2022-06 PB AGENDA PACKET NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AGENDA Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC 28401 Members of the Board Jeffrey P Petroff, Chair | Donna Girardot, Vice-Chair Paul Boney | Hansen Matthews | Jeffrey Stokley Jr. | Peter Avery| Colin J. Tarrant Rebekah Roth, Director| Ken Vafier, Planning Manager JUNE 2, 2022 6:00 PM Call to Order Welcome Planning Board Member Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. 1 Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z22-16) - Request by Kelly Summerlin with Integral Commercial Group, applicant, on behalf of Bethany Presbyterian Church, property owner, to rezone approximately 2.42 acres of land located at 2311 Castle Hayne Road from O&I, Office and Institutional, to CB, Community Business. 2 Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z22-10) – Request by Adam Shanks with Carolina Beach Villa, applicant on behalf of the Elizabeth B. Harris LLC and Cordelia Hinnant, property owners, to rezone two (2) parcels of land: Approximately 7.11 acres of land located at 924 Seabreeze Road from R-15, Residential and B-2, Regional Business to R-7, Residential, and approximately 3.66 acres of land located at 1001 Seabreeze Road from R-15, Residential and B-2, Regional Business to RMF-L, Residential Multi-Family Low Density. OTHER ITEMS 3 Staff Update - New Hanover County Stormwater Design Manual NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 6/2/2022 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Robert Farrell, Senior Planner CONTACT(S): Robert Farrell and Rebekah Roth, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Rezoning Request (Z22-16) - Request by Kelly Summerlin with Integral Commercial Group, applicant, on behalf of Bethany Presbyterian Church, property owner, to rezone approximately 2.42 acres of land located at 2311 Castle Hayne Road from O&I, Office and InsAtuAonal, to CB, Community Business. BRIEF SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing to rezone over two acres of land located at 2311 Castle Hayne Road from O&I to CB. The request is for a straight rezoning, so any approval would allow for all uses outlined for the requested district and could not include condi-ons. Any future development would be subject to the general development standards for the district outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), including ligh-ng and vegeta-ve buffers. The property is located adjacent to the Bethany Presbyterian Church along Castle Hayne Road, a minor arterial road, between two commercial intersec-ons of Kerr Avenue and Castle Hayne Road to the north and 23rd Street and Castle Hayne Road to the south. The property currently has a single-family dwelling on it with unrestricted access onto Castle Hayne Road. Under the current use the site is es-mated to generate a single AM and PM peak hour trip. Trips generated from the O&I or proposed CB would vary based on the proposed uses however it is es-mated that there would be a slight increase in AM peak hour trips and over 80 PM peak hour trips from the O&I to CB zoning district. The property is in a transi-onal area on the edge of a commercial node and has been zoned O&I since 1999 but has not been developed commercially. Due to the exis-ng zoning, loca-on, and nearby development pa;erns it is unlikely that the property will be developed residen-ally. And while the O&I and CB zoning districts are similar, the CB allows for addi-onal uses not allowed within the O&I. The 2016 Comprehensive Plan classifies the property as Community Mixed Use, which promotes small-scale, compact, mixed use development pa;erns that act as an a;ractor for county residents and visitors. The site is accessed by Castle Hayne Road and located between two commercially developed areas to the north and south that serve surrounding residen-al subdivisions. Types of uses encouraged under the Community Mixed Use place type include office, retail, mixed use, recrea-onal, commercial, ins-tu-onal, and residen-al development. The CB zoning district is intended for the development, growth, and con-nued opera-on of businesses that serve surrounding neighborhoods. Addi-onal residen-al growth generates need for community level commercial uses with transi-onal zoning between them. While the O&I serves as a transi-onal zoning district, the uses allowed within the CB district provide for both small scale commercial growth and transi-onal uses outside the commercial node to the north. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 The proposed CB zoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transi-onal nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersec-ons along an established corridor STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: While a condi-onal zoning applica-on would have been preferred for the property in order to allow staff to fully analyze poten-al impacts to surrounding proper-es, staff finds the proposed CB zoning district to be a similar classifica-on to the exis-ng O&I district with a reduc-on in poten-al residen-al density and increased availability of poten-al commercial uses. The func-on of the property as a transi-onal buffer between exis-ng commercial and residen-al areas will be retained. As a result, Staff recommends the following moAon: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning to a CB district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transi-onal nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersec-ons along an established corridor. I find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the CB district provides areas for commercial growth to serve exis-ng and future residen-al development and act as a buffer between higher density / intensity development and moderate to low density residen-al neighborhoods. AlternaAve MoAon for Denial: I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transi-onal nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersec-ons along an established corridor, I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the CB district allows addi-onal uses that could impact neighboring proper-es and adversely impact condi-ons on Castle Hayne Road. ATTACHMENTS: Descrip-on Z22-16 Planning Board Staff Report Z22-16 Script Planning Board Zoning Map Future Land Use Map Mail Out Map Initial Application Cover Sheet Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 Z22-16 Application Form & Attachments COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 1 of 13 STAFF REPORT FOR Z22-16 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z22-16 Request: Rezoning to an O&I district Applicant: Property Owner(s): Kelly Summerlin with Integral Commercial Group Bethany Presbyterian Church Location: Acreage: 2311 Castle Hayne Road 2.42 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R03300-001-006-001 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Possible Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Uses listed for the CB district in Table 4.2.1 Principal Use Table of the UDO Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: O&I, Office and Institutional CB, Community Business SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential O&I East Undeveloped Land O&I South Bethany Presbyterian Church R-20 West Stormwater Pond and open space R-20 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 1 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 2 of 13 ZONING HISTORY July 1, 1974 Initially zoned R-20. May 3, 1999 Rezoned to O&I COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water services are available through CFPUA. Sanitary sewer is available through CFPUA with a force main connection or can be serviced by a private septic system approved and permitted by the NHC Health Department. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Wrightsboro Station 11 Schools Wrightsboro Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and New Hanover High Schools Recreation Optimist Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic The Niggle-Johnson House constructed in 1908. Archaeological No known archaeological resources APPLICANT’S PROPOSAL • The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to the CB, Community Business Zoning District. The applicant stated the property has been marketed for sale and the rezoning would make the property a more attractive prospect for potential buyers. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 2 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 3 of 13 ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The R-20 district in this area was established in 1974. At the time, the purpose of the R-20 district was to ensure that housing served by private septic and wells would be developed at low densities. • Since that time the area has experienced a shift with the addition of commercial and residential growth to the north and south with CZD B-2, Shopping Center, and CZD B-1 zoning and higher density R-15 and Urban Mixed Use to the north and similarly zoned B- 1, B-2, and R-15 to the south. • The property was rezoned to the O&I zoning district in 1999. At that time Bethany Presbyterian Church was selling the property and believed a commercial zoning designation would facilitate interest. • The O&I district was established to provide lands that accommodate institutional, professional office, and other compatible uses. O&I districts are intended for areas with more intense uses and higher density development patterns to support economic clusters in appropriate locations. • The O&I district allows both residential and commercial development. As currently zoned, the subject site would be allowed a maximum density of 6 du/ac at 2.5 du/ac allowed under the performance standards for residential zoning. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 3 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 4 of 13 • The O&I district requires a 25-foot side interior setback, 30-foot rear setback, and Type A opaque buffer from adjacent single-family development and residentially zoned properties for commercial development. • The CB district was established to provide lands that accommodate the development, growth, and continued operation of businesses that serve surrounding neighborhoods with goods and services needed for a variety of daily and long-term purposes. The CB district also serves as a buffer between higher density / intensity development and moderate or low-density multi-family and single-family neighborhoods. • The CB district does not permit residential development and requires a 25-foot side interior setback, 30-foot rear setback, and Type A opaque buffer from adjacent single-family development and residentially zoned properties. • If approved, any future development would be subject to Technical Review Committee and Zoning Compliance review processes to ensure full compliance with all ordinance requirements and specific conditions included in the approval. Only minor deviations from the approved conceptual plan, as defined by the UDO, would be allowed. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 4 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 5 of 13 AREA SUBDIVISIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 5 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 6 of 13 TRANSPORTATION • Existing access is provided to the subject property from Castle Hayne Road, NCDOT minor arterial road. • There is currently full access to the property through both left and right-in turns from Castle Hayne Road. • Traffic Impact Analyses (TIAs) are not required for a straight rezoning, as a specific development proposal is required to thoroughly analyze access, potential trip generation, and roadway improvements. • Before any development can occur on this site, the Technical Review Committee (TRC) will review all plans for compliance with applicable land use regulations, including any recommended roadway improvements from TIAs to ensure adequate traffic safety and Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 6 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 7 of 13 distribution. Recommended roadway improvements will be completed as required by a TIA or through the NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Driveway permitting process. • The trips generated from the current O&I district and proposed CB district would vary based on the proposed uses within the district. It is estimated that 2.42 acres zoned O&I can generally support approximately 19,000 square feet of traditional office uses based on a typical 18% building area for this type of zoning. • As currently zoned, such a development is estimated to generate about 40 AM peak hour trips and 42 PM peak hour trips. • It is estimated that 2.42 acres zoned CB can generally support approximately 19,000 square feet of traditional retail uses based on a typical 18% building area for this type of zoning. • Under the proposed CB zoning such a development is estimated to generate about 45 AM peak hour trips and 125 PM peak hour trips. • The net change from the potential trip generation if the site were developed under the existing O&I district to the proposed CB district shows an increase in approximately 5 AM peak hour trips and 83 PM peak hour trips. General retail uses typically generate the bulk of their trips during the PM hours as retail uses are often not the weekday rush hour destination for motorists. • As there is not a specific development proposal to analyze traffic impacts for at this time, staff has provided the volume to capacity ratio for the adjacent roadway near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. However, the available volume to capacity data indicates capacity currently exists in this area. Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: 1 Single-Family Dwelling 1 AM / 1 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 19,000 sq ft office building (typical O&I buildout on this acreage) 40 AM / 42 PM Potential Trip Generation under Proposed Rezoning: 19,000 sq ft general retail building (typical CB buildout on this acreage) 45 AM / 125 PM Potential Net Change under Proposed Zoning: - +5 AM / +83 PM Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 7 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 8 of 13 WMPO Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) - 2021 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C Castle Hayne Road Between Chadwick Ave and Carl Seitter Dr 19,222 15,459 1.24 • The site is located on Castle Hayne Road between Chadwick Avenue and Carl Seitter Drive. The WMPO has estimated that section to operate at a “F” Level of Service (LOS). • According to the TIA completed for the nearby Wrightsboro Commons project, the Castle Hayne Road and N. Kerr Avenue intersection was estimated to operate at a “D/E” Level of Service (LOS) in 2021 when Phase 1 of that project was expected to be completed. Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Wrightsboro Commons Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 8 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 9 of 13 Nearby NC STIP Projects: • STIP Project U-5863 o Widening Castle Hayne Road from I-140 / Wilmington Bypass to Division Drive. o The project is currently scheduled to begin construction after 2029. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses (TIAs) are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Wrightsboro Commons • 226 Multi-Family Units • TIA approved November 28, 2018 • 2023 Build Out Year The TIA requires improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of: • Installation of a new signal plan at the intersection of N. Kerr Avenue and Castle Hayne Road. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Riverside Development Status: Phase 1 preliminary plan approved by the Technical Review Committee. ENVIRONMENTAL • The property is not within a Natural Heritage Area. • The site does contain AE Special Flood Hazards. • The property is within the Ness Creek watershed. • A 45-foot-wide utility and drainage easement runs parallel to the southern property line. The easement is maintained by New Hanover County (Book 5232, Page 1338-1342). • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consists of Class II (moderate limitation) and Class IV (unsuitable) soils. There is an existing septic system on the property. Any future development will be required to consult with CFPUA on the feasibility of sewer connection or with Environmental Health to inspect the existing septic system. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 9 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 10 of 13 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Existing Conditions Representative Developments Representative Developments of O&I: Element Outdoor Living in Hightsville Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 10 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 11 of 13 Representative Developments of CB: Aldi on College Road in Wilmington Context and Compatibility • The property is located on Castle Hayne Road adjacent to the Bethany Presbyterian Church south of the intersection of Kerr Avenue and Castle Hayne Road, an area of commercial growth in Wrightsboro. • The property is in a transitional area on the edge of a commercial node and has been zoned O&I since 1999 but has not been developed commercially. • The surrounding area is residentially developed with some commercial development along Castle Hayne Road and at the major intersections at 23rd Street and Castle Hayne Road to the south of the site. • Due to the existing zoning, location, and nearby development patterns it is unlikely that the property will be developed residentially. And while the O&I and CB zoning districts are similar, the CB allows for additional uses not allowed within the O&I. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 11 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 12 of 13 Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Analysis The Comprehensive Plan classifies the property as Community Mixed Use, which promotes small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. The site is accessed by Castle Hayne Road and located between two commercially developed areas to the north and south that serve surrounding residential subdivisions. Types of uses encouraged under the Community Mixed Use place type include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and residential development up to 15 units per acre. The CB zoning district is intended for the development, growth, and continued operation of businesses that serve surrounding neighborhoods. Additional residential growth generates need for community level commercial nodes with transitional zoning between them. While the O&I serves as a transitional zoning district, the uses allowed within the CB district provide for both small scale commercial growth and transitional uses outside the commercial node to the north. The CB district provides areas for commercial growth to serve existing and future residential development and could act as a buffer between higher density / intensity development and moderate to low density residential neighborhoods. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 12 Z22-16 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 13 of 13 Consistency Recommendation The proposed CB zoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transitional nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersections along an established corridor. STAFF RECOMMENDATION While a conditional zoning application would have been preferred for the property in order to allow staff to fully analyze potential impacts to surrounding properties, staff finds the proposed CB zoning district to be a similar classification to the existing O&I district with a reduction in potential residential density and increased availability of potential commercial uses. The function of the property as a transition between existing commercial and residential areas will be retained. As a result, Staff recommends approval of the proposal and suggests the following motion: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning to a CB district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transitional nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersections along an established corridor. I find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the CB district provides areas for commercial growth to serve existing and future residential development and act as a buffer between higher density / intensity development and moderate to low density residential neighborhoods. Alternative Motion for Denial: I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transitional nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersections along an established corridor, I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the CB district allows additional uses that could impact neighboring properties and adversely impact conditions on Castle Hayne Road. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 13 PLANNING BOARD SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z22-16) Request by Kelly Summerlin with Integral Commercial Group, applicant, on behalf of Bethany Presbyterian Church, property owner, to rezone approximately 2.42 acres of land located at 2311 Castle Hayne Road from O&I, Office and Institutional, to CB, Community Business. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Before we proceed with the vote, I would like to invite the applicant to the podium. Based on the Board discussion and items presented during the public hearing, would you like withdraw your petition, request a continuance, or proceed with a vote? 6. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion for Approval I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning to a CB district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transitional nature in the Wrightsboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersections along an established corridor. I find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the CB district provides areas for commercial growth to serve existing and future residential development and act as a buffer between higher density / intensity development and moderate to low density residential neighborhoods. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 1 Example Motion for Denial I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed rezoning to a CB district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the types of uses allowed within the Community Mixed Use place type would support small scale commercial centers of a transitional nature in the Whitesboro area and would generate infill commercial development between two commercial intersections along an established corridor, I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the CB district allows additional uses that could impact neighboring properties and adversely impact conditions on Castle Hayne Road. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to RECOMMEND [Approval/Denial] of the proposed rezoning to a conditional RMF-M district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find RECOMMENDING [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 2 WindyWoodsWay Chadwick Av Heritag e P a r k D r PilgrimCir R-15 CZD B-2 O&I B-2 AR AC R-20 New Hanover County, NCSHODIncorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 5.7 of the UDOCOD B-1 AC R-5 EDZD CB I-1 R-7 PD B-2 I-2 R-10 RMF-X CS AR R-15 RMFU SC RA R-20 UMXZ O&I R-20S Zoning Districts CBO & I2311 Castle Hayne RoadZ22-16 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: Cas t l e H a y n e R d 0 540270 Feet SITE Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 1 WindyWoodsWayForestViewLn Ca s t l e H a y n e R d Jamaica D r Carl Seitt e r D r Fu l b r i g h t S t Oli v e S t Heritag e P a r k D r Pilg r i m C i r General Residential Community Mixed Use Employment Center New Hanover County, NCCONSERVATION RURAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE URBAN MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER COMMERCE ZONE Place Types CBO & I2311 Castle Hayne RoadZ22-16 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 0 540270 Feet SITE Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 4 - 1 CastleHayneRdTributaryCir Da n i e S t Em i l y S t Castle Creek Ln Carl Seitt e r D r Fu l b r i g h t S t W in d y W o odsWay Forest V i e w Ln Oli v e S t Harnett Av Jamaica D r Chadwick Av Heritag e P a r k D r PilgrimCir 510 2411 523 2407 2237 2409 101 115 111 101 114 123 112 2232 114 119 105 107 2231 2311 117 118 109 105 105 522 511 2225 507 2327 2319 110 514 517 515 24002393 2228 2323 140 144 148 152 156 127131 135 139 143 147 151 155 159 24032405 518 2399 506 Neighboring Parcels (500 feet) CBO & I2311 Castle Hayne RoadZ22-16 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 0 550275 Feet SITE Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 5 - 1 Initial Application Documents & Materials Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 7 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 8 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 9 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 10 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 11 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 12 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 13 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 14 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 15 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 16 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 6/2/2022 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Julian Griffee, Current Planner CONTACT(S): Julian Griffee; Rebekah Roth, Planning & Land Use Director SUBJECT: Rezoning Request (Z22-10) – Request by Adam Shanks with Carolina Beach Villa, applicant on behalf of the Elizabeth B. Harris LLC and Cordelia Hinnant, property owners, to rezone two (2) parcels of land: Approximately 7.11 acres of land located at 924 Seabreeze Road from R-15, ResidenBal and B-2, Regional Business to R-7, ResidenBal, and approximately 3.66 acres of land located at 1001 Seabreeze Road from R-15, ResidenBal and B-2, Regional Business to RMF-L, ResidenBal MulB-Family Low Density. BRIEF SUMMARY: The applicant is proposed to rezone approximately 10.77 acres from R-15, Residen+al and B-2, Regional Business to R- 7, Residen+al and RMF-L, Residen+al Mul+-Family Low Density. Currently, the subject sites are undeveloped. This request is for a straight rezoning, so a conceptual plan is not included within the applica+on. Because this request is for a straight rezoning, any approval would allow for uses outlined for the requested districts and could not include condi+ons. Any future development would be required to meet all the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requirements for development within the R-7 and RMF-L districts. The R-15 district in this area was established in 1971. At the +me, the purpose of the R-15 district was to ensure that housing served by private sep+c and wells would be developed at low densi+es. Since that +me, water and sewer services have become available to the surrounding area. T he R-7 district was established to accommodate lands for moderate to high density residen+al development on smaller lots with compact and walkable development pa;erns. The district also serves as a transi+on between nonresiden+al development and low to moderate density residen+al development. The RMF-L district was intended to apply to exis+ng lots or performance residen+al projects that included mul+-family component. The en+re eastern parcel and the majority of the western parcel are located within AE and VE flood zones. Roughly an acre of the extreme western por+on of the western parcel is located outside of these flood zones. Performance residen+al developments within floodplains are limited to a maximum density of 2.5 du/acre. Any development of the sites at densi+es greater than 2.5 units/acre would require a conven+onal residen+al development and lots would have to meet minimum dimensional standards. If developed with the conven+onal standards of the proposed R-7 zoning district, approximately 44 single-family dwellings could be constructed on the western parcel. This would be es+mated to generate 31 trips in the AM peak hour and 41 trips during the PM peak hour. If developed with the conven+onal standards of the proposed RMF-L zoning district, approximately 37 residen+al units could be constructed on the eastern parcel. This would be es+mated to generate 18 trips during the AM peak hour and Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 21 trips during the PM peak hour. Based on the current general student genera+on rate, the increase in homes would result in approximately 12 addi+onal students than the number of students who are es+mated to be generated if developed under the exis+ng zoning. The subject sites are located within the historic Seabreeze community, which served as a beach resort community for African Americans from the 1930s to the 1950s. While the subject sites are undeveloped, a few structures from this community remain within the general vicinity. This area was the focus of the Seabreeze Small Area Plan, created in 1989. The recommenda+ons for the area included a revitaliza+on of the businesses and a redevelopment of the waterfront. However, this revitaliza+on has not been accomplished since the adop+on of the plan, and some historic structures have been converted into luxury homes. The Comprehensive Plan classifies the property as Community Mixed Use, which promotes development of a mix of residen+al, office, and retail uses at moderate densi+es. The proposed rezoning request is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the densi+es and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support exis+ng and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Intelligent Growth & Economic DevelopmentEncourage development of complete communi+es in the unincorporated countyEnsure NHC has appropriate housing to support business growth RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Understanding that the revitaliza+on is the long-term, envisioned goal of the historic Seabreeze area, a mixture of uses supported by appropriate housing may be appropriate in order to achieve that vision. The general area has been designed as Community Mixed Use within the Comprehensive Plan, which shares similar characteris+cs of density and form envisioned within the Seabreeze Small Area Plan. It is acknowledged, however, that the Comprehensive Plan recommends a limit on the density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre in areas that are located within the floodplain. Also, the floodplain would place limits on higher density performance developments, which is what the RMF-L district was intended to allow for. While staff would have preferred a condi+onal rezoning request for this area to ensure a preserva+on of the cultural heritage and historical context of the area, staff recommends approval of the R-7 request; however, because the RMF-L district was developed to support clustered residen+al projects not possible within this loca+on, staff recommends denial of the RMF-L por+on of the request and suggests the following mo+ons: R-7 Approval Mo+on: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed R-7 rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densi+es and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support exis+ng and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing op+ons and may spur a revitaliza+on of the area as recommended within the Seabreeze Small Area Plan with the introduc+on of water and sewer capacity. RMF-L Denial Mo+on: Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed RMF-L rezoning. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densi+es and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support exis+ng and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront., I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because it is not clear that the piece of property can support the level of densi+es allowed within the zoning district. AlternaBve MoBons: I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be INCONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the district would allow for densi+es higher than what is recommended within the floodplain by the Comprehensive Plan. I also find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because of the uncertainty of nega+ve impacts that a development allowed by- right within the proposed zoning districts could have on the adjacent land uses, the environment, and local infrastructure. OR I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densi+es and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support exis+ng and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. I also find RECOMME NDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the development would advance the revitaliza+on of the historic Seabreeze neighborhood and provide u+li+es for future redevelopment. ATTACHMENTS: Descrip+on Z22-10 PB Script Z22-10 PB Staff Report Z22-10 Zoning Z22-10 FLUM Z22-10 Mailout Z22-10 Application Cover Sheet Z22-10 Application Package Public Comments Cover Sheet Z22-10 Public Comments - Opposition COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 PLANNING BOARD SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z22-10) Request by Adam Shanks, applicant, on behalf of the property owner, Cornelia Hinnant, to rezone approximately 10.77 acres of land located at 924 and 1001 N Seabreeze Road from R-15, Residential, and B-2, Regional Business, to R-7, Residential, and RMF-L, Residential Multi-Family Low Density. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Before we proceed with the vote, I would like to invite the applicant to the podium. Based on the Board discussion and items presented during the public hearing, would you like withdraw your petition, request a continuance, or proceed with a vote? 6. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion for R-7Approval: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed R-7 rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densities and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support existing and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing options and may spur a revitalization of the area as recommended within the Seabreeze Small Area Plan with the introduction of water and sewer capacity. Example Motion for RMF-Denial I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed RMF-L rezoning. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densities and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support existing and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront, I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because it is not clear that the piece of property can support the level of densities allowed within the zoning district. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 Alternative Motions I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be INCONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the district would allow for densities higher than what is recommended within the floodplain by the Comprehensive Plan. I also find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because of the uncertainty of negative impacts that a development allowed by-right within the proposed zoning districts could have on the adjacent land uses, the environment, and local infrastructure. OR I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densities and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support existing and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the development would advance the revitalization of the historic Seabreeze neighborhood and provide utilities for future redevelopment. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to RECOMMEND [Approval/Denial] of the proposed rezoning to a R-7 / RMF-L district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find RECOMMENDING [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 2 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 1 of 20 STAFF REPORT FOR Z22-10 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z22-10 Request: Rezoning to an R-7 & RMF-L district Applicant: Property Owner(s): Tracey Pettigrew & Adam Shanks The Elizabeth B. Harris LLC an Ohio Limited Liability Company and Cordelia Ann Hinnant, widowed. Location: Acreage: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze 10.77 acres PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R08514-003-001-000 & R08500-004-010-002 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Uses listed for the R-7 and RMF-L districts in Table 4.2.1. Principal Use Table of the UDO Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15, Residential & B-2, Regional Business R-7, Residential and RMF-L, Residential Multi- family Low Density SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-family Dwellings R-15 East Commercial Services; Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway B-2 South Single-family Residential; Commercial Services R-15, B-2 West Single-family Dwellings R-15 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 1 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 2 of 20 ZONING HISTORY April 7, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 and B-2 COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Currently well and septic; Aqua has provided a non-binding committal agreement to provide water and sewer to the area Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Federal Point Station Schools Anderson Elementary, Murray Middle, Ashley High Schools Recreation Veterans Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic While undeveloped, the parcels are located within the historical Seabreeze neighborhood. Established in the mid-1920s, the area was a prime vacation resort for African Americans within southeastern North Carolina from the 1930s through the 1950s before a decline stemming from Hurricane Hazel in 1954, financial trouble, and the end of segregation in the 1960s. Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 2 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 3 of 20 APPLICANT’S PROPOSAL • The applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 10.77 acres split across two parcels from R-15, Residential and B-2, Regional Business, to R-7, Residential and RMF-L, Residential Multi-family, Low Density. • The western, 7.11-acre parcel is currently zoned R-15 and B-2 and is proposed to be rezoned to R-7. • The eastern, 3.66-acre parcel is currently zoned R-15 and B-2 and is proposed to be rezoned to RMF-L. • According to the applicant, the proposed zoning will allow for the provision of housing for future development in a land use pattern that is generally more consistent with the 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The R-15 district in this area was established in 1971. At the time, the purpose of the R-15 district was to ensure that housing served by private septic and wells would be developed at low densities. Since that time, water and sewer services have become available to the surrounding area. • The R-7 district was established to accommodate lands for moderate to high density residential development on smaller lots with compact and walkable development patterns. The district also serves as a transition between nonresidential development and low to moderate density residential development. • The RMF-L district was established to accommodate lands for moderate density single family and low density multi-family development of varying types and designs. The intent of the district is to provide options for alternative housing types near or in direct relationship to single-family detached development. • The RMF-L district was intended to apply to existing lots or performance residential projects that included multi-family component. • Currently, the subject sites are undeveloped. • The entire eastern parcel and the majority of the western parcel are located within AE and VE flood zones. Roughly an acre of the extreme western portion of the western parcel is located outside of these flood zones. Performance residential developments within floodplains are limited to a maximum density of 2.5 du/acre. Any development of the sites at densities greater than 2.5 units/acre would require a conventional residential development and lots would have to meet minimum dimensional standards. • While there are no utilities available currently, utility provider Aqua has provided a non- binding commitment that would provide water and sewer to the subject sites. Water and sewer infrastructure would allow for denser development to be possible within the area. Without water and sewer, a typical three-bedroom single-family dwelling would need a lot size of approximately 13,000 square feet for well and septic. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 3 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 4 of 20 • If developed conventionally, the approximate single-family dwellings that could be constructed on the western parcel increase from 18 under current R-15 zoning to 44 under the proposed R-7 zoning. • If developed conventionally, the approximate number of residential units that could be constructed on the eastern parcel increase from 10 single-family dwellings under the current R-15 zoning to 37 residential units under the proposed RMF-L zoning. • These approximate figures do not take into account the environmental features of the sites. • If approved, development on the parcel would be subject to Technical Review Committee and Zoning Compliance review processes to ensure full compliance with all ordinance requirements and specific conditions included in the approval. Only minor deviations from the approved conceptual plan, as defined by the UDO, would be allowed. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 4 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 5 of 20 AREA SUBDIVISIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 5 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 6 of 20 TRANSPORTATION • Currently, access is provided to the subject properties by S Seabreeze Road and N Seabreeze Road, which are classified by NCDOT as local roads. • The sites are currently undeveloped and estimated to generate 0 trips. • If developed with the conventional standards of the proposed R-7 zoning district, approximately 44 single-family dwellings could be constructed on the western parcel. This would be estimated to generate 31 trips during the AM peak hour and 41 trips during the PM peak hour. • If developed with the conventional standards of the proposed RMF-L zoning district, approximately 37 residential units could be constructed on the eastern parcel. This would be estimated to generate 18 trips during the AM peak hour and 21 trips during the PM peak hour. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 6 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 7 of 20 • Traffic Impact Analyses are not required for a straight rezoning, as a specific development proposal is required to thoroughly analyze access, potential trip generation, and roadway improvements. • Because a TIA is not required to analyze transportation impacts at this time, Staff has provided the volume to capacity ratio for the adjacent roadway near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. However, the available volume to capacity data indicates capacity currently exists in this area. NCDOT Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) – 2020 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C S Seabreeze Road Between US 421 and N Seabreeze Road 350 4,000 0.09 • The LOS of this portion of S Seabreeze Road is rated as ‘A’. WMPO Annual Daily Traffic (ADT) – 4/5/2021 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C Carolina Beach Road Between Snow’s Cut Bridge and S Seabreeze Road 34,555 41,368 0.84 • The LOS of this portion of Carolina Beach Road is rated as ‘D’. Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Density under Proposed R-7 Zoning & Typical Density under Proposed RMF-L Zoning 44 Single-family Dwellings & 37 Residential Units 31 AM / 41 PM & 18 AM / 21 PM Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 7 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 8 of 20 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 8 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 9 of 20 Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Masonboro Golf Club • 141 single-family detached housing units • Approved August 16, 2018 • Full build out 2020 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of: • Provide a southbound, left-turn lane on River Road with 50 feet of storage, 50 feet of full- width deceleration and appropriate taper on River Road at The Cape Boulevard. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • None. Development Status: Development and improvements are currently under construction. ENVIRONMENTAL • The property is not within a Natural Heritage Area. The majority of the properties are located within the AE and VE Special Flood Hazard Areas, with approximately one acre on the extreme western portion of the western parcel located within the X floodplain. • The properties are within the ICW 13 and ICW 14 watersheds, which drain into the Intracoastal Waterway. • Wetlands appear to be present on the eastern subject site, according to the US Army Corps of Engineers. Any impacts on wetlands, if present, would be subject to permitting by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Development of the subject site may also require CAMA permitting. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the properties consist of Class I, (suitable and slight limitation), Class II (moderate limitation), and Class IV (unsuitable); however, the applicant has submitted documents indicating utility provider Aqua will provide services to the properties. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 9 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 10 of 20 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Schools • Students living in the proposed development would be assigned to Anderson Elementary, Murray Middle, and Ashley High School. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools. • Based on a generalized historic generation rate*, staff estimates that approximately 6 students would be generated if developed under the existing zoning. • Based on a generalized historic generation rate*, staff estimates that the increase in homes would result in approximately 12 additional students than the number of students who are estimated to be generated if developed under the existing zoning. • The general student generation rate provides only an estimate of anticipated student yield as different forms of housing at different price points yield different numbers of students. Over the past four years, staff has also seen a decline in the number of students generated by new development. Student numbers remained relatively stable between 2015 and 2020 (excepting the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic), while 14,500 new residential units were permitted across the county. In addition, the student population is anticipated to only grow by approximately 1,300 students over the next 10 years based on the recent New Hanover County Schools Facility Needs Study. Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Yield (current general student generation rate) * Existing Development Undeveloped Approximate** Total: 0 (0 elementary, 0 middle, 0 high) Typical Density under Proposed R-7 Zoning & Typical Density under Proposed RMF-L Zoning 44 Single-family Dwellings & 37 Residential Units Approximate** Total: 10 (4 elementary, 2 middle, 4 high) & Approximate** Total: 8 (3 elementary, 2 middle, 3 high) *The current general student generation rate was calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year by the number of dwelling units in the county. Currently, there are an average of 0.22 public school students (0.09 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. These numbers are updated annually and include students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTech. **Because the student generation rate often results in fractional numbers, all approximate student generation yields with a fraction of 0.5 or higher are rounded up to a whole number and yields with a fraction of less than 0.5 are rounded down. This may result in student numbers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels not equaling the approximate total. • Staff has provided information on existing school capacity to provide a general idea of the potential impact on public schools, but these numbers do not reflect any future capacity upgrades. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 10 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 11 of 20 School Enrollment* and Capacity** (2021-2022 School Year) *Enrollment is based on the New Hanover County Schools enrollment projections for the 2021-2022 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined based on the projected capacities for the 2021-2022 school year, and funded or planned capacity upgrades were those included in the Facility Needs Study presented by New Hanover County Schools to the Board of Education in January 2021. This information does not take into account flexible scheduling that may be available in high school settings, which can reduce the portion of the student body on campus at any one time. • The 2021 facility needs survey prepared by Schools staff indicates that, based on NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) student growth projections and school capacity data, planned facility upgrades, combined with changes to student enrollment patterns, will result in adequate capacity district wide over the next ten years if facility upgrades are funded. Level Total NHC Capacity School Projected Enrollment of Assignment School Capacity of Assigned School w/Portables Capacity of Assigned School Funded or Planned Capacity Upgrades Elementary 95% Anderson 618 563 110% None Middle 108% Murray 853 848 101% None High 100% Ashley 1584 1648 96% None Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 11 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 12 of 20 Existing Development Current Conditions of western parcel: Looking northeast from S Seabreeze Looking south along N Seabreeze Looking east along N Seabreeze Looking west along N Seabreeze Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 12 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 13 of 20 Current Conditions of eastern parcel: Looking south along N Seabreeze Looking east along N Seabreeze Looking west along N Seabreeze Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 13 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 14 of 20 Representative Developments Representative Developments of R-15: Clay Crossing Page’s Corner Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 14 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 15 of 20 Representative Developments of R-7: City of Wilmington City of Wilmington Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 15 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 16 of 20 Representative Developments of RMF-L: Wrightsville Place Lions Gate Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 16 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 17 of 20 Context and Compatibility • The properties are located within the southern portion of the County and accessed by N and S Seabreeze Road, which connects directly to Carolina Beach Road, a major arterial highway. • The subject sites are located within the historic Seabreeze community, which served as a beach resort community for African Americans from the 1930s to the 1950s. While the subject sites are undeveloped, a few structures from this community remain within the general vicinity. • This area was the focus of the Seabreeze Small Area Plan, created in 1989. The recommendations for the area included a revitalization of the businesses and a redevelopment of the waterfront. However, this revitalization has not been accomplished since the adoption of the plan, and some of the historic structures have been converted into luxury homes. • With straight rezonings, conditions may not be applied, including conditions related to historic preservation. • The existing land uses within the area include a mix of small and large single-family dwellings, boat and recreational vehicle storage, and dilapidated businesses. • The adjoining parcel, 1045 N Seabreeze Road, is under the same ownership and will retain the existing B-2, Regional Business zoning district. • While the majority of the land of the subject sites is located within the AE and VE flood zones, development at the scale proposed by the R-7 and RMF-L zoning districts exist within other portions of the County that share similar flood risks, namely the beach communities of Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 17 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 18 of 20 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Promotes development of small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns. Types of uses encouraged include office, retail, mixed use, recreation, single-family, and multi-family residential. Analysis The Comprehensive Plan classifies the property as Community Mixed Use, which promotes development of a mix of residential, office, and retail uses at moderate densities. This classification intends for moderate to high densities while also providing a transition between the existing lower density housing and higher intensity employment centers. This land classification was applied to this area to support and encourage the mix of uses envisioned in the 1989 Seabreeze Small Area plan. Moderate residential density could assist in achieving the goals of a revitalized waterfront. There are few areas within the County where this level of density would be recommended within a flood hazard area, which the Comprehensive Plan generally recommends limiting to no more than 2.5 units per acre. Staff has historically interpreted that place type classifications seeking higher intensity and mixed uses override density limits generally placed in flood prone areas. Consistency Recommendation The proposed rezoning request is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the densities and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support existing and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 18 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 19 of 20 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Understanding that the revitalization is the long-term, envisioned goal of the historic Seabreeze area, a mixture of uses supported by appropriate housing may be appropriate in order to achieve that vision. The general area has been designed as Community Mixed Use within the Comprehensive Plan, which shares similar characteristics of density and form envisioned within the Seabreeze Small Area Plan. It is acknowledged, however, that the Comprehensive Plan recommends a limit on the density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre in areas that are located within the floodplain. Also, the floodplain would place limits on higher density performance developments, which is what the RMF- L district was intended to allow for. While staff would have preferred a conditional rezoning request for this area to ensure a preservation of the cultural heritage and historical context of the area, staff recommends approval of the R-7 request; however, because the RMF-L district was development to support clustered residential projects not possible within this location, staff recommends denial of the RMF-L portion of the request and suggests the following motions: R-7 Approval Motion: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed R-7 rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densities and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support existing and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing options and may spur a revitalization of the area as recommended within the Seabreeze Small Area Plan with the introduction of water and sewer capacity. RMF-L Denial Motion: I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed RMF-L rezoning. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densities and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support existing and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront, I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because it is not clear that the piece of property can support the level of densities allowed within the zoning district. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 19 Z22-10 Staff Report PB 6.2.2022 Page 20 of 20 Alternative Motions I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be INCONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the district would allow for densities higher than what is recommended within the floodplain by the Comprehensive Plan. I also find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because of the uncertainty of negative impacts that a development allowed by-right within the proposed zoning districts could have on the adjacent land uses, the environment, and local infrastructure. OR I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the densities and range of housing types allowed in the proposed zoning district would support existing and future community-level nodes envisioned for the Seabreeze waterfront. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the development would advance the revitalization of the historic Seabreeze neighborhood and provide utilities for future redevelopment. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 20 Roscoe FreemanAv Seabreeze Rd Seabree z e R d Annie Lee Ln Seabree z e R d Saltspray Ln FF R-15 B-2 New Hanover County, NCSHODIncorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 5.7 of the UDOCOD B-1 AC R-5 EDZD CB I-1 R-7 PD B-2 I-2 R-10 RMF-X CS AR R-15 RMFU SC RA R-20 UMXZ O&I R-20S Zoning Districts R-7R-15 & B-2924 & 1001 N. Seabreeze Road Z22-10 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 0 540270 Feet Case Site Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 3 - 1 Ca r o l i n a B e a c h R d Roscoe Freem a n A v Sc o u t C a m p H a t i l a R d Se r v i c e R d Seabreez e R d Annie Lee Ln Saltspray Ln Seabree z e R d General Residential Community Mixed Use Conservation New Hanover County, NCCONSERVATION RURAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE URBAN MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER COMMERCE ZONE Place Types R-7R-15 & B-2924 & 1001 N. Seabreeze Road Z22-10 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 0 500250 Feet Case Site Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 1 Ca r o l i n a B e a c h R d Scout Camp Hatila Rd Seabreeze Rd S a l t sprayLn Seabreez e R d Annie Lee Ln Seabreez e R d 1140 1040 1017 1054 1133 7645 7601 7605 822 7621 1066 7622 7626 7623 825 7611 925 7635 834 7630 7631 824 808 7627 7600 900 7612 7620 7601 7617 924 1124 919 7608 7604 7618 1068 1025 1001 1006 1000 1112 1014 102910101028 1116 1025 1024 980 7639 1015 1032 1020 1035 1001 924 1120 7605 10361005 1009 913 830 833 1137 1144 1101 76137611 7619 1145 1050 1045 1141 917 1148 1109 1104 1108 1100 1133 1117 1113 1105 1136 1112 1116 7615 831 7624 1005 1017 7606 7614 7610 7602 7616 7631 801 805 800 804 1021 809 900 821 1033 1132 7625 1056 1074 920 940 960 1022 1004 906 901 Neighboring Parcels R-7R-15 & B-2924 & 1001 N. Seabreeze Road Z22-10 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 0 540270 Feet Case Site Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 5 - 1 Initial Application Documents & Materials Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 1 Page 1 of 5 Zoning Map Amendment Application – Updated 12-2020 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_____________________ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-7165 FAX (910) 798-7053 planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION This application form must be completed as part of a zoning map amendment application submitted through the county’s online COAST portal. The main procedural steps in the submittal and review of applications are outlined in the flowchart below. More specific submittal and review requirements, as well as the standards to be applied in reviewing the application, are set out in Section 10.3.2 of the Unified Development Ordinance. 1.Applicant and Property Owner Information Applicant/Agent Name Owner Name (if different from Applicant/Agent) Company Company/Owner Name 2 Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone Phone Email Email Public Hearing Procedures (Optional) Pre-Application Conference (Optional) Community Information Meeting 1 Application Submittal & Acceptance 2 Planning Director Review & Staff Report 3 Public Hearing Scheduling & Notification 4 Planning Board Hearing & Recom-mendation 5 Board of Commissioners Hearing & Decision 6 Post-Decision Limitations and Actions Mr. Adam Shanks Carolina Beach Villa Mr. Tracy Pettigrew 1113 Tidalwalk Drive Wilmington NC 28409 217-621-1864 3109 S. Rockland Ct Wilmington NC 28409 217-390-2562 Company/Owner Name 2 Carolina Beach Villa / Tracey Pettigrew adam@tankconstructionsupplies.com tracey@tankconstructionsupplies.com Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 2 Page 2 of 5 Zoning Map Amendment Application – Updated 12-2020 2.Subject Property Information Address/Location Parcel Identification Number(s) Total Parcel(s) Acreage Existing Zoning and Use(s) Proposed Zoning District(s) Future Land Use Classification 3.Zoning Map Amendment Considerations Requests for general rezonings do not consider a particular land use but rather all of the uses permitted in the requested zoning district for the subject property. Rezoning requests must be consistent with the New Hanover County 2016 Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance. Zoning Map amendments reclassify the land that is subject of the application to the requested zoning district classification(s) and subjects it to the development regulations applicable to the district(s). The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Zoning Map amendment meets the following criteria. (attach additional pages if necessary) 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development, as 2.How would the requested zoning change be consistent with the property’s classification on the 2016 described in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc.? Most of the existing and surrounding parcels consists of single family, zoned R-15, with a mixture of a few of the parcels zoned B-2. The requested zoning change of 924 N. Seabreeze Road, parcel ID R08514-003-001-000 from R-15 to R-7 would enhance growth and development by creating a livable, built community which will preserve the existing neighborhood character and quality of life as demand in the New Hanover County SeaBreeze area increases. Furthermore, by rezoning 1001 Seabreeze Road, parcel ID R08500-004--010-002 from R-15 to RMF-L allows for a low density option for alternate housing types near this newly built community will create a better than ideal situation for a multi-family option. RMF-L Residential Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map? General Residential is a classification on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan's future land map which is consistent with what is being proposed. Additionally, the proposed low density option of multi-family of approximately 10 units per acre creates a better than ideal situation as described in the 2016 Comprehensive plan which depicts 12-15 units per acre. Furthermore any conservation areas on the proposed site will be preserved and will not be affected by this zoning request. 1001 N. Seabreeze Road 924 N. Seabreeze Road R08500-004--010-002 R08514-003-001-000 10.77 R-15 R-7, Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 3 Page 3 of 5 Zoning Map Amendment Application – Updated 12-2020 3.What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is 4.How will this zoning change serve the public interest? the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? Although R-15 is a viable land use for residential development of single family homes, R-7 will benefit the diminishing population of the Sea Breeze community more and provide for increased population densities to facilitate high quality affordable housing and a greater range of lifestyles and income levels. Moreover, a development consisting of RMF-L (low density) multi-family further provides for a range of housing types, opportunities and choices in a community desirable of growth opportunities. A zoning change in the SeaBreeze community will potentially attract a greater range of income levels and increase accessibility to employment, transportation and shopping. The revitalization may further encourage additional investments and improvements to the community, ultimately revitalizing the SeaBreeze community and adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 4 Page 4 of 5 Zoning Map Amendment Application – Updated 12-2020 Staff will use the following checklist to determine the completeness of your application. Please verify all of the listed items are included and confirm by initialing under “Applicant Initial”. Applications determined to be incomplete must be corrected in order to be processed for further review. Application Checklist Applicant Initial This application form, completed and signed Application fee: $500 for 5 acres or less $600 for more than 5 acres Legal description (by metes and bounds) or recorded survey Map Book and Page Reference of the property requested for rezoning One (1) hard copy of ALL documents Acknowledgment and Signatures Form (if applicable) One (1) digital PDF copy of ALL documents AND plans AS AS AS AS AS Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 7 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 8 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 16038D0E-D519-4264-9472-8BA694601C20 5/13/2022 5/14/2022 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 10 May 4, 2022 Re: 924 S. Seabreeze Road, 1001 N. Seabreeze Road & 1045 N. Seabreeze Road Water & Wastewater Utility System New Hanover County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Pettigrew: Please accept this letter as Aqua North Carolina’s (“Aqua”) non-binding commitment to provide water and wastewater utility service to the planned development at 924 S. Seabreeze Road, 1001 N. Seabreeze Road & 1045 N. Seabreeze Road, Wilmington, NC. This offer is contingent upon Aqua and the Developer entering into Water and Wastewater Utility Agreement (“Agreement”) with mutually acceptable terms, permit approvals by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, and the North Carolina Utilities Commission’s approval of this transaction. The structure of the Agreement would include the following: 1. Developer to install the water and wastewater utility system infrastructure to serve up to 50 single family units and 25 townhouses; 2. Developer to complete interconnections to Aqua’s existing water and wastewater facilities including making any necessary improvements to Aqua’s existing water and wastewater facilities in an effort to serve the proposed up to 50 single family units and 25 townhouses; 3. Developer to pay Aqua a cash contribution in aid of construction capacity (CIAC) reserve payment for the reservation of wastewater capacity in Aqua’s existing wastewater facilities. 