1992-08-17 RM Exhibits . . . ..' '5'M i'JEW HAlWVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COllECrIONS THRU 07/31/QZ 1992 OKIGINAl TAX LEVY P~R SCROLL OISCOVERI~S AUDED LESS ADATEMcNTS TwTAL TAXES CHARGED A~VERTISrNG fiES CHARGEO C(RTIFltATIUN PENALTltS CHA~GEO LISTING PENAlTI~S CHARGED TUT A l lE V Y CuLLECT IJI~S T:J DA TE OUTSTANOING 3AlANC~ PEKCENTAGE COLLECTED eACK TAXES $ .00 240.,012.32 !t's., 833.. 43- $ 194,238.89 .00 .00 b09.9L1 --------------- !. 194,848.19 .00 -------------...- $ 194,84~.19 .00% HEAL ESTATE A~D PEKSONAL PRQPERTY LESS ABATt:I~ENTS rUTAL TAXES DUE COlLECTIONS TO DATE I]vTSTAr.:UING BALANCE PcRCENTAGt COLLeCTED $ 2,966..909..61 9.090.93 -----...--------- $ 2,97.0,000..54 138,448.76- --------------- $ 2,837,551.7ti 4.654'. JUl 1992 FISCAL YTO ----.-.------- -----------.--- R;'.FJM OCCUPA:'JeY TAX COLLfCTIONS P~IVILEGE lIC~NSE COLLECTIONS E :15 COLLEt T i O:'JS 206,157.23 9,570.00 .00 20b,151.23 9,S10.0iJ .00 T~TAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLL~CTIQN OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVE~ COUNTY, CITY (JF WILMHJGTON. hRIGHTSVILlE UEACt-h CAROl(~IA UEACth AilO KURE HEACH TO DATE: - $465,37't.47. THIS REP(}KT IS r;OR FISCAL YtAR liEGINNING JULY 1, 1992. ~ESPECTFULlY SUU~ITTED, ,..,') ~":. " \I"l""'j'Jl A" ~tl"~.'" Prr:~('{;(~:.. J:~;o~~ <j~:'lf COLLECTUR OF'~f~ENUE CU:-.J5tf\4T A<:.ENDA DATt::~tlJ~d- I rEM No._L~_ (l8 . NE~ H~NUVER COU~TY fIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COllECTIONS THRU 01/31/92 O~l~INAl TAX lEvy PtR S(~OlL 01SCOV~~IcS ADUEO lES S A8A T E,"1EtH S rUrAL TAXlS CHAHGEO lIsrr~G P~NALTI~S CHARGED TUTAL lEVY CULLECTIONS T~ DATE our~TANJING PoALANCE PtRC~~TAGE COLLECTED B~\CK Tl\XES 1992 $ .00 9,468.5& 1,534.67- --------.....----- $ 7,933.89 21.11 - - ... - - - - - - .... - -- -- f, 7,955.00 .00 -----...-----..--.. " 7,QS5.00 ,00% ---..-----... . REAL ESTATE: A.W P ERSUNAL PROPERTY CHA"GES ADDeo lE S S A8AT ~lkf\j r s TUT,~L T AXf.: S DUE CuLlECTIONS T1 DATE OUTSTANJING P.ALANCE PEKC~NTA~E COLLECTED THIS ~EPOKT IS FUR FISCAL YEAR dEGINNING JULY 1, 19~2. Rf~TFUllY SUU~ly;f~' o.t:r\~ ~. , ~-- PATRICIA J. R~IR CULLfCTUR Of REVENUE ,. 46,045.53 399.31 47.00- --------------- $ 4 8 , 3 91 . f; .~ 2 , 3 tll . 6 6- -..----....-------- $ 46,016.23 4.92% CIj(~SE~T AGENDA OPt T t. : ~J_l..Jqq2 r rEM NOe__ll__ . ~- ./ )i-V August 1992 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Witness my hand and official seal, this//'.K-day of ~ 1992. Ch~~~~~ :f New Hanover County Attest'~d ?/~ Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. I, Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsvi11e Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New Hanover County. This /lA day of ~ 1992. 'j) NY) (; '-' f2'\. () /J .. r"J ~ Collector oflRJven~e~ew Hanover County <js~D NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX ADMINISTRA nON 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7131 ROLAND REGISTER Tax Administrator NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1991 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Certification Penalties Charged Advertising Fees Charged Interest Collected Cost Collected $ 39,926,562.56 3,230,826.41 200,097.02 42,957,291.95 76,542.83 289,600.00 13,465.00 137,572.71 15,902.00 $ 43,490,374.49 Real Estate Liens* Delinquent Personal Property* Deposited - Wachovia Bank $ 600,314.16 515,080.00 42,374,980.33 -43,490,374.49 $ .00 *Uncollected amounts include $ 79,185.28 owed by known bankrupt accounts. Respectfully submitted, ''E\.hi (I '\oJ <:;\. (L:~ rJ Patricia J. RafDbr U Collector of Revenue P JR: sw <6-E NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX ADMINISTRA nON 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7131 