenance to preserve the integrity of the systems. The consultant suggested changes to this section of the policy that would clarify the roles of the Board, County Manager and Director of Human Resources in the maintenance of the systems. Also, there is a need for a fourth option to be added to those of the Director of Human Resources in the case of a job changing substantially that would allow a recommendation to the Board that the duties and responsibilities return to the original assignment; examples of this situation would be when the scope of an employee's position had been increased unnecessarily or when certain functions are no longer required. . . . Action: Replace the current Sec. 3 with the following: Sec. 3. Administration of Classification Plan The County Manager shall be responsible for the overall administration and maintenance of the position classification plan so that it will accurately reflect the duties performed by employees in the classification to which their positions are allocated. The Director of Human Resources is responsible for the daily administration and maintenance of the classification plan. The department heads shall be responsible for bringing to the attention of the County Manager (1) the need for new positions, and (2) material changes in the nature of duties, responsibilities, working conditions, or other factors affecting the classification of any existing positions. New positions shall be established only with the approval of the Board of County Commissioners after review by the Director of Human Resources and a recommendation by the County Manager to either (1) allocate the new position to the appropriate classification wi thin the existing classification plan, or (2) recommend that the Board amend the position classification plan to establish a new classification to which the new position may be allocated. When the Director of Human Resources finds that substantial change has occurred in the nature or level of duties and responsibilities of an existing position, he or she will make recommendation regarding that position to the County Manager. The County Manager may: ( 1) direct that the existing classification specification be revised with the approval of the Board of County Commissioners, (2) reallocate the position to the appropriate classification within the existing classification plan, (3) recommend that the Board amend the position classification plan to establish a new classification to which the position may be allocated, or (4) recommend that duties and responsibilities return to the original assignment. Article III. The Pay Plan Need for change: With the implementation of the new pay and classification system, the salary schedule was redesigned to accommodate the new system. In addition, certain nomenclature was changed to correspond to the terminology used in the Government Human Resources System ( GHRS) . Substantial changes are also recommended for the administration of the pay plan and the rules governing employees' movement . . . through the pay plan. Encompassed in this are the County's merit award system and the pay parameters for other personnel actions. Action: substitute the following Article III, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 for the current Article III, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10: Sec. 1. Adoption The schedule of salary grades and class titles assigned to the salary grades, as set forth in Appendix B, is hereby adopted as the pay plan for the County. Sec. 2. Administration of Pay Plan The County Manager shall be responsible for the overall administration and maintenance of the pay plan. The Director of Human Resources is responsible for the daily administration and maintenance of the pay plan. The pay plan is intended to provide equitable compensation for all classifications in the classification plan with regard to: salary grades of other classifications in the plan; the relative difficulty, responsibility and characteristic duties of positions in the classification, and minimum qualifications required; the prevailing rate paid for similar emploYment outside the County service; financial conditions of the County; and any other factors that may properly be considered to have a bearing upon the fairness and adequacy of the plan. To this end, the Director of Human Resources shall make comparative studies of all factors affecting the level of salary grades and recommend to the County Manager a pay plan for the County Manager's consideration in the preparation of his or her recommended annual budget. The Board of County Commissioners shall adopt the same, with or without modifications. When so adopted, the pay plan shall remain in effect until amended by the Board. When a pay plan has been adopted, the Board shall not increase or decrease the salaries of individual members of the classified service to rates outside of the pay plan, but shall act in fixing salaries of members of the classified service only by amendment of the pay plan. Sec. 3. Structure of Pay Plan The pay plan shall consist of two salary schedules: The 200 Series covering management-level employees (department heads and their immediate assistant department heads and/or deputy department heads); and the 100 Series covering all other employees. Each classification shall be assigned to a pay grade, each structured with a minimum rate of pay, a transition rate of pay . . . (minimum plus 3%), job rate (mid-point), and a maximum rate of pay, with 1% increments in-between. For employees in the 100 Series, the minimum to maximum spread is 40%, with the job rate cast at 20% above the minimum rate of pay. For employees in the 200 Series, the minimum to maximum spread is 50%, with the job rate cast at 25% above the minimum rate of pay. Each grade is divided into two ranges by the job rate. minimum rate to job rate is called the development range. job rate to maximum rate is called the incentive range. From From Sec. 4. Use of Salary Ranqes for Performance-based Pay Increases Salary ranges are intended to furnish administrative flexibility in recognizing individual performance among employees holding positions in the same classification by rewarding employees for meritorious service. Advancement from the minimum to the maximum rate would be accomplished under the guidelines established for the County's performance management system. The following general provisions will govern the granting of those within-the-range increments: Department heads are required to conduct a minimum of one performance review for all employees, except for temporary employees, during the fiscal year, whether it results in a salary increase or not. Probationary employees shall have a performance review to determine eligibility for Active status at the end of the established probationary period; those employees whose performance is rated at standard or above would be eligible for an increase. Probationary employees are not eligible for a merit increase until they have successfully completed probation. Employees whose performance is rated below standard would not be eligible to receive a merit increase. Employees whose current salary falls within the development range and whose performance is rated standard would be eligible to receive an increase of 0% - 3%; employees whose current salary is at job rate or in the incentive range and whose performance is rated standard would not be eligible to receive a merit increase. Employees whose performance is rated above-standard would be eligible to receive an increase of 0% - 10%. All above-standard ratings and merit recommendations are subject to being monitored for conformance to the County's performance management system and to approval by the Director of Human Resources. The maximum merit increase that can be awarded to an employee in a fiscal year is 10%, whether it is the result of cumulative increases or a single one. All merit increases will be subject to the availability of funds budgeted to the department's salary increment account. Sec. 5. Special Increases Performance-based increases beyond that outlined within the performance management system may be granted in the following cases: . (a) EXCEL Program: A performance-based merit program, it is an enhancement to the pay plan which rewards employees for meritorious service who would otherwise be ineligible for a merit award because of being at a rate on the high end of the range that would not accommodate a regular merit increase recommended by the department head. In this situation, employees would be eligible to receive, as a regular merit increase, the percentage of the increase that would take them to the maximum rate and, as a one-time cash bonus that would not be rolled into the base salary, the remaining percentage of the merit increase award. If currently at the maximum rate, they would receive the entire amount of increase as a lump-sum award, with no change to the rate. This increase is subject to the availability of merit funds, just as are normal merit awards, and to approval by the Director of Human Resources. (b) Special Allowances: The Board of County Commissioners may provide for compensation in the form of special allowances to members of the unclassified and classified service, which amounts are outside of the parameters of salary ranges provided in this plan. . (c) Incentive Plan: The County Manager may provide for alternative compensation for employees, outside of the parameters of the salary plan, through the establishment of an incentive plan. The incentive plan shall consist of recognition/reward programs for employees who perform particularly meritorious service for the County. Sec. 6. Payment at a Listed Rate All employees covered by the salary plan shall be paid at a rate within the salary range of the grade established for their respective job classifications, except for employees in a "trainee" status; employees whose current salaries are above the established maximum rate following transition to a new pay plan or a reclassification; or employees whose performance is rated below-standard as described in Article III, Sec. 10 of this policy. Sec. 7. Salaries for New Appointments . The minimum rate established for the class is the normal hiring rate, except in those cases where unusual circumstances appear to warrant appointment at a higher rate. The Director of Human Resources shall have the authority to approve appointments made above the minimum rate of the grade up to 10%. Any appointments made above 10% will require the approval of the County Manager. . Sec. 8. Salaries of Trainees Applicants hired, or employees promoted to a position in a higher classification, who do not meet all the established requirements of the position, may be appointed at a rate of 5% below the minimum rate of the pay grade established for the job, unless placement at a lower rate is approved by the Director of Human Resources. An employee will remain at a trainee rate until the department head certifies that the trainee is qualified to assume full responsibilities of the position and the Director of Human Resources or County Manager approves the certification. Sec. 9. (a) . (b) Pay Rates in Reclassification, Promotion, Transfer, and Demotion Reclassification upward: Incumbent employees reclassified to a classification with a higher pay grade will be placed in the pay grade for the new classification that will ordinarily provide a 1% pay increase for each pay grade moved above his or her originating pay grade, or at the transition rate of the pay grade for the new classification, or at a rate in the new pay grade that will represent a pay increase of 5%, whichever is greater. Reclassification downward: Employees reclassified to a classification with a lower pay grade should be assigned to the new pay grade at the rate closest to, but not lower than, their current salary. Should the current salary exceed the maximum rate of the assigned grade, the employee's salary should be capped or frozen at that maximum rate, but the employee would be eligible for