TRC Agenda Packet 6.1.2022TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA June 1st, 2022 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the below item. PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be conducted remotely via teleconference Wednesday, June 1st, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Interested parties can contact the Planning and Land Use Department at 910-798-7165 for more information. Item 1: Sidbury Station, previously known as Sidbury Farms – Performance Residential – Construction Document Plan, Phase 2 (Energov: SUBCP-22-0002) Request by McKim and Creed for the construction plans of Sidbury Station Phase 2, a performance residential development, consisting of 655 single-family dwellings and 103 townhomes. The subject property is located in the 6000 block of Sidbury Road, consists of 312.86 acres, and is zoned R-15. The applicant is Richard Moore with McKim and Creed (Ramoore@mckimcreed.com). The planner assigned is Ron Meredith (rmeredith@nhcgov.com, 910-798-7441). This meeting is open to the public by calling 1-336-218-2051 and entering Phone Conference ID: 808 165 395# Sidbury Farm Performance - Construction Documents Phase 2 - TRC Review Page | 1 To: Richard Moore - McKim and Creed (ramoore@mckimcreed.com) From: Ron Meredith Current Planner Date: June 1, 2022 Subject: Sidbury Station Performance Residential – Construction Documents Phase 2 – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the June 1, 2022 TRC meeting. Please note: Following the TRC meeting, a revised plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving approval. Planning, Ron Meredith 910-798-7441 1. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. Please update the details with the sidewalks and the street trees to be consistent with the plans. It appears there may be some discrepancies. 2. Tree Removal/Mitigation: a. Are any trees proposed to be removed? 3. Pump Station: a. UDO Section 5.4.6. Street yard plantings are required for pumpstations (nonresidential uses in residential districts). 4. Sidewalks: a. Please consider adding an ADA accessible connection to the location circled below. The sidewalk to the north appears to have been added since the Preliminary Plan. Sidbury Station Performance - Construction Documents Phase 2 - TRC Review Page | 2 5. Street Trees: a. Please be sure that the street trees are not placed within any CFPUA easements. The UDO requires street trees to be placed outside of the right-of-way. 6. TIA: a. Prior to Final Plat approval, required improvements must be installed in accordance with the approved TIA and NCDOT regulations. 7. Wetlands: a. It appears that the roadway from the Preliminary plan has changed. The preliminary plan shows 404 wetlands in this general vicinity; however, the construction documents do not. b. Are these jurisdictional wetlands? If so, can you add the wetlands to the construction documents for a reference point? Preliminary Plan Proposed construction docs c. It also appears that there is a drainage easement running through the wetland area shown on the Preliminary Plan. Does the wetland still exist? d. Is the area below a jurisdictional wetland? Preliminary Plan Proposed construction docs 8. Suggestions: a. Please consider adding the third entrance to reduce the traffic in the entrances 1 and 2. Sidbury Station Performance - Construction Documents Phase 2 - TRC Review Page | 3 9. Cross Sections: a. Per the NHC Roadway Manual, it appears that the roadway cross sections are compliant with the County standard; however, the cross section are illustrated two different ways concerning the dimensioning. Please adjust the dimensions to be consistent. Fire Services, Raymond Griswold 910-798-7448 1. Sidbury Farms Performance Residential - Construction Document Plan - - Phase 2 - Sidbury Road 2. I have visited the site yesterday and conducted a plan review this morning. Everything appears to meet County Fires Expectations. NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A revision to the land disturbing permit (GP 35 -20) is required for this project. Please submit for permit as the design is completed. 2. A revision to the stormwater system authority to construct (ATC #806 -02/04/21) is required for this project. Please submit for an revised ATC as the design is completed US Army Corps of Engineers Brad Shaver 910-251-4611 1. In this second phase there appears to be Waters of the US (tributaries) likely to be impacted. A permit would be required for those impacts. NCDEQ, Tara Mcphearson 910-796-7266 1. This project is outside of CAMA jurisdiction. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. 3. CFPUA water and sewer available via off-site and on-site main line extension as well as a pump station installation. 4. Capacity is dependent on the analysis of the pipe collection system (gravity and force mains). 5. A capacity determination can be provided upon submittal of the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE Application Form and a Preliminary Plan, this determination does not guarantee capacity. Sidbury Station Performance - Construction Documents Phase 2 - TRC Review Page | 4 6. Capacity is issued to projects on a first come, first serve basis, when capacity is available, the plans meet Authority requirements, and the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE forms are signed by the Authority. New Hanover County Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6664 1. Site is on Public water and sewer. Will not conflict with any setbacks to adjacent properties well or septic. NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel 910-398-9100 1. These preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. 2. A revised NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit a plan in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State road. Submit to the local NCDOT District Engineer’s Office. 3. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installation within NCDOT right-of-way. 4. Improvements for phase II of the TIA will be required. 5. NCDOT Driveway Permits are now submitted through the NCDOT Driveway website. https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/help.aspx Planning (Addressing), Katherine May 910-798-7443 1. Prepare a list of potential street names 2. Contact Planning for address assignments following TRC approval WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-772-4170 1. Comments: • Please show all pavement markings on plan sheets. • Provide plan sheets of Phase 2 required roadway improvements per TIA approval with conditions letter. • All improvements for Phase 2 must be constructed: Required Improvements for Phase 2 US 117 (N. College Road) and SR 1318 (Blue Clay Road) (signalized full movement intersection) o Provide a westbound right turn lane on Blue Clay Road with 250 feet of storage, 50 feet of deceleration, and 200 feet of taper. o Extend the westbound left turn lane to 300 feet of storage, 50 feet of deceleration, and 200 feet of taper. o Provide a southbound right turn lane on N College road with 250 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 100 feet of taper. Sidbury Station Performance - Construction Documents Phase 2 - TRC Review Page | 5 o Extend the existing northbound right turn lane on N College Road to provide 400 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 100 feet of taper. o Provide protected + permitted overlap phasing for westbound and southbound right turn lanes. o Optimize existing signal timing splits. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and SR 1318 (Blue Clay Road) (stop controlled T-intersection) o Realign the intersection to provide stop control for the southbound approach only, allowing the eastbound and westbound approaches to operate free flow. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) at SR 2181 (Dairy Farm Road) (stop controlled T-intersection) o No improvements are recommended. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and Buck Drive/Proposed Site Access 1 (proposed RIRO) o No additional improvements are recommended. SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) and Edna Buck Drive/Proposed Site Access 2 (proposed stop controlled full movement intersection) o No additional improvements are recommended. US 17 and SR 1336 (Sidbury Road) (signalized NB directional crossover and adjacent SB to NB U-turn) o No improvements are recommended. US 17 and SR 1571 (Scotts Hill Loop Road south) (signalized SB directional crossover) Construct eastbound approach with one ingress an d one egress lane. o No improvements are recommended. NCDOT Projects: TIP Projects in the Area: N/A WMPO 2045 Projects: RW-23: SR 1572/Sidbury Rd Widening From Blue Clay Rd to US 17 Construction Year: 2045 New Hanover County CTP: N/A TIA: Development has a TIA approval with conditions letter dated February 12, 2020. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still Sidbury Station Performance - Construction Documents Phase 2 - TRC Review Page | 6 NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison USACE, Rachel Capito New Hanover County Schools, Mark Clawson Division of Coastal Management