4. Developer to install a community well to support the proposed development and interconnect to Aqua’s existing water facilities based on Aqua’s specifications. 5. The capacity payment amount and structure shall be detailed further in the Agreement. This letter of intent does not constitute an agreement for the ownership and operation of the water and wastewater assets of the Developer. The Agreement will be prepared by Aqua and will contain the provisions set forth above and other traditional covenants, warranties and representations. Thank you for considering Aqua as the water and wastewater provider. I look forward to having the opportunity to work with your team on this project. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this project further please contact me at 919-653-6967. Sincerely, C. Ruffin Poole Director, Corporate Development cc: Robert Farrell, Sr. Current Planner, New Hanover County rfarrell@nhcgov.com Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 11 Public Comments In Support X Neutral X In Opposition 27 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 8 - 1 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of JOHN FORD <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 6:44 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name JOHN FORD Address 1074 S SEABREEZE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 United States Map It Email jmford139@msn.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This property is in the 100 year flood plain zone AE and every thing associated with this AE designation is recommended low density. The New Hanover Comprehensive Plan under Building The Future page 11 Conserve Environmentally Critical Areas Goal X. 2 and 3 recommends lower density. Framing The Policy page 12 : Discourage Development in Flood Plains Visualizing The Future page 9 : Low Density in Special Flood Hazard Areas New Hanover Hazard Mitigation Plan: Appendix E Strategy 21: Discourage high intensity use in 100 yr Flood Zone AE Strategy 26: limit density to 2.5 units/acre in 100 yr Flood Plain AE This plan was reviewed and accepted by the Board of Commissioners on March 15, 2021 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 1 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of LC meeks <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 9:39 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name LC meeks Address 7601 scout camp hatila rd wilmington, MD 28409 US Minor Outlying Islands Map It Email caroline@coastwalk.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This rezoning is outrageous - loss of trees- wild life - increased traffic- more overloads on schools and hospital. FIVE houses per acre ???? 2.5 is bad enough! The reasons for increased development that the developer submitted are nonsense - It SHOULD read - I JUST WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY ON THIS BUILD OUT and do not care the cost to anyone-- least of all the residents of Seabreeze. !!! Please do not approve this ! Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 2 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Regina Terlau- Benford <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 10:53 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Regina Terlau-Benford Address 730 Grand Banks Drive Wilmington, north carolina 28412 United States Map It Email rterlau@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment The county should address the overcrowded schools, the fact that the money to build more of them has been cut off (i.e. River Lights), traffic concerns, lack of pedestrian friendly areas, etc. before making any chnages that will bring more students, more traffic, and more people in general. Make the real estate development companies pay towards funding these efforts if they want to increase the density. This particular location is full of a variety of wildlife as well and incresing the number of houses which can be built is detrimental to the natural environment. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 3 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Curtis Simmons <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 12:33 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Curtis Simmons Address 8904 West Telfair Circle Wilmington, NC 28412 United States Map It Email phillipians04_13@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Residents of New Hanover County are exhausted by the continued over development of our county which is pervasive in the over stretching of infrastructure inclusive of first responders, schools and the traffic nightmare as result of over crowding. New Hanover County is the second smallest county in North Carolina and the ninth most populated. There needs to be a three year moratorium on building permits to allow for infrastructure to catch up to growth. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 4 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Tracy Dumas <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 12:36 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Tracy Dumas Address 7761 Cypress Island Dr Wilmington, NC 28412 United States Map It Email Pntdumas@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This area is becoming too congested. If we have another storm like Florence nobody will be able to get out of the area safely. The constant building is ruining the beauty of the area. Not to mention we have one nearby hospital which can not accommodate the current residents in the area let alone the ones that are not here yet. Please Stop building we are overwhelmed with new building already. If we are not careful will will be New York before we know it. Just think of how bad that was during the pandemic. Please No More House, Condo, Townhouse Building. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 5 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jacqueline Simmons <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 4:13 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Jacqueline Simmons Address 8904 W Telfair Circle Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Map It Email jeremiah.29_11_14@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We don't have the infrastructure to absorb more...more...more...people, automobiles. More concrete means more water flowing causing more flooding. We pay high enough rates for insurance. This will potentially cause more flood zones. When is enough "ENOUGH". No hospitals to accommodate the residents that are here now, schools can't meet the needs of the existing children. Hardly any law enforcement officers to keep up with the constant growing crime...drugs, break ins, crashes, complete lawlessness. What is the purpose??Who benefits? Current residents and tax payers certainly don't. It takes us longer and longer to receive any kind of medical attention. Waiting months to see a doctor. Overflow of vehicles on the road causing bumper to bumper traffic causing road rage because everyone is in a hurry and can't get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time....30 minutes to go 11 miles??? How about a moratorium on new building permits? Who knows how many are currently out there already approved for building. This has worked in other NC counties. A very concerned citizen, tax payer, home owner in New Hanover County. Jackie Simmons Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 6 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Susan Rudd <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:37 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Susan Rudd Address 7100 Grouper Court Wilmington, NC 28409 United States Map It Email susanrudd1@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I do not feel Seabreeze needs to double the number of houses that can be placed on their lots. The traffic on this end of town has become so much more difficult over the past few years, particularly riding into Wilmington with all the River Lights traffic. Seabreeze and the surrounding area have enjoyed the green space attributable to single family housing on decent lots. There is a reason people live in this area. We would like to preserve the quiet life and space we have now. Of course adding respectable houses on already-zoned lots is not a problem. Doubling that amount of housing is just one more developer trying to make more money with no thought to surrounding neighborhoods. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 7 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Brenda Flournoy <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 7:33 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Brenda Flournoy Address 909 Salt Spray Lane, 909 Salt Spray Lane 909 Salt Spray Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 United States Map It Email brenda28428@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This area is mostly wetlands and has alot of wild life. There are a major drainage problems already. There is no infrastructure to support multi family. No county sewer or water. Definitely oppose and we also own a single family house at 7531 cb road and in the landing at snows cut Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 8 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Laird Flournoy <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 7:38 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Laird Flournoy Address 7531 Carolina beach rd Wilmington, NC 28412 United States Map It Email laird@homerepairnc.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This is a single family comunity with major wetlands and drainage issues. No county services like sewer and water. We dont want multi family dense comunities in this area. R15 will have its own challenges with drainage. Sewage . We hope the army corp wetlands restrictions come into play with this decision. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 9 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jolea Myles <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 9:52 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Jolea Myles Address 7614 Spraymist Court Wilmington, NC 28409 United States Map It Email Jolea.myles@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment I am completely opposed to the zoning change. For many of the same reasons others have listed to include but not limited to the over crowding of our roads sewer and water systems and our schools. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 10 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Yara Landin <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 10:29 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Yara Landin Address 709 Ocracoke Dr Wilmington, NC 28412 United States Map It Email Yaraceci@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Area is already very congested with traffic heading in/out to CB Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 11 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Susan LoBalbo <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 4:27 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Susan LoBalbo Address 8402 Fiddlestick Way Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Map It Email sue@lobalbo.org Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please do not let any more building in Wilmington. The roads can’t handle it & the schools are over crowded. Enough!! Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 12 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Chris Donovin <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:02 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Chris Donovin Address 128 wetland drive Wilmington, NC 28412 United States Map It Email Cdonovin@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We need a moratorium on building our infrastructure can’t handle it…it will be good to slow down and take a look at what we are doing..not to mention increase property values in our desirable communities Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 13 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kristy Louden <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 7:01 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Kristy Louden Address 6334 Myrtle Grove Rd Wilmington, NC 28409 United States Map It Email paperwood@charter.net Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Enough of this overdevelopment. You have sucked every bit of charm out of Wilmington. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 14 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Carol Ford <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 8:16 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Carol Ford Address 1074 S Seabreeze Rd Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 United States Map It Email csford139@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Would love to see this property developed, but R15. Instead of homes stacked up on each other. Yards for the kids to play in and a little space for people between houses. Traffic would be a big problem at the bottom of the bridge to Carolina Beach also. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 15 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Barbara Mcquery <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 8:30 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Barbara Mcquery Address 105 Summer Salt Lane Carolina Beach, NC 28428 United States Map It Email williamsb3@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment As a long time (5+ generations) resident of this area, I kindly ask you to reconsider the long term impact of the continual increase in housing density. It is a very simple formula no matter how what picture the developers try to paint. More people = less room for trees = more impact to the environment. Most of developers do not live here and do not give a damn about the impact to the quality of life of existing residents (not to mention the non-human ones). As owner of a short term rental on CB, I've heard from many guests over the past couple of years "we no longer visit SC beaches because of the crowds and pollution" How long do you think this out of control growth can continue before this area is no longer desirable. Or will our government officials be long gone just like the developers ... hiding in their gated communities with their fat bank accounts while the rest of us struggle to survive within the crime ridden crumbling world they have created? Think I'm exaggerating? Been to Myrtle lately? Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 16 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Maribeth Scanlon <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 9:00 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Maribeth Scanlon Address 980 Annie LEE LANE Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 United States Map It Email mbwwatkins@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment This area floods often! A fresh water stream runs thru the area when past the boat repair( It travels to intra coastal thru our marsh. Exceptions for building on Coastal Marsh , designated Wet land and flood zone areas is dangerous to environment AND reckless toward future home owners. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 17 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Nicole Ducharme <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 9:34 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Nicole Ducharme Address 109 Loder Ave Wilmington, NC 28409 United States Map It Email n-ducharme@hotmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Before you allow builders to tear down anymore trees to develop, why don't you make them tear down the dilapidated buildings and fix up the areas that have already been developed but no one wants to live in. Carolina Beach Rd is a perfect example of an eyesore that could be improved upon. How many car part stores, car washes and storage buildings does one area need? But you want to allow for the destruction of more green space which is what makes Wilmington so beautiful Pull out a map of the city, calculate how much green space there is and start planning for the future. Once it is gone, it is gone. Increase the fines for cutting down old oak trees to a ridiculous amount so there are consequences. A Bradford pear does not replace a 100yr. old oak. Before you say yes to one more overpriced neighborhood, do something good for the community. Build a park, protect some wildlife, build some affordable housing so those that work in Wilmington can at least afford to live here. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 18 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Thomas Dintino <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 10:33 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Thomas Dintino Address 317 4th Avenue North Kure Beach, NC 28449 United States Map It Email tpdintino@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment There are already traffic problems with current density on the island. It makes absolutely no sense to allow for a higher density variance. We just had a fire last year in the apartment complex very close to this proposed development. More density means more problems, more stress on the island. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 19 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Maureen Dintino <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 10:36 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Maureen Dintino Address 317 4th Avenue North Kure Beach, NC 28449 United States Map It Email Mddintino@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We are overcrowded, the restaurants are overwhelmed. Parking is horrible. We are driving out our wildlife. Duke has already had to upgrade the grid. The need for greed does not need to surpass humanity. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 20 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Rebecca Sutton <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 11:45 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Rebecca Sutton Address 358 McQuillan Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 United States Map It Email suttonzerr@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Time to stop building. Let roads catch up with traffic! Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 21 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of lisa knight <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 1:42 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name lisa knight Address 300 The Cape Blvd., 101A Wilmington, NC 28412 United States Map It Email lisaknight987@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Not conducive for a pleasant community with traffic and population Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 22 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Frederick Benson <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 3:58 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Frederick Benson Address 511 Sea Castle Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Map It Email fbenson3@triad.rr.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Rezoning land that currently exists in a flood plane for building is a foolish idea which could and would negatively impact the current eco system. I am not against development but it needs to occur under proper building conditions. I am a retired contractor and very familiar with what it will take to bring the land up to buildable standards. This will not end well for the existing eco system and/or marshes. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 23 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Julie lentz <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 8:44 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Julie lentz Address 502 top flite ln Wilmington, Nc 28412 United States Map It Email altajava94@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Please leave Sea Breeze alone Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 24 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Hunter Ford <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:24 AM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Hunter Ford Address 340 Lehigh rd Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Map It Email Hunterford1100@yahoo.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment It should stay R-15 to prevent over crowding Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 25 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Micki Jay <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2022 1:12 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name Micki Jay Address 527 Capeside Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Map It Email mickijay69@gmail.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment Heavy traffic in the Seabreeze area due to entry of Snow’s Cut bridge leading to Pleasure Island. Difficulty in entry to Carolina Beach Rd. and many accidents occur at intersection at River Road. The safety and security of local long time tax paying residents should be important to our commissioners. Thank You. Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 26 From: mvolkmar=nhcgov.com@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of JOHN FORD <mvolkmar@nhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 3:49 PM To: May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; Meredith, Ron; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject: Public Comment on Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) <b>Planning Board</b> ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Name JOHN FORD Address 1074 S SEABREEZE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 United States Map It Email jmford139@msn.com Projects available for comment. Z22-10: 924 & 1001 N Seabreeze Road (6-2-2022) Planning Board What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance Article V - District Regulations 51.1-2 - Performance Residential Phase Two C - Residential units shall not be clustered at a density greater than 2.5 units per net tract in areas classified in AE and VE Flood Hazard page 53/54 Planning Board - June 2, 2022 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 27