ViaCAD 2D (2022Jan11NKerrAve409 Sundial Ct, Wilmington, NC 28405 Robert D Stanley Landscaping Co, Inc Dean Stanley 910-443-5946 Fax # 910-392-1842 Description Size Qty Jo b S i t e Plants & Materials List ID This Drawing is the exclusive property of Robert D Stanley Landscaping Co, Inc Copies for use by others may be purchased. Call (910) 443-5946 Price of copy is $800.00 Request File # Shown on this page. SCALE 1" = 10 FT Do Not Scale Drawing E-mail stanleylandscaping@Yahoo.com First Quality Imports File No: 2022Jan11NKerrAve January 11, 2022 3419 N. Kerr Ave New Hanover County <-----ENTER FROM/EXIT TO KERR AVE-----> CO V E R E D S T O R A G E A R E A GA R A G E DO O R GARAGE DOOR <--------------SEED WITH CONTRACTORS MIX & WHEAT STRAW-- - - - - - - - - - - - - > <-----FENCE <-----ASPHALT PAVED PARKING LOT-----> <-----ASPHALT PAVED PARKING-----> DU M P S T E R FENCE-----> <- - - - - F E N C E FE N C E - - - - - > <-----ASPHALT PAVED PARKING LOT-----> FE N C E - - - > <-------13 EXISTING MATURE TREES ALONG THIS PROPERTY LINE-------> GA T E <- - - - - - - 9 E X I S T I N G M A T U R E T R E E S A L O N G T H I S P R O P E R T Y L I N E - - - - - - - > <--------------SEED WITH CONTRACTORS MIX & WHEAT STRAW--------------> CENTIPEDE SOD 222222 Crape Myrtle #25, 6 pl Ligustrum, 'Recurve' #3, 18 pl 111 1 Red Maple 3" cal, 4 pl 2 2 2 Crape Myrtle #25, 3 pl 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Crape Myrtle #25, 7 pl Ligustrum, 'Recurve' #3, 9 pl Loropetalum #3, 21 pl YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMERCIAL BUILDING Red Maple1 3"cal 4 2 Crape Myrtle #25 16 Loropetalum #3 21 Y Dwarf Yaupon Holly #3 21 Ligustrum, 'Recurve'#3 27 (89)(5) Centipede Sod Contractors seed mix Wheat Straw Long Leaf Pine Needle mulch Dwarf Yaupon Holly #3, 21 pl <-- 215.12 ft--> <- - 1 6 0 . 0 5 f t - - >