merit awards under the EXCEL program. Promotion: Incumbent employees promoted to a classification with a higher pay grade may receive 3%, or be placed at the transition rate of the pay grade for the new classification, whichever is greater. (c) Voluntary transfer: Employees who request voluntary transfer to another position, which involves a reduction in classification level, will normally be placed at 10% above the minimum rate for that range or at their current salary rate, whichever is less. (d) Involuntary transfer: There are two types of involuntary transfer; one is for the good of the employee, and the other serves the best interests of the department or the County. . (1) An example of a transfer for the good of the employee would be a case where an employee is no longer physically capable of performing the duties of the classification. Rather than terminating . the employee, the department may determine that an involuntary transfer to a less strenuous position would be acceptable. In this instance, should the transfer be to a position classified at a lower level, the employee's salary would move to the rate in the new pay grade that is closest to, but not lower than, the current rate. If the employee's current salary is above the maximum rate of the new grade, the salary would be reduced to the maximum rate of the new pay grade, and the employee would be eligible for merit awards under the EXCEL program. . (2) Involuntary transfers in the best interest of the County are for a limited period of time. Such transfers would constitute a temporary appointment to address a particular problem or personnel shortage. Assignments usually exceed 30 days in length and should not be confused with the routine assumption of higher level duties which occur in the absence of a supervisor for vacation or illness of short-term, typically less than 30 days. Such transfers shall occur only through written notification, recommended by the department head, and approved by the Director of Human Resources and shall be limited in duration to a period not to exceed 12 months. Regular increases should be granted during the period of re-assignment. Employees assigned, through this type of transfer, to a lower classification level should not be penalized in salary by placement in a lower classification pay grade. They would continue in the previous pay grade, enjoying all the benefits and increases, as though no re-assignment had taken place. . Employees assigned, through this type of transfer, to a higher classification level should be granted a 5% increase or paid at the minimum rate of the higher classification pay grade, whichever is greater. Should this employee be re-assigned to the original classification or to another assignment which carries a lower classification level than that of the temporary assignment, the rate should be equal to the salary the employee was paid prior to the initial re-assignment, plus any per cent increase granted during the period of the "acting assignment." Should this result in a salary which is at, or exceeds, the maximum rate of the pay grade to which he or she is re-assigned, and the re-assignment is not for disciplinary reasons, the salary level would be . . . frozen or capped at the maximum rate of the pay grade for the lower classification, and the employee would be eligible for merit awards under the EXCEL program. A re-assignment governed by this policy would normally be to fill an "acting" management-level position. (e) Demotion: Employees demoted for disciplinary reasons should expect to have their salary reduced. The amount of reduction would be determined by the supervisor and the department head and approved by the Director of Human Resources, and would be contingent on the severity of the offense which initiated the disciplinary demotion. Sec. 10. Pay Rates in Salary Grade Revisions Maintenance of the pay plan shall include annual surveys of labor market statistics and comparative salary data. Appropriate grade and/or range changes will be made to the pay plan. Individual employees' rates mayor may not change, depending upon their rates before the adjustment, the extent of the adjustment, their employment status (Probationary or Active) and their performance rating at the time the adjustment is effected. Prior to the effective date of the adjustment, an abbreviated performance review using the appropriate form shall be conducted. Probationary employees who are rated standard would move to the rate in the adjusted pay grade closest to, but not lower than, their current rate or to the new minimum, whichever is higher. Acti ve employees who are rated standard would move to the rate in the adjusted pay grade closest to, but not lower than, their current rate or to the new transition rate, whichever is higher. Probationary and active employees who are rated below standard would not be eligible for such rate adjustments until a standard performance rating is achieved through a subsequent performance review (which must occur within two calendar months after the effective date of the general adjustment) . Salary increases received as a result of a market adjustment will not be credited towards any ceiling on merit increases; such increases are tied to performance only so far as to ascertain eligibility. In the event the pay grade to which a classification is assigned is lowered, the rate of employees in that classification will go to the rate in the new pay grade which is closest to, but not lower than, their current rate. If this adjustment results in an employee being paid at a rate above the new maximum rate, the employee's rate would not be decreased and s/he would be eligible for merit awards under the EXCEL program, as described in Article III, Sec. 5(a). . Sec. 11. Pay for Part-time Work The pay plan established by this policy is for full-time service. An employee appointed for less than full-time service will be paid at a rate within the pay range established for full-time positions within the classification. Sec. 12. Pay