ROLAND REGISTER Tax Administrator NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1991 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll $ 870,221.14 Discoveries Added 90,646.51 Less Abatements - 30,039.69 Total Taxes Charged 930,827.96 Listing Penalties Charged 1,567.93 Interest Collected 2,683.08 $ 935,078.97 Real Estate Liens* $ Delinquent Personal Property* Deposited-Wachovia Bank 10,769.24 7,021.72 917,288.01 -935,078.97 $ .00 *Uncollected amounts include $1,138.04 owed by known bankrupt accounts. Respectfully submitted, 'Vcvl~ c; "- 9\ . () r.1 - . .rl -J Patricia J. Ra~or u ~ Collector of Revenue PJR:sw 'Z,F '"'d H 0\ 0\ '"'d (J) ::l ......... '>--... (J) "i rt W W "i [JJ (J) 0 0 [JJ 0 "i - n_ o ::l (J) \0 >- 0 \0 ::l OJ [JJ N 0" I-' I-' OJ I-' rt OJ I-' I-' n rt (J) n OJ n 0 (J) n 0 OJ ::l 0 ::l S rt ::l ::l p.. I-' rt (J) r-" rt p.. I-' "i ::l 0 "i ?:::l (J) 0 rt ::l 0 ?:::l (J) n I-' [JJ [JJ I-' (J) OJ rt OJ I-' (J) I-' p.. .f77 I-' 0 00 .f77 .f77 .f77 -..J I-' VI VI .p- .p- VlO .p- .p- NWO I~ W 00 00 I-'-..J-..J .p- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \0 \0 OWW .p- .p- ool-'VI \0 \.0 00 W N 0 00 00 0\ 00 W 0 I-' I-' .p--..JN CJ) (J) rt rt I-' (J) S Z .f77 .f77 .f77 (J) tT:I I I ::l <: NN I-' W rt 0\ 0\ I-' \0 :::r:: WW \.0000 I~ 0 >- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I-h Z I-' I-' 0\ I-' \.0 0 0\ 0\ Noo-..J t::I <: I-' I-' -..JVI.p- (J) tT:I I-' ?:::l 0 I-' I-' -..J 0\ VI r-" 0 00 -..JooVl ::l n ..0 0 C c::: (J) Z ::l >-3 rt >-<: >-3 n'"'d ?:::l OJ o OJ e (J) ~ I-'rt [JJ (J) I-'''i "d .f77 .f77 .f77 [JJ (J) r-"~ (J) I n n n I-' I-' I-' rt r-" rt OOJ ,I-h I-' I-' I-' I-' W '"'d "i (\ C WW OOVl "i c..... ~ , I-' \0 \.0 W \0 I-' r-" 0 < I-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 I-h '<: .p- .p- OVl\O "i ?:::l 00 o 00 \.0 ~i:D [JJ .p- .p- .p-oo-..J C 0" 0 VI VI VIOl-' (J) 0 S 0 .p-.p- 00\0 ::l "i r-" C sj (J) .) <- .f77 .f77 .f77 I I-' I-' N >-3 0 00 00 I-' -..J -..J rt VI VI W 0\ VI OJ I-' I-' WVlO I-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VI VI -..JQW >-3 I-' I-' NOON OJ VI VI O-..JW ~ 0 .p- .p- \.0 0\ \0 0 VI VI I-' I-' -..J ?:::I ( ?:::I OJ m~ (J) 0 ::l '"i . C (J) [JJ C 0" S r-'. ~[ ~ ~ '""d (J) '"i [JJ o ::l OJ I-' OJ ::l p... ?:::I (J) OJ I-' -f77 N VI -P- \0 0\ 00 H ::l rt (J) '"i (J) [JJ rt n o I-' I-' (J) n rt (J) p... -f77 0\ .......... W o .......... \0 N 0\ .......... nw ::TO nOJ.......... :>-O'"i1.O 0" I-' GO I-' OJ I-' (J) rt (J) [JJ (J) n S rt (J) r-'- ::l 0 rt ::l [JJ [JJ n o ::l rt '"i o I-' n o :>-::l p...rt p...'"i (J) 0 p... I-' -f77 I-' N \0 \0 VI 0\ .... .. .. \O\OVI\ONW oooo-P-ool-'O I-' I-' 00 -..J 0\ I-' OO\O\\OWVI-P- OWWVlooVlI-' -f77 -f77 , I' 0\ 0\ W WWI-'\OI-'W I-'I-'oo-P-OW I-'I-'-P--P-(X)I-' OOOWO\-..JI-' Ol-'I-'WO-..J-..J -f77 -f77 I I-' I-' WW I-' \01.0 0\ 0\ O\O\-..JW -..J I-'I-'N\O W O\O\O-P-NOO\ OooooVlVlOoo -f77 -f77 , WW 00 N I-' NNooVlWW VI VI O-..JN 0 -P- -P- VI I-' VI 0\ . . OO\EY.\-..JNWN ONNWWNO\ '""d (J) '"i [JJ o ::l OJ I-' OJ ::l p... ?:::I (J) OJ I-' -f77 I~ -f77 I-' o I~ -f77 I-' VI 'to '"i r-'- o '"i -f77 VI N >-3 o rt OJ I-' >-3 OJ ~ t:;1 (J) I-' r-'- ::l ..0 C (J) ::l rt cs -6- CJ) (J) rt rt I-' (J) S (J) ::l rt o I-h Z tT:I I-Ij<: H:::r:: ?:::I:>- tT:IZ t:;10 H< CJ)tT:I >-3 ?:::I ?:::In HO nc::: >-3z >-3 >-<: >-3 OJ ~ (J) [JJ '3 -1+ " RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County has possession of a number of items of personal property which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same; and WHEREAS, the items to be disposed are listed and submitted as an attachment to this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-270, is hereby authorized to dispose of all of the personal property