2022-05-25 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 35 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 25, 2022 PAGE 445 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for a Joint Special Meeting with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. in the Airport Terminal Conference Room, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chair Julia Olson-Boseman; Vice-Chair Deb Hays; Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Bill Rivenbark; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda Copley; and Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell. New Hanover County Airport Authority members present: Chair Donna Girardot; Vice-Chair Frank Spruill Thompson; Secretary Nick Rhodes; Jason Thompson; W. Lee Williams; and Thomas Wolfe. Wilmington International Airport staff present: Airport Director Jeffrey Bourk; and Rose Davis, Executive Assistant. Chair Olson-Boseman and Chair Donna Girardot called their respective Boards to order for the Special Meeting reporting that the purpose of the meeting is to hear the Annual Report of the Wilmington International Airport. ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTATION Airport Director Jeffrey Bourk presented the annual report highlighting the following information on the operations, maintenance, development, and existing projects of the airport:  New Hanover County Airport Authority Annual Report on Wilmington International Airport (ILM):  Airline Carriers: American Airlines, Avelo, Delta, and United  12 non-stop flights:  Airline Performance:  Passenger Enplanements over Past Seven Months: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 35 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 25, 2022 PAGE 446  Enplaned Passenger Load Factor Comparison:  Terminal Expansion Project Total Cost: $75 million:  Completed: Ticket lobby, terminal concourse, and concessions – $55 million  Remaining: Expanded Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint, exit lane, baggage claim, existing hold room - $20 million  First new gates opened February 2022  Project completion Summer 2023  Now Open: Coffee shop, restaurant, and bar  Air Carrier Apron Expansion:  $10 million project  Funded with federal and state grants  Now underway  Project completion expected by year end  Fiscal Year (FY) 22 Budget Update:  Actual vs. Budget:  Total Revenue, Total Expense, and New Hanover County Issued Debt:  Looking Forward:  FY 2023 Budget:  Operating revenues: $12,218,920  Operating expenses: $11,728,600  Capital expenses: $32,424,200 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 35 SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 25, 2022 PAGE 447  Grant Awards:  Previous five years total: $95,314,000  Federal awards: $73,445,000  State awards: $21,869,000  Next five years proposed expenditures: $111,886,000  Federal awards: $75,377,000  State awards: $25,000,000  PFC and local funds: $11,509,000  Future Growth:  Terminal curb front and Airport Boulevard improvements: $30 million total cost (design and construction)  Runway and taxiway rehab: $30 million estimated construction costs  East ramp general aviation (GA) improvements: $6 million estimated costs  ILM Business Park:  Revenue Diversification:  Current business park tenants generate over $830,000 of annual revenue  New leases signed are expected to generate an additional $1.8 million of annual revenue  New tenants will occupy almost 90 acres of property  Within 24 months, lease revenue will increase up to $2.6 million  Current tenants: 84 Lumber, All American Aviation, Avis, Battle House, Edge Landscaping, Enterprise Holding, Fat Cat Pottery, Few Moves, Five Oaks Nursery, Hertz, Intercoastal Land rd Management, Parker Landscaping, Scratch on 23, Toshiba International, Veteran’s Administration Clinic, and Wilmington Business Development  New tenants: Aero Center Wilmington, Circle K – Gas Station, CIL ILM – Cold Storage, Edgewater Partners – Warehouse, ILM Hotel Partners – Hotel, TBA – Building Materials, and TBA – Bonded Warehouse  Phase 2 Business Park and expanded airside development: GENERAL DISCUSSION Brief discussion was held on the how much the airport has evolved since its inception. Chair Girardot and Mr. Burke stated that the airport is looking to have some strong months going forward. Flights are back to 100% of pre-pandemic levels. Airport Authority member Jason Thompson reported on the military traffic that takes place and reminded all that the airport does not have a contract with the military rather the fixed based operator (FBO), Modern Aviation, has the contract. However, the airport serves a very significant role in national defense and is part of the training network for the military. Regarding the noise issues, all that the airport has been able to do is to actively work behind the scenes to have the FBO and military develop protocols to help reduce the jet noise. The protocols were established to address the most offensive noise halting maneuvers and things have improved for the citizens and airport. Mr. Bourk also reported on the work that was done with American Airlines, Delta, and United when discussions were being held to bring in Avelo Airlines. He also noted that with the forthcoming new tenants and the future growth projects, the airport property will be an active construction site for some time. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further discussion, Chair Olson-Boseman thanked the Airport Authority members and staff for the report. Chair Olson-Boseman and Chair Girardot adjourned the meeting at 9:41 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.