for Temporary Employees Employees in temporary positions shall be classified and paid at a rate in the pay grade established for full-time posi tions in the classification, or at a rate established for temporary employees currently serving in that classification. Current Sec. 11. Overtime Need for change: . Under the current overtime policy, shift coordinators in the Emergency Medical Services Department are correctly classified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This means that they are compensated for forty (40) hours of work a week, regardless of the fact that they are required to work the same schedules as those employees currently paid overtime under the Fluctuating Workweek Schedule. In light of this, it is the opinion of the GHRS Implementation Team that shift coordinators should be compensated for all hours worked. Action: Chanqe current Sec. 11 to Sec. 13 and Revise Sec. 13 to read as follows: Sec. 13. Overtime The payment to employees of premium time and one-half rates in the form of monetary compensation is required for all employees classified as non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) who work in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day week. Employees in the Sheriff's Department classified as bona fide law enforcement personnel under Section 207(k) of the FLSA shall be compensated for overtime at the premium time and one-half rate when they work in excess of 171 hours in a twenty-eight (28) day period. Employees in the Emergency Medical Services Department classified as shift coordinator, crew chief, or full-time emergency medical technician shall earn overtime in accordance with the Fluctuating Workweek Schedule provided for in part 29 C.F.R. and 778.114 of the FLSA. . Sec. 13 ( B) (a) : ~ Need for change: Change concerning Emergency Medical Services personnel is addressed by the recommended revisions to Article VII. Action: Revise Sec. 13(B)(a) to read as follows: (a) With the exception of personnel in the Emergency Medical Services Department who are classified under the Fluctuating Workweek Schedule, the hours used in determining the number of hours worked in the seven (7) day, 168-hour work period, shall not include hours spent on personal leave, sick leave, holidays, or other leave. Such leave time must be included in straight time pay, but is not included in computing hours for overtime pay. Delete Sec. 13 (B) (c) (2) . (This action is recommended to accurately apply the provisions of the FLSA, which do not require overtime compensation for employees classified as professional exempt. ) Change current Sec. 12 to Sec. 14. Change current Sec. 13 to Sec. 15. Change current Sec. 14 to Sec. 16. ~ ARTICLE IV. RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT Need for change: To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and to conform language to the spirit of it. Action: Revise the following sections/sub-sections to read as follows: Sec. 1. Statement of Equal Employment Opportunity Policy It is the policy of the County to foster, maintain and promote equal employment opportunity. The County will select employees on the basis of qualifications without regard to age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or physical or mental handicap (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act) . Sec. 2. Implementation of EEO Policy ~ All personnel responsible for recruitment and employment will continue to review regularly the implementation of this ~ ~ ~ personnel policy and relevant practices to assure that equal employment opportunity is being actively observed, to the end that no employee or applicant for employment will suffer discrimination because of age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or physical or mental handicap. Notices with regard to equal employment opportunity matters will be posted in conspicuous places on County government premises, in places where notices are customarily posted. Sec. 3. Recruitment Sources All recruitment sources will be advised periodically of the County's equal employment opportunity policy. The County will include among its recruitment sources those organizations and news media utilized by and available to the protected group applicants. The Director of Human Resources will publicize opportuni ties for employment with the County, including salary and qualifications information. Information on job openings and hiring practices will be provided to recruitment sources. Individuals will be recruited from a geographic area as wide as is necessary to insure that well qualified applicants are obtained for County service. Sec. 5. Applications for Employment All persons expressing interest in employment with the County will be given the opportunity to file an application for any position for which applications are being advertised and received. Sec. 7. Qualification Standards (a) Employees will meet the employment standards established by the position classification plan and such other reasonable minimum standards as may be established by the County Manager with the advice and recommendation of the Director of Human Resources and department heads. (c) In keeping with both these responsibilities, the County may hire applicants who may not be fully qualified for particular jobs, provided that the deficienci'es are such that they can be eliminated through orientation and on-the-job training and provided that the applicant is appointed at a rate in the pay plan below the minimum established for the position (See Article III, Sec. 8, Salaries of Trainees). Sec. 9. Appointments (Strike " character, physical required..." and substitute, " standards...") fitness, and other qualities abilities, character and other . . . ARTICLE V. SEPARATION AND REINSTATEMENT; INTERIM SUSPENSIONS; DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Need for change: To conform with the ADA in Sec. 4. In Sec. 14, to shorten the time period currently mandated for appeals process, to confine appeal rights to non-probationary employees, and to set apart the process for appeals of a memorandum of warning from the that of an appeal of a suspension, demotion or dismissal. Action: Revise the following sections/sub-sections to read as follows: Sec. 4. Disability An employee may be separated for disability when the employee cannot perform the essential functions of his/her job because of physical or mental impairment. Action may be initiated by the employee or the County, but in all cases it must be supported by medical evidence, as certified by a competent physician. The County may require an examination at its expense and performed by a physician of its choice. Before an employee is separated for disability, an effort shall be made to continue the employee's service by making reasonable accommodations, including transfer of the employee to a vacant position for which the employee is qualified. Sec. 14. Employee Appeal Procedures (a) Non-department Heads (1) Appeals of Suspension, Demotion or Dismissal An employee who has successfully completed the probationary period, and who wishes to appeal a suspension, demotion or dismissal may, within five (5) working days after the disciplinary action and after notifying his department head in writing of his intentions, appeal the action in writing to the Director of Human Resources. The appeal must contain the response of the employee to the charges, a response to the disciplinary actions taken, the remedy desired by the employee, and any other pertinent information. The Director of Human Resources shall make a . . ( 2 ) . recommendation to the County Manager within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the appeal, and will also notify the employee of his recommendation in writing and by registered mail to the employee's home. The recommendation to the County Manager will include the specifics of the charges, and what additional actions should be taken. Upon receipt of the recommendation from the Director of Human Resources, the County Manager will render the final decision within five (5) working days and the decision will be sent to the employee's home by registered mail. Hearinqs for Suspension, Demotion or Dismissal At the request of the Director of Human Resources or the appealing employee, the County Manager will conduct a hearing in the matter of suspension, demotion or dismissal. A request by the employee for a hearing shall be made within five (5) working days after receipt by the employee of the recommendation of the Director of Human Resources. In the event a hearing is held, the appealing employee and his department head will both be present and have the right to be represented by counsel. Either party may request the presence of any person(s) who will provide information that will assist the County Manager in rendering a decision. The names of all such persons, including the name of counsel hired by the employee, and how each is related to the case, shall be submitted to the County Manager no later than five (5) working days prior to the hearing date. The County Manager will reserve the right to limit the number of persons to appear. The County Manager will render a decision, which includes the basis for the decision and evidence relied upon, within five (5) working days after the hearing and will send the decision to the employee's home by registered mail. The decision of the County Manager will be final. All hearings provided for herein shall be conducted during working hours. Appeals of a Memorandum of warning An employee who has successfully completed the probationary period and who wishes to appeal a memorandum of warning, may within five (5) working days after the disciplinary action and after notifying his department head in writing of his intentions, appeal the action in writing to the Director of Human . . . Resources. The appeal must contain the response of the employee to the charges addressed in the memorandum of warning and the remedy desired by the employee. The Director of Human Resources will assign the appeal to a staff investigator to determine the merit of the disciplinary action. Within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the employee's notice of appeal, the staff investigator will make a recommendation to the Director of Human Resources regarding the disposition of the appeal, and the basis for the recommendation and the evidence relied upon. The Director of Human Resources reserves the right to further investigate any issues raised in the appeal. The Director of Human Resources will render a decision within five (5) working days after receipt of the staff investigator's recommendation. The decision will be sent to the home of the appealing employee by registered mail. The decision of the Director of Human Resources is final. Failure to Comply with Established Procedures If the appealing employee fails to comply with the procedures and time limits established herein, the Director of Human Resources may dismiss the appeal. (b) Department Heads A department head wishing to appeal a letter of warning, suspension, demotion or dismissal may, within five (5) working days after the disciplinary action, appeal the action in writing to the Board of County Commissioners. appeal must contain the response of the department head the charge(s), a response to the disciplinary action(s) taken, the remedy desired by the department head and any other pertinent information. The to The Board will schedule a hearing which shall be held during a regular meeting of the Board. The department head shall have the right to be represented by counsel and may request the presence of any person(s) who will provide information that will assist the Board in rendering a decision. The names of all such persons, including the name of counsel hired by the department head, and how each is related to the case, shall be submitted to the Board no later than fifteen (15) working days prior to the hearing date. The Board reserves the right to limit the number of witnesses to appear and to hold the hearing in Executive Session pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143 - 318.11 (8). The Board will render a written decision within five (5) working days after the hearing, which shall include the basis for the decision and the evidence relied upon. The . . . decision of the Board will be sent to the home of the department head by registered mail. The decision of the Board will be final. Failure to Comply with Established Procedures If the appealing department head fails to comply with the procedures and time limits established herein, the Board may dismiss the appeal. ARTICLE VI. CONDITIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT Sec. 1. Workweek (Change reference to Article III, Sec. 11 to Article III, Sec. 13. ) Sec. 7. Physical Examinations (The last sentence, "The results of the examination will be submitted to the County Personnel Office to be retained in the employee's personnel file," should be deleted and replaced by, "The results of the examination will be retained in a confidential file, separate and apart from the employee's personnel file, in the Department of Human Resources, except in the case of results for law enforcement personnel, which are to be kept in like manner in the appropriate department.") ARTICLE VII. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Need for change: with the flexibility afforded by GHRS, leave events for Emergency Medical Services personnel classified under the Fluctuating Workweek Schedule can be more equitable in comparison to leave events for other County employees. Currently, when an EMT is sick during a week when s/he is scheduled to work 63 hours, the employee deducts 63 hours from his/her leave balance, but is only compensated for 40 hours. In effect, this employee loses pay due to illness. With other County employees, sick leave pay exactly replaces the wages the employee would have earned had s/he not been sick. In order to equitably apply this policy, indicated EMS personnel would have to be paid for all leave that exceeds 40 hours, at the half-time rate. Other changes are to comply exactly with the provisions of the FLSA. Changes to the proration rates for employees covered under subsection (g) of this section are also needed. In Sec. 11, the time period for notifying supervisors of an absence for sickness needs to be shortened. . . . In Sec. 13, an accidental omission of text contained in the approved policy amendment needs to be corrected so as to limit outstanding promissory notes for advanced leave. Action: Revise the following sections/sub-sections to read as follows: Sec. 3 Holidays (a) When Work Required - Exempt employees required to perform work on regularly scheduled holidays will receive their salary for the hours actually worked, and may be paid for the holiday or granted compensatory time off at a later date. Non-exempt employees, with the exception of certified Emergency Medical Services personnel, must be paid for all time worked in addition to any holiday pay to which they may be entitled. (b) Certified Emergency Medical Services personnel who are assigned to a shift will accrue Holiday Comp Time at a rate consistent with the number of annual hours they are regularly scheduled to work. Full-time employees will be credited with twelve (12) hours of Holiday Comp Time for each holiday; less than full-time employees will have this time prorated. Holiday Comp Time may accumulate to a maximum of 132 hours. When the maximum has been accumulated, no additional Holiday Comp Time will be earned until some of the accrued leave is taken. When Holiday Comp Time is taken, the employee will receive straight-time compensation for the first forty (40) hours of leave, and will receive compensation at the half-time rate for all hours taken in excess of forty (40) hours; such excess hours shall correspond to the employee's work schedule for the week in which the leave is taken. Sec. 5 Personal Leave - Manner of Accumulation (g) Eligible employees who regularly work more than the standard 2,080 hours in a year (and whose work-day hours exceed the standard eight (8) hours), shall earn personal leave at the prorated amount indicated below: (1) Certified Emergency Medical Services personnel who work 2,974 annual hours and 24-hours shifts shall earn personal leave at 1.43% more than standard accrual rates. (2) Employees in departments who work 2,223 annual hours and 12-hour shifts shall earn personal leave at 1.07% more than the standard accrual rates. . . . Sec. 9 Personal Leave - Terminal Pay and Repayment of Personal Leave Upon submission of a resignation, an employee will be paid for personal leave accumulated to the date of separation, not to exceed the maximum accumulations stated in Section 6 of this Article. An employee who is involuntarily separated without failure in performance of duties or personal conduct, as outlined in Article V, Sections 9 and 10, will be paid for personal leave accumulated to the date of separation. For involuntary separation due to failure in performance of duties or personal conduct, accumulated personal leave may be withheld, given the circumstances of each employee's case, at the discretion of the County Manager. At the time of an employee's separation, any personal leave owed the County will be deducted from the employee's final compensation. Sec. 11 Sick Leave Notification of the desire to take sick leave should be communicated to the employee's supervisor prior to the leave or not later than thirty (30) minutes after the beginning of the scheduled work day, unless such procedures are otherwise dictated by departmental policy, as approved by the Director of Human Resources. Sick leave must be reported in increments of fifteen (15) minutes. Sec. 12 Sick Leave - Manner of Accumulation Eligible employees who work the standard 2,080 hours per year will earn sick leave at the rate of 3.70 hours per pay period, or 96.20 hours for each completed year of service. Employees who work other than the standard 2,080 hours per year, shall earn sick leave at the rates indicated below: (a) Eligible part-time employees of the County who work a minimum of twenty (20) hours in a work-week shall earn sick leave at a prorated amount based on their regular work schedules. (b) Certified Emergency Medical Services personnel who work 2,974 annual hours and 24-hour shifts shall earn sick leave at 1.43% more than the standard accrual rate. (c) Personnel in departments who work 2,223 annual hours and 12-hour shifts shall earn sick leave at 1.07% more than the standard accrual rate. Sec. 13 Advancinq Sick Leave The amount of advanced sick leave shall not exceed twelve (12) days per request, nor two (2) promissory notes per calendar year. An employee may not have more than one (1) outstanding promissory note at a time. v.' .~. { .~ RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT PURCHASE CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, there have been presented the following agreements (the "Agreements") which the County proposes to execute: (a) A draft dated April 24, 1992 of an installment purchase contract to be dated as of June 15; 1992 (the. "Contract"), between the County and First Union National Bank of North Carolina (the "Bank"); (b) A draft dated April 24, 1992 of a deed of trus.t and security agreement to be dated as of June 15, 1992 (the "Deed of Trust") ahd executed by the County in favor of Lynn Beckham, as trustee for the benefit of the Bank; and (c) A commitment letter from the Bank to the County dated April 14, 1992 (the "Commitment Letter"); and WHEREAS, the Contract provides for the Bank to advance certain funds (the "Purchase Price") to the County in order that the County may reimburse payments made for the cost of constructing and. equipping the Facility on the Real Property (as defined in the Contract) and the County to repay the Purchase Price in installments (the "Installment Payments") as provided in the Contract; and WHEREAS, the County has determined that the use of the Facility is essential to its proper, efficient and economic operation; that it anticipates an ongoing need for the Facility; that the Facility will provide an essential use and permit the COUrity to carry out public functions that it is authorized by law to perform; and_ that entering into the Contract and the Deed of Trust is necessary and expedient for the County; and WHEREAS, the Installment Payments the Contract and the stated purposes; and County has further determined that the and all other obligations of the County under Deed of Trust are not excessive for their WHEREAS, the County has determined tha.t. the Contract, the Deed of Trust and the. obligations of the County thereunder are preferable to, and more cost. efficient than, a general obligation or revenue bond issue for the same purpose and that. the cost of constructing the Facility exceeds the amount that can be prudently raised from currently available appropriations, unappropriated fund balances and non~voted bonds that could be issued by the County in the current fiscal year pursuant to Article V, Section 4 of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the debt management policies of the County have been carried out in strict compliance with law; t.. NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED that the Contract, the Deed of Trust and the Commitment. Letter, in the form submitted to this meeting, are hereby approved, and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Contract, the Deed. of Trust. and the Commitment Letter on behalf of the County, with such changes, insertions, or omissions as the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners may approve, and. the Clerk Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to affix thereto. and attest the seal of the County. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners., the Finance Officer of the county and the County Attorney are hereby authorized to take any and all such further action and to execute and deliver such other documents as may be necessary or advisable to carry out the intent. of this resolution and to effect. the installment financing pursuant to the Contract. The individuals named below are the duly elected or appointed officers of the County holding the offices set forth opposite their respective names and (i) the signatures set forth opposite their respecti ve names and titles. ar.e. their true and authentic signatures and (ii) such officers have the authority on behalf of the county to enter into all documentation as described above. NAME TITLE Lucie F. Harrell Clerk SIGNATURE (J) ~ ~41(),: . r- ':.:.;; . / . /--"j/J ' / -_/ . //L' I . 'j.t- .<. .,) V Y. /Ca.~1bD( ~._. E.L. Mathews, Jr. Chairman ',.janda M. Copley County Attorney. Andrew J. Atkinson Finance Officer ~~~ [; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County hereby represents that it reasonably expects that the County, together with all subordina te entities thereof and any other entities which issue obligations on behalf of the County, will not issue more than $10,000,000 of tax-exempt obligations (other than. private activity bonds, except for qualified 501(c)(3) bonds) during calendar year 1992. The County hereby designates its obligation under the Contract as "qualified tax-exempt obligationsI' for the purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. 2 !... . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the faregaing Resalutians shall take effect immediately upan adaptian. [S 18th day af May, 1992. COUNTY ~~ST: CAd~/~Y~Jf Cle~ to. the Baard '........ 3 (-' .