as listed for cash or check at an auction, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title and perform all necessary functions associated with this auction, to be held Saturday, September 19, 1992 at 10:00 a.m. at the Property Management Maintenance Facility, Division Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Adopted this 17th day of August, 1992. ~~ Cl'er ' t~;;1BOar 'i5<L NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST . TAG # FA# DESCRIPTION SERIAL # MODEL # 2 SHARP CALCULATOR 1301260X CS-1191 3 SHARP CALCULATOR 15039692 CS-1181 4 000007217 SHARP COPIER M K844 SF - 755 5 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 323376400 & KEYBOARD 183442300 6 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 309549152 & KEYBOARD 180887028 7 000009901 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 320878721 & KEYBOARD 183052950 8 000009903 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 320888655 & KEYBOARD 182850933 9 000009902 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 320878713 & KEYBOARD 183052943 10 000009671 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 320878705 & KEYBOARD 183052315 11 000000708 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 316963941 & KEYBOARD 183431105 12 000000167 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 309372183 & KEYBOARD 309469336 13 000000152 BURROUGHS TERMINAL 180801755 & KEYBOARD 309469484 14 EPSON PRINTER 111434 . 15 ORGAN 16 000009773 SILVER REED TYPEWRITER B70162187 225C 17 MINOLTA 35MM CAMERA 8750221 X-370 19 FILING CABINET W/WHEELS 20 IBM 72 TYPEWRITER 4478007 21 000001162 600 LPM BAND PRINTER 303244594 000001163 REMOTE PRINTER INTERFACE 22 000000130 DISK DRIVE 141125294 23 000000130 DISK DRIVE 141125186 24 000000146 DISK PACK DP0457-21 25 000000137 DISK PACK 3000198-118 26 000000135 DISK PACK 3000162-118 27 000000140 DISK PACK 5405-121 28 000000141 DISK PACK 5434-121 29 000000136 DISK PACK 3000114-118 30 000000734 DISK PACK 624307 -134 31 DISK PACK A707438-105 32 000000733 DISK PACK 624718-134 33 DISK PACK 615956-134 34 000001195 ET1100 TERMINAL 317132686 37 SHARP ELEC. CALCULATOR 38040311 EL-1197 39 METAL DESK 40 ARBM 8212PD CALCULATOR 76371171 8212PD 41 SHARP EL-1197H CALCULATOR 68220041 EL-1197H 42 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 4927182 . 43 000008001 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 4808118 44 000008014 IBM SELECTRIC II TYPEWRITER 26-1558661 45 000008010 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 5181853 AUCTWKS.WK1 ?'~ J NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST . TAG # FA# DESCRIPTION SERIAL # MODEL # 46 PANASONIC OMNIVISION II VHS RECORDER 47 CARRIVOICE (SPEAKER) 48 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301480 49 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301469 50 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301440 51 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301420 52 995 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 7146256 53 3M MODEL 169 JACKET LOADER 169 54 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301430 55 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301425 56 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301466 57 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301442 58 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301486 59 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301446 60 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 61 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301432 62 3M CONSULTANT 114 MICROFICHE 47394 114 63 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301481 64 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301410 65 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301483 66 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301471 . 