2022-06-02 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 35 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JUNE 2, 2022 PAGE 448 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. via in person and remote in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chair Julia Olson-Boseman (remote); Vice-Chair Deb Hays; Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr. (remote); Commissioner Bill Rivenbark; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell. Chair Olson-Boseman called the Agenda Review meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the agenda items for the June 6, 2022 Regular Meeting with discussions as noted: Consent Agenda Item #7: Award of Bid for Pre-Cast Concrete Structures for William Louis Drive Culvert Replacement in the Amount of $102,276.68. In response to Board questions, County Engineer Jim Iannucci stated that this item focuses on repairing the culvert to fix the drainage issue so that the road can be turned over to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Consent Agenda Item #8: Adoption of a Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in North Carolina General Statute Chapter 160A-Article 12. Commissioner Zapple stated he wanted to make the press and public aware that this opportunity comes up each year and the surplus items are made available to non-profits prior to being sold at auction to the general public. Consent Agenda Item #6: Adoption of Pride Month Proclamation. Chair Olson-Boseman requested that this item be pulled from the consent agenda and read in its entirety on during Monday’s meeting. Regular Agenda Item #11: Public Hearing on the FY 2022-2023 Recommended Budget. County Manager Coudriet provided the following spreadsheet to the Board with adjustments to the FY22-23 Recommended Budget: A brief discussion ensued regarding the updates. In response to Board questions regarding the line item for the prosecutor for gun violence adjudication, County Manager Coudriet reported that the Wilmington Chief of Police asked the District Attorney (DA) Ben David to have an additional prosecutor focused on what they are doing for increased intervention. This is not an item that the state has the interest or ability to do and is the first of what is believed to be a two-year ask of the DA. As to the line item for the Legal Aid - Second Chance expungement program, County Manager Coudriet stated that as of his last conversation with the City Manager, the City of Wilmington (City) has not received the official ask yet. When they do, and if it is acceptable to the City Council, the County would propose a 60%-40% split, with 60% of the cost being provided by the County and 40% of the cost provided by the City. The update document reflects the County’s 60%. In response to Board questions regarding the revenue source, County Manager Coudriet stated that the County’s healthcare costs have remained relatively flat. The cost for healthcare coverage is less than assumed and staff was able to reduce that expense based on the most recent data received from the County’s vendor. With the cost reduction, staff was able to transfer what was not appropriated revenue to cover the costs on the document. There is no benefit impact to County staff with this change. Regular Agenda Item #12: Rezoning Request (Z22-09) - Request by James Fentress with Stroud Engineering, PA, Applicant, on Behalf of Dallas Harris Land Company, LLC, Property Owner, to Rezone Approximately 1.1 Acres of Land Located at 7491 Market Street from R-15, Residential District, to (CZD) CB, Community Business District for a Bank/Financial Institution, Medical and Dental Office and Clinic, and Offices for Private Business and Professional Activities. In response to Board questions regarding the issue of the buffer lot, Planning and Land Use Director Rebekah Roth stated that staff has gone back and looked at previous ordinances and NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 35 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JUNE 2, 2022 PAGE 449 there was nothing in a previous ordinance that required a buffer lot to be in place. Staff has also made sure that there are no current requirements for the buffer lot to remain in place. As to the questions of ownership, the applicant has provided information to Deputy County Attorney Sharon Huffman to indicate that they can proceed with the request. Deputy County Attorney Huffman confirmed that she sees no reason that the request cannot move forward. Regular Agenda Item #14: Rezoning Request (Z22-12) - Request by Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions, Applicant, on Behalf of Catherine E. Burney Heirs, Property Owner, to Rezone Approximately 8.02 Acres of Land Located at 5000 N. College Road from R-15, Residential, to (CZD) CB, Community Business for an Indoor and Outdoor Recreation Facility. In response to Board questions, Ms. Roth stated that facility not a public facility, but it will be open to the public and memberships will be available. Regular Agenda Item #15: Rezoning Request (Z22-13) - Request Submitted by Northside Baptist Church, Property Owner, to Rezone Approximately 21 Acres of Land Located at 2501 North College Road from (CZD) B-2, Regional Business to CZD PD, General Planned Development for a School. In response to Board questions, Ms. Roth stated that pre-K is not one of the grades that is being proposed. Staff will make sure the applicant is aware that they will need to clarify this on Monday. The plans for the project are still being refined, but traffic will influence the outcome of the plan. Regular Agenda Item #16: Rezoning Request (Z22-14) – Request Submitted by Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions, Applicant, on Behalf of ABA Self Storage, LLC, Property Owner, to Rezone Approximately 0.23 Acres of Land Located at 4631 Carolina Beach Road from (CZD) B-2, Regional Business to (CZD) R-5, Residential for a Single- Family Residential Unit with Accessory Structure. In response to Board questions, Ms. Roth stated that a Planning Board representative will be present at Monday’s meeting. Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions agreed that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan but believes that it is in the public interest to approve it. She also provided clarity that the attached accessory building will be connected by a breezeway to house and is not a home expansion. The garage will be used to house the owner’s car collection. Regular Agenda Item #17: Rezoning Request (Z22-15) - Request Submitted by Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions, Applicant, on Behalf of Oceanside Property Management, LLC, Property Owner, to Rezone Approximately 0.55 Acres of Land Located at 49 Lennon Drive from R-15, Residential to R-5, Residential. In response to Board questions, Ms. Roth confirmed that the subject property has never been annexed into the City limits and remains a part of the unincorporated County. County staff has consulted with City Planning staff and found that the request is consistent with the City’s plans for this area. STAFF UPDATE Genesis Block Update Presentation by Girard and Tracey Newkirk. Mr. provided the following update:  Genesis Block New Hanover County Report:  Genesis Block is a business development services company driven by a mission