~' tf;'" " EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County (the "County") was duly held on May 18, 1992, at the place and time established for the Board's regular meetings in Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following members were present and absent: PRESENT: Chairman, E.L. Mathews, Jr. Vice Chairman, Robert G. Greer Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Fred Retchin William H. Sutton ABSENT: The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners stated that one of the purposes of the meeting was to consider and take action on a resolution approving the terms and conditions for the installment financing of the renovations to the Law' Enforcement Center (the "Facility"). Commissioner E.L. Mathews, Jr. then introduced the following resolution and moved that it be adopted: RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INSTALLMENT PURCHASE. CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS. IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, there have been presented the following agreements (the "Agreements") which the County proposes to execute: (a) A draft dated April 24, 1992 of an installment purchase contract to be dated as of June 15, 1992 (the "Contract"), between the County and First Union. National Bank of North Carolina (the "Bank"); (b) A draft dated. April 24, 1992 of a deed of trust and security agreement to be dated as of June 15, 1992 (the "Deed of Trust") and executed by the County in favor of Lynn Beckham, as trustee for the benefit of the Bank; and (c) A commitment letter from the Bank to the County dated April 14, 1992 (the "Commitment Letter"); and i WHEREAS, the Contract 'provides for the Bank to advance certain. funds (the "Purchase Price") to the County in order that the County may reimburse paYments made for the cost of constructing and equipping the Facili.ty on the Real Property (as defined in the Contract) and the County to repay the Purchase Price in installments (the "Installment PaYments") as provided in the Contract; and J WHEREAS, the County has determined that the use of the Facility is essential to its proper, efficient and economic operation; that it anticipates an ongoing need for the Facility; that the Facility will provide an essential. use and permit the County 'to carry out public functions that it is authorized by law to perform; and that entering into the Contract and the Deed of Trust is necessary and. expedient for the County; and WHEREAS, the Installment PaYments the Contract and the stated purposes; and County has further determined that the and all other obligations of the County under Deed of Trust are not excessive for their WHEREAS, the County has determined that the Contract, the Deed of Trust and the obligations of the County thereunder are preferable to, and more cost. efficient than, a general obligation or revenue bond issue for the same purpose and that the cost of constructing the Facility exceeds the amount that can be prudently l'aised from currently available appropriations, unappropriated fund balances and non-voted bonds that could be issued by the County in the current fiscal year pursuant to Article V, Section 4 of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina; and I WHEREAS, the debt management policies of the County have been. carried out in strict compliance with law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Contract, the Deed of Trust and the Commi tmen.t Letter, in the form submitted to this meeting, are hereby approved, and. the Chairman of the Board. of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Contract, the Deed of Trust and the Commitment Letter on behalf of the County, with such changes, insertions, or omissions as the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners may approve, and the Clerk Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to affix thereto and attest the seal of the County. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, the Finance Officer of the county and the County Attorney are hereby authorized to take any and all such further action and to execute and deliver such other docwnents as may be necessary or advisable to carry out the intent of this resolution and to effect the installment financing pursuant to the Contract. The individuals named below are the duly elected or appointed officers of the County holding the offices set forth opposite their respective names and (i) the signatures set forth opposite their respective names and titles are their true and authentic signatures and (ii) such officers have the authority on behalf of the county to enter into all docwnentation as described above. " L.. ! HAME TITLE \'ianda M. Copley County Attorney. E.L. Mathews, Jr. Chairman Lucie F. Harrell Clerk Andrew J. Atkinson Finance Officer ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County hereby represents that it reasonably expects that the County, together with all subordinate entities thereof and any other entities which issue obligations on behalf of the County, will not issue more than $10,000,000 of tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds, except for qualified 501(c)(3) bonds) during calendar year 1992. The County hereby designates its obligation under the Contract as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" for the purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing Resolutions shall take effect immediately upon passage. Commissioner Will~ H.Suttrnseconded the motion and the motion was adopted by the following vote: AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 WITNESS my signature and the official seal of New Hanover County, North Carolina, this/~20 day of May, 1992. -~ / / ( , ' . 0 ~ l..1" /' / /l \_ J~OL-V 'J/' /~',a-u .I-/{// '_ Cre~k, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina 3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) )SS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) I, Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A meeting of the ~oard of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, a county in the State of North Carolina, was duly held on May 18, 1992, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extracts with said minutes so recorded and said extracts, including the resolution therein, are a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred. to in said extracts. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board. who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this ~. day of May, 1992.