67 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301401 68 925 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE 4301478 69 20 STEEL BASKETS(LETTERILEGAL) 70 000008710 CAVINS 800 MICROFICE READER 143919 800 71 ROLODEX MODEL #3500 3500 72 GRAY ROLODEX # 3504- T 3504- T 73 VARIOUS SIZE STORAGE BOXES 74 VARIOUS TRAYS 75 BLACK CHAIR 76 BROWN WOODEN TALBE BOXED TABLES CORNERS 79 BROWN CHAIR WI WHEELS 80 BROWN FABRIC CHAIR 81 LANIER DICTAPHONE 82 000009654 LANIER MODEL CM & FOOT PEDAL 83 ARBM 8212PD CALCULATOR 76371157 8212PD 85 000008708 3M EF5000 CAMERA 216562 EF5000 86 2 ROLLS OF NAT. KRAFT PAPER 87 3 BOXES OF TELEPHONES & MISC 88 1 BOX OF TELEPHONES & MISC 89 5 BOXES OF TELEPHONE SETS 90 DECOLLATOR MODEL 283A,115 VOLTS 5430 DC31 91 DOUBLE PEDESTAL DESK 92 2 STOOLS 93 4 DRAWER FILE CABINET . 94 CHALK BOARD 95 DRAFTING STOOL 96 UPRIGHT FILE CABINET WI DRAWERS AUCTWKS.WK1 )S--K - NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST . TAG # FA # DESCRIPTION SERIAL # MODEL # 97 CHAIR WIARMS 98 CHAIR WIARMS 99 CHAIR WIARMS 100 CHAIR WIARMS 101 CHAIR WIO ARMS 102 CHAIR WIARMS 103 CHAIR WIO ARMS 104 04486 DOUBLE PEDESTAL DESK 106 TABLEIDESK 107 BROWN CHAIR WIARMS 108 000001122 PITNEY BOWES INSERTER 3814 110 000000925 POSTAGE METER MACHINE 50962 111 000001123 PITNEY BOWES TURNER 2296 112 5-DRAWER WOODEN DESK 113 2-EXEC. SWIVEL CHAIRS(BROWN) 114 35-BROWN METAL-FRAMED CHAIRS 115 METAL DESK 116 GRAY METAL TABLE 117 000005505 AB DICK MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE 545 118 RCA COLOR TRAK TV 119 OLIVETTI ADDING MACHINE 120 CHAIR WIARMS . 121 OLIVETTI ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 122 REMINGTON ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 123 BLUE CASE (VISION TESTER) 124 000004502 IBM TYPEWRITER 125 000002004 IBM SWLECTRIC II TYPEWRITER 26 - 2103587 126 000009577 PANASONIC COPIER BFA1504374 FP-1000 127 BURROUGHS POWER SUPPLY 2358 128 BURROUGHS POWER SUPPLY 2358 130 SWIVEL CHAIR BLACK-EXECUTIVE 131 ID CAMERA-LAMINATOR POLOROID 133 DESK CHAIR 134 000008877 EXECUTIVE SWIVEL CHAIR-BLUE 135 SWIVEL CHAIR-BROWN CLOTHNINYL 136 925 MICRO DESIGN READER 4301449 137 925 MICRO DESIGN READER 4301396 138 925 MICRO DESIGN READER 7146259 139 ADLER ROYAL 1123 CALCULATOR 41304776 140 ADLER ROYAL 1123 CALCULATOR 41304698 141 2 METAL ARM CHAIRS 142 4 DRAWER FILE CABINET 143 ADLER CALCULATOR 76701768 144 CANON P101 CALCULATOR 729216 145 ADLER 1428PD CALCULATOR 76699228 146 ARBM 1 012PD CALCULATOR 76917658 147 2 GREEN 2-DRAWER CARD FILES . 1 SILVER 3-DRAWER CARD FILES 1 SILVER 1-DRAWER CARD FILE 148 METAL DESK-WOOD GRAIN TOP AUCTWKS.WK1 Z-L.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST . TAG # FA# DESCRIPTION SERIAL # MODEL # 149 2 SECRETARIAL CHAIRS (1-0RANGE, 1-RED) 150 INVERTER 151 000004508 DICTAPHONE SERIES 400W/ COVER 186437 152 SEARS BETA MAX VCR 20234755 564.53090251 153 3M OVERHEAD PROJECTOR S/CASE 004315B 88BG 154 MAGNAVOX RECORD PLAYER 4388176 2P2511 163 000007057 IBM SELECTRIC II TYPEWRITER 4836613 SELECTRIC II 164 16 TELEPHONE SETS 165 2 LONG WINDOW BLINDS-NAVY BLUE 1 NARROW WINDOW BLlND-NAVYBLUE 166 DUAL CASSETTE ANSWERING 207200 RADIO SHACK 167 01917 01 NCR MONITOR W/ GLARE SCREEN 17 -16845245 168 UNISONIC XL133 CALCULATOR 154010 169 SHARP QS-2181 170 000001070 CASIO R-110 CALCULATOR 047914 171 UNISONIC XL-133 CALCULATOR - 8076457 172 UNITREX CLASSIC 50 CALCULATOR 173 GRAY SECRETARIAL CHAIR 174 BROWN SECRETARIAL CHAIR 175 SHARP CALCULATOR 176 WOODEN DESK . 177 METAL TYPING TABLE 178 2 SOFAS-FLOWERED PRINT 179 SWIVEL ROCKER 180 WOOD CHAIR WITH ARMS 181 2 WOOD CHAIR WITH ARMS 182 WOOD CHAIR WITH ARMS 183 KITCHEN CHAIR (FABRIC) 185 4 DRAWER METAL FILE CABINET 187 2 DRAWER FILE CABINET 188 2 DRAWER FILE CABINET 189 KITCHEN CHAIR (BLACK) NO ARMS 190 2 WOOD CHAIR WITH ARMS 191 SLIDE PROJECTOR FT577163 192 WOOD TABLE 193 2 ROOM DIVIDERS 194 WHITE SWIVEL CHAIR WITH ARMS 195 000007614 DESK /DBL PI;DESTAL 196 BROWN DESK CHAIR-SWlVEUARMS 197 4 SWIVEL DESK CHAIRS WITH ARMS 198 OAK DESKlDBL PEDESTAL 199 DESK W/O RETURN/DBL PEDESTAL 200 CREDENZA 201 DESK DBL PEDESTAL 202 000007613 DESK DBL PEDESTAL 204 000007602 DESK W/RETURN . 205 000007638 DESK W/RETURN 206 DESK DBL PEDESTAL 208 3 BROWN LEATHER CHAIRS W/ARMS AUCTWKS.WK1 '?rrv' NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST . TAG # FA# DESCRIPTION SERIAL # MODEL # 210 DESK CHAIR/SWIVEUARMS 211 4 WOOD CHAIRS W/O ARMS 212 2 TYPING TABLES METAL 213 FABRIC DESK CHAIR/SWIVEL W/ARM 214 DESK 215 00000037 GRAY METAL DESK 216 SHARP COMPET CS1680 CALCULATOR 42078820 CS-1680 217 OLD DECOLLATOR 5430 218 WIPE-ON, WIPRE-OFF BOARD 219 000001831 WOODEN SEC DESK W/LEFT RETURN 220 000000923 PITNEY BOWES MAIL SCALE 20382 221 000010159 HERCULES HOBART GENERATOR 57B757 222 000007101 IBM SELECTRIC II TYPEWRITER 6752047 223 LANIER REGENT TRANSCRIBER 749836 224 000007181 SAVIN COPIER 300100529 225 226 000007079 IBM SELECTRIC II TYPEWRITER 266706950 227 000000174 SILVER REED TYPEWRITER B70117324 228 CALCULATOR 229 OKIDATA MICROLlNE 84 100205 230 000005174 IBM 3192 MONITOR 88-R9130 231 000009350 IBM 3192 MONITOR & LOGIC UNIT 88-GG176 . 232 000009372 IBM 3192 MONITOR & LOGIC UNIT KY045 233 000009336 IBM 3192 MONITOR & LOGIC UNIT FH582 234 000007336 TERMINAL 88-P6801 235 000007335 TERMINAL 88 - P8889 236 000009330 IBM COLOR MONITOR 88-FP372 237 000006392 IBM COLOR MONITOR W/O BASE VP889 238 000009338 IBM COLOR MONITOR W/O BASE 88-RH225 239 010405-01 COMPAO VIDEO GRAPHICS MONITOR 01525222B177 240 CEMDAS ENVIROPLAN MONITOR ASTBWD 241 IBM KEYBOARD 2260349 242 IBM KEYBOARD 243 IBM 3179 COLOR DISPLAY/LOGIC UNIT 88-RH156 244 000009694 IBM 3192 TERMINAL GG207 245 000009337 IBM 3192 TERMINAL 88-GG186 246 WOODEN TABLE 2' X 6. 247 000005609 EXECUTIVE DESK CHAIR 248 METAL OFFICE DIVIDER PANELS 249 WOODEN OFFICE DIVIDER PANEL 250 METAL BOOKCASE STAND 251 000008551 BLACK EXECUTIVE CHAIR 252 STEEL COAT RACK 253 HASKELL GREY DESK 254 000006958 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR 255 WALNIT COAT RACK 256 RUST SECRETARIAL CHAIR . 257 GREY TYPEWRITER STAND 258 BROWN DESK CHAIR 259 000006875 DESK-PUTTY/WOODGR~N AUCTWKS.WK1 'i~N NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST . TAG # FA # DESCRIPTION SERIAL # MODEL # 260 BEIGE/BROWN DESK CHAIR 261 BLACK DESK CHAIR W/ARMS 262 BLACK SECRETARIAL CHAIR 263 ~NYLUNDERDESKPAD 264 VINYL UNDER DESK PAD 265 WALNUT/STEEL SMALL TABLE 266 WALNUT/STEEL TABLE 267 BREAST TEACHING BETSY 268 000006599 BLACK VINYL EXAM CHAIR 269 000006600 BLACK VINYL EXAM CHAIR 270 000006676 ORANGE SECRETARIAL CHAIR 271 ORANGE SECRETARIAL CHAIR 272 000006700 GREEN SECRETARiAl CHAIR 273 000006657 BROWN SECRETARIAL CHAIR 274 ORANGE SECRETARIAL CHAIR 275 BROWN DESK CHAIR-VINYL 276 000008127 BLACK FILE CABINET 277 BEIGE/WOODGRAIN TABLE 278 PUTTY AND LIGHT OAK DESK 279 METALLIC GREY COPIER STAND 280 ROYAL 410PD CALCULATOR 81380698 281 2 MICROCASSETTE RECORDERS SHOGA 14580 PANASONIC . SJ1 AA85114 PANASONIC 282 600 OLIVETTI CALCULATOR 283 000006572 UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER 11-9740563 284 GREEN METAl CARD FILE 285 EASEL BOARD 286 GREEN METAL CARD FILE 287 GREY METAL CARD FILE 288 GREY METAL CARD FILE 289 GREY MASTER VISIBLE CARD FILE 290 STEEL MAIL CART (GREY) 291 BROWN WOODEN 5 DRAWER DESK 292 000008256 BROWN 6 DRAWER WOODEN DESK 295 IBM CORA. SELECTRICIII TYPEWRITER 276705114282223 296 7 PHONES, 1 TELE HEADSET, 2 HEAD RESTS 297 0000008812 TAN EXECUTIVE CHAIR 298 3 SECRETARIAL CHAIRS VINYL W/ARMS 2 NON ARMS 299 BAR STOOL 300 DESK 301 000001741 IBM 3172 COMPUTER XV321 302 000003971 IBM 3192 TERMINAL AKF30 303 000009349 IBM 3192 TERMINAL XT496 304 9 TERMINAL KEYBOARDS 2 TERMINAL BASES . 305 000007505 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 0608663 306 000007543 IBM SELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 307 000007599 CANON NP 150 COPIER JS425047 AUCTWKS.WK 1 ('; /- (; - v NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST .. TAG # FA # DESCRIPTION SERIAL # MODEL # 308 000008018 IBM BLACK TYPEWRITER 261762932 309 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICH READER 4301448 310 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICH READER 4301405 311 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICH READER 4301413 312 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICH READER 4301476 313 MICRO DESIGN MICROFICHE READER 4301439 314 000004076 BLACK EXECUTIVE CHAIR 315 CRAFTSMAN 6 HP RIDING LAWN MOWER 316 ARIENS 20" PUSH LAWN MOWER 317 10 ALUMINUM BOXES 5 X 5 318 CAMPER TOP-CHEVROLETTRUCK 319 MISC-BLlNDS 320 000005823 BELL & HOWELL SOUND PROJECTOR 8221023 321 000005827 BELL & HOWELL SOUND PROJECTOR 9044083 322 000005870 BELL & HOWELL FILMSOUND PROJECTOR 0295016 323 000005880 BELL & HOWELL FILMOSOUND PROJECTOR 1064099 324 000005830 DUKANE MICROMATIC FILMSTRIP PROJECTOR 760714 325 2-CALCULATORS 326 000007541 FRESH-O-MATlC BUN WARMER 114380 327 MISC FIXTURES 328 MISC PLUMBING 329 MISC DUCT WORK . 330 5/8" STEEL CABLE 331 MISC ELECTRICAL WIRE 332 MISC ELECTRICAL MOTORS 333 GENERATOR 334 MISC LOCKERS 335 SUB PANEL SYSTEM CONTROL 336 WOOD DESK 337 TAB INDEX CARD FILE 338 GREEN CHAIR W/O ARMS 339 KODAK SLIDE PROJECTOR 340 MISC WINDOWS 341 MISC CHAIRS 342 MISC ELECTRICAL FANS 343 BATTERY PACK 344 KEROSENE HEATER 345 MISC GLASS 346 WINDSOR ELECTRAMATIC FLOOR MACHINE 52674 347 000009388 ADVANCE FLOOR MACHINE 299006 348 LITE LINE GENERATOR 3424N667 . AUCTWKS.WK1 ~-p ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY VEHICLE AUCTION LIST . FA# YEAR/MAKE VEHICLE ID # MILEAGE 010755 1976 RV SOUTHWIND MOTOR HOME G071136S1109 49504 010754 1985 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1G2FW87H4FN201614 68177 010753 1983 MERCURY COUGAR 1 MEBP92F9DH650669 69004 03060 1980 DODGE ASPEN STATION WAGON NL45CA 188077 95565 07350 1985 FORD L TD 2FABP43G6FX204757 147158 01553 1986 FORD LTD 2F ABP43GOGX166305 129577 02475 1980 PLYMOUTH ARROW PICKUP DJL46UA 1132395 107141 05943 1974 CHEVROLET VAN C~V154U 142941 72652 05000 1986 FORD LTD 2F ABP43GX166304 107273 05369 1983 NISSAN MAXIMA JN1HV0159PT106607 114781 01421 1987 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 1 G1 BL516XHX223173 103430 01414 1987 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 1 G1 BL5166HX2231 06 155153 09909 1983 FORD LOT STATION WAGON 1FABP4037DA101144 71644 010499 1984 BMW 633 CSI WBAEB8408E6996903 BMW TO BE PROTECTED WITH A $8500 MINIMUM . . C{- y / INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: August 17, 1992 ( \ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1101 SOUTH 7TH STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel No. 054-13-023-001.000 Address 1101 South 7th Street Amount of Offer $7,000.00 offeron William L. streets The offer has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identifi~d parcel(s). The parceI(s) have been declared surplus by the County Commission and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commission does hereby accept the offer(s) to pu~chase identified herein from the offeror(s) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offeror(s) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offeror(s) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. That any amount shown due on any attached list for liens be waived in total. 5. That the Chairman of the County commission be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offeror(s) as designated hereln. Adopted oatn a~~ula; meeting ~ /1 , 19 9~ New Hanover County Board of Coromi ;sioners r g N AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Conunissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Article II, Explosives, Chapter 12-16, Sale, Discharge of Fireworks, New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended as follows: Amend Section 12-16 as follows: It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, or use, set off, or explode any firecrackers/.' Roman candle, skyrocket or other fireworks in this county except upon first having applied for and secured a permit from the County Fire Marshal. Issuance of a permit shall be predicated upon compliance with Chapter 20 of the North Carolina State Fire Code (Volume V of the State Building Code) and the currently effective edition of NFPA 1123. Applicant shall furnish evidence of liability insurance in the form of a certification of insurance issued to New Hanover County applicable to the event to be permitted, providing limits of liability in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 per occurrence applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. Adopted this L1l&- day of ~ ~ 1992. ATTEST: ~\/~ 1 rk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY" r 8-S AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUN+'Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Article II, Waste Water Collection and Treatment Chapter lS B, Water Supply Systems, New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended as follows: Amend section 15-91(A), Sewer Construction Requirements. ( a) . Required Sewer Improvements in Subdivisions: All subdivisions in the district which receive approval after July 1, 1987, shall be required to install a sewage collection system which shall be designed and built in accordance with the provisions of sections 15-92 and 15-93 below, EPA/DEM requirements as stated in section 15-30 (2), and such provisions of the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations as may be applicable. A subdi vision with five lots or less may be granted an exemption upon the review and approval of the County Engineer provided the following conditions are met: 1. The subdivision is neither in an existing sewered area nor in an area planned to be sewered within two years of the application for the subdivision. 2. All lot owners. wi thin the subdivision will be assessed by the County for the full cost of the County providing sewer service to the subdivision at the time the District sewer becomes available to the subdivision. An appropriate note must be recorded on the subdivision plat and placed as a restriction on all deeds. ADD section 15-18, Definitions.. Subdivision shall mean both major and minor subdivisions as specified by the County Subdivision Regulations. The above Amendment replaces existing sections 15-91 (a) and which are hereby repealed. This ~ day of ~u"L ! 