to advance entrepreneurship in communities block by block  Genesis Block has five functions that frame its methodology sustainable entrepreneur development and small business growth in communities:  Business development  Strategic planning  Innovation  Education  Technology  Mission and vision:  Mission: To advance entrepreneurship and innovation in communities block by block  Vision: To leverage entrepreneurship as a bridge to economic prosperity and social reconciliation  Values:  Community: Lowering the barriers to entrepreneurship opportunities as a catalyst for empowering communities  Collaboration: Genesis Block unifies community stakeholders by bringing everyone to the table for an inclusive approach to economic development  Creativity: Genesis Block is the nexus of innovation, entrepreneur training, workforce development and small business growth  Genesis Block is the bridge that connects the community to economic growth opportunities  The Genesis Block standard:  “Our inclusive model enables us to strengthen business ventures and increase transactional value in neighborhoods. We have three economic impact targets for resident companies in our ecosystem within 36 months.”  $500,000 annual revenue  Employment of four or more employees  Plans for expansion of operations  Genesis Block Entrepreneur Academy: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 35 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JUNE 2, 2022 PAGE 450  The Genesis Block Entrepreneur Academy offers four curriculum-based programs that offer technical training and mentors regardless of the stage in their entrepreneurial journey:  Building blocks of business  Jumpstart academy  Wits begin  Back on the block minority accelerator  Genesis Block workspaces:  Genesis Block manages co-working and shared workspaces offering entrepreneurs, freelancers, and creator’s affordable spaces to grow their businesses:  4,800 square foot downtown Wilmington, NC location  Event space  Conference rooms  Business Networking  Genesis Block technology:  The Genesis Bridge streamlines the procurement process for large organizations and gives diverse, small businesses access to greater opportunities:  Online marketplace establishes trust between all its members by verifying both the contract potential at large organizations and the qualifications of small business  The Block Report:  2021 Successes:  Genesis Block resident companies experienced record growth and expansion in 2021. There were 36 resident companies that participated in training programs at the Genesis Block Entrepreneur Academy:  2021 Annual revenue: $2,929,582  2021 Real Estate transactions: $13 million  Number of employees: 92  2021 Annual revenue increase: +$1,023,604  2021 Real Estate transaction increase: +$6,467,342  2021 Jobs added: 37  2021 Total economic activity at Genesis Block: $13,964,143  Funding received in 2021: $35,000  Creators Print House: Expansion to another facility  Avonya’s Blends: Sold in National Retailer (Lowes Foods)  Honey Head Films: Successful seed round raise  MeMa’s Chicken n Ribs: Distributed in 20 Lowes Foods  Puddle Jumpers: Opening two new locations and adding 24 employees  The GIN at Castle:  Genesis Block Innovation Neighborhoods (GIN) are hubs designed to create entrepreneur opportunities in a mixed-use environment:  The GIN at Castle brings state of the art startup and entrepreneurship development resources to traditionally underserved neighborhoods  Insights and Analysis:  2021 Insights on MDE’s and Community Entrepreneurs:  Community entrepreneurs and minority business enterprises all need four primary things:  Entrepreneur skills training  Collaborative environment for growth  Market and customer acquisition  Innovative financing designed to support incremental growth  Challenges for small businesses:  Lack of entrepreneur skills training, particularly at the early stages of idea validations  Limited access to business networks and existing economic assets in local communities  Challenges building customer pipelines and developing transactional relationships  Lack of adequate capital resources designed to align with the community entrepreneur/minority business enterprise  Genesis Block Solutions:  What do entrepreneurs need to be successful?  Knowledge  Operational capacity  Access to markets and customers  Incremental financing for each stage of growth  Genesis Block technology:  For the past two years, Genesis Block has established itself by helping business owners grow their companies and creating an inclusive hub for business and community leaders  Genesis Bridge is the next step: a modern technology platform where trusted relationships turn into contracts. Streamlining inclusive procurement is the first focus  The Wilmington region offers the ideal ecosystem to launch Genesis Bridge. The community is embracing the spirit of 1897 where local business leaders, government NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 35 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, JUNE 2, 2022 PAGE 451 officials and small business owners are coming together to create a stronger community, close gaps in disparities and provide pathways to economic prosperity.  Corporation and large organization features:  Access to a searchable database of diverse vendors in a range of industries  Timely data on each vendor’s business certifications, references, and financial performance  Cost saving by accessing new vendors and more economic engagement in their communities  Small business features:  Connections and contracts with large organizations  Assistance with business planning and certifications to qualify for the marketplace  Access to innovative financing opportunities to expand their operations In response to Board questions regarding real estate transactions, Mr. Newkirk stated that the transactions are for Genesis Block members who work in real estate. Regarding office space, Mr. Newkirk stated that there are some businesses that use Genesis Block for their workspace because they need to. A lot of the companies are customer facing and do not need the co-working space. The co-working space is more of a supplement for the Entrepreneur Academy and serves early-stage entrepreneurs. Mr. Newkirk also explained how Genesis Block measures success. In response to Board questions regarding the 2021 funding received in the amount of $35,000, Mr. Newkirk explained that in the entrepreneur startup, entrepreneurs go to places like the National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) to request grants and look to local partners for grant opportunities. The startup entrepreneurs will submit applications and look to investors. In 2021, $35,000 in grant funds was awarded to Genesis Block members. In response to Board questions regarding the need for government support, Mr. Newkirk stated that it is because there is no mechanism to support small business startup except for those in technology, health technology, and agriculture technology which are only 9% of the economy. Mr. Newkirk stated that it is important to invest in the infrastructure to develop small business. Chair Olson-Boseman thanked Mr. Newkirk for the update. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Olson-Boseman adjourned the meeting at 4:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting.