For Permit_17 Jan 20222018 APPENDIX B BUILDING CODE SUMMARY FOR ALL COMMERCIAL PROJECTS (EXCEPT 1 AND 2-FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES) (Reproduce the following data on the building plans sheet 1 or 2) Name of Project: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Zip Code _______ Owner/Authorized Agent: _____________ Phone # ( _____ ) _____ - _______ Owned By:City/County Code Enforcement Jurisdiction:City____________ Private County_________ E-Mail ______________ State State CONTACT: ___________________________________________________________________________ DESIGNER FIRM Architectural Civil Electrical Fire Alarm Plumbing Mechanical NAME LICENSE #TELEPHONE #E-MAIL ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ Sprinkler-Standpipe ________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ Structural ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ ___________________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ New Building Addition Renovation Retaining Walls >5' High ____________ ____________ ____________ (___)________ ______________ Other (“Other” should include firms and individuals such as truss, precast, pre-engineered, interior designers, etc.) 2018 NC BUILDING CODE: 1st Time Interior Completion Shell/Core - Contact the local inspection jurisdiction for possible additional procedures and requirements Phased Construction - Shell/Core- Contact the local inspection jurisdiction for possible additional procedures and requirements 2018 NC EXISTING BUILDING CODE: EXISTING: Alteration: CONSTRUCTED: (date) __________ (date) __________RENOVATED: RISK CATEGORY (Table 1604.5): BASIC BUILDING DATA Construction Type: (check all that apply) Sprinklers: Standpipes: Fire District: No No No Prescriptive Level I Historic Property Current: Proposed: I-A I-B Partial Special Inspections Required: No Yes Yes Class Yes I II-A II-B II II III III IV IV Repair Level II Chapter 14 Level III Change of Use CURRENT OCCUPANCY(S) (Ch. 3): __________________ PROPOSED OCCUPANCY(S) (Ch. 3): __________________ I I III-A III-B NFPA 13 II Flood Hazard Area: III Wet No IV NFPA 13R Dry Yes Yes (Contact the local inspection jurisdiction for additional procedures and requirements.) 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies Revised 6/15/2020 V-A V-B NFPA 13D FLOOR NEW (SQ FT) 3rd Floor 2nd Floor Mezzanine 1st Floor Basement TOTAL ALLOWABLE AREA Primary Occupancy Classification(s): Assembly A-1 Business Educational Factory Hazardous Institutional A-2 F-1 Moderate H-1 Detonate I-1 Condition I-2 Condition I-3 Condition I-4 Mercantile Residential Storage R-1 Utility and Miscellaneous Accessory Occupancy Classification(s): Incidental Uses (Table 509): Special Uses (Chapter 4 – List Code Sections): Special Provisions: (Chapter 5 – List Code Sections): Mixed Occupancy:No Yes R-2 S-1 Moderate Parking Garage A-3 F-2 Low H-2 Deflagrate H-3 Combust H-4 Health H-5 HPM 1 1 1 R-3 S-2 Low Open 2 2 2 R-4 High-piled Enclosed Repair Garage 3 4 5 A-4 A-5 Gross Building Area Table UPFIT (SQ FT)SUB-TOTAL Separation: _____ Hr.Exception: _____________________ Non-Separated Use (508.3) - The required type of construction for the building shall be determined by applying the height and area limitations for each of the applicable occupancies to the entire building. The most restrictive type of construction, so determined, shall apply to the entire building. Separated Use (508.4) - See below for area calculations for each story, the area of the occupancy shall be such that the sum of the ratios of the actual floor area of each use divided by the allowable floor area for each use shall not exceed 1. Actual Area of Occupancy A + Actual Area of Occupancy B Allowable Area of Occupancy A + Allowable Area of Occupancy B _____________________ + …… = ______ < 1 < 1.00 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies Revised 6/15/2020 EXISTING (SQ FT) STORY NO. DESCRIPTION AND USE (A)(B) BLDG AREA PER STORY (ACTUAL) TABLE 506.24 AREA (C) AREA FOR FRONTAGE INCREASE1,5 (D) ALLOWABLE AREA PER STORY OR UNLIMITED2,3 1 Frontage area increases from Section 506.3 are computed thus: a. Perimeter which fronts a public way or open space having 20 feet minimum width = _______ (F) b. Total Building Perimeter = ________ (P) c. Ratio (F/P) = ___________ (F/P) d. W = Minimum width of public way = ________ (W) e. Percent of frontage increase If = 100[F/P – 0.25] x W/30 = ________ (%) 2 Unlimited area applicable under conditions of Section 507. 3 Maximum Building Area = total number of stories in the building x D (maximum3 stories) (506.2). 4 The maximum area of open parking garages must comply with Table 406.5.4. 5 Frontage increase is based on the unsprinklered area value in Table 506.2. ALLOWABLE HEIGHT ALLOWABLE Building Height in Feet (Table 504.3) 2 Building Height in Stories (Table 504.4) 3 1 Provide code reference if the “Shown on Plans” quantity is not based on Table 504.3 or 504.4. 2 The maximum height of air traffic control towers must comply with Table 412.3.1. 3 The maximum height of open parking garages must comply with Table 406.5.4. SHOWN ON PLANS CODE REFERENCE 1 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies Revised 6/15/2020 FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS BUILDING ELEMENT FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (FEET) Structural Frame, including columns, girders, trusses Bearing Walls Exterior North East West South Interior Nonbearing Walls and Partitions Exterior walls North East West South Interior walls and partitions Floor Construction Including supporting beams and joists Floor Ceiling Assembly Columns Supporting Floors Roof Construction, including supporting beams and joists Roof Ceiling Assembly Columns Supporting Roof Shaft Enclosures - Exit Shaft Enclosures - Other Corridor Separation Occupancy/Fire Barrier Separation Party/Fire Wall Separation Smoke Barrier Separation Smoke Partition Tenant/Dwelling Unit/ Sleeping Unit Separation Incidental Use Separation * Indicate section number permitting reduction REQ'D RATING PROVIDED (W/_________* REDUCTION) DETAIL # AND SHEET # DESIGN # FOR RATED ASSEMBLY SHEET # FOR RATED PENETRATION SHEET # FOR RATED JOINTS 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies Revised 6/15/2020 PERCENTAGE OF WALL OPENING CALCULATIONS FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (FEET) FROM PROPERTY LINES DEGREE OF OPENINGS PROTECTION (TABLE 705.8) ALLOWABLE AREA (%) ACTUAL SHOWN ON PLANS (%) Emergency Lighting: Exit Signs: Fire Alarm: Smoke Detection Systems: Carbon Monoxide Detection: LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial _______ LIFE SAFETY PLAN REQUIREMENTS Life Safety Plan Sheet #: _____________________ Fire and/or smoke rated wall locations (Chapter 7) Assumed and real property line locations (if not on the site plan) Exterior wall opening area with respect to distance to assumed property lines (705.8) Occupancy Use for each area as it relates to occupant load calculation (Table 1004.1.2) Occupant loads for each area Exit sign locations (1013) Exit access travel distances (1017) Common path of travel distances (Tables 1006.2.1 & 1006.3.2(1)) Dead end lengths (1020.4) Clear exit widths for each exit door Maximum calculated occupant load capacity each exit door can accommodate based on egress width (1005.3) Actual occupant load for each exit door A separate schematic plan indicating where fire rated floor/ceiling and/or roof structure is provided for purposes of occupancy separation Location of doors with panic hardware (1010.1.10) Location of doors with delayed egress locks and the amount of delay (1010.1.9.7) Location of doors with electromagnetic egress locks (1010.1.9.9) Location of doors equipped with hold-open devices Location of emergency escape windows (1030) The square footage of each fire area (202) The square footage of each smoke compartment for Occupancy Classification I-2 (407.5) Note any code exceptions or table notes that may have been utilized regarding the items above 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies Revised 6/15/2020 ACCESSIBLE DWELLING UNITS (SECTION 1107) UNIT CLASSIFICATION TOTAL UNITS ACCESSIBLE UNITS REQUIRED ACCESSIBLE UNITS PROVIDED TYPE A UNITS REQUIRED TYPE A UNITS PROVIDED TYPE B UNITS REQUIRED TYPE B UNITS PROVIDED TOTAL ACCESSIBLE UNITS PROVIDED ACCESSIBLE PARKING (SECTION 1106) LOT OR PARKING AREA TOTAL # OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED # OF ACCESSIBLE SPACES PROVIDED 96” SPACES 132” SPACES TOTAL # ACCESSIBLE PROVIDED TOTAL PLUMBING FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 2902.1) USE SPACE EXIST’G NEW REQ’D WATER CLOSETS MALE FEMALE UNISEX URINALS LAVATORIES MALE FEMALE UNISEX SHOWERS / TUBS DRINKING FOUNTAINS REGULAR ACCESSIBLE SPECIAL APPROVALS Special approval: (Local Jurisdiction, Department of Insurance, OSC, DPI, DHHS, etc., describe below) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2018 NC Administrative Code and Policies Revised 6/15/2020 7 July 2021 7 July 2021 7 July 2021 7 July 2021 7 July 2021 7 July 2021 - PT -F-1 HM PT ST -F-1 HM PT PT -F-1 WD PT PT -F-1 WD PT PT -F-1 HM PT PT -F-1 HM PT PT -F-1 HM PT PT -F-1 HM PT PT -F-1 HM PT PT -F-1 HM PT 7 July 2021