1992. ~~ g~~ ~NEW HANOVER COUNTY~ * ~ ~~~- r . . Mews, Jr. irman Board of commissioners (b) '8-7 , Secr.etary of ~ r a corporation organimd and exIsting under the laws of the State of '?"l. (l. , do hereby certify that at a me' of the Board of Directors of said corporation duly held on the /1.);( ) day of , 19 ~,at which a quorum was present and acting throughout. the resol ions indicated below were duly adopted and are now in full force and effect and that said resolutions are not in conflict with any provisions of the charter or by-laws of said corporation: RESOLVED that Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, N.A. N.C. (hereinafter called Wachovia): Ch.9ck as applicable: ~ (Designation of Wachovia as Depository and Authority to Draw Checks) be and hereby is designated a depository for the funds of this corporation, and Wachovia is hereby authorized and requested to honor and to charge to this corporation checks. drafts, and other orders for the payment of money drawn in the name of this corporation against funds of the corporation on deposit with Wachovia when bearing the signature (5) of, or pursuant to any agreement with, any _ of the following: (Use back if necessary.) Name , Title ANdreW ~ I Afk!"UtI,N ;f4,t1tNNe PI. Gr,fr,AJ o (Mechanically Produced Signaturesl be and hereby Is requested, authorized, and directed to honor all checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money drawn in the corporation's name on its account(s) on the books of Wachovia (including those drawn to the indMdual order of any person or persons whose names appear thereon as signer or signers thereof! when bearing or purporting to bear the mechanIcally produced (facsImile typewritten or prInted I slgnature(s) of any _ of the followIng: (Use back if necessary.) Name Title Title ,= .. ....... -...,\." 'wo. "';'.~"" - . .~... ~ ..,) .:./ ..;' " ... J/ = ' '. -~ ~ .... -.. ,.. RESOLVED further that the provisions of this resolution shall remain in full force and effect until specifically rescinded or modified !lv resolution of the Board of Directors of this corporation and a certified copy of such resolution h~s bee!" flied with Wachovia Benk and Trust Company, N.A. IN WITNESS WH~REOF. ~I ha h~reun~ set my hand and the seal of the said corporation, this 1'lA . dayof _~ ,19~ . . 'to .. .. . ," . ,. ... - ~v/~ Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) '8-U .'; " ( RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF CO~1ISSIONERS OF ~EW HANOVER COUNTY AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A LEASE OF COUNTY PROPERTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County is the owner of the improved real property known as the Lucille Shuffler Building located at 2011 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, two local non-profit corporations, Crossroads of North Carolina, Inc. and Opera House Theatre Company, Inc., have proposed using the property to provide many charitable services for all citizens of New Hanover County and have requested the possession and use of the Lucille Shuffler Building in furtherance of these public purposes;' and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to lease said real property to said non-profit corporations for a term of ten Years, with option to renew, with an annual rent of One Dollar ($1.00), for the purposes of providing.said proposed public services; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County determines and finds as a fact that said real property will not be needed by New Hanover County for the term of said lease. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County pursuant to N.C.G.S. Chapter 160A, Article 12, does hereby authorize the execution of a lease of the real property known as the Lucille Shuffler Building, 2011 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, North Carolina, to Crossroads of North Carolina, Inc. and Opera House Theatre Company for a term of ten years, with right and option to renew, at an annual rental rate of One Dollar ($1.00), all according to the terms and conditions determined by the Board of County Commissioners: ADOPTED, this 17th day of August, 1992. COUNTY ATTEST: ~~/ Cl rk to the Board